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Stuck character: server not responding on loading screen [NOW RESOLVED!]



  • velldunvelldun Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    dont mean to burst your bubble, but we arent allowed to post tickets in forum, otherwise they gets ban happy :/

    Yes, wouldn't want to let the Plebs find out nothing happens when you submit a ticket...
  • arazillaarazilla Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This isn't an isolated issue, multiple people are experiencing this. It's not the ISP, it's not your router/computer/whatever, it's PW or Cryptic ****ed up and is causing the client to hang when attempting to connect to the PW servers =/
  • velldunvelldun Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    arazilla wrote: »
    This isn't an isolated issue, multiple people are experiencing this. It's not the ISP, it's not your router/computer/whatever, it's PW or Cryptic ****ed up and is causing the client to hang when attempting to connect to the PW servers =/

    Why just one toon? Why my main toon? This is why character corruption and loss is so scary to me. My limited knowledge of coding makes me scared with this issue.
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I really want Dan Stahl FIRED!

    Every mild to big content release this game has ever had is a bugged disaster. He has never had his team prepared for content releases to go smoothly. Their strategy of lets throw it on Holodeck and work bugs from there is a horrible way to run a game, always has been. He knew this was their biggest content release ever, and with exposure in the Star Trek magazine and everywhere else, the game and its servers should have been prepared for this release. Not game crushing bugs that have players fearing they could lose a toon worth hundreds.

    Dan Stahl is the wrong captain for this ship. I really hope PWE replaces him soon. I never wanted him back. So many new players are getting this clusterf*** as their first impression. Way to go Dan, way to go.

    Once upon a time the real captain of the real Navy Enterprise lost his command because the Big E ran aground near port. Something about a faulty rudder or something. Dan Stahl has committed far worse negligence.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • arazillaarazilla Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I imagine it's caused by a loop somewhere in the socket module coding, when connecting to a specific zone causing an infinite loop in the "attempting to connect" section of the code. That would be character specific, like i got mine when zoning from my star ship bridge into the K-9 star base. Where I could make a new character and log in fine because I'm not accessing either of the calls that could potentially cause the loop.
  • tiger4195tiger4195 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morden2 wrote: »
    After the new release one of my characters is stuck in a infinite map load after beaming up from ESD. Any ideas?

    Same here.... I logged in on the day LoR dropped, managed to beat the queue and played for several hours. Then, after killing time on ESD waiting for my fiance to finish some grinding, I click beam up and BAM stuck in the loading sequence... I survived queue to get stuck in a load screen! Not fair! UGH..... :mad:

    I would LOVE to have an ETA as to when this would be fixed, or if they had SOME idea of what was going on, to tell us. I detest being kept in the dark...
  • valdescaavaldescaa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    talzerotwo wrote: »
    dont mean to burst your bubble, but we arent allowed to post tickets in forum, otherwise they gets ban happy :/

    ty for advice i did not know
    . but its" in cre di ble" that 3 tickets have same answer
    Is a case to be claimed for public knowledge, we the STO players need a better customer support , avoiding auto response

    if they ban me .. just one less on queue, and they cant get my money, i will be fine.
    Time Zone Spain. GMT +2. I'm not English, so try to understand my texts from the context.Thanks. Acolade Complete: Discontinuing Payment.
  • upr2000upr2000 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    arazilla wrote: »
    I imagine it's caused by a loop somewhere in the socket module coding, when connecting to a specific zone causing an infinite loop in the "attempting to connect" section of the code. That would be character specific, like i got mine when zoning from my star ship bridge into the K-9 star base. Where I could make a new character and log in fine because I'm not accessing either of the calls that could potentially cause the loop.

    It isn't only one specific route,

    I had the issue between Vulcan Sector and Delta Volanis Cluster,
    another player in germany while transporting from earth stardock onto his ship,
    another player as his romulan started the first off story mission (sry my romulan isn't that far),
    and another even when entering the transwarp mode.
  • woodrandywoodrandy Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I tried the fixes they mentioned earlier and none would allow me access to my prized toon. The original e-mail they sent to me stated that the firewall should not block the address in the heading.

    I turned of Windows firewall (the only one I have) and then tried to tracert the assigned address. I made it out of my router, through my ISP, onto another network that I did not recognize, then the transmission to their router was interrupted.....I end up at, which does not forward the messages. It is the 13th hop in the route. It tried to keep going until all the hops are exhausted at 30. This is why the timeout happens. I do not believe the request for a map is reaching the map server, if in fact its IP is as stated above. This is the evidence I have so far anyway. I have added this info to my ticket on this issue.
    Admiral Randy Wood (UFP) - 1st Temporal Operations Group
    Admiral Womek (RR) - Temporal Operations Group
    Admiral Renan Wartok (RR) - Temporal Operations Group
    Admiral Raynal Waton (UFP) - Temporal Operations Group
    General Kragh (KDF) - House of Ta'al
  • arazillaarazilla Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    upr2000 wrote: »
    It isn't only one specific route,

    I had the issue between Vulcan Sector and Delta Volanis Cluster,
    another player in germany while transporting from earth stardock onto his ship,
    another player as his romulan started the first off story mission (sry my romulan isn't that far),
    and another even when entering the transwarp mode.

    It's still under the same module that handles the calls, simplest way to do it.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited May 2013
    I really want Dan Stahl FIRED!

    Every mild to big content release this game has ever had is a bugged disaster. He has never had his team prepared for content releases to go smoothly. Their strategy of lets throw it on Holodeck and work bugs from there is a horrible way to run a game, always has been. He knew this was their biggest content release ever, and with exposure in the Star Trek magazine and everywhere else, the game and its servers should have been prepared for this release. Not game crushing bugs that have players fearing they could lose a toon worth hundreds.

    Dan Stahl is the wrong captain for this ship. I really hope PWE replaces him soon. I never wanted him back. So many new players are getting this clusterf*** as their first impression. Way to go Dan, way to go.

    Once upon a time the real captain of the real Navy Enterprise lost his command because the Big E ran aground near port. Something about a faulty rudder or something. Dan Stahl has committed far worse negligence.

    I think that is being a little dramtic - sure there were issues - but here we are 48hrs later and the fires on the formums have died to from a wildfire to a few tiny hotspots - thousands and thousands were here complaining the last 2 days - where are they now - given up - doubt it - people that have a vested interest in something don't usually give up in 2 days - and they will go on about it.

    No I think the answer is people are in game and too busy to rant anymore. 1 month from now this will all be forgotten - just like the dilithium changes - they were going to end the game right? And the fleet marks issue, and the doff issues, and the kdf issues, and the etc,etc ,etc

    I have a new lvl 50 Reman and 6 new ships + probably 2 more - all and all it's a good expansion - lots of new stuff - more grind.

    I do wonder about the changes that were mentioned about fleet projects/reductions in costs - seems like it has been completely forgotten in all this fuss??
  • parazallisparazallis Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Today is the third day I haven't been able to login to the game with my one and only character. Sure, I understand that I may have to wait awhile with the release of a new expansion to be able to play again. That's okay with me - I don't mind waiting along with others for the enjoyment of the game. But, I do expect to be able to play my character again though. "Sorry, you'll need to delete your character and create a new one." isn't going to cut it if there's some type of corruption issue.

    This isn't whining, it is what it is, and I'll have to move on accordingly if that's what I have to do. I've spent about $300 on my character since I've been playing. Reached T5 on reputation projects and spent months building up dilithium and to enhance my character. I'm not interested in having multiple characters - one I can build to be the best is good enough for me. I'm not doing it again. I'm hoping TPTB are able to ensure I'm able to play my character again - as I'll certainly spend some more money on the game in the future as time goes by. But, and this is just the way it is, I'm not doing it all over again in creating a new character and spending the time and more money to go through everything again for another character.

    Hopefully TPTB will be able to resolve this issue (I'm sure they will, it just concerns me) as I have no intention of spending another penny on the game without access to be able to actually play the game with my character. No, this isn't "rage-quitting" - just stating I can't spend more money on the game if I can't play it with my character (and I'm sure not doing it all over again from the beginning).
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please give us an ETA or an Update on this. I can't play the game, I have a main character, thats who I play... I don't dally on alts... even though I've made a damn romulan at this point out of frustration.

    Don't appreciate my continued patience, because after 2 days, it's gone. I have no patience left.
  • velldunvelldun Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think that is being a little dramtic - sure there were issues - but here we are 48hrs later and the fires on the formums have died to from a wildfire to a few tiny hotspots - thousands and thousands were here complaining the last 2 days - where are they now - given up - doubt it - people that have a vested interest in something don't usually give up in 2 days - and they will go on about it.

    No I think the answer is people are in game and too busy to rant anymore. 1 month from now this will all be forgotten - just like the dilithium changes - they were going to end the game right? And the fleet marks issue, and the doff issues, and the kdf issues, and the etc,etc ,etc

    I have a new lvl 50 Reman and 6 new ships + probably 2 more - all and all it's a good expansion - lots of new stuff - more grind.

    I do wonder about the changes that were mentioned about fleet projects/reductions in costs - seems like it has been completely forgotten in all this fuss??

    You can't say it's a good expansion when some people's characters are not played any more.

    You'd be singing a different tune if your toon was stuck/gone.

    This really is inexcusable after 3 days.
  • upr2000upr2000 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    arazilla wrote: »
    It's still under the same module that handles the calls, simplest way to do it.

    Excuse me, I misunderstood...

    Of course it must be the transport/movement protocol/module in the game client. That's absolutely correct.

    But strange is, that the issue also seems to occour in combination of skilling new traits, but not when the player just skills skillpoints.

    I first thought there's an bug in the new trait system, but now, where much more low level chars are getting the issue without new traits. I'm a little confused...

    Tomorrow (actually in germany it's 1:16 o'clock) I want to try leveling up my twink until he gets additional traits. If he get also stuck, it's an combined bug.
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    The team continues to investigate an issue where some players may be stuck on a loading screen. We appreciate your continued patience!


    Brandon =/\=

    With all due respect after a full 26 hours now, my patience is gone.
    You need to give us more than "we're investigating the issue"; this is a holiday weekend, are we even going to see a resolution before the middle of next week?
  • arazillaarazilla Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    upr2000 wrote: »
    Excuse me, I misunderstood...

    Of course it must be the transport/movement protocol/module in the game client. That's absolutely correct.

    But strange is, that the issue also seems to occour in combination of skilling new traits, but not when the player just skills skillpoints.

    I first thought there's an bug in the new trait system, but now, where much more low level chars are getting the issue without new traits. I'm a little confused...

    Tomorrow (actually in germany it's 1:16 o'clock) I want to try leveling up my twink until he gets additional traits. If he get also stuck, it's an combined bug.
    Except for every log I've been able to read has been pointed to a sever socket connection error. Am I just imagining things?
  • enterprise1701axenterprise1701ax Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to say to parazallis, balorgafdan, velldun, and so many other players: I too have been locked out of STO for 3 days now and I completely agree with your anger! I've been playing STO for 2.5 years (on the forums since January), have been patient through various changes/expansion. NEVER has a technical issue knocked me (or any other player that I know) off the game entirely until the Legacy of Romulus! After such a huge investment in time and money, I'm ready to ask for a refund if the patch/launcher problem isn't fixed by this weekend! No way it's a problem on our end; the problem started with the expansion and everything we do on our end fails to fix it. If Cryptic doesn't understand our frustration and discontent, they're kidding us. If I locked fellow employees off the company computer for three days and failed to fix my mistake, would my employer be patient? I think not. As a wise man once said, "The customer is always right." Because they can take their money elsewhere....
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd like to say to parazallis, balorgafdan, velldun, and so many other players: I too have been locked out of STO for 3 days now and I completely agree with your anger! I've been playing STO for 2.5 years (on the forums since January), have been patient through various changes/expansion. NEVER has a technical issue knocked me (or any other player that I know) off the game entirely until the Legacy of Romulus! After such a huge investment in time and money, I'm ready to ask for a refund if the patch/launcher problem isn't fixed by this weekend! No way it's a problem on our end; the problem started with the expansion and everything we do on our end fails to fix it. If Cryptic doesn't understand our frustration and discontent, they're kidding us. If I locked fellow employees off the company computer for three days and failed to fix my mistake, would my employer be patient? I think not. As a wise man once said, "The customer is always right." Because they can take their money elsewhere....

    I feel you mate, LTS since a week before release... never had an issue until LOR came out.. then just complete madness. How would I explain to one of my users; "Sorry you can't log into your account; I don't know why, but hey, it's almost a weekend so no worries!"
  • millacanomillacano Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sadly I gave up waiting.

    I deleted my soon and remade her I was only level 10 and now I am level 7 again I hope the bug doesn't catch me out again as it is my only toon and I would very much like to emerse myself into this game
    "I don't care What Spock said Han shot first"
  • karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Don't get your hopes up too soon. They could care less about the the people who are stuck at the loading screens. All they are focusing on is fixing small bugs in the game for the people that can log on. I honestly do not think they will find a fix. I think it is beyond their knowledge.
  • skyblack01skyblack01 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    millacano wrote: »
    Sadly I gave up waiting.

    I deleted my soon and remade her I was only level 10 and now I am level 7 again I hope the bug doesn't catch me out again as it is my only toon and I would very much like to emerse myself into this game

    Pretty much going to be doing the same thing tonight. Bored of waiting, not Cryptic's fault mind there's obviously lots to do with an expansion's release and fair play they've been fixing numerous problems. Hope we don't get caught in non-space (server not responding) again!
  • serlo371serlo371 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No ETA on yet on fixing this wonderful game breaking bug? :confused:
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have yet to get back in STO.

    Keeps sitting at 94% loading, once let it go to "Server Not Responding (4500.00s)" before I force closed it.

    Amused me that it didn't time out, at least.
  • dantherulerdantheruler Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Two days and counting. Stuck at 94% also got to say this is very disappointing. Anyone know of a possible work around?
  • zeropiumzeropium Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only things - ONLY - things that keep me laughing at this issue are the mental images of Picard screaming "NOOOOOO!" and smashing his starship display glass again. That, and a classic Picard facepalm during an overly technical explanation by Data about why the servers are malfunctioning.
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Can you PLEASE explain to me why GM-Unception has now flagged my name as a TOS Violation and closed my ticket WITHOUT resolving the issue?

    130522-003792 Solved

    The first ticket was "Solved" and at the bottom told me to submit a NEW ticket if I was having a problem; I did just that, and now I get freaking WARNED for submitting MULTIPLE TICKETS?:!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

    This customer service is so deplorable that I really don't know how you can even JUSTIFY such an action.

    My name is in no way shape or form a violation of the TOS "Vishala"


    Seriously BranFlakes; you're the voice of PWE for the community, probably should use some of that voice to talk to Mr. Gm-Unception.

    I will post the ticket if I have to; or pm it to you, or whatever. I'm seriously on my last straw here.
  • xyonicsxyonics Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    I have yet to get back in STO.

    Keeps sitting at 94% loading, once let it go to "Server Not Responding (4500.00s)" before I force closed it.

    Amused me that it didn't time out, at least.

    Yeah the same here, was astonished that it just kept going and likely would have forever if let do so.

    Would be nice to know if there is an eta on this being fixed, but wait we must, at least so far it's only on the one character, fingers crossed.
  • arrowdasharrowdash Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Brandon -

    We need an update. PLEASE give us an update on this issue.
  • curufeancurufean Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Yesterday I filed a ticket because one of my characters will not load into the game, when I log in and select that character I only get a Server Not Responding message after loading reaches about 94%

    Today I received a request back from a GM for more information which I provided with a screen shot, following that I received this email back:

    Hello again,

    Keep in mind to continue to submit tickets regarding the same issue or responding after we have resolved with our recommendation, is against the TOS and the account can be penalized as such.

    Your name has been flagged as a TOS violation.

    We are going to close this ticket now any further replies to this ticket will not receive a response and the ticket will be set to close.

    I hope you continue your STO experience and have a great week!


    Aside from the fact that I've been using the names they say are a TOS violation since 1997, and more recently, beta for this game, without an issue. This has nothing to do with my ticket beyond closing it and threatening me with a TOS violation.

    I assure you I returned the resulting customer service Survey with my thoughts.

    I haven't been able to log into this character since Tuesday.

    Captain Mobeus Chronox
This discussion has been closed.