Ok guys. I just wanted to give you guys some summary of what stuff is OP and you can all post your thoughts about specific aspects of this game. Please state the reason why something is considered OP by you. It can be anything from Consoles to Doffs and from Abilities to Pets!
Please include a short but properly explained description with all the variables which are included in the OP'ness. In example; Danube Shuttles are basically adding 4/5 TB ensign class TB's to your ship for free, etc etc. Also add what the trade off is by having the danubes. Does it remove a ship console in exchange for the hangar? Etc.
Please fill in:
The issue:
Chroniton spam
The explanation:
Unclearable, stackable. No immunity.
1. Brace for Impact Doff (Shield distribution Officer)
2. Carrier Pets with more than 1 abilitiy
3. Chroniton weapons
4. Viral Matrix Doff + Viral Matrix
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Aytanhi of TSI, TSI fleet founder and leader OrganizedPVP channel Admin Feel free to ask me about PVP or starship strategies. "No, I am not Borg!" /channel_join OrganizedPVP If you are interested in learning PVP, looking for a team, or a private match
Ok guys. I just wanted to give you guys some summary of what stuff is OP and you can all post your thoughts about specific aspects of this game. Please state the reason why something is considered OP by you. It can be anything from Consoles to Doffs and from Abilities to Pets!
Please include a short but properly explained description with all the variables which are included in the OP'ness. In example; Danube Shuttles are basically adding 4/5 TB ensign class TB's to your ship for free, etc etc. Also add what the trade off is by having the danubes. Does it remove a ship console in exchange for the hangar? Etc.
Please fill in:
The issue:
Chroniton spam
The explanation:
Unclearable, stackable. No immunity.
The issue:
This Thread
The explanation:
This thread will contain everything in game by the end of the week.
The explanation:
Ruins the UI, creates lag, and forces players to deal with massive amounts of PvE when they really want to PvP. Against a Carrier team, you can have your entire team fighting pets the whole match and never get close to a low-spam scenario.
The issue:
AMS and SS
The explanation:
Even carrying 2 sciteams (wich very few can do due to slot limitations and the need for other teams) you risk being scrambled half the match These abilities need to have their duration limitied to the same as VM. (VM1 for AMS) There also needs to be a resist after clearing scramble.
what is OP? the fact that SOMEONE ELSE STOLE MY NAME :mad:
It may have been you yourself. One strong possibiltiy I see is that your name is blocked now because it also used to be your account name (which was theoretically disallowed or not recommended during Cryptic's time, but not enforced). I suspect that this leads to names being still locked out, even if you now have a new account name. But I can't be sure. Maybe just someone will soon send us all a PM under our old usernames and ask you for 5,000 C-Points or he will post blatant misinformation under your username to ruin your online identity as PvPer.
Mustrum "If someone where to do it, how much would you be willing to pay, BTW" Ridcully
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Carrier Spam: +1
Just from a lag and UI POV, they're very disruptive. If nothing else, there should be targeting options that let you ignore pets and/or NPCs so you can at least physically select the target you want w/o having to type in their name (e.g. make it where Control + click ignores pets, Alt + click ignores non-enemies, Control+Alt+click does both).
Also, I'm firmly of the opinion that carrier pets in general -- and advanced carrier pets in particular -- are in serious need of a nerfing. At the very least, their procs stack so well that they seem almost immune to the principle of diminishing returns, which really should apply to just about everything.
Shield Doffs: +1
I've done the math over an over again with tons of combinations, but there is absolutely nothing that matches these doffs for a serious tanking build. I love using them, but I know that they are in serious need of a nerfing -- either cut their healing down by 25-50% or make it where they don't stack, because as it stands they are the no-brainer choice.
Carrier Spam: +1
Just from a lag and UI POV, they're very disruptive. If nothing else, there should be targeting options that let you ignore pets and/or NPCs so you can at least physically select the target you want w/o having to type in their name (e.g. make it where Control + click ignores pets, Alt + click ignores non-enemies, Control+Alt+click does both).
... SNIP ...
fyi, you can change your default targeting options to ignore, pets, objects, etcs. Though it would be nice to dynamically associate an enemy or neutral to a hotkey.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Why: It's the source of all weeping, gnashing of teeth, and unplanned exhibitions with goats.
"You can't do that!" "Why not?" "It's OP! I'm reporting you!" "Ban him!" "I hate you!" "What did you do to my goat?!"
Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, you better not use this or else I will spam opvp chat and say mean things like how you're a poo poo head for using it!
Oy vey, I need an aspirin. Fly what you want, when you want it. If you blow up, eh, if he blows up, woohoo. If the goat blows up, then someone's gotta pay the penalty.
PS: Goats ftw.
PPS: Internets are fun aren't they.
"No, there is no real problem with P2W in STO. Obviously, if you fight against someone with an equal level of skill in the game, better equipment will give you an edge. But usually, it is the skill level that determines the outcome, not the P2W." -Logimo
fyi, you can change your default targeting options to ignore, pets, objects, etcs. Though it would be nice to dynamically associate an enemy or neutral to a hotkey.
That's true, but they're on-off option, i.e. either you ignore pets/objects all the time for auto- and tab-targeting or you never do. And it doesn't do anything to help if you're trying to pick a PC name out of a crowd of pets. (I was just in a horrible PvP match with four carriers on the other side -- you literally couldn't see anything because the HUD was so crowded, couldn't pick out names when team leader calls a target, etc.)
+1 to your suggestion of being able to assign a target to a hotkey temporarily -- they really need to add this. In Cure Space, for example, it would be nice to save the Kang to your temp slot so you can easily check on its status, send it heals, etc.
Reason: There is only one bathroom on the ship so every time the chef has a chimichanga night the whole ship does nothing the an entire day as the crew waits to make a deposit.
NERF chimichangas!
Chimichanga-just tons of fun to say.
If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
Plasma Leech and Aceton Assimilators, both these drain too much and when they stack it very much OP
Seriously, this really needs some rebalancing -- all the power drain abilities are getting out of hand b/c there are only a handful of things that defend against them. They need to make it where these stack in a much more limited way (e.g. largest drain + 1/2 of 2nd largest + 1/4 of 3rd largest etc.).
Another idea would be to make it where Power Insulators actually, you know, does something. I faced off with someone using a very OP carrier power drain build (advanced interceptors + polaron weapons + all the usual sci abilities), and even though I had power insulators at 107 (!) he was still able to literally shut me down almost constantly. (We actually had a good conversation about it later, and he was shocked when I told him how high my Power Insulators was -- he had no idea it would work that well against someone with even mid-range Power Insulators.)
Power drain has a snowballing effect that creates a death spiral: You lose power to shields so you take more damage, you lose power to aux so your healing gets smaller, you lose power to weapons so you're less able to fight off attackers (especially annoying pets), and you lose power to engines so your defense plummets and you can't do anything to get away. Everything gets steadily worse until you're just sitting there, helpless, until you eventually get destroyed.
Because of this, there really needs a back-stop to prevent this snowballing from getting out of hand and making it the end-all, be-all of strategies.
My suggestion would be for Power Insulators to determine the maximum power drain you will ever suffer under any circumstances (either a flat limit, a percentage of your normal power level, or preferably the lesser of these two values), and use Flow Capacitors to determine how fast your attacks will get to the target's Power Insulators limit (and how well you overcome their power transfer rate).
Will this change, someone who is completely optimized for Flow Capacitors will get you to your limit and keep you there with relative ease, but at least you'd have the choice of how much power drain you're willing to tolerate by how much you invest in Power Insulators.
EDIT: One other idea I just thought of -- how about letting your aux power level give you resistance to power drain the same way that your shields power level gives you resistance to shield damage? Or, for that matter, why not apply shield damage resistance as a reduction to all incoming power drain?
Here's a serious suggestion in this not so serious thread.
Ground "double cloaking" or perfect stealth, which is being undetectable to anyone no matter how much stealth perception they have stacked onto them. Seeing as I believe only Tac officers can do this (combining shroud generators and Omega set power might do it for others), and they have all those +xx% damage abilities, it's basically a guaranteed kill that requires no skill.
Omega Autocarbine's root is bull**** as well and needs to go. If a Tac with suppressing fire so much as looks at you, you don't move. What's the point of it anyways? It's a PvE gun and the only enemies you really use it on are the Borg, and they don't move anyways.
Joined: January 2010
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
2. Carrier Pets with more than 1 abilitiy
3. Chroniton weapons
4. Viral Matrix Doff + Viral Matrix
Aytanhi of TSI, TSI fleet founder and leader OrganizedPVP channel Admin
Feel free to ask me about PVP or starship strategies. "No, I am not Borg!"
/channel_join OrganizedPVP If you are interested in learning PVP, looking for a team, or a private match
The issue:
This Thread
The explanation:
This thread will contain everything in game by the end of the week.
LOL well u got me fed up with alot of work now then
Pet spam
The explanation:
Ruins the UI, creates lag, and forces players to deal with massive amounts of PvE when they really want to PvP. Against a Carrier team, you can have your entire team fighting pets the whole match and never get close to a low-spam scenario.
The issue:
AMS and SS
The explanation:
Even carrying 2 sciteams (wich very few can do due to slot limitations and the need for other teams) you risk being scrambled half the match
yeah, and this too!
Mustrum "If someone where to do it, how much would you be willing to pay, BTW" Ridcully
Anything MT flies or uses is OP
The explanation:
he wont' tell anyone but Sarek
:eek: or :mad:, you choose :-)
OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
too many sources, no way to activate enough ETs to clear it. Way more devastating then all other procs.
Jem bug and C-store Oddy,
better then all other scorts/cruisers
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
The explanation: Because I can list that DOffs are OP and my opinion means everything.
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
Like my alien? Watch THE VIDEO
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Just from a lag and UI POV, they're very disruptive. If nothing else, there should be targeting options that let you ignore pets and/or NPCs so you can at least physically select the target you want w/o having to type in their name (e.g. make it where Control + click ignores pets, Alt + click ignores non-enemies, Control+Alt+click does both).
Also, I'm firmly of the opinion that carrier pets in general -- and advanced carrier pets in particular -- are in serious need of a nerfing. At the very least, their procs stack so well that they seem almost immune to the principle of diminishing returns, which really should apply to just about everything.
Shield Doffs: +1
I've done the math over an over again with tons of combinations, but there is absolutely nothing that matches these doffs for a serious tanking build. I love using them, but I know that they are in serious need of a nerfing -- either cut their healing down by 25-50% or make it where they don't stack, because as it stands they are the no-brainer choice.
fyi, you can change your default targeting options to ignore, pets, objects, etcs. Though it would be nice to dynamically associate an enemy or neutral to a hotkey.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Why: It's the source of all weeping, gnashing of teeth, and unplanned exhibitions with goats.
"You can't do that!" "Why not?" "It's OP! I'm reporting you!" "Ban him!" "I hate you!" "What did you do to my goat?!"
Do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that, you better not use this or else I will spam opvp chat and say mean things like how you're a poo poo head for using it!
Oy vey, I need an aspirin. Fly what you want, when you want it. If you blow up, eh, if he blows up, woohoo. If the goat blows up, then someone's gotta pay the penalty.
PS: Goats ftw.
PPS: Internets are fun aren't they.
Plasma Leech and Aceton Assimilators, both these drain too much and when they stack it very much OP
I'd also agree with most of above those above, pets with abilities, AMS, chrono procs should clear. Make the shield Dist doff one slot only, no stack.
And the armitage should lose a weapon slot
Fed Random-Sci Monte-Eng Monte Banks-Tac
Klingon Warfarin-Sci Gamble-Tac
That's true, but they're on-off option, i.e. either you ignore pets/objects all the time for auto- and tab-targeting or you never do. And it doesn't do anything to help if you're trying to pick a PC name out of a crowd of pets. (I was just in a horrible PvP match with four carriers on the other side -- you literally couldn't see anything because the HUD was so crowded, couldn't pick out names when team leader calls a target, etc.)
+1 to your suggestion of being able to assign a target to a hotkey temporarily -- they really need to add this. In Cure Space, for example, it would be nice to save the Kang to your temp slot so you can easily check on its status, send it heals, etc.
Reason: There is only one bathroom on the ship so every time the chef has a chimichanga night the whole ship does nothing the an entire day as the crew waits to make a deposit.
NERF chimichangas!
Chimichanga-just tons of fun to say.
Seriously, this really needs some rebalancing -- all the power drain abilities are getting out of hand b/c there are only a handful of things that defend against them. They need to make it where these stack in a much more limited way (e.g. largest drain + 1/2 of 2nd largest + 1/4 of 3rd largest etc.).
Another idea would be to make it where Power Insulators actually, you know, does something. I faced off with someone using a very OP carrier power drain build (advanced interceptors + polaron weapons + all the usual sci abilities), and even though I had power insulators at 107 (!) he was still able to literally shut me down almost constantly. (We actually had a good conversation about it later, and he was shocked when I told him how high my Power Insulators was -- he had no idea it would work that well against someone with even mid-range Power Insulators.)
Power drain has a snowballing effect that creates a death spiral: You lose power to shields so you take more damage, you lose power to aux so your healing gets smaller, you lose power to weapons so you're less able to fight off attackers (especially annoying pets), and you lose power to engines so your defense plummets and you can't do anything to get away. Everything gets steadily worse until you're just sitting there, helpless, until you eventually get destroyed.
Because of this, there really needs a back-stop to prevent this snowballing from getting out of hand and making it the end-all, be-all of strategies.
My suggestion would be for Power Insulators to determine the maximum power drain you will ever suffer under any circumstances (either a flat limit, a percentage of your normal power level, or preferably the lesser of these two values), and use Flow Capacitors to determine how fast your attacks will get to the target's Power Insulators limit (and how well you overcome their power transfer rate).
Will this change, someone who is completely optimized for Flow Capacitors will get you to your limit and keep you there with relative ease, but at least you'd have the choice of how much power drain you're willing to tolerate by how much you invest in Power Insulators.
EDIT: One other idea I just thought of -- how about letting your aux power level give you resistance to power drain the same way that your shields power level gives you resistance to shield damage? Or, for that matter, why not apply shield damage resistance as a reduction to all incoming power drain?
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Exactly how I feel
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
And... yeah
Ground "double cloaking" or perfect stealth, which is being undetectable to anyone no matter how much stealth perception they have stacked onto them. Seeing as I believe only Tac officers can do this (combining shroud generators and Omega set power might do it for others), and they have all those +xx% damage abilities, it's basically a guaranteed kill that requires no skill.
Omega Autocarbine's root is bull**** as well and needs to go. If a Tac with suppressing fire so much as looks at you, you don't move. What's the point of it anyways? It's a PvE gun and the only enemies you really use it on are the Borg, and they don't move anyways.
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!