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  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, and I hate to say this, but.. that's Trek fans in general.

    Sheesh, I noticed this back when I joined a Trek fanclub back in the 80s. Nothing has changed in 30 years. I bet it"s been true since the first Trek con in the 70s.
  • plox21plox21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    login queue is good thing , it stops server crash from to much players who want to enter at same time.... but some people just want it gone so we could have 1-2 hours of play and rest of it for server maintance per day( if we are lucky ).

    Server crash FTW!!!
  • borgus1122borgus1122 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "Magusofborg" I tottaly agree with you. I was a bit sad when I couldn't start the game - becouse of queue, but what can I do. I logged off and did some other stuff. I love this game and it's the only game that I play since I discovered it.
    And guys, The Cryptic is trying to do their best for game and to please their gamers in any way they can. So if they were oposite, they wouldn't get together this patch and they would live the game as it was from the beginning. So don't complain and be happy thet the game id free.
  • stelakkhstelakkh Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    You're acting like a bunch of jerks. Honestly.

    Hey! Cool...


    Who are you again?

    Never mind. Doesn't matter.

    Because when people set themselves up on a pedestal and preach to what they seem to view as the masses down below, they're acting like a jerk. Honestly.
    Actual Join Date: August, 2008
  • talzerotwotalzerotwo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    Ya knowww, some of those so called whiners are Combat vets or have other trauma that they're working on healing and this game is helping them to heal.. When you pick up your best friends guts out of the dirt and try to shove them back in a hole that used to be the guys stomach in order to keep him alive for one second longer, only to get shipped home to happy happy joy joy land where everything is all smiles till you turn your back: you just might want to give people a little bit of a break.
    I know Cryptic probably cant afford a new server room at this point to make it easy on everyone, and thats a real shame, but it doesnt give anyof us the right to insult anyone by calling them whiners, and acting all high and mighty like little Ahabs, but neither does it mean these folks shouldnt have a right to express their frustration.. Regardless of their life experiences..

    Oh yeahh.. i'm F2P by the way..

    I'm real sorry for your friend's ordeal. If it's any help, I highly recommend Magicka. It's a wizard spoof with swedes and sausages. Good solo but better to be played with friends, AngryBiscuit (forgot name) does a good and funny review on youtube. Hope that helps some, It's what I've been on since I cant login.
    Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.

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  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dear OP,

    I don't know you, and as you might be a compulsive liar for all I know, any assurances from you that, if only I knew you I'd know that you're not easy to rile up, are about as void as the warranty on the Titanic.

    "Cryptic should've prepared better, gotten more servers." while it may light your fuse, is not that unreasonable a position for people to take. They have launched seasons before. We've had troubles similar to some of this release's when a single Feature Episode went live. And Cryptic has wasted no opportunity, at all, to remind all of us that what they would be doing with Legacy of Romulus was much, much more than anything they've ever done before. As you say, "What did you expect to happen?".

    Now, sure enough, the idea that Cryptic should invest in a ton of server upgrades for STO, just for the days and weeks following big event launches, can be seen as wasteful and therefor unreasonable. However, Cryptic is running three MMOs now. Champions Online, Star Trek Online, and Neverwinter. Why couldn't they invest in a few overflow servers to plug in whenever they're expecting a spike, and plug them into whichever game is doing it's big update that week or month? Those servers are probably already in the same building. So why not?

    After all, whenever they release one of these updates, they send out that mass e-mail. Come back, come see, come now! And people do. And they hit a wall. And they leave again. They're told they'll be swept off their feet, they're willing to expose themselves to the sales pitch, and all they get is a waiting room instead. How is that sensible business?

    Can't afford it? Nonsense. Another one of these things you'll not get DStahl to shut up about with each new Ask Cryptic is how the team is so much bigger now and they're doing so much better than before. At least, I'm hoping all these new teammembers aren't interns.

    So yeah, that takes us to item #2, "Queues are stoopid." They are. They can't always be avoided, but when they can be anticipated, they should be. Now, I'm a lifer. I haven't been in any queue very long. But some people have posted about having been in it upwards of an hour. In what diseased kind of mind is that acceptable? Ten or fifteen minutes. If it was ten or fifteen minutes I might think some of these people could dial it back a little, but an hour, or hours - and they're allowed to say this - is just not cool.

    Nor is, by the way, the loading screen bug to which Support's only suggested solution so far is "Urr... Delete the Character?". Bang-up job, guys.

    The rest I for the most part agree with, but the problem with your thread is that you pool people with one issue in with people with another issue, make them equal to the gathering at the base of your soapbox, and allow valid concerns and criticisms to be dismissed along with baseless and uninformed complaints, all for the greatest good of all, which apparently is harvesting Kumbaja reputation marks from +1 replies...
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm with the OP on this one. Not to say there aren't completely legitimate complaints about this launch, and I'm sure the Devs would agree there are always things that could've been handled better, but then again, nobody's perfect. They are human.

    But it's sad that there is so little grace from so many of the players on this. I think Bones would describe a home remedy for this one, a Chill Pill.

    All that said, I greatly enjoyed the long complaint threads, in some ways it was very cathartic, but it was mostly just funny. And I certainly hope that once things are back to normal, that the Devs can sit back and laugh about this one, because it was a, what they used to call, a "doozy".
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • epsilons232epsilons232 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    More servers? How about higher capacity servers. What do I know about it? I've got two degrees: one in programming and one in networking. Don't keep repeating that bs about people not knowing what they're talking about. Do you think cryptic employees are the only ones out there that know about these kinds of things?

    Yes there is. and when you hit it you need to get better hardware with a higher maximum capacity. This is a lesson every other mmo in the history of mmo's has learned rather early on.
    You are right, but do you know what works even better? Thinking and investing in the architecture of a platform like this. Then apply separations which are nowadays very common both functionally and geographically. Or am I the only one who is noticing the forum site and patchings are getting laggy as well when the game servers are under stress.
  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hrisvalar wrote: »

    "Cryptic should've prepared better, gotten more servers." while it may light your fuse, is not that unreasonable a position for people to take. They have launched seasons before. We've had troubles similar to some of this release's when a single Feature Episode went live. And Cryptic has wasted no opportunity, at all, to remind all of us that what they would be doing with Legacy of Romulus was much, much more than anything they've ever done before. As you say, "What did you expect to happen?".


    I have to agree with you there Hrisvalar. I've been playing MMOs for some time now and I admit one of them is probably got a bigger wallet than PWE/Cryptic. But preparation is key, especially when you have a great deal of experience with issues like we have had over the last few days.

    If this was the first or second time of Cryptic dealing with this kind of situation, I could probably understand. However this happens with nearly every season release, some worse than others and it happens too frequently for my liking.

    Also it appears that Cryptic like to link all their servers together, so if one is effected, the rest are too. What individual thought that idea up? You don't put all your eggs in one basket, especially for a company this size. Also like you said it would make more sense to have extra servers as backup for these busy periods.

    How can a business expect to grow and put their name on the map when every time they promote themselves with a big release, people are hit with walls of queues, login errors and getting kicked off the server all the time. Some of those players who left STO ages ago are not going to come back and stay when they see this sort of thing hasn't changed.

    I've never seen any other MMO struggle with large content releases as often STO. My only concern is that some gaming magazines are gonna pick up on everything that has happened with this launch and give it bad rep because of it. I hope I'm wrong, as I want this game to do well.

    The only way it's going to do well is address the problems that have been around since it first launched and prepare better for future content.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let's not forget about those rage quiters. You know the ones who come on the forum just to make a rage post about how they are quitting the game for some inane reason. They are nothing but attention w****s who will most likely not really quit at all but they will keep coming back onto the forums to see what people have posted in their topic.

    I saw this a few days ago, some guy rage quit saying he would never post on the forums again and that he would never play STO ever again "no matter what". Well I was on the forums last night and what do I see but this p**** on complaining again.
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've been involved in several big software releases in the past, so none of what has gone on this week has been a surprise to me. There are always issues. You can only test for so much in your pre-production environment. A lot of the problems aren't going to appear until your upgrade goes live and the full force of your user community starts to hammer it.

    The people complaining endlessly need to grow up. Oh, your video game is broken for a couple of days and you have nothing better to do with your time so you're going to TRIBBLE and moan about it non-stop on the forum? All you're doing is to show us what an entitled, immature child you are. If the LoR launch problems really bother you this much you'd probably be better off just taking a break from STO for a bit because you're too invested in it.
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    I saw this a few days ago, some guy rage quit saying he would never post on the forums again and that he would never play STO ever again "no matter what". Well I was on the forums last night and what do I see but this p**** on complaining again.

    I have a couple of theories...

    First, that the people who say they're leaving forever never do, as you've noticed.

    Second, that the majority of the people complaining the loudest are F2Pers who have never given a dime to Cryptic.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    variant37 wrote: »
    I have a couple of theories...

    First, that the people who say they're leaving forever never do, as you've noticed.

    Second, that the majority of the people complaining the loudest are F2Pers who have never given a dime to Cryptic.

    Servers don't run on pixie dust and unicorn farts? Surely you jest!
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tekehd wrote: »
    Servers don't run on pixie dust and unicorn farts? Surely you jest!

    I don't know, but whatever they run on, Cryptic didn't get enough of it and because of that my LIFE IS RUINED.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    variant37 wrote: »
    I don't know, but whatever they run on, Cryptic didn't get enough of it and because of that my LIFE IS RUINED.

    Your life is ruined because you can't play a game a few days? Cryptic getting more servers up would be more of a work around than a fix for that.
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm that guy with that Zephram Cochrane sig, and I approve this thread.
  • combat12bcombat12b Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm not complaining , tho a little annoyed, I keep getting PATCH crashes, I got about 3 hours in and I think 60% of the PATCH and it failed.

    Any link to the file so I can download it myself and then load it, a "go around" for the auto PATCH?

    I have been off for about a week, and all my attempts to get the full patch have failed so far.

    Any help would be great.

    See no rant.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    You're acting like a bunch of jerks. Honestly.

    Mature. Grouping all people under one banner. Not very Federation is it now. Me myself I dont care about Q's :P

    You see whut I did there \o/
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    Mature. Grouping all people under one banner. No very Federation is it now. Me myself I dont care about Q's :P

    You see whut I did there \o/

    Did even read on to see:
    Note: If you are actually an upstanding member of the forums who does not act like this, the following does not apply to you.

    Or that I separated out different complaints into different paragraphs?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes i did but I was pointing to the name for the thread then telling us to stop acting like jerks. You are talking to us all with that.

    A rephrasing of the beginning would stop future conflict.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    Yes i did but I was pointing to the name for the thread then telling us to stop acting like jerks. You are talking to us all with that.

    A rephrasing of the beginning would stop future conflict.

    I flipped around the beginning of the post. That should help.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Good thread :)
    Kirk's Protege.
  • balorgafdanbalorgafdan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This thread would be great, if there weren't thousands of us who couldn't' log in our main characters now for over 48 hours because we un-docked from ESD or some other random place without being stuck in a map transition loop...

  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    I flipped around the beginning of the post. That should help.

    NOW I can say I agree with what you say 100% :D

    Yeah im sort of annoying :<
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    Yeah im sort of annoying :<

    You would fit right in with us at Ten Forward. :rolleyes:
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • havenaphrohavenaphro Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nasaman48 wrote: »
    I can only say this.....


    This IS NOT cryptic. This is all Perfect World. They are the ones who are running the servers.

    When have you not seen perfect world take something good and totally fack it up?

    I told them when they did it to another game that if they ever ruined their game again, I would take my money and my game playing time and go play one of their competitor's games.

    I was not joking. I was serious. I still am.

    So my account is going to become inactive. All of my characters are going to remain unused. I am taking the money I was going to spend on this game, and I am going to give it to one of your competitors. I am done with it and with you Perfect World. You have facked up yet another game.

    You should be proud of yourselves.

    You took a great game - added a patch - screwed up the patch - stole money from us players - said you fixed the game - you did not - have no support at all (as usual) - and now the game is laggy as hell even though I am running 2 terrabytes of RAM and 40 Mbps internet. I play games which have a lot more demand on the graphics then yours does and I do not get 1/10 of the lag I get here.

    I should mention that you never refunded any of the money for the Zen that I paid for and I consider that theft. I have contacted my legal counsel and we will be taking you to court over that money. You can be assured that I am suing for a lot more then what you stole from me.

    So this is goodbye. This is not the first PW game I have left, but it is the last.

    There is only 1 other company which sucks as much as yours does in the gaming industry....

    That is EA (Electronic Arts)


    Maybe they better get you a pacifier too, such a whiner and baby...... Grow the F Up....
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    Brought a tear to my eye.... :cool:

    Heh... I was aiming for a laff, but any emotion that's not ANGER, will suffice. ;)

    For those who haven't seen it yet...,

    My contribution to all the fuss & bother:

    (Based on this...)

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Boldly waiting in a queue, trying not to curse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Largely doing nuttin', cause we can't get to first.

    <Lt. TacoFang>
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, Servers now, Servers now...
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, servers now DStahl.

    <Mr.Geko >
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it...
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Flakes.

    <Mr. JHeinig>
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, forums now...
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, Dan.

    <Dr. Rehpic>
    It's worse than that, their dead Dan, dead Dan, dead Dan.
    It's worse then that, their dead Dan, DEAD Dan, DEAD!

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Posting in Their forums, never being terse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Screaming, Whining, Moaning, We wanna-be reimbursed.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok so yeah.. i have been on the plus and negative side.. i have and will praise cryptic/pwe when they do good. but.. i also let them know when something isnt right.. (cause shockingly enouph, thats how people find out something isnt right.. lol)..

    that being said.. warp cores.. brilliant.. i have no complaints.. (i mean there are things i would have loved to see them do, but whatevs.. close enouph, and its not like they made warp cores a candy factory in the ship lol..).

    the trait system.. again, something i really like..

    upping the difficulty, is another thing i really like..

    however, i felt calling this an expansion was kind of misleading, and i think leaving the fed out was a mistake.. and i have called them out on this.. anyone knows that knows my name on here.. i have been kinda disgruntled about this since i saw the first dev blogs...

    im not gonna get into all my gripes, cause they are all aired elswhere.. but, not everything in life, or in this game is hunky dory. yes, there are people who take it way to far.. threatening to quit?? its free to play, you cant quit. lol. asking for money back.. give me a break.. when you dont win on a scratch ticket, you dont ask for a refund..

    but, as a gaming company, who is competing with other games (many of which are alot better due to size, budget, and backing), you need to be able to take it with a grain of salt.. i for one, never just complain, i give what i feel is constructive critisism.. i dont just say "you guys suck, blah blah blah, and this sucks"..

    no, i say, they way you did this isnt right in my eyes, and this is what i think you need to do to correct it..

    further more, the "fanboys" as all the posotive people are called, need to understand, that a, it is not your job to judge others based on their own personal experience with the game.
    and b, that post like this usually dont do any good. there are mods and devs for a reason, if they dont like what someone is saying, they take care of it..

    that being said, (and i know im long winded here, but i want to be understood), some of the changes that have happened in game (for the better) have come directly from negative feedback.. realistically, the forums arnt here for everyone to have tea, and pat eachother on the backs.. its here to discuss the game, good and bad, and help progress it towards something that is a good medium between the fan boys and the downers..

    personally, i generally wouldnt be upset with the server downtime around a major release, but for weeks before they even released the expansion to holodeck, the servers looked like, and ran like swiss cheese.. (nw is not an excuse, the two should not be tied together).

    and like i was saying b4, my biggest gripe, is i have no interest in this version of the romulan race, when you can play as a tal shiar faction (the way they should be) sure, ill be all over it.. but for now i stick fed, and honestly, im on day two after the "expansion" and boom, im back to square one being bored again.. im keeping an open mind that they were not that blind, and have support content patches for this "expansion" coming out soon, with content for all factions.. but honestly, klinks are 18 percent of the pop.. im gonna guess, that after a few weeks, the romulans will be a similier number (remember its a guess and not a fact) which would leave the feds at least 60 percent of the pop.. not making fed content, for the majority of players, in your first supposed "expansion" was a little silly to me..

    so while this expansion is the bees knees for some, it is truly disapointing for others.. and i think both sides need to understand where they are each coming from before we have shame on you threads popping up like this on.. and i think the downers (myself included when i get emotional about it), need to be more contructive, and less accusing, and help make sure that this doesnt happen again..

    /steps off the soap box.. lol
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    upping the difficulty, is another thing i really like..

    Wait, what difficulty got changed? I tested this stuff on Tribble. I've played it live. I've not noticed any real difficulty changes.
  • karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For some reason paying for a ship I can not fly because I can not log in does not make me laugh. I guess it is easy for the people that can log in to make fun of the people who can not. Thanks cryptic!

    daveyny wrote: »
    Heh... I was aiming for a laff, but any emotion that's not ANGER, will suffice. ;)

    For those who haven't seen it yet...,

    My contribution to all the fuss & bother:

    (Based on this...)

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Boldly waiting in a queue, trying not to curse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Largely doing nuttin', cause we can't get to first.

    <Lt. TacoFang>
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, Servers now, Servers now...
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, servers now DStahl.

    <Mr.Geko >
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it...
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Flakes.

    <Mr. JHeinig>
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, forums now...
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, Dan.

    <Dr. Rehpic>
    It's worse than that, their dead Dan, dead Dan, dead Dan.
    It's worse then that, their dead Dan, DEAD Dan, DEAD!

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Posting in Their forums, never being terse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Screaming, Whining, Moaning, We wanna-be reimbursed.

This discussion has been closed.