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Official New Romulus Feedback Thread



  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    Ya, none of us click arrows on screen when we play it. I always use arrow keys. I think my best so far was 930ish. But Scott may have nerfed it some since then.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    you can use the arrow keys

    .... this changes every thing
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've played the Tier 1 mission in the staging area. I liked it, it made a lot of sense and the story was good. Good job!

    One bug: the shuttle is still flying around and firing even if it goes to 0 hp in the last part of the mission. I'd expect it to land and become inoffensive at least.

    One concern: no better reward for playing it in elite? :(
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • elvnswordselvnswords Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I will add too calling for more content and less mini game nonsense.

    I for one don't want kill x number of y beasts missions, true, but niether do I want "collect x number of y particle scans."

    There are no dilithium rewards to be had on this planet, nor does there seem to be actual gear drops at anytime. A lot of the missions reward you with expertise and experience as if it wasn't meant to be an end-game activity.

    Endgame should always award new gear, dilithium, fleet marks, or marks relevant to the event. Leaving those kinds of drops out of the rotation for the most part on Romulas means a lot of people will come here once, say o ok, It's pretty... and walk out... going back to grinding STF and dailies.

    It's kinda frustrating to see developers who I know are capable of creating an end-game getting this so frustratingly wrong. We don't want collect, kill or any other annoyingly repeat missions. The Deferi zones were good mixes, but heavy on the whiny NPCs.

    Now we have strong independant NPCs who still can't do some basic computations on a tricorder. I play this game for fun, not to do a fictional character's job for him...
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'll have to give it a try with arrows, see how she fares. Then feedback more. TYhough i suspect the whole, "move just as you get it lined up" issue won;t go away. I understand why it's there on the mining, (it was put in for a dil reward event), but here it's just aggrevating :(.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    I don't understand what you mean by "Move just as you get it lined up."?

    The way the game works is that the two patterns are scrolling over each other. You use the arrows (ui or keys) to match the pattern. The pattern then gives you points for x number of iterations, then changes. If you sat there for the whole time without matching any patterns, the patterns would not change. They only change once you've matched them.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've had it change many times before the bar fills the first time. I've had the same happen with the dilithium mining minigame, I'll line it up, the bar will fill half to three quarters, then the pattern will change and no points.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    hevach wrote: »
    I've had it change many times before the bar fills the first time. I've had the same happen with the dilithium mining minigame, I'll line it up, the bar will fill half to three quarters, then the pattern will change and no points.

    Just as Tacofangs said previously, this is caused by not matching the pattern quickly enough.

    Each pattern is set to remain for x seconds, or until matched if that x seconds is exceeded. If you match the pattern in (x-5) seconds, then you will receive 5 seconds' worth of score before the pattern changes and must be re-matched. If you match the pattern in (x+5) seconds, it will change immediately upon being matched, without rewarding you any points.*

    Speed is of the essence here, if you want to earn a high score. And I'd highly recommend using the arrow keys instead of the on-screen controls.

    (* Using x because I don't know the actual timer length and don't want to give misinformation. Not trying to be sooper-sekrit.)
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just as Tacofangs said previously, this is caused by not matching the pattern quickly enough.

    Each pattern is set to remain for x seconds, or until matched if that x seconds is exceeded. If you match the pattern in (x-5) seconds, then you will receive 5 seconds' worth of score before the pattern changes and must be re-matched. If you match the pattern in (x+5) seconds, it will change immediately upon being matched, without rewarding you any points.*

    Speed is of the essence here, if you want to earn a high score. And I'd highly recommend using the arrow keys instead of the on-screen controls.

    (* Using x because I don't know the actual timer length and don't want to give misinformation. Not trying to be sooper-sekrit.)
    I've come to the conclusion that the timer is random. Not sure of the amounts but probably varies from 5 to 10.

    Maybe adjust the turn in of the radiation reports to give marks and Dil?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2012
    carl103 wrote: »
    I'll have to give it a try with arrows, see how she fares. Then feedback more. TYhough i suspect the whole, "move just as you get it lined up" issue won;t go away. I understand why it's there on the mining, (it was put in for a dil reward event), but here it's just aggrevating :(.

    Always use the keys and after about 5 minutes you'll be scoring between 700 and 900. The idea is that if your not fast enough you lose out on that chance to up your score. If you match quickly, it's all the more time to up your score. It takes literally a few minutes to become comfortable with it.

    I do find that it is easier to get disoriented with the radiation minigame, I forget which line is mine to move and move it in the opposite direction. It is something I will adjust to.

    Why are we even talking about this, is it behaving differently than the others? It is exactly the same as the DL, and Nukara mining minigame, just rehashed graphics and it seemed to work the same way when I tried it, but that was only for a second. I was disappointed that it is just a rehashed minigame instead of a new type of puzzle, though this type of puzzle does fit in well for matching radiation patterns so I can't fault that. Just looking for a new new minigame that is different without a new skin.
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • kalanikalani Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just as Tacofangs said previously, this is caused by not matching the pattern quickly enough.

    Each pattern is set to remain for x seconds, or until matched if that x seconds is exceeded. If you match the pattern in (x-5) seconds, then you will receive 5 seconds' worth of score before the pattern changes and must be re-matched. If you match the pattern in (x+5) seconds, it will change immediately upon being matched, without rewarding you any points.*

    Speed is of the essence here, if you want to earn a high score. And I'd highly recommend using the arrow keys instead of the on-screen controls.

    (* Using x because I don't know the actual timer length and don't want to give misinformation. Not trying to be sooper-sekrit.)

    Is X different on certain patters? It takes me from .5 - 1 second to line up each pattern but sometimes I notice that the pattern will remain for a few seconds sometimes closer to 5 while other times it only remains for closer to 1 second before it changes again. I know its all anecdotal evidence but its at least enough to warrant the question.
  • carl103carl103 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    @Bort: The issue is there's plenty of times where even if you match it in less than 2 seconds, (good day for me), it switches after another half a second or so and you get maybe one increment of score. gete several of those in a row and it renders the whole minigame null and void.
  • mav75mav75 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Loading (when beaming from orbit or moving from the embassy) is slow or hangs up. This is worse than DS9 or ESD.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I personally had no real issue with the mini game. it seemed no different to the mining on . once you get a feel for it. its dead easy.

    Now i just played tier 1 unlock the romulan warehouse.

    1) nice voice over for the ferengi. really nice.

    2) the scan 6 crates was a bit much. probably could have reduced to 4 and got the same idea. its just a bit dull with so many.

    3) at the end the romulan shuttle is flying around and even though its life gets to 0 it never stops flying around. and its crashing into walls and looks kind of silly.

    4) the hirogen body guards were shooting the shuttle and did pretty much all of the damage. i guess that was not working as intended

    5) after i completed it, i could replay it straight away. there was no cool down, which seems unusual.

    6) as its a longer mission can we get some dilithium added as a reward?
  • vixenjalynnvixenjalynn Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have one suggestion... The map is lacking in three things I remember from cannon. One, they stated in an adventure on New Vulcan that the Romulans were "emotional" Vulcans.... so it stands to reason that the same area the Vulcans were pilgrimaging to would be for the Romulans as well... Simple answer is the unexplored space borders near the I think it is the Riza sector of space.... where Vulcan stands now... It would make sense that the romulans would go back to their ancestrial people on Vulcan to find our what they did different and then leave it up to the character to go in the three natural progressions..... one.... stay as a romulan with traditions and teachings, two..... go back to the vulcan way and see if they can become more, or three.... strike out on a new plan to have a new mixed way of life.... one with a little more balance and acceptance. Taking the characters through their ancestory and what happened to them on their old homeworld and having them meet a prime or q would help the storyline issues... also ... a trip into the mirror universe where they never lost their home planet would be a good opportunity to do the cannon of what the trek nations know of Romulus.... in a mirror event they could travel to Mirror Romulus to their own archives and find answers as to what went different. This would then give the offer of Does the whole of the race want to go back to the homeworld on Romulus in the Mirror plane? It would be up to the writers... but remember in STAR TREK the Romulans always wanted to go back to the problem and relive the answer..... SO I leave that for you, the programmers to decide.. thank you for letting me post.
  • thestormsongthestormsong Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I'm liking the new events and the fact that you can do different things to complete the mission
    and it shows up as a percentage.

    I would like to request a confirmation dialogue after clicking on the "Beam to ship" button
    though, I've misclicked that a few times and found myself suddenly on the ship :rolleyes:

    Also, I couldn't start the doff mission from the Romulan historian. After pressing start assignment, nothing happens. No error message or anything.

    Joined in March, 2011. Lifer since December, 2011.
  • splattysplatty Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I had a quick skim through this thread and dont recall seeing this already mentioned, but when during the staging area mission to repair items and collect reports etc, when I work on the shuttle my gun (still strapped to back) fires for the duration... amusing but not right...

    Screen shot at http://i.imgur.com/N53Bg.jpg
  • splattysplatty Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Other bugs / issues on New Romulus;

    Logged in as Klingon char and went to the 1st Romulan NPC (and got the intro tour cutscene, which is something that did not activate on my Fed char automatically) and then spoke to the klingon General K'vera who gave me the Federation text...

    As mentioned above the historian npc gives doff missions that do not work.

    The red alert is on a random timer? It triggered a couple of seconds after one had just finished then nothing for a few minutes then two in short succession again?

    The purple things when your returning them to their mother get stuck in the rocks, design or bug? Only appears to be the rocks near the entrance where the mission completes.

    Slightly off topic for this thread but finally got to test out The Hive, where the Queen mocked us with "Taunt text two here". Scary stuff.
  • adeltaofrealityadeltaofreality Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Not sure if anyone else has encountered this (I didn't see it anywhere in this thread anyway):
    When I attempt to start the DOff assignment Research History of New Romulus, it appears to initiate but doesn't show up in the In Progress tab for DOff assignments. This is the case whether going through the Personal tab of the DOff management interface or by talking to the Romulan historian.

    *I am assuming that the Colonial XP required for the assignment is the same as the Commendation Advacement----in which case I have 12,513.
  • taergontaergon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Anyone think the questing systems on New Romulus seem to be exactly like Guild wars 2?

    The npc's have generic 'you can complete this through a combination of the following tasks' like GW2 heart system and it even has a sort of dynamic event system through the red alerts.

    Not that I am complaining, I think it's a great system and perfect for these open worlds.

    I would like to know if the red alerts are scaling to how many people are in the area.
  • theofficialmip#7339 theofficialmip Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    just played in the new romulan sector

    thought it was pretty fun but I ran into a few issues:

    - on the patrol mission, it seemed like the starbase was way overpowered. I always play on elite though, but it seems to one shoot me everytime i attack it. makes killing a regular borg cube seem like swatting a bug in comparison.

    - on new romulus my boff tried to commit suicide when i crossed the old bridge and i lost her behind.

    - had a bit of trouble finding the bug spray. maybe just me.

    other then that it was pretty fun
    One of the 0.7%ers Markus Urelious 16000+ Accolades [Fed Tac FA] + Several More
    Forum Member Since Feb 2010
  • qslipstreamqslipstream Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    modeling has been excellent and the mission's a little more differnt than the usal fare wich is nice space kinda another story need more voice over's nut I am looking forward to doing the work on shard when it transfer's right now kinda handicapped by not having all of my crafting supplie's on hand when I trasnfered
  • makurdemakurde Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1) we test the mission of the starbase (war game), I found quite easy to regard the ship break down, (I would have added a more few wavers).
    The space station has survived very well to my attacks.

    2) tried a deep inconter against tholian

    3) Start the mission against tholian (i could not begin it).

    4)accepted a REDALERT on New Romulus, against the indigenous small insects, but i could not damage.

    NB: all test wew perfomed whit a pg FED/engineer.

    Version of STO player on a PC assembled:
    Cpu Intel E5700/ 3.00Ghz; 4GB RAM DDR3 (dual Chanel); Video card ATI Radeon HD 5450 1GB; ADSL-7Mega
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I love new Romulas the graphics the feel, but one aspect.

    I think the maps need to double the size or larger.

    You hit the mark here , but it seem fake with each are so close.

    Even better if this was an entire planet not just part of one.
  • paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    only suggestion i would make is possibly removing the beam to ship button. it is pretty annoying when you go to click on a mission objective then end up beaming up then having to beam down and run back all over again. we already have a beam out option on the minimap why is a second one necessary?
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First time testing S7.

    Went to the new sector block, picked up the daily. Some planets like Khitomer did not offer any missions to contribute to the patrol misison, wich I found odd.

    After that was complete, I farted about with the reputation system. I found the UI very intuitive, and the resources required to fill the "missions" were not too high.

    Then I went to New Romulus. Nice place I must say, if a bit gray. Some more and a bit brighter colour palette would not hurt, if only to make it seem more vibrant.

    Another odd thing was that I had to go to a console to play the intro cut-scene. Should it not play upon beaming down for the first time, and then be able to use the console if one wants to replay the intro sequence at a later time if one so wishes??

    I did find the new map very good and easy to figure out. Was very nice and detailed, and I would strongly suggest to add this to all the missions in the game, since some of the other maps are very low res, and makes the game look bad to new players.

    The new mini games were fun.

    More to follow as I explore New Romulus further.
  • nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,628 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paulyman wrote: »
    only suggestion i would make is possibly removing the beam to ship button. it is pretty annoying when you go to click on a mission objective then end up beaming up then having to beam down and run back all over again. we already have a beam out option on the minimap why is a second one necessary?

    I second this.
  • irishairirishair Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    nynik wrote: »
    I second this.

    I agree with this too. The button for 'Return to Ship' needs to be placed somewhere else. It really gets in the way.

    I think the New Romulus and all the new items and updates are great. I am sure in time we will have a lot more happenings and great events going on in this new area.

    Keep up the great work !!
  • ineluki71ineluki71 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Sorry didn't see the official threads. Posting on here too (sorry for duplication):
    New Romulus - Radiation Game ? When complete, and hit the 'View Results' button, the screen just goes away. Happened each time I tried the game (twice).

    New Romulus - When walking near the grounded romulan ship in the staging area, received five System Messages for new Respawn Point Unlocked.

    New Romulus - Grounded ship in staging area missing lazar red eye moving back and forth in cockpit window. JK J

    New Romulus - When looking at large map of Staging Area, the Key and certain parts of the map are not focusing all at the same time, have to move map around to have areas come into focus.

    New Romulus - The Atlai Area - Momma Nanov in pink water. When you walk up to the creature you can into it, graphic issue.

    New Romulus - The Atlai Area - In the pink water/lake Force Field Dome does not appear when used. This seems to be happening in a lot of areas.

    New Romulus - Site to site transport took a long time to transition from waiting screen to beam in. Clock stopped working as well during pause. More research shows this seems to only be happening when you beam back to the stagging area.

    New Romulus - Isha Forest - Cave entrance not working, just a black hole. I am told you have to be a certain tier to get in. If you try to enter, I recommend it say something so people do not get confused. Same with other spots.

    New Romulus - Embassy- Water sounds in lower left side of romulan embassy, not sure the cause no visual to go with it.

    Azure Nebular & General System - Tabing out while in Azure freeing romulans, seems to crash the game, also happening all over, could just be tribble server.

    Acamar System - When in the Acamar star system, when looking at the planet there doesnt seem to be any stars, just blackness. When doing the diplomacy mission, graphics looked off.

    Starbase 234 - Going through the messages in the Starbase 234 system 1st visit to test the defences, the dialog boxes started togo super wide.

    Where is the diplomacy corp like if the Defarri system? Should be here if anywhere!!

    DoFF-No updates to diplomacy or security missions for this sector

    Galorndon Core System - The sequences of the last dialog/hunters and movement of the NPCs is off, the Gelki make it through before the dialog. Unknown reward of dialog at the end the mission.

    Archer System - The romulan ships are dying super fast. Even though they go down to zero in health, they dont die. If they shouldnt really die at least make them tougher so it is more believable, or give marks for them surviving.

    Help And Support - What's new in Season 7 Button - When hitting this the words TODO and what to do is listed. Probably something to be addressed before release.

    Radition Reports - The reports icon in the inventory is just white no icon
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    paulyman wrote: »
    only suggestion i would make is possibly removing the beam to ship button. it is pretty annoying when you go to click on a mission objective then end up beaming up then having to beam down and run back all over again. we already have a beam out option on the minimap why is a second one necessary?
    Actually.... there is no beam out on the mini-map.... I'd rather use the minimap button personally. Why is it disabled?
    My character Tsin'xing
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