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Cryptic's compromise - are we happy with it?



  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm just gonna leave this here...

    STO Dilithium Army...
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    In my opinion it was a cop out. They lied about the rewards during testing, and then claimed this WAS the plan all along, and in doing so, giving us what they told us in the first place was doing us a favor. Why can't he just say he's sorry for slapping us?
  • tebsutebsu Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i like the change
    What ? Calaway.
  • truewarpertruewarper Member Posts: 929 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    As said, one small step...better than silence and better than nothing being done.

    At least, you got a knee jerk reaction.

    Your voicing matters...
    Departing from Sol *Earth* by Carlos A Smith,on Flickr
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    Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lost: Foundry Clickers, Chart B'tran, Mirror Incursion, and previously Kerrat dilithium.
    (this can be the entire 8k cap)

    gained: FA's now worth 1440.

    lost: FA's now worth 480

    I don't play STF's, I have been screwed repeatedly.

    I quit for one week prior to season launch, but logged in opening day to see if there was any
    way I could maintain my dilithium income. Turns out I needed to play FA's ad infinitum.

    I think they did some math and decided too many people were actually willing to try FA's and it was cheaper to return the nerfed STF amounts. There is no charity involved here.
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I am so incredibly torn on this issue. On one hand, I love the romulans, I also love the tholians, so the actual content within the season is amazing to me. The Steamrunner class is also the number one ship I personally wanted in the game. Even on new Romulus, it feels like a genuine RPG or MMO zone, with stuff everywhere. More importantly, the majority of it is scientific tasks. Something the true trekkies have been begging for since launch.

    On the other hand, I worry for the state of PVP and any PVE featuring competitive mechanics. Any two same ships with the same equipment should be an even fight, but duty officers will put a world of difference between them. Good duty officers just got incredibly difficult to obtain, the natural way of obtaining them just got harder, so their prices are going to get higher and their existence will become rarer. To achieve the dream of a full purple roster will now take just under two million DIL. I could understand a price increase, but the one they gave was too much.
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    omfg4202 wrote: »
    This was posted by DStahl today regarding the generally negative feedback about changes to STFs and end-game content in Season 7. I would like to know how people feel about this, and whether or not the general consensus is that it goes far enough to rectify the most grievous of complaints.

    I like the changes. Dil for STF means that they are still "less" worth in than SB24. But SB24 is less fun/challenging/motivational than CSE or the new one :-) And now with the level up of the borg,our efforts are being rewarded again :-)

    So , yeah thanks Cryptic for that.
  • kagurazaka77kagurazaka77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    fourxgamer wrote: »
    lost: ...Mirror Incursion...
    I got dil from the Mirror yesterday (when the map would load, at least).
    500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So here's the thing:

    Would I have preferred the old STF rewards (Dil wise): Yes
    Would I have preferred that they stayed as they were: Yes
    Was I happy with the removal: No!

    Can I live with these changes, for the common benefit of all? Yes... I guess I can.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2012
    Not very happy really. As opposed to 20 minutes in Starbase 24 to get 1500 dilithium now I have to spend 20 minutes in Starbase 24 and 20 minutes in elite Infected Space to get 1500 dilithium.

    Double the time for the same reward. Not happy at all. After 3 years really sick of the same old STFs.
  • firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i'm completely fine with these changes.
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    The 'liffium ratio is between 155 and 160 now, it used to be less, so it's improved. Goal achieved. AND the STF players have some of their 'liffium back! I hope everyone is happy now. :)
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I'm admittedly disappointed that our feedback wasn't actually wanted.

    I mean, how many people said that the Hive Space STF was too hard? Okay, there were some who were like "lol my fleet did it in 10 seconds blah blah" but the majority were saying that the Borg uber-weapons and one-shot kills needed to be toned down a little. Not to mention the damned respawn timer - that needs desperate revision - you CAN'T make one of the enemies uber, with the ability to one-shot us, and make us wait 70 seconds to rejoinn the mission FREQUENTLY because we were one shotted. Yep - flying around in a CONSTANT cloud of plasma fire, despite no Borg ship being anywhere near you, and respawing to get one-shotted again mere seconds later is GREAT fun! :mad:

    But they didn't listen and, aside from the boastful "my fleet did it in...." comments (completely missing the point that the highest use for it would be PuGs), that mission is a wreck. It's going to be anothe Crystaline Entity type mission, where only Fleets bother with it and PuG players take the penalty and never return.

    Sorry, but the new STF on Space is easy to do with a PUG. And Elite should be impossible for noobs and hard for the more intelligent players ;-)
  • firekeeperhufirekeeperhu Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The 'liffium ratio is between 155 and 160 now, it used to be less, so it's improved. Goal achieved. AND the STF players have some of their 'liffium back! I hope everyone is happy now. :)

    unfortunately no, some of them already started whining "omg give back fleet actions dil reward, or increase it to at least 960 dil".

    i already wrote my opinion about it in another topic: if the dilithium is a currency used to obtain end-game gear, it's fair, that it can be obtainable through and-game content too.
    <3 Defiant <3

    RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rickpaaa wrote: »
    The compromise is what we were expecting, and grumbling about these past few weeks. I wonder if the shock no dilithium day yesterday was just a ploy, and this so-called compromise was the plan all along?

    I think you are correct, my friend.

    We need more variety in ways to get dilithium in this game.

    I like having dilithium attached to fleet actions .... just wish it was slightly more ... not quite as high as the 1440 .... 960 maybe or add in fleet marks.

    OR ... add dilithium (480) to the standard fleet mark missions.

    There's a balance to be found among the different needs and playstyles.

    Some like to play STFs. Others do not.

    Some like to support fleets. Others do not.
    Not very happy really. As opposed to 20 minutes in Starbase 24 to get 1500 dilithium now I have to spend 20 minutes in Starbase 24 and 20 minutes in elite Infected Space to get 1500 dilithium.

    Double the time for the same reward. Not happy at all. After 3 years really sick of the same old STFs.

    My point exactly.

    I feel we've taken a step in the right direction, but more tinkering under the hood is needed.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
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    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • robuillerobuille Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The truth of the matter is that they were making a killing with the system the way it was before. The evidence is in how cheap zen became in the dilithium exchange. The lower the price of dilithium per zen the more valuable dilithium becomes. The starbases require an almost impossible amount of dilithium to advance projects. Thus, fleets, especially smaller fleets, were buying zen to obtain dilithium so they could send these projects off. Thus people were offering less and less dilithium per zen because less and less people wanted zen as opposed to dilithium. The fact that the price of zen had dropped from 450 dilithium (when the dilithium exchange was first introduced) to 158 dilithium per zen (the number just before this season was released) denotes that more people were buying zen to get dilithium than ever before.

    The economics of it are clear. Players were desperate for dilithium before they started pulling it out of the game. This is nothing more than a play to force players to buy even more zen than before. Worst of all..., PW was making more than enough before. The changes they've made to the economy are there solely to rob us blind. Now that it takes far too long to get enough dilithium on more than one character, it will now take players days to collect enough dilithium just to get the equipment and gear they need to get fitted out. And take into consideration what they have to sacrifice in time in the game to get what they need and then the dilithium they need to convert to zen to supplement their purchases from the zen store..., how could anyone conceive that they would be willing to sacrifice any dilithium to build their starbase.

    I can see minor changes to constrict dilithium as a feasable way to keep ultra farming out of the game. The amount of dilithium you could earn from just one STF if you got a few borg salvages was a little overkill..., but that is about where my understanding ends. Truth is, this little stop gap they're trying to push is nothing more than an insult to the community's and my intelligence. They add a paltry amount of dilithium to the STF's while taking away another source of dilithium from the fleet actions. Basically, no real change. You still get as little amount of dilithium as before..., they just redistributed how you get it.

    I've been playing another MMO that only requires I pay 15 a month to gain full access to any and all benefits since PW has decided to take a dump on its community. Keep it up guys, enjoy watching the mass exodus you've created. I'm a lifetime member, and you know what..., even considering the investment I've made into this game, I'm not coming back until PW recants its extortion policies and returns the game to an equitable economy that ceases to oppress its player base.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I "see" no compromise here.

    Compromise requires many things, the least of which is knowledge of both sides positions / stances / desires. With a community so varied as to desire (see the piles of "Thank you for the return" posts with the occasional "why are you forcing me back to E-STF" mixture) vs. an unknown but somewhat inferable plan that still doesn't look like it's even being fully implemented...

    Part of this stealth is attributable to the whole "Dilithium economy management" thing - look at the "explanation" post and then the key line in the "recanting" post - something like "I'm afraid of what putting dil back into STFs will do to the value of Dil on the exchange but we're doing this change anyway and then will go back to look at the economy later" (DStahl)...

    Well Mr. Economy monitor, what are you trying to accomplish? Maintain the 175 Dil-zen rate? Get us back to the 300 Dil-zen rate?

    On a side note, Mr. Economy monitor mentioned a desire to "allow" a player who plays "Cryptic Select" dilithium-only content to get 8,000+ ore within 4 hours. That, and Cryptic wanted said "select content" to not be E-STFs. However, with the reduction to FAs that chase this return of dil to STFs, we seem back at the "season 6 standard", that of E-STFs being the place to get the 8k in 4 hours, while the remainder of the game is "scraps of dilithium"... This has a bit of hypocrisy to it - we're saying one thing but pandering to the other - or a very cavalier attitude that doesn't really indicate "we're listening to the playerbase" which is what some are calling "compromise"...

    I want a decent rate of Dilithium return from places that are not E-STFs, and I might want E-STFs to pay out the "best" of the ways to get Dil - enough so that if I do normal STFs and FAs I hit Mr. Stahl's "intent" to get 8k dil within 3.5-4 hours while I can hit E-STFs and do it in 2.5-3 hours... That, my friends, might be "compromise" - we get a little of what we want (E-STFs) and a little of what Cryptic wants (via Mr. Stahl's "explanation" blog)...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • sensorghostsensorghost Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The compromise was too fast and too well conceived to have been a spontaneous organic decision based on feedback. It is clearly a feint, designed to placate the growing discontent. I say don't be fooled.

    The math still lays it out clearly. The Dilithium costs and requirements across the board at every level of the game have become more costly, while on the whole the options for gathering this vital resource, or anything else, have been bottlenecked. Crypitc, again I say, don't take us for fools. Your economy is completely imbalanced, forcing ever higher call for more Dilithium, and fewer and more annoying ways to gather it at the same pace we once could.

    You added not one but 2 resource heavy development paths, all three of which are mutually exclusive not enhancing or helping each other. Small or growing fleets will have their over all growth stunted based on the simple fact that players have too much need for their own resources for personal advancement.

    You developers are not very bright in regard to macro development of game systems.. No one had the idea of integrating all the individual systems so that progressing one advances the others by association to a lesser secondary measure? That alone would have lessened the frustration factor. Too many black holes of development with few obvious rewards.
  • randell1randell1 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Love this part of Daniels post.

    As the data suggested, there is a huge contingent of players that simply do not play STFs but are eager to earn Dilithium in other content. These players are benefiting from the addition of Dilithium in the Fleet Actions, so that worked well.

    A isn't this a MMO if you dont what to play endgame content whats the point. Dil always has been a level 50 thing and that was part of the push to get your characters level up, which can easly been done for an average player to max a new character out to level 50 in two weeks. As far as the new STF changes now as a vet player they are a bit of a joke. I used to love doing them with fleet mates trying to get their gear and sometimes getting a nice dil reward for myself if i got the big drop. All they had to do was add a function inside of the map mission that you could have passed the major drops on to a team mate if they needed the item and you didn't. I know a many of my mates would have been happy to pass items on to other teammates that worked just as hard in the STF mission. As far as the 8000 dil daily before the STF change with luck i could have this done in Two STF mission 2200 + drops to be exchanged into dil which i did quite often.
  • shantayshantay Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    U Screwed Up Biiig Time!
    In Your Attempt To Not ?break? The Dil Market A Hugee Bug Made Its Way Into Season 7 In Starbase 24 And U Managed To Throw Into Game Tens Of Milions Of Undeserving Dil In Just Coupel Of Hours! Soo Yeah U Fked Up Biig Time And Dil Market Will Have Strange Behaviours For Weeks To Come!

    Lame Lame Lame
  • gatsie7gatsie7 Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I do like the changes. Nice to see they do listen from time to time. But the facts are the facts =before season 7 you could refine 8000 a day after season 7 you can still only refine 8000 a day so my point is this the only reason i see for them making the change was to make us play the game they wanted and not they way WE WANT to play,
  • ajstonerajstoner Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The more they made, the greedier they got. This was not a company responding to the will of their customers (they don't do that), it was a preplanned "bone toss" to make something utterly unpalatable seem like it was.

    This kind of false compromise is a tried and true marketing tactic sometimes called the "New Coke" technique. For those of you too young to remember, years back a certain soft drink manufacturer decided to make a recipe change to save money. They knew it would annoy people so they hit upon a brilliant strategy: Don't annoy your customers--annoy the living **** out of your customers and then "back down" to what you really wanted. A massive change to the recipe was implemented--people threw a fit, and they "compromised" by making it "almost" they way it had been.

    Of course the Cryptic version isn't even close to "almost" the way it was (and dilithium is the least of it) but then corporations have increased exponentially in their savagery and avarice over the last few decades.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited November 2012
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm fine with this decision. Certainly, there's less Dilithium from STFs than before, but there's more in other Fleet Actions, as well as the Omega Mark turn-ins at Tier 5. Clearly, the devs thought there was too much "easy Dilithium" in Season 6, so if they want to adjust it down, I think this is a more sensible way than removing Dilithium rewards from the game's hardest content altogether.

    But don't get me started on the new DOff up-conversion prices... :confused:

    Edit: This post is rhetorical. I answered the OP, end of story. It's my opinion. Not going to debate. Take it or leave it.
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • notorycznynotoryczny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Clearly, the devs thought there was too much "easy Dilithium" in Season 6

    Thing is, in dev blog they stated that they want players to refine MORE, not LESS. And in order to do this, they removed some dailies and removed dil from STFs. Looks like they are either blatant liars or just unable to do basic math. I bet on the first possibility.
    May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites
    pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,561 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm fine with this decision. Certainly, there's less Dilithium from STFs than before, but there's more in other Fleet Actions, as well as the Omega Mark turn-ins at Tier 5. Clearly, the devs thought there was too much "easy Dilithium" in Season 6, so if they want to adjust it down, I think this is a more sensible way than removing Dilithium rewards from the game's hardest content altogether.

    But don't get me started on the new DOff up-conversion prices... :confused:

    well the devs were wrong. the second longest projects to get done in fleet are the dilithium ones. Me unable to afford to by zen right now rely on the dilithium exchange. As such I only once gave Dilithium to fleet, I need it for more personal goals. S7 is a Failure. Admit it Cryptic and delete it and try again.
  • sensorghostsensorghost Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm fine with this decision. Certainly, there's less Dilithium from STFs than before, but there's more in other Fleet Actions, as well as the Omega Mark turn-ins at Tier 5. Clearly, the devs thought there was too much "easy Dilithium" in Season 6, so if they want to adjust it down, I think this is a more sensible way than removing Dilithium rewards from the game's hardest content altogether.

    But don't get me started on the new DOff up-conversion prices... :confused:

    The math does not work. The Mark turn in's for Dil are pitiful at best. The whole system is a downgrade fro our ability to progress, ourselves, our fleets or embassy, or our multitude of reputations.. Reputation in particular will only grow, as they add more factions with which to grow a reputation.

    I like certain content, I hate other content, Prior to S7 my growth potential was the same as an individual player no matter what I liked to do. Now I have to do stuff I hate to do to maintain my growth potential.
  • oridjerraaoridjerraa Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If they(Cryptic)had just removed the ability to convert salvage into dilithum but keep some sort of loot reward at the end of the missions things would be much better.

    Getting a loot bag with a chance for a very rare quality loot item via the optional would make STF's much more desirable.
  • adaephondelatadaephondelat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think cashing out some dil. in stfs is a start, but no real reason for me to play stfs as extensive as i played them before. What they are lacking now is some good loot for the invested time. You have to do the crazy fleet actions now to get it reliably, and only if you are one of the top 2 players for a very rare item. But the problem with it is, though the very rare loot is nice, it is far to abundant right now. Plus its only Mk XI (correct me if im wrong). So the exchange is flooded right now with purple mk XI gear, but almost none MK XII.
  • sensorghostsensorghost Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gatsie7 wrote: »
    I do like the changes. Nice to see they do listen from time to time. But the facts are the facts =before season 7 you could refine 8000 a day after season 7 you can still only refine 8000 a day so my point is this the only reason i see for them making the change was to make us play the game they wanted and not they way WE WANT to play,

    The moment they admit that the player base that says, ' Ummm nooo we want to play the way we enjoy playing.. ' are gone from here.
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