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Star Wars: The Old Republic



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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I've played previously and left because its boring, looks rubbish, don't like Old Republic setting, and well .... its just not Star Trek ;)
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    c0nd1t10nr3dc0nd1t10nr3d Member Posts: 638 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As soon as I heard about the "Pay2Sprint" thing and then looked at the size of the download, I was like... eh "NO"!

    I love Star Wars but most of the F2P limitations are just a little nuts. So, as Simon Cowell might say... "That's the worst F2P audition I've ever seen in my life... It's a No from me!" :D
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    nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,626 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The free to play model is very restrictive compared to what we are used to with Cryptic games. I got angry with it after just 15 minutes of giving it the benefit of the doubt (you know, playing with it versus going by the webpage matrix only). I think it'll be difficult to enjoy my time there when I'm faced with paying a few Euros to hide my helm slot, or another few euros to blend my character's armor colors, or pay a few euros to unlock an extra actionbar. :(
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    verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    Impressive...most impressive, check out the F2P list and compare that to here
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    verlaine11 wrote: »

    Impressive...most impressive, check out the F2P list and compare that to here

    Wow. That's some list. That looks like a complete nightmare to play as a F2P player.
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    jkstocbrjkstocbr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    verlaine11 wrote: »

    Impressive...most impressive, check out the F2P list and compare that to here

    Holy bantha poodu! The list is so restrictive its just not worth it. :eek:
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    senshibat01senshibat01 Member Posts: 11,268 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Perhaps if we build a giant space badger my leige~

    in a galaxy cantina
    far away
    long ago
    then re-incarnated...
    then planet when Booom
    Hobus Sick Sad..
    Romulan was glad not to be there
    times two..

    ~get ready
    get ready
    Senshibat is comin

    Get RDY
    D/l the patch
    Rdy get rdy
    Senshibats comin~

    Tsuki ni Kawatte Oshioki Yo
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    im going to try it again, although it bored me before so i cant imagine a heavily restricted game will suddenly be the winning ticket for me.

    it does make being a subber look really attractive, but they lost their subs because no one wanted to sub in the first place. in my eyes surely they would want to make free players feel as welcome as possible, then hit them up with lockboxes, costumes and other fun toys to make them part with their cash.

    are free players going to pay to unlock action bars, and death penalty help, and sprints, and endgame?
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    verlaine11verlaine11 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
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    shaddam01shaddam01 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dont forget ships in sto cost money also if you CDer spent as much time talking TRIBBLE like swtor this that and thinking of way to make sto better and not like when sto take youre dilithium away from stfs then add sum of it back you say TY cryptic ty for takeing my income away and giveing it back sto would be a great game and not a sub par game
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    shaddam01shaddam01 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    No, not all ships in STO cost money, only Zen Store ships cost money and people make due with those ships.

    For all your crying about Dilithium I am going to point out before Season 6 the only thing Dilithium was good for was to get Cryptic Points (now Zen point), now were exactly did we used those Cryptic points in for? Thats right ... the Cryptic/Zen Store.

    show me where i have been crying about Dilithium dont put words there and say i said them!!!!!

    and point was you pay for stuff in sto and you want a good ship you will have to buy and dont give me that stuff they are just as good as the one you get more or less free because that is TRIBBLE
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    dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm personally very disappointed by SWTOR F2P model. Will have hard time to bring my friends to try and enjoy the game with such severe restriction. And I won't sub, only to be left there alone.

    I often critize Cryptics F2P greed with lockbox trash and inflation of overpowered ships with each month...but the grass is not that greener elsewhere.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
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    twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    skurf wrote: »
    Wow. That's some list. That looks like a complete nightmare to play as a F2P player.

    And that, my friend, is where personal preference comes into play.

    I've looked at that list, and at the things the store offers, and ended up thinking "hm, I'd like to buy at least something, to support their decision and all, but there's nothing there that I'd really want.

    I've installed the trial version last week, loaded up on alts, so I've now got 8 out of 2 character slots filled, with 8 different races. So far, the 2 quickslot bars have been enough for me (highest level 11, so far, so maybe later I'll see a need), I hardly ever die, so that restriction seems moot, and you unlock sprint at some point anyway, though you can fast travel from the very beginning (via discoverable waypoint system).

    For me, there really is no need to buy anything from the store in order to improve on the gameplay experience. Then again, I play it as I did KotOR 1 and 2, mostly, and entirely for the storylines.

    Maybe I'll grab me some inventory space, at some point, but tbh, with companions that can sell your TRIBBLE for you, even that isn't really essential.
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    khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'd probably sub for a month, go in, create some alts (PROPERLY this time), then see how far it gets me. Would have to do that anyway as the pvp servers are going to be the first to die, and its sad that my level 30s are all on one with no character transfer option.

    Probably won't buy anything except those account-wide unlocks, and maybe some lockboxes.

    But the system is pretty meh, simply because it is completely pay to win. I'd totally steamroll anyone with Cartel Care gear, and so what if I can only do that 5 times a week? As such, the Operations and Flashpoint restrictions don't even matter - simply because there is nothing there worth getting compared to Cartel Care.

    Yeah... STO had a MUCH better F2P transition. And even now... they still treat us quite well, compared to super-Ferengi Arts.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    wow, played swtor yesterday evening a little. total disappointment this f2p model is! I mean not even as an ex subscriber i can use all hotbars^^
    and the list goes on and on.
    credit cap is 350k...wtf!
    worst f2p model i have seen so far.

    but still to play a toon from 1 to 60 it is a good game after that you need to pay apparently or deal with only 2 hotbars, credit cap (didn't see something to increase that without subscribing), etc...that list is really long!

    again, total disappointment!
    Go pro or go home
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    rgrgeomrgrgeom Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    TOR is dying. But then all games start to die as soon as they are released. I think the main point though is how quickly they changed their model. A sure sign that they have an accelerated death rate. STO is actually starting to get reasonably old now and is still going strong. the F2P change was a good move and helped revive the game but it still lasted 2 years or so without the F2P model using just hard core subscribers to stay alive. TOR is soo as good as dead. Its unfortunate Galaxies had to go down before TOR took over. Like replacing a vintage mustang with a prius. Yes the prius is more up to date and gadgety but seriously its a mustang!
    Long Live The Empire!
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    twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rgrgeom wrote: »
    TOR is dying. But then all games start to die as soon as they are released. I think the main point though is how quickly they changed their model. A sure sign that they have an accelerated death rate. STO is actually starting to get reasonably old now and is still going strong. the F2P change was a good move and helped revive the game but it still lasted 2 years or so without the F2P model using just hard core subscribers to stay alive. TOR is soo as good as dead. Its unfortunate Galaxies had to go down before TOR took over. Like replacing a vintage mustang with a prius. Yes the prius is more up to date and gadgety but seriously its a mustang!

    Well, here's to hoping they'll just patch out the network requirement, allowing it to be played as an offline game. Would even produce some sales to cover that cost.

    A guy can hope...
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    twam wrote: »
    Well, here's to hoping they'll just patch out the network requirement, allowing it to be played as an offline game. Would even produce some sales to cover that cost.

    A guy can hope...

    well it is f2p, sure you need internet to play it, but if that is your only problem please give it a try anyway since the storyline is good and enjoyable. the scenery is fantastic. Don't let yourself be held back just because of the network requirements.
    Go pro or go home
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    twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    baudl wrote: »
    well it is f2p, sure you need internet to play it, but if that is your only problem please give it a try anyway since the storyline is good and enjoyable. the scenery is fantastic. Don't let yourself be held back just because of the network requirements.

    Oh no, that was mostly a response to the doomsayers. I've started play last week (on a trial account, now turned f2p), and I love it, to be honest. I play it mainly in the same vein as I played KotOR, just with more people running around. My network connection is A+, here, that's not an issue :)

    I just meant that if the game would indeed die, I hope they make it available as an offline game. The KotOR modding/patching community would jump at the opportunity, I'm sure.
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    shaddam01shaddam01 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Right here.

    Yes, there is a Pay Store.
    No, Zen Store ships are not the best ships in the game.

    Best ships in the game are Lockbox ships that are available in the Exchange, sure they cost tens if not hundreds of millions EC but you dont have to pay a cent for them.

    Then we have the Fleet Ships, they are harder to come by since they require to be in a Fleet and require Ship Modules but Ship Modules are sold on the Exchange as well and there are Fleet versions of Zen Store ships that do not require to own the Zen Store Ship.

    Zen Store ships are convenient but thats it, granted if you want a Fed Carrier that is pretty much having to get the Fleet Escort Carrier but MMOs dont hand things on a platter either, you either take the Zen Store shortcut or you grind for it longer... subscription systems usually just makes everyone grind.

    And TOR is in no way different, in fact with their Cartel Coins I expect EA to go milking BOTH the F2Pers and the Subscribers but its also not like STO store does not predates F2P, if I recall it was added during Atari days.

    that was makeing a statement that ppl saying ty cryptic for takeing away there cady and give back half i got news for you dude i dont need or care for Dilithium im rich i can buy my stuff with money

    and sto /PWE milking this game for every thing they can fleet base's any one rep system any one? wow you get to do all mission for free in sto got new for you sto give most of every thing for free is why you have more LOCKBOXES and CSTORE TRIBBLE more then you have goting mission since PWE took over sto and you will always see more of that why because it only way sto can make money for there staff of what 40 as some one told me after PWE took still feel more like 20 if you ask me see in swtor you dont have one and a half faction's ummmm KDF for 3 years? any one i can make sto look as bad as you try to make tor but going to say Season 7 did a good job of that for me

    also only ship you will get on the Exchange in the Tens as you said is a fraking shuttlecraft not a starship so you may want to up that to the 30s and up and with the new limits on every thing just makes it that much guess what grindy :)

    and the Modules sorry some one has to buy that to put on the exchange sooo really its not free for some one had to buy it and again EC limits :)

    also you talked about cstore addid under Atari this is what it was

    year 1 2010
    April 8 C-Store Items
    April 15 C-Store Items
    May 13 C-Store Items
    June 14 C-Store Items
    August 10 C-Store - Off Duty Outfits: "Formal Wear"
    August 21 "Search for Spock" Excelsior
    October 7 C-Store: Sehlat Pet
    October 15 C-Store: Nebula Class Ship
    October 22 C-Store: Vor'Cha Costume
    October 29 C-Store: 7 of 9 Outfit
    November 12 C-Store: Klingon Retrofit Ships
    November 17 C-Store: Enterprise Theme Pack
    December 9 C-Store: Troi Outfit
    December 16 C-Store: Nausicaan Ship
    December 23 C-Store: Motion Picture Outfit

    now need i show you what was dun in the trems of featured series mission ?
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    darthstormstrikedarthstormstrike Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Right here.

    Yes, there is a Pay Store.
    No, Zen Store ships are not the best ships in the game.

    Best ships in the game are Lockbox ships that are available in the Exchange, sure they cost tens if not hundreds of millions EC but you dont have to pay a cent for them.

    Then we have the Fleet Ships, they are harder to come by since they require to be in a Fleet and require Ship Modules but Ship Modules are sold on the Exchange as well and there are Fleet versions of Zen Store ships that do not require to own the Zen Store Ship.

    Zen Store ships are convenient but thats it, granted if you want a Fed Carrier that is pretty much having to get the Fleet Escort Carrier but MMOs dont hand things on a platter either, you either take the Zen Store shortcut or you grind for it longer... subscription systems usually just makes everyone grind.

    And TOR is in no way different, in fact with their Cartel Coins I expect EA to go milking BOTH the F2Pers and the Subscribers but its also not like STO store does not predates F2P, if I recall it was added during Atari days.

    Just because you can buy them on the exchange doesn't mean they aren't store ships when originally they had to be bought on the store through key purchase. Or if that doesn't apply here, it doesn't there as well since you can auction things from their boxes too.

    Difference is you don't get boxes dropped as loot then told to buy a key to open it. Boxes are bought and opened by purchase. So no baiting the hook like Cryptic. ArenaNet does the baiting the hook drop too but also so do the keys drop as rares and even the boxes give keys randomly in GW2. I've opened over a dozen boxes there without buying a single key due to random drops and then getting a key in the boxes as well to make it sort of a free box opening.

    If the story progression in GW2 was better, both STO and TOR could learn from it. That's one thing both games do better than GW2 is the story progression rate. It made me feel the story content is slim there after playing games like CoX, STO, TOR, and even GW1 had better pacing. Those games it feels more like "my story" even though at character creation the last line in GW2 is "This is my story". But as far as how to create a game with boxes and no sub, GW2 has a better setup.

    "There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
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    chaz200565chaz200565 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I was just wondering,Has anyone played SWTOR,and if so,whats it like to play????
    How does it compare to STO?
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    castsbugccastsbugc Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    honestly its like it had over a decade to figure out what it wanted to be and flesh out storylines. it operates alot like STO in a gameplay sense and if you like star wars, you will probably enjoy it, but its not mindshatteringly game changing. Also there are issues with....no endgame play, so if you are more than a casual player you will be out of things to do fairly quickly, just not as quick as playing STO's non community missions though
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    hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The F2P in Old Republic sux.

    Pay to run.
    Pay to have a quick bar.

    Its ridiculous, and terribad.
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    One is F2P, the other is Extended trial.
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    gravity2705gravity2705 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    SWTOR is a brilliant RPG game that has been somewhat handicapped by a poor F2P model. Though if you are willing to invest a bit of cash into the game i think you will find it probably has the best story driven levelling out of any MMO. The endgame content isn't the best but overall its still alot to offer.
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    amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    star wars is now Free to play?!?!?!!??!!?!?





    Oh man if this is true, I hope to God the almighty that my computer can handle the graphics!

    I luv star wars KOTOR 1 and 2, but my old xbox is ruined :(

    yaaaaay! Thanks for the info!
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