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Official Fleet System Feedback Thread



  • hylarrhylarr Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    daltaron wrote: »

    I have tested out the fleet system for the last 2 days while I don't have much experience with the system like most people here the only thing I picked up on that annoyed me slightly is:

    Entering any of the fleet defence or fleet pve queues then finishing finding myself in sector space, can't it run like how a character is on esd then doing an stf in KASE then reappearing on esd instead of magically appearing at kitamore system,

    Also no dabo table? Come on I need a dabo table on my fleets station, I just need one I spend all my spare time that I get in game playing dabo

    No dabo table is annoying but even more annoying is that the bartender and chef are just standing out in the middle of an open area - they don't get a room of their own like a mess hall or something?
    My main character is T'Les which was also my former forum name and I want it back! Hylarr is one of my alts.
  • raistalionraistalion Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I noticed that the Personnel on your starbase don't seem to be correctly positioned in regards to "uniform" type.

    I saw a Blue Science person on the engineering deck telling me about equipment upgrades.

    Most of the people in the medical bay were in Gold engineering uniforms.

    And at the main control in the tactical level was a Green Science operator.

    If there is any way to make things a little neater I think it would be a nice addition especially to the various specific merchants you'll find in your base.

    As Im not an android im not going to go to an engineering officer to have a broken arm fixed nor would I want to speak to a science officer about new armored hull plating for my Starship (unless it was REALLY experimental)

    - Raith
  • markfalconemarkfalcone Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Since this is the official thread, I thought I'd echo back what I said in another thread just now: You guys missed the boat with regards to a great selling point for those freighter laced reinforcement packages, namely you could and SHOULD have made building the base about BUILDING, either by asking for more raw materials (particularly in the Tier 0 stage) and less personnel or, and this is where the freighter comes in, by having us construct components like batteries, consoles, weapons, etc. I mean I love what you've done so far, but this would have been a simple thing that should be emphasized more in the beginning stages of construction and less in the latter, Tier 4 and 5 stages of construction that also would have helped you sell more C-store credits.
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don?t know if this came up yet:

    It might be nice to add a slider to Starbase Data Sample and Particle Trace contributions. Having to contribute 250 samples, one at a time is quite time consuming.
  • markfalconemarkfalcone Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I know I asked for raw materials to be an integral part of creating the starbase as well as components, however there has to be an easier way to contribute data samples than one at a time. Talk about carpal tunnel waiting to happen...
  • dravendarkshadowdravendarkshadow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    same with colonist at the very least have the ability to have trade like window interface to click or drag the colonist / officer to transfer to the project
  • imnakimnak Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Personally I'm not hard to please, I found the fleet tab well laid out. adding items to fleet projects was easy to use. I like what I saw as far as the Fleet Star Base is concerned, really great job
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've found the slider a little difficult to grab when trying to add more than 1 of something (like dilithium for example). half the time i try to drag the slider along but ive missed it or end up dragging the entire box. can the 'handle' of the slider be a little larger?
  • djnethlightdjnethlight Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just thought I'd let you guys know that every time I beam over to my fleet starbase, I fall off the transporter pad, as well as the fleet starbase's turbolift. Very frustrating. lol
  • fleetsolvanguardfleetsolvanguard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I know many who have 5mil to 10mil or more of Expertise, please help right now the requirements for expertise are too low. I have one fleet member who said he has 12mil and he started with f2p. Also another who just reached VA and has 65k. I have about 9.7mil.

    I request one Fleet Credit = 200 Expertise

    And that all projects require 200k expertise or more per project.
  • kivrinjskivrinjs Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    For provisioning fleet projects it would be nice if we had the slider available for particle traces and data samples.

    This 1000x this :D I have a pile in my bank and doing one at a time is painfulllll. (Yes with 5
    L's) !
  • drmoxdrmox Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just thought I'd let you guys know that every time I beam over to my fleet starbase, I fall off the transporter pad, as well as the fleet starbase's turbolift. Very frustrating. lol

    I'd check in to the Med Bay about that. :rolleyes:

    As for the appearance of Engineering, Science and Tactical... I take it these cut and paste jobs that a Foundry Novice could put together are available in a variety of much better and attractive appearances that a Fleet has to pay through the nose for in time, money and resources?

    Shame all the base is floating about on the same plane, will we get to move stuff about in a 3D space to customise it's arrangement in the future?

    Eitherway the costs for Fleet Base development are priced as per a pure time and money sink on an intergalactic level, so congrats to the PWE Accountants they must be proud of the Dev going on with this. :D

    Some of the Resources based on the Project themes need a further rethink, the use of Doffs is a good example, I think these should be lent to a project and returned after completion rahter than eliminated from a player's pool. There is alot of real money tied up in these project would be interesting to see actually in real money terms how much it would cost a Fleet to fully build a starbase in US$.

    So alot of positives with the pay offs in the end with a whole lot of negative in how this is achieved and how its being all worked out and mapped into the testing build for the future release. So sweet it maybe but also a bitter aftertaste yet again.
  • hjorlwulfhjorlwulf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Well, I finally got to start my KDF Fleet last night, and started on my Starbase. As it was fairly late/early morning, I activated a Military Project, then went to bed. Woke up, and it requires Peregrine Fighters to complete. PEREGRINES??!!?? I now have one of my slots permanently SNAFU'd, since once started you can't cancel them, and Peregrines when bought are bound - so I can't purchase them with a Fed, mail to KDF and contribute.

    This is Tribble, so it doesn't hurt as much (testing), but for God's sake DON'T have any Fed-only options in the KDF queue.

    K' Godgifu. epitaI of lung'a' tuq
    Meluna, SoghHom, lung'a' tuq
    "...just look at my track record for making the improvements that I said we would with the KDF and judge by that." - Dan Stahl

    "Dan and Cryptic have spoken out the sides of their mouths so much I expect beads, whiskey and Polio blankets for the KDF any day now." - Roach
  • edude1701ivedude1701iv Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I like the starbases however i think that the next project or every other new project should be chosen and voted on by the entire fleet while the old project is being built. This way every one in the fleet would have a say in what gets built and it would prevent people from being drunk on power. also it would give everyone a voice. Another idea would be excluding the ship building projects would be set in stone the project order so that only the devs can change it, if this is done however i would put in several variations of the set orders so there wouldn't be a big rush on just one item. Also this next part im not completely sure about so correct me if im wrong. How about making the fleet ship building projects continually going so that once there unlocked people could always contribute to them unless they are in the building process so that way for big fleets and small fleets people will always have a chance to get a fleet ship and not have to worry about running to get one as soon as they are available because they are worried that they will all be gone within the hour.
  • f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I noticed that in fleet projects you are only able to donate one data sample at a time, this gets pretty annoying when the project requires 250 of them. Please allow us to donate stacks of samples, just like all the other stuff.
  • draconsindraconsin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ok my complaints ish and my thumbs ups

    Thumbs up:
    Love the system and super wanted it from day one as I helped Alpha the COH base back in the day, and always hoped for this.
    Missions work and so far it all seams fair for a fleet of at least 10 people to lvl.
    All the new missions tie in to the base and the need to fund it great.
    Base looks solid and that alone is cool slight bugs here and there but we are all still testing it.
    All in all what you are giving us is a great start and that alone makes me happy

    Let us chose what sector the base is in after all why have 2 bases in one sector for the same faction and it is our base.
    Can not name my own base? Ie starbase alpha 117 or the hive or lolly pop land
    Can not change the color of the hull material on the base?
    Can not in almost any way make the base our own?
    Can not change the position of the other fleet bases ie ship yard ect
    Can not augment the basic lay out of the base in any way.

    Its disappointing that after years of pvp in Coh and base raids that I can not lay out my bases interior so that when assaulted I can best defend it. Now these things might be coming in future fixes and the such and if there are awesome you win I win but if they are not I am super frustrated as I am looking forward to pvp against our Klingon Sister Fleet sometime in the future.
    Other things I have been thinking on is please remove the awesome tempting inactive venders on the fleet that are just there to tease you tell you get your base to t1-5 they should only be there once achieved in my opinion.
    Please make some outside missions for base awesomeness Ie 15 man fleet something for the + 17 chalice of awesome or what not to earn base changes and customizations it will help fleets get together and would be cool to have more stf type things for a fleet to do with more than just 5 players.
    Some things have already been touched on here the fleet emblem needs to be in the main hall, and along the walls in the hallways there needs to be more to the place as it looks super plane and kinda boring,
    For rp players maybe make a room that you can customize ish that is your own?
    Bar thing should be more active or not exist as it is a fleet base in a time of war not DS9

    As far as sliders go and things like that I honestly dont care I just want the base to be more active and want to be able to make actual changes to the base with missions that are in game as well as the boff system hell make it to where the fleet officers can set missions like kill 1 gazzilion romulans or borg and you will earn a new ultra rare fleet mission or something.

    Please excuse my bad spelling at such I am doing this at work and am not taking the time to spell check as my boss could come in at any time lol
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am certain that I have missed a dsicussion about this somewhere in here, but I admit that I have not had to the time to go through the whole thread and all of its entries. As such, I hope you will forgive any repetition.

    My question is: will the "Transwarp to Fleet System" come available during testing, or will it be going live only in the live game? The notion is great - prevents us from having to travel the "long way round" each time. But, it would be nice to know that it will work. Of course, will this be something available only when we reach the first tier (or better)?

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • recksracerrecksracer Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How are KDF fleets supposed to generate the sheer volume of duty officers without access to loads of refugees that generate so many doffs for the fed side?

    Something has to be introduced to produce more KDF officers or it will take much longer than the feds to upgrade over the long haul.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    rehpic wrote: »
    It leads to exploitative behavior such as kicking everyone out of the fleet, ranking it up, and then adding them back in. The countermeasures for that make everything more complicated.

    Unfortunately I have not been on the forums much, on the road for work, just found this post today and tried to skim through it for dev comments. At least I will be home for a 4 day weekend! yay for timing!

    One work around for the exploit would have been to make all upgrades tied to a population. Say it is cheaper to develop a smaller starbase for a lower level fleet, but then again you can't invite more people to the fleet till you build a bigger living quarters area. This would have been a possible difference, but I personally like how the current system works. Big fleets can upgrade a starbase faster/easier, but the reward quantities are rationed to a degree that few people will benefit other than bragging rights. Not really wanting this change, but sometimes an ideas purpose is to spur on a better idea.

    I haven't seen the devs give in on the slider for data samples etc. I would like to add to the chorus for a slider for the data samples (even if 5 or 10) would exponentially be better than a triple click per sample x 250. For doffs,it would be nice to have a drag and drop system like email or a control+click for multiple doffs. I know it is said that it prevents valuable resources from being over contributed. To this I would beg for a change for those of us that are kinda into personal responsibility and would rather risk making the mistake than be coddled like a toddler (i have a solo fleet so all the data samples gotta come from me anyways).

    Finally I have to say this is a great thing. I am so excited about the starbases. I have a solo fleet and I have been stock piling and planning. Managed to make it on Tribble last weekend for the hour and snatched up some Tholian action. Good times.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • c0nd1t10nr3dc0nd1t10nr3d Member Posts: 638 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've just been given a mission by the "Officer of the Watch" to scan facilities within the fleet system. When I choose to beam up to the ship, I'm in sector space just outside the fleet system. I then have to choose to approach the FleetBase again to enter my fleets starbase system.

    Shouldn't we be beamed to our ship where we left it, within our fleet system and not in sector space when given this mission? It would make more sense wouldn't it?

    It's not a major big deal, just more of a slight inconvenience and I thought I'd report on it! ;)

    EDIT: Pulled up along side our Tier 1 Industrial Fabricator and had to click "Scan Industrial Fabricator" a few times before it scanned fully. The first few attempts failed with broken/interupted scans.

    EDIT 2: Same problem as above with the Shipyard. I'm thinking at this stage that you have to come to a full and complete stop before the scan will work???

    EDIT 3: Okay, it's confirmed... You have to come to a full and complete stop before you will be allowed to scan. The same as above happened with both the Transwarp Conduit and Communication Array too. Shouldn't these Scans work the same way as an Anomaly Scan where you don't have to be totally Stationary?

    Anyways... again... this aint a major big deal... But something I thought might be worth reporting because the way it's working at the moment might not be the intentional way. ;)
  • tankalot42otankalot42o Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i dnt like that my c store ship will be obsolete and that i feel like i paid $25 for a console and will have to spend more money for the best hull in order to be competitive in pvp, not to mention that saving dilithium to convert to zen to buy it is out of the questions cuz we all gotta pour our 8k dilith a day limit into the starbase to unloch the tier 6 ships ( unless u have a lockbox ship wich got auto upgraded)
    join date: Jan. 2012
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I or someone else might have proposed this already.

    As for the whole one player gets lucky to input almost everything in to a mission and not letting anyone else earn Fleet Credits.

    How about if those interested would deposit the stuff they want to contribute with for the mission, even if the resource is full. When the mission launches the excess is returned to those who putt them in based on how many % of the exceeding sum they deposited in to each resource.

    So is player 1 deposits 100% of the Dilithium and Player 2 Deposits 50%. Player 1 would get 50% back when the mission launches as he is the only one with exceeding percentages.

    If player 1 puts in 50%, player 2 50%, player 3 50%, they all get 33.33% back of the exceeding 50%.
  • intrepidukintrepiduk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I can sum up fleet starbases in just 4 words:

    A complete waste of time.
  • armyflyboyarmyflyboy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    There is an economics issue with the Starbase Project "Contract for Bartender on Starbase".

    Currently, there is a requirement for 250 Dosi Rotgut and 250 Romulan Ale to complete this project. These are unheard of numbers for these extremely rare items. The in-game economy cannot support and sustain this requirement. A more reasonable number of 100 or less would be more efficient or sell the items at a vendor for fleet marks, dilithium, credits or Zen. Even if our fleet had the credits to purchase our way out of this, there isn't enough Dosi Rotgut or Romulan Ale on the exchange for ONE fleet to complete this task, much less all of them.

    Since Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale are extremely rare in-game, fleet members should receive more that 2 fleet credits for contributing these items.

    Currently, it is taking us more time to complete the Bartender then it was to build a Tier II shipyard...this seems highly illogical.
  • switchngcswitchngc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Any feedback you have for the fleet system UI, progression structure, project info, project cost, starbase appearance, facility appearance, anything and everything!

    Does this still need to go here since Starbases are live now? Would it be possible to get a Fleet Advancement Section of the Forum (Like DOFFs got in Season 5)?

    As for Feedback...
    armyflyboy wrote: »
    There is an economics issue with the Starbase Project "Contract for Bartender on Starbase".

    Currently, there is a requirement for 250 Dosi Rotgut and 250 Romulan Ale to complete this project. These are unheard of numbers for these extremely rare items. The in-game economy cannot support and sustain this requirement. A more reasonable number of 100 or less would be more efficient or sell the items at a vendor for fleet marks, dilithium, credits or Zen. Even if our fleet had the credits to purchase our way out of this, there isn't enough Dosi Rotgut or Romulan Ale on the exchange for ONE fleet to complete this task, much less all of them.

    Since Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale are extremely rare in-game, fleet members should receive more that 2 fleet credits for contributing these items.

    Currently, it is taking us more time to complete the Bartender then it was to build a Tier II shipyard...this seems highly illogical.

    I have to say, of everything from the Fleet Base I have seen so far, the BIGGEST waste of resources is by far the Bartender.

    * Costs: Large numbers of Marks, Dilithium, Romulan Ale and Dosi Rotgut
    * No Graphical change at all
    * All items in the store are items I can get from any Bartender, anywhere (as well as from my personal replicator at any time and for the same cost)
    * And provide the same DOFF missions as every Ship Bartender

    The only bigger waste of resources I can imagine would be the Chef as, at least with the Bartender you don't already have access to the drinks from the Starbase Replicator, but with the Chef you do...
  • nexus2251nexus2251 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    intrepiduk wrote: »
    I can sum up fleet starbases in just 4 words:

    A complete waste of time.

    That's 5 words!!!!
  • diabolicaltroopdiabolicaltroop Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What I do not get is 200K D for Targs on the fleet starbase, I have them running around the bridge of my Bortas along with the beds free including baby Targs. What I would rather prefer is a fire in the Fireplace with a cook roasting a targ or some other beasty on a rotating spit along with hunting mounts (moose head or elk anyone?) along with weapon collection/trophies such as crossbows, axes, swords, battlearmor and ancient collections of Klingon and Human weapons, we were allies at one time so the Klingons would have had access to these collectables and could have had hunting expeditions on earth (lions, Tigers and bears Oh My!) all head mounts for our collection Rhinos too! A Polar Bear and a Kodiac Bear on standing mounts would make such nice book ends to the fire place. :D
    KDF Ancient House of Seplch
    Dahar Master "Epitai" Kelrok son of Pok Seplch House Leader Tactical
    General Babd Grace O'Malley House Seplch Science Officer
    Fleet Admiral Quintus Savat House Seplch Tactical Officer
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