(btw if they did rerun the re run the galor i genuinely can not see them having bug ship in lobi.. , maybe the cardi fighter ship)
I would horror to the idea of the 'villans' lockbox (e.g. we should NEVER see a borg/undine/iconian lockbox)
I thought about Breen lock box as well, but the last time players asked Mr. Stahl about a playable Breen ship, he said, it's on the schedule but nothing special has been done yet, cuz there are other ships in progress atm. If I recall right it was Septembers "ask Cryptic" interview. So probably no Breen for us this time.
Jem bug via Lobi store seems reasonable for me simply because of the Dominion and Cardassian alliance during the war. It would be easily explainable where did Cardassians get all of the Dominion ships from.
Concerning villains - I can't agree more! Not that I wouldn't fly an Undine Nicor... I would! I've even got a holo emitter. But that would mess up the story line.
Oh and by the way, I don't think that Andorian ship should be fed only - ferengi D'kora isn't. And ferengi are a fed race as well.
I expect a breen lock box soon but all signs are pointing to a time or temporal lockbox will be next with the wells call for feds and the korath class for kdf (both leaked in the foundry and the wells in game for a short period)
if not those two will be the 1000 day reward but there have been hints it will be the lockbox.
I expect a breen lock box soon but all signs are pointing to a time or temporal lockbox will be next with the wells call for feds and the korath class for kdf (both leaked in the foundry and the wells in game for a short period)
if not those two will be the 1000 day reward but there have been hints it will be the lockbox.
What signs do you mean, exactly? I can't think of anything except this "time will show" quote. I tend to think that temporal ships will be either C-Store or 1000 vet reward. There was some fuss about the 1000 day reward to be a ship, so that's the perfect occasion. Otherwise, 3 ships for a single lockbox event? Either too much effort, or, if no Lobi ship, too much "whaaa, no cookie for us this time?!" QQ and drama.
And as I said in the earlier comment, I doubt we'll get Breen box this time. Next one may be.
What signs do you mean, exactly? I can't think of anything except this "time will show" quote. I tend to think that temporal ships will be either C-Store or 1000 vet reward. There was some fuss about the 1000 day reward to be a ship, so that's the perfect occasion. Otherwise, 3 ships for a single lockbox event? Either too much effort, or, if no Lobi ship, too much "whaaa, no cookie for us this time?!" QQ and drama.
And as I said in the earlier comment, I doubt we'll get Breen box this time. Next one may be.
the ask cryptic says both timeships are due out end of september and the tholian one ends on the 20th so the times match up if they want to roll the new one out a week later.
i cant find the exact 'time will show' quote but i seem to remember the word time had the quotation marks. even if im misremembering even using the word time seems carefully put there as there are many other ways to phrase the answer.
now he could be just throwing us off but i strongly expect the next one to be the timeships.
It's gunna be a Breen (Ra)chel Garrett cruiser, and then they have to do a new holo emitter for that as well (Jham, Ferengi and Galor are already through). Alternative would be an Undine Nicor as luckbox ship, so an Undine Luckbox is also possible.
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
What signs do you mean, exactly? I can't think of anything except this "time will show" quote. I tend to think that temporal ships will be either C-Store or 1000 vet reward. There was some fuss about the 1000 day reward to be a ship, so that's the perfect occasion. Otherwise, 3 ships for a single lockbox event? Either too much effort, or, if no Lobi ship, too much "whaaa, no cookie for us this time?!" QQ and drama.
And as I said in the earlier comment, I doubt we'll get Breen box this time. Next one may be.
The latest ask cryptic says the Wells Class ship and a KDF ship (most likely Korath) would be available in the second half of this month. The Tholian lockbox ends on September 20 so the next lockbox will likely start on September 20 unless something holds it up. Chances are good that the Wells Class ship will be part of the next lockbox.
I think it'll be the time ships. Look at CBS's past actions. They don't want to TRIBBLE up the universe by having everyone flying special ships. So having a limited number of time ships would be ideal. So that means it won't be a C-Store ship.
Now, if they'd add some content to go along with those time ships....
"If you have never used Cello, I'm not interested in your browser opinion."
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
Jem bug via Lobi store seems reasonable for me simply because of the Dominion and Cardassian alliance during the war. It would be easily explainable where did Cardassians get all of the Dominion ships from.
Oh and by the way, I don't think that Andorian ship should be fed only - ferengi D'kora isn't. And ferengi are a fed race as well.
But could you imagine the rageing over the jem bug being easily gotten (lobi is at least guaranteed apposed to luck-box-lottery)
As for the ferngi i thought they hadn't allied with the federation, but some people chose to join the ranks (given double citizenship status) ((remember the ferengi are still traders by nature, allying yourself to one warring faction isnt profitable , hence the 2 ferengi on qu'o'nos first city))((plus it could be similar to the whole trill colony that joined the KDF c-store trill))
[Combat (Self)] Your Bite deals 2378 (1475) Physical Damage(Critical) to Spawnmother.
Concerning villains - I can't agree more! Not that I wouldn't fly an Undine Nicor... I would! I've even got a holo emitter. But that would mess up the story line.
Oh and by the way, I don't think that Andorian ship should be fed only - ferengi D'kora isn't. And ferengi are a fed race as well.
The Ferengi are a Federation race? Not hardly. The Federation doesn't even have currency, not much room for profit is there? :P Besides, the number of canon Ferengi that have served in starfleet could be counted on one hand.
It's most likely the Temporal Lockbox. Geko has been trying to get the Wells class in for a while now, this has probably been determined as the most lucrative way to put it in. As for what the Lobi Store items, and the next lockbox will be?
Or maybe it'll be a specially modified Borg Probe?
You never know...
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
the ask cryptic says both timeships are due out end of september and the tholian one ends on the 20th so the times match up if they want to roll the new one out a week later.
i cant find the exact 'time will show' quote but i seem to remember the word time had the quotation marks. even if im misremembering even using the word time seems carefully put there as there are many other ways to phrase the answer.
now he could be just throwing us off but i strongly expect the next one to be the timeships.
I'm thinking the Wells and Korath will be blue drops int he next lock box! In the current lock box, we have 2 Fed only ships and one KDF one. Then again, Cryptic could very well make 2 ships the top prize in order to keep people buying. You might get a Wells or you might get a Korath. Personally, I would like to see the time ships in the C-Store and a uniform pack for both Fed and KDF to follow shortly after. It's also mentioned in the current Ask Cryptic that a Breen ship being in a lock box are behind a few other ships. What those few others are though... We'll just have to keep guessing.
I know it's wishful thinking, but it would be interesting to see a "Battleship" Lockbox with the Typhoon class for Fed, A modified Neg'Var for KDF, and a Dominion Battleship in Lobi Store.
Well please do me a favor.. as loudly as you are discussing the "next lockbox" please also show the same enthusiasm for me (and others) and request an "opt out" checkbox in the settings for those who don't want to participate nor have to constantly discard those things from inventory.
I'm also thinking it'll be a temporal lockbox. With the ultra-rare ship having the same (or similar) statistics between the Wells-class and Korath-class. The ultra-rare item itself would be the same, mind you. It'd just become a different ship depending on which faction opened it.
that ship is so big that by the time I get to the bridge, STO will have already shut down...
*sings* "I like Gammera! He's so neat!!! He is full of turtle meat!!!"
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
26th century Prometheus/Vor'cha...I dunno, they just released a Vor'cha variant, didn't they? "Yay, I got a mirror universe Vor'cha! What, they just released a better one in another lockbox? F*** this game! I quit!"
A new escort would be nice...maybe a VA-level Raptor? But I think we would have heard something about that by now.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
i would point out again, that Korath is a person, not a ship type.
someone earlier in the thread misremembered the episode VOY:endgame, thinking it had a new klingon ship (which it didn't, all we saw were standard negh'var class ships), and applied korath's name to said non-existant ship.
"Tiny little dots far, far away. Our eyes drawn to the twinkle of a hundred billion galaxies. Giving life to illusion, illusion to life. Something upon which to hang our hopes."
- Tobias LeConte - Dream Weaver - seaQuest DSV
i would point out again, that Korath is a person, not a ship type.
someone earlier in the thread misremembered the episode VOY:endgame, thinking it had a new klingon ship (which it didn't, all we saw were standard negh'var class ships), and applied korath's name to said non-existant ship.
We've seen the ship. Cryptic is creating a future ship based on Korath to allow for a Klingon timeship.
if you mean that they are using korath the person to justify klingon time travel content, that would make sense. korath's main claim to fame is the chrono-deflector, which can open rifts to other times and places.
they certainly are going to include klingon content, but i'm pretty sure the ship class is not going to be named after a klingon scientist who was just starting his career in 2404...
"Tiny little dots far, far away. Our eyes drawn to the twinkle of a hundred billion galaxies. Giving life to illusion, illusion to life. Something upon which to hang our hopes."
- Tobias LeConte - Dream Weaver - seaQuest DSV
they certainly are going to include klingon content, but i'm pretty sure the ship class is not going to be named after a klingon scientist who was just starting his career in 2404...
Well, just as the Wells class is named after H.G. Wells, who would've been dead for a millennium by the time the 29th century rolled around, it wouldn't be too far-fetched for the Klingons to name their own version of the time ship, after their own famous 'time traveler', as it were.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
it just seems unlikely the klingons would name a ship after a non-warrior who is still alive in 2409, and probably didn't even timetravel at all. (janeway stole the chrono-deflector before it could be tested.. the system was single use)
and that assumes that he even invents it at all in STO.. the timeline where it appeared was wiped out by adm. janeway helping voyager get home early.
the wells class was named after a famous writer who wrote a timetravel novel yes, but as you pointed out wells had been dead for centuries by that point.
we don't know how the klingons name their ships,but it seems unlikely that they'd use the name of a living person, given their attitudes towards honor. dead people perhaps, especially if they died gloriously, but live non-warriors? highly unlikely.
"Tiny little dots far, far away. Our eyes drawn to the twinkle of a hundred billion galaxies. Giving life to illusion, illusion to life. Something upon which to hang our hopes."
- Tobias LeConte - Dream Weaver - seaQuest DSV
we don't know how the klingons name their ships,but it seems unlikely that they'd use the name of a living person, given their attitudes towards honor. dead people perhaps, especially if they died gloriously, but live non-warriors? highly unlikely.
If it is a timeship, it would have been launched sometime in the future. Presumably, Korath would be dead by then.
and that assumes that he even invents it at all in STO.. the timeline where it appeared was wiped out by adm. janeway helping voyager get home early.
Lots of stuff from alternate timelines is present in STO - the Galaxy-X, Harry Kim commanding the Rhode Island, Geordie LaForge commanding the Challenger, etc.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
"historical" options, like the Ambassador class, TOS romulan warbirds, more TOS badge options (taken from other ships of the time, which had emblems other than the arrowhead), and so on.
I'll take 1 Ambassador Class and 1 Romulan Warbird "to-go" and gift wrapped please.
So, we all know that Tholian Lockboxes are gonna stop dropping on the 20th. Ok, np there.
But, it does get me to wondering, what is the next one going to be, what will it have, what won't it have, etc?
I would like to submit my vote: Revamp PvP and make X amount of kills and once X amount of kills against the opposing faction have a ___________ ship become available (you fill in the blank). It would certainly get players into PvP ...and fast!
A borg themed box could be possible without using actual borg cubes. Enterprise featured an episode with a freighter that had been assimilated by the borg, and STO could do something similar, taking a standard non faction ship type and covering it with borg hardware.
Another possible lockbox ship is the husnock warship. Maybe using the prow weapon like the GalX phaser cannon and giving it a 10 second damage immunity ability. (like the shield affect from TNG)
I thought about Breen lock box as well, but the last time players asked Mr. Stahl about a playable Breen ship, he said, it's on the schedule but nothing special has been done yet, cuz there are other ships in progress atm. If I recall right it was Septembers "ask Cryptic" interview. So probably no Breen for us this time.
Jem bug via Lobi store seems reasonable for me simply because of the Dominion and Cardassian alliance during the war. It would be easily explainable where did Cardassians get all of the Dominion ships from.
Concerning villains - I can't agree more! Not that I wouldn't fly an Undine Nicor... I would! I've even got a holo emitter. But that would mess up the story line.
Oh and by the way, I don't think that Andorian ship should be fed only - ferengi D'kora isn't. And ferengi are a fed race as well.
if not those two will be the 1000 day reward but there have been hints it will be the lockbox.
What signs do you mean, exactly? I can't think of anything except this "time will show" quote. I tend to think that temporal ships will be either C-Store or 1000 vet reward. There was some fuss about the 1000 day reward to be a ship, so that's the perfect occasion. Otherwise, 3 ships for a single lockbox event? Either too much effort, or, if no Lobi ship, too much "whaaa, no cookie for us this time?!" QQ and drama.
And as I said in the earlier comment, I doubt we'll get Breen box this time. Next one may be.
the ask cryptic says both timeships are due out end of september and the tholian one ends on the 20th so the times match up if they want to roll the new one out a week later.
i cant find the exact 'time will show' quote but i seem to remember the word time had the quotation marks. even if im misremembering even using the word time seems carefully put there as there are many other ways to phrase the answer.
now he could be just throwing us off but i strongly expect the next one to be the timeships.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
The latest ask cryptic says the Wells Class ship and a KDF ship (most likely Korath) would be available in the second half of this month. The Tholian lockbox ends on September 20 so the next lockbox will likely start on September 20 unless something holds it up. Chances are good that the Wells Class ship will be part of the next lockbox.
Now, if they'd add some content to go along with those time ships....
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
But could you imagine the rageing over the jem bug being easily gotten (lobi is at least guaranteed apposed to luck-box-lottery)
As for the ferngi i thought they hadn't allied with the federation, but some people chose to join the ranks (given double citizenship status) ((remember the ferengi are still traders by nature, allying yourself to one warring faction isnt profitable
The Ferengi are a Federation race? Not hardly. The Federation doesn't even have currency, not much room for profit is there? :P Besides, the number of canon Ferengi that have served in starfleet could be counted on one hand.
It's most likely the Temporal Lockbox. Geko has been trying to get the Wells class in for a while now, this has probably been determined as the most lucrative way to put it in. As for what the Lobi Store items, and the next lockbox will be?
I haven't a bloody clue.
You never know...
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
I'm thinking the Wells and Korath will be blue drops int he next lock box! In the current lock box, we have 2 Fed only ships and one KDF one. Then again, Cryptic could very well make 2 ships the top prize in order to keep people buying. You might get a Wells or you might get a Korath. Personally, I would like to see the time ships in the C-Store and a uniform pack for both Fed and KDF to follow shortly after. It's also mentioned in the current Ask Cryptic that a Breen ship being in a lock box are behind a few other ships. What those few others are though... We'll just have to keep guessing.
Well please do me a favor.. as loudly as you are discussing the "next lockbox" please also show the same enthusiasm for me (and others) and request an "opt out" checkbox in the settings for those who don't want to participate nor have to constantly discard those things from inventory.
I hope it's the Spaceball One.
no... wait...
that ship is so big that by the time I get to the bridge, STO will have already shut down...
"Hah! You are doomed! You're only armed with that pathetic excuse for a musical instrument!!!" *the Savage Beast moments before Lonnehart the Bard used music to soothe him... then beat him to death with his Fat Lute*
i want that ship too http://www.propstore.com/product-Spaceball-One--Mothership--Model-Miniature.htm but its too expensive irl too :eek:
Twitter | Blog | Original Join Date: Dec 2007 | Gaming Setup | Raptr Profile | Gamer DNA
The opinions expressed in my posts are my own views and do not reflect on any other entity(s) or person(s) I may or may not represent at the time.
How would you guys feel about the "whammy" prize (akin to the Mirror ships) being a Vor'cha and Prometheus "26th century" variant?
I was playing around with the idea of a more engineering leaning Advanced Escort and a Science-y Vor'cha. Maybe have a couple of others.
We didn't get a good close-up look in the episode but I'd imagine 26th century variants could get a new hull pattern like the Mirror Ships.
A new escort would be nice...maybe a VA-level Raptor? But I think we would have heard something about that by now.
50 Zen says it's the Wells and Korath.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
someone earlier in the thread misremembered the episode VOY:endgame, thinking it had a new klingon ship (which it didn't, all we saw were standard negh'var class ships), and applied korath's name to said non-existant ship.
"Tiny little dots far, far away. Our eyes drawn to the twinkle of a hundred billion galaxies. Giving life to illusion, illusion to life. Something upon which to hang our hopes."
- Tobias LeConte - Dream Weaver - seaQuest DSV
We've seen the ship. Cryptic is creating a future ship based on Korath to allow for a Klingon timeship.
Huh. Maybe a Tox Uthat device?
they certainly are going to include klingon content, but i'm pretty sure the ship class is not going to be named after a klingon scientist who was just starting his career in 2404...
"Tiny little dots far, far away. Our eyes drawn to the twinkle of a hundred billion galaxies. Giving life to illusion, illusion to life. Something upon which to hang our hopes."
- Tobias LeConte - Dream Weaver - seaQuest DSV
Well, just as the Wells class is named after H.G. Wells, who would've been dead for a millennium by the time the 29th century rolled around, it wouldn't be too far-fetched for the Klingons to name their own version of the time ship, after their own famous 'time traveler', as it were.
and that assumes that he even invents it at all in STO.. the timeline where it appeared was wiped out by adm. janeway helping voyager get home early.
the wells class was named after a famous writer who wrote a timetravel novel yes, but as you pointed out wells had been dead for centuries by that point.
we don't know how the klingons name their ships,but it seems unlikely that they'd use the name of a living person, given their attitudes towards honor. dead people perhaps, especially if they died gloriously, but live non-warriors? highly unlikely.
"Tiny little dots far, far away. Our eyes drawn to the twinkle of a hundred billion galaxies. Giving life to illusion, illusion to life. Something upon which to hang our hopes."
- Tobias LeConte - Dream Weaver - seaQuest DSV
If it is a timeship, it would have been launched sometime in the future. Presumably, Korath would be dead by then.
In the alternate timeline, yes.
Lots of stuff from alternate timelines is present in STO - the Galaxy-X, Harry Kim commanding the Rhode Island, Geordie LaForge commanding the Challenger, etc.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I'll take 1 Ambassador Class and 1 Romulan Warbird "to-go" and gift wrapped please.
I would like to submit my vote: Revamp PvP and make X amount of kills and once X amount of kills against the opposing faction have a ___________ ship become available (you fill in the blank). It would certainly get players into PvP ...and fast!
Another possible lockbox ship is the husnock warship. Maybe using the prow weapon like the GalX phaser cannon and giving it a 10 second damage immunity ability. (like the shield affect from TNG)
think it has a better shot at a bridge as a lockbox ship.
And I may go all out on this one if the uniforms are included in the lockbox or Lobi store.