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    evilghost1026evilghost1026 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    broken1981 wrote: »
    dude can you please stfu? atleast the dev is talking. calling people names and not talking nicly will not get you anywhere. just be happy he actually came back to talk. now please be a bit more calm. the vm doff seems a bit op. but so did the first doff till you knew when to clear with et. and bort is correct, i dont want cookie cutter builds. the doffs are cool on a roster. and you cant say you dont use them.

    First off, you dont need to tell someone to "stfu" on here.

    Pax is right though, like it or not. I understand the meaning of helping to balance things, but when the game is consistantly being thrown out of balance or skills/bugs are broken or reintroduced, it gets old. Ya know?

    We play the game, they put prepatches on tribble to "test" things. but instead of patches being edited for balance before they're put onto holodeck, they are just copy/pasted over, unedited.

    Take season 7 for example. Did you notice how many people could not play the game once it came out? My dad plays this game and when he played on tribble, when they patched S7 to it, the game was crashing for him. He was getting graphics driver crashes. Many, Many other people had the same issue. Was the problem fixed before S7? No, it was not. they copy/pasted the patch over, and some people could not play anymore.
    -- He's able to play now, but he had to restore his computer back to factory twice before he did. S7 would not play with the current graphics driver updates.

    But back to the issue of balancing. PvP players should offer feedback, but when feedback is shot down, or nothing is done when numerous people talk about a skill/ability being broken/OP, It becomes annoying. Why should we do their work for them when they dont even properly test the game themselves?

    You know just as well as i do that S7 was pushed out in attempt to help compensate with the loss of players going to MWO or other games. They rushed it out, and didnt have enough proper time to test it. Same as when SWTOR came out, they rushed season 5 because they knew star wars would be a major direct competition.


    Jedi Master Yoda of Turkish RP Heros
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    redricky wrote: »
    I've long suspected that raising the number of active duty doffs would come as a Z-store purchase. Now I suspect it will be the Tier 5 K'zinti reputation unlock requiring millions of dil per character.

    K'zinti?! Millions?! Are we going to have to pay Larry Niven in zen?

    Stop being a SaHut Larry!! Release teh K'zinti!!!
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I haven't tested it in the last weeks, but it used to be so that speccing Dampeners slightly reduced the -speed debuff of tractor beam. The problem is that it does nothing to reduce the -turn debuff.

    ahh ok ty. i thought it made it easier to break tractor with out omega or ph. reason i had 6 points in it. just for the tb pets.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »
    1) Which name have I called Borticus?

    prick. thats what you had said as well as being very rude about an issue that was never even tested. you do know that this guy is the main reason crono proc has been fixed right? with out bort i highly doubt it would have been fixed.

    on a side note i dont go to ur ts for advice ty very much. i go there just to say gg for a 1v1 match we may have had. i may have respect for yoda but that dont mean i have it for you. and i dont see yoda acting stupid on fourms or even in pvp chat.

    and i had brought up the issue of damp on fourms 2 times to be ingored by different issues. crono proc, tb,and vm. least a dev gave out the responce to 1 question i had. you look at bort and see cryptic. hes only trying to do what he can. its not like he has the power to fix everything. reason gozer left was due to maybe the same thing. so bourt can only do what hes able to do. im sure if he had compleate control maybe he would get every issue fixed. maybe even pronto.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Another thread bites the dust (Reminds me of a Queen song)

    Common denominator? Hmmmm......

    Reminds me of somone asking us to be civil.
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I understand there's a lot of frustration (perhaps an understatement) and most of us have put money into this game, but I don't think it's fair to hold Bort personally responsible for many of these issues, especially "Voldie" which seems to have been a recurring problem for Cryptic's engine long before Bort joined the dev team. The SNB fix may have made things arguably worse but at least they're listening. Honestly I get the impression that the Cryptic dev team is simply too small and too many past programmers have left undocumented legacy code. At least that's how it appears to me.

    If there are things you're looking for a consensus on, Bort, like with the chron proc, there are a *lot* of things the overwhelming majority will agree badly need attention:

    - SNB DOffs (I don't personally mind DOffs on paper, but if anything this one encourages "cookie cutter" builds, a full cannon 'scort will get the most mileage out of it)
    - Timeship hard stun exploits
    - TB spam
    - Danubes in particular toting frigate-level hull points (seriously, I'm still mystified by this)
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    paxottomanpaxottoman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    broken1981 wrote: »
    prick. thats what you had said as well as being very rude about an issue that was never even tested. you do know that this guy is the main reason crono proc has been fixed right? with out bort i highly doubt it would have been fixed.

    on a side note i dont go to ur ts for advice ty very much. i go there just to say gg for a 1v1 match we may have had. i may have respect for yoda but that dont mean i have it for you. and i dont see yoda acting stupid on fourms or even in pvp chat.

    Someone's got to do the dirty work, for that I'll bite the bullet rather than us coming on here saying the same thing I am. I also don't want/need/ or care about respect from someone that asks me to "stfu" on a forum.

    There's a lot of broken stuff in this game. We asked them constantly to look into it. Their decision was to bring out more stuff. This was bad. Especially bad, when there's pre-existing balancing issues with other things that will implicate more balance issues with the new imbalance stuff.

    We say:
    "Fix the old stuff first before hand."

    They say:
    "No, it's confetti. You test it, and we'll look at it"

    ...and they end up doing nothing about it.

    At TRH we talk about it, and I post it. That's how it goes. We're all on the same page at TRH. If it's not me, it's someone else that will post. And guess what it will be the same way every time.

    Like Yoda said in so many ways as my own words exactly:
    First off, you dont need to tell someone to "stfu" on here.

    Pax is right though, like it or not. I understand the meaning of helping to balance things, but when the game is consistantly being thrown out of balance or skills/bugs are broken or reintroduced, it gets old. Ya know?


    Jedi Master Yoda of Turkish RP Heros

    Next time you get frustrated with what is said on here, use the same courtesy you use when you're in our channel. Or, come talk to us about it.
    Turkish RP Heroes
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    broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paxottoman wrote: »

    Next time you get frustrated with what is said on here, use the same courtesy you use when you're in our channel. Or, come talk to us about it.

    your are right i guess. i should have did a pm in game. but its just stupid that after how everyone likes bort they turn on him just because of a change he thought may have been good. even after people bashed him for it in good faith it got reverted. least thats how i see it(the good faith part). but bort is clean on this issue. the doffs add flavor to this game. its not like he has a say in production to live. but the fact that we do have a dev talk to us is awesome. and on heated subjects its best to stay calm. its not like he can even tell you whats going on in the back round. maybe he has to jump hoops just to make 1 small change. who knows. but if its anything what gozer had said about people in crytpic then bort is very clean. just like how i feel bad for what i thought about gozer and how he got trolled your doing the same thing to bort. just think about it.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Tends to be that 2-3 Tech & 2-3 BFI. If you were sporting 2 Purp Tech & 2 Purp BFI... would the ability to run EPtA as often as you could justify the Purp Aux... I'm picturing dual AtB.

    I'd be interested to see what DDIS thinks about this.

    I had to walk away from AtB/EPtA cold. I couldn't play my other toons - it was killing me waiting on those CDs.

    edit: Heck, maybe with the addition of defensive passives from the Rep systems?

    it depends on how long the duration is for the stat buff. why do i have a feeling it will be TRIBBLE like 8 seconds or something...

    if its the whole wile EPtA is up, then it will be great. it will be a soft counter to the ~30 aux i tend to have most of the time on 2 AtB ships. if i had a AtB ship with TSS or RSP, and i do, i could do without BFI doffs.
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    redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I understand there's a lot of frustration (perhaps an understatement) and most of us have put money into this game, but I don't think it's fair to hold Bort personally responsible for many of these issues, especially "Voldie" which seems to have been a recurring problem for Cryptic's engine long before Bort joined the dev team. The SNB fix may have made things arguably worse but at least they're listening. Honestly I get the impression that the Cryptic dev team is simply too small and too many past programmers have left undocumented legacy code. At least that's how it appears to me.

    If there are things you're looking for a consensus on, Bort, like with the chron proc, there are a *lot* of things the overwhelming majority will agree badly need attention:

    - SNB DOffs (I don't personally mind DOffs on paper, but if anything this one encourages "cookie cutter" builds, a full cannon 'scort will get the most mileage out of it)
    - Timeship hard stun exploits
    - TB spam
    - Danubes in particular toting frigate-level hull points (seriously, I'm still mystified by this)
    You are right, it's not cool to hold Bort personally responsible. I don't. I still admire him for keeping an open dialogue and I know he's got love for STO and wants it to succeed.

    Bran, Bort, everybody who has tried to reach out to the community: how can we discuss the implications of a VM doff when the in-game VM counter, isn't? These errors undermine everything.

    I'm going to have to admit that I think I was projecting a while back when I said that misinformation frustrates this community. I don't have any right to speak for this community.

    Misinformation frustrates me. No, let me be honest. Misinformation fills me with hyper accelerated gamma irradiated bug eyed face desk slamming german unreal kid frothing at the mouth searching for keyboard parts on the floor cause I just smashed it with my forehead NERD RAGE when said misinformation comes from the very source I'm paying to be allowed to play.

    When information isn't available, like say a "hidden" modifier, I'm cranky, but accepting, even when this modifier gets "counted twice" in FBP, and could have been caught sooner if the formulas were public.

    When tooltips aren't accurate because of the intricacies of firing cycles and power drain, I'm intrigued and I take the time to understand the mechanic.

    When in game information is wrong I turn into 130 lbs of caffeine and hatred (yes I drop 60 lbs due to the fact that I revert to a 13 year old) because I'm giving Cryptic my money to TRIBBLE up a job that other players are getting right instead.

    Hilbert is better with code than I am with my own genitals. Give him a job and end my nerd rage. Do I need to start a Kickstarter or can Cryptic use the money saved on the S7 artwork by having an 8th grader pencil in that vacant eyed Evony ad elf chick they're trying to pass off as a Vulcan/Romulan?

    *huff, huff*

    (nerdrage fading)

    Bort, I'm laying this at your feet for your consideration, not as an accusation, but my personal angst with this game that I love. These errors are worse than a particular mechanic being overpowered because they confound the issues of balance.

    Bran, if you're looking, I don't know if other community members have the exact same nerd rage button, I don't have a fix, I probably don't even have a point. I'm just here, frustrated because I feel like I can't trust what I'm seeing in-game, wondering what else I don't know enough about to confidently pay to respec my toons.

    And Bran, again, if you are reading, thank you for your post about the Steamrunner's stats, I bought it based on your word and you didn't let me down. I want to give Cryptic my money, but for things like new ships and not for coding errors to fix my build.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    redricky wrote: »

    Hilbert is better with code than I am with my own genitals. Give him a job and end my nerd rage.

    High Praise indeed......
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    pveheropvehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Honestly I get the impression that the Cryptic dev team is simply too small and too many past programmers have left undocumented legacy code.

    no kidding? :)

    This ghost has been stalking us (and more so, the devs) since launch! As I understood it, STO was put together at an extremely tight schedule, after changing hands many times. As a result, there was no manual on "how we did this/that part" for new devs to read up on.

    Just look at all the issues we've had over the years. Most of them had to be fixed by completely trashing them and rebuilding. The same actually goes for some of the storyline missions.

    It looks like often when a dev tries to pull on a string, it comes out with a incomprehensible tangle on it, that is easier (relatively speaking) just to cut out and replace than to untangle.

    Now when this tangle comes out when pulling on one of the strings of code that supports the rest of the game, it can't just be cut out, but must be fondled, tweaked and patched as best they can. Like the voldemort. Almost impossible without toppling some of the things that are built on top of it... :(
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    it depends on how long the duration is for the stat buff. why do i have a feeling it will be TRIBBLE like 8 seconds or something...

    if its the whole wile EPtA is up, then it will be great. it will be a soft counter to the ~30 aux i tend to have most of the time on 2 AtB ships. if i had a AtB ship with TSS or RSP, and i do, i could do without BFI doffs.

    Hrmm, that would definitely matter. If it was a short duration - meh...

    Thanks for the response.
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    tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I like this change. :)

    I think when used preemptively, ST could prevent one of the original incarnations of VM back in Season 1. Maybe the functionality was also there at a later point, but I don't think I ever used ST after S1.2 to cure VM.

    Yes, I like this change too.. I am so sick of exploiters getting the upper hand!!!!

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    tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Side Note: I just noticed, when looking over this new VM doff, that although Eng Team cured individual systems being offline, it did not dispel the ongoing Viral Matrix process. We've decided to allow Eng Team to remove the debuff altogether.

    So, using Eng Team on yourself while under the effects of VM will not only turn any offline systems back on, it will also prevent further systems from being turned off for the duration of that application of VM.

    (I coulda sworn that Science Team used to do this, but that functionality doesn't seem to be present. It makes more sense for Eng Team to counter a Subsystem Disable, though.)

    Exactly, Bort.. there was/is no counter to this and it is being exploited the TRIBBLE out of!! ET tries but fails with the ongoing effects. ST used to do it, but the capability was lost when it was moved to ET.

    Also, isn't red matter capacitor supposed to clear the disabled subsystems?

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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    No wonder I was getting chain VMed. I always assumed EngTeam would clear VM and the disable. :|

    These changes own. My Pug Healer is happier. :)
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    shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited November 2012
    tfomega wrote: »
    Also, isn't red matter capacitor supposed to clear the disabled subsystems?
    I thought this as well.

    I know for sure it doesn't work against the Tholians when they disable my weapons.
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Now that these doffs have been out for a bit, any updates on how useful they are?
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    raijinmeister#1931 raijinmeister Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Does anybody have some problem equiping the maintenance doff variant ?I bought a blue one called Piromm (fed) and cant equip him,even when i let some active slots open.:mad:
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    stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited December 2012
    The only thing I can think of is that you might want to check the status window to see its rank pips. The background is hard to see and you can't use a mixed faction Doff. If that isn't the problem, do you have other maintenance doffs equipped? Is it the battery or Engineering team Doff?
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
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