Thanks for the invite! I figured I'd get one since I completely leveled a toon during F2P on tribble and I get all the testing rewards. To bad I just got final approval for a house today (YAY!), I will play us much as I can but I have to move!!!! :rolleyes:
Congrats on both counts - the day you get your home approval is one of the best you get, consider this a fun bonus
Thanks Dan Stahl for the Email Beta Test tonight, I'm letting Tribble Patch up right now and ill check it out tonight making a new Romulan. Ill see the rest of you players on Tribble, @blueamdgamer.
U.S.S. HONDA ODYSSEY NCC-170001-F-Odyssey Class
Commanding Officer: Vice Admiral Maximus@blueamdgamer
Dedication Plaque: "By Any Means Necessary" -Malcolm X
Mm. I like this approach. Once invited, we have a chance to test and provide feedback that - at this point in time, might actually help! As someone whom professionally worked as a QA Tester, I find it very encouraging.
No invites for me - which is no surprise: for some reason I was never ever selected by Cryptic for such (last closed beta that I recall helping with was Mechwarrior Online's) but hey, less work for me! xD
Though one thing I do find unfortunate is the inability of seeing the early storyline of the Romulans. I wanted to participate in Branflakes' latest literary challenge but felt too much in the dark to start out something sound. Then, there's also the writing itself - Kestrel supposedly was heavily inspired from the Rihannsu books, and I was reading through those in preparation for playing the expansion's content.
Received an invite. Thank you very much. I've cancelled all social and family obligations tonight and tomorrow (to be fair, there weren't that many), and I look forward to checking this out.
Thanks again!
Thank you for the T6 Galaxy Class. - I support Tovan Khev. - Please bring back the exploration missions.
Won't know if I get an invite or not since my email address is not correct on my account and I can't change it and customer service *cough* is a joke and hasn't done a damned thing despite lengthy exchanges...
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] ***Disenchanted***
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
Won't know if I get an invite or not since my email address is not correct on my account and I can't change it and customer service *cough* is a joke and hasn't done a damned thing despite lengthy exchanges...
Since the email doesn't actually say you have to do anything, I would think if you were part of the closed beta you would just log on and be surprised. Which actually could be kind of cool.
Let you know more after tribble patches.
(Stands around like the person in the old mervyn's commericial. "open, open, open")
Edit: Although being based on different playing styles I can understand though because I don't ever put all my eggs in one basket so my testing probally might not be what they are looking for.
The Star Trek Online team is happy to announce that Legacy of Romulus is beginning a limited Closed Beta!
The first round of invites are in the process of being sent out. If you receive one of these invites, then the account associated with the email address has been granted access to create a Romulan character on the TRIBBLE test server.
While the first round of invites is limited, we will be adding more accounts as we approach the May 21 release date.
Trouble tickets still the best way to relay test feedback?
Congrats on both counts - the day you get your home approval is one of the best you get, consider this a fun bonus
Patch faster dangit tribble!
I feel your pain. I have a feeling this is going to seem like the longest patch of my life. :P
I know what you mean lol....they need to replicate faster than they are now XD
Can't believe it, thanks!!
Can't wait to get in and try it.
Commanding Officer: Vice Admiral Maximus@blueamdgamer
Dedication Plaque: "By Any Means Necessary" -Malcolm X
No invites for me - which is no surprise: for some reason I was never ever selected by Cryptic for such (last closed beta that I recall helping with was Mechwarrior Online's) but hey, less work for me! xD
Though one thing I do find unfortunate is the inability of seeing the early storyline of the Romulans. I wanted to participate in Branflakes' latest literary challenge but felt too much in the dark to start out something sound. Then, there's also the writing itself - Kestrel supposedly was heavily inspired from the Rihannsu books, and I was reading through those in preparation for playing the expansion's content.
Cheers to you guys!
Thanks again!
Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
"Please note that there is no NDA for this beta."
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
system Lord Baal is dead
Since the email doesn't actually say you have to do anything, I would think if you were part of the closed beta you would just log on and be surprised. Which actually could be kind of cool.
Let you know more after tribble patches.
(Stands around like the person in the old mervyn's commericial. "open, open, open")
Kirk's Protege.
Looks like I am not cool enough either! lol
Edit: Although being based on different playing styles I can understand though because I don't ever put all my eggs in one basket so my testing probally might not be what they are looking for.
Trouble tickets still the best way to relay test feedback?