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Post your worst STF experiance



  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    rezking wrote: »
    I did run into some guy trash talking the other players on Cure...NORMAL.
    Not Elite...NORMAL.

    Ah the days of trash talk. How I miss it. Every now and then there's still something good.

    I think it was yesterday someone said,"There's not a ship here with more than 1000 accolade points. What a bunch of noobes."

    My accolade is around 13,000 and it would be higher if I'd finish my nebula missions. I guess the guy didn't know how to check everyone's accolade.

    Golly, the most I ever say these days is, "Four ships on the Kang and you lose the optional?"

    Lol ;)
  • csgtmyorkcsgtmyork Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ahhhhh............. Cure Space Elite.

    I hate CSE.

    Example: After several miserable failers, I FOR ONCE got into a decent CSE PuG.... FOR ONCE. The team was well balanced, they all said "Hi," and the two escorts of the group had some decent DPS. So I was guarding the Kang by myself. The other four went off and killed probes. They had just finished the second group of probes (they went left, then right, and then they were going to the center) when suddenly, stupidity strikes again. One guy (We'll call him Bob) suddenly says "Hey guys... we should start killing cubez."
    Everyone except for one other guy vehemently protests, and starts working on the center probes. Not to be deterred, Bob and that one other guy go and decide to kill the cube. After several deaths, they manage to succeed. Which causes hordes of bloodthirsty Raptors and Neg'vhars to spawn. To put it short, right after Bob and the other guy killed the cube, they were both ROFLPWNED by the Neg'vhars that spawned and even the concentrated efforts of the other two half competent players couldn't save the Kang.

    And that was the last time I ever played CSE in a PuG.
    "Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion."
    Elim Garak
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    worst one player was pusing probes into the gate with Tractor till mission was lost

    2nd worst optional faild more then 1 player left match and so it was not so easy and took mutch time to still win it
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
    Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
  • thumpyechothumpyecho Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    dood98998 wrote: »
    One moment guys- I just realized something. This thread is over 700 posts long, has been around since the F2P transition, and is a thread about bad experiences. It also has no deb posts. If I owned a game, and the longest running discussion about my game was about haveing a bad experience, id be a little worried, and I would take action. Anyone else think its weird that there are no dev posts in this thread?

    .....nothing more to say....(well it's now 1400, and grammar could use some help...but eh)
  • hroothvitnirhroothvitnir Member Posts: 322
    edited January 2013
    Its a wine and cheese thread, bad players will be bad players regardless of any developer intervention or not. I think it shows a bit a of maturity that they left the thread alone for the most part.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Its a wine and cheese thread, bad players will be bad players regardless of any developer intervention or not. I think it shows a bit a of maturity that they left the thread alone for the most part.

    I would suspect the devs are here, just in disguise. :cool:

    Also, over 1400 posts and I they still make me laugh. :P
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    All this talk about CSE...

    I was in a CSE with a friend way back in Season 6. We went into CSE with three PUGs. My friend, like me, prefers the Galaxy-class starship over any other - but his character was a Tactical.

    One captain, an Engineer in an Odyssey, started ranting on and on about how "tacs should be in escorts". Suffice it to say, while he was blabbing his big mouth and arguing against my friend and myself, he just sat there like a 2,500 ZEN paperweight, while the rest of us finished the mission.

    I guess there could be worse STFs, but this was one that ruined our enjoyment of the game, simply because some airhead wants to put down others for their choice in ship. What blockheads.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • wakerwwakerw Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Always thought it was kind of funny, despite all the season 6 content with special super-de-duper rare fleet weapons, slightly altered ships, and admittedly fun fleet leveling system, the real reason I wanted to be in a fleet was to avoid pugs as much as possible. It seems that the only elite missions that pug teams are able to do are ISE and KAGE. However, even without a fleet, grinding for omega marks is still viable doing only two stfs. I do love the hive space mission on normal, even though its not exactly efficient for grinding time wise. Ok, now my stf horror story. There are quite a few near the top of my list, but the worst by far has to be a run of KAGE. We started out with two german speaking players and three english speaking ones, and got a team wipe right off the bat. It was fairly obvious that no one else had MACO/Omega/Honor guard stuff, but i told myself that it might be a fluke, and continued. We did rather well until we got to the room with the nodes. One of the German speaking players ( I say this not to single them out due to nationality but to point out that us english speakers could not communicate with him) decided to teleport into the room where you turn off the forcefields as soon as we got into the room, and while the other four of us were attempting to clear it he was dropping forcefields and getting us killed. We eventually cleared the room, about fifteen or twenty minutes after the optional timer ran out, when we organized to destroy the first node. When us four node killers decided to move to the second one, the player in the room DCed. One of our team bit the bullet and went into the room, and we dropped the rest of the nodes fairly efficiently, as the borg around them had begun to respawn. We moved on to the room with Tosk, and our team was so full of injuries that we wiped, after which another player left and we were left with three. After another twenty we were able to finish the mission.
    Wake@phoenixrw, Supreme Chancellor of Roughneck Alpha Fleet.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    All this talk about CSE...

    I was in a CSE with a friend way back in Season 6. We went into CSE with three PUGs. My friend, like me, prefers the Galaxy-class starship over any other - but his character was a Tactical.

    One captain, an Engineer in an Odyssey, started ranting on and on about how "tacs should be in escorts". Suffice it to say, while he was blabbing his big mouth and arguing against my friend and myself, he just sat there like a 2,500 ZEN paperweight, while the rest of us finished the mission.

    I guess there could be worse STFs, but this was one that ruined our enjoyment of the game, simply because some airhead wants to put down others for their choice in ship. What blockheads.

    What a clown. It's one thing if they were being deadweights in a PvP match, but Elite STFs are another thing.

    One of my characters flies an Excelsior as a Tac, and I have no issues outdamaging most of the people who fly in Elite STFs. It's all about the build. ;)
  • thumpyechothumpyecho Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I was PUGing ISE(yes I know but the Elite Channels were quiet...).....anyway these weren't the *worst*, but they were recent, almost next to each other......

    1) I jump into an already bombed match; two of the puggers had a list of injuries(dunno what they were flying - didn't really care, they spent more time dead than alive). The other was flying the (relatively) new Breen Ship, and seemed to have no trouble holding his/her/its' own. Optional is already lost. After jumping in I run to the left and help the other Breen Cap. clear out the spheres, trash the generators, and then blow the transformer. All the while the two puggers are *trying* to help(I guess....) but they are dead more than not. So, lift and shift right, we all take a generator(or at least so I thought) but the two puggers don't have enough dps. So myself and the other Breen Cap. pair off and manage to take down everything in relatively short time. Somewhere in the middle of this I send out a team chat directed at the two with injuries(something to the effect of hello?, can you see this?, blah blah....) - no response. Anyway the Tac cube jumps in - the other two die either from it, or all the other TRIBBLE. The other Breen Cap. and I clear out the TRIBBLE and focus on the Gate, after whailing on it for what felt like a while, it goes boom. Then the Tac Cube targets the other Breen Cap and he/she/it goes down. Then it's just me and the Tac Cube - I hold my own for a little while('prolly a minute or two of real time), then I bite it. While I'm doing that the other Breen Cap respawns and flies to the right and starts kiting the cube to the right. All the while the two puggers are just meat for the grinder...... When I respawn I ask if they(the two puggers) can even speak English, still nothing...that's when the Breen Cap. pipes up and says he/she/it doesn't think they can. So we whail on the cube for a while then boom goes the dynamite. The two puggers jump out immeadiately - and the other Breen Cap and I exchange pleasantries(He/she/it goes on to explain how they've been at this instance from the start, one person bailed, those two puggers didn't have a clue, etc.). Props to the Breen Cap. for holding aggro for what seemed like 3 minutes of real time.

    2) This one pissed me off a little more -

    Full team, drop the middle Borg just fine, lift and shift left, drop the cube NP, then (this is where it goes south) the 4 focus fire on one generator.......:rolleyes:. (I have been on teams that ignore the 10% and still manage to get the optional, but I have a feeling this is not one of those teams)So I burn every power I can get the other generators in time. I didn't succeed. One Nanite got to close and bye bye to the optional. (Sigh)....anyway we slug on....We clear out the TRIBBLE, lift and shift right. One of the bone heads opens up on the generator, ignoring the Cube.....So I burn everything I can to waste the cube, then start taking generators....something tells me "look behind you"....what do I see? the 4 focus firing on one generator again.....it goes quicker than I can get the others....So I park myself b/t the transformer and gate and try to CC the spheres(I'm not speced for it) one of the team does "help" but it is negligible. While this is going on I ask if anyone on this team knows what they are doing....no response. Anyway a few minutes go by a we finally get the transformer down, in jumps the cube, one of the clowns aggros the cube and it starts its' march toward us and I get its' attention, down I go. I respawn, fly around the gate to the left, and watch for a minute or two - half the team was shooting the cube, the other half the gate. I ask team if I could at least get a response from my earlier attempt or something....still nothing......:rolleyes:. So I take a look at the team - big mistake - all of 'em have a list of injuries, and spent more time in Oblivion than being any real help. The bizarre thing was one was a Kllink(I point this out because I've seen numerous Klink players go on about how they are "better" just because. Plus watching one guy flame one of the Elite Channels for 15 minutes about how Klinks are better than Fed because they(Klinks) know their builds better, know tactics, blah blah.....) After the Klink player dies again( an Eng Klink mind you) he curses in the chat. So he can see the chat and type just didn't answer earlier, thought about saying something, but chose not to. After watching for a minute or two I decide to just get this over with, we take the gate down, then focus on the cube. Fast forward a few minutes, boom, take my TRIBBLE and warp out.

    Now I'm no superstar with STF Elites(Space or Ground), but I know my way around. I know this is PUG land but I've usually not had problems with ISE.
    But if ISE has taken a hit from the griefers/trollers/new people, coupled with most ISN PUGs or even some ISE PUG runs not doing the 10% strategy, it is going to spill over into the elite channels......It already has to some degree......

    Cure and Khitomer both space and ground are a wash, at least for me, if you are going to PUG(usually), but if ISE has fallen.......
  • sgtmyork15sgtmyork15 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So there I was, flying my brand new, shiny Ambassador class (It's not bad, I might add,) into Khitomer Vortex Elite. Along for the ride was another Ambassador class (with full rommie gear), a BoP, and two escorts. The two escorts are part of the same fleet (one of them is an obvious PVPer with his all polaron weaponry.) Anyways, we kill the cube fairly quickly. I go right, everyone else goes left. After several minutes of probe killing, the guys on the left kill the first transformer and all the generators around the second transformer. Then two guys (Mr. Polaron and the Ambassador) fly over to my side while the other two guys finish off the right. The two guys that come over to my side kill one generator really quickly. Right when their done with that, the escort takes over probe killing. So I go help the Ambassador kill the other generators and transformer. We do this fairly quickly and begin working on the gate.

    And then it happens..............
    Mr. Polaron suddenly start swearing. "******* kill that gate! Come on ******." Now, the Ambassador and myself had the gate down to 8 or 9% when this escort pilot starts swearing. We both ask "WTH is his problem?" and keep grinding our gate down. Then suddenly: "**** you guys, you're so ******* slow. I'm letting all the probes through."

    BAM. 2 probes go through right as our gate goes down. And 4 or 5 more are coming from the left, and Mr. Polaron Elitist sits IN FRONT of the freaking vortex and does nothing. Meanwhile, he's spewing on about how "I would've had that gate killed 20 minutes ago by myself." and "You all suck." Everyone gets really sick of him really fast (even his clanmate, I might add.) The Ambassador then decides he's had enough and decides to report him to the GM (which means he can't do anything till he's done.) I try to calm the waters while killing probes as fast as I can. Finally, I get sick of him and I tell him that if he doesn't like it, he can leave. So after one more elitist remark, he leaves. And then we fail the mission cause of the massive horde of probes and spheres that spawned (on top of the one that hadn't been killed yet.) Best part? If Mr. Polaron hadn't of thrown his little temper tantrum, we could've won.

    So yeah. That was fun! ./sarcasm
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Even though the "Silent Noobs" are really annoying in STFs, I must say, the jack-@sses who decide to have a power trip in the middle of the STF are the worst. A bunch of self-centered, immature, ignorant people hiding in the basement of their parents' house.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The funny thing is that the likely Elite STF douchebag is the common guy who plays nice in public just to keep up appearances, but when granted anonymity reveals his true nature.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    snoge00f wrote: »
    The funny thing is that the likely Elite STF douchebag is the common guy who plays nice in public just to keep up appearances, but when granted anonymity reveals his true nature.

    Yup... *looks around in suspicion*
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    snoge00f wrote: »
    It's all about the build. ;)

    no, its all about the player :)

    on topic:

    not bad ISE, but funny. estf channel game. we warp in, go on our business, dps is the usual low (one guy was doing a whopping 5k dps, the rest were the usual). go left, someone blows one gen too early, some are til at 100. and someone bails immedately, with no word. no probs, I start my dps round in my vesta, making the right gen the last so I can get a nice grav well on the spheres, and do my magic

    we finished the game with 4 mins on the clock lol, without any real problem. you gotta love these ppl, who leave because they think the whole thing failed, and just leave, while the rest do not have any problem finishing

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I had an ISE run where one player goes on complaining (well after the fact) that the optional had blown, and decided to AFK 30 klicks from any active combat.

    Then he says "I've never died in elite STFs." Well, if he parks that far away from any real action, yeah, I can see that. Then goes on to say "he doesn't pull dead weight."

    To which I respond, "If you're not shooting at anything....well I guess you're the dead weight, hmm?" and immediately put him on ignore.

    He claimed we couldn't finish the STF without his help. Took us a bit longer than usual, but we got it done.

  • thumpyechothumpyecho Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Post #527 "Every. Single. Cure. Elite. Run. "

    ....ahhh that never gets old.....memories........
  • csgtmyorkcsgtmyork Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thumpyecho wrote: »
    Post #527 "Every. Single. Cure. Elite. Run. "

    ....ahhh that never gets old.....memories........

    And it's oh so very true.
    "Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion."
    Elim Garak
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    no, its all about the player :)

    Well, both. But mostly the build. So many STFers have atrocious builds.

    When my beam boat does more damage than an Escort, something is wrong with their setup.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Infected Manus Elite with 3 people without a gear set to fight the Borg. One person rushed in to try to save a crewman he died but luckily I was able to save the crewman but then I died moments later. Told him never do that again and he did it again the very next time and the optional failed. He then left the match. Not long later someone new joined the match and that person did not have a gear set to fight the Borg and at the point I just gave up and left.

    People need to be equipped for the ground missions and need to know what to do and listen to people.
  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wasnt the worst but i did try to tell the group when i was in cse to not fire on the higher probes and instead ask if they can fire on the lower ones first. Because they cause the negh and raptor to spawn too early. But i was met with silence and when trying to ask again to stop firing on the higher probes on the next cube group i was told i had bad manners then was told to stop bossing ppl around. I asked nicely i didnt shout and demand it. So was quite a bit miffed with that player who was being a TRIBBLE about it. Guess some people just dont want to listen to sound advice i guess which only helps people.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wasnt the worst but i did try to tell the group when i was in cse to not fire on the higher probes and instead ask if they can fire on the lower ones first. Because they cause the negh and raptor to spawn too early. But i was met with silence and when trying to ask again to stop firing on the higher probes on the next cube group i was told i had bad manners then was told to stop bossing ppl around. I asked nicely i didnt shout and demand it. So was quite a bit miffed with that player who was being a TRIBBLE about it. Guess some people just dont want to listen to sound advice i guess which only helps people.

    Yep so many people don't listen and I do not know if it is because they think they know what is best or they just don't like being told what to do or not to do either way they are not good teammates. Sometimes I think people like to annoy people by causing grief in the game making things much harder.
  • satanailofhwbgsatanailofhwbg Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    snoge00f wrote: »
    Well, both. But mostly the build. So many STFers have atrocious builds.

    When my beam boat does more damage than an Escort, something is wrong with their setup.

    IMHO, it's the type of ignorance "I know EEEEverything, who the *** are you telling me what to do???"

    That said, I have Mk.XI weapons and Mk. X tac consoles on my new toon (not even the assimilated module). I have no problem DPS-ing in STFs (I haven't finished the episodes yet, but they're a joke on normal) - today I was in a PuG in ISE and it was done with 8 minutes left on the clock. So...it's definitely the player's fault for not trying to better one's skills. I consider myself a casual player (1-2 hours a day, sometimes even less), so "casual" or not - you must be aware, that when you TRIBBLE-up, you are taking the whole team of people with you.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Today I did HSE for the first time with some of my friends. After a long battle, we make it to the unimatrixes. I didn't notice it until the last second, but there was this plasma energy bolt coming at me. So yeah, a lot of damage.

    749,000 damage to be exact.

    There is no possible way you can survive that, especially when you're running a Defiant like me. Even the Crystalline Entity would cry if it got hit with one of those things.

    We made it through the mission, but it was very painful.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    749,000 damage to be exact.

    This is actually normal. They're the same ones from the sector Red Alerts, they vaporize you on contact.
  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This was without a doubt the biggest noobe bunch I've seen in months.

    There I was....


    I pug in and actually forgot to say, "Hi' which is REALLY rare for me. :eek:

    I fly left and see that nobody followed.

    I look back and see a klink about 45K off in the distance and three other ships setting at the Kang.

    I start in at the nodes and die unusually fast.

    I fly back and start in again on the same node.

    I see the Klink is setting just outside of range of the Kang to do anything.

    I get a couple more nanites killed and get killed again.

    Hmmmmm. Very unusual.... :(

    I wait the full penalty time and fly back, all the while typing that I need a little help at the Cubes.

    I see one ship come to the first cube.

    Now keep in mine, there is only one raptor at the Kang with two ships trying to kill it and a Klink hiding in the bushes.

    The Ship that's come to the Cube has, You guessed it, rainbow/technicolor beams.

    It's firing at the cube with no effect since there are still nodes to kill.

    I type, 'Shoot the Nanites first!"

    No use but I get the last nanite killed.

    A raptot had popped out and here the guy is, following the raptor all the way back to the kang while blasting away with his Rainbow/Technicolor beams.

    I kill the first cube.

    Way too much time has been used on the first cube so I type, "We need some help at the cubes if we're going to win this."

    Here comes mister rainbow again, blasting away at the cube.

    I type again, "Shoot the bottom nanites first!"

    No luck, he can't read.

    I type again, "SHOOT THE NANITES FIRST!"

    And he wonderes off chasing a couple BOPs all the way back to the Kang.

    I Type, 'We are going to lose the optional if we don't get some help at the cubes!"

    I kill cube 2 with 3.5 minutes to spare.

    I fly over to cube 3 and here comes mister rainbow.

    Now he starts in on a nanite on the far side of the cube.

    I think, "He's getting the hang of it."

    So I kill one, two, three, four nanites, where did mister rainbow go?

    There he is, chasing Raptors back to the Kang.

    I go to the nanite he was working on, it's still at about 80%.

    I type, "This optional is lost thanks to a bunch of noobes."

    Someone says, "4 Marks, big deal."

    I say, "I've never seen such a noobe bunch" {Actually I have, many times over.}

    He says something about 'getting used to it.'

    Anyhow, the klink never fires a shot that I saw, mister rainbow was totally useless, I died on cube three when I got caught too close to the final blast while typing 'NOOBES!'

    While killing the carrier I did see that the last two ships were firing regular beams to my suprise. They were just too weak to be of any use. :P
  • macerukmaceruk Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You guys must be unlucky haha i have been pugging for a ages now and rarely have a bad one.
  • chivs116chivs116 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just had the worst STF ISE:

    everyone started all right by attacking the cube and destroying but soon went badly wrong
    instead of all going to the left side like normal

    1 player went right and attacked the cube, died a few times, after taking out the cube started on gen's and guess what...the spheres came!

    while this was going on me and another went left doing things right with 10% rule i had no problem with this untill the other two players started up, one started attacking the gate where as the other just stopped infront of transfomer for about 5 min untill the "Player" choose to fly around the transformer again and again only going for sphere went attacked

    1h 45min later we still hadnt got the tac cube to 20%...both players that attacked the gate and flown around had given up and left..stating it were our fault and we were s***

    all ill say is thanks to the player that joined us to end the match

    VA Chivers - U.S.S Horatio Caine - NCC-92966-A (Fleet Prometheus Class MVAM)
  • oneandonlyrecceoneandonlyrecce Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The other night I thought I would squeeze in 1 last quick run of ISE. Starts off and it seems ok. Take down the cubes, gens and transformers on the left. It's a little "messy" and we're running a little slow but we should make it. I notice that a Fed Escort with dual beams is over on the right side, shooting at a generator. Ask him to "please stop shooting the generator". He keeps on going and blows it. I halt the 2 spawned spheres and attack the nanite while the other 3 rush over and go for the cube. Mr. Escort is banging away at 2nd generator.

    We just lose the optional and it goes pearshaped. Only a BoP and I seem to know what's actually going on and why the nanite spheres are important. Not a word from Mr Escort.

    The following night, I think that I can squeeze in 1 last quick ISE. Just as we start off, I see a Fed Escort with dual beams and I check the name. It's the same guy from last night. My heart sinks, but I don't bail. He seems to have learnt from the previous evening and he's not killing generators, but he seems to be a glass popgun. :(
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    maceruk wrote: »
    You guys must be unlucky haha i have been pugging for a ages now and rarely have a bad one.

    this is by far the most enteraining thread in the forum.

    this post caught my eye because at one time i said i was really lucky and hardly ever saw rainbow builds. the last few days i have seen all kinds of rainbows and skittles in pugs. so much for luck.
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