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Cryptic needs to redo the Transport Raid and Erikson



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I've had a few issues with these two missions myself most chiefly being this. After barely successfully raiding all four freighters before they warped out I still get a mission failure. I hadn't don this mission again since till the other day when my Lt. Commander Friend and I ran it (i was a captain 5 matching level) and to our annoyance the civilian escorts were damage sinks. Even with me unmatching level and going full Captain 4 agro on them with their Lt. Commander 5 or so levels they wouldn't go below 50% health. There is something very wrong with these missions.

    I've been complaining about these missions from day one - BUT after playing them the last two days, Gozer's fixes must have gone in as I was able to complete the transport raid regulary (used to fail witn 2 frieghters still in zone; and on 2 of the 5 times I tried it, was even able to complete the optional objective solo (which was completely impossible prior to this last patch.)

    Also, on the Rrikson Raid, the two frieghters in the bubble finally were counting towards 'frieghters looted' and that was NOT the case before.

    Not saying there still aren't issues but the major ones I was complaining about seem resolved.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I just tried doing the Eriksson mission and I failed it with 4/4 freighters Pillaged. I haven't tried the transports one because I don't want to waist XP-boost time on a missions I can't complete fully. I think I've only gotten Path of Warrior completed once since it was released because I just happen to team with a guy who knew what he was supposed to do and could actually do it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll take a look at this one more time. I may just have to make the transports unkillable after you loot them, as it's this logic that is the root cause of all the problems.

    I didn't want to do this because I wanted to give you guys the option of blowing up the friegters after you looted them but at this point just pulling that option is the only way I think I can fix this issue for good.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    That would make targeting the correct ones easier as well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Thank you Goz.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll take a look at this one more time. I may just have to make the transports unkillable after you loot them, as it's this logic that is the root cause of all the problems.

    I didn't want to do this because I wanted to give you guys the option of blowing up the friegters after you looted them but at this point just pulling that option is the only way I think I can fix this issue for good.


    Never failed this mission... to me its an issue of people not realizing the extra objectives are better accomplished in a group...

    Have soloed it successfully many many times.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Never failed this mission... to me its an issue of people not realizing the extra objectives are better accomplished in a group...

    Have soloed it successfully many many times.

    I suspect what you're missing is that a lot of us have, by the rules listed, succeeded as well... and it still counts as a failure. It's a substantial problem when it says "Optional: Pillage 4 Freighters" - you pillage 4 freighters, but it still counts as a failure.

    It's extra-problematic for carriers, because once you sic your fighters on a transport, they don't let go until it's dead (even if it turns friendly), meaning a good chunk of your firepower is A) Not doing what you need it to do B) Helping you fail the mission.

    For this reason I'd ask Gozer - is there anything you can do about that? I know you aren't a ship guy; I'm not asking you to give me fighter controls or anything* - but is there some trick you can do that'll make my fighters think the Transports are destroyed when they turn friendly? Because otherwise part of this problem is going to remain for us carrier captains.

    If not, you suppose you could poke the ship team about either an AI fix for that, or maybe some pet controls for carriers? It makes running these missions significantly more troublesome than they ought to be, and the carrier is already a little rough to run them in just due to it's slow turn speed.

    *I want them, but I know you aren't the guy to ask about it <,<
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll take a look at this one more time. I may just have to make the transports unkillable after you loot them, as it's this logic that is the root cause of all the problems.

    I didn't want to do this because I wanted to give you guys the option of blowing up the friegters after you looted them but at this point just pulling that option is the only way I think I can fix this issue for good.


    If you could also make them unforgettable that would be nice. The tendency for the game to auto target things you don't want to shoot at is astounding. Like in Night of the Comet where apparently your tactical officer really wants you to alter the time line.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll take a look at this one more time. I may just have to make the transports unkillable after you loot them, as it's this logic that is the root cause of all the problems.

    I didn't want to do this because I wanted to give you guys the option of blowing up the friegters after you looted them but at this point just pulling that option is the only way I think I can fix this issue for good.


    A while back it was mentioned that there was a fix to this problem that never made it out in a patch. I've looked over the patches and it still isn't listed in any of them since this new fix was mentioned. People can do it in BoPs solo, but cruisers and carriers have a tough time doing it. Its just that once we start the mission, out of the first 4 freighters, most people can only get 2 of them. Then they have to kill the escorts, destroy the shield things - which are a pain to target by the way - and then destroy the one fed ship that appears and get the last 2 freighters before they leave. By that time, the first 4 freighters have already warped out of the system. So when you get the last 2 freighters to make it a total of 4 freighters done, you have already failed because the others have left before you finished. That was the problem with the mission the last time I played it. Granted I haven't done it in a week, but there has been nothing in the latest patch notes about any changes in it at all. I've been able to complete them in my Vor'cha maybe 50-60% of the time now. But everytime it is very, very close. I get the last freighter just when it passes the Nav Buoy a split second before it warps away.

    Kirk: Scotty, what's left?
    Scotty: just the batteries sir. I can have auxiliary power in a few minutes.
    Kirk: We don't have a few minutes! Can you give me phaser power?
    Scotty: A few shots sir.
    Spock: Not enough against their shields
    Kirk: Who in the hell are they?
    Uhura: Admiral, the commander of the Reliant is signaling. He wishes to discuss terms of our surrender.
    Kirk: Put it on screen.
    Uhura: Admiral?
    Kirk: Do it, while we still have time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll take a look at this one more time. I may just have to make the transports unkillable after you loot them, as it's this logic that is the root cause of all the problems.

    I didn't want to do this because I wanted to give you guys the option of blowing up the friegters after you looted them but at this point just pulling that option is the only way I think I can fix this issue for good.


    The carrier problem does stem from lack of pet control, combined with pet AI going on a diehard vendetta is the need for finesse because if you get out too many squads they'll kill the freighter before you loot it despite it turning friendly torpedos en route destroy it. This mission was promised more optionals based on class, but they have yet to materialize.

    Unkillable, no thanks. I am still wondering however if it is still counting dead freighters towards a fail like it was, because if four get away & two are destroyed before you finish scanning all four, then deaths counting towards failing the objective may still be the problem. Confirm I'm wrong then I'll leave you alone Gozer. Wait, one more thing when are we going to get those class based optionals on these? I'm tired of not getting it in my engineer cruiser because I can't AOE dmg as well as escorts or scis with grav. well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    There has definitely been a fix in the last week or two (that I didn't see in patch notes) that most of the time lets you keep looting even after some have gotten away. On Erikisson I routinely now loot 2, miss the other 4, then get the last 2 from the shield bubble and get credit for the optional. There still seems to be some bug somewhere as I've failed the transport raid optional even with enough freighters left, but it is much better than it used to be.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I'll take a look at this one more time. I may just have to make the transports unkillable after you loot them, as it's this logic that is the root cause of all the problems.

    I didn't want to do this because I wanted to give you guys the option of blowing up the friegters after you looted them but at this point just pulling that option is the only way I think I can fix this issue for good.


    Make them stay powered down and unkillable once we stop them, not just after we've looted them. Attack pets make this problem even worse, because when the freighter powers up, starts moving and is attackable again all the currently spawned pets swarm and blow it up before it can stop again. This caused me to have to try several times in Eriksson with the carrier before I gave up and switched back to my BoP just to complete this mission's optional objectives Ever time it was because my carrier's BoP wings would blow up one frieghter when it powered up again. Many times before I could loot them, because one of the escorts would fire at me and interrupt the interaction timer.

    That's the other problem with these missions, the looting is constantly interrupted if the escorts aren't killed first. So when we stop the freighters and go to take out the escorts just so we can loot the freighters, they power up and start moving again by the time the escorts are dealt with. If we go after the escorts first, the freighters escape.

    Both of these problems will be solved by making the freighters stay powered down and unkillable once they've stopped the first time.

    Edit: If you want to give us the option to blow up the frieghter, how about making them return to enemy status and power back up after the optional objective is flagged as completed. In other words, tie their power-up to that flag state. So on the power up check, if Optional is still flagged as incomplete, the power-up sequence is halted. If it is completed the power-up sequence can continue. With this we can complete the optional objectives if we stop enough before they escape and still fail if too many escape before we've stopped them.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Can't believe this still isn't fixed after so many months.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    the Transport Raid and Erikson are doable... if you have 3+ people on your team. You for the transport raid you need to divide forces. One group, preferably with cloak, needs to go ahead and disable the group of transports at the front of the convoy, while slower/heavier hitting ships deal with the ones closest to the spawn point.

    With Erikson you need to split between the two freighter forces. If you have enough you can designate someone to agro the escorts so that the freighter forces can better nab the freighters resources. FAW is actually good for this as you will agro everything. These missions are like STFs I guess, they're intended for teamwork.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Since the patch, I've had no problem doing the optional objective single-handedly or in a team of 2. (Haven't tried more teammates.)

    For Erickson, just stop any 2 of the freighters outside the shields. Do this before deactivating the shield and you have plenty of time to get the 2 under the shield to complete 4. (In a BoP, I've been able to raid a total of 6 freighters)

    For the transport raid, cloak and move to the forward most group (outside of range of the "middle" escort). By the time you raid the front freighters, then kill their spawns, you've got time to take on the following group.

    I'd be happy to run it with you if you'd like! =)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    It is easy to do now that they fixed the patch...so long as you know what you are doing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I was able to with my LTG TAC.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Aoav160 wrote: »
    I was able to with my LTG TAC.

    The only ship I have trouble doing the raids in would be the carrier...yup...timing aint too good when you sometimes lag...lolz. They need to make it carrier friendly...hahahahahaha
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    kerryleblanckerryleblanc Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2012
    2 yrs later and it's mesed up in my case I couldn't lock on to power conduits, same thing happened when I did the comet fragments as a Fed, seems whenever there are hostiles around you can't lock on to non-hostiles.
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