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STO Gateway: Bugs and Technical Issue



  • grumpykezentegrumpykezente Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This game has been running poorly since the update.
    The game always throws me out after taking 20 minutes to load.
    I then have to wait in an hour long cue. Why is there a cue? There never was a cue before.
    I exited the the game and I am going to go do something else I am so mad.

    the reason for a queue is so that servers don't get over loaded and crash and the other reason why you have to wait is that lifers get bumped to the front of the line. i am a pay as you go person. as far as loading the game for me, i hav not had a problem yet. knock on tribble.
  • grumpykezentegrumpykezente Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    conanwolf wrote: »
    Anyone else have this problem... Ive been trying to patch the game for the past two days :/ first few times the launcher just self cancelled and turned off. This time the patch got up to near 50% then it suddenly dropped to 24%

    Any help on matter be appreciated thanks

    DSL or satilight conections might do that. not sure. it also may be that every one there Wookiee, there Ewok and there Tribble are trying to laod at the same time. if your loading around 3pm your time and about 10pm your time. that would be a buisy time. now put time zones into play- im in NY. my 3pm is 12 west coast. not to buisy. my 6pm.... dam now i have to fight central time and Pacific time. i t took me 4hrs load 6 gig for this game- running 6 core and vid card that has 1 gig on-board mem. i did it in the morn for my time. hope this helps.:cool:
  • conanwolfconanwolf Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well it crashed at 70% patched. Started launcher again and and it fully patched in a few seconds lol so its all patched. Now ive just got to wait in line to get on lmao
  • grumpykezentegrumpykezente Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    got to the end of abduction and nothing happened. i was running around looking toe see if i miss something. figured i try getting out and come back in. redid the mission, i had no problems the second time. might be a bug. :cool:
  • thewhisperedthewhispered Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First it says two of my characters are Science captains which is false i have 1 Engineer and two Tactical.

    I cannot see any of my characters when viewing "Personnel Files".

    The icon for very rare gear says its from the fleet store, has the two ships in the bottom left corner, it even does it for the device "Tribble of Borg"
  • ehlimehlim Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    luv da R.L., i dont know but, Ship skill tray- every now and then after setting my ships skills, they get shifted around when i get a new skill. don't if you consider that a bug of not. the other thing i don't know if it is a bug or not- i chose to go FED. i was unable to pick a FED ship. i dodn't care ether way. taking rom ships for my Reman toon. two things i found. if they are bugs, i found some for ya.

    Hi Grumpykezente, this section is for reporting bugs of the GATEWAY (https://auth.startrekonline.com) only. Not the game. Sorry.

    Re-post your question, adding more details please, in the right section, thank you!

  • kingofhearts81kingofhearts81 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It wont let me make a new thread for some reason, but I just thought I'd post some bugs that may or may not be known.

    1. When customizing a ship, if you click on parts that come from a ship that costs Zen, the game will keep the Zen needed to buy the parts even if you change them, so that you can't customize your ship, although it's an easy fix when you simply go and set another ship active, go into the customization and then go and set the original ship back to active.

    2. old mail is not deleting, and since the auction house always sends mail when you sell something, they quickly pile up.

    3. On the Romulan side, the first bridge officer you get, I can't remember his name, after you choose a side, federation or Klingon, his facial image when he talks to you through hail, is of a default federation blonde female human.

    4. It is difficult to load clothing and body customization saves, most of the time they don't load at all, I figured a temporary way around it, load the whole save first, then double click on the image of the save under "Just clothing" then click load and it will sometimes work.

    5. My Romulan's uniform uses the standard pants option, it just looks cool with all the straps and belts, but with my new character after choosing the Klingon side, the option for standard long pants has been taken away, maybe not a big deal to others, but I find that the tight pants on male characters makes them have bird legs no matter how buff I make them, which makes me want to just not change their outfits indefinatly.I spent hours trying to come up with the perfect uniform, and the options just get taken away.

    6. Last, and most important, the chat seems to be broken, it keeps repeating lame bacon jokes.
  • babette7babette7 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have played today for a few hours... ok, a lot of hours, and I have probably disconnected 10 times, at least. It gets very annoying. This has happened for the past week that I have played this game and I don't want it to keep happening. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, or how long I have been on. Now, this last time, I tried to log back in and it says there is an authentication error.... -.- I will try resetting the password and restarting my computer.... but it's not fun to d/c in the middle of what I was doing :(
  • ehlimehlim Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It wont let me make a new thread for some reason, but I just thought I'd post some bugs that may or may not be known.

    1. When customizing a ship, if you click on parts that come from a ship that costs Zen, the game will keep the Zen needed to buy the parts even if you change them, so that you can't customize your ship, although it's an easy fix when you simply go and set another ship active, go into the customization and then go and set the original ship back to active.

    2. old mail is not deleting, and since the auction house always sends mail when you sell something, they quickly pile up.

    3. On the Romulan side, the first bridge officer you get, I can't remember his name, after you choose a side, federation or Klingon, his facial image when he talks to you through hail, is of a default federation blonde female human.

    4. It is difficult to load clothing and body customization saves, most of the time they don't load at all, I figured a temporary way around it, load the whole save first, then double click on the image of the save under "Just clothing" then click load and it will sometimes work.

    5. My Romulan's uniform uses the standard pants option, it just looks cool with all the straps and belts, but with my new character after choosing the Klingon side, the option for standard long pants has been taken away, maybe not a big deal to others, but I find that the tight pants on male characters makes them have bird legs no matter how buff I make them, which makes me want to just not change their outfits indefinatly.I spent hours trying to come up with the perfect uniform, and the options just get taken away.

    6. Last, and most important, the chat seems to be broken, it keeps repeating lame bacon jokes.

    I recognize all the issues apart from the last two.
    But, for the love of god, read the title of the thread! It says "GATEWAY BUGS AND TECHICAL ISSUES". It means that this thread is only for reporting bugs related to THE GATEWAY.

    Please, if you want your report to be considered, move it here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=69
    If you for I-don't-know-what reason can't start a thread, find one that says general feedback, or feedback on many bugs, or divide the post and put each bug report in it's own "territory"...

    Yours is not the only misplaced post here. Please guyz, if you want your contribution to be read, make it easy on the devs.

  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I haven't experienced too many bugs, and these have probably already been posted, but it doesn't hurt to post that they're happening to other people.

    1: PvE. I was getting kicked out of SB 24 with the message "You are no longer on your team" Kicks me out after five seconds.

    2: After the last maintenance last week, I was able to get into SB 24, but the Gorn Minefield would start kicking me out.

    3: Now, after the maintenance from last night, SB 24 is kicking me out again.

    5: When I reached Commander, the game wants to charge me 750z for a free customization. That's even before I try to make any changes, it's right there when I click on 'Customize Your Ship'

    6: I had to repeat two missions. One when my Fed char went back to the 23rd century to find out what was going on and the second was my Romulan char when he is working undercover in the Tal Shiar and went on the raid to a colony world (you know, where Sela appears and arrests Vrimak when it's over with). I had to do both over again. Not sure why the game made me repeat those missions, but if I have to keep repeating missions it's going to get tedious.

    What would happen is that I'd attempt to leave when prompted, and when I get to where I'm going I get the message "Continue <insert name of mission here>" I'd have no choice but to click it, and it returns me to the start of the mission I thought I'd finished.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • arthuriusxdarthuriusxd Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just visited my bridge on my Defiant (Belfast) and noticed that all my BO's are missing on my bridge. There are some common "Tactical Officer" and "Science Officer", but none of my own bridge officers.

    I tried different bridges and layouts, no effect.
    I tried relog, no effect.

    please i want to buy more bridges and i like the belfast too but i noticed that this bug is affecting all bridges and special bridge officers like borg, caitian and special reward like breen, jem'hadar and reman, please fix it because there is no reason to buy more bridges if this bug continues, and two more questions:

    why does exists 2 empty front seats on the belfast? i mean the fleet tactical escort retrofit haves 3 tactical slots well there is only 2 of them on the bridge (ship interiors) when there are 8 bridge officers during the cinematics of the defiant trough campaign.

    where is the access to the bank account?
  • threalstatikthrealstatik Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i keep getting a 'too many attempts'-message when i try to login, wth is going this time?
  • ehlimehlim Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ehlim wrote: »
    I still can't login into the gateway!!

    I always get this error: "Login failed, probably because the one-time code was incorrect"

    It doesn't let me instert any "one-time codes". I have my browsers (tried it with Chrome and IE9) registered in the game guard, login into the site and all its parts works perfectly. I just cannot enter the friggin gateway.

    Please, help me!

    I'm sorry to reapeat myself but, PLEASE, can you help the MANY of us who still have this problem?
    I have been experiencing this error for quite some time now! I can't login to the Gateway!


    Thank you!
  • garymazeygarymazey Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hi since the last couple of patches i can not get on the game why is this?
  • zcon47zcon47 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    Now I can not get into game will not fully open launcher are you all going to fix all these issues or not just let us know please?
  • startrekker22startrekker22 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm not sure if anyone else still uses the gateway system, but I use it to check up on my account without going in game. Since the update it has had several errors. The Auoras that surround items and determine their rarity are incorrect. The blue items are marked a purple ones, the purple ones (including special consoles) are marked as fleet weapons/consoles. my fleet shields are marked as a special item(the ones with the golden outline). the most recent time I just looked(5 mins. ago). it has my Tactical fed character, my tac KD character, and my Romulan engineer marked with the science career symbols. anyone who still uses it see the issues? - and there are more but those are too much to explain:confused:
    " I believe that I speak for us all sir when I say: To hell with our orders." - Lt. Cmdr. Data
  • startrekker22startrekker22 Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did not notice the above stickied thread.
    " I believe that I speak for us all sir when I say: To hell with our orders." - Lt. Cmdr. Data
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Could you make the Gateway page accolades "printable to jpeg" or something of the sort? I tried to use some browser extensions that take a picture of a whole webpage that don't work with the website. It should be an added feature since accolades are pretty useless in the game except for showing off. I still don't get why accolade points are given if you don't unlock anything with them.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My Romulan has his ally's logo and color scheme, not the green Romulan colors, and no Romulan logos.
  • bringiton8989bringiton8989 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    echatty wrote: »

    1: PvE. I was getting kicked out of SB 24 with the message "You are no longer on your team" Kicks me out after five seconds.

    I'm getting the same error, but with crystalline catastrophe, Elite? It's really annoying!
  • twitchfishtwitchfish Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have been unable to delete my in-game mail box messages ever since the big Romulan update, and so far the problem has not been solved despite numerous patchings.
  • bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    twitchfish wrote: »
    I have been unable to delete my in-game mail box messages ever since the big Romulan update, and so far the problem has not been solved despite numerous patchings.

    I thought Mail control was still a planned/wanted feature wanted to be added to http://gateway.startrekonline.com/.

    This thread is about that website, not the game directly.

    Anyway.. I found that using another Cryptic game will allow access to mail. I've used Champions Online and it works fine. Not tried Neverwinter. STO on Tribble doesn't work.
  • punktribblepunktribble Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Shut down the servers and fix all the stupid bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nathan2992nathan2992 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey guys, im having trouble with my phaser in surface mode or on a planet mode, whatever you call it. I can hold it in my hand, aim, but it will not fire. If you have any tips please help, because it is starting to get really annoying
  • trmcgillicuttitrmcgillicutti Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A bit of a list because there's a lot of problems....

    -- I have the PWE Neverwinter Nights beta and guess what: It crashes after 2 hours with the same bug as Star Trek, and a problem I have in no other game.... What would be the same between both games you ask? Answer: The PWE launcher and whatever copy/hacking protection they have installed. Something isn't working right. My error: "E_OUTOFMEMORY" on my graphics card, explaining that loading some 2d 1024x1024 texture that's 85 megs, exceeds the 1.5 gig of video ram available (I have 2 gigs and have verified this). Ya think oh Cryptic and PWE you can get around to actually reading the myriad bug reports entitled "E_OUTOFMEMORY ERROR?" Ya think maybe you can pay attention to your crash reporter listing, showing particular IP addresses crashed in BOTH GAMES? If there is anything but the launcher shared between Star Trek and Neverwinter Nights, well that's a lot less to debug than the whole game now isn't it?


    --Let's get this fixed yesterday, http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=694811. If PWE and Cryptic want the community to shrink due to losing a variety of convenient opportunities to get dilithium from a Red Alert, keep this bug alive and well, and keep ignoring it.

    SPEAKING OF DILITHIUM.... Why is it a Klingon allied Romulan can't do Traelus Satellite Repair, Sha'mar, receive dilithium from Sortie A, or access any of the Empire Defense missions, that I could get and do some of starting at level 20ish as a Klingon?

    -- Please purge your source code of the routines that generate "You will be removed from this mission in 5 seconds" so that it can't happen every time there is a new expansion of Star Trek.

    -- Please remove the "Fleet Chat" remains connected to characters on the same account even if a different faction when we log out and log in another character in the other faction, as we either lose our fleet chat after changing characters, or we lose our team chat if we go in a misison, and/or our fleet chat for the character we logged in with isn't recognized and so we have to keep typing "/fleet" to reply to our fleet.) THIS BUG PREDATES LEGACY OF ROMULUS.

    -- Please have the "Errors were found would you like to verify files, could take 10-20 minutes" actually repair the files, in a way that adjusts the situation not to happen again or not to corrupt as many files the next time. I've done a forced verify after a crash where I didn't say yes to having the game repair the files, resulting in a 4 gigabyte download to repair all that had been corrupted from "E_OUTOFMEMORY ERROR."

    -- Gripe for humor but in hopes of making a point, *knock* *knock* *knock* "Hey PWE/Cryptic McFly? Anybody home?"

    Endured frustration is where a publisher (Perfect World Entertainment) and their coding counterpart (Cryptic) lose the trust of those who use their products, especially when these bodies claim to have a crash reporter and their support says to make bug report tickets and that those are read, but nothing gets fixed for months, even years, while a new expansion comes out that causes many of these old bugs to resurface, exacerbating the frustration.

    Now, Cryptic if you've got coders who are just carrying on like this out of a need for job security, it's time to fire them, for you need your next game launch to not be hindered by many of us who will log in only to find a bug and then regurgitate the factual record of the situation we've endured in other PWE/Cryptic games we've played to all those new players. Someone in PWE/Cryptic needs to take up the job of insuring there is quality control over your products as published before you lose all credibility as a game publisher to which anyone would spend real hard earned money to buy something from you.

    After being away a few months to see so many friends I had in Star Trek logging in much less if not just having left the game, people who bought a lifetime membership, is the evidence your ability to have them keep purchasing things over time that will keep the servers open and people in the company able to feed their families is deteriorating rapidly. For those returning, like I have, to a mess like this, we've a sense of repulsion running in parallel intensity to our interest in the Romulan story and other new things in Star Trek, an intensity of repulsion that is rising to exceed the interest in the game when so many crash & bug reports wasting bandwidth for everyone have been logged. So I implore you: FIX THESE BUGS!

    Allied Free Sentients private McGillicutti, still missing Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa, signing out.....
  • forewmforewm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm getting the same error, but with crystalline catastrophe, Elite? It's really annoying!

    Me too :( The Nukara grind is so painful without it.
  • macksynthmacksynth Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In game mail will not allow the deletion of exchange mail or older emails. I have even tried the mail consoles.
  • admiralbrenanadmiralbrenan Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Alright incoming list of bugs i have found today since its been a while :)
    - within gateway the rarity level of items is being increased by one level on any item above common
    - Starfleet engineering emblem is appearing as a science emblem on the character select screen
    - KDF tactical emblem is appearing as a science emblem in the character select screen
    - disconnecting after only a few minutes within the program
    - on the character select screen the information under the names is not consistent
    - in the captain's profile section the captain's picture is a black silhouette along with the head shot
    - on romulan - fed allied captains on the welcome back page on the bottom left hand corner with the ship information it has a registry number
    alright thats all ive got for right now :D
  • v1zeroyv1zeroy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey fun little interface you're making here. Now i haven't read through all the pages so i'm simply going to throw the question out:

    Did you know that you're not limited to only watching your own character, but can view the details of every single last character in the game?

    Fun stuff!
  • auroraspiderauroraspider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My bridge officers are not appearing on my bridge when I visit my starship bridge. I grinded my way with the dilithium exchange to 250 zen to buy more bridge officer slots specifically for the purpose of having my entire bridge consist of customized characters. Now, since the romulan legacy pack came out, it seems all of my efforts have been for nothing which is EXTREMELY disheartening

    There is a specific "generic" engineering officer that they place on your ship that I not only wanted to replace....I absolutely despise. I grinded for hours in order to get rid of her. I was happy for awhile. But now shes back. That purple, bald......f@#King c@nt is back on the consoles of my ship. I wish i could discharge her, or even kill her. Anything to get rid of her.

    And Im extremely upset that 3 of my customized bridge officer characters seem not to have any purpose whatsoever due to this glitch
This discussion has been closed.