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Skyrocketing Costs and Gear Nerfing Threaten to Force Me Out



  • starfish1701starfish1701 Member Posts: 782 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Pleased to hear about the STF dilithium reasurances. :)

    As to the other concerns being expressed, it would be a shame if this (what appears to be) excellent season update was marred by any bad news.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    levi3 wrote: »
    "When they were updated the dilithium was inadvertently removed as a flat reward"

    I don't know whether this was "inadvertently removed" or done deliberatly to "test" players reaction.

    Just in case it was the latter - the community has spoken loud and clear - so to put everyone on notice they ARE listening - despite some claims that they are not.

    Keep up the feedback.

    You really should not over analyze everything, you're going to lose your mind.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    You really should not over analyze everything, you're going to lose your mind.

    Better re-do my conspiracy quote - I added something.
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 549 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    themarie wrote: »
    Actual dialog, acquired by undisclosed means:

    BRAN: Sir! The peasants are revolting---I mean customers. Sorry.

    SALAMI: Over what?

    BRAN: *points to thread*

    SALAMI: Oh for the love of -- *typing sounds*


    SALAMI: There. Someone accidentally had [Gimme_Mode_Get_Dilth_Reward] set to [OFF]. No big deal. Shame we don't have a bug-report system or something.

    BRAN: *furiously updates thread*

    LOL!!! Had to take a chuckle at this.

    As for what other concerns we have...

    1) Continuous Grinding: If we're working toward unlocking the stuff, perhaps you can reduce or eliminate any costs to acquire aside from Marks? That's what's ticked me off enough about the Starbase provisions. We put in, what, 18,000-30,000 Dilithium per project and then have to pay an additional 10k or so Dilithium per piece of gear we want? Fleet Ships does what I wanted the whole system to do from the start: reward contributions by taking only the currency you earned from contributing. I feel the Reputation system and Fleet Embassy should do the same.

    2) Duty Officer recruitment Dilithium costs: I understand a need to re-balance DOFF upgrades, but to the extent they're being done? If a company had raised prices 25-50x their original values, that company would go out of business very quickly. As for the General Recruitment mission, charging for something that once was free is just wrong. Please revoke the Dilithium cost from this, if nothing else to keep helping Starbase progress after we have to now start on the Embassy.
  • edited October 2012
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  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    diafpwe wrote: »
    One Crisis averted. There are still bad design decisions needing to be crushed before they become permanent.

    This is the big one.

    One thing to factor in with DOffs is that you can get them pretty cheap with fleet credits and that more holdings will mean more fleet credit availability, I'm assuming.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sirsri wrote: »
    I chose it precisely because it is the correct analogy...

    Also, you're confusing two things a bit. I'm not saying you shouldn't get a reward for doing foundry missions, only that the reward for click a single panel to autocomplete 3 foundry missions isn't all that good for the game.

    Actually your analogy is an epic fail, no where near in comparison and kinda rude to folks that may be using those public assistance in the real world. So keeping real life politics on the back burner is the wiser choice, but of course we're not here to discuss social issues and politics.

    What you should have simply stated is that the 3 mission Daily auto complete is something that needs to be looked at. I am not confused as to what you're referring, you kinda omitted the part of my post that specifically state that the foundry files need to be looked at or addressed.

    in essence I am looking at the Foundry itself rather than the reward per se. Those are two different things. Your previous logic stated that it should be removed and given to the doff systems, another epic fail on your part simply because while the doff system may be fun and rewarding for others, a good portion of the STO population don't bother with it.
    sirsri wrote: »
    I would hardly call that elite. That's called being in a group with people who have bothered to at least be minimally competent and coordinated. One or two good players can carry a pug to meet the optional objectives in STF's these days.

    I'm no Elitist, but folks that run Elite STFs are pretty darn good, to me they are elite. So we can word play all day if we want, the basic truth is that if you can clean house within 5 to 8 minutes your really good and I label you an Elite player - doesn't mean you are better than everyone else, it means that you are well equipped, and as you stated, well coordinated & competent to complete all tasks and objectives. So These so called days, if you can find a good team, then they're elite to me - You have to be Elite to play in Elite mode, no noobs allowed. However; for the sake of getting back on track, running STFs on elite does dish out a good pay out.
    sirsri wrote: »
    Without a doubt STF's are more than 1100 dilithium per run on average. Because you have to be reasonably close to your definition of elite to run STF's that should be the most efficient way to earn dilithium - and it is, for the 6560 dilithium per day you want to cap per character.

    I do not disagree with you. However; you don't necessarily have to have a perfect run. It is still a profitable venture even at doing all STFs in 30 to 35min.
    sirsri wrote: »
    Well there's a lot wrong with the dilithium rewards then, because it's a 'pay to win' system. Infinite cycles are bad.

    For 1065 zen I can get 4 character slots, doing only the officer reports daily I can earn 9.1 zen per day per character at current exchange rates. Which means every character can pay for itself in 30 days of about 1 minute of work. Nothing about that seems likely to cause a problem to you? It's probably a good thing you're not a game designer.

    But then again its probably that we're both NOT game designers - The simple and basic truth is that ZEN is always backed up by some hard currency. Just because you did not actually spend the green, does not necessarily mean that it never had hard currency backing it.

    Also not everyone is going to shell out 1065 zen for 4 character slots, many folks just find it to tedious at best. I bought mine using both HARD earned cash and not via Dilithium, simply because I had my toons prior to this crappy Dilithium exchange system. I'm not some new kid on the block that came onboard yesterday and chucked out a wad of cash for a Lifer account.

    Here is the thing that we do agree upon. If your issue is the 1 min of work, which to me defining gameplay as work in a virtual playground is silly at best, then the flaw is in the Foundry itself and its author.

    I have no issue if a foundry mission takes 1 min to complete or 1hr, though I do agree that the auto complete is a bit too much and some folks just like to nick pick over a silly panel at ESD - There is a simple remedy to it without actually de-railing the Daily mission.

    That is: SCREEN the foundry missions - Report bad foundry missions so they can be omitted or revamp the Foundry to include set guidelines. These can be set so that foundry missions must have a min of gameplay time of 5min to up to an 1hr. Playing long foundry missions isn't ideal either.
    sirsri wrote: »
    One minute to click a single panel for no risk is hardly grinding. You literally do not need to move the character except to dump things in the bank, and if you're industrious I suppose you could make your own foundry mission so 34 of your 35 characters never need to mvoe.

    So it bothers you that characters don't move, people click away, etc... it burns you up? Heck for all I know there may be a foundry mission that involves you standing there and reading some long text, lol.

    Seriously though, I understand what you mean, but you kinda confusing the notion of work altogether - this is just another form of grinding. If I were to farm the panel with 30 toons, it will literally take me 3 and 1/2hrs - I simply can't do that for that amount of time, not on my schedule. It is extremely tedious and boring and my Fleet responsibilities already take up most of my time, as well as STF runs. Just to inform you, I am savy enough to make my own foundry files, but I simply choose not to.

    The flaw lies in the Foundry system itself and what is permitted and what is not.
    sirsri wrote: »
    In the same way not everyone makes 20 million dollars a year, but those people significantly skew the overall economy because they can, in a day, move more money than everyone else. The '1%' or '.1%' are important economically because they have so much more than everyone else they can shift markets.

    Again leave Reaganomics to the real politicians, there is already a rumor out there of some guy that literally spends $15,000 dollars or more just to manipulate the Game economy, and according to many he or she is real.

    Hardly some panel over at ESD is going to make a dent in the game economy. The basic truth is that the Foundry just needs to be somewhat revamped and tweaked.
    sirsri wrote: »
    Keep in mind the 1440 dilithium for foundry missions that are instaclick also hurts legitimate foundry missions, because people are a lot less motivated to do those when they can do nothing and get all the good rewards.

    One thing has nothing to do with the other - I play legit foundry missions and enjoy them. I do it all the time. I fail to see the logic behind your argument in regards to an ESD panel hurting legitimate Foundry missions. Its a failed argument if you are basing it off motivation.

    What Motivates me is different than what motivates you, it is called being an "individual." Some folks will NOT do foundry missions regardless of an ESD panel or not.

    You do make one legit point, its the instaclick and auto complete, but there is a way around it, and it starts by analyzing the foundry files themselves. No matter how we view it, it will take some Dev work.
    sirsri wrote: »
    The ability to get per character 1440 dilithium for one minute of not moving clicking a few buttons and being done is too far down the spectrum of free stuff, and as you point out, a handful of people can exploit it, and that can seriously mess up your game. With say 30 characters you can earn about 275 zen per day, and that can be essentially free. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, right.

    Whose game is it messing up? Yours? Mine?

    As I stated before, only a fool will stand there for 3 and 1/2hrs clicking away. It is boring and tedious and if there are those who do it, that have 10+ toons, they are very few and far between. It is very insignificant in the broader sense of things.

    Regardless how you view it, it is still a grind despite the time it takes - I fail to see why this bends you out of place. Its not FREE because there is still time invested. most players have an average of 4 toons, they grind there quick daily and move on to other more important things, like doff'n etc.. to improve their starbase.
    sirsri wrote: »
    Sure, so the question is how do you convert what they have into something that is worth doing and not a grind? Handing out free dilithium because you managed to type your password correctly is probably not the best way to make you feel like you're actually enjoying what you get out of the game.

    Everything in this game spells Grind, there isn't anything here that is NOT a grind - whether you spend 2sec scanning something or 20hrs doing non-stop doff'n, its all a grind. So what exactly is WORTH doing in this game?
    sirsri wrote: »
    Redesigning the daily missions and their reward structure is a bigger topic than I was talking about in that post, which is specifically the investigate officer reports daily on trivial missions.

    Its a topic, I wouldn't necessarily see it as a bigger one, there are far more serious ones than this trivial Daily. I would be far more concern about how they are restructuring the Doff acquisition over at the academy over some lame panel at ESD, which obviously ruining your gaming experience.

    (Players experience may vary) xD

    The Doff dilemma actually effects my gameplay directly, not some Joe blow with his 4 to 5 toons & some panel over at ESD. Simply because it hits me harder in regards to my Fleet starbase progression. I could care less what your're doing in front of a panel.

    sirsri wrote: »
    My short answer is randomness that matters. Shake up the encounters you actually face a little bit, so even if the basic theme of the missions is the same (kill these two gateways, kill donatra for example) you can have a lot of variations on the type of enemies that spawn, even the type of ship donatra shows up in.

    You want true Game content, look at the CRYPTIC DEVS who fail to deliver, not some poor Joe who is stuck doing their work for them via a foundry file. I appreciate those players that use the foundry and what they do with it - as I stated before, I play Foundry missions from time to time. In them you'll find Great ones, Good ones, Bad ones, and some real stinkers - Yet let them have the freedom to create 2sec missions or 5hrs ones. It is not for us to decide.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Another update from Salami:

    I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite :) So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.


    Brandon =/\=

    Good to hear. Thanks for the heads up.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Investigate Officer Daily

    These three missions are by far the most helpful in the entire game.

    People really want to complain about them and have them changed.

    This is really a concern if people get Dilithium and marks from theses missions.

    What I think is that Trolls are trying to make more people mad and bust our bubbles.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    If they had the manpower or inertia, they should make everyone's dreams come true by simply causing all the accounts of the people complaining about certain things to not be able to experience them by removing that player's access to the things they complain they don't like IE: The Panel.

    I believe most people use "The Panel" to offset all the unnecessary Dilithium costs in game.
  • d3cubedd3cubed Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Cryptic: MAKE DILITHIUM AND DOFFS EAISILY AVAILABLE! Then, maybe, people MIGHT start liking you again.
    I support Handsome Phaser Guy
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is another I've been a STO user since the end of time and because of that make everything easy thread. We need one of these at least once per week to make the quota.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    This is another I've been a STO user since the end of time and because of that make everything easy thread. We need one of these at least once per week to make the quota.

    This sounds like they need to dock silver privileges some more so that everything isn't too easy.

    Maybe make all the Season 7 nerfs Silver only and you have to pay to unerf them. :p
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sirsri wrote: »
    I chose it precisely because it is the correct analogy. It's not 0 time, but it is about 15x more efficient than anything else in the game, if not moreso. Again, that's not a huge problem. I suggest farming it off to the DOFF system because that would normalize the 'dilithium per minute of work' a bit. And you need nothing invested in the character to get it. Get *any* character to 25, unlock as many klingons as you can = some amount of dilithium for no risk, and no time investment. As i say, that's like welfare, it's not really enough to move very far


    I know you may hate that some of us with over 10+ characters may use the officer daily and get dil, but I want to progress my starbase but still play on my Xbox, PS3, PC games, PSP and actually go out DATING more often that I do such missions to give me that extra time. But I see that someone of you probably got your life on Lock Down that you need no such distractions outside of STO. Well that's not me, and I do not want such missions or such indarences to be added to my game... or I'll just drop STO altogether and go do those other things entirely.
  • dwhornetdwhornet Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Cryptic/PWE I suggest you guys look at growing the player base rather then hinder economic growth of the players. We have made countless suggestions at crafting revamps, fixing PvP, exploration ideas, and foundry requests; That this action is a slap in the face, please be more innovative in your approach to fix the problems facing this great MMO instead of finding ways to redistribute our wealth back to your Chinese overlords.

    You have corrupted our system and WE THE PEOPLE demand you do better by limiting waste, and excessive regulations on our great enterprises. Here is a suggestion, giving us the freedom of more choice will allow the top down redistribution of wealth your organization so desires and end this state of corporate welfare. Only with more freedoms will this great MMO begin to flourish again.

    I say loudly, give me Dilithium, or give me a new game.

    May Q Bless Star Trek Online.
  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »

    So here are some free advices:

    You want to charge more for doffs. Fine. Create another doff assignment for 1k or a bit more dil, and reward an "enhanced academy pack" with some better stuff than the free one in it. This could be very well accepted by the playerbase, since it will solve a part of the doff issue for a reasonable price. Give it a shared CD with the free academy one so that it doesn't introduce more doffs in game.

    You want people to pay for sets. Fine. Create brand new ones and charge dil with your new reputation system. No one will ever complain about new sets as long as they are in par with the existing ones, or as long as there are free ones in par with them if the new sets are better. If they cost dil only people will be willing to get them since dil isn't seen as "irl money". 50k dil seems less than its irl equivalent.

    You want people to play the game longer to get the same amounts of rewards. Fine. Create brand new far more appealing content with lesser rewards. If it's really better people will switch to it. That's a bit abstract but I'm not a game designer so that's not my job, sorry.

    In other words, if you see your job as recycling old free content to charge for it with some cosmetic updates then you're doing it wrong. That's half of what season 7 is about, and this time could have been used to create brand new content you could charge for. Maybe less but at least it could have been better accepted than what you're trying to do.

    Wow, you have restored my faith in humanity. You proposed suggestions that don't TRIBBLE over one section of the playerbase while not impacting another.

    I think my head just exploded. :D
  • edited October 2012
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  • boglejam73boglejam73 Member Posts: 890 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This is the big one.

    Please don't assume that what you think the "big" issue is is what everyone thinks the big issue is. I'd prefer it if you didn't just declare happy times in forum land becuase your problem was addressed while other problems remain unresolved.

    I'm more concerned about the 50X increase in DOFF upgrinding. I wasn't annoyed with the current cost, and I wouldnt have even cared if they had added an extra "0" to the end of each of the current upgrinds, but they went way beyond that.

    Fleet DOff vendor sells completely random DOFFs. Even when paying extra for Sci/Tac/Eng you still have terrible odds of getting useful DOFFs. Then you plug them into a 500-dilithium-per-upgrade with a cost of 5 to a reward of 1 mission that still gives you a RANDOM output?!

    People complain that lockboxes are gambling? at 10 dilithium per roll, I didn't mind upgrinder DOFF gambling. at 500 per roll, its no longer DOFF gambling, its DOFF Russian Roulette.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Another update from Salami:

    I've confirmed that this for both Normal and Elite :) So, the current Dilithium rewards that are on Holodeck are staying and you'll be able to earn additional Dilithium from turning in Elite Omega Force Marks through the reputation system.


    Brandon =/\=

    This is some good news,

    I am at least somewhat relieved, though there are far more serious issues that need to be looked at and resolved.

    Now if only the Devs can get my mail system and chat to work, I can't play with neither.
  • cptniteusercptniteuser Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was thinking of a LTS before all of this about more nerfing and dil. cost for doff grinding, now im pretty sure that the company asking more $$ from it players will keep me from spending a penny more for endless grinds with lower rewards and extreme higher cost.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was thinking of a LTS before all of this about more nerfing and dil. cost for doff grinding, now im pretty sure that the company asking more $$ from it players will keep me from spending a penny more for endless grinds with lower rewards and extreme higher cost.

    Lifetime at this moment isn't worth it unless you are a diehard ship enthusiast and are after the Chimera Class (A PUGLY Beast), and even that it does not merit the 300 dollars price tag.

    I don't mind some Grinding, but the sole existence of STO has turned from Star Trek the MMO experience, to Star Trek Grindhouse. This seems to be the case as we enter Season 7.

    Though there are some slight changes for the better, yet there are others that weigh heavily in our hearts.

    Brandon did clarify the issue with the STF rewards, which to me is a HUGE positive note, yet the doff situation is what really bothers me.

    This is because CRYPTIC has to understand things from a player perspective, in that this will greatly effect starbase progression, and in a huge way.

    One improvement to obtaining doffs that they should consider, is some way in selecting specific doffs as you trade uncommon, rare, and very rares. They need ot consider this to re-balance the demands for common doffs and curtail the price gauging that is occurring in the exchange.

    common sensor duty officer 150,000ec and above - that's insane

    Some commons probably are going for a mil.
  • cptniteusercptniteuser Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    boglejam73 wrote: »
    People complain that lockboxes are gambling? at 10 dilithium per roll, I didn't mind upgrinder DOFF gambling. at 500 per roll, its no longer DOFF gambling, its DOFF Russian Roulette.

    ^^THIS ALSO!!!! and will be the endgame for me.
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Link: Priority One Away Mission 1: Cryptic Studios

    If you pay attention to what they are saying, the folks over at Cryptic plan to make Season Seven a long grind. Even though we may have played over 400+ stfs, Cryptic has plans on taking a lot of our progress away. Instead of making a full conversion, (EDC to Omega Marks), Cryptic is going to give you less for what you have earned.

    Do you think that is fair?

    Pay attention closely to what they are saying.

    Cryptic thinks we are a bunch of suckers.
  • sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Added something new to the OP:

    [6:05] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: We're not granting -any- free rep, ever. If (great big IF) we decide that Accolades are meant to grant you progression, it will be in the form of Omega Marks.
    [6:07] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: They don't have to start over. They've already earned their reward.
    [6:07] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: They have to earn precisely nothing. They already have it.
    [6:07] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: Unless there's something else in the system that motivates them, like the passive powers or a new set.
    [6:13] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: The current Dil cost of a piece of Mk XII gear is 36,000.
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Added something new to the OP:

    [6:05] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: We're not granting -any- free rep, ever. If (great big IF) we decide that Accolades are meant to grant you progression, it will be in the form of Omega Marks.
    [6:07] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: They don't have to start over. They've already earned their reward.
    [6:07] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: They have to earn precisely nothing. They already have it.
    [6:07] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: Unless there's something else in the system that motivates them, like the passive powers or a new set.
    [6:13] [TTS] <Dev> BorticusCryptic@BorticusCryptic: The current Dil cost of a piece of Mk XII gear is 36,000.

    So this means we will be able to buy all MACO/OMEGA sets with dilth? It will make some of those people doing 1000 ground runs and missing 1 piece happy - of course it will also TRIBBLE them off that you can just buy the set at the same time as well! Or was he just refering to some other gear?
  • millybunmillybun Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    More dilithium costs to things that haven't needed dilithium before?

    As someone who has sunk quite a bit of actual money into this game since beta, I have to say that the added and increased dilithium costs only serve to drive long-term players like me away.

    Meanwhile, I'm finding that games that don't treat my fun time like a job, such as Guild Wars 2, a buy-to-play game, are far more enjoyable than logging in for a few hours in STO only to work, work, and work to get anywhere, whether it's crafting, fleet upgrades, or STF gear it seems now.

    I understand the need to hold a player's attention and to have them work towards something, to spend time in the game, but this shouldn't turn into an actual job either.

    Things like DOff'ing and STF'ing are already long and drawn out enough as it is, but adding and increasing dilithium costs to those just makes it all the more ungodly. Now we have to work additionally on dilithium grinding to support those activities, thus spending more time mindlessly grinding the same handful of activities over and over again?

    This is disappointing and upsetting.
  • edited October 2012
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  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    No, MK XII is locked to Elite Omega Marks so this is even DUMBER because not only you have to PLAY in Elite to gain the marks to access Mk XII gear but also PAY in Dilithium for it in the end.

    You can "buy" the Mk X and XI but you can do it as you used to, just instead of farming EDC you now farm marks, also no tech drops no way to get a lucky tech drop that would reduce the farming involved, plus PAYING with Dilithium.

    Ok so does this mean i can run Space STF elites for the marks - then use those to Buy(with dilth) the Mark 12 Maco ground set?? The same one people have run 1000 missions for?
  • sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Provided you have 36,000 dilithium for each of the 3 pieces of the set AND have grinded up the necessary Omega Reputation, yes.
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    At some point, players just have to draw a line and say enough is enough. Where are the content expansions we were promised? Why are you spending hours and hours working on a new grindy, reputation system that doesn't add much in terms of content? I would pay $20 for KDF or FEd expansion at this point. Sell it in the C-store for 5000 points for all I care; I would still pay for it. But, that's not what we're seeing. We're seeing more grindfest mechanics being added in, as well as making dealing with doffs more expensive. The doff system was the one thing I liked for christ sakes! It was one thing I could sing praises for. After this next change, the personnel exchange will be run by Ferengi's and I will probably stop using the doff system. I will not spend thousands of dilithium just to have to be able to use better doffs so that I can then get better dilithium rewards from doff missions. You're making the missions more about dilithium than about Star-trek. Everything feels like a cheap transaction you'd make in the back alleys of Q'nos with a Ferengi merchant.

    Star bases are going the same way. Aren't star bases supposed to be about exploration? Aren't Star bases supposed to help us explore, or aren't they supposed to be places where we fight battles that aren't repetitive? All I see from starbases is a massive resource drain, slightly better fleet ships, and maybe a few aesthetic pleasures. It doesn't amount to anything substantial. Are star bases advancing any storylines? Are they part of territory control or integrated into PVP? Are they part of a new exploration system?
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