1. More Klingon Ships
2. Ability to play as Human/Vulcan Hybrid; like Spock.
3. Ability to play as Human/Klingon Hybrid; like Bellana,
4. Ability to play as a Ktarian; like hybrid Naomi Wildman, or Etana Jol.
5. Ability to play as a Denobulan; like Doctor Phlox.
6. Voyager Era Bundle.
7. Vulcan ship D'Vahl
8. Vulcan ship T'Plana-Hath
9. A variant of the USS Enterprise-J (from ENT: "Azati Prime")
10. Hirogen hunting vessel for the Romulan faction.
11. Tier 6 ships (I'm dreaming).
BTW does anyone think that $50 is a bit extreme for a couple of ships. I can buy a game for that!
I would like to see a refit TOS Constitution so it is a tier 5 ship.
If the price was 1k each I would like a new TOS Constitution for each tier.
That way you have the full phasers and abilities from going up in ranks but can seem to be in command of the same ship through your career.
More purchasable races in each faction.
I would pay to unlock Orions (and their uniforms) for fed or when they come out romulans.
And probably wrong place, but Fed and KDF have Borg as a lifetime racial allowance. Will the romulans too?
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
TNG Interiors
VOY Interiors
Typhoon Cruiser
Galaxy-class U.S.S. Venture hull option (the one with nacelle phaser strips)
Batches of Fleet Ship Modules
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
1. a captain respec species token ( i want to change my first toon i started into caitan)
2. better ships on Kdf side --> sorry but i think you would gain more kdf players with great ships) now a lot only make fed toons because there are a lot of nice fed ships out there
3. More KDF only missions. ( i was really dissapointed when i started my kdf toon when i had the same missions for kdf as i had for Fed (well most of em anyway)).
4. Playable Hirogen race (with hunting missions ) collect all the races!
5. Ok more storys for fed too
6. zen buyable emote pack
7. zen buyable more hangerslots
8. MKX111 weapons from zen store
I like a lot of the suggestions on this thread -- especially the costume & emote options. What I'd really like to add to the C-store wish-list is the Radiometric Converter, the TR-116 Sniper Rifle, and the Automated Defense Turret -- all updated to be scale reasonably with the character, as well as being non-unique / equip only one at a time. Such updates should be made to apply to existing versions as well, so that folks who already own them do not get short-shrift.
I just imagine a ship now with 5 of those auto-turrets.
First and foremost, we need an alien bridge pack that includes:
-An Atrox carrier interior, including the bridge, lounge, transporter room, engineering, science, and crew areas as well as a visitable hangar bay.
-A vulcan d'kyr interior that matches the design of the ship.
-An andorian escort interior suitable for their ships.
-Several orion styled ship interiors for their cruiser lines in the KDF
-Several nausicaan styled ship interiors for their destroyer line in the KDF
-Several gorn styled ship interiors for their science vessel line in the KDF
These can be split into Fed/KDF packs that are seperate, or into individual ship interiors. Of course, they should have been included with these ships in the first place.
After that, I'd like to see some alternate shuttle/smallcraft interiors, though I doubt we'll get that. I'd also like to see these ships get customization options - currently there's no way to change the exterior appearance of a d'kyr, atrox, or any of the nausiccan, gorn, or orion ships.
one thing, the Nx-class bridge in general (namely, the "Star Trek: Enterprise" version, preferably). I am REALLY interested in buying the NX-class starship but I am extremely turned off by the lack of an NX-class bridge! STO already has the Classic Constitution bridge, why can't they get on track and get the NX-class ship its own bridge?!
Field jackets from Enterprise, The Cage, TMP, and TWoK.
Phasers from TWoK era (all types)
Additional costume slots for Boffs, that allow use of off duty and formal wear options.
Enterprise shuttle pod.
Engineers Rad Suit and security uniforms from TWoK
Interior sets for NX, Constitution Refit, Excelsior, Ambassador, Galaxy, Intrepid, and Soveriegn.
My Klingons need some shoes that don't look like motocross boots with a horn sticking out the toe. For the love of Orion females give me some boot options. Please Star Trek Gods and PW over-lords give me some footwear options for my Orion Captain.
HAHAHAHAHA sorry funny but yea lack of footwear is an issue for details char. creation.:P
T5 Science Vessel - no bundle pack but a stand alone with a really intertesing console/ability, retro look (sorry, but hate the look of the Vesta ships), and packs a punch. Can always dream.
How about a c-store costume pack of Captain Pike's Wheelchair. It should be a uniform as opposed to off duty or formal wear, so that Boffs can equip it as well. And it should have the option for racing stripes, too.
If you do this, I promise I'll make an awesome/hilarious foundry mission featuring it. Prominently.
I'd like to see a C-Store token that unlocks lock box ships on an account. I don't buy lockbox ships because they're tied to one character. I'd much rather buy C-Store ships, since they're account wide. If they had an unlock, I'd be much more likely to open boxes, even if it was 500 zen per unlock token.
I also want a proper Fed carrier. The Kitty carrier was nice when it came out, but it's lagging far behind other carriers (Jem Dread and Recluse.) I'd like to see a 3 pack option, each with a different Commander slot. Or, give it bunch of universal slots, so that we can use it how we want. I doubt that'll happen though, since Cryptic stands to make more money if they have a 3 pack.
Finally, I'd like to see fleet status be applied retroactively to C-Store ships. For example, once I buy a fleet ship, I'd like to be able to discharge it, and reclaim the ship with fleet stats from the C-Store. This would only apply to ships that you actually bought, and not ones that were bought with 5 fleet modules.
Regardless of what is there, don't give them any (more) of your money. If you ever have a problem with you account, it'll just be gone, no hope of recovery.
Another thing I'd like to see is modifiable panels for our bridges. I use Prometheus bridges on my two main ships, mostly because I like the layout, and the look of them. Its not a huge deal, but it does irk me a bit when I visit my bridge and see a Prometheus deck layout, when I'm not on a Prometheus. It'd be nice if it could change automatically to whatever ship I'm flying, or if that's not possible, to a randomized, computerized screen, much in the same way the other bridge areas are.
The Next Generation Package ( new)
♦ Complete Galaxy class Interior set.
♦ Uniform: T.N.G Type B
♦ Uniform: T.N.G Type A
♦ Uniform: T.N.G Tunic version * new
♦ Uniform: T.N.G Yesterday's Enterprise *new*
♦ Uniform: Uniform Diana Troy.
♦ Elite Bridge officer: Data III.
♦ Purple duty Officer Data III.
Most of the Uniforms on the list are variations of the standard T.N.G uniform but they are still worth having.
I second this, it's about time TNG got some proper treatment it did relaunch Trek in 87! There would be no sto w/o TNG
More 25th century starships for all factions. (Includes small craft and Tier V refits.)
Bridges for other 25th century starship designs than Odyssey and Bortas.
More weapons packs, such as special Human and Andorian melee weapons.
More starship designs from the DTNE contest.
A tool similar to Valve's "Steam Workshop" for adding new items, ships, and Foundry resources into Star Trek Online. Some items could be purchased from the C-Store, with creators of approved creations receiving a Zen or Dilithium grant. (This would most likely be a more long-term goal, however.)
i want a t5 d5 battlecruiser. it would be no more then a destroyer with 25th century standards and technolagy. but making a d5 thats not t5 or fleet would hurt kdf sales. i want to fly this all the time. i would also pay any price for it.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
Enterprise Maco Outfits
Boff Costume Slots
T5 Connie and NX
More Costumes - Every costume that is shown on screen.
Lobi items in C-store or just sell Lobi packs
I had been thinking myself recently about a TNG bundle, and how this could probably be applied to just about every era/series etc in the show. Face it, us Trekkies tend to have pretty specific ideas about what our characters, ships etc should look like, either for sake of canon, immersion or homage to our favourite aspects of Trekdom!
Another "bundle" I was thinking about would be the likes of:
"Movie era bundle":
- TWOK and TMP uniforms (with appropriate TWOK rank pins, obviously!)
- Connie refit interiors and bridge
- Maybe a Khan-style genetic engineered duty/bridge officer?
An earlier post here suggested a full on TWOK bundle with engineer uniform, heavy away team jacket etc- phenomenal idea!
We really will spend the cash for the right ideas, there is a lot of money for cryptic/ PWE to make by simply pandering to our whims for vanity and Role Playing items.
Ditto, with the new traits and all. I'm starting to wish my Alien was a human in terms of code, especially since he's supposed to be 3/4ths human.
Not to say the other ideas are bad - some are quite good - just thought I'd plug this one.
2. Ability to play as Human/Vulcan Hybrid; like Spock.
3. Ability to play as Human/Klingon Hybrid; like Bellana,
4. Ability to play as a Ktarian; like hybrid Naomi Wildman, or Etana Jol.
5. Ability to play as a Denobulan; like Doctor Phlox.
6. Voyager Era Bundle.
7. Vulcan ship D'Vahl
8. Vulcan ship T'Plana-Hath
9. A variant of the USS Enterprise-J (from ENT: "Azati Prime")
10. Hirogen hunting vessel for the Romulan faction.
11. Tier 6 ships (I'm dreaming).
BTW does anyone think that $50 is a bit extreme for a couple of ships. I can buy a game for that!
If the price was 1k each I would like a new TOS Constitution for each tier.
That way you have the full phasers and abilities from going up in ranks but can seem to be in command of the same ship through your career.
More purchasable races in each faction.
I would pay to unlock Orions (and their uniforms) for fed or when they come out romulans.
And probably wrong place, but Fed and KDF have Borg as a lifetime racial allowance. Will the romulans too?
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
VOY Interiors
Typhoon Cruiser
Galaxy-class U.S.S. Venture hull option (the one with nacelle phaser strips)
Batches of Fleet Ship Modules
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I'd really love a TWOK pack with more uniforms from that era. i mean 5 movies and numerous appearnces through various series and no love? really?
Maybe some new BO's. How bout them Benzites or maybe a Denobulan?
2. better ships on Kdf side --> sorry but i think you would gain more kdf players with great ships) now a lot only make fed toons because there are a lot of nice fed ships out there
3. More KDF only missions. ( i was really dissapointed when i started my kdf toon when i had the same missions for kdf as i had for Fed (well most of em anyway)).
4. Playable Hirogen race (with hunting missions
5. Ok more storys for fed too
6. zen buyable emote pack
7. zen buyable more hangerslots
8. MKX111 weapons from zen store
Thats all for now folks!
greetings and salutations
I just imagine a ship now with 5 of those auto-turrets.
-An Atrox carrier interior, including the bridge, lounge, transporter room, engineering, science, and crew areas as well as a visitable hangar bay.
-A vulcan d'kyr interior that matches the design of the ship.
-An andorian escort interior suitable for their ships.
-Several orion styled ship interiors for their cruiser lines in the KDF
-Several nausicaan styled ship interiors for their destroyer line in the KDF
-Several gorn styled ship interiors for their science vessel line in the KDF
These can be split into Fed/KDF packs that are seperate, or into individual ship interiors. Of course, they should have been included with these ships in the first place.
After that, I'd like to see some alternate shuttle/smallcraft interiors, though I doubt we'll get that. I'd also like to see these ships get customization options - currently there's no way to change the exterior appearance of a d'kyr, atrox, or any of the nausiccan, gorn, or orion ships.
Phasers from TWoK era (all types)
Additional costume slots for Boffs, that allow use of off duty and formal wear options.
Enterprise shuttle pod.
Engineers Rad Suit and security uniforms from TWoK
Interior sets for NX, Constitution Refit, Excelsior, Ambassador, Galaxy, Intrepid, and Soveriegn.
HAHAHAHAHA sorry funny but yea lack of footwear is an issue for details char. creation.:P
If you do this, I promise I'll make an awesome/hilarious foundry mission featuring it. Prominently.
I also want a proper Fed carrier. The Kitty carrier was nice when it came out, but it's lagging far behind other carriers (Jem Dread and Recluse.) I'd like to see a 3 pack option, each with a different Commander slot. Or, give it bunch of universal slots, so that we can use it how we want. I doubt that'll happen though, since Cryptic stands to make more money if they have a 3 pack.
Finally, I'd like to see fleet status be applied retroactively to C-Store ships. For example, once I buy a fleet ship, I'd like to be able to discharge it, and reclaim the ship with fleet stats from the C-Store. This would only apply to ships that you actually bought, and not ones that were bought with 5 fleet modules.
TNG Galaxy interior/pack
Voyager interior/pack
TNG Romulan uniforms (nice big shoulder pads lol)
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
They have no support.
I second this, it's about time TNG got some proper treatment it did relaunch Trek in 87! There would be no sto w/o TNG
The Feds can have the present my jackal mastiff left me.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Boff Costume Slots
T5 Connie and NX
More Costumes - Every costume that is shown on screen.
Lobi items in C-store or just sell Lobi packs
Another "bundle" I was thinking about would be the likes of:
"Movie era bundle":
- TWOK and TMP uniforms (with appropriate TWOK rank pins, obviously!)
- Connie refit interiors and bridge
- Maybe a Khan-style genetic engineered duty/bridge officer?
An earlier post here suggested a full on TWOK bundle with engineer uniform, heavy away team jacket etc- phenomenal idea!
We really will spend the cash for the right ideas, there is a lot of money for cryptic/ PWE to make by simply pandering to our whims for vanity and Role Playing items.
Any other Bundle ideas?