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[Legacy of Romulus] UI/ HUD Feedback, Suggestions, ETC.



  • daelosprimedaelosprime Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Clock next to the mini-map is completely unreadable now and I depend on it a lot. Most all schemes have this problem but the TNG color theme especially.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not really falling in love with the new UI. Hate to say it but it's too dark and cumbersome.

    BTW, there is a bug with the Romulan Ground BOFFS not showing their BOFF skill icons.
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Don't know if this is the right section, but when selecting a BOFF I have an option for Uhlan, even though I don't have a BOFF named that.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Don't know if this is the right section, but when selecting a BOFF I have an option for Uhlan, even though I don't have a BOFF named that.

    I have this too :)
    Kirk's Protege.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i made a picture to convey my feedback better:


    - Dilithium Store button:
    i have pressed this button ONCE since F2P launched, to get the Andorian Phasers.
    i think if the Dilithium Store would be moved out of the front and re-branded as "Industrial Replicator" it would still be convenient enough, without having a "Store" button in front all the time. Also all items in there are outleveled at Endgame, i really see no reason for a Store that only has Mk X TRIBBLE in it to be at the front all the time.

    - The Minimap UI is resizeable (finally! yay!)
    - this results in more space for buttons, how about dynamically adding buttons depending on size to the bottom menu that are hidden in the (bermuda) triangle menu? PvP queue for example could be added if you make it just a little bigger than default.
    - the icons at the left and right to the minimap could center vertically to make it look better

    - i like to have 2 "bars", think windows Taskbar and Sidebar, the elements on the bottom are the Taskbar, everything to the right is the Sidebar. It would be nice if all the UI elements on the bottom shared the same height / on the side shared the same width and the same transparency.
    ...and if they could dynamically DOCK at each other ... that would be just PIMP. (but the F12 thingy works just fine too, as long as i can resize everything to my liking, not so with the DOff elements)

    - give all the elements the same level of transparency please, the questlog is completely transparent, the DOff blocks are pure black, the minimap ...

    - Interaction Elements:
    the low priority interaction buttons are always odd to place on the screen, cant place them in the center because thats where the default interactions are, on the side they are always in the way or look out of place... i would like to see both Interaction windows collapsed into one window, that is more off to the side instead of blocking the view in the center. Also BOff Popups should NEVER just pop up on their own.

    I think we can all agree that Popups are annoying for multiple reasons
    - decloak bug.... ahem *working as intended behavior* because it is an Interaction (but i didn't interact with it, it interacted with me!)
    - popping up while still at Red Alert, warpcores exploding in your face... BOff starts talking in your face... blocking your view, by default setting even stopping your ship!
    - they are popups, nobody likes popups, that is why we use popup blockers.
    - simple solution, instead of making them pop up in your face, just have them as low priority interactions that i have to CLICK (interact) -> if i decloak then because of it, i can choose the place and time to do so... surely not in firing range of the enemy or with exploding ships around me. If i press ESC / minimize the BOff text window it becomes a low priority interaction anyway, so why not start it like this always?

    Places where this results in too much click work can be smoothed out later (sector space zoning etc. would probably a bit more annoying with an extra click).

    - Loot should (at least as option) always be picked up directly, the loot is for me anyway, there is no reason to have Loot containers or LockBoxes hanging around 3D space if people are just simply too lazy or out of range to pick them up -> see Nukara, it's horrible if 2 or 3 players don't pick up their loot containers!

    Just push everything in the player inventory by default without me needing to interact with it, saves clicks, times, less 3D stuff on the screen that doesn't belong there = a little more FPS, a lot less visual annoyance.
    - no need to choose right now if i want the item or not... i sort inventory out LATER anyway.
    If people don't want that, they can still disable it.

    result = removed loot distractions, removed BOff Popups from being a non interacting interaction breaking cloak, (fixing the situation GAME WIDE with one little change, not changing the "intended" interaction = breaking stealth logic)
    when i actually click on the blinking BOff message to the side... i have the time to read it and have moved out of battle, and more importantly it is now an actual "interaction" instead of a forced interaction.


    Bridge Officer Power Tray to the bottom:
    i think if you would remove the NAMES of the BOffs that would save a lot of pixels in the center of the screen and i could move stuff a bit lower -> more room to see my SHIP.
    Might even be able to zoom in a bit more before hiding the ship behind the UI.

    Shield Bubble:
    if the name of my Ship (i know my ship name! no need for that on the screen...) and that indicator of alive crew would be removed, we would get a simple shield bubble, that could be moved freely around the screen, without the obvious intention to have it on the bottom of the screen -> i'd move it above the BOff Power tray / left of the default Power tray...

    also "alive crew" is not an important value to be awayre of... things like real Impulse speed (the number!), Bonus Defense / Accuracy / DPS boost are much more important and are nowhere on the UI, this indicator only makes people feel like their complete crew is being killed in 3 seconds... i vote for just removing it, it is not like it would impact a lot of things are result in any decisions while inside combat, it just tells you your passive regen... in an odd display of little people icons, without any feel how long it takes... to repair

    The Weapons Box
    a lot of pixels can be saved here
    - it looks just too damn fat if SCI AND Carrier commands are both displayed, it would be real nice if those could be hidden / colapsed, i often don't use those buttons anyway i just want to see if my guns are firing away and the commands that are needed can be used more effectively inside the powertray anyway. -> all optional plz
    - i also don't need those 3 buttons on top of the weapons box... fire all / fire torps whatever that is, can be hidden / removed / don't care.

    - bonus nitpick: in the interaction window, while in Sector Space, i do ALWAYS hide the extra information popout with that little triangle while hovering over a planet. I have the Interaction window in the center of the screen and the extra picture and text (that i really do not look at) is always popping up and hiding my Ship behind it.
    so i hide it
    #1 when this was released we were told that the game would remember if we had hidden it or not, it only remembers until we log out / change characters -> i'd really appreciate it if that window would really remember it permanently.
    #2 the triangle is much harder to hit in the new UI, at least increase the size of the hitbox around that triangle (i can literally already have my mouse over the triangle without the triangle lighting up, it is a small button and the interactive box is even smaller)


    and finally i want to point out AGAIN... that since Season 7 launche the Mouse Overs in the "HUD Options" menu are broken, every time i try to change anything in the HUD Options and save it forgets all the Mouse Overs and they cant be activated again, unless i LOAD UI from a (very very) old save... SOMEBODY FIX THIS ALREADY... PLEASE... so annoying that i can't change stuff without borking the complete UI...
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Not sure if it's the right thread, but can we have the "Undo" button back in the Character Creation/Customization screen?
  • v3nnv3nn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My second name is partly hidden by the HP-bar.
    The name is 6+8 signs long.
    If I target my self, my targets (me) name ends up correctly with ...

    If i speak with the poeple on the market by use of F they answer me with their text in a bubble over their head.
    Its barely noticeable, so I get the impression it doesn't work.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm uneasy with the flashing red that takes over the UI in combat. It is fairly distracting and isn't really telling me anything useful. It even affects dialog boxes that pop up while you haven't quite gotten out of red alert yet. And it defeats the point of my nice cool green interface selection - we are all Klingons in combat.

    At the very least, could we have an option to diasable this effect?
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  • birdofprey17birdofprey17 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like the new UI better than the current one - feels more Trek like. There are only a couple of issues that I've seen so far :

    - You cannot read the clock in most color schemes
    - On the dialog boxes that appear (BOFFs, ship hails), the text is cut off on the left side by one character
    - The chat box keeps opening after I've closed it. This happens whenever the map changes or after a cutscene.

    Keep up the great work !!!
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The chronometer is a little difficult to read. And it is especially troublesome in TNG color scheme. I know you guys can rectify this.
    mikiiy wrote: »
    The tailor needs a button to minimize those preset head bar's.

    I'll never use a preset so those are totally wasted space for me and on my non-widescreen lcd the preview space is way to small to really see what im working on in the tailor without zooming and turning all the time and thats annoying.
    Agreed. It's been mentioned before. And it will be mentioned again. Because it needs to happen.
    reximuz wrote: »
    Now that I am playing even more with the new UI I have additional feedback

    When in the rearrange HUD mode, would it be possible to have the green boxes be more accurate in size and shape of the elements we are rearranging? Its a lot of trial and error currently to move elements around.

    That's an issue with the current Holodeck UI, the boxes don't actually represent the 1 to 1 sizes of the boxes we see. So you always have to move them over slightly more than what the boxes would show you that you have to.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • v3nnv3nn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As I got my first officer, Tovan Khev, I missed the Buttons to change Name and Uniform.
  • aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The hotbar should be expanded to permit additional rows, instead of having them floating around detached. At the very least add one additional rows to the main hotbar.

    Also it could be trimmed down making it much sleaker.

    Interaction Window has an excessive amount of wasted space that could be better used for the dialog section so we don't have to have unnecessary amounts of scrolling.

    Combine so much wasted space there, and the data all regards the ship/shields/Engine power split

    The Throttle bar is unnecessarily huge.

    Singularity Bar, it needs to be split in two or designed. If I have my singularity abilities on the hotbar, I don't need to also see them on the singularity meter window, redundant information clutters the UI for no good reason.

    I believe it's time we also get separate Buff and Debuff windows, with adjustable sizes for larger icons.
  • ryndeaneryndeane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The user interface for me 8/10 liking it so far....the HUD, if that is the way PW sees it going then the selection board for multiple HUD design shown in the opening to the STO site main page is a definite, 7/10....Please give popups screen 'while i do like it, it adds more personality to the game' the ability to be moved in the HUD setup.. :)
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When playing as a Romulan, the dilithium store shows a fed contact. even before you ally with anyone. really needs to be a romulan contact.

    the bridge officer trainer on the romulan flotilla has federation symbols.

    a long standing issue, but can we get some kind of indicator on the main statius screen as to who is in your ground away team? at the moment i have to keep switching screens to see who my away team members are. if there was some kind of indicator it would help with handing out new weapons and armour as to who needs them the most.

    the romulan symbol on the character select screen box for making a brand new character seems to be missing all the time.
  • hyoukihyouki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1. ) When splitting a stack of hypos, I found the slider track to be low enough contrast in the Romulan theme that I kept missing it. Yes, I can grab the slider TRIBBLE, but out of habit I just go to the spot on the track. It also felt like the track itself was narrower than it should have been.

    2.) It's been my opinion for a long time that there needs to be max, min, and perhaps half-stack buttons for these sliders so you can quickly get to the extremes or to the midpoint without futzing with the slider. A field for typing in the exact amount you want would also be appropriate.

    3.) Methods for bulk-purchase of starbase/embassy items that are normally single purchases (photon torpedo launcher Mk 1 x250 takes 750 clicks to buy. Have you guys ever heard of carpal tunnel?!) Possible workaround might be stackable crates of 10 or 25 of these items that you can unpack and contribute without having to go through 750 clicks.
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    naevius wrote: »
    :eek: Are you a wizard?

    Seriously, are these kind of commands listed somewhere I don't know?

    They are. Although credit shouldnt go to me. :)

    Not sure if they are listed in the standard /cmdlist function, but the command input autocomplete sometimes gives some extra hidden functions we never could find elsewhere :D

    From that I can kinda guess the UI is more dynamic then ppl thought, but the implementation was just very badly done, very few stuff that end users could do really. There are still commands missing though I just couldnt find the commands for a specific UI object or the appropriate string to disable a whole UI element im afraid, oh well.
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Those are calculated per individual weapon, not shipwide (because stats on one weapon don't affect other weapons).

    Yes? thats what i said.

    "ACTUAL total Acc/CritH/D per weapon statistics, etcetera."

    Thus, per weapon basis correct and accurate Accuracy/CritH-D values including Weapon Specialization from skill tree, veteran boff buffs, invidual weapon mods etc. [/U]

    Although Shield statistics would be even nicer.
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The front page lists my character as a lieutenant commander when it should say centurion


    also the beam out colour is blue not green when selecting them to enter the game
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    --- Forget it. Deleted My Own Post ---
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Personally I love the Romulan UI guys, neat work however I notice whenever I enter a new area the chat box disappears and I have to bring up the game menu and close said menu for it to reappear, can you fix that please
  • marshal45pwemarshal45pwe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    suaveks wrote: »
    Not sure if it's the right thread, but can we have the "Undo" button back in the Character Creation/Customization screen?


    I'm always trying various character customization settings to see the differences. And then I'll undo them until I find the 'right' settings.

    So I'd really like to see the return of the "Undo" button.
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    [BUG] The department head buttons on my romulan captain don't work in sector space, I have to beam to bridge and click through the console to check their assignments.
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
  • valiant797valiant797 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When I first loaded up my Romulan it went with the TNG scheme, which is what I've been using on my Fed.

    Is the color scheme global? I would assume it wouldn't be. I thought it was weird that a new Romulan character didn't default to, well, default.
    <signature under reconstruction>
    Want cheap commodities? Yeah you do. Commodity Cheat Sheet (includes food and data samples)

    Want to make the game better? Might I suggest this form
  • captainmerzancaptainmerzan Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    the singularity status disappears when you go in sector space, don't know if the is as intended or not
  • rageycage559rageycage559 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I am enjoying the new Romulan UI, I just only have a few suggestions.

    If we can't change the colors at least let us be able to dim the bright green a bit. With the darker greens, the bright has kinda been hurting my eyes. I don't know if anyone had that problem.

    Also I would like to see the health bar tweaked a bit on ground. It is too basic and too square. Much rather prefer the old health bar to this one.

    Also, much kudos as the powers tray feels much more responsive when using a mouse to click on the powers.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    topset wrote: »
    I have this too :)
    Don't know if this is the right section, but when selecting a BOFF I have an option for Uhlan, even though I don't have a BOFF named that.

    The 'Uhlan' are your default Romulan Security Dudes (Green-Shirts??) when you don't have enough BOffs.
    STO Member since February 2009.
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  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm done hitting the ceiling of the Test 1 and I'm really having trouble with the shield strength indicators blending in with the new UI. :(

    Also The DOFF UI, the Uncommon DOFFs blend in too much with the Romulan UI that I can't tell if I'm using a Common or an Uncommon DOFF. Not even sure I could determine Rare or Very Rare DOFFs as well if I had them.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The "Low Priority Interaction" window is smaller now and more friendly to those with smaller screens. Thank you for this change. The ship name in the character selection screen also looks nice.

    Here are some additional problems that I've noticed:

    1. The borders of the "Low Priority Interaction" window do not match those of its green box under "Rearrange HUD". The "Mission Tracker" and "Low Priority Interaction" windows still have a large gap between them even when I rearrange their green boxes to have only a small gap between them.


    Since the "Low Priority Interaction" window grows downward, there is no need for its bottom edge to match that of its green box. But the top, left, and right edges should match.

    See the following post for other HUD elements whose borders don't match those of their green boxes:

    2. In the doff window, the traits in a selected box are hard to read.


    3. The default color of a sent /tell message makes it slightly hard to read. Similarly, the default color of the @handle in a received /tell message makes it slighly hard to read.


    4. In the character selection screen, the captain and boffs still look too dim. Perhaps, they could be illuminated by a light from the front.


    5. In the ground power tray, the icons are partially cut off by their frames, and in shooter mode, by the tray overlay.


    In the space power tray, the icons are also partially cut off by their frames.


    6. Can we get an option to reposition the new mini-contact window? On Holodeck, the mini-contacts appear the same place as the notifications.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Chat needs thiner fonts .Event when you scale the font at 0.85 they still use alot of space compared to their new chat window frame .
  • kurumimorishitakurumimorishita Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i Love The New Ui... Makes Me Want To Reach Up And Touch The Screen... Currently Using The Voyager Sub-palette, It Doesnt Go To Red Alert When In Battle, But It Looks So Pretty... Went Back To Holodeck And Was Sad That I Didnt Have The Shiny Ui.

    This!!! :)
    "We might get pretty singed at that range, but not as singed as they're going to get. Engage."
    - Captain Six of Nine aka Ashley "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell
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