you have NO Respect for hard work or your just plan jealous either way you keep proving you can troll.
Honestly, After hardcore raiding in EQ for 4 years from 1999 to 2003; and then doing hardcore raiding in WoW (during the Vanilla WoW era when the really high end stuff was all 40 man raids, and raid instances like Molten Core took multiple nights of 4+ hour runs to clear; and DON'T get me started on what you need to do for Black Win lair... circa 2005 - 2009)
Nothing in the endgame of STO is "hard work" in MMO terms.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Honestly, After hardcore raiding in EQ for 4 years from 1999 to 2003; and then doing hardcore raiding in WoW (during the Vanilla WoW era when the really high end stuff was all 40 man raids, and raid instances like Molten Core took multiple nights of 4+ hour runs to clear; and DON'T get me started on what you need to do for Black Win lair... circa 2005 - 2009)
Nothing in the endgame of STO is "hard work" in MMO terms.
Truth. I've seen stuff in Conan mostly, but I did a bit of video editing for a raid-guild in WoW for a while... the strats and organization they went through, the sheer logistics of fielding players (48 v 48 mass PvP in Conan was fun), and the madness of seeing what you want go to another player...
I'm not sure I could call it fun, and I know the changes we have seen in MMOs in general regarding "real" raiding are so the efforts of the dev teams are actually SEEN by more people. (Changes: broken into digestible chunks, far, far less time in total, and token systems instead of loot is something we see in many MMOs now).
That said, I always though keeping the hard-core hours-long stuff in place on top of the fun-size breakouts was the better idea.
Heck, I know I sure don't have time for a 4x a week raid squad where you HAVE to sign up or you loose out on top-DKP and don't get first picks on loot. But I still want the cool costuming and I-Win raid weapon.
Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]'Iw HaH je Hoch! ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3 A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome. Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
Nothing in the endgame of STO is "hard work" in MMO terms.
And at least in most of the truely hard MMO's, when you put in the work, you get the reward. In STO, its all a matter of repeat and hope you get lucky with a random prototype drop. Some people hit the jackpot in 5 runs, others have gone over 200 runs without hitting the random drop jackpot.
Just seen the new blog, (Borg Neural Processor) why another currency?
Because there just aren't enough different currencies in STO already!
And this is what Stahl has to say about the current system:
"The problem, however, is that it’s unfair when someone lucks out and gets the very rare item they need after only playing one elite STF while another person is still running the same STFs over and over hoping to get the drop."
Because there just aren't enough different currencies in STO already!
And this is what Stahl has to say about the current system:
"The problem, however, is that it?s unfair when someone lucks out and gets the very rare item they need after only playing one elite STF while another person is still running the same STFs over and over hoping to get the drop."
And I lol'd.
Its ok, all is ok. The Neural Processors is the name for the Elite Marks you get from doing Elite stfs :cool:
Originally Posted by darkenzedd
You might want to look in the mirror before you go accusing other people.
So I state it again, you did no hard work to earn the ground or space Mk 12 gear, it was pure chance and luck that you got them.
The titles we were awarded for doing all the optionals etc are the only thing we worked for on the eiltes.
I have done hundreds of elites and have zero problems with the new system, hell I might even one day get to complete my Mk12 sets....
I guess you have never did cure elite ground
It's not fun, it's work and without a good team
You can't even get to the ( drop )
Your statement about luck is incorrect, like I said
Apparently you haven't played the mission
I completed over 100 to get my drop and failed
Many more than that not being able to get to the
I earned and leveled a jade I'n swg I'n the first part
Of that game took well over a year so I know what grind
Is all about
Cure elite ground is the hardest content I'n this game
The only thing equal to it is the vault
Most of you who disagree and want the ( free ) ground
Costume just can't cut it I'n the dirt and when you buy it
With those easy to get space marks you will be
Unworthy of wearing it.
Like it or not that's just the way it is
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Your statement about luck is incorrect, like I said
Apparently you haven't played the mission
The statement about luck is entirely correct.
MK12 STf set is currently a pure luck based thing. It doesn't matters how many you grind of those. You can potentially go unlucky for the rest of eternity. Or get it on your first elite run.
That is why the stated intend it been a mark of a good player, a reward for hard work etc. Is blatantly false. Its based on luck, nothing else.
Even Deadmines in WoW is harder, longer and needs more tactis than any Elite STF in STO .
Wait.. who's to say Blake did not start out when STFs was a more serious space/ground mission that took hours to complete?
And you're seriously comparing WoW to STO? Considering there are these many complaints about ground being much too difficult to grind that now can be done with space missions or that they need voodoo charms to alter their luck skill, I'm not entirely seeing what your point was in this post.
"If you cannot control yourself, you cannot command others." -- Klingon Honor Guard Manual, Pg. 16
Even Deadmines in WoW is harder, longer and needs more tactis than any Elite STF in STO .
Lets see you in Elite Maco Omega or KHG armor at 100% visuals
you dont have it do you ? guess it was too much work for you huh, I bet you cant even get the opp in infected or cure
LOL just a Troll
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Thank for trying take away from what I have done, but you have proven nothing.
While I have given constructive feedback, your words provide no added value.
What you call luck is what I call hard work like running over 600 ground STFs.
Give it a try I dare you.
Later when your done you can tell me if its not hard work.
I bet you've never done five ground missions and give you a challenge.
Take my challenge
If you can stay alive and prove yourself ground worthy on a Infected Elite Ground Optional run.
No tricks, no AFK, you must help like all the other team members, them you win.
If you can then I will edit every post and say I am wrong and you much wiser and smarter than I.
The classic symptom of Self Aggrandizing. We all know there is a HUGE amount of luck in getting any gear in STO. I know some people who run GSTF's religiously, and still don't have a complete MKII set, and i know others who got all their drops within days, so just becuase you ran X amount means utter squat.
And your attitude could use a little adjusting , fyi, more honey less vinegar.
And yeah, I love ground missions. Adaptation is irrelevent, I brutally mangle Borg in melee.
I do not love ground stf's per say, but there is a certain satisfaction to slicing elite borg faces off with a bat'leth. :cool:
My particular favorite is shotgunning Armek in the face!
I've gotten full MK XII ground and space sets + all optionals on 4 characters. I'd like to think I'm proficient in both space and ground and have the stuff to show for it.
However, I fail to see why people that don't like ground and openly state "I hate ground, I suck at it" have ANY need for the ground set. Ground is not hard, you're just not willing to learn, make an effort.
Not looking forward to everyone in their stf outfit. I'll have to find something else to wear -_-
Everything in STO is so damn easy. Now it'll be even more easy than the village bicycle. I've seen people refer to SW Galaxies and it does seem to go that way.
*yawn* no wonder I keep playing STO less and less.
Lets see you in Elite Maco Omega or KHG armor at 100% visuals
you dont have it do you ? guess it was too much work for you huh, I bet you cant even get the opp in infected or cure
LOL just a Troll
Really? I've tried being polite but your failure to get my and others' points is getting too much to tolerate now.
There is NOTHING equating to REAL EFFORT involved with getting the ground sets. It is ALL LUCK. Absolutely NO SKILL will earn you these sets as is, it's PURE RANDOM CHANCE.
It's EXACTLY like the Lockboxes.
I can run 1200 STFs and NEVER see those sets.
Seriously, please stop calling others names and refusing to see whenre we're coming from. It's childish.
Really? I've tried being polite but your failure to get my and others' points is getting too much to tolerate now.
There is NOTHING equating to REAL EFFORT involved with getting the ground sets. It is ALL LUCK. Absolutely NO SKILL will earn you these sets as is, it's PURE RANDOM CHANCE.
It's EXACTLY like the Lockboxes.
I can run 1200 STFs and NEVER see those sets.
Seriously, please stop calling others names and refusing to see whenre we're coming from. It's childish.
Don't waste your effort man. Some people have way too much of their self-worth tied up in their video game armor to ever look at what we are saying rationally. When the games EP even says the current system is luck-based, there really isn't anything else that needs to be said.
If they were complaining about the STF dilithium rewards being nerfed or that they have to start from tier 1 on the rep system even thou they've done all the unlocks, I'd be agreeing with them. But everything else in the new system is a massive improvement.
.... It is ALL LUCK. Absolutely NO SKILL will earn you these sets as is, it's PURE RANDOM CHANCE.
Let's all pull out the charms and voodoo dolls then and lynch us some Borgs.... finally get the MK XII gear that the fates deny us.
Let's say there is some cosmic force called luck and let's forget that all random generators have a seed source of some kind to base from and everything does in fact happen by chance... why do anything at all in life then? From most all the chance sayers here you'd think that their luck is so bad that they'd be run over by a reindeer when stepping out in Christmas.
"The problem, however, is that it?s unfair when someone lucks out and gets the very rare item they need after only playing one elite STF while another person is still running the same STFs over and over hoping to get the drop."
Daniel Stahl
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online
To me this is obviously a PR statement trying to pat some heads in a virtual "it's ok.. we'll make it more fair" fashion to try and make everyone happy.
I think for the most part we're mature and old enough to understand that nothing in life is really fair and that this is usually a serious cause of concern for pre-adolescent kids.
Disclaimer: For the more sensitive of forum readers.. Just in case someone gets offended here and self identifies, I'm not calling anyone out as a pre-adolescent kid or a cupcake this time for that matter.
As the thread keeps going off topic.. for some reason... let's remember that the OP's very reason for posting was the naming of the "Reputation System". To me, it stands to reason that the man cared enough about the game to state his point that in naming it that way could be seen as not only incorrect but improper.
Which I agree personally... how "can" the storyline justify "Reputation" for something you've inherently not earned.. or take away the recognition of prior achievements of those that have ground out STFs into a powder, be it 10 times or 10,000 times, to earn their equipment? My concern is that many will feel like these things will be, in comparison to now, given away when most of who'm already looted the MK XII gear made commitments and invested their time and built their characters to get them. All because of the "it's not fair" whiners it seems.
Many can potentially see this as a "back-stab" by Cryptic and lose interest in the game all together... which I assume has some relevance to posts commenting on Ground missions being deserted in the future due to lack of incentive..
look at the petty ground PvPs queues and that is where Ground STFs is headed... and personally if ground dies off then there is no more content I, and many others, will be interested as much in anymore as I find space missions simplistic and unchallenging. I basically run space STFs now just to see how high I can get the "time remaining for opt" clock, not even for the drops.
Perhaps we have a level of pride that rivals most I suppose and don't want things just handed to us, we do want to earn them by work and like all humans, even if you choose to deny it to yourselves, want recognition for labor already applied into an accepted system. Most of us grinders accepted the system as is, and accordingly went off to conquer it, not cried about it like school girls.
---- Off Topic.. ----
Alot of these responses favoring this new system remind alot of this article for reasons I cannot comprehend yet.
Originally Posted by blakes7tvseries
Thank for trying take away from what I have done, but you have proven nothing.
While I have given constructive feedback, your words provide no added value.
What you call luck is what I call hard work like running over 600 ground STFs.
Give it a try I dare you.
Later when your done you can tell me if its not hard work.
I bet you've never done five ground missions and give you a challenge.
Take my challenge
If you can stay alive and prove yourself ground worthy on a Infected Elite Ground Optional run.
No tricks, no AFK, you must help like all the other team members, them you win.
If you can then I will edit every post and say I am wrong and you much wiser and smarter than I.
Originally Posted by jellico1
Lets see you in Elite Maco Omega or KHG armor at 100% visuals
you dont have it do you ? guess it was too much work for you huh, I bet you cant even get the opp in infected or cure
LOL just a Troll
Really? I've tried being polite but your failure to get my and others' points is getting too much to tolerate now.
There is NOTHING equating to REAL EFFORT involved with getting the ground sets. It is ALL LUCK. Absolutely NO SKILL will earn you these sets as is, it's PURE RANDOM CHANCE.
It's EXACTLY like the Lockboxes.
I can run 1200 STFs and NEVER see those sets.
Seriously, please stop calling others names and refusing to see whenre we're coming from. It's childish.
Hey guy GREAT new
I heard today that the NEW elite ground gear will look
from the current ground gear
That's awesome isn't it
Our old clunky gear will remain the same
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
The reality is if that quoted statement was the REAL reason why the system was changed there are better ways to do it, but the real reason is to make money. The system has nothing to do with reputation, its a time gated dilithium sink, nothing is more obvious, they aren't even trying to hide it, though they refuse to admit it.
Keeping the STFs simple and fun would make people happy, they could have easily added a ticker/counter to your progress, on each completion of the STF you increase a count, counts 0-10 you have a 0% chance to earn a proto tech, each after 10 increases the chance by 5% until a maximum of 50% chance. When you get the drop the counter resets. There is some chance, some earning.
"The problem, however, is that it?s unfair when someone lucks out and gets the very rare item they need after only playing one elite STF while another person is still running the same STFs over and over hoping to get the drop."
Daniel Stahl
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online
So adding a accolade tie I'n on completed
Missions would not have worked to give people
There earned rewards a few hours work tops
For a competent content tech
As Count Douku said
Surley you can do better !
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Well, it looks like the PVP'rs got their way again. Look at the reputation tab and highlight tier 5. Requirements for the XII maco/Omega/HG set ground all have a costume unlock, with a requirement to have looted the appropriate ground set, or something like that.
Now, we only have to grind for 2 months to unlock the store, and STILL cant purchase a item unless we have unlocked the ground costume, seems like they added 2 months on top of even the lucky ones who use to get the set in a couple runs.
Honestly, After hardcore raiding in EQ for 4 years from 1999 to 2003; and then doing hardcore raiding in WoW (during the Vanilla WoW era when the really high end stuff was all 40 man raids, and raid instances like Molten Core took multiple nights of 4+ hour runs to clear; and DON'T get me started on what you need to do for Black Win lair... circa 2005 - 2009)
Nothing in the endgame of STO is "hard work" in MMO terms.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Truth. I've seen stuff in Conan mostly, but I did a bit of video editing for a raid-guild in WoW for a while... the strats and organization they went through, the sheer logistics of fielding players (48 v 48 mass PvP in Conan was fun), and the madness of seeing what you want go to another player...
I'm not sure I could call it fun, and I know the changes we have seen in MMOs in general regarding "real" raiding are so the efforts of the dev teams are actually SEEN by more people. (Changes: broken into digestible chunks, far, far less time in total, and token systems instead of loot is something we see in many MMOs now).
That said, I always though keeping the hard-core hours-long stuff in place on top of the fun-size breakouts was the better idea.
Heck, I know I sure don't have time for a 4x a week raid squad where you HAVE to sign up or you loose out on top-DKP and don't get first picks on loot. But I still want the cool costuming and I-Win raid weapon.
ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
And at least in most of the truely hard MMO's, when you put in the work, you get the reward. In STO, its all a matter of repeat and hope you get lucky with a random prototype drop. Some people hit the jackpot in 5 runs, others have gone over 200 runs without hitting the random drop jackpot.
Because there just aren't enough different currencies in STO already!
And this is what Stahl has to say about the current system:
"The problem, however, is that it’s unfair when someone lucks out and gets the very rare item they need after only playing one elite STF while another person is still running the same STFs over and over hoping to get the drop."
And I lol'd.
Its ok, all is ok. The Neural Processors is the name for the Elite Marks you get from doing Elite stfs :cool:
Yeah, I was mainly laughing because even the games executive producer admits the previous system was grind-and-luck. Ha.
You might want to look in the mirror before you go accusing other people.
So I state it again, you did no hard work to earn the ground or space Mk 12 gear, it was pure chance and luck that you got them.
The titles we were awarded for doing all the optionals etc are the only thing we worked for on the eiltes.
I have done hundreds of elites and have zero problems with the new system, hell I might even one day get to complete my Mk12 sets....
I guess you have never did cure elite ground
It's not fun, it's work and without a good team
You can't even get to the ( drop )
Your statement about luck is incorrect, like I said
Apparently you haven't played the mission
I completed over 100 to get my drop and failed
Many more than that not being able to get to the
I earned and leveled a jade I'n swg I'n the first part
Of that game took well over a year so I know what grind
Is all about
Cure elite ground is the hardest content I'n this game
The only thing equal to it is the vault
Most of you who disagree and want the ( free ) ground
Costume just can't cut it I'n the dirt and when you buy it
With those easy to get space marks you will be
Unworthy of wearing it.
Like it or not that's just the way it is
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
The statement about luck is entirely correct.
MK12 STf set is currently a pure luck based thing. It doesn't matters how many you grind of those. You can potentially go unlucky for the rest of eternity. Or get it on your first elite run.
That is why the stated intend it been a mark of a good player, a reward for hard work etc. Is blatantly false. Its based on luck, nothing else.
While I have given constructive feedback, your words provide no added value.
What you call luck is what I call hard work like running over 600 ground STFs.
Give it a try I dare you.
Later when your done you can tell me if its not hard work.
I bet you've never done five ground missions and give you a challenge.
Take my challenge
If you can stay alive and prove yourself ground worthy on a Infected Elite Ground Optional run.
No tricks, no AFK, you must help like all the other team members, them you win.
If you can then I will edit every post and say I am wrong and you much wiser and smarter than I.
And yeah, I love ground missions. Adaptation is irrelevent, I brutally mangle Borg in melee.
My character Tsin'xing
hahaha, hard work and StarTrekOnline STF , hahaha
Even Deadmines in WoW is harder, longer and needs more tactis than any Elite STF in STO .
The level of integrity exercised here can only be rivaled by that of wet TP.
Wait.. who's to say Blake did not start out when STFs was a more serious space/ground mission that took hours to complete?
And you're seriously comparing WoW to STO? Considering there are these many complaints about ground being much too difficult to grind that now can be done with space missions or that they need voodoo charms to alter their luck skill, I'm not entirely seeing what your point was in this post.
Lets see you in Elite Maco Omega or KHG armor at 100% visuals
you dont have it do you ? guess it was too much work for you huh, I bet you cant even get the opp in infected or cure
LOL just a Troll
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
The classic symptom of Self Aggrandizing. We all know there is a HUGE amount of luck in getting any gear in STO. I know some people who run GSTF's religiously, and still don't have a complete MKII set, and i know others who got all their drops within days, so just becuase you ran X amount means utter squat.
And your attitude could use a little adjusting , fyi, more honey less vinegar.
I do not love ground stf's per say, but there is a certain satisfaction to slicing elite borg faces off with a bat'leth. :cool:
My particular favorite is shotgunning Armek in the face!
Resistance is most definitely not futile!
However, I fail to see why people that don't like ground and openly state "I hate ground, I suck at it" have ANY need for the ground set. Ground is not hard, you're just not willing to learn, make an effort.
Not looking forward to everyone in their stf outfit. I'll have to find something else to wear -_-
Everything in STO is so damn easy. Now it'll be even more easy than the village bicycle. I've seen people refer to SW Galaxies and it does seem to go that way.
*yawn* no wonder I keep playing STO less and less.
Really? I've tried being polite but your failure to get my and others' points is getting too much to tolerate now.
There is NOTHING equating to REAL EFFORT involved with getting the ground sets. It is ALL LUCK. Absolutely NO SKILL will earn you these sets as is, it's PURE RANDOM CHANCE.
It's EXACTLY like the Lockboxes.
I can run 1200 STFs and NEVER see those sets.
Seriously, please stop calling others names and refusing to see whenre we're coming from. It's childish.
Don't waste your effort man. Some people have way too much of their self-worth tied up in their video game armor to ever look at what we are saying rationally. When the games EP even says the current system is luck-based, there really isn't anything else that needs to be said.
If they were complaining about the STF dilithium rewards being nerfed or that they have to start from tier 1 on the rep system even thou they've done all the unlocks, I'd be agreeing with them. But everything else in the new system is a massive improvement.
That way it stays at the top and helps me get my message across.
There is no such thing as bad publicity is there..
Let's all pull out the charms and voodoo dolls then and lynch us some Borgs.... finally get the MK XII gear that the fates deny us.
Let's say there is some cosmic force called luck and let's forget that all random generators have a seed source of some kind to base from and everything does in fact happen by chance... why do anything at all in life then? From most all the chance sayers here you'd think that their luck is so bad that they'd be run over by a reindeer when stepping out in Christmas.
To me this is obviously a PR statement trying to pat some heads in a virtual "it's ok.. we'll make it more fair" fashion to try and make everyone happy.
I think for the most part we're mature and old enough to understand that nothing in life is really fair and that this is usually a serious cause of concern for pre-adolescent kids.
Disclaimer: For the more sensitive of forum readers.. Just in case someone gets offended here and self identifies, I'm not calling anyone out as a pre-adolescent kid or a cupcake this time for that matter.
As the thread keeps going off topic.. for some reason... let's remember that the OP's very reason for posting was the naming of the "Reputation System". To me, it stands to reason that the man cared enough about the game to state his point that in naming it that way could be seen as not only incorrect but improper.
Which I agree personally... how "can" the storyline justify "Reputation" for something you've inherently not earned.. or take away the recognition of prior achievements of those that have ground out STFs into a powder, be it 10 times or 10,000 times, to earn their equipment? My concern is that many will feel like these things will be, in comparison to now, given away when most of who'm already looted the MK XII gear made commitments and invested their time and built their characters to get them. All because of the "it's not fair" whiners it seems.
Many can potentially see this as a "back-stab" by Cryptic and lose interest in the game all together... which I assume has some relevance to posts commenting on Ground missions being deserted in the future due to lack of incentive..
look at the petty ground PvPs queues and that is where Ground STFs is headed... and personally if ground dies off then there is no more content I, and many others, will be interested as much in anymore as I find space missions simplistic and unchallenging. I basically run space STFs now just to see how high I can get the "time remaining for opt" clock, not even for the drops.
Perhaps we have a level of pride that rivals most I suppose and don't want things just handed to us, we do want to earn them by work and like all humans, even if you choose to deny it to yourselves, want recognition for labor already applied into an accepted system. Most of us grinders accepted the system as is, and accordingly went off to conquer it, not cried about it like school girls.
---- Off Topic.. ----
Alot of these responses favoring this new system remind alot of this article for reasons I cannot comprehend yet.
Article: "Radical Feminism's Attack on Manhood in America" By Lloyd Marcus
Originally Posted by blakes7tvseries
Thank for trying take away from what I have done, but you have proven nothing.
While I have given constructive feedback, your words provide no added value.
What you call luck is what I call hard work like running over 600 ground STFs.
Give it a try I dare you.
Later when your done you can tell me if its not hard work.
I bet you've never done five ground missions and give you a challenge.
Take my challenge
If you can stay alive and prove yourself ground worthy on a Infected Elite Ground Optional run.
No tricks, no AFK, you must help like all the other team members, them you win.
If you can then I will edit every post and say I am wrong and you much wiser and smarter than I.
Originally Posted by jellico1
Lets see you in Elite Maco Omega or KHG armor at 100% visuals
you dont have it do you ? guess it was too much work for you huh, I bet you cant even get the opp in infected or cure
LOL just a Troll
Really? I've tried being polite but your failure to get my and others' points is getting too much to tolerate now.
There is NOTHING equating to REAL EFFORT involved with getting the ground sets. It is ALL LUCK. Absolutely NO SKILL will earn you these sets as is, it's PURE RANDOM CHANCE.
It's EXACTLY like the Lockboxes.
I can run 1200 STFs and NEVER see those sets.
Seriously, please stop calling others names and refusing to see whenre we're coming from. It's childish.
Hey guy GREAT new
I heard today that the NEW elite ground gear will look
from the current ground gear
That's awesome isn't it
Our old clunky gear will remain the same
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Keeping the STFs simple and fun would make people happy, they could have easily added a ticker/counter to your progress, on each completion of the STF you increase a count, counts 0-10 you have a 0% chance to earn a proto tech, each after 10 increases the chance by 5% until a maximum of 50% chance. When you get the drop the counter resets. There is some chance, some earning.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
Visit our Youtube channel
Daniel Stahl
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online
So adding a accolade tie I'n on completed
Missions would not have worked to give people
There earned rewards a few hours work tops
For a competent content tech
As Count Douku said
Surley you can do better !
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Now, we only have to grind for 2 months to unlock the store, and STILL cant purchase a item unless we have unlocked the ground costume, seems like they added 2 months on top of even the lucky ones who use to get the set in a couple runs.