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Official New Romulus Feedback Thread



  • lgxllgxl Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There a quite a few consoles on the planet that can only be used by one person at a time.

    Is this on purpose, or just a little bug? Either way, it's annoying

    Example consoles:

    - transporter console near main transporter pad next to the embassy and those spread around the outside area.
    (already had problems with one person (player char. Karadan) blocking the transporterpad on purpose, so 14 peepz (me included) couldn't use it).
    - consumables console on shuttlebay in the embassy

    Oh, and the turbolift in the embassy shows the same problem as the turbolift on the Fleetbase when it was just released.. You can get stuck in the wall, of fall out after going from lobby to ops.

    Compliments on the new area and worlds. New Romulus looks awesome. Can't wait for all this to go live!
    That fine line between ship or submarine
  • dkevadkeva Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would like to see a few more single goal missions dotted around the map.

    at the moment the main ones are go do x amount of stuff which is fine, but a couple of the more traditional ones might be nice.

    so as an example. you find a romulan wife who has lost her husband. you have to go find him and he is captured by hirogen.

    or you encounter a group of orions who want you to smuggle some contraband to another npc across the map, that might take some diplomacy/lying. or you could alert the local guards to what is going on.

    or there is rumours of a powerful and deadly tholian somewhere and the local authority want you to hunt it down.

    That's just a rough idea but I think there is plenty of room to add lots of little mission throughout the zone to give it some more spice, and a little less like the grind ones.

    Agree with you Captainrevo.
    The funny thing is once I started exploring the world, I was reminded of Oblivion/Skyrim.

    I would love it if there were caves (Need to be instanced) with high lvl enemies/puzzle solving, giving higher rewards, or "special" missions that move randomly throughout the map, forcing you to explore.

    If the Romulans/Remans are in the process of making this planet their own, have areas marked as dangerous and make a 5, 10 or 20 man event of it.

    The possibilities of an open world are many.... Hope there is a lot of content added to this planet!!

    And as many have said, congratulations on job well done!! The planet is excellent and I enjoyed roaming (standing on bridges admiring the view) as well as the missions on offer.
    Looking forward to this come S7
  • theofficialmip#7339 theofficialmip Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    i just pLayed in the new romulan space.

    I did the patrol which i thought was really fun and a good change of pace. fighting all the different factions, but i think the starbase is a bit overpowered, but I'm also playing on elite. It makes killing a regular cube seem like childs play in comparison. :eek:

    I tried a few enemy encounters, but there was no enemy to fight. :confused: Are you suppose to for a red alert or something?

    New romulus looks good, but why is there ruins if it suppose to be a new settlement? :confused:
    One of the 0.7%ers Markus Urelious 16000+ Accolades [Fed Tac FA] + Several More
    Forum Member Since Feb 2010
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would like to see a few more single goal missions dotted around the map.

    at the moment the main ones are go do x amount of stuff which is fine, but a couple of the more traditional ones might be nice.

    so as an example. you find a romulan wife who has lost her husband. you have to go find him and he is captured by hirogen.

    or you encounter a group of orions who want you to smuggle some contraband to another npc across the map, that might take some diplomacy/lying. or you could alert the local guards to what is going on.

    or there is rumours of a powerful and deadly tholian somewhere and the local authority want you to hunt it down.

    That's just a rough idea but I think there is plenty of room to add lots of little mission throughout the zone to give it some more spice, and a little less like the grind ones.

    I agree but would add that they made a lot of stuff here rep-tied or hidden unlocks based on activity.

    But the beauty of having a true zone like this is that they can add stuff... and I'd like to see more "heart strings-tugging" stuff.

    I'm ALL FOR the main focus shifting to rollouts like S7, content-wise, though. Save the FEs for major plot twists or imbed them into Adventure Zones.

    I'm really less than happy with some of the systems design and rollout here but the content and environments are a pretty glorious shift.

    I want to get my hands on that legendary Romulan sword.

    Given that Trek has ancient technology that resembles magic, particularly with the Vulcans and the Stone of Gol and time bending stuff like the Tox Uthat, the idea of a mystic Romulan sword that holds up to today's weaponry works for me.
  • summonerdeltasummonerdelta Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    tom61sto wrote: »
    The positions are spheres not cones, so if you're too high or too low you can't place them. 'V' should point you to the sphere. Though I haven't re-played it since the patch, so it could be a bug.

    I didn't have any trouble deploying and activating the satellites, so that may have been fixed.

    The last part with a few freighters making a run for it because they don't trust the Federation, I didn't think shooting them up and disabling their freighters is a great way to show you mean business. I was hoping for a more diplomatic solution. Possibly even give the freighters captains a chance to back down before I start lobbing quantum torpedoes in their general direction.
  • vitzhvitzh Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2012
    Is it just me or is there no Ship Selector at New Romulus? Just curious if there is one or not.

    Was also wondering of the prospect of "Should there be a Romulan/Reman Starbase under construction over New Romulus?"
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The other thing I was thinking is about having an overall progress bar added to the map.

    This is a little bit like what we have now on the smaller missions but it applies to everyone.

    so every time anyone completes a mission it adds a percentage to the overall progress bar. then the colony increases in rank.

    so for example, rank 1 would take on average 50 people all doing 5 missions each (or 25 people doing 10). rank 2 would take on average 50 people doing 20 mission each, etc etc.

    at each rank up the colony expands a little visually and new missions, vendors, doff assignments are unlocked.

    this would give the impression that as we collectively help the colony it grows and gets bigger and better. perhaps as we rank up there is the potential for certain species to attempt map wide invasions as the growing colony becomes a more tempting target. (It would be awesome if we had to fend off a borg invasion at rank 4).
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Or to simplify that above idea, just limit it to doffing.

    make half a dozen doffs missions on new romulus. have people play them and part of the reward goes to the overall percentage completed. so if a hundred people complete 5 doff mission you rank up, then have 100 complete 10 etc.

    at each rank, new doff missions and doff chains open up with new rewards and items.

    this will again attract doffers and people who want unique rewards and it will feel like everyone is contributing to an overall goal.
  • vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Guess I'm the odd man out here, but to me most of New Romulus looked mono-chromatic. It was all the same shade of green everywhere (except for the purple waterways). The map is impressively huge, don't get me wrong, but it has a samey feel to it. Maybe I'm asking for a bit more distinction between the zones.

    I second the thought that there's too much STUFF that you need inventory/device space for. Wasn't as big an issue for my tribble char, but I KNOW my holodeck chars are not going to be able to participate as freely just because of limited space. I feel like I need a backpack, or a portable hole to dump stuff into.

    While there's a lot of variety in missions and objectives, a lot of it feels unfocused. When I've got a dozen or so missions going at the same time, it's hard to know what I'm looking for. I ignored the time based missions just because I knew I'd have no chance to figure out what I was after before the time ran out.

    I'll admit I'm a fan of the dilihtium mining game, and I do quite well at it (800 to 1000 each time), but the romulan radiation game irked me a lot. The perspective change was a nice touch, but it makes it harder to figure out which direction I need to shift my waveform in. I've gotten a peak score of 800, but more often I'm getting 300 to 500 score. Maybe I'll get used to it, we'll see.

    Any plans for a visitable space port? I know most ships in STO aren't capable of landing, but it'd be cool to see a field of starships resting on their landing legs, maybe even a few takeoff/landing sequences.
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The Hirogen respawn rate in the crater needs to be increased, or more hirogen placed on the map. I've done the red alert severa times and it seems like we can only get to about 50-60 % with no other hirogen to shoot and the timer cutting out.
  • ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    love the new sector, but having some serious lag in the Caraya system
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
  • captain185captain185 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Some of the patrol missions do not feel right to me. I'm used to destroying one squadron, taking time to heal, and then moving on to the next one. No such luck this time. The squadrons on other missions are placed into a small area on the map. I had to fight the 5 squadrons one after the other with no breaks. That is a good way to get killed. If you could tweak those missions to be more like the ones already established, that would be great. Now, on to NEW ROMULUS. Wow. Really wow. I love the fact you can do non-combat missions and still earn reputation. Cryptic, you outdid yourselves on this map. Wonderful job devs!!!:cool:
    So, I just push the buttons and things blow up? Fascinating...
  • captain185captain185 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    carl103 wrote: »
    Only 2 mmajor complaints:

    1. the collect epohh mission is simply bad. The time frame is barely adequette if you had a perfect run, given variable density, other players, and the way they blen in this isn't a mission your ever going to complete more than 1 time in 10. Try doubling the timer minimum and it might be vuagely doable 50% of the time.

    2. The radiation mnigame is full of the same flawws as the mining one, only worse.

    A) Currentlly it has much smaller UI buttons than the mining game, this drasticlly slows down your abiluiity to adjust things, can we get larger buttons.

    B)The mining game virtually nevver movved more than 2-3 notches in 1 arc if it moved more than 2-3 in the other, this reguarly moves 5-6 in both, again slows thinsg down massivlly.

    C) Like the mining game it's movment tiemr appears to start when it moves, not when you get it lind up. This, (especially in conjunction with the last 2 points), often means you just get it lined up and it switchs again making it hellish to get anything out of it.

    D) the rewards from it in terms of reports vs what you need to turn in are bassiclly not worth it even if you have good runns.

    Fact is i hated the mining game. I hate this far more because it's even less fun. It's a game built around twitch reflexes speed and super precishion, two of my biggest hates.

    Otherwise liking new romulous.

    How about using the arrow keys on your keyboard? you will be infinitely faster than using the ui keys. I don't know why they put those on there in the first place. Except maybe for the overall look of the screen, they are pretty much useless.
    So, I just push the buttons and things blow up? Fascinating...
  • temerarioustemerarious Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have been playing the New Romulus missions and I have found them to be fun, challenging, and refreshing. The new system to build reputation and recieve new equipment I like mainly because I got tired and bored with grinding away at Borg PvE missions with nothing to show for it. The only thing that might make it better would be a storyline series of missions for New Romulus.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have been playing the New Romulus missions and I have found them to be fun, challenging, and refreshing. The new system to build reputation and recieve new equipment I like mainly because I got tired and bored with grinding away at Borg PvE missions with nothing to show for it. The only thing that might make it better would be a storyline series of missions for New Romulus.

    The storyline does appear to expand as you get reputation and do hand-ins and as your Fleet Embassy improves.

    There are, from my understanding, story missions that are gated off by your reputation progress.

    And unless I miss my guess, that intro cinematic for the planet hints at things you'll find later, including a legendary ancient Romulan sword from the sundering. (We can has Ashbringer!)
  • chengirpwechengirpwe Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Master job here, Lots of flexability and many ways to play and earn points. Masterful.

    Maybe a similar operation can be worked out for Omega points ... which realy has only one way to play. (No real thinking required.)

    I always thought Star Trek was at it best when it displayed more than one way to skin the cat.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    there really needs to be some dilithium rewards added. either a very small amount per mission, or add a daily for doing several. but there has to has to be something. for a supposed time based currency you can spend an awful lot of time playing and not earn it.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Even if it was only 5 per mini mission or 500 overall, I still would like to see at least SOME dilithium rewards for New Romulus.
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Overall very good. Couple of points to consider:

    1. when scanning rocks, or observing wildlife, or radiation scans unless i have the exact number required by the Rom scientist done I seem to have extras in my inventory or am unsure how many I am short to complete the mission. The extras are a pain given limited inventory space. Maybe they can be non-inventory items that are held in a virtual 'bag'. Thus having extra won't be a problem and I can always come back to New Romulus when time permits.

    2. Other than one of the glowing plants, there doesn't appear to be enough samples to gather. Please place more or increase the respawn rate. I also ended up having a race with another player for samples as there was really only one apparent path to get samples so this was inconvenient.

    3. Similar to point 1, if I have samples but it doesn't meet the required minimum for the scientist to provide a reward, have the sci take them anyway and have an automated system to keep track of what was turned in. Otherwise New Romulus is a pain and not a place I would attend if it wasn't for the marks.

    4. Make each scientist/mission-giver able to accept any and all samples, not just the specific ones in their territory. I found myself wandering around the map and often moving out of the small areas for each sample type. Likewise, maybe at the staging area, allow us to acquire all the gathering missions at one time. Each scientist should know what other scientists need and should be able to 'tell' you what we need to do in total. All the running around gathering samples and trying to find the right scientist just made the whole planet exercise seem tedious and a little silly.

    5. why does there need to be several different Romulans at each base camp? One to give background, one to accept the samples, one to...i don't remember. Just keep it simple and make it one person.

    6. Good sound effects, nice graphics, nice story lines. Made me really want to help out the Romulans/Remans.
  • maliusnightmaliusnight Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I do really like the Romulan missions, the Space ones are fun and interesting. Plenty of them which helps keep it varied. I like the cut scenes, and I find the npc to be interest and well thought out, The ground red alerts could use a little more in the way of explanation, but I only tried one of them so its possible I didn't read it closely enough.

    I do think the Romulan projects are easy enough to achieve I however think 40 hours maybe a little excessive in terms of cool down time, a day maybe? The bug I ran into was from the embassy the daily quest there didn't complete at after each scan. But that doesn't cause me any serious concern.
  • jedimatt0jedimatt0 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Love it, the 2 section bridge is sweet. The only issue I ran into was I would stand on the platform for transport but a couple of times I transported from the side.
  • xktanaquixxktanaquix Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was absolutely amazed by New Romulus. I ran around for like two and a half hours just TRIBBLE around on New Romulus, doing the missions and (in general) just exploring the world. The scenery is absolutely wonderful - I even took and uploaded a screenshot of the scenery that you can see from the bridge simply because it was that pretty. I really hope that the scenery is not changed between now and the time that Season 7 actually goes live.

    Oh - and the random timed missions were a crapton of fun too. The baby Nanovs to Momma Nanov is a pain though. I didn't get one to the Momma before everybody managed to finish the mission. (So, possibly an increase on the number of Nanovs needing taken to Mommy Nanov? Maybe a formula that takes the number of plays on New Romulus in the given area and decides the number needed off of that? For example: 8 Players x 3 Nanovs each = 24 Nanovs)

    I noticed a glitch with the Eppoh tagging one too. It never actually resolved for me. I was able to sit there and keep turning it into to get more "rewards." Just to confirm that it wasn't lag, I did it six times over the course of about an hour.
  • polonious1polonious1 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    I wanted to leave some feedback from my time on Tribble this weekend.

    Love the graphics!

    The colors in the Azure Nebula made me think I was flying through a crystal blue lake.

    Very nice.

    New Romulus was very impressive.

    I loved the bridges. Walking along the suspension bridge was like walking on air. The

    ancient encrusted stone bridge was amazing. I actually experienced vertigo looking over

    the side of the bridge to see the new life form in the water.

    Having shuttles fly overhead was a nice touch, during my time on the surface.

    The map was quite clear and easy to follow. I always could determine where I was. That is a good thing.

    The other architectural aspects were very well done. The Embassy was very stately,

    inside and out. The Ruins were intriguing and very old looking. Loved the tents. Just

    not used to thinking of or seeing Romulans in tents.

    I enjoyed the long paths we have to follow. And the chance to explore the planet is a

    lot of fun. I did most of the gathering missions. There were regular plants most

    anywhere you looked, but, I only found one glowing plant. I also only found one

    resonating rock. Did not pick up the epoh mission, but, it did look fun and doable.

    Observe Wildlife was nice. I enjoyed looking at the new furries/scalies/crusties.

    The Tholians in EVA suits were fun to fight. Plus, the Hirogen seem to be tough, but,

    not too tough. It might just be me, but, all of the NPC's seemed to be more detailed.

    Made me very happy to have one of my Bridge Officers with me. More fun that way.

    I like the way you have included little seemingly unrelated things, like the "insects",

    the resonating rocks, the adaptations of the wildlife, the ruins, and the planet's past.

    I am thinking they will tie together with the legendary sword to make a good story.

    Here's hoping.

    On the constructive side, I would like to make a few suggestions, if I may.

    I would like to see more furniture in the alcoves of the Embassy. Maybe some Faction

    related items on the walls. Paintings, even. Art from the homeworld that survived.

    Klingons being helpful to Romulans, but, angry and agressive to Bajorans is not, dare I

    say, logical.

    The Klingons are belligerent to the Bajorans just because that's the way

    they are, generally. But, Klingons and Romulans have a very long history of bad blood.

    I do not think that there have been enough Klingons mellowed by association with the

    Federation that you could fly a shuttle with, much less aid a planet and its dispossessed


    The Praxis Incident did not make them more restrained, and that was a matter of self-preservation. I doubt helping one's sworn enemy would be deemed an honorable act in any context. I think it would have made more sense to have Vulcans helping the Romulans, in my opinion.

    I started a Reputation project. In my short time trying it, I must say I am not fond of

    the idea of spending my dilithium and officers. I play for fun, so, I am not a big

    grinder of anything. I make my dilithium slowly and surely. Therefore, it has a great

    deal of value to me due to it not being easily replaced. Buying a new suit of armor from

    Fleet stores or a Purple DOFF from the Exchange is a major purchase for me. It takes a

    long while for me to replenish my dilithium. I will give it more of a chance, but, I am

    not pleased with what I see so far. FYI, more chances to gain dilithium are great, but,

    I play more now than I really need to. A chance to opt out and go with the random drops would be well received, I think.

    I feel no real desire to get on the Romulan's "good side", or, to use his weapons/items/personnel. That's why the Federation has it's own R&D and resources.

    All in all, you guys and gals have done a great job! I love the new content, for which I

    am quite thankful. Thank you for your efforts. More to come, I am sure.

    Have a great rest of the day!

  • doggpatchdoggpatch Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I enjoyed playing on tribble....only bug so far is two of the planets on the explore mission had nothing to do ...but i did manage to blow up the Fed starbase ....even tho i was suppose to leave..... it took a good long time but as a Klink I couldn't resist..and i did collect my Romulan marks....8)
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    There are 2 contacts that will either take 10 resonating rocks or 10 glowing plants off of you.

    these rocks and plants are actually quite hard to find as only a few are clickable at any one time making it quite hard to collect 10 in a timely manner.

    the reward for doing so is 1 mark. considering how man marks are on offer it is a total waste of time collecting them. the marks on offer really need to be increased.
  • snovernsnovern Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I spent some time on New Romulus and found the following bugs:
    1) Isha Forest Epohh Collection mission - Does not resolve. Can be turned in for rewards indefinitely(?); I stopped after collecting the rewards 20 times.
    2) Area Map - Parts of the map will go out of focus, usually along the edges, as you are using your mouse drag to look at different parts of the map. As you decrease the Scale, the out-of-focus areas will increase, ie more parts of the map become out-of-focus. Only at 100% Scale do I see no out-of-focus areas, even when mouse dragging the map around. The focus issue exists whether the Map UI takes up the whole screen or just a small corner of the screen.
    3) New Romulus Transport System - Only one player can use it at a time. A group of us were standing around a transporter console (both teamed and non-teamed), and when one player clicked the "New Romulus Transport System" option, that option disappeared for all of the rest of us. The option reappears only after the player either exits out of the Transport System UI or selects the option to transport away (I would assume also if the player beams out, but I didn't see this happen). I concede that in the spirit of the Trek world, one transporter pad may only be able to beam one party to one location at a time. However, in the spirit of an MMORPG, where 10's of people could be trying to concurrently use a single transporter pad, having them all wait to use the system 1-at-a-time seems rather silly (especially when one player could hold the transporter pad hostage indefinitely, preventing anyone else from using it).
    4) Bridge Officer - There were three of us teamed to play New Romulus. The third player to beam in did not have their Bridge Officer beam in with him. Is this due to some 5-player team limit where the first two Bridge Officers that did beam in counted towards the 5? To address an earlier post, none of the Bridge Officers selected to beam in were "special". The Bridge Officer that did not beam in was a Human Engineer.
  • hipposoft1701hipposoft1701 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Others have covered the fine detail and I am in awe of the huge New Romulus maps.

    My concern is about the effect on fleets of the new reputation system.

    The reputation system seem to work fine, though concerned about how much you have to contribute to get anywhere. However, by wanting the same resources - particularly dilithium, which of course we all need for our equipment too - players will inevitably tend to prioritise this rather than fleet projects. We already struggle to get anywhere with our modest fleet because of the HUGE amount of dilithium needed (fleet marks are not a problem), but I can see real problems if we are completing with players' own reputation projects.

    Can we use just the marks for reputation, leaving the dil for the fleets? :(
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Accolade: Staging Area Quartermaster is only reachable for Cats.

    I tried an hour to get on that stupid rock with my Vulcan main, and neither an engineer twink with generously applied cover shields is able to get up there.

    Bad taco!
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
  • gbehlpnu2012gbehlpnu2012 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    When you are finished killing enemies during a sector patrol, you immediately get a popup message with a BUTTON to either warp out or stay. If you push the warp out button, you get a message telling you that you cannot leave the map during combat. Well then, why bother giving me this popup message with options? That's rather annoying. If there are no more enemies and the mission is complete, why can't we get out of red alert quicker or have the popup msg appear ONLY after we wait the 5-10 sec to get out of red alert?

    Another side question...why can't we control our own alert status?

  • gbehlpnu2012gbehlpnu2012 Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Didn't the area map show what planets we needed to patrol with a dotted yellow circle? I thought other patrol missions previous to this new content did.
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