Note added July 31st 2011:
This thread has become the defacto place for politely requesting the addition of account-wide Ship, Bridge Officer, Bank and Inventory slots to the C-Store. The reason being players would like account-wide options that are not wasted when deleting or retiring characters, and are prepared to pay for the privilege.
A Poll has been run since February 2011, indicating approximately 80% of players desire this option, and would NOT buy the character-only equivalents.
If this issue concerns you, please vote and add to the discussion!Original Message:
Now that the initial shock and fury has died down, it's time to (politely) reiterate a question raised previously.
When will there be an option to buy account-wide Ship and Bridge Officer slots in the C-Store?
Although it's already been said that these slots are 'expensive' in terms of Server Overhead, quite a few potential shoppers are turned off by the idea of buying more slots on a character basis. But are prepared to pay a premium to have them unlocked for all characters. A
generous premium.
As this weekend has proved, Bridge Officer rewards are popular - and with many more ships being added to the game it's only fair that all our characters have the opportunity to manage their expanding options.
(And while we're at it, what about account-wide Bank slots?)
Might be a lucrative C-Store revenue filler now that the Nebula's been delayed.
IMO we should be able to buy a second bank tab just like a fleet can, but only once.
Well, yes you can. But the topic is about paying for the convenience of not having to, across multiple characters instead of one.
More options are good for everyone.
I don't see any problem.
Stands to reason that the kind of player who would pay for multiple character slots would benefit most from this. Multiple character slots are a niche option. They are more convenient than deleting an existing character and creating a new one when change is desired.
Some people would prefer to play a single character all the way through, and that's their choice.
Likewise, some people would be happy to delete existing Bridge Officers and Ships on multiple characters when new options are rewarded in game or purchased from the C-Store. Again, that's their choice.
This proposal is to add a further option, not to remove the options that already exist.
Why is that a problem?
Believe me if i tell you that i am also one of the Players that have all BOff slots filled up.
And there was more then a little thinking involved.
As a Sci Cpt. i switch quit offten between Escort for Dailys (alot faster then with any sci ship) and depending on the STF and my space role supposed Sci Ship.
That way i have to make room for additional BOffs just for the canons spec of the escort not to mention atleast two Sci BOff sets of support and debuff for Undine, Borg, Breen.
I totaly aggre with the OP for account wide additional BOff slots.
Exactly. Without wishing to gripe and complain at Cryptic, it would make sense for the C-Store to offer both options.
From what I recall, the reason why it hasn't been implemented is that the additional Ship and Bridge Officer slots will cause a lot of server lag when changing locations. But it's lag that will happen for a single character at a time anyway, and to my knowledge would offer no discernable impact from a player who has bought these slots on a single character.
I could, of course, be wrong. But I still feel it is worth debating to determine what a fair C-Store price for account-wide slots would be.
I'm glad we agree.
At best, and most prefered, the slots need to be unlocked for the full account.
If they are going to keep these features on a per character basis, they need to at least, lower the price. 400CP ($5) is too expensive. Added Costume slots are 400, and those are account wide unlocks. Lower the BO/Ship slots to 100-200CP, or maybe as high as a respec at 280CP.
I buy a lot from the C-Store. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I like shiney things and I like supporting the game. In fact I've purchased everything except these broken slots a couple of the too expensive ships (I have got all the ship skins, bridges, the Connie and Excel though). I have purchased MANY Extra Costume Slots (like 10 sets, no really! I'm a costume junkie). I like playing with configurations and settings, so I would buy extra BO/Ship slots if they fixed them.
10/11 Edit: For the record, I went back and counted... I have purchsed 11 sets of Extra Costume Slots. I will likely buy more as more uniforms are release. I've got cash to burn in the C-Store, I'd buy the extra BO/Ship slots if they were fixed.
Well without hate I want to point out the "Issue" of the number of BO slots wich bugs me since release:
It was OBVIOUSLY planned to give us 12 slots in the first place. Why obviously?
1. becaus before release it simply was promised by the devs, in the Info part of the STO homepage on the same, now disapeared site where they also promised that wie could earn Crypic Points at ANY TIME ingame.
2. We get constant BO slots on every rank, just not at Captain. If we would get it there it would be 12.
3. The Tier 5 Bridges always have 12 officers. That is, in my opinion the biggest problem: I did put a lot of efford in customizing my BOs, including giving them the same Uniform. But there are always 2 BOs on the bridge wich simply do not fit in.
I have 3 chars leveled out and 2 on the way, to get the bridges right i would have to spend 2400 Crypic points, for something that SHOULD already be in the game. Im willing to pay for those slots, even if they were promised be includet(as a Klingon player I'm used to get lied by the devs), but just a reasonable price. 400 for all Chars, i guess thats al right, but 400 just 4 1!?!?!?!?!?!
And i thing the argument of server capacity is a little off: you get 2 character Slots for 500 points, those include even at LT level 10 bo slots and a number of ship slots and bank slots. But for 400 you just get 2 Bo slots???
The price for something per character in this case is a joke. Everything else at that price or lower is account-wide.
The meniton of paying more if you have more characters at time of purchase would be unfair since those with multiple characters would have to pay more than someone who only has 1 character BUT THEN goes on to make more characters (can't see Cryptic charging you afterwards otherwise it's per character again). If it's account wide then it's down to the customer to benefit more from it by making more characters.
Greed sux.
That makes no sense.
Well, I'll not buy them until they are. Too much of a waste to buy them per toon.
Or just so I can keep expanding my crew so the bridge crew's uniforms match. It's the only fix until we can customize our ship crew's uniforms. So, I suppose that's a pro for implimenting it sooner because more might buy it while waiting for the crew customization options.
EDIT: Not that I wanted to come off as idea or dev team bashing, but it just seems that their might be a few things on the list with higher priority...
I'd still love to see this implemented though.
/ agreed then I am on board!
It's strange how we cannot buy account-wide ship slots, yet can get an extra one for free just by accepting a level 6 mission.
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