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new doffs

rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
edited December 2012 in PvP Gameplay
ooooh, aaah. new doffs.


Maintenance (Space): Emergency Power to Auxiliary increases your Shield Emitters and Hull Repair skills for 30 seconds - very nice for the AtoB builds which use EptA every 30 sec. Means even more resist and regen. My veteran ships and Katchinga's will be even better....who needs SDO's anymore

Quartermaster (Space): Decreases the cooldown of batteries. - Nice for our battery addicted captains. Now see if they reduce enough to replace other doffs

Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of mines. - Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of TRICO mines. oooh aaah everyone get them

rest are meh. maybe the new photonic doff is nice...

@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
Post edited by rudiefix1 on


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    cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The one who give viral matrix an AOE proc is gonna make people rage.
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    fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    VM as AOE is bad. And let's hope the Aceton doff does not affect Karfi frigates.

    Why do the devs hate us? Why is nobody at cryptic competent enough to see that these additions will most likely decrease the fun of playing sto pvp?

    Is it too much too hope that they just stop developing the game so it won't get any worse than it has already become?
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I dunno. These don't seem too bad, at least compared to what we've seen in the past. The new VM doff seems like it could be powerful if the percentages are high, but will it be powerful enough to replace the current VM doffs? I actually like the Aux2Bat doff. One of the things with running an Aux2Bat build is that it makes you squishy because of the trouble with getting in heals when your aux power is constantly low, especially if you're not in a cruiser. It may be worth a revisit in my sci timeship (had to change it because I kept dying even with using 10+ aux batteries a match).
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    The VM-AOE ability works as follows:

    5% chance to jump to a 2nd target @ White Quality.
    20% chance @ Purple Quality.

    If the VM jumps to a second target, it then has a subsequent chance to jump to another target, again using the same % chance as the base Doff quality dictates (5, 10, 15 or 20%).

    It can, if you get REALLY lucky, jump up to 4 times, affecting anywhere between 2 and 4 targets in total (one per jump).

    The VM that is inflicted on any targets other than the first, is always VM I (Rank 1), as if you were using it with a BO that had no points trained into it. These extra jumps are also not improved by the original caster's skill in Subspace Decompiler - they always last only 5 seconds, and can be reduced with skill in Subsystem Repair.

    It's an extra effect. It's not intended to be a huge game-changer, just a fun toy.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    And let's hope the Aceton doff does not affect Karfi frigates.

    Do you mean, not proc from the pet's use of the ability? Doff abilities should not be activated by any pet abilities, so this should not be a concern. Let me know if you are aware of a case where this isn't true, and it will be fixed.

    Your Doffs are on your ship, not your hangar pets.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Bold = Problems ahead.

    Damage Control Engineer (Space): Chance for Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field to proc a hull Heal Over Time.

    Let me get this straight, you guys nerfed the borg set for a reason. Too much healing, so now you're going to make a heal that's already on a global cool down have a chance to do MOAR healing?

    Matter-Antimatter (Space): Your Emergency Power to Shields ability grants a temporary bonus to crowd control resistance.

    Crowd control resistance? Elaborate please.

    Maintenance (Space): Emergency Power to Auxiliary increases your Shield Emitters and Hull Repair skills for 30 seconds.

    Not that big of a deal, but again you nerfed borg set for a reason. Too much healing in the game as it is. Don't Devs use memo's? You know like, Dev-A sends memo to Dev-B "Btw, I nerfed the borg set" and the other Dev gets back to him and says, "Oh ok, I won't buff more healing then". That way you guys are on the same page?

    Quartermaster (Space): Decreases the cooldown of batteries.

    It keeps going, and going, and going, and going.. Energizer bunny doff, definitely not going to be a solution to the big bad doff next on this list. Team batteries perhaps?

    Systems Engineer (Space): Viral Matrix has a chance to spread to other nearby enemies.

    Well I said team batteries being a solution, but we got to pay Lobi for that now don't we? Next to sub nuke doffs, probably not as lethal, but this is definitely the AIDS doff as I'd like to call it. You get it off someone, and you die too. You guys are pricks, just absolute and utter pricks for doing this despite how mad the PvP community is right now.

    Sensors (Space): Increases the amount of damage you can deal to a target after jamming their sensors without breaking the jamming.

    Yay 1v1 is now dead. Someone running these doffs, +countermeasures, +consoles, lol hidden death. I'd like to see my murderer thank you very much! So this forces the sci team onto your ship, nerfs the 1v1 captain from their transfer shield resistance and, get this, you have to manually distribute your shields while a fully buffed escort is rofl blasting away at you. Imagine Yoda or MT shooting you while you gotta redistribute manually. Congratulations Devs, you have successfully beaten up queue pvp with the aforementioned doffs and all that other stuff in the past. Dueling will now be about whoever has the best jam sensors.

    Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of mines.

    Moar tric mines please. We need those skilless instant pops. Who cares about energy weapons anymore. Let's just load 8, 7, 6 tric mines on all 3 classes of ships. What the heck is wrong with you people? Seriously, you guys are doing stuff vindictively now. People have come on here complaining about the trics enough times.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The VM-AOE ability works as follows:

    5% chance to jump to a 2nd target @ White Quality.
    20% chance @ Purple Quality.

    If the VM jumps to a second target, it then has a subsequent chance to jump to another target, again using the same % chance as the base Doff quality dictates (5, 10, 15 or 20%).

    It can, if you get REALLY lucky, jump up to 4 times, affecting anywhere between 2 and 4 targets in total (one per jump).

    The VM that is inflicted on any targets other than the first, is always VM I (Rank 1), as if you were using it with a BO that had no points trained into it. These extra jumps are also not improved by the original caster's skill in Subspace Decompiler - they always last only 5 seconds, and can be reduced with skill in Subsystem Repair.

    It's an extra effect. It's not intended to be a huge game-changer, just a fun toy.

    What's the AoE range for the jumps? 10km?
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ?Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of mines?
    The Projectile Officer seems mostly a waste as pretty much any two mines will be past cool down. I guess you could use the doff with 1 mine launcher but that seems like a waste of doff slots. Why take a doff to boost 1 weapon when you can take a doff to boost up to 7 other weapons?

    It is a shame the new Projectile Officer is useless for Projectile and mine ships. The only ships I see useing it are the energy ships with 1 mine.
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    fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's an extra effect. It's not intended to be a huge game-changer, just a fun toy.
    Thanks for giving us the details.

    We'll have to see how these 20% play out (can the doff be stacked?).

    And a general comment: Disables are not fun. Fireworks is a fun toy. A disable ability isn't.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    Damage Control Engineer (Space): Chance for Auxiliary Power to Structural Integrity Field to proc a hull Heal Over Time.

    Let me get this straight, you guys nerfed the borg set for a reason. Too much healing, so now you're going to make a heal that's already on a global cool down have a chance to do MOAR healing?
    Power to Structural Integrity cooldown is higher then its global cool down.
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    What's the AoE range for the jumps? 10km?

    It's only 2.5 km for each jump.

    Which still means that a 4th jump (again, if you get really lucky) could affect a target 10km from the original.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    Fireworks is a fun toy.

    Stay tuned for a Doff that procs a Fireworks "emote" when you fire an energy weapon. ;)
    We'll have to see how these 20% play out (can the doff be stacked?).

    They are Systems Engineers, so yes - they can be stacked up to 3 times.

    Which means that slotting 3 Purples will give you 3 20% chances on each jump.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Let's see...

    Vesta's with DHCs and VM 1 + 3. 3 Systems Engineers for a 13 second initial lockdown, followed by a 75% chance for a second 7 second lockdown. VM 1 lasts for ~8 seconds (with 30 second GCD). Cycling those 2, you can keep someone locked down more or less indefinitely.

    Now if you add 20% AoE chance to that...
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    fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Stay tuned for a Doff that procs a Fireworks "emote" when you fire an energy weapon. ;)
    You realise that I was referring to the fireworks device? The only truly good device addition to the game since launch that brought a lot of fun and did not make pvp worse?

    It's sad, but I'm really not sure if you know that we have a fireworks device.
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    thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    praxi5 wrote: »
    Let's see...

    Vesta's with DHCs and VM 1 + 3. 3 Systems Engineers for a 13 second initial lockdown, followed by a 75% chance for a second 7 second lockdown. VM 1 lasts for ~8 seconds (with 30 second GCD). Cycling those 2, you can keep someone locked down more or less indefinitely.

    Now if you add 20% AoE chance to that...

    FWIW, they probably aren't going to stack as the normal System Engineers don't stack.
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The VM-AOE ability works as follows:

    It's an extra effect. It's not intended to be a huge game-changer, just a fun toy.

    Oh yeah that's cute. And sub nuke doffs are game changer then? Or are those just fun little cute toys?

    Two truths:

    A) These Viral Aids doffs are OP, in addition to the Mines doff, and the Jam sensors doff.

    B) You have no idea what you're talking about. Or you THINK you do, and you're just being your usual passive aggressive self towards PvPers. I'd say both.

    I'd call in Bran right about now, you're about to get tarred and feathered Borticus.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    Systems Engineer (Space): Viral Matrix has a chance to spread to other nearby enemies.

    Well I said team batteries being a solution, but we got to pay Lobi for that now don't we? Next to sub nuke doffs, probably not as lethal, but this is definitely the AIDS doff as I'd like to call it. You get it off someone, and you die too. You guys are pricks, just absolute and utter pricks for doing this despite how mad the PvP community is right now.

    Wow, chill out man. If you consider a 5 second viral matrix insta-death then I dunno what to say, because it's not. I don't really see a problem with this doff and the way Borticus described it it seems to me the original VM doff is still the better option for VM users.

    paxottoman wrote: »
    Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of mines.

    Moar tric mines please. We need those skilless instant pops. Who cares about energy weapons anymore. Let's just load 8, 7, 6 tric mines on all 3 classes of ships. What the heck is wrong with you people? Seriously, you guys are doing stuff vindictively now. People have come on here complaining about the trics enough times.
    Anyone running a mine build will be running 2 mines. If you take trics as an example, running 2 mines gets you to the global 30 second cooldown which lines up with dispersal pattern cooldowns, so there's really no reason to run this doff if you're using tric mines + dpb. If you just want to put 1 tric mine on your ship and run these doffs, yeah, it'll give a small boost, but there are surely other doffs and other weapon layouts that would be better.
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    hatepwehatepwe Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Can teh consultant's get stacked as well and how much extra sp/exp/cxp do they grant?
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    borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
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    overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of mines. - Projectile Officer (Space): Decreases the cooldown of TRICO mines. oooh aaah everyone get them

    I doubt it will affect the 30 seconds global tricobalt mine cooldown...
    They don't, right?
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    Wow, chill out man. If you consider a 5 second viral matrix insta-death then I dunno what to say, because it's not. I don't really see a problem with this doff and the way Borticus described it it seems to me the original VM doff is still the better option for VM users.

    Uh no, an entire team or majority of a team being viraled is an extremity of a situation. There will be no variety of abilities used by science captains in pvp either. Viral is god and a must on a build with this doff being available. You can interrupt cross heals indefinitely with a heavy spec into decompiler. Allow me to elaborate:

    1) Two virals, global cool down 30 seconds.
    targets A, B, C, are viraled because of new doff
    2) Targets are viraled again because of old doff
    3) Duration of viral is 20 seconds.
    4) 10 seconds later, a new wave of virals come in.
    5) Oh yeah your team mate also has double viral on his ship.
    6) You're amazing if you lived passed this onslaught.

    skurf wrote: »
    Anyone running a mine build will be running 2 mines. If you take trics as an example, running 2 mines gets you to the global 30 second cooldown which lines up with dispersal pattern cooldowns, so there's really no reason to run this doff if you're using tric mines + dpb. If you just want to put 1 tric mine on your ship and run these doffs, yeah, it'll give a small boost, but there are surely other doffs and other weapon layouts that would be better.

    Whoever runs tric mines tends to rely on them heavily for a reason. Giving them 'more options' isn't exactly a solution to that problem. Why is it that tric torps (which require precision and concise timing skill) kill you as well? Where as trics don't kill their own/friendly targets? It's trash, and anyone that uses that stuff knows it's an easy way to score a kill on someone without even breaking a sweat.

    While they worked on these doffs, they ignored the need to fix the problems with PvP. I'm not going to say "good job thanks for the new doffs" when they don't really don't improve pvp in this game.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning
    Here is an idea: Set up a test server, put new abilities there first, let players test them for a couple of weeks, tweak them, test them again (if necessary repeat these steps a couple of times) and then put them live.

    And provide enough documentation to avoid that players rush to conclusions.
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    houseofcritzhouseofcritz Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.

    Can somebody who tested these doffs on tribble please post some numbers on them?? i am sure they have been on tribble for a while for testing. thanks
    Quote of the week:
    sollvax wrote: »
    a pure cannon build is always less effective than original starfleet specs

    correct build is as it comes out of the factory
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok guys calm down, remember you can only have 5 at once, and these are kinda tame compared to some that are out there now.

    if the jumping VM, that will only effect 1 subsytem for 5 seconds, only has a range of 2.5, its only usable if a bunch of targets are stuck in a GW. the other vm doff is 10 times better.

    that hull heal over time from AtS sounds cool, but ships that can slot 2 AtS can usually slot 2 AtB, and lets be honest between those 2 choices what is really overpowered. i could see a steamrunner using this doff and using TSS instead of HE. this just opens up additional choices imo, all the HOTs in the world arent gonna save you from the spike that if its gonna kill ya is gonna kill ya

    the Aceton Beam doff might finally be a reason to use Aceton Beam, like the vm doff made vm so great. now actual player ships are that much closer to draining energy as well and siphon pods.

    the EPtS doff, does that buff your dampeners and sensor skills?

    the EPtA doff buffing heals, THAT is awesome, i run EPtA on almost everything with ether damage control or tech doffs. this is proboly worth droping a BFI doff for

    the battery doff, thats cool. pun intended. batts have a pretty huge cooldown

    the mine doff wont be as useful as the torp doff, unless the global cooldown for launches is removed like it was for torps

    i am concerned about the jam doff though. jam is just about the most annoying thing in game, partly because it is usually used by noobs and it just prolongs the inevitable, that they are gunna die. but this doff will just help enable them to be stupid and keep shooting you without drawback. there is also the duel problem, but i think this is solved by saying take off your jam/SNB doffs or i aint accepting your challenge. in an arena though you would have little choice but to evasive spiraling upward, this could be a very overpowered new tactic a spike damaging escorts could exploit

    those consultants are gonna be my first permanent ground active roster doffs, very nice
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.

    My feeling is that the best use of DOffs is to take something underpowered and make an overpowered DOff to compensate. Or perhaps "overtuned" rather than "overpowered" is more accurate.

    I feel that is what, for instance, the melee DOffs do. They take something that even with recent buffs is exceedingly risky and reward it generously.

    I'd like to see hand weapons/pistols get a similar treatment and maybe some energy type DOffs. In space, maybe something for transphasics. On the ground, in particular, maybe proc conversion?

    So maybe the ability for each DOff to replace an existing proc with a different one?

    Or maybe DOffs with a set bonus that mods the energy type of your weapons?

    So you could have something like three DOffs that boost pistol damage and other pistol stats and using all three converts all of your pistol attacks to a different energy type?
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    praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    All equipment in this game is OP then, because it aids you in defeating your enemies, be they AI bags of hitpoints, or skilled fellow players. Would you all rather have cookie-cutter ships with pre-assigned abilities and equipment that leave you with no customization or choice?

    This community throws around the term "Overpowered" like confetti. Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    (Yes, I recognize the irony in the way that statement is phrased.)

    It's very possible that you're correct in some of these cases, and we've come out and admitted as much in the past, and tuned the abilities accordingly. But jumping to conclusions and labeling something as "OP" before you even have the facts on its function will do nothing but hurt the credibility of the communal voice of this subforum.

    Is there any way that you could provide us with the stats (proc rates, whether they're unique or not, timers, CDs, etc etc) regarding these, please? That way at least some initial theories can be made before testing them out on Tribble.
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Back it up with tests and metrics, and we'll be happy to review for tuning, rather than tossing around hyperbole as if there's no tomorrow.

    We are tired of doing your job for you. Test your own product before selling it man.

    I already tested sub nuke doffs for you. You did nothing about it. 30 second immunity is not the solution to it. Which is why, the consumer (a lot of us) chose not to use it. You did not tune it or make it less over powered. It's ALL of us, against you, we ALL stated this fact to you.

    It's time you guys give the customer what they want. We want balance. AND for you to listen to us.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    Uh no, an entire team or majority of a team being viraled is an extremity of a situation. There will be no variety of abilities used by science captains in pvp either. Viral is god and a must on a build with this doff being available. You can interrupt cross heals indefinitely with a heavy spec into decompiler. Allow me to elaborate:

    1) Two virals, global cool down 30 seconds.
    targets A, B, C, are viraled because of new doff
    2) Targets are viraled again because of old doff
    3) Duration of viral is 20 seconds.
    4) 10 seconds later, a new wave of virals come in.
    5) Oh yeah your team mate also has double viral on his ship.
    6) You're amazing if you lived passed this onslaught.

    You're jumping to conclusions and transposing a 20% chance at proc to be a 100% chance. There's an 80% chance the proc won't fire so it's not like everyone's going to be viraled for the entire match. Also, if you want to use the old doff in combo with the new doff, you will have to make a sacrifice of which one to use which lowers your chance of either of them firing off. According to Borticus's post, the duration of viral for these chained virals will be 5 seconds, not 20.

    Whoever runs tric mines tends to rely on them heavily for a reason. Giving them 'more options' isn't exactly a solution to that problem. Why is it that tric torps (which require precision and concise timing skill) kill you as well? Where as trics don't kill their own/friendly targets? It's trash, and anyone that uses that stuff knows it's an easy way to score a kill on someone without even breaking a sweat.

    While they worked on these doffs, they ignored the need to fix the problems with PvP. I'm not going to say "good job thanks for the new doffs" when they don't really don't improve pvp in this game.
    That's like saying whoever runs 4 DHC's and 3 turrets rely on them heavily for a reason. Well duh. People tend to rely on the weapons they equip, especially when their boff powers revolve around buffing said weapons. We can get into this discussion about tric mines being OP, but we've already had it, and I'd rather not talk in circles. I'll just say that it's been a long time since I've died to tric mines in my escorts, and I've never died to them on my sci or eng toon. I die to cannon rapid fire with DHC's exponentially more than tric mines with dpb, so I guess DHC's are OP and should be nerfed...because you know, I should never have to die in this game by someone using weapons meant to kill me.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Hmmm all though I like the IDEA behind a mine doff as there is a symmetry there... I have to say I really don't see the point in that one. If you can only have X number out a time anyway so... honestly this is going to be a useless doff.... Even for tric mines. If it has the same 20% chance the torp doffs have you won't be spitting enough of them to reliably proc the doff anyway.

    The doff for VM... honestly sounds like junk 2.5k isn't very far to be preying for a 20% chance for a jump... having said that VM is the most popular Sci Skill in PvP... and one of the LEAST popular skills for PvE as most harder PvE enemies seem to have crazy VM resists. So wth. The fact that the System E Doffs... have allowed teams with 2 sci and 2 vms each to be the most annoying thing since 5 man sci rolled perfect sci fleet shields.... makes more VM buffs seem SO targeted at the PvP guys. ;)

    The rare particle trace... cool idea would make the PvE kids happy... and NOT TRIBBLE UP PvP why not release an entire pack of those... Crafting boosts / gathering boosts / Driver coil boosts when you use S Slip.

    Photonic Studies (Space): Chance for Photonic Shockwave to trigger Photonic Aftershocks on affected targets.
    - Have to ask is this doff going to proc from the shockwave torp as well ?

    Extra heals 2 weeks after you nerf a bunch of heals.... now if you had come around 2 weeks ago and said Hey here is our DESIGN GOAL over the next 1-2 months of patches... we are moving healing OFF of gear, and pulling in some DOFF based healing... but we are going to try to move that DOFF shield healing around and move it toward hull healing a little more.... Then we would understand what you where doing... right now it looks like you simply don't talk to each other.

    IF YOU HAVE A Plan... share enough with the community to not make yourselves look incompetent.

    You know things like the aceton I like... There are a bunch of skills that NO one uses in this game cause they suck... why not buff them through doffs. As annoying as VM with doffs is... there is an Opportunity cost and it does make VM a good skill. Not sure why VM needs more doffs though... and have no idea what you guys are thinking with the extra healing again.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    We are tired of doing your job for you. Test your own product before selling it man.
    Don't be so hard on him. I mean he fixed the BFI doffs.

    Granted, it took him 10 months before he did something, but it's something, isn't it? Okay, now they are adding more healing back in via consoles and doffs, but this "one step forward, two steps back" has tradition. Don't shun tradition!

    (And maybe someone will fix the FAW [Acc] bug... or play a game against 4-5 carriers and see why pets in this game are a massive balance problem... or get GravPulsed for 40s... or get Gravitic Anchored and see that APO doesn't work... or meet a kdf power drain team... or ...)
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