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Official Fleet System Feedback Thread



  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    After the latest patch, all the Fleet XP has been removed and the project that was on countdown and finished overnight never gave us any fleet XP. :(

    fleet xp was showing the accumulated xp for all projects. now i think its just showing the starbase xp.

    unless its really broken.

    you should still see your military, science etc going up. once you buy sections of the starbase then the fleet xp should increase.
  • lorddave997lorddave997 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fleet xp was showing the accumulated xp for all projects. now i think its just showing the starbase xp.

    unless its really broken.

    you should still see your military, science etc going up. once you buy sections of the starbase then the fleet xp should increase.

    Then that should be noted somewhere. Maybe add the reward to the military/engineering/science tier finishing with "Starbase XP ....." That way we know that you need to complete X to get starbase XP.
    Or perhaps you need to finish 1 tier to start Starbase XP projects. Either way, that should be noted somewhere.
  • senokeclipsesenokeclipse Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    what if your fleet only has 15 people, and all 15 donate and hit ur proposed max and it sitll isnt enough?

    what ur proposing would severly hinder smaller fleets

    No, i purpose a limit choosed by the leeder fleet.

    The biggest problem with this actual system is:
    -BO skill points and dilitium points give a lot of fleet credits. and we have a lot of this.
    So who gain fleet credits? Only players that is here when project ending.

    It's so stupid!

    if leeder can give a limit on this, calculated and choosed by the leader, a lot of fleet members could contribute, and not only 1 by project who have all the fleet credits.
    This is a team work !
  • samseabornsamseaborn Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Since yesterdays update, the main Rotunda is now ugly as hell. I can *perhaps* get behind the notion that ONE BIG WINDOW was a bad idea, but now it's all bulkheads.

    Heck of a step backwards >_>
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I have a question here... this is in relation to this blatant layout of the vor'cha versus the negh'var. Here's the deal...

    Tier 2: Vor'cha which has a serious tactical advantage of a Lt and LC tactical console as a heavy battle cruiser should.

    Tier 4: Negh'Var Heavy Battle Cruiser comes standard with a Lt tactical station and not LC.

    Problem I have here is the Negh'var technically should be the stronger tactical ship in canon as well as you have it at Tier 4 where it barely has any teeth at all compared to the vorcha which is clearly accessible at half the tier of the negh'var...

    This just does not sit well with me... Not a problem with the vor'cha's layout I just never got into it on this game but for the love of Kahless what were these people thinking?!?!
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is there going to be a transwarp to your starbase added somewhere? Since it's supposed to be a hub, it would be nice to be able to transwarp there.
  • sparhawksparhawk Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Solo players can earn fleet marks in a variety of ways. If you are referring to solo and by yourself the only current way planned is to run a starbase daily. These have not been released yet but it will be a fast way for a single player to earn a small amount of Fleet Marks. I'm not sure if the conversion system made it in before Heretic left, but I knew it was in discussion.

    Now, as a solo player you can join any queue and play the fleet content with a random team to earn fleet marks as well, though I don't know if that's what youre after. This way is just as viable as playing only with fleeties.
    sparhawk wrote: »
    My follow up question to this is there anything solo (non-fleeted) players can buy with these fleet marks they can earn?
    Almost everything in the fleet store is for solo players. Fleet Advanced/Fleet Elite shields, deflectors, engines, space weapons, ground weapons, ships, ships, thats all for the individual player!

    There are operational assets which could be considered "for the team". These are special one time use consumables items that give your team a serious boost in fleet content. From letting your starbase have feedback pulse to spawning in a wing of defients, there are a lot of cool things to use these for.

    I'm trying to figure out if I missed something or if we just had a misunderstanding here after looking around on Tribble. As far as I can tell fleet stores are only available to someone that is in a fleet. Your previous response to my question about non-fleeted solo players indicated people in this situation would still be able to access most of the new items. This means either:

    1) I missed this somewhere on Tribble
    2) We had a misunderstanding
    3) This part of the system is not available yet on Tribble

    Can anyone clarify this for me?
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Stupid question, where do i locate the starbase on Tribble and is there a fleet for tribble to try out and so on? Any help would be great, thank you.
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • ceefaxceefax Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    There would not be a need for establishing any deposit limits if the weapons, engines, deflectors etc., you could obtain via Fleet Credits were 'Bind on equip'. This would enable Fleet Quartermasters to obtain multiple items and then provision them to Fleet members via the Fleet Bank.

    A similar system could be used with the ships if they came 'boxed as a requisition' and were 'bind on opening' like the D'Koras & Galors have been.

    No one would worry if one or two members of a Fleet racked up multi-millions of Fleet Credits at everyone elses expense, if they also knew that they could then be converted into items that any Fleet Member could claim.
  • lordthrudlordthrud Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I am looking forward to Season 6.


    I see the way that players contribute to fleet projects as a potentially contentious issue.

    Rather than everyone poised to quick click their resources etc once a project goes live.

    Perhaps there should be a different way to contribute.

    One solution would be to have a fleet star base resource bank, that everyone can contribute to on a regular basis.

    With set limits giving everyone a fair chance for gaining the fleet credits for the new goodies.

    As well as being far more dare I say it logical that a fleet would have a central resource for such a large endeavour.

    It would also be very help full in project planning and will give the fleets officers who in reality will actually run the bases, better control over directing the fleet to get the resources needed for progression.

    I totally agree that there should be a way for fleet quartermasters to be able to use stockpiled fleet resources to gift goodies to other members of the fleet.

    I am Glad that the BOxp and dilithium contribution is going to be looked at.
    Balancing the resources compared to the fleet credits is key.

    Also the slider for samples is certainly needed.

    All fleet characters fleet credits should be pooled.
    Or those of us with many alts will end up only playing with 1 main to get enough fleet credits to be of use.

    Also the grind factor is a concern.

    I know this is an MMO and grind is to be expected but if the Devs could tag fleet marks on to existing in game missions then it would lessen the grind factor.

    Fairness is how this season will be judged.

    If the player base feel it is not fair then it will be considered a fail.

    I'm hoping it will be a success.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A minor slider for samples is needed for small fleets. you have to click the button 3 times to get 1 sample in. for projects that require 1000 samples that's 3000 clicks, even if it divided over a few players its still boring as hell. it does not have to be much. a limit of 10 will help massively.

    lower the limit per time for dilithium and bridge officer points as well, as they can be filled super fast. if people have ample chance to add samples they have almost no chance to add dilithium. the right balance for all these contributions needs to be found.
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sparhawk wrote: »
    I'm trying to figure out if I missed something or if we just had a misunderstanding here after looking around on Tribble. As far as I can tell fleet stores are only available to someone that is in a fleet. Your previous response to my question about non-fleeted solo players indicated people in this situation would still be able to access most of the new items. This means either:

    1) I missed this somewhere on Tribble
    2) We had a misunderstanding
    3) This part of the system is not available yet on Tribble

    Can anyone clarify this for me?

    Non-Fleet members can be invited on to your starbase and use your resources, this is probably what they are talking about.

    typhoncal wrote: »
    Stupid question, where do i locate the starbase on Tribble and is there a fleet for tribble to try out and so on? Any help would be great, thank you.

    Starbases are located in Eta Eridani. Fed base is in the bottom left, KDF is top right.
  • typhoncaltyphoncal Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Non-Fleet members can be invited on to your starbase and use your resources, this is probably what they are talking about.

    Starbases are located in Eta Eridani. Fed base is in the bottom left, KDF is top right.

    Thank you, much appreciated!
    Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
  • kingdoxykingdoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is it possible one of the inputs for Fleet projects be historical datachips? I've got a ton of them and most of them seem to be worthless on the exchange these days.
  • ufpdodgersufpdodgers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Has anyone else built their Transwarp gate at their base?

    My fleet can't figure out how to get it working, there is nothing added to our individual transwarps, there is no interaction available next to it and the stores aren't working so we can't check to see if there is some kind of pass/token that we need to buy with out Fleet Credits.

    Kind of wasted 2 days on it if we can't use it :(
  • captallendalecaptallendale Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I got on a new fleet on test, and the leader gave us all leader rank so we could see the starbase stuff for ourself. One thing I noticed, is that once we chose a military project for our first project, no military projects were listed when you went to fill the second mission slot. SO I take it we can run three regular projects at a time, but they have to be of different types (mil eng, sci). Is that true? So someone couldnt run three military projects at a time constantly to get shipyards faster?
  • jheinigjheinig Member Posts: 364 Cryptic Developer
    edited July 2012
    ufpdodgers wrote: »
    Has anyone else built their Transwarp gate at their base?

    My fleet can't figure out how to get it working, there is nothing added to our individual transwarps, there is no interaction available next to it and the stores aren't working so we can't check to see if there is some kind of pass/token that we need to buy with out Fleet Credits.

    Kind of wasted 2 days on it if we can't use it :(

    Transwarp gate functionality is not in the current build.
  • jam062307jam062307 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ah...the Transwarp gate.....won't be functional until Tuesday!
    tacofangs wrote: »
    We planned on doing it next weekend, but then we saw your post and were like, "Dude, we should totally move that up a week! Tee Hee!"
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jheinig wrote: »
    Transwarp gate functionality is not in the current build.

    I kinda gave up on testing since I more than likely would be doing more KDF season 6 new content than federation and none of the KDF players are testing so... I can forsee even with that not being in the build there is going to be a lot of problems being tested on fed side that are fixed but because no one will come test on KDF more than likely because theres no side reward they aren't even bothering which is worry some.
  • johnynormusjohnynormus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The inputs for the projects need to be reworked and fleet credits need to scale differently. What I don't want to see is someone who just logs on and dumps in all the boff xp and logs out two minutes later leaving everyone else to grind fleet marks.

    Doff inputs need to be rewarded with the highest fleet credits as they are specific in requirement and potentially cost the most. You can't simply go grind specific doffs like you can the rest of the inputs. These doffs will jump in price and dry on up the exchange as everyone starts using them for their projects.

    Next highest reward should be fleet marks as they are super grindy and potentially very time consuming. Anything that can't be simply bought from a vendor should be a high reward. This should be the item everyone wants to contribute. As of now, its the last thing filled in a project. A skew tot he credit reward would change this.

    Things like boff xp should be at the bottom of the credit reward because they are dime a dozen at this point in the game for everyone at max level. (Some of us have been there for over 2 years and have millions upon millions of boff xp)

    Where is the commendation inputs that Heretic spoke of? The cxp cap isn't being raised so we were told we would be able to contribute cxp. Maybe this could be in lieu of some specific doffs as an either or option?

    Bottom line is fleet credit scales need some tweaking. A generic single scale fits all approach just won't work so please take the time to tweak it to properly reward members that donate the more valuable items.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Completely agree... while the devs have already said that the Boff XP will is bugged and rewarding 20X the amount of fleet credits it should... it really needs resolved, as does the slider for data sample contribution.

    I didnt realize how bad it was until I went to do it... and saw it for myself... in 3 projects I went from the lowest contributor to the highest with 36000 boff xp points (translated into 720,000 fleet credits).... and the data samples, I gave up after 5.... this will discourage people from contributing.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • lorddave997lorddave997 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've been using it for a few weeks now and my thoughts echo most of yours: It's too easy to put in a bunch of cheap stuff that us old people have tons of and force others to grind out the rest.

    Of course, with 5 tiers AND a starbase project, that money dries up fast.

    Of course, the "special" project that is 600 fleet marks and tons of resources that's for "larger fleets" is nice but it only gives 20xp for Science, Military, and Engineering. Is that a bug or what? Because if it's 1/16th of the XP but 4 times the cost, there's a problem.
  • salamiinfernosalamiinferno Member Posts: 159 Cryptic Developer
    edited July 2012
    I've been using it for a few weeks now and my thoughts echo most of yours: It's too easy to put in a bunch of cheap stuff that us old people have tons of and force others to grind out the rest.

    Of course, with 5 tiers AND a starbase project, that money dries up fast.

    Of course, the "special" project that is 600 fleet marks and tons of resources that's for "larger fleets" is nice but it only gives 20xp for Science, Military, and Engineering. Is that a bug or what? Because if it's 1/16th of the XP but 4 times the cost, there's a problem.

    The goal of those projects is to give larger fleets a way to get more fleet credits to their members. We added some fleet xp so they arent totally without value, but we didnt want to make them blow out the timing of the system. As it stands now, with 20 to each FXP type, if you have one running constantly you should level up about 10% faster than without them.
  • mvaiksmvaiks Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I used to be able to donate to fleet projects but now I can't. I'm on Kryptic Klingons and only leaders can donate and no one but devs seem to be leaders.
    --- My sig begins here ---
    Member since Jan 24th 2010 (more or less)
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  • lorddave997lorddave997 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The goal of those projects is to give larger fleets a way to get more fleet credits to their members. We added some fleet xp so they arent totally without value, but we didnt want to make them blow out the timing of the system. As it stands now, with 20 to each FXP type, if you have one running constantly you should level up about 10% faster than without them.

    Aaahh, so it's to allow people to get fleet credits and not so much finish projects. That makes a lot more sense.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The goal of those projects is to give larger fleets a way to get more fleet credits to their members. We added some fleet xp so they arent totally without value, but we didnt want to make them blow out the timing of the system. As it stands now, with 20 to each FXP type, if you have one running constantly you should level up about 10% faster than without them.

    I'll be honest this is no disrespect but from what I've seen of the season 6 stuff so far testing it. It mostly just seems to be another sink for a new player to choose between different things as far as gameplay only the new instances and doesn't offer anything useful to a long time player. These things we have seen so far that you get out of the starbases just feel like more junk items to fill the inventory and not anything we would ever use... I'm not much feeling the ships either they just feel like 2nd rate collectable ships.

    I just expected a lot more out of all they hype being given off by Cryptic and PWE on this new season and basically what I am asking myself is these fleet marks and credits what are they actually good for? To me they are just another junk currency like we had before the f2p conversion TBH.

    Edit: Just an example on ships Tier 5 starbase take about a year to get just to get a bortas I already have and a fleet vo'quv that isn't any better than the one I already have.

    A more positive solution to the shipyards tho Salami would be in the regards if say you are a player who has bought a specific C-store ship that owning said ship and unlocking a specific tier would give you access to something better than what you bought in the c-store but still holding the value of making said purchase and in truth and honesty as a players standpoint and the view of a company which only survives if it is making money would further thrive and profit and keep moving forward if it puts more value into what you are making to sell as much as content like starbases that you are using resources to make to ensure that in the long term as these starbases are going forward in that regard that its keeping you afloat :) Which I do not feel either is doing with the way the shipyard is currently setup.
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    mvaiks wrote: »
    I used to be able to donate to fleet projects but now I can't. I'm on Kryptic Klingons and only leaders can donate and no one but devs seem to be leaders.

    The settings got reset with the latest patch. One of the devs needs to grant the permissions again. Reason is you can now allow contributions based on rank (fleet rank).
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What is this new and silly system about allowing people to contribute? Don't you see that fleet leaders can become a real pain to any player now? Please don't give power to leaders over players! They aren't better than the rest of us and I really don't think they deserve the right to kill my game.

    I'm in a somewhat large fleet. And I really hate my fleet leaders (and they hate me too), but I love my fleetmates. Should I leave to be able to contribute and earn fleetmarks? This is unfair. You give all powers to a single player who doesn't even deserve it.

    With this update, you'll see a lot more one-man fleets. I'm not sure it's what you want. Or maybe your goal was to kill any social interaction in the game? It worked perfectly as it was! People complaning about donating are just fleet leaders inviting anyone in their fleet, and the majority shouldn't be ripped-off for some incompetent leaders.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    if you hate your fleet leaders, then form another fleet, and bring the fleetmates that want to go with you... nothing saying you have to stay.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    diogene0 wrote: »
    What is this new and silly system about allowing people to contribute? Don't you see that fleet leaders can become a real pain to any player now? Please don't give power to leaders over players! They aren't better than the rest of us and I really don't think they deserve the right to kill my game.

    I'm in a somewhat large fleet. And I really hate my fleet leaders (and they hate me too), but I love my fleetmates. Should I leave to be able to contribute and earn fleetmarks? This is unfair. You give all powers to a single player who doesn't even deserve it.

    With this update, you'll see a lot more one-man fleets. I'm not sure it's what you want. Or maybe your goal was to kill any social interaction in the game? It worked perfectly as it was! People complaning about donating are just fleet leaders inviting anyone in their fleet, and the majority shouldn't be ripped-off for some incompetent leaders.

    Thats a problem with most mmo designs like this is that they turn fleets/guilds into a pyramid scheme where it forms a true dictatorship.
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