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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    You're jumping to conclusions and transposing a 20% chance at proc to be a 100% chance. There's an 80% chance the proc won't fire so it's not like everyone's going to be viraled for the entire match. Also, if you want to use the old doff in combo with the new doff, you will have to make a sacrifice of which one to use which lowers your chance of either of them firing off. According to Borticus's post, the duration of viral for these chained virals will be 5 seconds, not 20.

    Don't be fooled by percentages. The sub nuke doff boasts a 1% chance to clear all your buffs. So with what you're saying there's a 99% chance it won't. You see something wrong with the picture here? I do, that's why we don't use the doffs and it's frowned on by many in this community. This doff is close, but not as lethal. You'll see.

    skurf wrote: »
    That's like saying whoever runs 4 DHC's and 3 turrets rely on them heavily for a reason. Well duh. People tend to rely on the weapons they equip, especially when their boff powers revolve around buffing said weapons. We can get into this discussion about tric mines being OP, but we've already had it, and I'd rather not talk in circles. I'll just say that it's been a long time since I've died to tric mines in my escorts, and I've never died to them on my sci or eng toon. I die to cannon rapid fire with DHC's exponentially more than tric mines with dpb, so I guess DHC's are OP and should be nerfed...because you know, I should never have to die in this game by someone using weapons meant to kill me.

    50k tric hit, 100k critical. k no thanks. Any other type of damage is dwarfed next to this joyous weapon. Someone flying around dumping mines everywhere, as opposed to someone struggling to keep their 45 degrees on someone are two different worlds. The mines are obnoxious, and defeat the better player with sudden obnoxious ease.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.

    I do agree with what you are saying though especially the confetti being thrown at the B'rel is probally the largest burst of OP confetti there is. It's like this... If you want to use the B'rel as a fan of the one in Star Trek 6: Undiscovered Country as a KDF player not only with the various skills out there to decloak you and not to mention the one you can buy off the c-store as a fed but even NPC's with that 3 second decloak to do enough damage to your enemy you are constantly decloaked so really no one needs any of these abilities because for the B'rel user the mechanic itself on how it works decloaking you... You create the window for whoever is attacking you. That's my stance on it because its so OP because its a shieldless ship for an easy kill but it would have been nice if you guys woulda put a doff out there that makes it do the red flash thing like on the movie that only decloaks it for 3 seconds if you are actually using a boff skill that already decloaks the ship. For real though it would be in Cryptic's best interest to make the B'rel more fun to play because its not as OP as all these OP confetti people claim it is in its current state and it would also put more value into the fed ionized gas torp and would make Cryptic money in that regard. At this point for the KDF if this was done for the KDF it would be the same thing for us as having a new and old ship at the same time (can't really call this whining as we see more and more abilities go against the KDF but nothing being added to this ever changing mold for the KDF).
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    rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited November 2012
    Who cares if an enemy player, which is not the current selected target, gets 1 subsystem 5 seconds offline.....

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
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    marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.

    You are aware of the newest exploit thats been happening in Opvp land? Are we going to get silenced again and wait 1 year for a pvp game breaking bug will be fixed? Or do we have to get it announced and discussed in a podcast again before you guys actually believe us? lol.

    I understand that OP is being thrown around the corner a bit too much I totally agree, sometimes its also very relative to the player and it really depends on his own skill often, his attitude, and his possibly small amount of experience with the particular thing being called OP, I do agree on that.

    I was considering going back to play this game's PvP but now with this new gamebreaking voldemort exploit I'll relinquish from doing just that. No more money from me!!!! Perhaps its time to really find a new MMO :(
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    marctraiderzmarctraiderz Member Posts: 539 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Don't be so hard on him. I mean he fixed the BFI doffs.

    Granted, it took him 10 months before he did something, but it's something, isn't it? Okay, now they are adding more healing back in via consoles and doffs, but this "one step forward, two steps back" has tradition. Don't shun tradition!

    (And maybe someone will fix the FAW [Acc] bug... or play a game against 4-5 carriers and see why pets in this game are a massive balance problem... or get GravPulsed for 40s... or get Gravitic Anchored and see that APO doesn't work... or meet a kdf power drain team... or ...)

    Grav pulse 52+ sec is not uncommon either :P
    paxottoman wrote: »
    Don't be fooled by percentages. The sub nuke doff boasts a 1% chance to clear all your buffs. So with what you're saying there's a 99% chance it won't. You see something wrong with th

    Wasnt it 3 times 1% roll per weapon cycle (7/8 weapons)??
    How much did it proc again? most likely about the same as the weapon procs itself, which is every 15~ish seconds (Just a high approximation from practical experience with 2.5% weap procs) :p

    lulzy!!!!!!! i bet since bfi is totally screwed its not the next new viable thing to use!!!
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    bwemobwemo Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.
    We've said it before: All powers should have a counter and/or resistance.

    Pretty much this. The second quote comes from a thread in which actual math and evidence was presented to how op the snb effect from lobi temporal set was. And still is.
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Grav pulse 52+ sec is not uncommon either :P

    Wasnt it 3 times 1% roll per weapon cycle (7/8 weapons)??
    How much did it proc again? most likely about the same as the weapon procs itself, which is every 15~ish seconds (Just a high approximation from practical experience with 2.5% weap procs) :p

    lulzy!!!!!!! i bet since bfi is totally screwed its not the next new viable thing to use!!!

    I'm gonna throw confetti around ESD when you return to STO. lol
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    Don't be fooled by percentages. The sub nuke doff boasts a 1% chance to clear all your buffs. So with what you're saying there's a 99% chance it won't. You see something wrong with the picture here? I do, that's why we don't use the doffs and it's frowned on by many in this community. This doff is close, but not as lethal. You'll see.

    You're comparing the proc rate of a Doff that attaches to Energy Weapon activation (several per second, every second of every battle) to one that attaches to a Bridge Officer ability that can, at max, be fired once every 30sec (possibly ~28sec with certain gear).

    Talk about apples to hand grenades.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    beary666stobeary666sto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The VM-AOE ability works as follows:

    5% chance to jump to a 2nd target @ White Quality.
    20% chance @ Purple Quality.

    If the VM jumps to a second target, it then has a subsequent chance to jump to another target, again using the same % chance as the base Doff quality dictates (5, 10, 15 or 20%).

    It can, if you get REALLY lucky, jump up to 4 times, affecting anywhere between 2 and 4 targets in total (one per jump).

    The VM that is inflicted on any targets other than the first, is always VM I (Rank 1), as if you were using it with a BO that had no points trained into it. These extra jumps are also not improved by the original caster's skill in Subspace Decompiler - they always last only 5 seconds, and can be reduced with skill in Subsystem Repair.

    It's an extra effect. It's not intended to be a huge game-changer, just a fun toy.

    How Does this System Engineer synergize with the old System Engineer Proc?

    So if you have both types of system engineers, dO the VM jumps trigger the additional shutdowns of the old System Engineers?
    Join Date: Sep 2009
    [23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    Don't be fooled by percentages. The sub nuke doff boasts a 1% chance to clear all your buffs. So with what you're saying there's a 99% chance it won't. You see something wrong with the picture here? I do, that's why we don't use the doffs and it's frowned on by many in this community. This doff is close, but not as lethal. You'll see.
    Well that's 1% for every shot landed correct? So it's 1% pretty much every second you're under fire which gives it a 60% chance at procing over a period of a minute. [These numbers are just estimates and could be completely wrong, but I am using them as an example as to why this 1% procs so much higher than you would think a 1% proc should hit.] And I completely agree with you about the subnuc doffs. Your testing was instrumental in getting them to change them, it's just a shame that they didn't actually fix anything with the change, which I think is one of Cryptic's larger balance mistakes to-date (first the introduction of them, and then not fixing them even when they seemed to actually try to fix them). These subnuc doffs need a re-re-evaluation.
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    stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited November 2012
    It seems like it might be easier to release these new things in a notably underpowered state so that any changes are in the upward direction and not a nerf. People grow attached to these new gimmicks, and that's not a bad thing, but no one likes to have the rug pulled out from under them. Unfortunately, sometimes that exactly what needs to happen.

    I like that the VM Doff has some limitations on it and that many make sense. Relatively short range for the jump, low tier impact, unboosted by player stats. Do I understand correctly then that it doesn't work with the current VM Doff, allowing it to effect multiple systems with each jump?

    And what about a 10-20 (random number suggestions) second immunity to all future VM effects? It may not seem like much, having 3 chances to land a 20% proc, but it adds up rather quickly (as with anything that stacks).

    I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but my concern is that this will lead to Team Doffs that turn ET, ST, and TT into some kind of AoE effect. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a cool move but if the heals are too strong we could end up back to the point where no one dies, or debuffs become completely worthless (TT already makes FOMM and the like kind of a joke).

    To be clear, I'm not trying to make this new VM Doff out to be the boogie man. I'm just using it for illustrative purposes.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You're comparing the proc rate of a Doff that attaches to Energy Weapon activation (several per second, every second of every battle) to one that attaches to a Bridge Officer ability that can, at max, be fired once every 30sec (possibly ~28sec with certain gear).

    Talk about apples to hand grenades.

    that vm doff is not op bort, not at 2.5 range. at 5 range it would be useful, and at 7.5 to 10 it might be op if a whole team was using 2 copies. most of this stuff is not that problematic, the jam doff is what im most worried about,

    can we get particulars on how much damage you can cause before the jam breaks? with 9 into countermeasures and 0 into counter measures?

    and does the EPtS doff buff your sensors and dampeners skills or something?
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You're comparing the proc rate of a Doff that attaches to Energy Weapon activation (several per second, every second of every battle) to one that attaches to a Bridge Officer ability that can, at max, be fired once every 30sec (possibly ~28sec with certain gear).

    Talk about apples to hand grenades.

    Wow, that's even worse than what I thought. I'm really not sure how you can defend these subnuc doffs or the changes that you have made to them. We're talking about a super-high chance at procing without even having to activate anything. On top of that, we're talking about procing the most powerful ability in the game that is limited to only Science Captains. I just don't understand the thought process that went into reworking these doffs when you clearly show you understand the implications of raising the proc from .5% to 1%.
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    rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited November 2012
    And we also dont have any info about how many of those doffs can be equiped...

    And if new doffs share limitations with the old ones (eg. max 3 system engineers)

    And how many of those EptA engineers can be equiped?


    That is very important to know

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Indeed the Jam sensors doff is going to be complete BS most likely.

    As it is on my torp brel I can jam someone and unload a ton of torps they don't see coming... being able to do the same with cannons again could be an issue.

    It seems like the newer Devs don't remember why the Old Devs made a few changes... I mean it was fun to run 2 jams in kerrat back in the day and kill people with Battle cloak and the original version of Enhanced battlecloak (jam)... really though I'm not that nostalgic. lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    beary666stobeary666sto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rudiefix1 wrote: »
    And we also dont have any info about how many of those doffs can be equiped...

    And if new doffs share limitations with the old ones (eg. max 3 system engineers)

    And how many of those EptA engineers can be equiped?


    That is very important to know

    If they are the same profession, it doesn't matter whether they are vanilla or spiced up versions of the doffs, the limits on equipping them don't change. Bort stated that as a reason why sub nuc doffs could not be limited to 1 because they are Energy Weapons Doffs

    Edit: So 3 for those new maintenance doffs. Note, this will mean you can't run as many maintenance doffs for reducing your Eng team cooldown
    Join Date: Sep 2009
    [23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    You're comparing the proc rate of a Doff that attaches to Energy Weapon activation (several per second, every second of every battle) to one that attaches to a Bridge Officer ability that can, at max, be fired once every 30sec (possibly ~28sec with certain gear).

    Talk about apples to hand grenades.

    I did not compare those two doffs. Look who's jumping to conclusions now.. lol

    I told him not to use that kind of rationale when looking at percentages. When the SN Doff procs, it is devastating, even though it's an itty bitty 1%.

    When this doff procs, it will be devastating even though it has a 20% chance. We all know what viral does, it does not take rocket science to realize the effects of viral on 3+ targets on the same team. It will be devastating.

    Now that you brought up the topic, are you going to address the SN Doff ? Or how about Power Siphons? Btw, I'm not comparing them.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    My pug healer weeps a little inside.

    2 VMs with their doffs are bad enough. :(
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    thepleasuredomethepleasuredome Member Posts: 308
    edited November 2012
    Welcome to PokeStar TrekVille Online
    Arawn & Ihasa
    OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
    Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
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    orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The VM-AOE ability works as follows:

    5% chance to jump to a 2nd target @ White Quality.
    20% chance @ Purple Quality.

    If the VM jumps to a second target, it then has a subsequent chance to jump to another target, again using the same % chance as the base Doff quality dictates (5, 10, 15 or 20%).

    It can, if you get REALLY lucky, jump up to 4 times, affecting anywhere between 2 and 4 targets in total (one per jump).

    The VM that is inflicted on any targets other than the first, is always VM I (Rank 1), as if you were using it with a BO that had no points trained into it. These extra jumps are also not improved by the original caster's skill in Subspace Decompiler - they always last only 5 seconds, and can be reduced with skill in Subsystem Repair.

    It's an extra effect. It's not intended to be a huge game-changer, just a fun toy.

    With that laid out it and the range being only 2.5, it doesn't seem that bad. Am I right in thinking that the subsequent jumps aren't affected by normal system engineer doffs?
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rudiefix1 wrote: »
    And we also dont have any info about how many of those doffs can be equiped...

    And if new doffs share limitations with the old ones (eg. max 3 system engineers)

    And how many of those EptA engineers can be equiped?


    That is very important to know

    The limitations are the same as they've always been. So you can have 3 systems engineers so if you want to use the old VM doff in combo with the new one, you will have to use a combo of 2 and 1. Then there's the global engineer limitation which I believe is set at 4, so if you're equipping let's say 3 system engineers, you will only be able to equip 1 other, different type of engineering doff.

    ...at least that's how I think it works because I tried to equip 3 technicians and 2 systems engineers and I could only equip 4 total.
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    Just to reiterate and confirm what others are saying in this thread:

    Equip Limits are not changing with this pack. If you could previously have 3 Systems Engineers, you can still have 3 Systems Engineers. This is regardless of their attached ability - they are all the same Spec, and therefore apply to the same Equip Limit.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Just to reiterate and confirm what others are saying in this thread:

    Equip Limits are not changing with this pack. If you could previously have 3 Systems Engineers, you can still have 3 Systems Engineers. This is regardless of their attached ability - they are all the same Spec, and therefore apply to the same Equip Limit.

    Can I still put my draw fire/shield distribution officers in active space roster? I so loved using that method to have an 8 doff ground setup :)
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    fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I just came out of a 50min match (random queue) with lots of VM. VM is not fun. Doffs that make VM stronger are therefore not fun either.

    Will these particular doffs be particularly problematic? I have no idea, we will see how it unfolds. But everyone who plays the game in a at least semi-serious pvp setting will realise that more disables are not a fun enhancing element. (Same goes for more pets/carriers.)

    There was a reason why the original VM/SNB was a huge problem and why PSW-chainstunning got removed. Taking the control away from a player is not a good thing for how this player feels. And it is this loss of control that makes disables more problematic than just regular weapons fire that destroys the ship.
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Again, releasing these new DOffs just baffles me... I'd really, honestly love it if you could spare just a moment to answer me on this one Bort...

    Why release DOffs that will only ever have a substantial effect on PvP? I mean what is the point exactly? What appeal will a VM DOff or a healer or a battery DOff hold to your average PvEr? I just don't understand your motivations at all.

    Bynar are pretty kewl, though.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    they always last only 5 seconds, and can be reduced with skill in Subsystem Repair.

    You mean inertial dampeners?
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    You mean inertial dampeners?

    Nope. This is a Subsystem Disabled mode, not an actual "Disable" modifier.

    Subsystem Repair reduces the duration on Subsystem Disabled modes.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    rooster75rooster75 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I wouldn't worry too much about these DOffs yet.

    Many of the unique DOffs introduced with the Temporal packs were broken right from the get-go and still don't work despite numerous tickets.

    *cough* <Jael Ducane> *cough*

    Hey, I got a good idea? How about making sure that the DOffs already in game actually work first before releasing new DOff packs with more broken stuff?
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    Side Note: I just noticed, when looking over this new VM doff, that although Eng Team cured individual systems being offline, it did not dispel the ongoing Viral Matrix process. We've decided to allow Eng Team to remove the debuff altogether.

    So, using Eng Team on yourself while under the effects of VM will not only turn any offline systems back on, it will also prevent further systems from being turned off for the duration of that application of VM.

    (I coulda sworn that Science Team used to do this, but that functionality doesn't seem to be present. It makes more sense for Eng Team to counter a Subsystem Disable, though.)
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.

    I'm saying this in the nicest possible way, but the burden of proof is not on the community. We aren't Cryptic's QA or PvP balancing department (sadly :() and while many of us are happy to put in hours on projects or things to help other players out of a sheer love of the game, we don't get paid and we only have so much time to donate to something that's supposed to be recreational.

    Wouldn't the ideal approach to be to test new items or ships or whatever in-house before releasing them onto Holodeck? If the staff aren't confident in their abilities there are a lot of folk here who'll gladly sign up so long as they know for sure their feedback's being listened to.

    I don't know. It seems like drawing up ideas without testing them and then offloading them onto the live server, then expecting the players to call for buffs/nerfs is a lot more backwards than just testing them at Cryptic studios in the first place.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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