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Ask Cryptic: March 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



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    starfleetownsallstarfleetownsall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with the romulan faction coming out, how do u plan designing the ships and how will pvp be changed? as well in the future will we be able to invite people to teams in different factions? lastly will we be able to go in pvp with different factions on the same team instead of faction v faction?
    Task Force Spectre, Legion of Spectre, and House of Spectre is recruiting!
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    bsliskbslisk Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    will the scimitar be a useable ship with the romulan faction and will it have a thalaron weapon
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What happened to Ask Cryptic for February?
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What is being done to address the increasingly frequent concerns of FED Cruiser captains who claim that their ships are ineffective, compared to escorts?
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    #1 Could we have some customization options for the unique bridge officers rewarded to us through various Featured Episode Series and Reputation Projects? Whilst I can appreciate they're unique and rare, it would be nice to have a Romulan or Jem Hadar in a Starfleet Uniform. Maybe some limited customization on their face and body morphs too? With everyone having a bunch of unique Bridge Officers that currently look exactly the same, they don't feel all that unique.

    #2 When are we likely to see the Benzite Bridge Officers back in the game? They're selectable as playable characters, but they haven't been available as Bridge Officer Candidates since at least Season 5 (when I started).

    #3 New sectors, I've heard mention of more on the way, specifically above the current Cardassian sectors. I was wondering, but are we ever likely to get an actual sector within the Delta or Gamma Quadrants? We've got the wormhole to get us to Gamma and back, and we travel there in the 2800 featured episode series.

    #4 When can we expect a featured episode series (or) reputation rewards that present us with a Cardassian Bridge Officer? I think out of all the current rewards thus far, a Cardassian Bridge Officer is the only one we're really missing out on at the moment.

    #5 Would it be possible, at some point in the future to enable players to have Customizable Kits? Some skills some players use more than others (all dependant on play style) thus it would be a cool feature for players to be able to build their own 4-piece kits (at least, once you've hit level 50 and are Vice Admiral).

    #6 The Fleet Constitution; I am aware that CBS have stated they do not wish to see one, but could you elaborate on their decision? Is it that they don't want to see a Fleet Cruiser (Constitution, Vesper, Excalibur and Exeter) or is it specifically the Constitution that they don't wish to see as a Fleet Ship? If the former, then the least we could hope for is a Fleet Exeter? The team at Cryptic went to all the effort to create the Exeter and give it a Zen price. It seems a waste to miss the Fleet version out.

    #7 Would it be possible to have an optional Keldon Kit for players who have the Galor Cruiser? Such an acquisition could be via a small Lobi purchase, or (if you're feeling really generous) free.

    #8 Romulans (and Remans) in May? You guys are awesome. It would have been nice though to be able to play as more than two species within this third faction; sure, the Romulans aren't very open to outsiders, but before STO nobody would have thought the Klingon Empire in an alliance with the Orion, yet you've made that happen. The Suliban and Hirogen could be useful candidates for Bridge Officers. Are there plans to implement additional races for the Green side?
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    starfleetownsallstarfleetownsall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with romulan faction coming out, for those who have filled their character slots, will you give an extra one for romulans or will they have to buy the extra slots to play it.? and will there be 3 slots to start or just 2?
    Task Force Spectre, Legion of Spectre, and House of Spectre is recruiting!
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    ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    WOW, you can pretty much sum this whole Ask Cryptic up into five questions. :)

    Anyhow, will this update include a feature that would enable NPC's to address our toons by a chosen rank or title instead of our actual level/rank?

    Of course we would have to earn said rank, but I'd really like to be referred to as "Captain" or even "Number One." Maybe make it a separate option in the "Edit Record" section.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

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    rfzanderrfzander Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Recently I have been feeling kinda restricted with my fleets set up. Is there any chance of adding additional fleet ranks?? Maybe another 3 to 8 rank slots. Thank you for the great game.
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    gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm more curious of the glaring issues that stand out.

    [1] What will they do about the lockbox ships, not the non-faction. The Timeships and the mirror versions. (Did we ever see mirror Romulans?)

    [2] The cross faction universal consoles. Several fed/kdf consoles have already been shared. Now we'll have a 3rd faction to contend balance with.

    [3] The Featured Episodes. They barely make a legit storyline reason for us to do these KDF side. Explain why Sela's group would help Obisek in the Romulan episodes. Major rewrite needed there. Along with the other FE

    [4] The Embassy on New Romulas, Will this group have one there? Do they even get along with D'tans group?

    [5] Fleets, now players who play all factions will have to split resources between 3 Fleets. Can we can a cross faction fleet option, possibly a way to merge them together?
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will there be new Kits for the Romulans, and if so, can you shed some light on what they will be like?

    Why are Romulans a whole new Starting Faction and not one that is unlockable upon attaining Level "x"?

    Is Thalaron Radiation specifically NPC only, or will players get access to this deadly form of attacks?

    Is there anything you can tell us about the new Advanced Traits hinted about on the Romulan Site?

    Can you tell us anything about what ships will be what Tier for the Romulans?

    Is this going to be a Carrier, or an Escort Carrier?

    Will there be any changes to Ker'rat when The Romulans are released in May? What about PVP Queues in General? Is there anything you can tell us PVPers?

    Tholian Reputation, is there anything you can tell about this?
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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    aaronh42aaronh42 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It seems that when it comes to story content the Fed and KDF the missions seem to be themed for each group. The Federation stories seem to largely be man in the middle stories, where we are thrust into the middle of someone elses conflict. Likewise the KDF seem to have a theme of dealing with echoes of the past with the Fekhir and the stories of long standing house fueds. Is this intentional and if so what will be the theme of the romulan content?

    We now have romulan marks and will soon have a romulan faction, any chance of Klingon and Federation reputation?

    Are there any foundry updates (even just new props) in the pipeline? How will romulans impact the foundry?

    Warp Cores?
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    sechserpackungsechserpackung Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Legacy of Romulus:
    -In which timeframe do you expect the coming content to be available for testing on Tribble? (e.g. 14-19th of April)
    -What can we expect the coming dev blogs to contain concerning the Legacy of Romulus content? (e.g. Dev Blog #3: Meet the Romulan Escorts)
    [This question is mainly there to allow us to see what information we can expect to a) prepare questions for these things b) See what things might not get answered by a dev blog allowing us to ask about them on the forums or in the next months ask Cryptic]
    -What kind of ship classes will the Romulans come with excluding the Zen Store?
    -What Romulan ships can we expect in the Zen Store?
    -Which of the mentioned content pieces are already finished and which are still being worked on?
    -Will we get informed about any content that might not make it into the may update beforehand to stem the worst consumer disappoinement?
    -Do you expect to get flooded with bug reports after launch?

    -Will we ever see faction specific Reputation trees and new faction specific sets or would these kind of things create too many problems and complaints about balance?
    -How many of the new missions are being shared between the KDF and RR?
    -Will we see an increase in faction uniqueness?
    -Will there be new STF?s?
    -Will there be a new Holding come May 21st?
    -Will there be one character slot per faction?

    -Concerning the possibility of Warp Cores. Will these replace the current ship power bonus or instead be in addition to whatever bonuses a ship already has?
    -How many ships are you planning on adding to the game threw lockboxes, events, Fleet Shipyards and the Zen Store from the 22nd of May to the next update.
    -Can I get a giant KDF Raptor firing missiles of Developer Forum Avatars that deliver a catchphrase whenever they hit their target?

    -The current traybar only allows for three rows of ten for available skills in space combat. Will this be expanded upon to accomodate more trays to allow all skills to be easily selectable?

    -Are there any projects you hope to finish in addition to the already known things coming with the Legacy of Romulus content?
    -Level cap raise with the next update to the game?
    -Anything planned for the 1st of April?
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    bghostbghost Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1:will the romulan and klingon factions have the same number of missions as the federation at launch of the expansion?

    2: with so much content for kdf and the romulans will there be no content for feds?

    3: other that whats in the teaser can u tell us what else will be coming in the may update?

    4: will the KDF see more ships at the launch of legacy of romulus?

    5: how will the romulan ships classes work? will the be just escorts, cruisers, and science vessels or will there be more variations?

    6: will romulans have a fleet base?

    7: wiil there be more species than just romulans and remans
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    rifter1969rifter1969 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hey Dan and STO team!

    Great news about the upcoming expansion!!

    Well, my question...

    A number of players have multiple characters, me included, and sometime we enjoy playing episode replay, but some of these missions have cut scenes that we have seen multiple times.

    Is there any way that code can be added to exit out of the cut scenes?

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    snakeswar2snakeswar2 Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    how many blogs will there be explaining all the stuff in the legacy of Romulus expansion?

    is there any more stuff not mentioned on the expansion website that u doing in the expantion?

    when is the level cap gonna come out if there is one coming out?

    any word of adding any more hair style and/or hats to sto?

    when do those blogs about the stuff in the expansion start coming out?

    have u thought about putting ground vehicles in the game (playable and non-playable) in the game?

    the pvp gonna get revamped alot or a little in the expansion?
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Right, here goes:

    1) It's been stated that the new Romulan expansion is free. Would all players (F2P Silver, Gold and Lifers) gain an extra free character slot in order for them to roll a Romulan toon?

    2) Will Reman BOffs be available from the Embassy progression system in the future?

    3) Will Starfleet and KDF uniforms be available to BOffs from the Embassy progression system?

    4) When can we expect to see additional non-special reward BOff species, such as Cardassians, available to FED/KDF/ROM?

    5) What plans does Cryptic have regarding functional and customisable ship interiors, including canon ones (e.g. Intrepid for Voyager), as per the following discussion? Perhaps in a future season?

    6) Will we be able to purchase additional costume slots for our BOffs?
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    nveknvek Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Are they planning on doing an upgrade to The Breen set? just as They did with The Jem hadar sets?:D
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    mogenarzmogenarz Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A few months ago, the Romulan Plasma Flamethrower was removed from the Reputation store due to bugs. Will we see the Flamethrower in the game anytime soon?
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    brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will Romulans have the Duty Officer system? Will there be new Duty Officer chains with this expansion? And further to that, new unique doffs and abilities?
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    nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd like to ask you when we can look at seeing the following:

    1 - If your fleet is present in all factions, will you look at adding the option to link them all together so there is a tab to display your other factions starbase progress and roster? Also as well as linking the fleet chat and displaying names in different colors depending which faction your playing on.

    2 - When will we be able to see a more in-depth character customization in the game with more options? Games like Eve that don't even have ground combat have a much more in-depth character customization than STO, it would be nice to see something of a similar standard.

    3 - I'd like to see more ship customization and ship power management options like Starfleet Command. With ship customization it would be nice to have a list of objects to add your ship like an extra warp coil, strut etc that maybe give an added bonus so everyone's ship is more unique in play style and makes sense. With power management I'd like to see warp cores added and console slots replaced with an upgrade system where you obtain devices from either loot or the exchange which allow you to upgrade certain systems / weapons / hull etc at the shipyard and for example you want to add phaser damage upgrades, you go to the shipyard to oversee maintenance and upgrades on your ship. Would this be something you'd like to see in the game and look at adding to give Star Trek more depth?

    4 - It'd be nice to have more races added to the game that can be multi-faction (maybe add the ones that are only available features under alien race?). Also adding more differences to each race, like health, strength, vitality, agility would also be a welcomed change and an upgraded ground combat which introduces the use of cover so my character can press a button to lean up against a crate or wall etc.

    5 - I would like to see the ranking system separated from leveling and everyone is a captain. Maybe have the first 10 levels start on your race's home world where you get ready to become a starfleet captain and get your own ship at level 10 and the higher ranks are only available from joining a fleet and purely used to display your rank within that fleet. It makes no sense to have all these admirals flying ships in the game.

    6 - Finally, space feels very small and the combat is way too fast paced which makes it feel more like Star Wars. I'd like to see space opened up with no loading screens and the option to warp direct to a location and follow your ship during warp rather than go to a "Sector Space" zone. The combat needs to be improved and a z-axis added with the removal of anything higher than turret for all ships on the Fed side apart from Defiant / Fighters / Jemmy etc. Maybe give the escorts a bigger damage bonus or introduce Dual Heavy Beams / Heavy Beam Arrays etc.
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    ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I know everyone is going to ask the obvious questions about the Romulans......so

    With the new screenshot showing that the quality of the Canon Romulan ships being far superior to the old NPC ones and newer Canon ship models like the Ambassador and Steamrunner being of an outstanding quality, will we ever see the older models of canon ships be brought up to the same quality?
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    captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will there be Zen-Store ships for Ktanko, Somrow and T2 Bird of prey on KDF side?

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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Why do PvPers have such heavy influence on game changes when they are such a small subset of the playerbase? Is it because of the "If it's OK for PvE, it might not be OK for PvP, but if it's OK for PvP, it's probably OK for PvE"-mantra?

    2. What is coming down the pipe to deal with AFKers?

    3. Why are some reputation missions both time-gated AND hard-capped? Shouldn't it be one or the other, not both?!?!? (e.g. Azura Nebula - hard cap at 18, which is easily hit)
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What does a level 1-50 KDF faction now mean in May with content?
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    wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. We know why you have added the Romulans, because we asked for it, but why have you added it before completing the KDF side of the game? We have been asking for that for much longer after all.

    2. Since we all know Admiral Archer's prize beagle vanished in a transporter accident, can you make him randomly appear in ground maps just for a laugh?

    3. With this push to get people into the Foundry (Both playing and creating) when will we get some real support for it in terms of content (Converted from in-game already would be happily accepted), bug fixes etc, esp bug fixes?
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
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    capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will the Hirogen be allies or enemies of this new Romulan faction?

    If we will be seeing a third group in PvP, will we be getting some new maps to really mix things up?

    I realise that this is a long shot, but I don't suppose the exploration zones are getting any love in this update?

    Speaking of... There's been some talk of hooking the foundry up to the exploration zones. Do you intend to make new dev content for exploration zones in addition to this; or is turning it over to player authors the whole plan?

    Will there be a new home sector block for the Romulan faction?

    Back in January, you mentioned a long term plan of allowing fleets to craft or customize their own ships. Could you tell us a bit more about what you intend for this?

    Nice to see the TOS BoP; will we be seeing Romulan themed D7s too?

    A new faction is going to be at quite a handicap regarding ships and powers; since the other two are already well populated with lockbox ships and consoles, plus reputation abilities, and fleet gear. Do you plan anything to balance the scales in some way?

    Are we going to see any new content between now and May that will lead into the emergence of the 'Romulan Republic'?

    The Nebula still only has 2 costumes. Any chance of Venture and Ambassador parts getting thrown in?

    Caitian hair? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the ones we've got; but personally I'm not sure the pineapple look really suits them.

    I've been poking through all manner of old ruins and caves in STO; but I have never once been chased by a giant boulder, or scaled a crumbling cliff face, or leapt over a pit trap full of spikes. Why not?
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    mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Will Romulans get KDF/Fed Reputations?

    How will Romulan players get the New Romulus Reputation stuff? Will we be going back home to chase space-pig-rabbits because our efforts as officers of the fledgling Republic aren't enough to give us Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launchers?

    Will Romulan Fleets get Fleet Starbases right away, and will they have Elite Romulan Plasma weapons, or Elite Disruptors? Would Romulan Fleets get Embassies on their own home planet?
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    alanburchalanburch Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    -Will there be another reputation-quest(s) related to foundry missions and/or replaying featured or normal episodes with Legacy of Romulus in addition to the one relating to Tholians?
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    gameguy726gameguy726 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I know this has been asked 100,000 times, but with such a massive overhaul I figure it'd be a good time to ask: Will Legacy of Romulus have any starship interior customization functions?
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    phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What kind of new content, besides the tutorial, will KDF get to help fill in levels 1-20?

    There are over 16,000 fleets in the game and they all have a unique name. Quite a number of these are entirely filled with members who haven't logged in for months at a time -- is there any plan that these fleets will require at least some activity?

    It has been mentioned that a feature to merge fleets is coming. Can you please expand on the details for what this would do to the provisions, XP on starbase and embassy, and so on?

    Are we still getting a third fleet holding in May and if so, what will it be? Cost is a concern given a third faction coming along with a third reputation system.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
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    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
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