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Why the repulsors

spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
Something has to be done, we had a moron in our STF that waited for everyone to get lined up then he would get right under donatra and hit his repulsors for the lolz, it turned it from a 5 minute fight tops to a 40 minute snooze fest that is still going on, I am simply refusing to participate anymore in this fight. Something has to be done about this blatant abuse of abilities, seriously either remove them or make it so players can't use them in certain group content like STF's it sucks that this is an issue because they have there uses, but they are abused way to much, and it punishes the entire community.
Post edited by spork87 on


  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Seriously? You have one bad experience and post this?

    1. In Donatra's stf the repulsors are excellent for those of us who guard the gates/time portal, we can keep the probes back in an emergency, there have been several times where I would have let a probe through the portal if I hadn't had repulsors, I have yet to let a single probe through btw.

    2. You are trying to punish the entire community by demanding, no you are not asking this is demanding, that an ability YOU have a problem with be removed or altered from the game.

    3. Also by refusing to try and finish the stf you are just coming of as a child who quits playing because he doesn't get his way. Leave the stf don't just sit back complaining.

    I normally don't respond to these dumb posts but I have seen so many lately that I am burning and I just had to this time.

    Edit: Edited for sensitivity and so I don't have the mods chewing on my soul.
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    TBR is the #1 troll ability. Whenever I see someone using it in anything but fleet actions I stay away from them because chances are they just want to TRIBBLE people off.
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    Seriously? You have one bad experience and post this?

    1. In Donatra's stf the repulsors are excellent for those of us who guard the gates/time portal, we can keep the probes back in an emergency, there have been several times where I would have let a probe through the portal if I hadn't had repulsors, I have yet to let a single probe through btw.

    2. You are trying to punish the entire community by demanding, no you are not asking this is demanding, that an ability YOU have a problem with be removed or altered from the game.

    I normally don't respond to these dumb posts but I have seen so many lately that I am burning and I just had to this time.

    I dont mind on the probes but the actual dontra fight itself at the end was 40 minutes, and no this isn't the first time, this is just the last straw, this ability is abused way to much by way to many people who think its funny to ruin everyone elses fun. I see this in 1 out of every 3 STF's im in and the others its always someone who doesnt know how to use them that pushes stuff towards where it isnt supposed to go, lost an infected bonus because a moron pushed the nanite spheres to the generator.

    This means either around 10-20% of the playerbase is stupid, they are trolls or both.

    it is not funny when 4 tacs all go in to do there alpha strike and one guy repulses the enermy totally out of there firing arc TRIBBLE up the fight, then flying to within 4km just to make her cloak on purpose, that is not funny, that is not fun, that is a blatant abuse of game mechanics
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Repulsors primary uses

    Repulsors are a first line response to heavy torpedoes , mines , tortured souls and other "tiny spam" that is too small to easily see and target

    They can also break an enemy tractor beam hold
    Spread out spawn campers
    Break the Tholian cage
    shift zeroed ships away from you before they explode
    hold / delay probes and move turrets out of position

    They are a canon part of the Game.

    As to "lining up" to hit donatra
    you can get group vaped if you do that

    Wolf pack
    Live long and Prosper
  • captainmal3captainmal3 Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't think repulsors should be removed, because they ARE useful at times, but that doesn't change the fact that they're an enormous trolling tool. It doesn't help that even among those who aren't trolling, half the people who have it just spam it for whatever reason rather than using it tactically.

    I'm not sure what cryptic could do about it though. Removing the small damage portion might at least stop some of the spammers, but that won't stop the trolls.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sollvax wrote: »
    Repulsors primary uses

    Repulsors are a first line response to heavy torpedoes , mines , tortured souls and other "tiny spam" that is too small to easily see and target

    They can also break an enemy tractor beam hold
    Spread out spawn campers
    Break the Tholian cage
    shift zeroed ships away from you before they explode
    hold / delay probes and move turrets out of position

    They are a canon part of the Game.

    You forgot the most common usages

    Push bosses out of Gravity Wells an Warp Plasmas
    Push enemies out of range and make you waste half of your buffs
    Spread out enemy groups so that Scattery Volleys and Torpedo Spreads are almost pointless
    Push exploding ships into your face

    Either most of the users are exceedingly stupid or they just love to troll.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Spread can be fatal to lower ranked captains (and any/all escorts) when the reprisals occur

    No one is a Troll
    we do not call people Trolls

    some people are a tiny bit "mirror universe" and don't care if you live or die
    its also possible you are code 5 (do not assist) for some reason (being in one of three well known "goon" fleets being called "wesley" "janeway" or "kirk") and are being deliberately allowed to die for it

    but thats unlikely
    Live long and Prosper
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    abaddon653 wrote: »

    Edit: Edited for sensitivity and so I don't have the mods chewing on my soul.


  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    I dont mind on the probes but the actual dontra fight itself at the end was 40 minutes

    This alone tells me that you had a very weak team (in terms of firepower) + possibly with team members that had multiple unhealed injuries .
    In short 40 minutes is just insain and can in no way be blamed on the misuse of a single ability .
    This means either around 10-20% of the playerbase is stupid, they are trolls or both.

    Those are some conservative numbers ... . :P
    then flying to within 4km just to make her cloak on purpose, that is not funny, that is not fun, that is a blatant abuse of game mechanics

    Since they have reworked how Donatra fights (last week) , I'm not sure that the 5km rule applies anymore as she now cloaks a lot more frequently regardless of what you do .
  • auriciusauricius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just hit ignore and/or don't do PUGs anymore. Simple as that.
  • nithanathnithanath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just was in a Cure Elite with a Repulsors guy. I attacked a Negh'Var from behind and took down his aft shield. Then it was pushed away by the repulsors. I turned and took down the side shield and it was pushed again. I turned again and took out the front shield and could finally shoot he Negh'Var's hull.

    While repulsors can indeed be useful for zone denial it is just a pain if people push things out of your firing arc.

    I'm sure the player had good intentions but the use of TBR was completely unnecesssary in this situation.
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    This alone tells me that you had a very weak team (in terms of firepower) + possibly with team members that had multiple unhealed injuries .
    In short 40 minutes is just insain and can in no way be blamed on the misuse of a single ability .

    Those are some conservative numbers ... . :P

    Since they have reworked how Donatra fights (last week) , I'm not sure that the 5km rule applies anymore as she now cloaks a lot more frequently regardless of what you do .

    I don't disagree my team was weak, I stopped DPSing when she was at 4% to make this post, came back to the fight and she was 13% with full shields. But it would have at least been better had he not abused this mechanic
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Pushing a boss should not significantly increase the time needed to defeat it. Just fly after it.

    It's a shame all the NPC ships in STO move like molasses in winter. The playerbase is completely unprepared for handling moving targets in PvE.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    warpangel wrote: »
    Pushing a boss should not significantly increase the time needed to defeat it. Just fly after it.

    It's a shame all the NPC ships in STO move like molasses in winter. The playerbase is completely unprepared for handling moving targets in PvE.

    Because enemies in PvP tend to move backwards or sideways at 100+ impulse speed?
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    At this point they are one of the few science powers that both work like canon and actually do some decent damage when properly specced for particle builds so they are actually essential.

    I'd suggest that the devs fix it in this manner.

    Make it so that the points post 99 in graviton emitters affect how far objects can be pushed.

    You see that would eliminate the extreme pushback we're seeing and allow these be used like some of us use them.

    Here's how it works, sci captains (or any other) that use these stack particle generator consoles. These wouldn't affect the pushback but would increase the kinetic damage. If the pushback was nerfed at level 99 to barely push things away say 500 instead of 1k/sec then they'd keep their damage potential (actually it would improve the damage potential because it wouldn't push enemies too far) and it would still allow for that short interrupt we get when using it.

    I propose the devs fix this power by increasing the damage potential and lowering the pushback according to how people stack consoles on their ships post 99 score in graviton emitters.

    Oh and regarding the leetist comments on how weak his team was, you do realize there's something wrong with the normal version of Donatra right now right? That she's behaving in a normal instance like she should in an elite instance which causes people to have an enormously long fight with her? There's multiple threads on the subject.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Granted the "Repulsor scenario" can be anoying at times, but it dosen't really happen that often.

    There is nothing more anoying than knowing that you, as a well-specced tac, can take 5-10% of a enemy boss, you wait 4 mins for the cooldowns to complete, Line up the enemy, pop all the skills and then... Repulsed out of range by a intrepid...

    But when I think of it, it happens one out of a hundred times...
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    At this point they are one of the few science powers that both work like canon and actually do some decent damage when properly specced for particle builds so they are actually essential.

    I'd suggest that the devs fix it in this manner.

    Make it so that the points post 99 in graviton emitters affect how far objects can be pushed.

    You see that would eliminate the extreme pushback we're seeing and allow these be used like some of us use them.

    Here's how it works, sci captains (or any other) that use these stack particle generator consoles. These wouldn't affect the pushback but would increase the kinetic damage. If the pushback was nerfed at level 99 to barely push things away say 500 instead of 1k/sec then they'd keep their damage potential (actually it would improve the damage potential because it wouldn't push enemies too far) and it would still allow for that short interrupt we get when using it.

    I propose the devs fix this power by increasing the damage potential and lowering the pushback according to how people stack consoles on their ships post 99 score in graviton emitters.

    Oh and regarding the leetist comments on how weak his team was, you do realize there's something wrong with the normal version of Donatra right now right? That she's behaving in a normal instance like she should in an elite instance which causes people to have an enormously long fight with her? There's multiple threads on the subject.

    worse elite kitomer, and lets see how my team behaved, she'd unloak and everyone would be in front of her and fly in a straight line at her and blow up. besides repulsor guy the others for one reason or another all 4 of them couldnt lower a single shield facing, they always targeted the probes even when she wasn't cloaked. I managed to take down her sheilds 12 times only to have her pushed away from me 12 times.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Slap a 5 minute CD on all TBR powers.

    That should clear out most of the abusers as they are impatient.
  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It would also restrict the use of a perfectly viable CC and damage mechanic to only 2 times per STF. No thank you.

    I don't often use the skill, as it's a tad too situational for me, but there's little enough sci direct damage powers as it is.

    Besides, if you use the skill at little aux power it still does all of its damage, without the pushback, I think. Interesting little tidbit.
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I started a thread ages ago expressing the total utter carnage that comes with repulsive repulsor use.

    You get a clear shot at a target, power up all your powers and go to fire and Mr Noobstick lets off a repulsive. Grrrrrrr. Especially annoying in Infected Elite when you need to bunch up all the spheres so the team can blast them with mass attack powers. The only power useful is Gravity well. Or a power which slows them not pushes them away. With Donatra she needs to be zapped with a Gravity well so the team can pound her with tons of fire before she cloaks.

    Repulsors have no place, repeat NO PLACE DAMMIT! In STF.

    Watching people use repulsors reminds me of that You Tube clip where some idiot gives a Chimpanzee a loaded AK47. Carnage.

    Repulsors cooldown should be trebled.
    Anyone who uses a repulsor shouls have the word Noob appear above their ship.
    And a all engine power is drained dry for a min. Leaving them open to attack.
    repulsors also increases aggro towards the using player 1000%
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Someone who is good with the power would be able to use it to it's fullest with a 5 minute CD.

    Someone who is just using it to make people mad would not.

    There are plenty of powers with long CDs in this game, TBR should join that list.

    Mages still have plenty of other "spells" to use.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Perhaps we should also put a 5 minute cool down on DHC's

    Because there you are close engaged (nearly hull to hull) and some complete riker in an escort comes in and zeroes you (blows up the enemy vessel and you with it )
    Live long and Prosper
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have to agree with Spork on this one. I quite literally have never seen anyone use TBR properly (or "usefully") the entire time I've been playing the game. I've been around since beta, and not once have I seen intelligent use of it. Most of the time, it's someone deliberately being a nuisance.

    Crowd control mechanics should slow and cluster enemies, not spread them out and push them faster than you can fly. Seeing a science ship pop evasive maneuvers and push an enemy group 20km out is just plain stupid.
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sollvax wrote: »
    Perhaps we should also put a 5 minute cool down on DHC's

    Because there you are close engaged (nearly hull to hull) and some complete riker in an escort comes in and zeroes you (blows up the enemy vessel and you with it )

    Go for it I don't use em. :D
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sollvax wrote: »
    Perhaps we should also put a 5 minute cool down on DHC's

    Because there you are close engaged (nearly hull to hull) and some complete riker in an escort comes in and zeroes you (blows up the enemy vessel and you with it )

    You must be one of the TBR trolls, as evidenced by your poorly-thought-out thought which doesn't correlate in gameplay. If you're not using DHCs, it is in your best interest to stay a few km away from your target at all times, not only to have room to maneuver, but also to dampen their weapons somewhat. Hull-hugging without cannons provides a net LOSS in combat because it becomes more difficult to rotate shield facings, keep weapon arcs, and is especially bad for science captains who need the deflector facing.
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    eulifdavis wrote: »
    You must be one of the TBR trolls, as evidenced by your poorly-thought-out thought which doesn't correlate in gameplay. If you're not using DHCs, it is in your best interest to stay a few km away from your target at all times, not only to have room to maneuver, but also to dampen their weapons somewhat. Hull-hugging without cannons provides a net LOSS in combat because it becomes more difficult to rotate shield facings, keep weapon arcs, and is especially bad for science captains who need the deflector facing.

    Hear hear. I use my Ambassador, Jem Dread Carrier/ Exselsior retro. I have all single beams and wide quantum torps. With The Ambassador i can GWell spheres then follow up with a plasma gas run. Torp spread, Fire at Will. Nice bit of support for my escort cannon buddies. cant do that when spheres are blasted all over the map by repulsor lunatics.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    eulifdavis wrote: »
    You must be one of the TBR trolls, as evidenced by your poorly-thought-out thought which doesn't correlate in gameplay. If you're not using DHCs, it is in your best interest to stay a few km away from your target at all times, not only to have room to maneuver, but also to dampen their weapons somewhat. Hull-hugging without cannons provides a net LOSS in combat because it becomes more difficult to rotate shield facings, keep weapon arcs, and is especially bad for science captains who need the deflector facing.

    so you are one of the Rikers who zeroes people

    Mines are dropped most effectively point blank

    likewise plasma

    there is no excuse for an escort to engage a ship already under attack
    Live long and Prosper
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sollvax wrote: »

    there is no excuse for an escort to engage a ship already under attack

    OK we'll let you handle the Tac cube all by yourself then. We'll sit back refine our dill as you get butchered 20 times. :D
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • eulifdaviseulifdavis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    sollvax wrote: »
    there is no excuse for an escort to engage a ship already under attack

    ... so escorts are supposed to sit and watch the whole time? :rolleyes:

    You've got issues, mate. I think you need to spend some time learning what it means to cooperate and play as a team. Just because you're shooting a ship doesn't automatically mean it is solely your domain and target. You should be grateful someone else (escort, cruiser, science ship; doesn't matter) came over to give you a hand, even if you feel you don't need it. Concentrated fire shortens the combat, allowing you more time to move to the next encounter or wait for cooldowns.

    As a side note, if you're flying too close to an enemy ship, and with such low hull strength that its warp core breach kills you, then you may want to re-evaluate your tactics.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Two points I want to make:

    1) Some people use a power incorrectly and to the detriment of the run (and yes I have seen it myself, although usually through pure idiocy rather than trolling) and it should be disabled for certain content or removed from the game?


    Here's a thought - don't blind PuG STFs. If you don't have mates or a fleet that haven't all burned out on the grind, use an STF chat channel. At least that way you can keep tab on who's either a troll, or too stupid to know when it is and isn't a good time to use TBR, and avoid grouping with them.

    This is supposed to be an MMO isn't it? You know, where like minded people band together to play the game?

    Yes, they could change it so Donatra specifically isn't pushable, but that still won't stop people from trolling. If someone's enough of a troll that they're prepared to push Donatra around for half an hour, then they'll do (or at least try to do) the same to a cluster of Nanite Spheres.

    2) (For clarity, this point is about people just not having the intelligence to use TBR correctly, cos that does happen quite a bit too, rather than people trolling).

    The fact that a situational ability like TBR sees sufficient use in STFs for people using it wrong to be worthy of discussion at all says a lot about how worthless other high-end Sci BOff powers are, imo. I run one on my Sci and I use it at most twice per STF. That should be a total waste of a slot, but it isn't because nearly anything else I'd put there (I already run two GWs) would be used even less. If the Devs are to change anything off the back of this, it should be to make other Sci powers more useful, especially in STFs where nearly anything other than pure ability to inflict damage is irrelevant.

    Maybe, just maybe, if there was an effective option for your Lt. Commander & Commander Sci abilities other than Grav Well or TBR, players who haven't got a clue how to use TBR properly might be less likely to run it.
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