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  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    Brought a tear to my eye.... :cool:

    Heh... I was aiming for a laff, but any emotion that's not ANGER, will suffice. ;)

    For those who haven't seen it yet...,

    My contribution to all the fuss & bother:

    (Based on this...)

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Boldly waiting in a queue, trying not to curse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Largely doing nuttin', cause we can't get to first.

    <Lt. TacoFang>
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, Servers now, Servers now...
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, servers now DStahl.

    <Mr.Geko >
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it...
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Flakes.

    <Mr. JHeinig>
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, forums now...
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, Dan.

    <Dr. Rehpic>
    It's worse than that, their dead Dan, dead Dan, dead Dan.
    It's worse then that, their dead Dan, DEAD Dan, DEAD!

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Posting in Their forums, never being terse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Screaming, Whining, Moaning, We wanna-be reimbursed.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok so yeah.. i have been on the plus and negative side.. i have and will praise cryptic/pwe when they do good. but.. i also let them know when something isnt right.. (cause shockingly enouph, thats how people find out something isnt right.. lol)..

    that being said.. warp cores.. brilliant.. i have no complaints.. (i mean there are things i would have loved to see them do, but whatevs.. close enouph, and its not like they made warp cores a candy factory in the ship lol..).

    the trait system.. again, something i really like..

    upping the difficulty, is another thing i really like..

    however, i felt calling this an expansion was kind of misleading, and i think leaving the fed out was a mistake.. and i have called them out on this.. anyone knows that knows my name on here.. i have been kinda disgruntled about this since i saw the first dev blogs...

    im not gonna get into all my gripes, cause they are all aired elswhere.. but, not everything in life, or in this game is hunky dory. yes, there are people who take it way to far.. threatening to quit?? its free to play, you cant quit. lol. asking for money back.. give me a break.. when you dont win on a scratch ticket, you dont ask for a refund..

    but, as a gaming company, who is competing with other games (many of which are alot better due to size, budget, and backing), you need to be able to take it with a grain of salt.. i for one, never just complain, i give what i feel is constructive critisism.. i dont just say "you guys suck, blah blah blah, and this sucks"..

    no, i say, they way you did this isnt right in my eyes, and this is what i think you need to do to correct it..

    further more, the "fanboys" as all the posotive people are called, need to understand, that a, it is not your job to judge others based on their own personal experience with the game.
    and b, that post like this usually dont do any good. there are mods and devs for a reason, if they dont like what someone is saying, they take care of it..

    that being said, (and i know im long winded here, but i want to be understood), some of the changes that have happened in game (for the better) have come directly from negative feedback.. realistically, the forums arnt here for everyone to have tea, and pat eachother on the backs.. its here to discuss the game, good and bad, and help progress it towards something that is a good medium between the fan boys and the downers..

    personally, i generally wouldnt be upset with the server downtime around a major release, but for weeks before they even released the expansion to holodeck, the servers looked like, and ran like swiss cheese.. (nw is not an excuse, the two should not be tied together).

    and like i was saying b4, my biggest gripe, is i have no interest in this version of the romulan race, when you can play as a tal shiar faction (the way they should be) sure, ill be all over it.. but for now i stick fed, and honestly, im on day two after the "expansion" and boom, im back to square one being bored again.. im keeping an open mind that they were not that blind, and have support content patches for this "expansion" coming out soon, with content for all factions.. but honestly, klinks are 18 percent of the pop.. im gonna guess, that after a few weeks, the romulans will be a similier number (remember its a guess and not a fact) which would leave the feds at least 60 percent of the pop.. not making fed content, for the majority of players, in your first supposed "expansion" was a little silly to me..

    so while this expansion is the bees knees for some, it is truly disapointing for others.. and i think both sides need to understand where they are each coming from before we have shame on you threads popping up like this on.. and i think the downers (myself included when i get emotional about it), need to be more contructive, and less accusing, and help make sure that this doesnt happen again..

    /steps off the soap box.. lol
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    upping the difficulty, is another thing i really like..

    Wait, what difficulty got changed? I tested this stuff on Tribble. I've played it live. I've not noticed any real difficulty changes.
  • karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For some reason paying for a ship I can not fly because I can not log in does not make me laugh. I guess it is easy for the people that can log in to make fun of the people who can not. Thanks cryptic!

    daveyny wrote: »
    Heh... I was aiming for a laff, but any emotion that's not ANGER, will suffice. ;)

    For those who haven't seen it yet...,

    My contribution to all the fuss & bother:

    (Based on this...)

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Boldly waiting in a queue, trying not to curse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Largely doing nuttin', cause we can't get to first.

    <Lt. TacoFang>
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, Servers now, Servers now...
    There's Hamsters in the Servers now, servers now DStahl.

    <Mr.Geko >
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it...
    It's live Bran, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Flakes.

    <Mr. JHeinig>
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, forums now...
    There's Trekkies in the forums now, forums now, Dan.

    <Dr. Rehpic>
    It's worse than that, their dead Dan, dead Dan, dead Dan.
    It's worse then that, their dead Dan, DEAD Dan, DEAD!

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Posting in Their forums, never being terse.

    Star Wreckin' in Cryptics' Universe...
    Screaming, Whining, Moaning, We wanna-be reimbursed.

  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wait, what difficulty got changed? I tested this stuff on Tribble. I've played it live. I've not noticed any real difficulty changes.

    ive noticed an increase, there are two possibilities, either, borg onshots, and other instance driven npc's are one shotting peeps again, and blah blah blah..

    or i think cause they added the new traits and perks with the nukara, they just scaled stuff so it will feel the same when your all done up, but right now it feels tougher..

    i will say, almost everyone in my social network (either fleet or friends) in game have noted it feels harder in stf's and most instanced material. )and that was before i played them.. and i will say, i did my first stf since the "expansion" and i will say it felt harder.. i know the crystaline elite is bugged, so i wont quote that, but all over the forums people are saying that events like no win, and other events are feeling harder..

    but i will say, (and i am a seasoned vet in this game, and am not complaining about a dificulty increase) i have noticed it feels harder.. (which i like). lol..
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    snoggy, i will say i love you ,lol...

    after i posted that, i was thinking "here it comes, everyone is probably gonna try to jam their opinions and views down my throat".. but you sir, took me by complete suprise, and asked something i hadnt even expected.. lol..

    just goes to show that there are still suprises out there.. hahaha..

    there is a select few that i actually respect on these forums (and it is from 3 plus years of being on here with them).. and you sir, are someone who has had my eye on these forums for a while.. when you speak, it usually holds weight with me, unlinke 90 percent of the posters on here.. lol..

    i only wish after the changeover in the forums, that i had stayed active, cause my measly 179 posts (which used to be something like 4 thousand lol) really doesnt resonate well for me on here anymore.. peeps used to listen to me, now no one includes me lol.. im just that guy...
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP, are you new here? The STO community acting in a totally irrational fashion isn't a new thing. It's one of the worst online communities I've seen. It's more negative than a couple shooters I play, competitive wiener comparisons and all.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sounds like this whole thread is more about you than anybody else. You're trying to see if anybody agrees with you to measure whether or not you're a valuable member of the online community? And all the while, you're essentially lumping all complainers into one boat which is unfair to people who were bringing legitimate complaints. Pro tip: Don't complain about the complainers because it adds fuel to the fire. You might think you're trying to help but the trolls will just be encouraged all the more to flame you.

    That being said, there were things Cryptic could have def done better. For starters, telling people via the launcher to expect delays on the first day. Also, to be more truthful to silvers about how long it was going to take to get in the game. It should have just been stated in the launcher that Golds and Lifers will get a higher spot in the que. Lastly, they should have said to expect maintenance to take place on day 1 of the launch. We've had massive server break downs every time a big release happened; Cryptic isn't learning from it's mistakes. There should have been better communication and way more of a heads up about what was going to happen.

    And if Cryptic is scared of alienating silvers b/c of the warnings of the long lines, they can be placated by offering a small special reward to silvers who play the first week of launch.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I used to have a boss whose catch-phrase was "You can't fix stupid." Of course, she was a slobbering, racist, sexist idiot herself. The point being; rude, arrogant, unreasonable, and stupid people usually don't listen. They just bask in their own meaningless lives. It's annoying, no doubt (working for that devil woman was hell!), but it's best to just ignore them :)
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is nothing anyone should ever say when they get something free.

    Free it's free you don't have to buy anything to play the game.

    If you did buy something that was your choice, Cryptic did not force you.

    This goes back to the cupcake syndrome I want my cake and I want to eat to.

    I want it free and want you to promise to give me everything I want.

    In our fleet we have noticed greatly its a maturity factor.

    The more mature people are the more thankful they are have a free game.

    The less mature people are the more they whine and expect all their wants to met.

    How do we know Cryptic does not have a report that show each poster financial status.

    Posters who have paid for stuff get more merit to concerns than a financial contributor.

    Thats how I would do it, listen to my paying customer first then the free to play crowd.
  • cleve1970cleve1970 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember the beta and launch with all the problems that were popping up. The upstanding community stuck it out, I left shortly after due to the fact Romulans were not a playable class, that I would be back when it was, and now here I am.

    Honestly people stuff happens, it is fixed and we continue playing. This is a great game with a awesome IP. The core players who are here for the right reasons will always be here.

    To the free players complaining about long queue lines, upgrade to Gold membership and get in faster, seems to be a simple fix. If you refuse to play due to a choice then you shall wait. To those who cannot afford to pay I do sympathize with you. I do not think Gold members are better than silver members. This is what PW and Cryptic have decided who it goes.

    This weekend will be frantic, queues will be even longer so get ready.
    Only thing worse than ignorance is the illusion of knowledge.

    Admiral Jorak
    Romulan Intelligence
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is nothing anyone should ever say when they get something free.

    Free it's free you don't have to buy anything to play the game.

    If you did buy something that was your choice, Cryptic did not force you.

    This goes back to the cupcake syndrome I want my cake and I want to eat to.

    I want it free and want you to promise to give me everything I want.

    In our fleet we have noticed greatly its a maturity factor.

    The more mature people are the more thankful they are have a free game.

    The less mature people are the more they whine and expect all their wants to met.

    How do we know Cryptic does not have a report that show each poster financial status.

    Posters who have paid for stuff get more merit to concerns than a financial contributor.

    Thats how I would do it, listen to my paying customer first then the free to play crowd.

    ill agree that anyone who isnt really paying anything, theres the door, you have nothing invested, its not worth the breath..

    but for someone like me, who started this game as a paying subscriber, and have poured more money into three years of star trek online, than i did into 7 or 8 years of wow, i expect more.. i want value, and i want to know that a game that i support, and have stuck with since the get go, is going to not let me down in the long run.. different seasons have brought different responses from me, i have been on both sides of the band wagon.

    but you sir, are not entirely correct.. crypic/pwe do not make this game just for shi*s and giggles. this is not a charitable game, nor is it entirely free to play.. if you wish to become serious in this game, you gots to spend some bucks to play with the big kids.. Cryptic wants mine and your money, thus, they have to earn it, and hey, like in real life, some people hate fords, and some people love them.. its all in how you are chemically reacting to the game, which is different for everyone..

    but to make a statement that we as a comminity have no right to nitpick and complain, well that is way way off. i will say, the squatters who are here just to play a free game and will jump the second the next newest game comes out, yes they shouldnt be on these forums.. but those of us who have been with the game since beta, and those who do pump money into the game have earned the right to air their comments, concearns, and quesitons..

    like i said b4, some people need to tone it down, cause if your too much of an a**, your point is overlooked..
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is nothing anyone should ever say when they get something free.

    Free it's free you don't have to buy anything to play the game.

    If you did buy something that was your choice, Cryptic did not force you.

    This goes back to the cupcake syndrome I want my cake and I want to eat to.

    I want it free and want you to promise to give me everything I want.

    In our fleet we have noticed greatly its a maturity factor.

    The more mature people are the more thankful they are have a free game.

    The less mature people are the more they whine and expect all their wants to met.

    How do we know Cryptic does not have a report that show each poster financial status.

    Posters who have paid for stuff get more merit to concerns than a financial contributor.

    Thats how I would do it, listen to my paying customer first then the free to play crowd.

    I couldn't agree more. I'm F2P, yet I've spent real money on zen store stuff. And if I could afford to, I would totally buy a Lifetime Subscription (though I can't afford it), because the team that works on the game deserves to be thanked!

    I appreciate the creators and the entire team for this F2P game, and , at times when I am able to afford it, I get things from the zen store, to show my appreciation as best as I can.

    Couldn't agree more with you though, that maturity does reflect the persons attitude on these forums.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    ive noticed an increase, there are two possibilities, either, borg onshots, and other instance driven npc's are one shotting peeps again, and blah blah blah..

    Hmmmm. This is interesting. I had trouble both on Tribble and now live adjusting to the new UI. So the content felt klunky to me in spots. But that I just attributed to ME. Not being used to the changes. A good example is the first Romulan mission in the tutorial where you get your ship. I feel like I'm in molasses. I thought it was my video settings. It wasn't. Now that I've done it a few times, I think it's just the map combined with the ship itself. By the time I get on to say fighting some Nausicaans outside of a planet I'm scanning, everything's smooth. I still have trouble since things aren't quite where I'm used to them being (need to rearrange my HUD more).

    That being said, I've done a lot of content on my old characters now too. The Emergency Power to Engines on the Spheres in STFs is annoying as all get out. For sure. But those things ALWAYS annoyed me.

    One shots are hard for me to categorize. Prior to LOR I just would go in phases. Some days I could go totally without a single one shot. Others, I would pop like freakin rice krispies. So I'm not a good judge on if that's been tweaked.

    The Crystaline Catastrophe appears bugged. With dev commentary.

    I just read a thread stating that the Borg Queen encounter is also bugged, with people getting popped at the respawn point and with there no longer being a safe spot so the whole thing is just a mess.

    Some of this stuff, then, could be bugs. Which did get reported a bit during Tribble (notably one specific Romulan mission is described as ridiculous ... and I hear elachi on the ground are just so annoying with the holds).

    So this one is murky for me. I'm guessing there's a lot of bugs that need dev attention. Which might be what's prompting this feedback?

    I will say protecting the Kang is as easy AND annoying as it's always been. Heh. And popping cubes (before some ineveitable one shot) is as freakish as it's always been for me. Tholian ships are still annoying and a pain with their webs. And I've yet to really get into the elachi too much.

    And again I'm a terrible judge of changes made to borg one shots. They happen. And I just roll my eyes when they do.
    or i think cause they added the new traits and perks with the nukara, they just scaled stuff so it will feel the same when your all done up, but right now it feels tougher..

    I hope that's not it. I'm already behind on grinding Nukara, and it's only been days! lol

    Thanks for this though. Yeah, we've kind of veered off topic, but it's far more pertinent to gameplay. And if I had to defend this tangent, I'd say it's still under the umbrella of the topic because feedback or "complaints" about difficulty are pertinent to feedback/complaints in general on the forums? Or something like that! ;)
    puttenham wrote: »
    i only wish after the changeover in the forums, that i had stayed active, cause my measly 179 posts (which used to be something like 4 thousand lol) really doesnt resonate well for me on here anymore.. peeps used to listen to me, now no one includes me lol.. im just that guy...

    Heh. I wouldn't stress that. We all pretty much know each other from the past few years. The post counts on a lot of long timers got nuked, but it's all still a lot of the same old folks here.
  • solomacesolomace Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I take it all you CDFers get paid by Cryptic?


    So what is it you gain then by defending them?

    All the haters, complainers and whiners do it because "most" are not happy with something that Cryptic has, done but the CDfers, arn't you happy with the game? Why are you spending time here defending a game and a company that doesn't need you to do it? Why not just play and leave the "rabble" to post on here? Remember they're only a minority so what's the problem?

    Ahh, is it because you cannot get in atm ;).

    If these forums are the worst community and the most wretched hive of scum and villainy, why do you come fuelling the flames.

    Why not just post in the "thank you" or the "we love you" or even the best "we are thankful" threads?

    I tell ya, these forums have been the best thing since sliced bread.

    You CDFers really do think it's your job to police these forums and give out your sage wisdom. At the end of the day, don't you realise you're just as much part of the "problem" as those you're talking down to by "telling" them what they should and shouldn't do.

    If these "whiners" have broken the rules then guess what, the "mods" will deal with, it doesn't need you lot on your white horses coming in to defend a company that really doesn't give 2 figs about you and just wants your money.

    Ahh, it's good to be back. Thank god for LOR, cannot wait until next month when people are bored once again as the "FEDS" will say "what's for us"...

    Now how do you spell the word sycpofants, physofants, hmmm, wait a mo, sycophants...:)
    Straight from the mouth of one of the leaders of the CDF - "I tell you what, Haven't spent any money either - I'm a lousy freeloader" - Jonsills 17/12/2014
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not worth it...
  • solomacesolomace Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daemonheld wrote: »
    Not worth it...

    But it was 2 mins before...;)

    ---post above is by solomace---

    EDIT: This thread has run it's course. /thread - Brandon
    Straight from the mouth of one of the leaders of the CDF - "I tell you what, Haven't spent any money either - I'm a lousy freeloader" - Jonsills 17/12/2014
This discussion has been closed.