- Updated Jem'Hadar bugship power bonus (from +10W, +5E to +15W)
- Fixed equipment Info links. - Thanks to Hellspawny for spotting these two.
- Fixed Jem'Hadar Engines that were not giving their flat +2.5W power. - Thanks to me for finding/fixing this boo-boo.
Announcement Edit:
By the by, while working on the Season 5 Power Calc update I noticed a change (mostly nerf) in character power traits. In a nutshell I found that the Efficiency Traits got an overall small buff (+~16%), but Joined Trill and Warp Theorist both got severe nerfs (about -70%). Last Monday (03/19/12) I posted this break down in the "Is this Working as Intended" thread: http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?p=4107492
The short answer on Traits in general is that they are working as intended for now. Unless we get the ability to offer Retrait Tokens (which we can make NO promises on), it's tricky business to muck about with Trait mechanics, and something we're generally avoiding.
That said, it was not the intention, generally speaking, to reduce the effectiveness of any Traits when they were translated to the new skill system. I've copied the information above for my own testing references at a later point in time. If any changes come, they won't be over the short term.
My question was whether or not having shield power greater than what was displayed would affect regeneration. Weapons, apparently, get zero value. Shields seem to be somewhat of an unknown.
Ultimately, I ended up settling on the logic that the 6 extra points of power (over 125) wasn't really all that relevant. I moved 5 of them (since I don't seem to be able to do this except in increments of 5) from shields to weapons on the ship that is currently listing as well over the mark while in defensive configuration. 1.4% possible additional shield damage mitigation (if it works that way with shield power levels over 125 - and a comparable amount of shield regeneration) OR 10% definite increase in energy weapon damage? That made it a simple choice.
Edit: To give you an idea, I have a Joined Trill Eng VA with Warp Theorist as a trait (I think Astrophysicist too, but I'd have to check). I also have a Borg BO. With all the proficiency/efficiency skills maxed except Aux power.
I was testing configuration between a Tac Odyssey and a Sci Odyssey. Eng, to me, seemed to be too weak compared to either of them and was thus never a consideration.
While in defensive configuration on either the Eng or Tac versions, I never ran into power levels greater than +1 over. This is fine, you can't really move 1 point around (my ui won't let me anyway). In the Science version, I ended up buffing my damage through both power redirection (5 to weapons from shields) while in defensive as well as through Sensor Analysis. While my energy weapon damage was relatively unchanged (slightly in favor of the Sci ship by like 2%-10% {with the max end being on long living targets where it would stack the Sensory Analysis buff}), what was buffed (easily visible) was the torpedo damage went up due to said Sensor Analysis.
Shield capacity hardly changed at all. But, the increase in shield power (from Tac to Sci or even Eng to Sci), reduced incoming damage to shields. So, that was a net change of zero. Ultimately, this ended up increasing my damage without reducing my survival while in defensive configuration. This made it so that boss ships (like in the Borg Alerts and FAs) would more easily focus on me instead of other folks. I can survive with greater threat with nothing but a ship change. A win/win for my Eng VA.
My question was whether or not having shield power greater than what was displayed would affect regeneration. Weapons, apparently, get zero value. Shields seem to be somewhat of an unknown... ...While in defensive configuration on either the Eng or Tac versions, I never ran into power levels greater than +1 over. This is fine, you can't really move 1 point around (my ui won't let me anyway)... ...A win/win for my Eng VA.
Ok, so yeah, sounds l ike you've got a handle on it, and glad you ended up with a win-win. That's one of the reasons I build the Calc, was to help myself (and eventually people in general) to realize these sort of "easy" gains.
The only bit of advice I can make, and it's really a min/max deal here, but you can (if you really care to), effectively "re-route" that +1 of over-cap power:
Respec and reduce your Performance Skill Rank in that one subsystem by one. If I understand you correctly, this would me you could bring your Shield Performance from 9 to 8 which in theory (*) should bring that power from 126 to 125. You wouldn't actually lose shield power (as anything above the 125 hardcap is, as far as I know/have ever been able to test/confirm, wasted anyway), but would gain 2500 skill points to apply somewhere else (for example Threat Generation which would boost your "Hey Lookie Me" stats against critters and give you a small hull resistance buff).
* I say in theory because I don't have my Calc with me at the moment and don't know all your stats exactly either, so best suggestion would be to test the build/config on Tribble first.
one question. if i use Honor Guard Shield array+borg (console, engines, deflector) is the same values than Aegis shield array??...
No, I wouldn't expect so. As far as ship's power is concerned, the Aegis shield is "better" than the HG shield. Figuring specific/only regarding ship's power, the Borg shield is even better. Considering other factors (like shield capacity, regeneration, and other non-power related features), you're on your own to decide which is better/worse.
I don't have an Honor Guard Shield myself, but according to STOWiki, by itself, the HG Shield offers no boost to ship's power, which is why it's not an option on the Calculator.
The Aegis Shielddoes improve ship's power (through a buff to the your Shield Performance skill), and therefore is covered by the Calc.
If you had two matching pieces of the HG set, you would get a boost to your Aux power. At present the Power Calc does not take set abilities into consideration. Perhaps I might add that feature if there's enough demand for it... ???
I have a few questions that I cant exactly figure out and I want to be as accurate as possible on testing...
Hello Milner62. Uhm... Those questions don't really apply to my Ship Power Calculator. Were your questions perhaps meant for Nagorak's DPS Calculator (here)?
Hello Milner62. Uhm... Those questions don't really apply to my Ship Power Calculator. Were your questions perhaps meant for Nagorak's DPS Calculator (here)?
They were, the webpage said couldnt be found hit refresh and this came up. So far I sent a message but I dont know if it went through to one of the mods asking if the topic could be moved.
It appears that my message didnt go through so I will do this. I will erase my post and make a post on the weapons calculator.
...Also on the power levels calculator, would be really neat if you could include how many shield modifiing consoles people have on their ships. You know the ones for more shield capacity and more shield regen. ..just saying..
This was a comment to me from another thread on another topic, but I wanted to answer it here:
The chief purpose of the Ship Power Calculator is to calculate ship's power levels based mainly on skills and "gear". I made it at first for myself because skill effects were nebulous (moreso back in the day), and it was costly to respec. I wanted to know where my XP were going. Once I got it all working, I put it up for others, and I'm honored/proud of the response.
That being said, the Power Calc is not meant to be a full "virtual ship". It's just about power (ok... mostly).
Regen is affected by power. It is not visible in the UI (at least not a dynamically accurate display), and requires a "magic formula" to calculate. Long ago there were threads/discussions about shield power/regeneration, including various Dev posts showing the formulas for the basic regen rate. I added it more as a lark. Adding regen consoles? It's been requested before (I even said then, that I'd add it). The problem is that their effects are based on more "Cryptic magic", and I don't know the forumla. I'm none too keen to test/figure it out for myself - again - I actually did some testing with them before (see post 55 in this thread), but my results were inconclusive.
Provide me with a workable formula and I'll see if I can add it in.
As for the capacity consoles... First, power doesn't affect capacity. And, afaik, those cap consoles are straight forward additive. If it's +20%, you get 20% more cap. Easy math is easy. Doesn't need a calculator. I could throw those fields in and add 'em together for you... I suppose, if there was enough "demand" for it... :cool:
I just downloaded the latest version and it seems to have a formula error on the Ships sheet, in line 16 that is related to your last change (Catian carrier).
I just downloaded the latest version and it seems to have a formula error on the Ships sheet, in line 16 that is related to your last change (Catian carrier).
Confirmed, tried using it for both KDF and special ships and it broke it immediatly, (didn't need to select a ship, came up with the #REF error)
I just downloaded the latest version and it seems to have a formula error on the Ships sheet, in line 16 that is related to your last change (Catian carrier).
Hey! I just realized my STO Ship Power Calculator has been around for (just over) two years.
I just took a trip down memory lane and re-read this thread. That was neat! :cool: Some fun facts:
My original post, and the calc itself, were put up May 6, 2010. There wasn't much to that first post, it wasn't really a guide or anything (I kept it here, if you care to see.).
The first Calc didn't include KDF ships (I didn't have a KDF character at the time, didn't know there was anything different about their ships). I should try to find the first version on my home computer and post it so we can point and laugh at it. lol
It took seven months and 145 posts before I got stickied. That was (and still is) quite an honor.
Thanks for making this, and for keeping it updated.
It's been very helpful.
I've been using a slightly tweaked version that includes extra power from Emergency Power to Shields and the Plasmonic Leech console (both of which are hard to predict as they're affected by gear and skillpoints...) plus the buffs from the KHG engine and two-piece KHG set bonus. It's been invaluable in letting me see where I should put extra subsystem "performance" skillpoints for maximum benefit on my Klingon Sci officer.
Can I offer a slight correction to the power bonuses for the Klingon Guramba Siege Destroyer?
In "Normal" mode they should be:
Weapons: 10, Shields: 0, Engines: 5, Aux: 0
In "Siege" mode (which adds 10 Weapons + 5 Shields but subtracts 10 Engine Power) they should be:
Weapons: 20, Shields: 5, Engines: -5, Aux: 0
Probably easiest just to have 2 ship entires for the Gurumba. Siege Mode and Normal Mode.
It has this already, but the values for siege mode are incorrect.
Maelwys is right, there are two entries for the Guramba.
I have the G on one of my KDF toons. I used the Calc while leveling/building him, and the Calc was right then. I wonder if Cryptic snuck in a change to the G's power settings... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the info. Next time* I'm in game I'll load up that character and verify what's-what and get an updated Calc out to you.
* Please note that it might be a while before I really play again. I've been "taking a break" from STO. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm rather bored with the game of late. I expect to get on this weekend to get the 3rd Lobi Accolade on my main toon. I'll try to remember to log in my KDF Guramba Captain then too.
i look and verified, for Ferengi D`kora Marauder in Defensive Mode the values in the spreadsheet are correct, but in Attack Mode (i choose this when i go for any stf or similar), these are the values change:
+10 weapon power, +5 engine power, -5 auxiliary power
if you wish please verify, if i am in the correct setting in Attack Mode please include these in the spreadsheet
Release Notes:
- Fixed equipment Info links.
- Thanks to Hellspawny for spotting these two.
- Fixed Jem'Hadar Engines that were not giving their flat +2.5W power.
- Thanks to me for finding/fixing this boo-boo.
Announcement Edit:
By the by, while working on the Season 5 Power Calc update I noticed a change (mostly nerf) in character power traits. In a nutshell I found that the Efficiency Traits got an overall small buff (+~16%), but Joined Trill and Warp Theorist both got severe nerfs (about -70%). Last Monday (03/19/12) I posted this break down in the "Is this Working as Intended" thread:
BorticusCryptic gave me the following response:
So, just an FYI at this point, and it is something I plan to keep tabs on in the future.
Nice. Thanks.
Edit: Answered my question indirectly. Enough to work around having more power than intended after moving my engineer to a different ship.
Out of curiosity, what was your question?
My question was whether or not having shield power greater than what was displayed would affect regeneration. Weapons, apparently, get zero value. Shields seem to be somewhat of an unknown.
Ultimately, I ended up settling on the logic that the 6 extra points of power (over 125) wasn't really all that relevant. I moved 5 of them (since I don't seem to be able to do this except in increments of 5) from shields to weapons on the ship that is currently listing as well over the mark while in defensive configuration. 1.4% possible additional shield damage mitigation (if it works that way with shield power levels over 125 - and a comparable amount of shield regeneration) OR 10% definite increase in energy weapon damage? That made it a simple choice.
Edit: To give you an idea, I have a Joined Trill Eng VA with Warp Theorist as a trait (I think Astrophysicist too, but I'd have to check). I also have a Borg BO. With all the proficiency/efficiency skills maxed except Aux power.
I was testing configuration between a Tac Odyssey and a Sci Odyssey. Eng, to me, seemed to be too weak compared to either of them and was thus never a consideration.
While in defensive configuration on either the Eng or Tac versions, I never ran into power levels greater than +1 over. This is fine, you can't really move 1 point around (my ui won't let me anyway). In the Science version, I ended up buffing my damage through both power redirection (5 to weapons from shields) while in defensive as well as through Sensor Analysis. While my energy weapon damage was relatively unchanged (slightly in favor of the Sci ship by like 2%-10% {with the max end being on long living targets where it would stack the Sensory Analysis buff}), what was buffed (easily visible) was the torpedo damage went up due to said Sensor Analysis.
Shield capacity hardly changed at all. But, the increase in shield power (from Tac to Sci or even Eng to Sci), reduced incoming damage to shields. So, that was a net change of zero. Ultimately, this ended up increasing my damage without reducing my survival while in defensive configuration. This made it so that boss ships (like in the Borg Alerts and FAs) would more easily focus on me instead of other folks. I can survive with greater threat with nothing but a ship change. A win/win for my Eng VA.
The only bit of advice I can make, and it's really a min/max deal here, but you can (if you really care to), effectively "re-route" that +1 of over-cap power:
* I say in theory because I don't have my Calc with me at the moment and don't know all your stats exactly either, so best suggestion would be to test the build/config on Tribble first.
Anyway, just a suggestion for min/maxing. :cool:
Release Notes:
- Added Ferengi Na'Far Shuttle (+5 Engine Power)
one question. if i use Honor Guard Shield array+borg (console, engines, deflector) is the same values than Aegis shield array??
is my first use of calculator
thx in advanced
I don't have an Honor Guard Shield myself, but according to STOWiki, by itself, the HG Shield offers no boost to ship's power, which is why it's not an option on the Calculator.
The Aegis Shield does improve ship's power (through a buff to the your Shield Performance skill), and therefore is covered by the Calc.
If you had two matching pieces of the HG set, you would get a boost to your Aux power. At present the Power Calc does not take set abilities into consideration. Perhaps I might add that feature if there's enough demand for it... ???
They were, the webpage said couldnt be found hit refresh and this came up. So far I sent a message but I dont know if it went through to one of the mods asking if the topic could be moved.
It appears that my message didnt go through so I will do this. I will erase my post and make a post on the weapons calculator.
Hi, i do that is very soon but... i want ask you: Would you can include the new Caitan Carrier?
Thanks for all
Release Notes:
The chief purpose of the Ship Power Calculator is to calculate ship's power levels based mainly on skills and "gear". I made it at first for myself because skill effects were nebulous (moreso back in the day), and it was costly to respec. I wanted to know where my XP were going. Once I got it all working, I put it up for others, and I'm honored/proud of the response.
That being said, the Power Calc is not meant to be a full "virtual ship". It's just about power (ok... mostly).
Regen is affected by power. It is not visible in the UI (at least not a dynamically accurate display), and requires a "magic formula" to calculate. Long ago there were threads/discussions about shield power/regeneration, including various Dev posts showing the formulas for the basic regen rate. I added it more as a lark. Adding regen consoles? It's been requested before (I even said then, that I'd add it). The problem is that their effects are based on more "Cryptic magic", and I don't know the forumla. I'm none too keen to test/figure it out for myself - again - I actually did some testing with them before (see post 55 in this thread), but my results were inconclusive.
Provide me with a workable formula and I'll see if I can add it in.
As for the capacity consoles... First, power doesn't affect capacity. And, afaik, those cap consoles are straight forward additive. If it's +20%, you get 20% more cap. Easy math is easy. Doesn't need a calculator. I could throw those fields in and add 'em together for you... I suppose, if there was enough "demand" for it... :cool:
Confirmed, tried using it for both KDF and special ships and it broke it immediatly, (didn't need to select a ship, came up with the #REF error)
Release Notes:
I just took a trip down memory lane and re-read this thread. That was neat! :cool: Some fun facts:
The first Calc didn't include KDF ships (I didn't have a KDF character at the time, didn't know there was anything different about their ships). I should try to find the first version on my home computer and post it so we can point and laugh at it. lol
It took seven months and 145 posts before I got stickied. That was (and still is) quite an honor.
I've been updating the Calc ever since.
Good times, good times... Thanks everyone!
Thanks for making this, and for keeping it updated.
It's been very helpful.
I've been using a slightly tweaked version that includes extra power from Emergency Power to Shields and the Plasmonic Leech console (both of which are hard to predict as they're affected by gear and skillpoints...) plus the buffs from the KHG engine and two-piece KHG set bonus. It's been invaluable in letting me see where I should put extra subsystem "performance" skillpoints for maximum benefit on my Klingon Sci officer.
Can I offer a slight correction to the power bonuses for the Klingon Guramba Siege Destroyer?
In "Normal" mode they should be:
Weapons: 10, Shields: 0, Engines: 5, Aux: 0
In "Siege" mode (which adds 10 Weapons + 5 Shields but subtracts 10 Engine Power) they should be:
Weapons: 20, Shields: 5, Engines: -5, Aux: 0
It has this already, but the values for siege mode are incorrect.
I have the G on one of my KDF toons. I used the Calc while leveling/building him, and the Calc was right then. I wonder if Cryptic snuck in a change to the G's power settings... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the info. Next time* I'm in game I'll load up that character and verify what's-what and get an updated Calc out to you.
* Please note that it might be a while before I really play again. I've been "taking a break" from STO. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm rather bored with the game of late. I expect to get on this weekend to get the 3rd Lobi Accolade on my main toon. I'll try to remember to log in my KDF Guramba Captain then too.
i look and verified, for Ferengi D`kora Marauder in Defensive Mode the values in the spreadsheet are correct, but in Attack Mode (i choose this when i go for any stf or similar), these are the values change:
+10 weapon power, +5 engine power, -5 auxiliary power
if you wish please verify, if i am in the correct setting in Attack Mode please include these in the spreadsheet
Thanks a lot for your work
I think it's +15 and +5.
I've got 125 weapon power with 100 + Assimilated Module (+5) + 9 points SWCE (+0) + 9 points SWCP (+5) + 0 pints SWP = 110.
With just +10 from the ship I'd end up with 120.