Cryptic why do you continue to ignore your customers?
We want to play and be rewarded dilithium in all aspects of this game and but you continue to channel us into a selected dilithium grind.
Then the Fleet system arrives, and you learned nothing.
More grind!
A handful of missions , over and over and over again.
I'm already burned out.
You are boring me away from my one and only MMO i've ever played.
My resources are gone (built up over 2/12 years) on the Fleet system and now, you want to gouge me on my fav part of STO , the Doff system.
I'll fully give you that you shouldn't have been able to solo a T3 base, maybe make T2 the max for solo fleets. But there has to be a better way to limit that than raising prices for the 99% of the playerbase who aren't doing that.
I disagree - if someone wants to spend the time and money on a crazy project they should be allowed to do so - heck if you are insane and want to try for a Tier 5 base - 8 hours a day for 3 years+ then well have fun wasting your time.
What I don't like about the whole starbase system is that it is a "gated" content system - meaning there are items like ships and gear that you can only get not just being in a fleet but by being a serf or thrall or labourer in a super fleet - as many of the elite gear is at Tier 5 - which only a small amount of fleets will ever reach.
I can only hope for Cryptic's sake and the player base in general that after X number of fleets make it to tier 5 - they somehow make this gear availible via other means or the game will become very unbalance in a big hurry.
I have now had a Tier 3 shipyard for almost 2 weeks and still have not gotten a fleet ship yet - I will - but I just don't see the rush - I don't even use all 10+ c-store ships I have - i really should pull the excel -R out of mothballs - it was a great ship.
Why is it that all of the new features have dilithium costs appended to them? Omega Force has never been about dilithium profit. The NPC currently granting STF requisitions even states that "Omega Force is a fighting organization, Admiral. We aren't overly concerned with how much dilithium you have... Stopping the borg is all that matters". Well apparently D'Vak and Roxy went on vacation and put Quark in charge of requisitions!
Pre-season 7, it is theoretically possible to obtain an entire Mk XII space set with 8 Mk XII weapons in one day if you were heavily grinding STF content. I got the entire MACO Mk XII ground set for my science character in under 15 elite ground missions. Post-season 7 with these new dilithium costs, which I am assuming will be at least 10,000 dilithium for one piece of Mk XII gear, it will take at least a month just to get the needed dilithium. At that price you could almost buy a whole new starship for the price that you would pay. By doing this you are dual gating the STF gear. Not only do we have an hour cooldown on any given STF, but now we must also grind dilithium in order to get rewards from doing STF content.
This is the worst addition since the fleet ship modules and fleet gear. Only for that we first had to grind for weeks and then pay staggering amounts of dilithium AND fleet credits when we have already payed through the nose in resources (including dilithium) obtaining the fleet gear provisions. And for fleet ships we get to pay $20 or 21,000,000 EC per character after grinding the Starbase up military tiers.
The game is coming to a point where the rewards for grinding aren't worth the effort put into it. Through the current system I have no problem doing STF after STF for a shot at the Mk XII gear. When most players get a prototype drop in the current system, most players are very happy that their hard work has paid off. The new system has no such joy. They have to divert a month's worth of dilithium in order to obtain the gear. Dilithium that could have otherwise gone toward advancing their starbase. Giving fleet members an incentive to donate hard earned dilithium is hard enough. This change will just make this even harder. It's a shame that such a great system is going to become a worthless grind.
I am reluctant to believe anything will come from the devs reading this, but I sincerely hope the devs will reconsider their plans to add dilithium costs to STF gear and duty officers. More than likely though, there won't even be a second thought before this is released. And when it is released there will be enough people that buy into the new shiny gear that cryptic will just throw the cries to the wind. Here's to hoping that the devs take these concerns to heart before the launch of S7.
Yes and yes to that.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Has anyone considered that they will eventually make dilithium a c-store purchase? Honestly it wouldn't surprise me one little bit to find that it's already written down in an outline for future changes somewhere.
This already exists, if you didn't know already. Buy ZEN, go to Dilithium Exchange, cash in for dilithium at current exchange rate.
Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard?
This already exists, if you didn't know already. Buy ZEN, go to Dilithium Exchange, cash in for dilithium at current exchange rate.
Yes I do know, and the current rates are pathetic compared to the pre-S6 rates. My point however was more along the lines of dil only being available via a c-store purchase. It's just something I can see these robotic decision makers trying to pull.
Has anyone considered that they will eventually make dilithium a c-store purchase? Honestly it wouldn't surprise me one little bit to find that it's already written down in an outline for future changes somewhere.
If this happens, I guess we would no longer be able to convert dilithium into c-store points? If that is the case..I'll find something else to play.
Yes I do know, and the current rates are pathetic compared to the pre-S6 rates. My point however was more along the lines of dil only being available via a c-store purchase. It's just something I can see these robotic decision makers trying to pull.
I actually think dilithium should be easier to get AND have more buying value against ZEN.
Ideal being a high volume of transactions, 25 dil per ZEN, and 8k per day easy to earn but incredibly tempting to spend.
I feel like Cryptic is trying to take a shortcut to more expensive dil. I want to see them get there without the shortcut because, among other things, I think it will increase the volume of transactions and make a healthier game.
In my head, it would make more sense if:
They had everything award dilithium.
They introduced more dilithium sinks of quality.
They started running two lockboxes at a time, one with ZEN keys and one with Dilithium keys to create a limitless demand for both currencies.
Here are my two cents on the doff price hike problem. Currently it takes 5 blue doffs and 250 to 500 Dil to get a purple doff. You loose ECs and Dil in that transaction and gain a random purple doff. From one day to the next, you go and hike up that price to 5000 Dil minimum (20x the old price). I see zero motivation for me to throw away most of the Dil I can gather in a day for a random purple (or even blue) doff, most of which I don't need. There is no need for such a steep price hike. Heck, you would have to give 100% chance of a doff with resolve and at least two extra crit traits for the assignments I do before I even think of paying that much for a doff. The result will be.
1) No one trying to use the personnel officer for reassignments since the Dil price is too high.
2) Inflating purple and blue doff prices.
3) TRIBBLE any chance a small fleet has of finishing higher tier projects. I've seen a couple that require purple doffs.
Now I understand you guys probably have weekly internal meetings and your #1 concern seems to be "How do we lower the amount of Dil out there so people spend more $$$ on Zen", and I understand that is a very valid point, BUT, you already made people spend on dil left and right with star bases. You crippled the dil gotten from dismissing doffs. You're removing the Dil bonuses you get for trading in prototypes you get from STFs. You'll probably require Dil for the MACO and OMEGA sets. Why do you have to add yet another Dil price hike on top of all those??? Please don't go ahead with this change or, if you're going to raise the price anyway, do it to something that seems more reasonable (2x the old Dil price instead of 20x).
If this happens, I guess we would no longer be able to convert dilithium into c-store points? If that is the case..I'll find something else to play.
Not exactly. See games like Magic the Gathering Online. Having a direct conversion of 'money' to 'ingame money' only informs a limit on what the prices of that conversion would be.
So like, right now zen to dilithium prices are like 1 zen to 167 dilithium.
If Cryptic sold 150 dilithium for 1 zen, then the dilithium zen exchange price would never dip below 151, because at 150 it would always be easier to just buy it from the zen store.
Lots of games use this to put limits on their ingame currency exchanges.
The STF reward tables were updated for this push and they contain all the omega marks and elite marks you should get. When they were updated the dilithium was inadvertently removed as a flat reward. They will be back in a release next week.
You can earn dilithium just from the run, as well as from turning in elite marks if you so choose.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
Brandon =/\=
Praise the sentient meat product and the talking box of cereal! Huzzah! Huzzah! Let us sacrifice many duty officers in their honor!
The opinions expressed in my posts are not necessarily those of my employer or Subspace Radio.
Host of the Borg Boombox, 0300 GMT on Fridays on Subspace Radio
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
Bran, as a 'pass on to the team' thing, please list the new item costs in a dev blog beforehand, and tell us what the conversion rates will be from EDC/Salvage/Tech to the new Marks. Using myself as an example, I've been sitting on a stockpile of nearly 1,000 EDC and a few dozen surplus proto-salvage from putting space sets on half a dozen toons, and I never spent it because I'd heard there were new STF sets in the pipe and I figured I could decide when they came out. Now we're learning that such stockpiles will be effectively wiped out for some marks that, alone, will not purchase anything. Its like being punished for being thrifty. Please at least give us the information a few days beforehand so we can determine what the best choice of action is for our own personal goals, make the best of a bad situation.
Turning a proto-tech borg deflector in for 2k dil OR some marks; what a friggin waste.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
Brandon =/\=
Thank you! This is quite reassuring.
Next week I take it we'll find out the conversion rates for EDC, salvage (and tech) which will help answer some lingering questions.
Besides that, the main concern left for me is dilithium costs for doff assignments for both the "free" pack and the upgrading (5-to-1) feature.
Not gonna happen. If they give you the exact exchange rates ahead of time, you might subvert their goal of setting back the economy so you have to grind longer.
Okay good, we can still get dil from STF's, and at a guess i'd say gearing up for elites will be faster so another yay there.
That said i agree on the DOFF with everyone else. What is the design motivation here as i've speculated about several things, but none of them make total sense, and cntrar to popular opinion around hee i know your not stupid, occashinolly a littile shortsighted, but only in a typiclly human, (or other species of prefferance ), way. So there's got to be a reason but i'm just not getting it.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
Brandon =/\=
Actual dialog, acquired by undisclosed means:
BRAN: Sir! The peasants are revolting---I mean customers. Sorry.
SALAMI: Over what?
BRAN: *points to thread*
SALAMI: Oh for the love of -- *typing sounds*
SALAMI: There. Someone accidentally had [Gimme_Mode_Get_Dilth_Reward] set to [OFF]. No big deal. Shame we don't have a bug-report system or something.
It seems like much of the problem is that they've pushed a build to tribble in one state without telling us what the intended final state is. And those two are not necessarily the same.
There's lots wrong with the game that is legitimately worth griping about. But if they haven't yet gotten around to implementing a feature they intended to have for S7 live it creates a false impression of what's happening.
Unfortunately, those of us that have been here for any length of time, have seen just how reliable what gets put on Tribble is...
More often than not, it passes to the Holodeck "AS IS"... and eventually becomes "Working As Intended".
As someone who has been playing Cryptic's games since the days of City of Heroes closed beta and has particpated in all off Cryptic's game beta testing what @daveyny says if true. Any major systems change that hits a Cryptic test server us pretty much what is going to hit the live servers. There may be slight adjustments along the way due to player feed back.
The only time I've seen a drastic change of a system change that was on a Cryptic Test server was the second incarnation of the crafting system. The one from a couple of years ago. They did a major turn around in a short period of time based on player feedback.
I think I see the reasoning for the changes we are seeing for Season 7. But they are merely hunches at the moment. So I'll refrain from voicing them for now except to say they are attempting to throttle several few things in the game.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.
Brandon =/\=
Okay, now tell us why STF sets are now costing Dilithium after being free?
After working hard since December in trying to get Elite sets, I still have a long way to go to get them. And now I have to PAY Dilithium for these along with these new Marks. That really infuriates me that this is happening.
This compounded with Starbase Dilithium costs, Dilithium tax on Starbase Store items, and now DOFFs. There isn't going to be any Dilithium left to even do anything in this game.
"When they were updated the dilithium was inadvertently removed as a flat reward"
I don't know whether this was "inadvertently removed" or done deliberatly to "test" players reaction.
Just in case it was the latter - the community has spoken loud and clear - so to put everyone on notice they ARE listening - despite some claims that they are not.
Keep up the feedback.
Still would like to hear about the Investigate officer daily - and the console clicking controversy?
Get it? :rolleyes:
We want to play and be rewarded dilithium in all aspects of this game and but you continue to channel us into a selected dilithium grind.
Then the Fleet system arrives, and you learned nothing.
More grind!
A handful of missions , over and over and over again.
I'm already burned out.
You are boring me away from my one and only MMO i've ever played.
My resources are gone (built up over 2/12 years) on the Fleet system and now, you want to gouge me on my fav part of STO , the Doff system.
I disagree - if someone wants to spend the time and money on a crazy project they should be allowed to do so - heck if you are insane and want to try for a Tier 5 base - 8 hours a day for 3 years+ then well have fun wasting your time.
What I don't like about the whole starbase system is that it is a "gated" content system - meaning there are items like ships and gear that you can only get not just being in a fleet but by being a serf or thrall or labourer in a super fleet - as many of the elite gear is at Tier 5 - which only a small amount of fleets will ever reach.
I can only hope for Cryptic's sake and the player base in general that after X number of fleets make it to tier 5 - they somehow make this gear availible via other means or the game will become very unbalance in a big hurry.
I have now had a Tier 3 shipyard for almost 2 weeks and still have not gotten a fleet ship yet - I will - but I just don't see the rush - I don't even use all 10+ c-store ships I have - i really should pull the excel -R out of mothballs - it was a great ship.
Yes and yes to that.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
This already exists, if you didn't know already. Buy ZEN, go to Dilithium Exchange, cash in for dilithium at current exchange rate.
Yes I do know, and the current rates are pathetic compared to the pre-S6 rates. My point however was more along the lines of dil only being available via a c-store purchase. It's just something I can see these robotic decision makers trying to pull.
If this happens, I guess we would no longer be able to convert dilithium into c-store points? If that is the case..I'll find something else to play.
I actually think dilithium should be easier to get AND have more buying value against ZEN.
Ideal being a high volume of transactions, 25 dil per ZEN, and 8k per day easy to earn but incredibly tempting to spend.
I feel like Cryptic is trying to take a shortcut to more expensive dil. I want to see them get there without the shortcut because, among other things, I think it will increase the volume of transactions and make a healthier game.
In my head, it would make more sense if:
They had everything award dilithium.
They introduced more dilithium sinks of quality.
They started running two lockboxes at a time, one with ZEN keys and one with Dilithium keys to create a limitless demand for both currencies.
Here are my two cents on the doff price hike problem. Currently it takes 5 blue doffs and 250 to 500 Dil to get a purple doff. You loose ECs and Dil in that transaction and gain a random purple doff. From one day to the next, you go and hike up that price to 5000 Dil minimum (20x the old price). I see zero motivation for me to throw away most of the Dil I can gather in a day for a random purple (or even blue) doff, most of which I don't need. There is no need for such a steep price hike. Heck, you would have to give 100% chance of a doff with resolve and at least two extra crit traits for the assignments I do before I even think of paying that much for a doff. The result will be.
1) No one trying to use the personnel officer for reassignments since the Dil price is too high.
2) Inflating purple and blue doff prices.
3) TRIBBLE any chance a small fleet has of finishing higher tier projects. I've seen a couple that require purple doffs.
Now I understand you guys probably have weekly internal meetings and your #1 concern seems to be "How do we lower the amount of Dil out there so people spend more $$$ on Zen", and I understand that is a very valid point, BUT, you already made people spend on dil left and right with star bases. You crippled the dil gotten from dismissing doffs. You're removing the Dil bonuses you get for trading in prototypes you get from STFs. You'll probably require Dil for the MACO and OMEGA sets. Why do you have to add yet another Dil price hike on top of all those??? Please don't go ahead with this change or, if you're going to raise the price anyway, do it to something that seems more reasonable (2x the old Dil price instead of 20x).
Not exactly. See games like Magic the Gathering Online. Having a direct conversion of 'money' to 'ingame money' only informs a limit on what the prices of that conversion would be.
So like, right now zen to dilithium prices are like 1 zen to 167 dilithium.
If Cryptic sold 150 dilithium for 1 zen, then the dilithium zen exchange price would never dip below 151, because at 150 it would always be easier to just buy it from the zen store.
Lots of games use this to put limits on their ingame currency exchanges.
I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite
Brandon =/\=
In the words of Barney Stinson: Crisis averted.
Praise the sentient meat product and the talking box of cereal! Huzzah! Huzzah! Let us sacrifice many duty officers in their honor!
Host of the Borg Boombox, 0300 GMT on Fridays on Subspace Radio
One Crisis averted. There are still bad design decisions needing to be crushed before they become permanent.
Why bother? Considering the brutal attrition rate of attempting turbolift maintenance, they seem to do a good job of sacrificing themselves.
Yes, very much so.
I admit some trepidation and will probably continue to have it until S7 hits holodeck, though, even if the problems are all fixed.
Yes, the Doff system and the Borg set...
WOo hooo!
Then count me in for a ton of STF action.
Thanks Brandon!
THIS is how you do it!
With the Borg Set I can accept it only if they actually upgrade the other sets including Jem, Breen, Aegis.
The Doff costs... they are unacceptable. FULL STOP.
so more work to be done
Turning a proto-tech borg deflector in for 2k dil OR some marks; what a friggin waste.
Thank you! This is quite reassuring.
Next week I take it we'll find out the conversion rates for EDC, salvage (and tech) which will help answer some lingering questions.
Besides that, the main concern left for me is dilithium costs for doff assignments for both the "free" pack and the upgrading (5-to-1) feature.
My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
That said i agree on the DOFF with everyone else. What is the design motivation here as i've speculated about several things, but none of them make total sense, and cntrar to popular opinion around hee i know your not stupid, occashinolly a littile shortsighted, but only in a typiclly human, (or other species of prefferance
Actual dialog, acquired by undisclosed means:
BRAN: Sir! The peasants are revolting---I mean customers. Sorry.
SALAMI: Over what?
BRAN: *points to thread*
SALAMI: Oh for the love of -- *typing sounds*
SALAMI: There. Someone accidentally had [Gimme_Mode_Get_Dilth_Reward] set to [OFF]. No big deal. Shame we don't have a bug-report system or something.
BRAN: *furiously updates thread*
Agreed, overall I don't consider this crisis solved with that one change.
And if the Omega Marks system really will take dilithium only to spit it back out
As someone who has been playing Cryptic's games since the days of City of Heroes closed beta and has particpated in all off Cryptic's game beta testing what @daveyny says if true. Any major systems change that hits a Cryptic test server us pretty much what is going to hit the live servers. There may be slight adjustments along the way due to player feed back.
The only time I've seen a drastic change of a system change that was on a Cryptic Test server was the second incarnation of the crafting system. The one from a couple of years ago. They did a major turn around in a short period of time based on player feedback.
I think I see the reasoning for the changes we are seeing for Season 7. But they are merely hunches at the moment. So I'll refrain from voicing them for now except to say they are attempting to throttle several few things in the game.
Okay, now tell us why STF sets are now costing Dilithium after being free?
After working hard since December in trying to get Elite sets, I still have a long way to go to get them. And now I have to PAY Dilithium for these along with these new Marks. That really infuriates me that this is happening.
This compounded with Starbase Dilithium costs, Dilithium tax on Starbase Store items, and now DOFFs. There isn't going to be any Dilithium left to even do anything in this game.
I don't know whether this was "inadvertently removed" or done deliberatly to "test" players reaction.
Just in case it was the latter - the community has spoken loud and clear - so to put everyone on notice they ARE listening - despite some claims that they are not.
Keep up the feedback.
Still would like to hear about the Investigate officer daily - and the console clicking controversy?