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Some Can't Slot Bridge Officers as of 2/14/13 (RESOLVED 2/21!)



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    michaelteiguemichaelteigue Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This is beyond a joke. Any new players starting after the Maintenance and finding they can't assign their one measly BOff to its station will more than likely have left the game wondering at the insanity of it all. It's been almost 8 hours now, the bug should have been fixed -- but I still can't assign my BOff's. Can Cryptic really afford to lose potential players?

    Edit: It is bizarre. The first 'toon I had this problem with was able to assign BOff's in Memory Alpha System. The next 'toon had no luck in Memory Alpha but managed to assign BOff's in Wolf 359 System. I can't spend eternity flying from system to system trying to find one that will allow me to assign BOff's.
    Disclaimer: This post is in no way intended to be a troll or flame or slur of any other kind towards anyone or anything either directly or indirectly involved in or with, or not involved in or with, Star Trek Online and I proffer my sincerest apologies to anyone who believes it is directed to the aforementioned.
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    jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To tell you the truth, I'm a 1000 day + veteran and I'm almost ready to leave. This stuff is really getting old. Between the making it harder for small fleets to advance and the nerfing of ships I'm getting tired of it.

    Anyhow, I tried going to ESD and switching ships back and forth with no luck. I cannot reassign my BO's after the aszura temperal mission. The misspelled words is because I'm getting peeved. :mad:
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    mistercow4umistercow4u Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I tried all the fixes and didn't work. Finally tried going on an away mission and that fixed it. Hope that helps for some of you who can't get it to work.
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    spook74spook74 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I did the federation minefeild scenerio, could swap inside of it, have heard this works as well for feds in the gorn minefeild instance, if you have treid everything else give that a go.
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    spook74spook74 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    omgmanwtf wrote: »
    I too was unable to equip boffs to my new ship, tried:forums/different shipyards/logging/rebooting/checked my old ships(they were still stationed). this is how i got them to equip stations: i tried it in gorn minefield pve, they are now equipped... good luck to you all... btw i was able to equip either of my 2 sci boffs to my new ship while i was having trouble but nothing else,.. go figure.. ty STO :)

    Nice one m8, this worked for me as well and nothing else here was. Thank you very much :)
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    sarliksarlik Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have the same problem. I didn't do anything to trigger it -- 3 of my 5 bridge officer stations were empty upon logging in after the patch today. I've tried every combination of fixed people have mentioned in this thread, and nothing works: I can't fill these stations, nor can I fill stations on any other ship.

    This must be fixed immediately; space combat is 100% unplayable with a bug of this magnitude. I have reported this bug using both the in-game and website interfaces (ticket #130214-000556), for all the good that ever does.

    I may not be a lifetime subscriber, but I had just renewed my 90-day subscription literally 3 days ago. Good job making that feel like money well spent, Cryptic.

    I expect the developers to roll out a new patch to address this within 24 hours. (I have little reason to believe that this will happen, but a 24-hour time frame to address a major problem this significant is what I expect when I give my business to a company.)


    I re-opened STO again yesterday a couple hours after making this post, decided to go through the various fixes again to see if I missed anything. First, I verified that I was still unable to assign boffs when on ESD or in Sol System. Second, I decided to go back to the fleet starbase system since that seems to have the highest success rate on this thread.

    Going to the fleet starbase system (not on board the starbase itself) worked, and I was able to assign boffs to all bridge stations.

    I know I had tried to assign the boffs in several locations including the fleet starbase, but it didn't work the first time. It's possible that I made the attempt only inside the starbase instead of outside, but I'm 99% certain I tried both; given this, it might have been exiting and re-starting the game that enabled this fix to work in my case.

    So, if you're still unable to assign boffs even in the fleet starbase system, try exiting the game, re-starting it, and going back to the fleet starbase system to try again.
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    sonofaiursonofaiur Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have fix that going to my starbase and like a magic trick all is working fine
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    ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wasn't having a problem until I finished replaying the Temporal Ambassador mission. I had replayed it before the patch today and, even though all my BOff ship station assignments are removed each time, I was able to reassign them after each mission. Not so today. Now all stations (ship and shuttle) are "None" and no BOffs can be assigned to any station. This is only since today's patch (extending the anniversary).
    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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    kreugekreuge Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Please try switching out of the ship, and then back to it, as well as moving to a new zone -- let me know if this solves the error so I can include it in the report I am passing along now.


    Brandon =/\=

    This does not work for me at all. I can not use any ship on my main character because of this. I bought a new boff after discharging one and I cannnot load boffs now.
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    jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Going to a fleet action worked. I went to Starbase 24 fleet action and was able to reinstall the bridge officers while there. I hope everyone remembers who they had in their slots.

    I don't complain much about bugs but things have been building up lately with the nerfs of ships we pay CASH for and other things like the fleet starbase issues. It just gets old.
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    kreugekreuge Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Fleet action worked for me too. TY
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    strykermgsstrykermgs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    why cant they do a patch with out ****ing something else up :mad:
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    bxjoebxjoe Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just upgraded to lifetime and immediately went into game and redeemed my requisitions for my chimera and captains yacht. Upon equiping the Chimera, I cannot assign my Boffs.. I can switch back to my old boat and move boffs around on it and even on my captains yacht, but as soon as I equip the Chimera I can't assign boffs to either. On a side note I can't even customize my ships material and patterns. So whatever the issue is, its with the ship. I just logged off and will try and verify my files to see if that helps. I also submitted a GM ticket. I will update with any info I get.
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    n0vastaronen0vastarone Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How is it..with PWE at the helm..this game has more and more bugs. I understand you people dont understand quality. as I have played your other games. But this is STO have some respect for the quality and actually have some. Especially before you release patches.

    4h4uFix.pngJoin Date. Dec 2007
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    molen#7916 molen Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This sounds like the same bug that's been on Tribble for months, reported but never fixed. Nice to see that it migrated to the live server now...
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    iktankatiktankat Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am new here, i have now 4 boff at level 10 in my new cruiser but... i only can assign 2 boff... i restart my pc, i give force verify in the beginning of the game, i switch the ship, i move to new sector... and no... :(:( i only can assing 2 boff 1 tact, 1 eng... the other boff slots 1 eng and 1 sci... i cant assign

    Some idea?? :confused::confused:
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    iktankatiktankat Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    :D New data, i go to a mission... and :D in the mission i can assign the boff :D
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    iktankat wrote: »
    :D New data, i go to a mission... and :D in the mission i can assign the boff :D

    That worked for me too, finally!
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    shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kallex76 wrote: »
    This sounds like the same bug that's been on Tribble for months, reported but never fixed. Nice to see that it migrated to the live server now...

    I reported it as well and got a responce from branfrakes stating to swich my ship, i did that and it still didnt fix it, so im kinda happy that this ended up on holo as it prooves my point i always thought "Why do we have tribble TEST server if devs dont listen to the bugs we tell them about"
    It won't, this is a Tribble-only bug that appears when you import a character. If you go to a shipyard and switch out of your ship and then back, it should fix itself. The poster you quoted shows posted this photo: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/307400_491879870872409_1938981893_n.jpg -- there are no BOFF slots, so there would be no trays available to view.


    Brandon =/\=

    There is another bug that was reported and still ended up on Holo, the stasis pistol
    guriphu wrote: »
    Today's patch included a note about the stasis pistol, but the issues noted in this thread are still true. Weapon malfunction still clears the damage immunity without clearing disable, and hypo still does not clear the stasis effect.

    it was tested on the TEST SERVER LOL then reported that it STILL DOESNT WORK and still ended up on the holodeck server.....Nice way to tell us that you care about ground bugs and care if we use the tribble test server to help you find bugs that are susposed to be fixed befor they go to holodeck.........
    mikiiy wrote: »
    Just went on tribble testing this.
    This is NOT working correctly yet.
    Weapon malfunction still cancels the invulnerabilty of this pistol, this is a huge pvp issue.
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    hiplyrustichiplyrustic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    -Went to my bridge and tried. No
    -Went to my engineering deck and tried with ship selection open. No.
    -Transwarped to Earth spacedock and tried with ship selection open. No.
    -Changed sector blocks. No.
    -It was in a mission sector that I noticed I didn't have them...so...no.
    -Changed ships. No.
    -UPDATE: Entering a mission room for an active mission and slotting WORKS.

    Interesting tidbit: "NONE" seems to be an unacceptable slot state as of this patch, as I can not create empty slots on my other ship. If so, and if the slot is forced into a "NONE" state (I was on a bird of prey doing Doomsday, so my boffs populated that boat's slots and emptied my Escort...forcing those slots into "NONE") then the slot bugs. If that is, in fact, the problem then something passed through QA testing that shouldn't have.
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    kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Going to my fleet starbase fixed it for me on live. On test just getting rid of my shuttle and swapping ships worked.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
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    rexmercerrexmercer Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    same here, I just picked up the fleet Amby only to not be able to assign BOFFs, WTF?!?

    $20 bucks well spent:mad:
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    alexindcobraalexindcobra Member Posts: 608
    edited February 2013
    AHHHRRRR ! I am so angry right now. I was soo excited about buying and trying out the Fleet Ambassador. I set everything up from equipment to custom looks. When I got into space and tried setting up my BOFFs, nothing happened. It would not let me fill my BOFF slots with anybody. I can't fly a ship with no BOFFS in it. Why would the Devs rush out something as high level as this ship without checking to see if the damn thing works? Now I have to moth-ball my ship till they address this bug which could be a week from now.
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    zztopperszztoppers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just bought a Tactical Escort Refit. I cannot assign any bridge officer stations on this ship Zero!! And suddenly half the stations on all my other ships will not assign as well. I tried several combinations of moving items around on the ship. Logging in and out. The problem is persistent and is not going away. I tried this on two characters on the Fed side. Same problem. Now I cannot play STO until this is fixed. I do not want to risk this bug on my other characters!

    If anyone knows how to fix this please DO TELL!!

    And yes I did submit a ticket on it.
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    thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The only solution I've heard for this is switching between zones until it finally lets you assign Bridge officers.
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    finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    again i will post if you are in a fleet you can go to your Fleet starbase system and you will be able to assign your Boffs it worked for me and all my fleetmates that have had the issue
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    finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    again i will post if you are in a fleet you can go to your Fleet starbase system and you will be able to assign your Boffs it worked for me and all my fleetmates that have had the issue
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    zztopperszztoppers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    finious2 wrote: »
    again i will post if you are in a fleet you can go to your Fleet starbase system and you will be able to assign your Boffs it worked for me and all my fleetmates that have had the issue

    Thank you! This worked for me. For now at least I can use one ship. I still have my doubts about the rest. We shall see.

    Thanks again!
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    finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    your welcome for those who aren't in a fleet i suggest you have one of your fleeted friends invite you to thier fleet space map
This discussion has been closed.