The day the Mirror Universe uniform for girls went into the game was the day my character became the Most Popular Girl in Class. I cannot go into a team without someone asking me how I got it. Everyone covets it. I am more envied now, in this fictional universe, than I have ever been in life.
I know it is only a matter of time before you Cryptic folks decide to put the uniform on the C-Store, and I am resolved to that day, but I have to tell you right now that when that day comes I will cry. I will be like the guy in school who has the cool car, the day after that car is wrapped around a telephone pole.
Please, please, please, for my own self-esteem and to preserve the incredible fun I have with this uniform, put off listing it on the C-Store for as long as possible. I know, it will bring you warp cores full of $$, but I implore you.
The day the Mirror Universe uniform for girls went into the game was the day my character became the Most Popular Girl in Class. I cannot go into a team without someone asking me how I got it. Everyone covets it. I am more envied now, in this fictional universe, than I have ever been in life.
I know it is only a matter of time before you Cryptic folks decide to put the uniform on the C-Store, and I am resolved to that day, but I have to tell you right now that when that day comes I will cry. I will be like the guy in school who has the cool car, the day after that car is wrapped around a telephone pole.
Please, please, please, for my own self-esteem and to preserve the incredible fun I have with this uniform, put off listing it on the C-Store for as long as possible. I know, it will bring you warp cores full of $$, but I implore you.
That is all.
Put it in the c-store as soon as possible please. Not many people knew about the champions online coming with a MU if you did a lifetime subscription. Considering that's a different game and it was just a little bonus, I'd like to see this in the c-store for everyone else, even if a variant not the same as the ones the CO Lifetimers got so there is no whining. (EDIT: Noting that this is opinion, this is what I would like.)
Then again, I paid $60 extra for my DDE to get the TOS uniform after I got the game and a month later you guys were giving the uniform away for free. So just hurry up and please put the MU uniform in the c-store so you can get 10000s of peoples money. (EDIT: Noting this is an opinion and a suggestion to get it out ASAP)
EDIT: No text was changed, just noting, that this was all opinion.
I wish that the would keep the preorder offers unique. All though I didn't have the TOS uniform, I felt sorry for the people who got it through preorder when I was able to get it off the web. I have no preorder bonus or the CO lifetime award. I preordered from Atari to get the extra C-store credits. Part of me would like to see these added, but most of me says if I were the people who preordered, I wouldn't like it. Even more so for the Mirror Universe uniform. NEVER put that on the C-store. Those people should stay unique. They are the people who are either loyal to Cryptic, or just have more money then brains. Either way, don't put the mirror universe uniform in the C-store.
I wish that the would keep the preorder offers unique. All though I didn't have the TOS uniform, I felt sorry for the people who got it through preorder when I was able to get it off the web. I have no preorder bonus or the CO lifetime award. I preordered from Atari to get the extra C-store credits. Part of me would like to see these added, but most of me says if I were the people who preordered, I wouldn't like it. Even more so for the Mirror Universe uniform. NEVER put that on the C-store. Those people should stay unique. They are the people who are either loyal to Cryptic, or just have more money then brains. Either way, don't put the mirror universe uniform in the C-store.
They bought a lifetime subscription to a game and got a ton of bonuses, they got what they paid for.
Cryptic has already set the standard for 'exclusive' 'special' etc.. It means, subject to be given away, repackaged or put on the C-store at a later date. I don't have a problem with this, I've already been burned once and I see no reason why the standard that was set with the TOS Uniforms cannot be maintained.
It's just like the lifetime stuff, such as Captain's table being put into the Veteran's rewards. The Mirror Universe uniforms or some variant of, will probably bring them in more cash via c-store points then anything else. In fact, uniforms of any kind, would probably sell well in the c-store.
I guess I can handle MU uniforms being held off the C-store for a while....but the early TNG and DS9 uniforms should be added to the accolade system or C-store within the next couple months.
They bought a lifetime subscription to a game and got a ton of bonuses, they got what they paid for.
Cryptic has already set the standard for 'exclusive' 'special' etc.. It means, subject to be given away, repackaged or put on the C-store at a later date. I don't have a problem with this, I've already been burned once and I see no reason why the standard that was set with the TOS Uniforms cannot be maintained.
It's just like the lifetime stuff, such as Captain's table being put into the Veteran's rewards. The Mirror Universe uniforms or some variant of, will probably bring them in more cash via c-store points then anything else. In fact, uniforms of any kind, would probably sell well in the c-store.
Sorry but incorrect. When the Mirror Universe deal came up, Cryptic said it would be the only way to get the uniform. Only way. Not some vaguely worded 'exclusive.' The Only way.
To get on that deal you had to buy a lifetime subscription to a buggy and incomplete game to get a reward in a game no one had seen yet. Based on their wording, many people shelled out $300 just to get those uniforms. Champions certainly wasn't worth it at the time.
And even after shelling out that money, the uniforms weren't in months later at STOs launch. We paid for them over 6 months ago and had them for less than a week. It would be the proverbial slap in the face (hate that cliche, but its true) if they put it in the C-Store for a few dollars after making people pay Hundreds for it.
What would be a fair compromise would be putting it as a veteran reward after the 16 month mark. That would mean that either method of getting the Uniform would involve a similar level of financial commitment to Cryptic. That would be the fairest method to let others have it without abusing the customers who showed the greatest leap of faith.
I don't think they've put a single uniform into the C-Store have they?
No they havent actually. Rather surprising when you consider Champions is nearly all costumes in the C-Store. Not counting 'Ship Costumes', of course.
Really though, if they are going to add them to the C-Store the smartest plan would be completely new sets that no one has. Then they could make money off everyone.
Now that's an interesting point. I don't count them. But I could see how some people would count those.
Really though, if they are going to add them to the C-Store the smartest plan would be completely new sets that no one has. Then they could make money off everyone.
True. I believe there's another thread in this brand new forum suggesting Cryptic add the All Good Things Future Anti-Time uniforms. That would be a good test run for a C-Store uni.
Or maybe Yesterday's Enterprise variant uni?
Or ... dare I wish it ... The Motion Picture unis?
Sorry but incorrect. When the Mirror Universe deal came up, Cryptic said it would be the only way to get the uniform. Only way. Not some vaguely worded 'exclusive.' The Only way.
To get on that deal you had to buy a lifetime subscription to a buggy and incomplete game to get a reward in a game no one had seen yet. Based on their wording, many people shelled out $300 just to get those uniforms. Champions certainly wasn't worth it at the time.
And even after shelling out that money, the uniforms weren't in months later at STOs launch. We paid for them over 6 months ago and had them for less than a week. It would be the proverbial slap in the face (hate that cliche, but its true) if they put it in the C-Store for a few dollars after making people pay Hundreds for it.
What would be a fair compromise would be putting it as a veteran reward after the 16 month mark. That would mean that either method of getting the Uniform would involve a similar level of financial commitment to Cryptic. That would be the fairest method to let others have it without abusing the customers who showed the greatest leap of faith.
I shelled out $60 to get the TOS uniforms only to see them be given away less then a month later in a $5 magazine and then on a website for FREE. So really? I don't care how upset and butthurt it makes you to think that these might be put in the C-Store.
I've already through a source (I have many in the community of MMOs, including Cryptic) been told that by Season 2 the Mirror Universe costumes with some minor variation, will be put in the C-store.
So seriously Personae, get off your high horse and realize these are coming to the c-store and the general community. If you paid $300 just to get the uniform and didn't want a CO Lifetime sub? I laugh at you, as do many other people.
I paid $60 to get TOS Uniforms and I learned my lesson.
That lesson being, everything is for sale, nothing is exclusive and we are certainly not special. It will be in the c-store, whether you like it or not.
I shelled out $60 to get the TOS uniforms only to see them be given away less then a month later in a $5 magazine and then on a website for FREE. So really? I don't care how upset and butthurt it makes you to think that these might be put in the C-Store.
I've already through a source (I have many in the community of MMOs, including Cryptic) been told that by Season 2 the Mirror Universe costumes with some minor variation, will be put in the C-store.
So seriously Personae, get off your high horse and realize these are coming to the c-store and the general community. If you paid $300 just to get the uniform and didn't want a CO Lifetime sub? I laugh at you, as do many other people.
I paid $60 to get TOS Uniforms and I learned my lesson.
That lesson being, everything is for sale, nothing is exclusive and we are certainly not special. It will be in the c-store, whether you like it or not.
You paid $10 more than what you would have paid for the base game to have them given out in a $5 magazine. You also got Joined Trill, emotes, a console and other goodies that relate to this game. Not another unconnected game.
So did I. But I was never told directly by the Devs it would never be available another way. If I only paid $10 above the cost for this game for the Mirror uniforms and they were sold on C-store for 5, I'd deal with it. But I did not. I paid Hundreds.
Its not even remotely close to the TOS uniform. Which again, affected me too. You wouldn't be the first to laugh at people who bought the Champions Lifetime. But also funny how people cry now that something is in it that they can't have.
A veteran reward past the 16 month mark lets people get the uniform while still at least holding to the spirit of what they promised. That would be fair. Confusing concept, I know.
I for one hope to never see the exclusive MU uni on c-store.
I also dont think it should ever grace the vet program lists.
BUUUUUUT... I do however think that other era MU unis, and perhaps the non-spock (the male one we CO LTS have), non-female TOS MU unis should be brought in.
I also would suggest adding ISS ship designations and Terran Empire fleet logo for ships to both the MU LTS and future MU uni packs.
I for one hope to never see the exclusive MU uni on c-store.
I also dont think it should ever grace the vet program lists.
BUUUUUUT... I do however think that other era MU unis, and perhaps the non-spock (the male one we CO LTS have), non-female TOS MU unis should be brought in.
I also would suggest adding ISS ship designations to both the MU LTS and future MU uni packs.
Its simple - give everyone something, but hold back a small portion for the exclusives. Anyone with $$$ or time can get the Kirk top, the ISS and Terran logos, but the CO LTSers still stand out in their Spock tops.
I for one hope to never see the exclusive MU uni on c-store.
I also dont think it should ever grace the vet program lists.
BUUUUUUT... I do however think that other era MU unis, and perhaps the non-spock (the male one we CO LTS have), non-female TOS MU unis should be brought in.
I also would suggest adding ISS ship designations and Terran Empire fleet logo for ships to both the MU LTS and future MU uni packs.
There's lots of good never before done MU outfits they could add to the c-store without issue. Kirk's Sleeveless shirt, or the mirror Archer era outfits. (Emperess Hoshi anyone?). Also ship designations/logos as you mentioned.
Its simple - give everyone something, but hold back a small portion for the exclusives. Anyone with $$$ or time can get the Kirk top, the ISS and Terran logos, but the CO LTSers still stand out in their Spock tops.
hmmm i rather gie th co lifers the ability to go "owwwyour cool i like you have a terran code"
People are saying that the TOS uniforms were part of a preorder offer. However, the TOS uniform is part of the DDE like TNG uniform and DS9 uniform is included with the collectors edition. So the TOS uniform was not a preorder item.
You paid $10 more than what you would have paid for the base game to have them given out in a $5 magazine. You also got Joined Trill, emotes, a console and other goodies that relate to this game. Not another unconnected game.
So did I. But I was never told directly by the Devs it would never be available another way. If I only paid $10 above the cost for this game for the Mirror uniforms and they were sold on C-store for 5, I'd deal with it. But I did not. I paid Hundreds.
Its not even remotely close to the TOS uniform. Which again, affected me too. You wouldn't be the first to laugh at people who bought the Champions Lifetime. But also funny how people cry now that something is in it that they can't have.
A veteran reward past the 16 month mark lets people get the uniform while still at least holding to the spirit of what they promised. That would be fair. Confusing concept, I know.
No, I paid $60 more after buying the game like many others did. STO sells for $30 right now, DDE is still $50-$60.
You didn't pay hundreds for Mirror Universe uniforms though, you paid hundreds for a LIFETIME subscription to Champions Online. The Uniforms were a bonus.
Maybe in your mind, the money was spent to get MU uniforms, but they were just a bonus on the larger transaction of a lifetime sub to CO. Just like my money and the money others spent on the DDE or lifetime subs, was spent for the game, not the bonus; regardless of our INTENTIONS while spending the cash.
Long story short, you bought a lifetime subscription, they aren't giving that away to us for c-store points or for free. The uniform? That's another story.
We at Cryptic Studios and Atari are excited to announce our Champions Online six-month and lifetime subscription plans. Players who sign up for our long-term subscriptions will receive special perks, including eight additional character slots, special costume sets and guaranteed access to the Star Trek Online closed beta! "Beyond the deep discount on the subscription rates, we wanted to come up with added incentives and exclusives that, as gamers, we could get excited about," said Jack Emmert, Cryptic Studios' Chief Operating Officer. "With an early commitment to Champions Online, granting guaranteed early access to our next big game, Star Trek Online, seemed like a great way to engage Cryptics biggest fans in other projects at the studio. Here are the great features our loyal customers will receive.
Discounted Lifetime Subscription
Guaranteed Star Trek Online Closed Beta Access
Eight Additional Character Slots
Foxbat Vanity Pet
Art Deco Costume Set
Retro Future Costume Set
STO Mirror Universe Costume Set
Discounted Six-month Subscription
Guaranteed Star Trek Online closed beta access
Retro Future Costume Set
Dont miss out on these great deals! You can purchase your subscriptions now!
Champions Online brings epic heroism back to the MMORPG with fast-paced, epic combat. A boundless character creator takes the experience to the next level; players can even choose the appearance and style of their powers to complete their vision! A unique Nemesis system also lets players tap into a powerful customization tool to craft their own enemy, an ultimate adversary who will appear throughout a heros career. For more details about Champions Online and the exclusive Champions Online pre-order event, please visit the official website at
No, I paid $60 more after buying the game like many others did. STO sells for $30 right now, DDE is still $50-$60.
You didn't pay hundreds for Mirror Universe uniforms though, you paid hundreds for a LIFETIME subscription to Champions Online. The Uniforms were a bonus.
Maybe in your mind, the money was spent to get MU uniforms, but they were just a bonus on the larger transaction of a lifetime sub to CO. Just like my money and the money others spent on the DDE or lifetime subs, was spent for the game, not the bonus; regardless of our INTENTIONS while spending the cash.
Long story short, you bought a lifetime subscription, they aren't giving that away to us for c-store points or for free. The uniform? That's another story.
Incorrect. The Champions Lifetime was sold with the explicit wording that it would be the only manner to get the the MU uniform. It was part of that offer. Not a bonus, not a freebie. It was the only way to get it. By their very words. You may not like those words. But they were said.
On later promtions, like the DDE and the Liberated borg, they watched their wording far more carefully. But they were quite specific at the time of the CO offer.
The lifetime offer was not worth it purely on its subscription merits when that offer was made. Champions was buggy as hell and amazingly incomplete. It was an amazing leap of faith at that point. It was iffy that the game would even survive to STOs launch given some of the mistakes they made.
Again. Veteran reward is a fair enough method for letting people have them. Not as fair as making it a CO vet award, but its a reasonable compromise. Its not about the exclusiveness, just so we're clear. Its about hundreds of dollars spent based on their wording. Any alternate method of gaining them should require a similar level of commitment.
Wasn't on the news release. It was via direct developer response to that offer. I even called them directly to confirm since that deal was not made at a great time financially for me.
But while we're looking at the offer, I should point out no costumes on it ever went to the C-store. Or the Vanity Foxbat. But Foxbat Variants were offered in other methods. If they put out entirely different mirror outfits on the C-store or whatever, I dont see the issue.
Wasn't on the news release. It was via direct developer response to that offer. I even called them directly to confirm since that deal was not made at a great time financially for me.
But while we're looking at the offer, I should point out no costumes on it ever went to the C-store. Or the Vanity Foxbat. But Foxbat Variants were offered in other methods. If they put out entirely different mirror outfits on the C-store or whatever, I dont see the issue.
meh bet the devs hate this thread :O whatever they pst is a no win scenero.. mirror unis for all.. annoy the lifers. No mirror nis for all... annoy the non lifers and anyone who thinks their cool :O
Wasn't on the news release. It was via direct developer response to that offer. I even called them directly to confirm since that deal was not made at a great time financially for me.
But while we're looking at the offer, I should point out no costumes on it ever went to the C-store. Or the Vanity Foxbat. But Foxbat Variants were offered in other methods. If they put out entirely different mirror outfits on the C-store or whatever, I dont see the issue.
Unlike this game, in Champions the devs have said that uniforms from offers like the LTS will eventually be available on their C-Store. Specifically the retro and art deco pieces.
This game, I've seen, doesn't really intend to offer any uniforms on the c-store.
That game, however, uses uniforms as one of its c-store mainstays.
Since you're citing specific commentary about the MU thing, I felt the need to cite specific commentary about the retro/art deco thing.
meh bet the devs hate this thread :O whatever they pst is a no win scenero.. mirror unis for all.. annoy the lifers. No mirror nis for all... annoy the non lifers and anyone who thinks their cool :O
so Blah!
Yeah I do agree. Thats why I think the Vet Reward option is fairest compromise. Mildly annoy the people who bought the CO lifetime for the uniform. Mildly annoy everyone else by making them wait a bit. Everyone has to give a little, but ultimately everyone wins.
Unlike this game, in Champions the devs have said that uniforms from offers like the LTS will eventually be available on their C-Store. Specifically the retro and art deco pieces.
This game, I've seen, doesn't really intend to offer any uniforms on the c-store.
That game, however, uses uniforms as one of its c-store mainstays.
Since you're citing specific commentary about the MU thing, I felt the need to cite specific commentary about the retro/art deco thing.
Never saw specific commentary on that. But they still aren't on the C-Store regardless. But like the MU, I'd have no objections after the 16 month mark. But since neither set contains a sexy halter top you don't hear nearly as much demand for it.
Incorrect. The Champions Lifetime was sold with the explicit wording that it would be the only manner to get the the MU uniform. It was part of that offer. Not a bonus, not a freebie. It was the only way to get it. By their very words. You may not like those words. But they were said.
On later promtions, like the DDE and the Liberated borg, they watched their wording far more carefully. But they were quite specific at the time of the CO offer.
The lifetime offer was not worth it purely on its subscription merits when that offer was made. Champions was buggy as hell and amazingly incomplete. It was an amazing leap of faith at that point. It was iffy that the game would even survive to STOs launch given some of the mistakes they made.
Again. Veteran reward is a fair enough method for letting people have them. Not as fair as making it a CO vet award, but its a reasonable compromise. Its not about the exclusiveness, just so we're clear. Its about hundreds of dollars spent based on their wording. Any alternate method of gaining them should require a similar level of commitment.
It said exclusive, exclusive is a term that means very little in the current business world. At that point and time, it was exclusively available with the CO Lifetime. Exclusive was correct, at that time. It didn't say anything about a 'guarantee' it will be available through no other means in the future. So yes, when you bought your lifetime sub to CO, it was EXCLUSIVELY available through only those means.
That was then, this is now. You are going to see the MU Uniforms out there for everyone. It's not about me vs you, I'm just stating the facts. I appreciate your frustration and anger regarding this, but this is how the world works.
It said exclusive, exclusive is a term that means very little in the current business world. At that point and time, it was exclusively available with the CO Lifetime. Exclusive was correct, at that time. It didn't say anything about a 'guarantee' it will be available through no other means in the future. So yes, when you bought your lifetime sub to CO, it was EXCLUSIVELY available through only those means.
That was then, this is now. You are going to see the MU Uniforms out there for everyone. It's not about me vs you, I'm just stating the facts. I appreciate your frustration and anger regarding this, but this is how the world works.
They didnt say exclusive when asked. They said it would be the only way to get it. When specifially asked "You aren't going to throw this up on the C-Store, are you?" they said No quite directly. Not "weelllll I dunno."
The more vague 'exclusive' wordings came about when STO launched. Liberated Borg for example. They were very careful with their wording on that to give them a little wiggle room.
Put it in the c-store as soon as possible please. Not many people knew about the champions online coming with a MU if you did a lifetime subscription. Considering that's a different game and it was just a little bonus, I'd like to see this in the c-store for everyone else, even if a variant not the same as the ones the CO Lifetimers got so there is no whining. (EDIT: Noting that this is opinion, this is what I would like.)
Then again, I paid $60 extra for my DDE to get the TOS uniform after I got the game and a month later you guys were giving the uniform away for free. So just hurry up and please put the MU uniform in the c-store so you can get 10000s of peoples money. (EDIT: Noting this is an opinion and a suggestion to get it out ASAP)
EDIT: No text was changed, just noting, that this was all opinion.
They bought a lifetime subscription to a game and got a ton of bonuses, they got what they paid for.
Cryptic has already set the standard for 'exclusive' 'special' etc.. It means, subject to be given away, repackaged or put on the C-store at a later date. I don't have a problem with this, I've already been burned once and I see no reason why the standard that was set with the TOS Uniforms cannot be maintained.
It's just like the lifetime stuff, such as Captain's table being put into the Veteran's rewards. The Mirror Universe uniforms or some variant of, will probably bring them in more cash via c-store points then anything else. In fact, uniforms of any kind, would probably sell well in the c-store.
Sorry but incorrect. When the Mirror Universe deal came up, Cryptic said it would be the only way to get the uniform. Only way. Not some vaguely worded 'exclusive.' The Only way.
To get on that deal you had to buy a lifetime subscription to a buggy and incomplete game to get a reward in a game no one had seen yet. Based on their wording, many people shelled out $300 just to get those uniforms. Champions certainly wasn't worth it at the time.
And even after shelling out that money, the uniforms weren't in months later at STOs launch. We paid for them over 6 months ago and had them for less than a week. It would be the proverbial slap in the face (hate that cliche, but its true) if they put it in the C-Store for a few dollars after making people pay Hundreds for it.
What would be a fair compromise would be putting it as a veteran reward after the 16 month mark. That would mean that either method of getting the Uniform would involve a similar level of financial commitment to Cryptic. That would be the fairest method to let others have it without abusing the customers who showed the greatest leap of faith.
Off-Duty unis were free.
Mirror are Champs LTS.
TOS were from some of the game variants. And that magazine promo.
TNG and DS9 were Collector's Edition.
Khan was a DVD promotion.
Lifers get the special insignia.
The Tmarian thing was given out free.
Am I missing anything?
No they havent actually. Rather surprising when you consider Champions is nearly all costumes in the C-Store. Not counting 'Ship Costumes', of course.
Really though, if they are going to add them to the C-Store the smartest plan would be completely new sets that no one has. Then they could make money off everyone.
Now that's an interesting point. I don't count them. But I could see how some people would count those.
True. I believe there's another thread in this brand new forum suggesting Cryptic add the All Good Things Future Anti-Time uniforms. That would be a good test run for a C-Store uni.
Or maybe Yesterday's Enterprise variant uni?
Or ... dare I wish it ... The Motion Picture unis?
I shelled out $60 to get the TOS uniforms only to see them be given away less then a month later in a $5 magazine and then on a website for FREE. So really? I don't care how upset and butthurt it makes you to think that these might be put in the C-Store.
I've already through a source (I have many in the community of MMOs, including Cryptic) been told that by Season 2 the Mirror Universe costumes with some minor variation, will be put in the C-store.
So seriously Personae, get off your high horse and realize these are coming to the c-store and the general community. If you paid $300 just to get the uniform and didn't want a CO Lifetime sub? I laugh at you, as do many other people.
I paid $60 to get TOS Uniforms and I learned my lesson.
That lesson being, everything is for sale, nothing is exclusive and we are certainly not special. It will be in the c-store, whether you like it or not.
You paid $10 more than what you would have paid for the base game to have them given out in a $5 magazine. You also got Joined Trill, emotes, a console and other goodies that relate to this game. Not another unconnected game.
So did I. But I was never told directly by the Devs it would never be available another way. If I only paid $10 above the cost for this game for the Mirror uniforms and they were sold on C-store for 5, I'd deal with it. But I did not. I paid Hundreds.
Its not even remotely close to the TOS uniform. Which again, affected me too. You wouldn't be the first to laugh at people who bought the Champions Lifetime. But also funny how people cry now that something is in it that they can't have.
A veteran reward past the 16 month mark lets people get the uniform while still at least holding to the spirit of what they promised. That would be fair. Confusing concept, I know.
I also dont think it should ever grace the vet program lists.
BUUUUUUT... I do however think that other era MU unis, and perhaps the non-spock (the male one we CO LTS have), non-female TOS MU unis should be brought in.
I also would suggest adding ISS ship designations and Terran Empire fleet logo for ships to both the MU LTS and future MU uni packs.
hmmm now i like the c-store idea better
Its simple - give everyone something, but hold back a small portion for the exclusives. Anyone with $$$ or time can get the Kirk top, the ISS and Terran logos, but the CO LTSers still stand out in their Spock tops.
There's lots of good never before done MU outfits they could add to the c-store without issue. Kirk's Sleeveless shirt, or the mirror Archer era outfits. (Emperess Hoshi anyone?). Also ship designations/logos as you mentioned.
hmmm i rather gie th co lifers the ability to go "owwwyour cool i like you have a terran code"
I... honestly cant translate your first sentence. But yes, I'm suggesting the belt be part of the non-exclusive MU pack.
its a crazy variant of english with slang.. and a bit of luxembourg-ish
No, I paid $60 more after buying the game like many others did. STO sells for $30 right now, DDE is still $50-$60.
You didn't pay hundreds for Mirror Universe uniforms though, you paid hundreds for a LIFETIME subscription to Champions Online. The Uniforms were a bonus.
Maybe in your mind, the money was spent to get MU uniforms, but they were just a bonus on the larger transaction of a lifetime sub to CO. Just like my money and the money others spent on the DDE or lifetime subs, was spent for the game, not the bonus; regardless of our INTENTIONS while spending the cash.
Long story short, you bought a lifetime subscription, they aren't giving that away to us for c-store points or for free. The uniform? That's another story.
just found this.. :P argue away...
Incorrect. The Champions Lifetime was sold with the explicit wording that it would be the only manner to get the the MU uniform. It was part of that offer. Not a bonus, not a freebie. It was the only way to get it. By their very words. You may not like those words. But they were said.
On later promtions, like the DDE and the Liberated borg, they watched their wording far more carefully. But they were quite specific at the time of the CO offer.
The lifetime offer was not worth it purely on its subscription merits when that offer was made. Champions was buggy as hell and amazingly incomplete. It was an amazing leap of faith at that point. It was iffy that the game would even survive to STOs launch given some of the mistakes they made.
Again. Veteran reward is a fair enough method for letting people have them. Not as fair as making it a CO vet award, but its a reasonable compromise. Its not about the exclusiveness, just so we're clear. Its about hundreds of dollars spent based on their wording. Any alternate method of gaining them should require a similar level of commitment.
Wasn't on the news release. It was via direct developer response to that offer. I even called them directly to confirm since that deal was not made at a great time financially for me.
But while we're looking at the offer, I should point out no costumes on it ever went to the C-store. Or the Vanity Foxbat. But Foxbat Variants were offered in other methods. If they put out entirely different mirror outfits on the C-store or whatever, I dont see the issue.
meh bet the devs hate this thread :O whatever they pst is a no win scenero.. mirror unis for all.. annoy the lifers. No mirror nis for all... annoy the non lifers and anyone who thinks their cool :O
so Blah!
Unlike this game, in Champions the devs have said that uniforms from offers like the LTS will eventually be available on their C-Store. Specifically the retro and art deco pieces.
This game, I've seen, doesn't really intend to offer any uniforms on the c-store.
That game, however, uses uniforms as one of its c-store mainstays.
Since you're citing specific commentary about the MU thing, I felt the need to cite specific commentary about the retro/art deco thing.
Yeah I do agree. Thats why I think the Vet Reward option is fairest compromise. Mildly annoy the people who bought the CO lifetime for the uniform. Mildly annoy everyone else by making them wait a bit. Everyone has to give a little, but ultimately everyone wins.
Never saw specific commentary on that. But they still aren't on the C-Store regardless. But like the MU, I'd have no objections after the 16 month mark. But since neither set contains a sexy halter top you don't hear nearly as much demand for it.
It said exclusive, exclusive is a term that means very little in the current business world. At that point and time, it was exclusively available with the CO Lifetime. Exclusive was correct, at that time. It didn't say anything about a 'guarantee' it will be available through no other means in the future. So yes, when you bought your lifetime sub to CO, it was EXCLUSIVELY available through only those means.
That was then, this is now. You are going to see the MU Uniforms out there for everyone. It's not about me vs you, I'm just stating the facts. I appreciate your frustration and anger regarding this, but this is how the world works.
They didnt say exclusive when asked. They said it would be the only way to get it. When specifially asked "You aren't going to throw this up on the C-Store, are you?" they said No quite directly. Not "weelllll I dunno."
The more vague 'exclusive' wordings came about when STO launched. Liberated Borg for example. They were very careful with their wording on that to give them a little wiggle room.