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***The Official Login Queue Thread!*** (Threads about queues will be moved here)



  • bauer6bauer6 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kaineaus wrote: »
    Attention Cryptic,

    Thanks for a great game that I don't have to pay for. I don't mind the queues, or the crashing, or the downtime, as I think it's a fair price to pay for playing for free.

    Legacy of Romulus looks brilliant.

    then your alone on that one pal, I have invested money in this game so do yourself a favor freeloader and bugger off.
  • chronoss2012chronoss2012 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bauer6 wrote: »
    an this is bad business in my opinion.

    I was looking forward to coming home and logging on to do the tour the universe event, now I am stuck in a dang queue....what gives?

    cryptic you need to sort this out and fast .

    I was going to purchase the life time membership but will not bother now.

    for me this game is dead in the water

    i found that out last night if you leave that screen and go outside the window it nulls you , YOU MIGHT as well quit....
    yup enjoy
    oh and i got another bug once no sound on the start screens ......then reboot fixes ....haha that be cool for a new player...."boy this is a quit game"
  • jacrelljacrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bondy4 wrote: »
    I was going to take advantage of the lifetime pack but I think Ill leave it until they have the server issues sorted out, not going to spend $200 to wait hours to play only to have to queue again when the server disconnects.

    Whilst I partly agree the tone of the post was not ideal I think the quote a sense of entitlement is a little inaccurate.

    If a company markets a game as F2P for all yet you come to log in and are preresented with a queue (which currently stands at 8542) effectively meaning you will not log in today at all then there is something wrong. The F2P model does not automatically mean we should expact to sit in a queue for countless hours just to play especially when many of those players invest a lot of money via non subscription purchases. Otherwise lets just go back to subscriptions and see empty servers with no paid content.... which would you prefer?
  • milner62milner62 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    knightvane wrote: »
    Okay well if you don't have time to wait in a que then you don't have time for games. Seriously everyone has little time to play I am in a medical school program, trust me you think your stress is worst then mine try taking your work home when you then cry. You play when you can and your money being thrown around is pety if its that devestating then you need that money more then this company. If you want a real threat buy some share in thier company then bring your wallet into it. I've spent 100 on i can't tell you how many meals, they were slow I kept my mouth shut because I learned respect and patience at an early age. I imagine you are much older then I am so that makes that even more embarrasing to hear an adult who has the patience of a 10 year old.

    Believe me, you dont know me. I have time to play but I dont have time to wait 2 hours sitting on my TRIBBLE waiting for que to go from 3,000+ to where I get in the game. Secondly I dont give two ****s about your professional life. I have brought my work home every day with me numerous times. You act like just because your in a medical school program that you know more about stress than I do? Please, I deal with people every single day when I am at work. Most of which feels like they are king and expect the royal treatment. Then you provide them with the best service that they can get then they want to blaim you for breaking **** that you didnt even touch. Then dont get me started on having 4 big jobs at the same time and having to get them out the next morning. Sure medical professionals have stress but they are not the only ones.

    As far as throwing money around, I've dropped $800 before for a hand gun just because I wanted it. Dont assume to believe that I have a problem with throwing my money around. I have a problem with throwing my money away for digital items that I dont get any value out of. While the game is fun, when the game goes away all the money I have spent in this game is gone as well. I will just simply chalk that up to expenses to enjoy myself.

    In the end what the hell do you want? You want me to clap my hands and say good job for spending $100 on numerous meals for yourself? Please I dont care. I tried to be nice in discussing my view point but when people like you proceed to act like I'm in the wrong just because I have a busy life and want to relax when I have free time playing a game I enjoy, I am done with being nice.

    I will tell you what, you say that I am an adult with the patience of a 10 year old, well I have quite a bit of patience. 90% of my hobbies I do to enjoy myself with are not instant gratification and my job is not instance gratification. I probably have more patience than you do. But when someone has a life that requires them to be doing other things and they only have an hour or two to play a game and relax I think they are entitled to be upset that the cant play a game when they want to due to long ques.
  • emiluskalileemiluskalile Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why was this Log In Qeue Added? Sometimes it takes way to long to get into the game. I thought the game was fine with out it, was this a way for them to keep control of the servers better?
  • bejaymacbejaymac Member Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    9500 in the queue now, and I haven't move from 4200 in 20 minutes, so there are a lot of golds getting in ahead of me.
  • nateofborg6nateofborg6 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    after a few days in line the new players you have trying to get on wont stick around.it really needs to be fixed by the weekend because it will get worse.
  • kaineauskaineaus Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bauer6 wrote: »
    then your alone on that one pal, I have invested money in this game so do yourself a favor freeloader and bugger off.

    If Cryptic didn't want people to play for free, it wouldn't be called Free to Play.

    You're annoyed because you spent money you didn't need to. That's your issue, friend.
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bejaymac wrote: »
    9500 in the queue now, and I haven't move from 4200 in 20 minutes, so there are a lot of golds getting in ahead of me.

    Nope, no one seems to be getting in at all. I'm at 224 and have been since I tried to connect, the only number that's changing is the total queue size.
  • ussdelphin2ussdelphin2 Member Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bejaymac wrote: »
    9500 in the queue now, and I haven't move from 4200 in 20 minutes, so there are a lot of golds getting in ahead of me.

    Im a lifer, I have been at 260 for 10 mins now.. out of 10715 so golds are not getting straight in.
    How I picture a lot of the forumites :P
  • dwcjackaldwcjackal Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok this is just getting silly now. larst night i could not update, managed to sort that out then everytime i tryed to log in the sever would time out...and now i get stuck in Queue (first time iv ever been in Queue for this game by the way) ...and then the server times out out on the loading sceen.

    The odd thing is this seems to only affect my fed toon. Iv made a romulan toon and that works just fine ...no Queues at all. What going on here ??????

    Anyone else getting this ?
  • matthewboss31matthewboss31 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    im a gold member and im not even getting in
  • vinthebutchervinthebutcher Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Life-Sub here, and I thought we get No-Que access for being life-Subs, but seeing this game have a Que is good news.

    Welcome the new players.

    was playing all morning and decided to change toons, when I switched - it gave me a Q of 700+ out of 8000+
    Change your timezone here.
    Nov. 2009
    yes, my avatar is my tattoo
  • martagonmartagon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1371 out of 10961?
  • ironclad321ironclad321 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i've just been playing and before i could get from the sol system to vulcan in a assault cruiser it kicked me out i start it up again and now im waiting in a queue of 8056 out of 10710 WHAT THE HELL is going on i get that its a popular game but this is crazy
  • tanthotantho Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is really becoming a game killer! Toys in rolor nebula atm and I have to wait for 9k ppl in hopes of getting there with my Fed character before sector update.

    We are aware there is a queue to log in at this time.

    Glad they're aware of it... would be nice to know if they're working on expanding server/s to accommodate anyone.

    It's a great expansion but come on...
  • eliteempireeliteempire Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    after the issue with login and server down AND slow patching now this bs?

    sitting at 8k of 10k...what is this? a borg name or something

    seriously , get new servers with our money we are spending on you , ive seen more kar'fis in the last month then the entirety of last year... :mad::mad::mad:
  • warp2126warp2126 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Like others I have also invested money in this game... I am not expecting special treatment.... however, I would expect to see some progress made to address the continued queuing issue.
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Lifetime subscriber here and I've been stuck at around 200 for over 10 minutes. It started 200 out of 6,000, now it's out of 11,000 -_-
  • jacrelljacrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Whilst some people will see this large queue as a success indicator I think many are forgetting that a vast majority of those people in the queue will be returning or new players. Players who will not get the chance to play the game and those in the game will suffer from lag spikes.

    This in turn will damage the reputation of the game from the start and only take away from all the good work that has been done over the past 2 years.

    I suggest the Devs find a very immediate and effective solution to this or close the servers down completely until they can support the players trying to get in. A queue of this magnitude is only harming the image of the game and will stop some players returning and I think we all agree the more players back in STO the better as it means more money to develop the game.
  • xalexkxxalexkx Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    usually at shops when i forget to buy something, i tell someone to keep my place at the queue.

    well, can someone keep my place here at the queue ? lol
    To boldly go where no FAWer has ever FAWed before.
  • pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's just like last night ... my position in the Queue Continuum remains constant while the total number of players in the queue keeps going up. Time to log out and do something else with my free time.

    Hopefully STO will be back up and running sometime before the end of summer.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
  • sknelson3sknelson3 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hypl wrote: »
    Cryptic will increase server capacity in their games the day pigs begin to grow wings and fly into space, becoming space pigs.
    LMAO! How true it is. I have been a certified network engineer for more than 14 years now. Servers have all become a chassis containing bunch of drives connected with fiber (passive-active) with "Virtual" servers added at will. I think I have been a member for maybe 4 months. In that short time I have spent more than $1,000.00+ dollars on ZEN. If the Cryptic execs think this is the way to continue making money, they have another thing coming. I can't tell you non-techies how easy it is to add capacity and remove it when not needed. Just know it is very easy. Yesterday, I got in right away when it went live (to the second 2:00 pm CST) with now queue. Now i can't get in even waiting for 1 hour. This is unacceptable and most companies that TRIBBLE their paying customers aren't around that long. No more money from me to Cryptic. One more thing, I have every Jem Hadar ship out there and the bug is by far the coolest! Just thought i would add that tid bit. LOL

    Sorry for the rant, I was feeling left out by all of you complainers...
  • highteehightee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yep looks like something is borked, started out at 6800 of 7000 ish, pretty quickly moved down to 3606 out of 6500. And now stuck at 3606 and the que is steady growing lol

    up to 10574 now :P
  • lawferiuslawferius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its just so frelling unfair.. first time i login im 3000/3000, i wait like a good boy, i get into the game and after 3 min i get disconnected.. i try again..5000/5000 i wait and again after a moment in the game i get disced.. I want to log in again.. its 9000 que.. so i quit
  • archer8472archer8472 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    over 10.000 people waiting to get in right now and i'm 3609th in line... and have been for the last 10 minutes ^&$&*%$ NO PROGRESS!! :mad:

    Cryptic.. What's the deal here???
  • lorddoominatorlorddoominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blunted74 wrote: »
    I can't see silvers getting kicked from the servers, but they definitely do get pushed aside for GOLD/LTS while in queue. Membership has it's benefits.

    Unfortunately silvers get kicked out after a very short amount of game time! :(
    I managed to login 2 times, but got kicked out after ~5 minutes, and ~30 minutes... :mad:
  • gabrielinwestmingabrielinwestmin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cant wait to be able to play once again....
    Last night after being gone for a week, tried to load and was greeted with a 1,901 login que
    Now today its 10,366

    At this rate I will never be able to play:mad:

    Anyone know if Cryptic/Perfect world is going to increase the server capacity a little to help alleviate these issues? At first I was thinking the servers are overloaded from all the updates being pushed out but heck if I really know.
    Greywolf Taskforce - Officer of the Fleet
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So your brilliant solution to queue times that limit some from playing is to stop everyone from playing because you think a game that's taken offline entirely will suffer from less negative reaction than a game with a queue time?

    Okay. I disagree.
  • kaineauskaineaus Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Waiting for the downtime announcement....
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