Very anyoing, lost my screen name that I had since the launch. I would have expected that at least the display name would be kept. I can understand teh account name not being teh same but NO ... also teh display name is gone.
Seams to me simply turning on the disabled options we had before, adding back custom avatars and allowing us to choose our display name to be ours from the old forums would be the cool, right thing
A got a response back on the "we need to method to report spammers and abusers" ticket I filed yesterday.
We're supposed to manually PM the moderators.
A facepalm doesn't begin to describe how I feel about that.
The moderators we're supposed to wade through the forum and find since [A] there's no social dropdown with a list of members and search-by-name is broken.
I think, in protest, I will just bump spam threads.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
Any bets on how long til PWE starts F'ing us over.
Yes, I'm biased against PWE (had a trial on PWI - Calypso I believe) and never even considered looking at them again, now here I am with a Lifetime subscription to STO that is now going to be handled by PWE....I think STO may be dead for me.
Why has my Forum Acc now a other Name then my Ingame Acc ?
The Acc. Transfer from Cry. to Perf. should have worked because i could get the C-Store Bonus? And of course i want my ingame name to be my Forum name.
my ingame name not ! login name = W-T-Riker but Forum ussberlin
18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
In order to post on the forums, you must be signed in with a PWE Account. You may notice a few other changes, so if you have any questions, post them in here and I will do my best to answer them Also, if you notice anything strange, please let me know in here and I will pass along your feedback to the web team as it comes in.
The Star Trek Online website correctly lists my PWE handle as @paragon92518. however, my old Cryptic handle is still being used in-game. The STO website correctly displays my *new* PWE handle. It is very confusing on the forums as my new PWE handle is correctly displayed, however, in-game my old Cryptic handle is still being used. Nobody knows who I am and it is getting very frustrating having 2 handles! This is PWE's fault - not mine. I was not allowed to use my old cryptic handle when linking my account.
The PWE customer service representative provided me with incorrect information by saying they cannot change @handles. I will now will take to the forums and provide proof of this incorrect information given to me.
That is incorrect. Given the fact that Perfect World screwed up my @handle to begin with, they certainly can fix it. 3 different ways I will prove PWE incorrect.....
#1). My brother is a homosexual and was being harassed in-game by other players for his @handle and it was changed - no questions asked. (I can provide his name, his contact information, and user ID if necessary).
#2). My @handle already HAS been changed. The Star Trek online website (when logged in) proves it was in fact, changed already, and also on the forums; just not in-game.
#3). It says right on the perfect World website and I quote "What about my @handle? Is it gone?
Nope. Your @handle will always be what you use in Cryptic games. Think of it this way: instead of two names, now you have three: account name, @handle, and forum name. Your @handle and forum name CAN be the same, but will not be automatically. If you select a different "nickname" at PWE Account Creation, it will not change your @handle. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Likewise, if we change your @handle, your forum name stays the same - at this time, there is no way to change your forum name" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Now that I have proven customer service wrong, I am requesting my @handle be changed effective immediately in-game to @paragon92518 to match the STO website.
This all adds up to YES, you can change my @handle. I did nothing wrong. I did not cause this mess. I am a long time, loyal paying customer. Do you want to lose me as a paying customer? Would anyone who reads this want to be lied to? This is a simple request. Why should I be punished ???
Changing the in game handle has always been possible however done on very rare and extreme cases.
Not just on a whim because people want their names to be the same or whatever reason. Your brother had a very good reason for his change and the only other times I've heard of it being changed are for security issues. (Account and handle were the same for example)
I'm sorry but unless you have an extremely good reason you're probably not going to get anywhere. Not to mention Customer Support does not handle issues on the forums. :frown:
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Changing the in game handle has always been possible however done on very rare and extreme cases.
Not just on a whim because people want their names to be the same or whatever reason. Your brother had a very good reason for his change and the only other times I've heard of it being changed are for security issues. (Account and handle were the same for example)
I'm sorry but unless you have an extremely good reason you're probably not going to get anywhere. Not to mention Customer Support does not handle issues on the forums. :frown:
PWE refuses to let me have my old Cryptic @handle (I'm guessing for a technical F'up on their end), refuses to let me sync up my @handle on the STO website with in-game and that's somehow my fault? Why should I be punished for something on PWE's end? Why should I have to have (2) @handles so nobody knows who i am on the forums? It's confusing, it's bad business, and its' especially unethical to lie to your customers! I was directly lied to by their Customer Service team. Would you like it if someone lied to you and you found out the truth? C'mon now! Its the classic: "It's not happening to me, so why should I care?" stance.
Not going to lie, this almost caused me to uninstall. I liked the old forums, I liked having my cryptic account, and I don't much care for PWE. But as long as I still get some enjoyment out of the game I can always retain the option to uninstall it later. Doesn't much matter, I switched to F2P shortly after getting 800 day veteran rewards and realizing how little I was getting for my paid subscription.
PWE refuses to let me have my old Cryptic @handle (I'm guessing for a technical F'up on their end), refuses to let me sync up my @handle on the STO website with in-game and that's somehow my fault? Why should I be punished for something on PWE's end? Why should I have to have (2) @handles so nobody knows who i am on the forums? It's confusing, it's bad business, and its' especially unethical to lie to your customers! I was directly lied to by their Customer Service team. Would you like it if someone lied to you and you found out the truth? C'mon now! Its the classic: "It's not happening to me, so why should I care?" stance.
I understand that feeling because I have been in that same issue :frown: (not with PWE or Cryptic mind you).
And while yes, them saying they can't change @handles may have been a lie in your eyes (and I can see why you would think that), it's not technically a lie. When you linked up accounts if you created an entirely new PWE account you had the option of making a display name (if I recall right it's been a bit), which was used on the forums and other PWE games.
They can't just change them for the reasons of wanting them to be the exact same as on the forums. There is an entire community built with PWE as well and maybe someone had yours already? I can't say for certain. I get your frustration, I really do, but sadly even Cryptic before they were bought by PWE wouldn't change @handles or forum names unless there was a security/rule violation reason :frown:
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Then I lose my sig. I haven't decided which one stays yet.
My @handle is not being used by another player (according to customer service). unless they decided to lie about that too. So, since it is not being used, I asked why i cannot simply have my old @handle and I have not as of this writing, received a response back.
I have a suggestion: Make a @handle option for the c-store and RIGHT THE WRONGS that have been done to so many good paying, faithful customers (like myself) and others.
Should I have to "pay" for a technical glitch on PWE's end that prevented me from using my old Cryptic handle? Absolutely not. however, I am even willing to PAY to have this fixed.
There must be someone at Perfect world that sees all these postings from countless customers who are in similar situations. I just want this website @handle to match the game so others know who i am and I seriously do not think that is even close to asking too much from PWE who screwed it up in the first place!
Do they want to risk losing good paying, faithful customers? I'm on the verge of closing my account and walking away. I'm undecided. I've spent LOTS of money for lockbox stuff that I probably should not have done. Sure, losing me is a drop in the bucket,...but times me by 100, 1,000, or even 5,000 and it will eventually bite PWE in the butt.
Untill now I had neutral feelings about the PWE assimilation of Cryptic, but now... I just HATE it!
I had to change my login and my nickname on the forum. I had friends on the sto forum, now they won't know who I am and there's a big chance I won't know who they are.
We can no longer access in-game messages on the sto forum and vice versa.
I lost my avatar and can no longer have a custom one.
Images in forum signatures have to be smaller than before, so I can't even use image from my old sig. And why is that? I have seen other PWE forums, people there can have much bigger images.
Oh and my joining date is 2012 instead of... I don't remeber what it was, but I used to be proud that I've joined the sto forum shortly after it was opened.
The last thing... our new forum titles "Perfect world user" :[
I see you really worked hard to make the transition as painful as possible. Congrats!
[SIGPIC]Join Date: August 2009[/SIGPIC] I live in an alternate universe, where j.j. abrams and cryptic never existed,
where R.S.E. is what it always should be.
We are working on getting the Dev Tracker back up and running ASAP. Thanks for your patience.
Like most Captains I fear change. That being said, I'm coming from the standpoint of having a visual disability, I'm sure I'm a minority here but nonetheless. Would it be possible to have the headings of the main forums list (Information & Discussion, Feedback, The Foundry for Star Trek Online, etc.) more prominent? I feel like the categories have more p residence then the headings they're under.
Other than that I assume the rest of it will just take time to become adjusted to.
Obviously it didn't quote the proper post, It was supposed to be the original post from Brandon......
I understand that feeling because I have been in that same issue :frown: (not with PWE or Cryptic mind you).
And while yes, them saying they can't change @handles may have been a lie in your eyes (and I can see why you would think that), it's not technically a lie. When you linked up accounts if you created an entirely new PWE account you had the option of making a display name (if I recall right it's been a bit), which was used on the forums and other PWE games.
They can't just change them for the reasons of wanting them to be the exact same as on the forums. There is an entire community built with PWE as well and maybe someone had yours already? I can't say for certain. I get your frustration, I really do, but sadly even Cryptic before they were bought by PWE wouldn't change @handles or forum names unless there was a security/rule violation reason :frown:
Why would any PWE gamer want to use my old Cryptic handle @USS_Merriman ? Customer service admitted that it was not in use, or taken however, they declined to reveal why it was unavailable for me use.
I then requested my @handle be switched to @paragon92518 (to at least match up my forum handle with the game) due to the technical glitch on PWE's end. As of yet, I have not heard back from cust. service
Is now the appropriate time to suggest that PWE be dubbed "The Evil Empire" ? I'm very easygoing, but, the customer service "I don't care about you" attitude is very demoralizing.
Obviously there are a few changes that one needs to get used to...
Uhm... NEVER!!
These changes to further absorb STO into Perfect World were never discussed with the STO community. I miss my STO forum name, the colors that were in my signature, and my avatar.
And the Perfect World forums don't have any soul, they're all bland, really don't seem to have any immediately obvious indication of any sort of visual difference between a forum header and sub forum. They just don't look professional and look more like a colorblind 3 year old slapped the forums on the fridge with a magnet.
To say nothing about the massive headache buying ZEN is.
A little chat with the community would have gone a long way for PW.
Vice Admiral Triela - Proud member of Valhalla's Rising ████ U.S.S. Protos Heis ████
Lieutenant General - Scheherazade - Honorable warrior of Sto'Vo'kor's Rising ████ I.K.S. Protos Heis ████
Very badly handled by PW and Cryptic !
Anyway, I get a lot of garbage text in the background on my iPhone. Bad site coding.
Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
A facepalm doesn't begin to describe how I feel about that.
The moderators we're supposed to wade through the forum and find since [A] there's no social dropdown with a list of members and search-by-name is broken.
I think, in protest, I will just bump spam threads.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
Our forum titles are where now?
I can still move.
I can still fight.
I will never give up!
there is not benifit to this.
Yes, I'm biased against PWE (had a trial on PWI - Calypso I believe) and never even considered looking at them again, now here I am with a Lifetime subscription to STO that is now going to be handled by PWE....I think STO may be dead for me.
The Acc. Transfer from Cry. to Perf. should have worked because i could get the C-Store Bonus? And of course i want my ingame name to be my Forum name.
my ingame name not ! login name = W-T-Riker but Forum ussberlin
Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
For about the past year or so. That's how long Cryptic has been a wholly-owned PWE subsidiary.
May 31st 2011:
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
What the Hell have you guys done !??!?!?!11111
The PWE customer service representative provided me with incorrect information by saying they cannot change @handles. I will now will take to the forums and provide proof of this incorrect information given to me.
That is incorrect. Given the fact that Perfect World screwed up my @handle to begin with, they certainly can fix it. 3 different ways I will prove PWE incorrect.....
#1). My brother is a homosexual and was being harassed in-game by other players for his @handle and it was changed - no questions asked. (I can provide his name, his contact information, and user ID if necessary).
#2). My @handle already HAS been changed. The Star Trek online website (when logged in) proves it was in fact, changed already, and also on the forums; just not in-game.
The website link to reference.....
#3). It says right on the perfect World website and I quote "What about my @handle? Is it gone?
Nope. Your @handle will always be what you use in Cryptic games. Think of it this way: instead of two names, now you have three: account name, @handle, and forum name. Your @handle and forum name CAN be the same, but will not be automatically. If you select a different "nickname" at PWE Account Creation, it will not change your @handle. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Likewise, if we change your @handle, your forum name stays the same - at this time, there is no way to change your forum name" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Now that I have proven customer service wrong, I am requesting my @handle be changed effective immediately in-game to @paragon92518 to match the STO website.
This all adds up to YES, you can change my @handle. I did nothing wrong. I did not cause this mess. I am a long time, loyal paying customer. Do you want to lose me as a paying customer? Would anyone who reads this want to be lied to? This is a simple request. Why should I be punished ???
Not just on a whim because people want their names to be the same or whatever reason. Your brother had a very good reason for his change and the only other times I've heard of it being changed are for security issues. (Account and handle were the same for example)
I'm sorry but unless you have an extremely good reason you're probably not going to get anywhere. Not to mention Customer Support does not handle issues on the forums. :frown:
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
PWE refuses to let me have my old Cryptic @handle (I'm guessing for a technical F'up on their end), refuses to let me sync up my @handle on the STO website with in-game and that's somehow my fault? Why should I be punished for something on PWE's end? Why should I have to have (2) @handles so nobody knows who i am on the forums? It's confusing, it's bad business, and its' especially unethical to lie to your customers! I was directly lied to by their Customer Service team. Would you like it if someone lied to you and you found out the truth? C'mon now! Its the classic: "It's not happening to me, so why should I care?" stance.
And while yes, them saying they can't change @handles may have been a lie in your eyes (and I can see why you would think that), it's not technically a lie. When you linked up accounts if you created an entirely new PWE account you had the option of making a display name (if I recall right it's been a bit), which was used on the forums and other PWE games.
They can't just change them for the reasons of wanting them to be the exact same as on the forums. There is an entire community built with PWE as well and maybe someone had yours already? I can't say for certain. I get your frustration, I really do, but sadly even Cryptic before they were bought by PWE wouldn't change @handles or forum names unless there was a security/rule violation reason :frown:
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Then I lose my sig. I haven't decided which one stays yet.
My @handle is not being used by another player (according to customer service). unless they decided to lie about that too. So, since it is not being used, I asked why i cannot simply have my old @handle and I have not as of this writing, received a response back.
I have a suggestion: Make a @handle option for the c-store and RIGHT THE WRONGS that have been done to so many good paying, faithful customers (like myself) and others.
Should I have to "pay" for a technical glitch on PWE's end that prevented me from using my old Cryptic handle? Absolutely not. however, I am even willing to PAY to have this fixed.
There must be someone at Perfect world that sees all these postings from countless customers who are in similar situations. I just want this website @handle to match the game so others know who i am and I seriously do not think that is even close to asking too much from PWE who screwed it up in the first place!
Do they want to risk losing good paying, faithful customers? I'm on the verge of closing my account and walking away. I'm undecided. I've spent LOTS of money for lockbox stuff that I probably should not have done. Sure, losing me is a drop in the bucket,...but times me by 100, 1,000, or even 5,000 and it will eventually bite PWE in the butt.
I had to change my login and my nickname on the forum. I had friends on the sto forum, now they won't know who I am and there's a big chance I won't know who they are.
We can no longer access in-game messages on the sto forum and vice versa.
I lost my avatar and can no longer have a custom one.
Images in forum signatures have to be smaller than before, so I can't even use image from my old sig. And why is that? I have seen other PWE forums, people there can have much bigger images.
Oh and my joining date is 2012 instead of... I don't remeber what it was, but I used to be proud that I've joined the sto forum shortly after it was opened.
The last thing... our new forum titles "Perfect world user" :[
I see you really worked hard to make the transition as painful as possible. Congrats!
I live in an alternate universe, where j.j. abrams and cryptic never existed,
where R.S.E. is what it always should be.
Like most Captains I fear change.
Other than that I assume the rest of it will just take time to become adjusted to.
Obviously it didn't quote the proper post, It was supposed to be the original post from Brandon......
It works, just that the prevailing forum idiocy has the link disabled:
You can set time zone, private messaging settings, and more.
The ignore list works too:
My oldest post (that I can find)
Location: Houston, TX
Former Cryptic User #11424
Stop the easily abused and unfair auto-silence "feature"!
Why would any PWE gamer want to use my old Cryptic handle @USS_Merriman ? Customer service admitted that it was not in use, or taken however, they declined to reveal why it was unavailable for me use.
I then requested my @handle be switched to @paragon92518 (to at least match up my forum handle with the game) due to the technical glitch on PWE's end. As of yet, I have not heard back from cust. service
Is now the appropriate time to suggest that PWE be dubbed "The Evil Empire" ? I'm very easygoing, but, the customer service "I don't care about you" attitude is very demoralizing.
Uhm... NEVER!!
These changes to further absorb STO into Perfect World were never discussed with the STO community. I miss my STO forum name, the colors that were in my signature, and my avatar.
And the Perfect World forums don't have any soul, they're all bland, really don't seem to have any immediately obvious indication of any sort of visual difference between a forum header and sub forum. They just don't look professional and look more like a colorblind 3 year old slapped the forums on the fridge with a magnet.
To say nothing about the massive headache buying ZEN is.
A little chat with the community would have gone a long way for PW.
██ ██ U.S.S. Protos Heis ██ ██
Lieutenant General - Scheherazade - Honorable warrior of Sto'Vo'kor's Rising
██ ██ I.K.S. Protos Heis ██ ██