My Card
Advanced CPR adult and community.......Give my creature life ... ah DAX wait. . its alive..
Lip massage just in-case <slap > Take that as a no.. Well then who wants Cakes?
I also know the Heimlich so be sure o slice up your BACOn into tiny pieces so it cant get away
Cake?! I need cake! Everyone seems to be so damn miserible today. Am I the only one that isn't? Sure seems like it. Oh well, at least my day is done. [=
{still lying on his back playing dead, his tongue exaggeratingly hanging out to one side, he peeps out one eye, wondering if anyone will ever come with that mouth-to-mouth praying for some foxy lady!}
{still lying on his back playing dead, his tongue exaggeratingly hanging out to one side, he peeps out one eye, wondering if anyone will ever come with that mouth-to-mouth praying for some foxy lady!}
Bos is now Barbara, Snu snu most vigorous to entertain a bird not of Hort. Hort has mouth to mouth with a roadkill man as Momo revives the room. Forget Twilight Zone we ran right to Tales from the Darkside.
It's dead, Jim... I mean Hort.
Make lutefisk w your non-Bacon emergency ration
Advanced CPR adult and community.......Give my creature life ... ah DAX wait. . its alive..
Lip massage just in-case <slap > Take that as a no.. Well then who wants Cakes?
I also know the Heimlich so be sure o slice up your BACOn into tiny pieces so it cant get away
Im patching STO and im not afrid to use it..
HORT! This guy want mouth-to-mouth!
*hands drkfrontiers some bare wire and plugs the other end into a 240V socket
Mouth-to-beak resucitation.
Yes, those are the STO players that are no longer with us. The light you see is Gene Roddenberry.
"Honey, guess what I did at work today."
Gosh Darn it, they ruined a perfect chicken dinner !
Well, I guess its toucan for dinner. Hort, would you mind getting some Chicago style deep dish pizzas?
Not a problem. I'm in a good mood because I know in a few posts I'm gonna be really turned on.
(Because in binary, oh, nevermind.)
Corban isn't dead! He's just playing TOR and being anti-social!
Takes down Throne Reserved for Empress Raven---- not worth the bother anymore
yeah Romulans. That Whole Hobus thing stinks so bad.... like brents creepy Nemesis Almost franchise killer
evil date movie script
secret to deep dish is using butter like a danish pastry to make the crust luscious
"Breen Ray..." I thought you said "Green Bay!" lol