Let's face it, if they truly wanted to make things equal, I would be happy just seeing such that if three retros are released on one side, they are released on the other.
If they release something new in game that offers a whole new dimension to the game ... like diplomatic corps ... let it be something that at least both factions can play.
I love the fact that they are going with neutral factions for missions as these are missions we can all do ... and let's face it ... We are competing with the Federation not only in war, but also in bringing in new worlds and resources into the Empire.
This means we have diplomacy ..... even if ours break down sooner and we rattle the bat'leths to make the new member world fall into line.
Possibly Me.
I like Cryptic very much and have defended them as far back as closed beta.
It doesn't mean that I agree with all they do, but it does mean that I give them the benefit of the doubt when something they have done just doesn't feel right.
Fortunately I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Trekie , so I like to think it allows me an objective view of things at time.
Statement about Superchum that deserves to be deleted
alucard214, that stuff you wrote about Superchum says more aout you than about him...
I disagree with Superchum somewhat on this particular topic, but that does not mean I don't respect him or don't see the merit his statements and his position on the matter have.
And I enjoy a good discussion.
Particularly with someone who can explain his point as well as he can.
alucard214, do you have anything productive to add to our discussion or are you just here to needlessly
insult someone and derail the thread?
You kind of killed the context of what I was talking about there. The quote about the rigellians and catians and pakleds was in reference to the Nebula and Excelsior. Neither of those ships are refits. It's a little easier to turn out a refit, because by it's very nature, the animation work is already well under way. New ships, like a Nebula, take longer because they have to be designed new. And aren't refits.
The poster I was talking to there was suggesting that the Nebula and Excelsior were part of season 2. The refits themselves were talked about back in 1.1. And took at least this long to get going into the game. Along with the "overnight success" of the animation/modeling/design work. (Because once the images were done, the slots and consoles and weapons loadouts had to be done).
The Rigellians were under way prior to patch 1.0. I know this because in the video they released for season 1.0 they showed a picture of an animator working on rigellians on-screen. You can see the little buggers right there in the video. But they took this long to get them finished and on the C-Store. Even though officers were available for your BOFFs.
The Catians are well documented about how long they took to get into the game.
So I don't think that poster is correct in the assumption that the Nebula and the Excelsior are part of season 2, patch 1. I don't think many of the things on the schedule of season 2 are going to be part of season 2, patch 1. Let alone the just announced Nebula and Excelsior.
Hmm, I killed something, that means I actually accomplished something in this forum.
Sorry, just my attempt at bad humor.
Seriously, you are correct rearding the counting of five ships, that's nonsense.
And personally when arguing about some Klingons vs Federation numbers I don't count
ships and skins that are not for free.
Regarding the time needed to add new alien race skins you are perfectly right, it takes a very long time, especially with the need to make the customizable and compatible with all the available clothing, then there are the movement animations etc.
BUT with ships it actually doesn't take that long, since they usually dont't have the same amount of options and no animations.
It's just a mesh, textures, lightmap, perhaps a few hardpoints and then it should be done unless I'm missing something that is required for STO.
Of course when you make the ship in a way the it is customizable with parts from other ships it gets a little more complicated, but as I understand it the new ships are "stand-alone".
As I said I am not a very skilled modeller, but I can get an adequate mesh in 8-10 hours and I know someone with real skill who can do it in less the time.
Since I am certain STO is worked on by some really talented people it should not be that difficult to make new ships, at least it will take a lot less time than a new species.
I made this mesh a year ago in 8 hours an I hope it may show that I at the very least know a little about what I am talking about: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/6520/romcc1.jpg http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4333/romcc2.jpg http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7997/romcc3.jpg
Well more love for the Federation, it is reported that both the Nebula and the Excelsior will come to the Federation with special abilities. The Excelsior will reportedly have transwarp drive, and the Nebula will have some sort of AWAC ability (early warning), and they are leaning towards T5 variants for both.
So yall think we have a legitimate case for being able to fire while cloaked yet?
Honestly for me ... I love love love my vorcha as much as many Feds enjoy and see the Galaxy class .... I would love to see one refitted.
As far as iconic ships go, however, I have to say a K'Ting is the ultimate (next to the BoP0 in Klingon ships with history.
Would it not be cool to see one retrofitted to where it was on par with a raptor class.
In fact ... I like to say that my admiral level raptor is a new version of a K'Ting. ... The size is about right ... just needs the consoles, etc., to go with it.
So for me .... Vorcha and K'Ting.
I would prefer a D-7 design at every level with a Mk designation. They just keep using the cheap, old reliable design for generation after generation churning out ship after ship for the war
Well more love for the Federation, it is reported that both the Nebula and the Excelsior will come to the Federation with special abilities. The Excelsior will reportedly have transwarp drive, and the Nebula will have some sort of AWAC ability (early warning), and they are leaning towards T5 variants for both.
So yall think we have a legitimate case for being able to fire while cloaked yet?
If it was a 1/x minutes, maybe. I really think that would OP us. I would prefer the carriers to have more innate abilities to help increase their value - vent plasma 1, BP 1, and a few sensor tricks. Make the carrier not the end all, but able to support a fleet of BG's in raptors and BoP buy giving Feds a good reason target the carrier besides uping their damage stats.
So yall think we have a legitimate case for being able to fire while cloaked yet?
I think the case was made, and made strong, back when Trekthestars posted it as a klingon centric idea for a referral reward.
It's beyond the point of making the case. Now you just need to figure out how to make it "easy" for them to do it. And wether or not you want it on the C-Store ... or as part of a "retrofit" for free ship.
I think C-Store/Referral Reward would be the way to make "easy" for them to do.
But there's sooooooo much ... angst? Vitriol? Ranty-ness? ... there's so much of that on these forums related to any little thing that gets put on the C-Store.
One thing i have noticed is "pure" klingon players are complaining about the refits, have you even tried them?
The seconds commander slot is being changed back to lt commander slot and an ensign slot takes its place depending on which refit it is you use, also i have to laugh about the "special abilities" you're all raving about, galaxy refit power is like having a support drone in space, you can't go to full impulse or it reattaches starting the 15 min cooldown, the ablative armour drops all power levels by 25 and you can't fire weapons, from what i have read only has resistance to energy weapons not torps, and the cloak is a basic standard cloak like a raptor.
All the refits have T4 turn rates, these aren't better than current T5 ships just alternatives to them.
One thing i have noticed is "pure" klingon players are complaining about the refits, have you even tried them?
The seconds commander slot is being changed back to lt commander slot and an ensign slot takes its place depending on which refit it is you use, also i have to laugh about the "special abilities" you're all raving about, galaxy refit power is like having a support drone in space, you can't go to full impulse or it reattaches starting the 15 min cooldown, the ablative armour drops all power levels by 25 and you can't fire weapons, from what i have read only has resistance to energy weapons not torps, and the cloak is a basic standard cloak like a raptor.
All the refits have T4 turn rates, these aren't better than current T5 ships just alternatives to them.
We are not actually complaining about the the refits or release of these ships in themselves.
What we are rallying for is that we should have our own refits coming out along side these ... as we have been called several times ... an equal faction.
Personally ... I like visual variety in Fed ships while hunting and fighting as it different ship designs make it easier to track your target when hip deep in the soup.
We just want our OWN toys so that we can blow up your toys with an equal number of choices.
We are not actually complaining about the the refits or release of these ships in themselves. ...
We just want our OWN toys so that we can blow up your toys with an equal number of choices.
Yes and no. I see your point. However many many posts have been made about the Cloak on the Defiant. So while I do see your point ... there are still quite a few specific posters who were complaining about the refits, specifically the defiant and its cloak.
Those of us that have played fed characters in pvp know that the cloak is really nothing to get all up in arms about. I think most of the complaints come from those that think the feds just shouldn't have cloaking at all.
Perhaps instead of useing our sub money to make c-store items to sell back to us for more money they could have fleshed out klingon content by now huh?
Yes and no. I see your point. However many many posts have been made about the Cloak on the Defiant. So while I do see your point ... there are still quite a few specific posters who were complaining about the refits, specifically the defiant and its cloak.
it wasnt really about the cloak, it was manly the fact it had 2 commander slots which has been changed and the fact they dont seem to be taking the same hull/shield nerf the klingons did.
It's not really fair - we thought we were only getting 1 Fed Level 51 ship - the Galaxy (and then design overnight had 2 more made). The KDF needs more ships. We're putting more on the schedule.
YES FEDS WHERE MENT TO GET ONE SHIP! but i will point out something, notice the 'then design overnight had 2 more made.'
Is it me or am i just going insaine? they have time to make new models for a 30 second skill, but cant make a few refits for klingons.
Also there are now a good number of posts about issues with klingon side being unfair. Do we get any dev posts about how/when or if they will ever fix this situation.
Do i feel like a second class customer because i dont want to play as a fed "YES!"
Should i be treated as a second class customer becasue i dont want to play as a fed "NO! i pay just like another player i want my money's worth."
At diplomacy rank 4, federation players may now recruit a klingon faction bridge officer. The officer will have access to Klingon faction costume options.
That is a quote from the new tribble patch release notes .... something else for the Feds that we don't have.
I'm glad we are finally getting more PvE content...
but DAMD BOYS! WHere are OUR toys?
Still waiting on othe melee combat weapons (the batleth aint the be all end all)
NEEDED.. Targ of Borg! (Dines on Borg Nannites, yemm! Grunchy good!)
Needed.. Klingon Refits... just one will do.. a K'tinga, though a T5.5 Vorcha would be nice.. But give us that K'tinga and you will see a great many happy Klingons...
Note to Dev's: All Klingon T-5 ships SHOULD have a Commander at Tactical... Thier Klingons for cry'n out loud! ANd they are supposed to be your "PvP" faction.. the fed should always be uneasy about facing Klingons...
((From JM Fords final Reflection "You fear the Klingon. In this you need make no apology"))
Fixes for the K'tinga hull.. not the new facy skin, but the original skin.. engines placed wrong.. the deck house is a SHUTTLE BAY! Impulse engines are in the hull.. If your not sure where to place them go watch Undiscovered Country again.. several scenes involve getting a look at the back side of a K'tinga.. ANd lets get that belly dome in there.. BTW.. that dome has the ships emergency Fusion generators under it... thats why it looks like its armored!
On Tribble.. I've made it to Lt.General... WHERES MY GREAT COAT!, WHERES MY Lt-GEN sash?
needed klingon sashes.. for Major General, and Lt. General.
still need more Klingon Uniform choices, and something for off duty. We're warriors, the elite of the empire.. and I'm wearing the same distressed leathers and hide I was when I started in the defence force. You would think I could have bouoght some clothing by now!!!!
On a positive note: Keep the new mission content coming! They're great BUTwe've been in a desert with little of no food and water since roll out. Ya'll got about 100 more missions to put together for the Klingons to bring us up to equivelency to the Feds considering the diplomatic corps, aid missionsand memory alpha crafting of which the Klingon don't have an eqivelent!
Season 2 will be a start.. its really time for the feds to be getting fine tuning. But hold off of the goodies they're getting please. This ain't the washington navel treaty here.. we don't want any sort of "they get 3, you get 1" (reference to TOS and how ofen Sulu and Checkov would "get the girl") We need more ships Klingon side, we need more ship costumes!!! (yea yea more c-store..ya'll owe me c-store creds by the way)
Uh, well the Klingons did get the better ship interiors this time around thats for sure...just check and see on the Tribble. While the Fed interiors are rehashed TRIBBLE from the tutorial...Klingon interiors have more of a new design.
Uh, well the Klingons did get the better ship interiors this time around thats for sure...just check and see on the Tribble. While the Fed interiors are rehashed TRIBBLE from the tutorial...Klingon interiors have more of a new design.
You do realize if Klingons had gotten a tutorial that they'd get pretty much the same for their interiors? It's not like KDF got any special love out of the interior stuff, it's just the Feds have known longer what they'd be getting.
It just seems to keep getting worse for us Klingons, not only do the Feds get 3 refits and soon 2 more unique ships on C Store (compared to our 1 ship, the carrier no one asked for or really wants) but now there getting a transwarp system and the ability to use klingon faction BOFF's (both via the Diplomatic system)
I'm just waiting now for the inevitable Dev post to arrive telling us to be patient and wait for Season 3 where we will eventially get all the things we dont have......:mad:
I wholeheartedly agree that we are being screwed once again. As Klingons we need to take our concerns ans spread them all over the forums, especially in the Tribble section. We have been neglected long enough now, and it's time for a change before it's too late.
I have posted some major concerns in the tribble forums HERE and I encourage all Klingons to voice there opinions there as well and help to keep this topic on the top of the list.
That's what I'm talking about. This player's taking action. And letting Cryptic know he's mad as heck and isn't going to take it anymore.
Lead by example!
You have my respect.
lol yer right that will go down well i posted some views & got flamed big time simply as im pro klingon
a klingon cant post on this forum without the federation only players flaming them..
have a look around these forums & you will see what i mean.
lol yer right that will go down well i posted some views & got flamed big time simply as im pro klingon
a klingon cant post on this forum without the federation only players flaming them..
have a look around these forums & you will see what i mean.
It's the same way in game, more so in the war zones and PvP.
The real problem is that I think they are going to fall back on UGC instead of actually trying to fix the faction (i.e. make us fix it for them). It's slated for Season 3 according to a recent interview on HailingFrequencies with Stahl, and they will implement it before they do anything with open PvP or fleet bases.
No disrespect but,
Please tell me your are ****ing joking.
Before anything with open pvp?!?!
Use the UGC to flesh out the Klingons?!?!
Does Cryptic not understand the enormous amount of RL KLingon fanclubs that exist, people who go to the COns in full costume, DO public service dressed as KLInks, publish freaking books in Klingon...........
Subjugate missions FTW
Conquest Missions would be great and could even be made team scenarios.
I like Cryptic very much and have defended them as far back as closed beta.
It doesn't mean that I agree with all they do, but it does mean that I give them the benefit of the doubt when something they have done just doesn't feel right.
Fortunately I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Trekie , so I like to think it allows me an objective view of things at time.
alucard214, that stuff you wrote about Superchum says more aout you than about him...
I disagree with Superchum somewhat on this particular topic, but that does not mean I don't respect him or don't see the merit his statements and his position on the matter have.
And I enjoy a good discussion.
Particularly with someone who can explain his point as well as he can.
alucard214, do you have anything productive to add to our discussion or are you just here to needlessly
insult someone and derail the thread?
Something actually on topic:
Hmm, I killed something, that means I actually accomplished something in this forum.
Sorry, just my attempt at bad humor.
Seriously, you are correct rearding the counting of five ships, that's nonsense.
And personally when arguing about some Klingons vs Federation numbers I don't count
ships and skins that are not for free.
Regarding the time needed to add new alien race skins you are perfectly right, it takes a very long time, especially with the need to make the customizable and compatible with all the available clothing, then there are the movement animations etc.
BUT with ships it actually doesn't take that long, since they usually dont't have the same amount of options and no animations.
It's just a mesh, textures, lightmap, perhaps a few hardpoints and then it should be done unless I'm missing something that is required for STO.
Of course when you make the ship in a way the it is customizable with parts from other ships it gets a little more complicated, but as I understand it the new ships are "stand-alone".
As I said I am not a very skilled modeller, but I can get an adequate mesh in 8-10 hours and I know someone with real skill who can do it in less the time.
Since I am certain STO is worked on by some really talented people it should not be that difficult to make new ships, at least it will take a lot less time than a new species.
I made this mesh a year ago in 8 hours an I hope it may show that I at the very least know a little about what I am talking about:
So yall think we have a legitimate case for being able to fire while cloaked yet?
I think the case was made, and made strong, back when Trekthestars posted it as a klingon centric idea for a referral reward.
It's beyond the point of making the case. Now you just need to figure out how to make it "easy" for them to do it. And wether or not you want it on the C-Store ... or as part of a "retrofit" for free ship.
I think C-Store/Referral Reward would be the way to make "easy" for them to do.
But there's sooooooo much ... angst? Vitriol? Ranty-ness? ... there's so much of that on these forums related to any little thing that gets put on the C-Store.
Tough call.
The seconds commander slot is being changed back to lt commander slot and an ensign slot takes its place depending on which refit it is you use, also i have to laugh about the "special abilities" you're all raving about, galaxy refit power is like having a support drone in space, you can't go to full impulse or it reattaches starting the 15 min cooldown, the ablative armour drops all power levels by 25 and you can't fire weapons, from what i have read only has resistance to energy weapons not torps, and the cloak is a basic standard cloak like a raptor.
All the refits have T4 turn rates, these aren't better than current T5 ships just alternatives to them.
We are not actually complaining about the the refits or release of these ships in themselves.
What we are rallying for is that we should have our own refits coming out along side these ... as we have been called several times ... an equal faction.
Personally ... I like visual variety in Fed ships while hunting and fighting as it different ship designs make it easier to track your target when hip deep in the soup.
We just want our OWN toys so that we can blow up your toys with an equal number of choices.
Yes and no. I see your point. However many many posts have been made about the Cloak on the Defiant. So while I do see your point ... there are still quite a few specific posters who were complaining about the refits, specifically the defiant and its cloak.
it wasnt really about the cloak, it was manly the fact it had 2 commander slots which has been changed and the fact they dont seem to be taking the same hull/shield nerf the klingons did.
Later in same thread
YES FEDS WHERE MENT TO GET ONE SHIP! but i will point out something, notice the 'then design overnight had 2 more made.'
Is it me or am i just going insaine? they have time to make new models for a 30 second skill, but cant make a few refits for klingons.
Also there are now a good number of posts about issues with klingon side being unfair. Do we get any dev posts about how/when or if they will ever fix this situation.
Do i feel like a second class customer because i dont want to play as a fed "YES!"
Should i be treated as a second class customer becasue i dont want to play as a fed "NO! i pay just like another player i want my money's worth."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOSrOTphD9M <<<<< this is almost a perfect example of the feds, but for some reason they get what they want
Man, I have not laughed quite so hard in a while. And I know it's an exaggeration, not exactly how Feds act....but damn it's close enough.
Wow, my wife and kids are asking why I'm laughing so hard.
That is a quote from the new tribble patch release notes .... something else for the Feds that we don't have.
but DAMD BOYS! WHere are OUR toys?
Still waiting on othe melee combat weapons (the batleth aint the be all end all)
NEEDED.. Targ of Borg! (Dines on Borg Nannites, yemm! Grunchy good!)
Needed.. Klingon Refits... just one will do.. a K'tinga, though a T5.5 Vorcha would be nice.. But give us that K'tinga and you will see a great many happy Klingons...
Note to Dev's: All Klingon T-5 ships SHOULD have a Commander at Tactical... Thier Klingons for cry'n out loud! ANd they are supposed to be your "PvP" faction.. the fed should always be uneasy about facing Klingons...
((From JM Fords final Reflection "You fear the Klingon. In this you need make no apology"))
Fixes for the K'tinga hull.. not the new facy skin, but the original skin.. engines placed wrong.. the deck house is a SHUTTLE BAY! Impulse engines are in the hull.. If your not sure where to place them go watch Undiscovered Country again.. several scenes involve getting a look at the back side of a K'tinga.. ANd lets get that belly dome in there.. BTW.. that dome has the ships emergency Fusion generators under it... thats why it looks like its armored!
On Tribble.. I've made it to Lt.General... WHERES MY GREAT COAT!, WHERES MY Lt-GEN sash?
needed klingon sashes.. for Major General, and Lt. General.
still need more Klingon Uniform choices, and something for off duty. We're warriors, the elite of the empire.. and I'm wearing the same distressed leathers and hide I was when I started in the defence force. You would think I could have bouoght some clothing by now!!!!
On a positive note: Keep the new mission content coming! They're great BUTwe've been in a desert with little of no food and water since roll out. Ya'll got about 100 more missions to put together for the Klingons to bring us up to equivelency to the Feds considering the diplomatic corps, aid missionsand memory alpha crafting of which the Klingon don't have an eqivelent!
Season 2 will be a start.. its really time for the feds to be getting fine tuning. But hold off of the goodies they're getting please. This ain't the washington navel treaty here.. we don't want any sort of "they get 3, you get 1" (reference to TOS and how ofen Sulu and Checkov would "get the girl") We need more ships Klingon side, we need more ship costumes!!! (yea yea more c-store..ya'll owe me c-store creds by the way)
Please keep your posts clean. ~GM Tiyshen
You do realize if Klingons had gotten a tutorial that they'd get pretty much the same for their interiors? It's not like KDF got any special love out of the interior stuff, it's just the Feds have known longer what they'd be getting.
I'm just waiting now for the inevitable Dev post to arrive telling us to be patient and wait for Season 3 where we will eventially get all the things we dont have......:mad:
I have posted some major concerns in the tribble forums HERE and I encourage all Klingons to voice there opinions there as well and help to keep this topic on the top of the list.
lol yer right that will go down well i posted some views & got flamed big time simply as im pro klingon
a klingon cant post on this forum without the federation only players flaming them..
have a look around these forums & you will see what i mean.
It's the same way in game, more so in the war zones and PvP.
No disrespect but,
Please tell me your are ****ing joking.
Before anything with open pvp?!?!
Use the UGC to flesh out the Klingons?!?!
Does Cryptic not understand the enormous amount of RL KLingon fanclubs that exist, people who go to the COns in full costume, DO public service dressed as KLInks, publish freaking books in Klingon...........
This saddens me.:(
and I hope it is not true.