And I may go all out on this one if the uniforms are included in the lockbox or Lobi store.
You mean these things? They're coming in some form or another. (I hate the Temporal Investgations storylines with the unbridled passion of a billion burning suns, but credit where it's due, those uniforms are kind of cool.)
However, so far every Lobi store outfit has been an offduty outfit. If that trend continues and the 29th uniforms are in the Lockbox, then... I have no idea what will go in the Lobi store.
EDIT: If I may be so bold, I would also like to lay the bet on the table that Lockboxes will now come out immediately one after the other. Whatever the this lockbox holds in store for us, we'll be finding out come this Thursday. :rolleyes:
You mean these things? They're coming in some form or another. (I hate the Temporal Investgations storylines with the unbridled passion of a billion burning suns, but credit where it's due, those uniforms are kind of cool.)
However, so far every Lobi store outfit has been an offduty outfit. If that trend continues and the 29th uniforms are in the Lockbox, then... I have no idea what will go in the Lobi store.
EDIT: If I may be so bold, I would also like to lay the bet on the table that Lockboxes will now come out immediately one after the other. Whatever the this lockbox holds in store for us, we'll be finding out come this Thursday. :rolleyes:
For the Lobi store:
Xindi Bridge Officer.
Romulan Bridge Officer.
Vorgon Bridge Officer.
For costumes, maybe Berlinghoff Rasmussen outfit or something akin to what Agent Daniels wore on Enterprise? He explicitly said he's not Starfleet.
I agree with a lot of the OP, but the only thing I would really like is for them to add lobi to every single C-store purcahse not just in lockboxes also not to raise to price on any item in the lobi vendor.
For costumes, maybe Berlinghoff Rasmussen outfit or something akin to what Agent Daniels wore on Enterprise? He explicitly said he's not Starfleet.
As awesome as having giant bugs on my ship would be, I kind of doubt it. The other Xindi (minus the aquatics) would be really easy, but I would prefer the bugs. Even if the Insectoids did make it into the game I doubt they would be customisable. Though there are many ways they could do it.
The rest of those Ideas are probably the most plausible.
Ultra-rare armed civilian ships. (Various frieghter & transport skins. Merchantman from ST:III comes to mind but you get the idea. Merc Bridge Officers (BO's who don't have uniforms but only merc/off duty attire.
More common items include:
Assorted melee weapons. Various laser pistol models including those from early TOS (ala The Cage). Merc duty officers. Mercentary commodities, Romulan Ale, Contraband, or other misc items that are hard to come by legally but easily procured by the fringe element.
I think such a box would make for a fun little change of pace, but I know it won't happen.
Foundry missions: "Salvaged" and "Preemption (Federation)" brought to you by the former "Tom_Riker01".
"An artist's growth depends upon accurate feedback." ~Data
It's All but officially confirmed the Wells Class will be the next big prize.
That means the next Lockbox theme will be timetravel based.
Things coming to mind fitting the theme:
29th century uniform and ground weapons
Time Agent doff
Relativity class shuttle (pet)
Wells as a prize so not cool I blow 160 dollers a month on master keys and such how about exotic ships other then the wells that's more of a z store ship anyway maybe andorian or Kazon ships as the next big prize or even borg people have been moaning about them for a long time now
The top prizes will be the Liberated Borg race account unlock and an assimliated Fed ship that looks like something between the usual saucer shape and a Borg sphere. The bridge will also have a partially assimilated interior.
There is a large Borg fan base on the game and so I can see this being a top seller. There are also a lot of people who would like to play the Liberated race but don't see the value in paying $200 or $300 USD. However they might be willing to pay in master keys for a 1-2% chance of getting just the race and not the subscription.
Now I know the LTSers are going to cry out and tear their clothes on this but face it when you buy a LTS you are buying and uncertain future, not a promise of lifetime exclusivity. Besides getting the monthly stipend slowly pays back the initial deposit so eventually you are getting the race for free where as people getting it from the box have to pay for it.
The top prizes will be the Liberated Borg race account unlock and an assimliated Fed ship that looks like something between the usual saucer shape and a Borg sphere. The bridge will also have a partially assimilated interior.
There is a large Borg fan base on the game and so I can see this being a top seller. There are also a lot of people who would like to play the Liberated race but don't see the value in paying $200 or $300 USD. However they might be willing to pay in master keys for a 1-2% chance of getting just the race and not the subscription.
Now I know the LTSers are going to cry out and tear their clothes on this but face it when you buy a LTS you are buying and uncertain future, not a promise of lifetime exclusivity. Besides getting the monthly stipend slowly pays back the initial deposit so eventually you are getting the race for free where as people getting it from the box have to pay for it.
True I blow 160 a month in lock box keys but see no real benefit in buying a LTS just keep pumping out the boxes
As long as they keep the tholian stuff in the lobi store, Im fine. Some of us are still slowly saving/gathering for a Recluse. What does PWE care what we buy or win as long as we're spending on keys?
The objective is to make you buy keys faster. They want you to spend more now and hopefully keep spending than to slowly spend little by little.
I'm sorry, but there is NO reason for a playable Wells class to be in STO. None. Period. If this class appears at all it should, in my opinion, be as it was intended - a 29th Century ship that has, perhaps, time-jumped to tell the Iconians that they're very naughty and should go away and think about what they've done.
And though it may sound extreme, if I see Wells class ships flying around, being destroyed by Tholians/Klingons/Borg etc in STF's and Fleet Actions I will have to give serious, genuine, consideration to deleting STO off my PC as it will, frankly, have lost absollutely ALL credibility it ever had.
YEAH! There's absolutely no reason to have variety of nice ships at players' disposal if they're bending the canon a bit! Come on, let's all uninstall STO from our drives and never play it again because devs are providing us with new cool looking ships to fly! Seriously, this game is Star Trek, and as such it should all be about scaning plants and anomalies, with occasional dumb plot about skimpy clothed slave girls (because ST is progressive, you know - woman rights and stuff...) and warp 10 space human-lizards! Where are my space-lizards!?!?!111onemeh I want a space-lizard doff in my roster or I will totally absolutelly seriously delete the game and never play it again!?!?!1/.1fblah
Whilst I purchased plenty of lock box keys for the Tholian lock boxes, and am generally pleased with what I received from them, I will NOT buy a single key for a timetravel based lockbox.
I'm sorry, but there is NO reason for a playable Wells class to be in STO. None. Period. If this class appears at all it should, in my opinion, be as it was intended - a 29th Century ship that has, perhaps, time-jumped to tell the Iconians that they're very naughty and should go away and think about what they've done.
And though it may sound extreme, if I see Wells class ships flying around, being destroyed by Tholians/Klingons/Borg etc in STF's and Fleet Actions I will have to give serious, genuine, consideration to deleting STO off my PC as it will, frankly, have lost absollutely ALL credibility it ever had.
Might aswell say Bye now because that shark has already been jumped.
We fly around in Ferengi ships, in Dominion ships, in Tholian ships and so on. With those ships already in use by players who are meant to be Starfleet or KDF officers there is no reason whatsoever to stop at timeships like the Wells.
At least those are all indigenous to the STO time period!
Completely irrelevant. Neither is the Constitution, NX or phoenix. As someone who has supported lockboxes you should prepare yourself for this. Their behaviour thus far has proven profitable, it will only continue.
There was, at least, an explaination for those - namely that they're refitted/retrofitted versions of existing ships. The Wells is from the 29th century and has no place in 2409.
Anyway, I'm done with this issue - I loathe the idea of players flying around in a ship that isn't supposed to be around in that timeframe, and that's that.
They can explain away the Wells similarly. Maybe in the 29th century it's actually a refitted/retrofitted version of an existing ship that was first designed and built in 2409.
Oh but I did, a long time ago. And I'm having a blast, considering that to me this is a game first, and Star Trek second. ;>
The reason I think ST fans are the worst is that each and every one of them expects something else, and moans about the game not being exactly the way he or she imagined it should be. Sometimes I really pitty the devs, as they have to deal with all of this on a daily basis.
But - breaking news - this is a F2P MMO GAME that needs to somehow operate in a world where star trek ideas have become old and boring, and where the majority of players prefer to shoot mindlessly, rather than engage in complex diplomatic conversations that would discourage the majority of others (including the paying ones). If you want a true star trek experience, than go larp in a forest or something, or just go re-watch a series or read a book, because whatever you may say, STO will never be truly canon, and not even remotely deep or logical in terms of story. Sure, it would be awesome, but it simply isn't going to happen. Ever. As such for my taste it's bigger priority to make the game fun and replayable, even if it means introducing some strange ships, rather than forcefully keep it canon for those few guys who still think skimpy clothed women in TOS were in any way "progressive".
Also, I find it amusing how many people who criticise all the lockbox ships and other "non-canon" ideas in the game are often the same ones who still keep asking for a T5 Connie... Hypocrisy much?
I'm trolling here a bit, but seriously, if any of you ever expected a true Star Trek experience from an MMORPG then you really had way too great expectations, considering modern economy and business models required to keep such undertaking going. Heck, I'm trying to think of any other Star Trek video games that did not revolve around combat, and honestly, I can't think of that many - especially any good ones, aside from perhaps BotF and old adventure games. All the others? Surprise surprise - starship combat or first/third person shooters.
Some of you should really learn to appreciate what you get, or turn a blind eye to the things you think are wrong. Nobody forces you to fly a 29th century ship, should it ever appear in a lock box. If you get one by chance - give or sell it to someone who'd appreciate it. Perhaps there's someone who likes to roleplay as some kind of emissary from the future, or some other time-cop? Who knows? The game revolves around thousands of players with different tastes and expectations, and people who keep moaning about what should and what shouldn't be introduced like they're some Star Trek purists and gaming experts are just pathetic at times.
And going back to the topic - although many people expect the timeships to appear in a lock box, after the recent tweets by Geko I'm thinking they're going to be 1000 day veteran rewards. Well, unless they're going to be both (account-wide unlock for vets, lock box for others), but I don't think that would be fair. We'll just have to wait and see. I just hope any new lock box will be as good as the Tholian one, and will at worst provide duty officers and some lobi, and not any more useless consumables.
Whilst I purchased plenty of lock box keys for the Tholian lock boxes, and am generally pleased with what I received from them, I will NOT buy a single key for a timetravel based lockbox.
I'm sorry, but there is NO reason for a playable Wells class to be in STO. None. Period. If this class appears at all it should, in my opinion, be as it was intended - a 29th Century ship that has, perhaps, time-jumped to tell the Iconians that they're very naughty and should go away and think about what they've done.
And though it may sound extreme, if I see Wells class ships flying around, being destroyed by Tholians/Klingons/Borg etc in STF's and Fleet Actions I will have to give serious, genuine, consideration to deleting STO off my PC as it will, frankly, have lost absollutely ALL credibility it ever had.
What if...
Well, the J.J.-verse Enterprise is supposed to be bigger and tougher than a Sovereign due to the corruption of future tech.
So what if a 29th ship showed up and got creamed.
And we go back to Quinn and are like, "What the heck, Quinn?"
And Quinn says something like, "You remember all the talk about that holographic mobile emitter that EMH had? And how we mass produced it? Yeah. It was from the future. We reverse engineered it."
And we're like, "But that doesn't explain..."
And Quinn says, "That was one of hundreds of examples where Starfleet has decided to do that. We're operating under the notion that the Temporal Prime Directive only goes one way. We're dealing with a threat that requires us to borrow, beg, trade, or steal for technology that's five hundred years ahead and every ship in the fleet, including yours, is already packed to the brim with it."
And we're like, "The Iconians...? We're doing this to prepare for war with them?"
And Quinn is all like, "The Iconians? We're already looking past them. Our concern right now is Starfleet in the 29th century. We've been preparing for war with them for two hundred years. The last thirty told us we had to take the threat seriously and gave us the tools to start doing it. Everything down to your toothbrush is five hundred years ahead of where it should be by now."
Yes, we all know Tholian isn't the last lock box. They're gonna be around forever, and we might as well just get used to it.
So my question is, what do you think will be the next one, and what do you think will be in it? Also, what did you like about the Tholian box?
Personally, whatever kind of box it is, I hope there's more mirror type ships. I liked the Mirror Assault and Star Cruiser, though they were nothing new. I especially liked that they plummeted in price real quick.
Also, though not directly received from the box, I liked the Widow Fighter. Not entirely sure why either, I just like using that nifty little thing, especially with dual beam banks.
"That was not Mozart laughing, Father... that was God. That was God laughing at me, through that... through that obscene giggle."
Well, the Mirrors had a price plummet simply because they aren't actually SPECIAL in any way, just reskins of the stuff we already had: Mirror Assault Cruiser is just an Assault Cruiser wearing a Star Cruiser skin, and vice versa. They were also no doubt the fails of people trying to get something else.
Well, the Mirrors had a price plummet simply because they aren't actually SPECIAL in any way, just reskins of the stuff we already had: Mirror Assault Cruiser is just an Assault Cruiser wearing a Star Cruiser skin, and vice versa. They were also no doubt the fails of people trying to get something else.
This isn't completely the reason the reason they dropped in price was because they were the most common drop I still have 3 star cruisers in boxes ready to sell when they become more rare.
Also as for the next lockbox I am not fussed as long as they don't so something silly like release romulan one. Yes it would probably be popular but this will put to death any though of a romulan faction.
I wouldn't mind seeing a wells class ship but since I have the Mu ship collection running if they have more Mu prizes i may go for it maybe even give a U lockbox so you can probably get a mirror oddy or some other mirror ship as the star prize.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I think the next Lockbox will have the Wells, the Korath, and MU Escorts - since the last one had MU Cruisers.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I think the next Lockbox will have the Wells, the Korath, and MU Escorts - since the last one had MU Cruisers.
The Tholians and the Mirror Universe are linked.
I think we'll see similar "door prize runner up" ships like the MU ships but not MU this time.
My prediction is...
26th Century Prometheus (Engineering heavy stations), 26th Century Nova (Engineering heavy stations), 26th Century Vor'cha (Tactical Stations), based on the battle we saw in Enterprise.
New hull texture.
U.T.S. prefix on all. (Funny thing is, not even Memory Beta has been willing to confirm whether the prefix is UTS on all the future ships but uses it and is run by CBS.)
Since the rumor is a time lockbox, then the lockbox ship will be a random lockbox ship from any previous and future lockboxes. It is far more likely to obtain a previous lockbox ship with the rarest one being the Iconian Dreadnought. The other items have the same effect like Borg melee weapons from the Borg lockbox.
Since the rumor is a time lockbox, then the lockbox ship will be a random lockbox ship from any previous and future lockboxes. It is far more likely to obtain a previous lockbox ship with the rarest one being the Iconian Dreadnought. The other items have the same effect like Borg melee weapons from the Borg lockbox.
Since the rumor is a time lockbox, then the lockbox ship will be a random lockbox ship from any previous and future lockboxes. It is far more likely to obtain a previous lockbox ship with the rarest one being the Iconian Dreadnought. The other items have the same effect like Borg melee weapons from the Borg lockbox.
If this is the case then all the prizes should be a prize with the star prize being the wells calls ship
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I have said too much. Stupid Temporal Prime Directive. Although I will give you this warning even though I might be imprisoned for centuries. If you see a hoard of rabbits coming towards you, run as fast as you can and put as many people between you and the hoard or carry a shotgun with you at all times to put you out of your misery before the horror begins.
Since the Tholian box ends tomorrow, 20th, and the "grand prize" of the upcoming box being already known, that leaves really only one good question:
What time today will they let us know the "offical" name of the new box?
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
A mirror universe Regent class.
A normal Regent class with the looks of a Galaxy Class. (ok thats maybe too powerful for a Lockbox ship. )
What about a Mirror universe Galaxy Class?
(A Galaxy Class with the BOFF and Console layout of the ferengi D'Kora.)
Sorry, i just want a more offensive Galaxy Class since i started playing STO 2 years ago.
Another thing would be some Phaser Pistols that look like the Stun and wide beam Phaser stun pistols, but capable of doing Exploit damage.
(I just hate the looks of those compression phaser pistols in STO.)
Live long and prosper.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
The Tholian Lockbox was actually great and presented right, I hope they continue with what they did right on the next Lockbox. The only thing I hope isn't in it is the Wells and the weird looking KDF ship. That would just be a jerk move.
You mean these things? They're coming in some form or another. (I hate the Temporal Investgations storylines with the unbridled passion of a billion burning suns, but credit where it's due, those uniforms are kind of cool.)
However, so far every Lobi store outfit has been an offduty outfit. If that trend continues and the 29th uniforms are in the Lockbox, then... I have no idea what will go in the Lobi store.
EDIT: If I may be so bold, I would also like to lay the bet on the table that Lockboxes will now come out immediately one after the other. Whatever the this lockbox holds in store for us, we'll be finding out come this Thursday. :rolleyes:
For the Lobi store:
Xindi Bridge Officer.
Romulan Bridge Officer.
Vorgon Bridge Officer.
For costumes, maybe Berlinghoff Rasmussen outfit or something akin to what Agent Daniels wore on Enterprise? He explicitly said he's not Starfleet.
As awesome as having giant bugs on my ship would be, I kind of doubt it.
The rest of those Ideas are probably the most plausible.
Top prizes include:
Ultra-rare armed civilian ships. (Various frieghter & transport skins. Merchantman from ST:III comes to mind but you get the idea. Merc Bridge Officers (BO's who don't have uniforms but only merc/off duty attire.
More common items include:
Assorted melee weapons. Various laser pistol models including those from early TOS (ala The Cage). Merc duty officers. Mercentary commodities, Romulan Ale, Contraband, or other misc items that are hard to come by legally but easily procured by the fringe element.
I think such a box would make for a fun little change of pace, but I know it won't happen.
"An artist's growth depends upon accurate feedback." ~Data
Wells as a prize so not cool I blow 160 dollers a month on master keys and such how about exotic ships other then the wells that's more of a z store ship anyway maybe andorian or Kazon ships as the next big prize or even borg people have been moaning about them for a long time now
Assimliated Lock Box!
The top prizes will be the Liberated Borg race account unlock and an assimliated Fed ship that looks like something between the usual saucer shape and a Borg sphere. The bridge will also have a partially assimilated interior.
There is a large Borg fan base on the game and so I can see this being a top seller. There are also a lot of people who would like to play the Liberated race but don't see the value in paying $200 or $300 USD. However they might be willing to pay in master keys for a 1-2% chance of getting just the race and not the subscription.
Now I know the LTSers are going to cry out and tear their clothes on this but face it when you buy a LTS you are buying and uncertain future, not a promise of lifetime exclusivity. Besides getting the monthly stipend slowly pays back the initial deposit so eventually you are getting the race for free where as people getting it from the box have to pay for it.
True I blow 160 a month in lock box keys but see no real benefit in buying a LTS just keep pumping out the boxes
The objective is to make you buy keys faster. They want you to spend more now and hopefully keep spending than to slowly spend little by little.
*sigh* Star Trek fans are the worst. ;>
"Hey`d better back up..we dont have enough sector space to hit warp 88"
Might aswell say Bye now because that shark has already been jumped.
We fly around in Ferengi ships, in Dominion ships, in Tholian ships and so on. With those ships already in use by players who are meant to be Starfleet or KDF officers there is no reason whatsoever to stop at timeships like the Wells.
This is a Star Trek MMO, get used to it.
Completely irrelevant. Neither is the Constitution, NX or phoenix. As someone who has supported lockboxes you should prepare yourself for this. Their behaviour thus far has proven profitable, it will only continue.
They can explain away the Wells similarly. Maybe in the 29th century it's actually a refitted/retrofitted version of an existing ship that was first designed and built in 2409.
The reason I think ST fans are the worst is that each and every one of them expects something else, and moans about the game not being exactly the way he or she imagined it should be. Sometimes I really pitty the devs, as they have to deal with all of this on a daily basis.
But - breaking news - this is a F2P MMO GAME that needs to somehow operate in a world where star trek ideas have become old and boring, and where the majority of players prefer to shoot mindlessly, rather than engage in complex diplomatic conversations that would discourage the majority of others (including the paying ones). If you want a true star trek experience, than go larp in a forest or something, or just go re-watch a series or read a book, because whatever you may say, STO will never be truly canon, and not even remotely deep or logical in terms of story. Sure, it would be awesome, but it simply isn't going to happen. Ever. As such for my taste it's bigger priority to make the game fun and replayable, even if it means introducing some strange ships, rather than forcefully keep it canon for those few guys who still think skimpy clothed women in TOS were in any way "progressive".
Also, I find it amusing how many people who criticise all the lockbox ships and other "non-canon" ideas in the game are often the same ones who still keep asking for a T5 Connie... Hypocrisy much?
I'm trolling here a bit, but seriously, if any of you ever expected a true Star Trek experience from an MMORPG then you really had way too great expectations, considering modern economy and business models required to keep such undertaking going. Heck, I'm trying to think of any other Star Trek video games that did not revolve around combat, and honestly, I can't think of that many - especially any good ones, aside from perhaps BotF and old adventure games. All the others? Surprise surprise - starship combat or first/third person shooters.
Some of you should really learn to appreciate what you get, or turn a blind eye to the things you think are wrong. Nobody forces you to fly a 29th century ship, should it ever appear in a lock box. If you get one by chance - give or sell it to someone who'd appreciate it. Perhaps there's someone who likes to roleplay as some kind of emissary from the future, or some other time-cop? Who knows? The game revolves around thousands of players with different tastes and expectations, and people who keep moaning about what should and what shouldn't be introduced like they're some Star Trek purists and gaming experts are just pathetic at times.
And going back to the topic - although many people expect the timeships to appear in a lock box, after the recent tweets by Geko I'm thinking they're going to be 1000 day veteran rewards. Well, unless they're going to be both (account-wide unlock for vets, lock box for others), but I don't think that would be fair. We'll just have to wait and see. I just hope any new lock box will be as good as the Tholian one, and will at worst provide duty officers and some lobi, and not any more useless consumables.
What if...
Well, the J.J.-verse Enterprise is supposed to be bigger and tougher than a Sovereign due to the corruption of future tech.
So what if a 29th ship showed up and got creamed.
And we go back to Quinn and are like, "What the heck, Quinn?"
And Quinn says something like, "You remember all the talk about that holographic mobile emitter that EMH had? And how we mass produced it? Yeah. It was from the future. We reverse engineered it."
And we're like, "But that doesn't explain..."
And Quinn says, "That was one of hundreds of examples where Starfleet has decided to do that. We're operating under the notion that the Temporal Prime Directive only goes one way. We're dealing with a threat that requires us to borrow, beg, trade, or steal for technology that's five hundred years ahead and every ship in the fleet, including yours, is already packed to the brim with it."
And we're like, "The Iconians...? We're doing this to prepare for war with them?"
And Quinn is all like, "The Iconians? We're already looking past them. Our concern right now is Starfleet in the 29th century. We've been preparing for war with them for two hundred years. The last thirty told us we had to take the threat seriously and gave us the tools to start doing it. Everything down to your toothbrush is five hundred years ahead of where it should be by now."
So my question is, what do you think will be the next one, and what do you think will be in it? Also, what did you like about the Tholian box?
Personally, whatever kind of box it is, I hope there's more mirror type ships. I liked the Mirror Assault and Star Cruiser, though they were nothing new. I especially liked that they plummeted in price real quick.
Also, though not directly received from the box, I liked the Widow Fighter. Not entirely sure why either, I just like using that nifty little thing, especially with dual beam banks.
This isn't completely the reason the reason they dropped in price was because they were the most common drop I still have 3 star cruisers in boxes ready to sell when they become more rare.
Also as for the next lockbox I am not fussed as long as they don't so something silly like release romulan one. Yes it would probably be popular but this will put to death any though of a romulan faction.
I wouldn't mind seeing a wells class ship but since I have the Mu ship collection running if they have more Mu prizes i may go for it maybe even give a U lockbox so you can probably get a mirror oddy or some other mirror ship as the star prize.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
The Tholians and the Mirror Universe are linked.
I think we'll see similar "door prize runner up" ships like the MU ships but not MU this time.
My prediction is...
26th Century Prometheus (Engineering heavy stations), 26th Century Nova (Engineering heavy stations), 26th Century Vor'cha (Tactical Stations), based on the battle we saw in Enterprise.
New hull texture.
U.T.S. prefix on all. (Funny thing is, not even Memory Beta has been willing to confirm whether the prefix is UTS on all the future ships but uses it and is run by CBS.)
Borg melee? Borg lockbox?
If this is the case then all the prizes should be a prize with the star prize being the wells calls ship
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I have said too much. Stupid Temporal Prime Directive. Although I will give you this warning even though I might be imprisoned for centuries. If you see a hoard of rabbits coming towards you, run as fast as you can and put as many people between you and the hoard or carry a shotgun with you at all times to put you out of your misery before the horror begins.
Just put the Wells class in the c-store for a fair market price along with everything else. We will buy what we want to buy. Without gambling for it.
Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER
Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
What time today will they let us know the "offical" name of the new box?
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
A normal Regent class with the looks of a Galaxy Class. (ok thats maybe too powerful for a Lockbox ship.
What about a Mirror universe Galaxy Class?
(A Galaxy Class with the BOFF and Console layout of the ferengi D'Kora.)
Sorry, i just want a more offensive Galaxy Class since i started playing STO 2 years ago.
Another thing would be some Phaser Pistols that look like the Stun and wide beam Phaser stun pistols, but capable of doing Exploit damage.
(I just hate the looks of those compression phaser pistols in STO.)
Live long and prosper.
C'Mon... who doesn't want to have Suliban and Xindi Doffs?
My character Tsin'xing