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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Short term: this should be easy hopefully, I would like to purchase a character retrait token for the c-store if they would make one.

    Mid term: more KDF ships, a heavy BOP retrofit, and a Raptor retrofit would be nice.

    Long term: Romulan Faction
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • bluespectrumbluespectrum Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Short Term Requests: Release the ablity to change or modify costumes on ultra-rare BOFFS like the Breen BOFF and the Reman BOFF. You can modify how NPCs look in community-based missions, so why not have the ablity to do costume variations for ultra-rare BOFFs on tribble.

    Mid-Term Requests: Okay, I know im not the only one having trouble with the CE. Everyone has a strategy or goes rogue. its hard to even get everyone to follow some direction and work as a team. So my suggestion is simple. Since an infinite amount of shards appear and quickly make the mission harder, why not add a shard that when blown, not only heals the CE but also permanently lowers its maximum hit points, periodically. That way when people go rogue or newbies attempt to do the wrong strategy, the mission can be completed.

    Long-Term Request: How about adding a customizable feature in crafting. for example, I have an MK XI rifle and would like to "augment" it to [Dam]x3. Rather than craft a recipe, why not "augment" a weapon or remove an "augment" for crafting materials. I maxed out my crafting points over a year ago. I can say that I don't visit Memory Alpha much because I don't like the recipes, but adding an "augment" feature in crafting would be great.
  • mriedstra95mriedstra95 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Short Term: Character change token, It's simple really, let me change my race and traits, and gender.

    Mid-Term: Create an In-Game method of _earning_ one of the ships in the last tier.

    Long Term: Romulan / Reman gameplay, with a "picking up the pieces" style campaign. Pirate gameplay, choose your allies through your actions side with who you want or walk the path of neutrality. Maybe even Borg gameplay?
  • jameshamilton1jameshamilton1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I have one request for the game that I want to see implemented above all others, so it is the only one I will mention here.

    Add Spelling correction function to STO, especially chat.

  • jetnova16jetnova16 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ***(Posted in two seperate Suggestion Threads)***

    1.) The Skills Point Cap @ Level 50:
    It is really unfair to all the players, not just the "Free-to-Play" players for Star Trek Online because you are allowed to have different ships, a different number and thus each one can and most likely is armed differently than another, thus you need different skills to make each one work to its full potential but this Skill Points Cap at Level 50 makes it extremely impossible to do anything in Star Trek Online and should totally be changed.

    I am not the only one who hates this, and feels that leveling up the really important skills that you?re your ships better shouldn?t have a cap. If I was to retrain and thus pay for something I don't want to do, the same thing will still happen because I need the skills that I already have and yet I still need the ones that I haven't been able to complete to actually make my character the best he can be.

    2.) Tractor Beams for Every Ship Automatically:
    Cryptic should give' every starship a Tractor Beam, because if you actually watched and know anything in Star Trek, every starship and Runabouts (not all shuttles) actually automatically have a Tractor Beam. Proof of this statement can be found in Bethesda Softworks' Star Trek Legacy. Every starship has a Tractor Beam for every race (Federation, Klingon, Romulan, even the Borg have one but it through canon should be called a "Holding Beam".).

    3.) Canon Based Aspects That Are Being Ignored:

    A. The Romulans way back in the TOS Era of the Star Trek universe retired both the Heavy Plasma Torpedo and also their Bird-of-Preys. They advanced their technology and stopped using these type of weapons and ships. Instead, they went with a small Plasma Torpedo. (The Cardassians have this weapon as well, and also it is rumored that the Gorn do as well.)

    B. The Borg don't have Plasma Weapons, in fact they have "Holding Beams", "Cutting Beams" (like phasers), Gravimetric Torpedoes, and Magnetometric Guided Charges. (And I can prove this as fact because it isn't just mentioned on screen in many episodes of Star Trek, but I also did my outside research).

    C. The Remans Don't Have The Same Ships As The Romulan Star Empire:
    In fact, the Remans were/are a slave race in the Romulan Star Empire thus wouldn't/don't have many ships of their own minus the Scimitar Class Warbird that was designed by Praetor Shinzon along with Scorpion Class Attack Flyers. There is also a high possibility from some sources that the Narada (and that class of mining vessel) might be of Reman design.
    D. The Borg:
    After the Star Trek Destiny Trilogy, the Borg do not exist anymore, they have been unmade by the Caeliar and thus don?t exist anymore. There are only the Caeliar that are a peaceful race that are now on a mission of peaceful exploration to find peaceful beings such as themselves so that ?they? can inherit the galaxy.
    E. Transphasic Torpedoes:
    Transphasic Torpedoes only belong to the United Federation of Planets, not any other race in the Star Trek Universe/Franchise. The Transphasic Torpedoes though were shared with the Klingons, and the Romulans for the fight against the Borg in the Star Trek Destiny Trilogy. The fact is that the Borg adapted to the Transphasic Torpedo and also assimilated it, thus, it is now ineffective to the Borg and they too are now able to use it.

    F. The Terran Empire:
    Someone made a major guff here and surely never paid any attention to the true color of the starships belonging to the Terran Empire?s Starfleet (there is no Terran Empire Federation), these colors are a yellow strip encompassing the saucer section of the starships? primary hull. There is also for the symbol on their hull that equals ?Earth with a Sword through it?, and every Terran Empire ship has this symbol. Every Star Trek fan should know that so it is illogical that this aspect should ever have been changed and thus ?breaks canon? in Star Trek Online.

    5.) More Levels after Level 50:
    I have seen some missions that are created by the community mention levels higher than Level 50. This seems to be impossible to be the case and there should be more levels after Level 50, maybe like a ?Fleet Admiral? for the United Federation of Planets. There are even a few possibilities for this to be done with the Klingon Empire as well.

    (For every suggestion here, I did my research into the full Star Trek Universe/Franchise. So I can say with 95% accuracy of this is correct.) I can actually add more to this list from all the research that I have done and what I have seen well playing Star Trek Online, but I think, I'll just leave it at that.
  • captaindencaptainden Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I think alot of the reasonable stuff has been addressed in the post I have read(haven't got all day to read over 300 pages of post,,,lol) I know that the devs are listening because I have noticed alot of these in game. Some on my list at this time would be,,,

    short : Cardassian ground weapons. We have Klingon, Romulan, Jem'Hadar, and others. Would love to have a Rifle and pistol for Cardi characters.

    short : A gold box rewarded at the end of successful STF Elite missions. This is where you want a good reward for these type missions instead of some of the junk you get sometimes, though most people would say lockboxes all together are junk. Would love keys too but that is asking too much,,:biggrin:

    mid : Be able to choose a first officer from your bridge crew and have the ability to become them on away missions on ground if you choose. You know that's the way Picard would want it. :smile:

    mid : Have it when you are on ground in social areas that you can choose ONE of your bridge officers to be with you or to be one of your bridge officers if you choose. like how the pets are set up, to show off your bridge officer creations. I say one for the reason that if all of them, some of us couldn't move around,,,,:biggrin:

    long : Make it possible to sit anywhere ingame without having to stand in the seat and use the sit emote. this wouldn't have to be done all at once, but start at Earth Starbase and at each sheduled update do another section. like after Earth Starbase, do Starfleet Academy, Sierra, K7, so on. Also on all seating in ship interiors. To me, this one should have been done long ago.

    long : To be able to order drinks at the bars with bartenders/waitresses while seated.When they walk near the table have a button with "service" for example you can hit when you would want something.

    Could post more, but most I have seen in the other post, enough at this time.

    Keep up the great work guys.
  • brandylynnbbrandylynnb Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Short term

    If you could make a duty officer assignment that would break down Critical components into Major components, and Major components into minor components. Adjusted accordingly to the value of the components; such as 1 Critical = 3 Major and 1 Major = 3 Minor.

    The duty officers that are aquired with dilithium through the academy...not have them locked or bound to you. That would be great!!

    Mid Term

    Duty officer assignment that would have potential to aquire a new ship device slot, concole, or added bridge officer slot.

    Long Term

    The ability to play other races. Romulan, Cardassian, Gorn, etc...
  • warriorghost1warriorghost1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I would really like to see a lot higher level cap. Also would like to see a lot more ships and tiers to choose from. I think there should be 3 more tiers added.

    Current Ranks

    Starfleet Ensign
    Starfleet Lieutenant
    (10)Starfleet Lieutenant Commander
    (20) Starfleet Commander
    (30) Starfleet Captain
    (40) Starfleet Rear Admiral, Lower Half
    (45) Starfleet Rear Admiral, Upper Half
    (50) Starfleet Vice Admiral
    Admiral Coming soon.
    Fleet Admiral Coming soon.
    What I think should be added.
    (10) Jr. Lieutenant
    (20) Lieutenant
    (30) Lieutenant Commander
    (40) Commander
    (50) Captain
    (60) Rear Admiral, Lower Half
    (65) Rear Admiral, Upper Half
    (70) Vice Admiral
    (80) Admiral
    (95) Fleet Admiral
    (110) Admiral of Starfleet
    (130) Council of Admirals

    More playable Factions, More Ships, More tiers of ships.
    More choices to choose from then just Engineer Officer, Tactical Officer, Science Officer. Maybe Medical Officer, Intelligence Officer. Intelligence Officers get there own class of star ships that only they can use.
  • bargorthbargorth Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    - PVP specific rewards.

    - Balance a few aspects of PVP once again (starting on the OP carriers that make pvp no fun anymore) - Unless they want everyone to have a carrier then they have to do this!

    - More reason to be in your ship (eg. extra Diplomatic duty officer missions that can be done from your office / bridge)

    - Fix the forge and let us make custom missions again.

    - Housing like in other MMORPGs, such as an office all vice admirals receive on a starbase somewhere or on earth, which can be customised due to accolades earned etc (like with Klingon faction trophies).
  • vyristykinvyristykin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I think these ideas are short term.

    Short Term Idea 1: Could we get a marker on the enemy/our ship when there's a Polaron weapon effect happening? It's really one of the only energy types that doesn't have an observable effect on the ship I'm shooting. Just a debuff marker would be awesome, but you could wreath their ship in purple energy if you're feeling fancy.

    Short Term Idea 2: I'd like a counter that tells me how many fighters I have out. I'm wasting time looking around attempting a head count so I can get an idea of my firepower for the next fight. A marker on the buff bar could say "Hangar Bay 1 is supporting 6 fighters" or "Hangar Bay 2 is supporting 2 Runabouts" on mouse-over and it could have a number underneath it. That would be extremely helpful.

    Thanks. Much appreciated.
  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Short Term
    1. Disable visuals for weapons with holographics.
    2. Standard to perform Sit_Captain when double clicking captain seat, Sit_stool on stool, so on.
    3. Fix errata in dialogue and objectives (i.e. Khitomer Accord Space, Mission Failure: Vorex)

    Mid Term
    1. Tongo minigame
    2. Additional KDF ships in exchange for equalized PvP
    3. C-Store assignment points

    Long Term
    1. Gamma and Delta Quadrants
    2. Additional missions for Borg and Undine episodes
    3. Series captains at Captain's Table
  • killeroneillkilleroneill Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    There is one major thing they need to change about this game and that is how much the C-Store Points cost at this moment in time they are a rip off when i first joined the game they didnt cost anywhere near this much and the stuff on the C-Store was cheaper take it back to them days
    'It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose That is not a weakness; that is life' Captain Jean-luc Picard, offering words to Lieutenant Commander Data.
  • aelogriaaelogria Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short, Mid, Long Term are all the same.

    Dump the linked PWE accounts. PWE has notoriously bad security. And the forums, etc, etc etc. Are horrible. Non user friendly. And is like trying to untie gordian's knott. Worst mistake ever.

    @Desdecardo since 2008.
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short Term:
    On the Bridge viewscreen show where you are ie. When at DS9 show ds9 on viewscreen
    More KDF missions to bring it level with federation and make then unique to the empire

    Mid Term
    More KDF ships to even out PVP
    Make PVP more playable
    Parises square game in holodeck
    Active holodecks on ships or academy.
    App so we can do doff assignments on the go

    Long Term
    Gamma and Delta Quadrants
    Another faction (Preferably Romulan)
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • xylchxylch Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It has been almost a year since I posted my first list. Several items have already been accomplished and my preferences for others have changed, so this is my current list.

    Short-term requests:

    1. Allow players to choose the rank NPC's use to address their characters.
    2. Increase the limit on the number of banks slots that can be bought.
    3. Sell additional clothing slots for bridge officers

    Mid-term requests:

    1. Allow Foundry authors to create a chain of missions.
    2. Remove commodities, data samples and particle traces from inventory/bank. Store these in a separate ship's hold.
    3. Use the duty officers a character has to detemine what crew appears in a ship's interior. Randomly pick a suitable duty officier to appear as each mission giver instead of the current nameless ones.

    Long-term requests:

    1. Allow customizing ship interiors with the Foundry.
    2. Allow selecting bridge officers to lead away missions or visit social areas.
    3. Improve crafting.
    STO Handle: @DeltaFive
    Fleets - Federation: No Fleet - KDF: Yan-Isleth
  • dawnspoonerdawnspooner Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    say I Buy the Caitian race off the C-store can stuff like fur ears and tail be added to my alien race maker I would love a human looking alien with Caitier ears and tail
  • guildwarstwoguildwarstwo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Upon working my way up to Vice Admiral, discovered that the only way into the captains lounge was to buy my way in. So much for accessing an area based on skill. This is not a game where skill determines ones stature in the game, this is a game where cash money determines one stature in the game. I have left the guild (Q Qontinuum) and donated all my items and deleted my toons. I may return from time to time, to check on the status of the mess PWE has made, but not on this account. How long must I haunt the forums just to get my account deleted?

    Vice Admiral
  • chaser711chaser711 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I have one idea to make the game more free flowing and make it worth doing again and again:

    Capture enemy ships. not every time, maybe not even fairly often but 1/100 Chance, then it can be used or sold for energy credits to some ferrengi or at the shipyards. This gives many who don't do pvp something to look forward to, a chance, if the ships are disabled in combat that you can board the ship capture the bridge and take it home. Put your second on it or send it back on autopilot, any way, it means that theres some reason to do the same missions, like patrolling when you wont get star fleet credit or new officers for doing it. Also there are some avatars that have that 'pirate ' look and this would give them something to do besides grinding missions.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short-term: Make it to where BoP fighters don't cloak -and- slow waaay down when you press 'recall' (assuming you haven't already fixed that, haven't flown my carrier in a bit). Negates the whole point of using the command. Cloaking's fine, the speed isn't.

    Mid-term: Fix glitches in KDF Fek'lhri missions, especially the Gre'thor sections. Some of my characters get stuck on corners at times, etc. Makes it frustrating to do the missions.

    Long-term: Add more unique PvE content to KDF faction. Just as long as it actually gets done eventually, I'm happy.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • grnlbrtnfrntgrnlbrtnfrnt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Romulans, Romulans, Romulans
  • midnighter90midnighter90 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Im a lifer since almost 2 years and these are the things I would like to see in the next months/years

    Short Term:

    1. FLEET starbases with NPC'S wearing the FLEET uniform.
    2. TNG Pack with TNG interior of the Galaxy and/or Sovereign.
    3. Let us change the uniform of the bots running around on your ship
    4. Less missions with the Borg. That is just a poor excuse of not making any non combat missions, as the Borg are the "ultimate" evil and ignore diplomacy.

    Mid Term:

    1. Less combat. Star Trek is about convincing the enemy that you HAVE superior firepower WITHOUT proving it. More Diplomacy!!
    2. Cruisers need a specific type of weaponry. Escorts have Dual Heavys, cruisers have?????
    e.g. Heavy Beam Array, torpedoes with extended firing arc
    3. Sovereign Refit with a quantum torpedo volley launcher that has more than 180? firing arc

    Long Term:

    1. Delete all Sector Blocks and combine them into ONE that has realistic sizes
    (5 minutes to travel from ESD to K7, 10 minutes to DS9 and so on)
    2. Romulan Race
    3. Dominion Race
  • pete2931pete2931 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Having looked through some of the posts from the past few months I've created my own list of what I would like to see. It involves things I would like to see to things I've read that I would like to see. I have also added short/medium and medium/long term in order to thin out the ideas a bit more rather than clump them all together. Also this does not mean that the game is not good. It just has so much potential to be greater.

    Short term
    Fix long standing bugs - A given really. The last time I played the firecaves mission it was as bugged as it was last year. This is just an example and I know there are a lot more. I, for one, find that since the change to ground combat I can no longer dodge grenades properly. When I tap the button to roll it doesn't work until after i've been blown up. No idea if anyone else has experienced this problem.
    Get rid of lockboxes - I've heard recently that a new idea is being developed and this is needed quickly. Of all the lockboxes I've got i've opened about 40+ of them. Not once have I got a special ship. Not once have i obtained anything useful and certainly not anything worth the pricetag for the keys. I understand Cryptic needs to make money somehow but doing it by selling us extremely overpriced consumable items that are of little use is almost Ferengi. We were warned at starfleet academy about the Ferengi and that they couldn't be trusted. Do you really want to model yourself on them? And whilst on that note -
    Lobi Crystals. Ignoring the fact that they probably weren't even real in Star Trek, whatever Quark had was not rare at all. So why is it so difficult for me to get Lobi crystals in enough quantity to get anything useful. I only seem to get them from overpriced lockboxes as well.
    Pitch of the ship - Why in STO can a ship not fly up and down. It's been seen to be done in Star Trek. Please look at adding this dimension of play. It would allow for good battles. It would also mean that when people develop Foundry missions there would be more inclination to put things at different heights.

    Short/Medium term
    Add Brig/Shuttlebay etc. - There is so much that could be added to interiors. What about astrometrics or stellar cartography or Holodecks to name just a few. We are able to customise from preset bridge designs. Why cant we have preset deck designs and ship layouts as well so that we can decide what type of corridor we want, what type of engineering we want and what type of medical bay we want. If I'm on a small escort the medical bay is going to be small. However if I'm on a large Cruiser or a medical ship I'm going to want a very large medical department. The warp core on every ship looks the same. They will be different depending on size and power of the ship. This is mainly cosmetic stuff but would add to the look of the game. I rarely go to my interior as there is not much to do there and it all looks the same. This adds onto -
    Workable interiors - Allow more to take place on the interior of a ship. Allow us to modify the crew to all be wearing the same uniform as the bridge officers. Afterall that's why it's called uni-form.
    Time to level up - I hate the game format. I level up too quickly which makes other aspects useless. Why do we have all these ships and the ability to upgrade their abilities through "crafting" (which I will get to later) when you are not at that level for long before you get new gear anyway. There is too much emphasis on "Endgame" material. Why concentrate on "Endgame" when there is a lacking of "game". For those people that wish to rush to the end and then complain of a lack of material at the "end" then keep a fast level for them. But please introduce a "slow" level or even an "epic" level as well where it takes longer to level up. This means that I spend longer with each ship, there's more reason to craft, more reason to go explore or defend and I can make more use of my Doff system.
    With this also add more ranks - I can see that you plan to add Admiral and Fleet Admiral eventually but what about Lt Jnr Grade at the beginning. It helps to expand things. Plus the amount of XP I get is useless as a VA because it adds nothing further. Perhaps this XP earned when it's no longer needed could translate to something else.

    Medium term
    Boff skills - I hate having a ship full of Commanders. I know I don't have to if I don't want to but there is no incentive to not. After all by having them all commanders I can get access to all of their ground skills. Perhaps Boff rank should be restricted to what position they fill. For example on a ship where I'm a Captain or higher I will need a first officer (commander) Chief Medical officer (Commander or other rank) and so on. Perhaps instead of being able to just promote who you want when you want as long as you have enough points, perhaps have some kind of system where Boffs have to work for their promotion. Perhaps a tacticle boff has to stack up a certain amount of energy hits at enemies on the ground in order to be elligible for the next promotion. Similar things could be done for other Boffs.
    I would also like to play as my Boffs as well - First officer is certainly one of these as some Captains don't always go on away missions. But in extension to this by having more intelligent Boffs as well, that can do things on missions, this will lead to more thought put into who will go on each away mission.
    I would also like to see more costumes and mod/skin options for aliens in character creation. Therfore creating "near infinite diversity in near infinite combinations" to almost coin a phrase.

    Medium/Long term
    Exploration system - This needs a major overhaul and would include different aspects.
    No borders between sectors - This would help make space look even bigger. Even them exploration areas should be open and allow for "deeper exploration".
    More systems - Betazed, Acamar, Azati Prime, Beta Lyrae (Sheliak), Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), Breen system, Ceti Alpha, Coridan, Deneb (Alpha Cygni), Krios, Trill, Norpin, Nimbus Ferenginar and Narendra etc. There are plenty more.
    More life on planets - Lets see birds, wilderbeast, big monster spiders and large beast looking alien animals. Random this as well to a degree so that it is unknown where or when you may encounter one of these. you may be in a big fight on a planet with a bunch of Romulans and then suddenly and randomly a huge beast appears indigeonous to the planet and attacks not only me but the Romulans as well. That sort of thing obviously has to be extremely rare but the attack itself when not in the middle of a fight might be a little more common than that. Not everything has to attack me either. Just life that is friendly. Allow for us to find new life, new civilizations and boldly go where Star Trek still hasn't had the chance to take us. Allow us to visit planets with mountains we can climb and dense rain forests, Volcanoes and lava pits, Water worlds and planets with Methane lakes and rivers and desert worlds. Bipedal, tripedal and 6 pedal aliens. 2 heads or no heads. carbon based, Artificial, Biomimetic, cybernetic, silicon based, solanogen based, spaceborne, viral, xenon based or sporocystian liforms.
    Random occurances in space and on ground - adds to the experience. These random things happened in the shows. Should happen in STO as well.
    Solar Systems - Allow for bigger solar systems. Sol for example is not just Earth. I can understand issues with having so much graphical information in one place but it could be split up. You fly out towards Mars and it then gives the option to fly to Mars. Theres also many other planets and moons in Sol and an asteroid belt, kuiper belt etc.
    Delta/Gamma Quadrants - These could then eventually be opened up as well.

    Long Term
    These I have put as Long term but should be continuously looked at and not just left to deal with next year or later.
    Crafting - This system I barely touch. For a start, as mentioned earlier, there's not much use for it when we are leveling up so quickly. Secondly we need to be able to see from our ships what our progress is. Make it more simple for us to use.
    Foundry - We need more tools etc to use. Foundry missions is likely to play a large part in the ability to get new content out there fast. If we have the tools and the content then the people in the community who create missions can get you lots of playable content fast for all them new systems etc. Plus perhaps some of the new systems created for some of the top foundry missions could get added to the map for people to explore. Don't know what Foundry users think of that idea.
    More Klingon Content - This is definatly a must. The Klingon content needs to be finished and it needs to be done before any other playable races get introduced.

    Long Long term
    Romulan/Cardassian playable races.

    To think about
    Doff style system with ships for Admirals/Fleet Admirals - This was an idea I read in this forum. I liked it and think it should be given serious thought. I havn't added it into one of the preceding areas as it is dependant on Cryptics timetable for the release of these ranks in the first place.

    Wells class - This is a 29th century timeship. I don't like the idea of seeing lots of these flying around the 25th century galaxy. Not even as a science ship. Perhaps it could be written into a mission somewhere by Cryptic and we get to fly it in the mission but not as a full time fixture to the game.
  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short Term
    1. Button-pushing emotes. When in captain's chair, /emote Sit_Captain instead of /emote Sit_Bridge.
    2. More skills after level cap increase.
    3. Slightly increased chance of Salvage/Tech

    Mid Term
    1. More PvP game modes.
    2. Xindi playable and/or BOFF.
    3. Visible injuries and damages (aside from 25% increment damages)

    Long Term
    1. Suliban Featured Series of the Suliban Cabal in a broad attack of the galaxy by subduing Zeta Andromedae, Alpha Trianguli, and most of Beta Ursae. Cell Ship Small Craft reward, and maybe, a trait respec by genetic alteration by Mysterious Benefactor.
    2. Starbase Tiers to include new ships in level cap increase, the old ESD exterior, and whatever else you can think of.
    3. Federation ally/member worlds with Diplomatic Missions.
  • giles222giles222 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short Term possibility:

    Please increase the stackability of all Lockboxes (Cardassian, Ferrengi, Mystery, & future) to match that of commodities (250/stack). No need to increase the drop rate.

    Increase the stackability of Tribble Carcasses to 250/stack to match that of commodities.
  • horatiobarryhoratiobarry Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short Term:
    1. Think about a revamp of the Lock-Box-ships (see complaints at the PvP Forum). Whats wrong having them more as a different look instead of an InstaWin ship?
    2. Fix the bugs of existing missions (as the fire caves). Polish the game to make it the jewel it could be.
    3. Give us the option to turn off the holographic parts of ground weapons as for the armor. Some like it, some not (as myself).
    4. Give Starbase 39 a medical officer. That is the main reason I don't go there.

    Mid Term
    1. Make PvP enjoyable again for people who don't have their stats and equipment maxed out.
    2. Bring in not Borg-centered end game content. We see them way too often.
    3. Let us chose the uniform of our crew. You can make templates for fleet uniforms, so why can't you use this or a comparable system for the ship's crew?

    Long Term
    1. Implement Suricatas Ship Revamp Proposal. The Tier system is broken and it will be so more when the fleet ships come out.
    2. Make the KDF a complete faction and bring in another one like the Romulans.
    3. Revamp ground combat and ground PvP. Tiny double cloaking enemies don't increase the fun (presumably except for them).

    So far not much new here, but some we'll see some change if some things are mentioned often enough.
  • destroyer2udestroyer2u Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short term

    A Carrier Hangar Craft Tracker window

    Medium Term

    More Interactable Objects in our Ships for Roleplay Purposes.

    Long Term

    Starship/Starbase Interior Customization. Doesn't have to be Fancy like being able to Completely Furniture the Interior(Like choosing the amount of chairs or location of the table/chairs. But deciding how our corridors go. And giving us the ability to add rooms or change the location of rooms. For excample i'm in a fleet who has multiple Squads for PVE/PVP and multiple Departments focusing on different aspects of the fleet. We have Officer meetins,Fleet Inspections and are planning to hold non-combat events. For these reasons being able to have a room that looks like a briefing room or a room that looks like a Headquarter with some customisation as location, Color coding of the wall textures or even just select a texture of the available textures. Rooms could be preshaped and furniture in rooms could be preset while giving a couple of options to what setup we want to room to be.And textures can be used from available textures at hand.
  • prachelprachel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Short term :

    mid term :

    long term :
    more playable factions I.E. Dominion, Romulans , Terran empire.
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The most important request I have for this game is to fix the Team chat.

    Every time I team up, I keep getting this marker at the bottom of the chat that says "Team", and they stack on top of each other. I have to log out just to get rid of them.

    |Chat |

    () Fleet
    () Team
    () Team
    () Team
    () Team
    () Team

    Fix this please.

    Thank you.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,908 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    short term.. as in FIX IT NOW! the damn camera bug i reported on Tribble 6 months ago and again last month has been introduced to holodeck. the space camera will not stay in follow target mode
  • lomax6996lomax6996 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    short term.. as in FIX IT NOW! the damn camera bug i reported on Tribble 6 months ago and again last month has been introduced to holodeck. the space camera will not stay in follow target mode

    Glad I'm not the only one having that problem... annoying to the MAX
    *STO* It’s mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
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