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Why the repulsors



  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So because an ability happens to be useful to trolls as well as other people it needs to be removed from the game? That's one of the dumber things I've seen on these forums. There are dozens of other ways for trolls to interfere with the game, the only reason to remove this particular one is that the complainer doesn't make use of its useful capabilities, so it's painless to them and apparently no one else matters. Can this thread just be deleted from the forums? It reflects very badly on the community.
  • moronwmachinegunmoronwmachinegun Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just replace repulsive with gravity well, I love grav well, I use it often, heck when the timer is running low I'll pull out EVERYTHING I have that does damage!

    Gravwell is a lt.cmdr ability, TBR is only a lt. ability. I use TBRs very effectively to carry STFs in my cruiser builds. I don't bother with EWP, I use DEM3 instead for the extra DPS. A well placed TBR keeps nanite spheres away from the transformer and saves the optional.

    And as someone pointed out, TBR has many uses outside of nanite spheres. I use it when I engage cubes to make sure their HYT pop before hitting me, as well as another DPS source when on the transformers or the gate.

    If you can't finish/carry the STF because of a griefer, leave the STF and switch toons. Simple enough.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Why not make it so that Repulsors don't push back bosses just like they don't push back Cubes? Let them still do the same damage just not that annoying push back of bosses. This would make them still good to use against bosses but would stop people from annoying other players even when all the others ask them to please stop.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2013
    spork87 wrote: »
    flying to within 4km just to make her cloak on purpose, that is not funny, that is not fun, that is a blatant abuse of game mechanics

    "Inconveniences you" IS NOT THE SAME as "Blatant abuse of game mechanics"

    Rather in this case, it's the opposite. Flying outside 4km to prevent her from decloaking is and always has been a 'blatant abuse of game mechanics'
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    theodrim wrote: »
    I'd lay dollars to donuts what's really going on, is you're trying to "tank" her as closely to 5km as you can, which would put her one lag spike, or a rogue knockback torpedo or power, away from cloaking anyways. Before her behavior change (intended or not), the cloak was dependent upon her proximity to her target -- which would be, if you're a tenth as good as you claim to be, you.

    I run two diffrent toons, one is my tactical which this happened on, the other is my engineer, both are out fitting quite well, I tank on my Engineer and when I tank dontra on my engy, I do it by flying circles between 8 and 9.5km around her
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I use repulsors alot in my sci build because of the damage, its epic with a shockwave and iso build. Still, of course this inconveniences some, namely tacs that get all pissy because their uber kumari 150000000000k build doesnt get to blow whatever target we share died when i moved it out of range and killed it.

    Sorry to inconvenience an escort captain, but hey, now they know how it feels ;) I dont think i shoulf change my effective build or playstyle because it inconveniences some. Afterall, tacs have been inconveniencing scis since time immemorial, what with blowing up everything before we have a chance to.

    This is Star Trek: Online not Star Trek: Escorts Online, despite Cryptics distorted regard for the game.
    Lag Watch:
    Delta Rising: Warning
    Anniversary Event: Severe
    Iconian Season: Critical
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ozy83 wrote: »
    I use repulsors alot in my sci build because of the damage, its epic with a shockwave and iso build. Still, of course this inconveniences some, namely tacs that get all pissy because their uber kumari 150000000000k build doesnt get to blow whatever target we share died when i moved it out of range and killed it.

    Sorry to inconvenience an escort captain, but hey, now they know how it feels ;) I dont think i shoulf change my effective build or playstyle because it inconveniences some. Afterall, tacs have been inconveniencing scis since time immemorial, what with blowing up everything before we have a chance to.

    This is Star Trek: Online not Star Trek: Escorts Online, despite Cryptics distorted regard for the game.

    because the escort can kill it faster, I don't get pissy on my engy when I don't get the KB on my cruisers, I'm glad they have the DPS to nuke anything they look at
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thats you, not me.

    This is Star Trek: Online, not Star Trek: Escorts Online
    Lag Watch:
    Delta Rising: Warning
    Anniversary Event: Severe
    Iconian Season: Critical
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Reading this thread has made me curious to see what would happen if a team of 5 was to spend the entire match using Donatra for a Hockey puck. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • erockererocker Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Reading this thread has made me curious to see what would happen if a team of 5 was to spend the entire match using Donatra for a Hockey puck. :D

    I've seen it done! In my instance she pretty much got pushed down to the planet below, got stuck there and... you know the rest.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't think most people understand just how easily one can troll with abilities like TBR. And I don't mean minor annoyance trolling I mean

    Shoving the nanite spheres foward to kill ISE optional
    Shoving probes into the portal for KASE optional
    Maxing AUX and using EM to push a boss 20ish km every so often
    Using above to 'hide' a mob into a dark corner of the map so it cannot finish

    Yeah. Only saving grace is that STO doesn't have a very large troll population.
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Now be thankful this game isn't the Starfleet-painted EVE some players want it to be...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    erocker wrote: »
    I've seen it done! In my instance she pretty much got pushed down to the planet below, got stuck there and... you know the rest.
    I may have read it but... not recently enough to remember it.
    bareel wrote: »
    I don't think most people understand just how easily one can troll with abilities like TBR. And I don't mean minor annoyance trolling I mean

    Shoving the nanite spheres foward to kill ISE optional
    Shoving probes into the portal for KASE optional
    Maxing AUX and using EM to push a boss 20ish km every so often
    Using above to 'hide' a mob into a dark corner of the map so it cannot finish

    Yeah. Only saving grace is that STO doesn't have a very large troll population.
    The counterpoint here is that there are a wide variety of ways that someone can achieve the same effect WITHOUT using TBR. Blowing optionals to troll the other players is pitifully easy. In KA, you can do it simply by pretending to shoot at the probes, but having your power set to maximize shields. ISE... heh, shooting at the borg to annoy them and then running off to annoy more Borg is a good way. And then there's the Kang.....

    The reasons you see very few trolls in STO is that this game doesn't reward people for backstabbing their team. One thing from Diablo 2 as that if a team mate died you could loot them.... um yeah.... great incentive to let them die isn't it?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • crowangel666crowangel666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry man, but you are forgetting about the people like me who use repulsors as an effective weapon and defence ability.

    1. Its great to get rid of of fighters.
    2. Keeps Dontra away from you if she tries to sneak to you and stops her cloaking. Although make sure you don't push her towards a team member. lol
    3. Great against heavy torps and mines.
    4. When someone thinks its funny to try and kill the STF Infected space mission, i fly over use a gravity well and PUSH unwanted Nanite Spheres away, giving the rest of the team time to nuke the transformer.
    5. Prevent an enemy nuking a team member, by pushing them away and tanking. Useful for the Hive Elite STF optional bonus.

    Repulsors are in a sense a short ranged point laser defence system or beam fire a will, and just as damaging. I don't use beam fire at will, pointless for my set up, but thats me and am not gonna TRIBBLE and moan and make demands to have it removed. Simply put if you don't like it don't use it and get over it.
    If your bothered by a team member using it on dontra, play with fleet members and decide to stay on one of dontra sides and keep pushing her away, no risk of her cloaking. STFs are better with fleet members.
  • kalavierkalavier Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    eulifdavis wrote: »
    That was not the case here. Go back and read the OP. He spent 40 MINUTES fighting Donatra before giving up to complain. That fight shouldn't last more than 15 minutes for even a mediocre group. The guy with TBR was deliberately messing up the run, since 40 minutes is MORE than enough time to realize a mistake and discover that repulsing her doesn't help one bit.

    and IIRC, he also stated they had her down to 4% hull, but instead of grinding her down to dead, then posting, he went and posted and did NOTHING to help his team, and came back to her stronger.

    Now if she was around 50% or higher and not going down, I could understand that. But at 4%? Just frakking finished the boss off THEN *****.
    eulifdavis wrote: »
    I always see people throw this "solution" around, like it solves all problems and complaints. I thought I'd answer it simply here:

    I'm not in high school anymore. I have no interest in social groups ("cliques"). The STF channels are full of them, and I'm friends with quite a number of people who all report the same bad experiences.

    So... why don't you simply do STF's only with the friends you know are good at the missions? Bam, instant solution to pugging problems.
  • theodrimtheodrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I've seen way more people intentionally blow the optional by bursting down a generator on the opposite side of where everyone else is going, before anyone else can react, than by TBR'ing spheres/probes towards the transformer and whatnot.

    By OP's logic, Cryptic should remove tac officers' and escorts' ability to alpha strike because it can be -- and regularly is -- used to troll. Not one word about that, though -- all the hate's reserved for the science vessel fliers.
    Somebody getting uppity about canon? No problem! Just take a deep breath, and repeat after me:

    Spock's Brain.
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