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Ask Cryptic: March 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • rreubenrreuben Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with more and more fleets reaching tier 5, will there be a way for people to click on a player in a fleet and get a info sheet on the fleet they are in, from there tier to who the Officers of the fleet are. and will we ever see a ranking system for fleets?
    ***IcarusElite.org***R'C, 1 of 3, Dr. Bellet(FED)-Pal'Kin, Lihop, Casya(KDF) LVL 50.***Jan '08 Account I EARNED my 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! LTS = Death to Vet. System: 10/10/12 Never Forget Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    William Ware Theiss was an integral part of Star Trek history, when will we see more of his work in STO?
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello Dan,

    I have a question about tickets and quality assurance.

    I purchased my Fleet Excelsior four months ago and have never been able to alter its appearance. I submitted a ticket on day once and subsequent occasions after that. Two months ago, I finally received a message that the ticket was sent to QA, since then I have heard nothing. From conversations with other STO players, waiting for long periods of time for responses and even longer/never for updates/fixes. What should player expectations be with tickets regarding these bugs/problems?

    Another question regarding beam weapons, namely beam arrays and weapon drain/damage.

    Most of the players I know are not looking for beams to be on par with dual heavy cannons/ dual cannons, but more satisfying than they are now. Can there be a testing apparatus where players and dev's are involved? Many cruiser/sci players have not happy with the multi-beam energy drain and lower damage characteristics they have been experiencing. I think that an opportunity for players to discuss and show concerns in a real-time online manner would be beneficial for both sides.
  • nail83nail83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    With the creation of the Romulan fraction, will we have access to the Hirgoens the species at the beginging and their ships later on. Kinda of like with the Klinks we have Orion, Gorn, etc. Seeing as how the Hirogens were allied with the Romulans in the game already?
  • sharpie65sharpie65 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will there be anything like the alternate universe Voyager i.e. the warship Voyager depicted by the Kyrians in VOY: Living Witness, or the alternate timeline U.S.S. Enterprise?
  • chivs116chivs116 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) Will we see a "Spacedock" update in which can dock in the inside bays?

    2) Graphic update ideas....the ships with more then 2 warp nacelle's will we see a warp glow/flash on all of them instead of just two?

    3) On the trailer for the Fleet Base's you showed a planet(s) near the base.. will we see a planet added to base sector?

    4) Can we see an "exchange" on the fleet base?

    Vice Admiral Chivers - U.S.S Horatio Caine NCC-92966-A
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will we get better ship interiors - something I've wanted for a long time - with things like shuttlebays, holodecks, customizable layouts, and seeing our doffs walking around?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Anything new coming regards to dx11 support i.e tesselation for planets, asteroids etc.
    2. Physx, better support for explosions and effects? Maybe dynamic damage on ships possibly with it i.e nacelle blown off go back to starbase for repair?
    3. Ok so kdf starts at level 1, how many new story missions i.e not FE missions but normal missions will be coming to fill in the 1-21 areas. Not bothered about progression just want a nice selection of story to play in with my kdf for someone whos at max level kdf but felt missed out on story for early levels etc due to new 1-21 being opened up in may.
    4. How many romulan story missions do they get at launch in may, 10, 20, 30? to fill out 1-50 levels or are you just having none or very little and hoping endgame is enough?
    5. With the expansion coming, what technical updates are coming that have been developed for the expansion. If any, can you talk about some of the engine updates.
    6. How will new romulous fit with the new romulan faction? Presumably that would have made a nice homeworld social zone for romulans only but its currently open to feds and kdf due to the nature of the help been given to the new settlers on this planet. If this is not the new homeworld then i ask where would the homeworld be.
    7. Will there be a romulan fleet system i.e romulan stations.
    8. Will there be new romulan territory to explore (not tau sectors) but expand the galaxy map more north east with more romulan sectors?
    9. With that previous question it seems to me the kdf territory space is still quite small at about 6 sectors, this would be nice if kdf space was expanded to show their true territory they hold which is quite large in trek lore. Any idea when kdf might get more sectors?
    10. New bad guys in may, interesting, what can you tell us about them, they seem like they could be a tough species with their style of ships.
    11. So May has the first official expansion for sto, will you be making more of these types of expansions they seem better than the past seasons that sto have done in the past i.e more content and 1.5 factions added i.e full romulans and finished the kdf. So the question is will this be more regular i.e 2 expansions per year if it takes about 6 months each or maybe 1 expansion and 1 or 2 seasons per year or have you not decided yet?
    12. With the romulans added what can we expect to see in the cstore on day 1 of launch. Also will kdf have more cstore items in May like constumes, bridges, species, bundles, etc?
    13. Will you still be staffing up or are you settled on the amount of ppl you have now. If you now have the staff to do 1 expansion pack how many more would you need to make 2 expansion packs per year mwhahaa (evil smile). :)
    14. Borg only STFs and endgame badguys. While they have served well for 3 years since sto has come out, is it not now time to think about new challanges new stfs with a new badguy race to fight designed for 5 man teams that have normal and elite modes. As someone who has done god knows how many elite stfs, it would be nice to have that content but something new like undine stfs, dominion stfs, etc.
    15. It doesnt look like its happening in May but have you considered adding a new role to the game, we have sci, tac, eng. It would be nice if this was expanded a bit more and maybe have them more focused for roles more as tbh as it is now, its not very different between the 3 at the mo except a few leveling up powers.
  • gavroche12gavroche12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    First of all, sweetness, this 'update' looks awesome

    1. After the release of the may update will fed/klingon (I assume klingon can at the moment) toon's still be able to get Romulan Boff's and Doff's from there embassies'?


    a) A few times over the past few months you've mentioned (or I've read one of the devs mention) improved functionality for ship interior's, has there been any update on this. If I remember correctly someone on the dev team said that interior's (bridges bought from c-store) are the lowest selling 'item'. Increased functionality inside our ships would a) be cool, and b) actually get people to use there bridges.

    b) Also would it be possible to get some of the 'alien ships' interiors, while the bridges are cool, actually being able to explore the ship is sweet.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will we be getting a re-trait token this update?

    With a new faction I know some have made a Romulan with the Alien creator (like my son) will it be possible to transfer them to the new faction or any other faction and change their species to the real McCoy? Would be good for down the track when (or if) you do a Cardassian faction.

    Will we see Fek'hlr STF's, more Fek'hlr missions for the KDF and maybe some Hur'Q for the KDF?
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. We are now able to start KDF characters at Level 1. Will there be more single player missions added to help with leveling? If so can we expect to have a number comparable to the Federation experience?
    2. Will the Romulan Faction be launching with a fully developed set of PvE single player missions comparable in number to the Federation set?
    3. The KDF faction noticeably lacks a line of dilithium Science vessels. Will the Romulan faction likewise lack one of the basic cruiser/escort/science ship lines with its dilithium/free ships?
    4. The "Legacy of Romulus" page says that we will be able to create Romulan and Reman captains. With the exception of the "Alien" race will there be any other races available for the Romulan faction at launch, either for free or purchasable from the C-Store?
    5. Will the Romulan faction be getting their own versions of the costume, ship material, and ship Veteran Rewards that are available to Federation and KDF captains?
    6. At end-game will Romulan captains be able to access the STFs and Task Force Omega reputation system? If so, will they get their own unique Space and Ground sets (A Praetorian Guard to match the Klingon Honor Guard and MACO?)
    7. Will Romulan captains of an appropriate level be able to utilize Temporal Science Vessels, Time Shuttles, and/or Temporal Destroyers?
    8. If the updated trait system works as you hope, is there a chance that we might see it applied in some way to BOFFs in order to allow us to upgrade and more fully customize our away teams and bridge crew?
    9. Will the May update see any of the bugs that have long plauged the KDF's story missions fixed/resolved?
  • wmcarsonwmcarson Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is some hesitation amongst myself and fellow officers in my fleet in having to support another faction specific fleet. That is a lot of time/money/effort (although not saying it's not worth it pending what the *assumed* Romulan Starbase would have in its provision stores)

    Has there been any plans laid or any more thought put into the concept of cross-faction fleets, something that would allow say my new Romulan character to still team w/ fleetmates, chat w/ fleetmates in general fleet chat and more?

    Edit: ps sorry if somebody else asked this and if i'm stealing their thunder ;P
    |William@wmcarson|Starfleet Reserve|www.StarfleetReserve.com
  • alphastrikealphastrike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    With all the new content, can we get a wipe and start fresh in May?
  • cobanatorcobanator Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Now that the Romulans faction is coming and the klingons is becoming a full race, What are the plans for Expanding and working on the PvP system ans when can we begin to see some stuff be release to the game.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My main question is about which races will be playable in the Romulan Republic. Obviously I would like a complete list, but I have a more specific question.

    Will Vendorians be playable? As seen in Divide et Impera, the RSE controlled their home system and built a medical research base there. Have the Romulans decided to finally allow the Vendorians to be part of the empire/republic? I'd be happy to buy them in the Z-Store. :)
    My character Tsin'xing
  • haurianthauriant Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    --I've always liked Mr. Arex and his Triexian/Edosian species from the Animated Series. I know that even if there aren't rights problems, there might be animation problems for a 3-armed, 3-legged species not built like an Undine, but what are the chances that we could get that species in the game in any way? Doff? Unique seated contact who doesn't have to have walking animation? Though, if possible, C-Store/Lobi Store Bridge Officers would be nice, too.

    --Another species I've been interested in is the Kelvans. Though they appeared in human disguise, the description given in TOS's "By An other Name" was fascinating. Mini-Lovecraftian monstrosities -- Mini for Lovecraftian monstrosities, that is. TOS's, even TNG's, special effects couldn't create them. But you could, and they seem like a fascinating enemy that you could flesh out. Worf bragged that he faced one in battle, so they're still around. I know this couldn't come soon, but have the Kelvans even been on your long-range sensors? Because I think they should be.
  • gespensterjaegergespensterjaeger Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Dear cryptic here is my questions,


    Jem Hadar Dreadnaught and the lock on the hangar pets.
    Why was this done and why did you want the customers so angry ?
    check here http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=527061&page=68
    68 pages of angry people for this ludicris lock on the hangar for the dreadnaguth.
    Normal players cannot get the advanced jem hadat attack ship hangars.
    why release a half ship and half locked to 500 mill ec that no one ever gets ?

    2nd question

    how much will the expansion cost and how will lifetime customers be affected by this.


    klingons got nothing again ? :(
    If only they fix Cloaking bugg :( *new message BOOM decloacked.
  • alienfrombeyondalienfrombeyond Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    With the trait rework, will there be any parts of it that have race specific parts as the current system? If so, will you have some kind of retcon (perhaps as a zen store option) for those that no longer like their race/like a different one more?

    Will the Romulan ships have anything unique about them? Like how KDF has battle cloak, or had the only Carriers for the longest time. Perhaps the Singularity Core ties into this?

    I ask these questions because I am hesitant to continue playing my main character when there is a distinct possibility that come the May Update I might be changing that completely. Investing my playtime from the next 2 months until the update into a character I may not be sticking with in the long run is not my idea of fun.
  • redshirtjohnson#9017 redshirtjohnson Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Questions inbound

    1. We've heard that Khitomer will be a featured location come some time within this new May Update, My question is this, will Camp Khitomer, and there for it's compound which is modeled after Brandeis-Bardin Institute's House of the Book be a visit-able landmark?

    2. Feds have the Caitians, KDF has the Kzinti I mean the Ferasans, can we please get the Vedala for the Rom Faction? I don't care if they are a C(Z)-Store unlock. I just enjoy playing feline like races. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Vedala

    3. Will our currently unlocked items, like our bridges officers be available on the Ron side at launch? will we be able to claim our account wide photonic boffs, our liberated borg boffs, our vet reward android boff, Red Matter cap. the list goes on,

    3-1. Will our liberated borg race from life time subscription be able to be available there too? and for that matter our Joined Trill race...

    4. What's inline for a Tribble Test event ( I'd say weekend, but I have an inkling that there is so much content that a it's going to take more than a single weekend to let us pick the thing a part )

    5. how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood-chuck, could chuck wood?

    6. Where will the Rom initial content hub be, will it be staging zone, or will we see the purple hued undercity of New Romulus opened up. and will there be an academy like zone added as well, besides the staging area? Namely the Imperial War College and or Romulan Intelligence Academy

    7. Is there anything new to be heard on the fount of a new Fed tutorial? Dish Please

    8. How flushed out is the Rom Faction, are they going to have full on Fleet Star bases, embassies on Earth and Qo'noS

    9. Will the Roms get their own forms of the borg STF gear maybe named "Romulan Guard Gear" I now this is level cap gear question, and we might not have to worry about that some time, but if I think to ask these questions, I'm sure others are too.

    10. Personal Question: How does one fend off all the negativity that has populated the forums as of late? Creative criticism is one thing, but I'm talking the all out bile and venom that is come to nest in the forums, facebook comments and so forth. I have to work three times as hard to find the information I'm looking for because I have to weed my way through all the endless hater-mentality
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) Will lifers be able to play as a Liberated Borg Romulan?
    2) How many PVE missions will the Romulans have in the May go-live date?
    3) How many PVE missions are added to the Klingon faction?
    4) Will Romulans have their own version of the MACO/Honor Guard outfit?
    5) How will the PVP queues be sorted now with an additional faction?
    6) What type of repeatable missions will be added in May?
    7) Will there be new STFs? Who will be the adversaries?
    8) Since a lot of the Romulan reputation/fleet mark missions involve the Tholians, will they be transferred over/split up someway? It would be nice to choose the marks you need or have a nice sample of points from all of them available.
    9) Will there be any other races available for the Romulan factions other than Romulans and Remans?
    10) Will the exchange be updated to sort DOFFs/BOFFs/etc by faction?
    11) What kind of C-store stuff do we have to look forward to for the Romulans/other factions, especially any cool new costumes?
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Not too long ago there was some mention of redoing the Character Creator, is this going to be part of the Romulan update as well as the new traits?

    Are there any new Traits coming that you can talk about and are we getting any upgraded versions of existing traits?

    With the new expansion coming up will we finally see some of the Character skin options made into full body options that don't just end awkwardly at the neck?

    How will the level of this expansion be in regards to the KDF launch, and will there be any thing to help the sting for current KDF players?

    With the new JJ trek game coming, were there going to be any design changes to the gorn to either tie into or hint at their Gorn or the inclusion of Female Gorn?
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have only one question:

    Will Hirogen be a playable species for Romulan Faction?

    I'm not particularly interested in playing as Romulan or Reman, I have my heart set on playing as Hirogen.

    Their costume options are interesting to me, especially with the New Romulus redesign they got given.
    And I've always wanted to play Hirogen!

    It has been stated that the Hirogen are the allies of the Romulans, so it would seem inconsistent that you can't play as one.

    Also, there are some Hirogen who are more inclined to peaceful behavior, so it is not improbable that they would ally themselves with the Romulans to rebuild.

    If there is no Hirogen playable species, I'm not going to create a Romulan Faction character, it's as simple as that.
    There is too much work involved in 2/3 sets of Reputation, Fleet Bases and DOFFing for me to do this on a character I don't want to create.

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    how much will the expansion cost and how will lifetime customers be affected by this.

    Its free people.

    Legacy of Romulus is FREE


    Quite a few of question being asked in this thread have been answered in the Legacy of Romulus Official page.
    tilarta wrote: »
    I have only one question:

    Will Hirogen be a playable species for Romulan Faction?

    The playable species are Romulans and Remans. Says right on the page
    Play as a Romulan or Reman and immerse yourself in new story-driven missions written exclusively from the Romulan Republic's point of view.
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will players with no open character slots need to purchase more before creating a Romulan?

    Will we see female Remans, or like Letheans, Nausicaans, and Gorn will we continue to only see the men?
  • tachyonharmonictachyonharmonic Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will my beloved Hirogen be part of the Romulan faction?
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) Has cryptic explained the technological prowess to CBS in relation to the Connie ordeal? Do they know a ships age and shape mean nothing now in regards to tier?

    2) Are the klingons getting missions to fill in what evers left in a 1-50 story mission set?

    3) Star Fleet has patrols, the KDF has nebula defense missions, will the Romulans have either of these or something different?

    4) Will Reman and Romulan ships be separated as ship skins, or ship types with different stats, if it is the second option, can they share skins?

    5) Could nacelles ever be made universal if they share a similar size?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tuskin67 wrote: »
    The playable species are Romulans and Remans. Says right on the page
    Not exactly. It says that both of those races are playable, but not that ONLY those races are playable.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • reinakaitlynnreinakaitlynn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It may not be important but I wanna know...
    In TOS, Romulans at one point if I remember correctly used Klingon designed vessels, any chance we might get Romulan D7 (or other ships) skins as a reference to this?
  • lordshadow007lordshadow007 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Being a life time fan of Star Trek and a long time fan of the game - even before launch - I do have several questions. Like many others, I have been waiting for a playable Romulan faction, and possibly many others. So, my questions are:

    1) Assuming the Romulan Republic playable faction is successful, any probability that there will be other playable factions with original content?
    2) Any possibility of creating a completely original faction for the game?
    3) What about the possibility of allowing players to defect and become a rebel faction - much like the Maquis from DS9? Or possibly playing as a rebel faction?
    4) Knowing that CBS and Paramount will not let you kill off main characters and iconic vessels, is there any possibility that future episodes will feature Captain Data of the U.S.S. Enterprise-E, Captain Ezri Dax of the U.S.S. Aventine, Captain William Riker of the U.S.S. Titan, and Captain Chakotay the U.S.S. Voyager?
    5) Any possibility of seeing a fleet variant of the Constitution Class starship?
    6) Any chance of creating a Starbase Assault PVE que?
    7) Is there a possibility of allowing players to commandeer enemy ships?

    I do have more questions, but I believe i have taken up enough of your time. I enjoy the game and have no complaints. My thanks for a great game worthy of the name Star Trek.
  • trekkiemelissatrekkiemelissa Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello there. I would like to thank you for all the hard work you and the team have done over the past few years. Here are some questions for you.

    Fleet Holdings
    1. Have you ever thought of allowing more than one fleet to share the fleet holdings? You could set up some sort of alliance so that more than one fleet can share it.
    2. Sometimes members in the fleet may go overboard in regards to provisions. Have you ever thought of putting store logs so that fleet staff know who is buying what? Have you ever thought of setting up a daily limit for the fleet store like we do for the fleet bank?
    3. I like how in the embassy provision projects, that we have only one projects. Have you ever thought to do that with the fleet starbase provisions instead?

    1. In addition to playing STO, I also play SWTOR. In regards to the Skill bars, have you ever thought of setting them up similar to the way SWTOR does? I am able to pull each line apart and resize it the way I want and move them where I want on the screen. Would it be possible in the future to do something like that?

    1. Have you ever thought of doing an account wide reputation system instead of per character?

    1. Have you ever thought of creating objective based PVP instead of arena base PVP?

    1. I like how SWTOR has a legacy system. Have you ever thought of creating something similar to it?
This discussion has been closed.