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Idea: Android For Lifers!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I like the bonuses for us lifers; but I thought of something that could sweeten the deal. Create Android BOs for Vets. The Android would have Android-only skills and would take up one BO space (like humanoid BOs), but can be a ANY officer. So your Android could serve as a TO, EO, or SO depending on your need for that particular mission. But the skills would still need to be spent based on your desires (android only has so much memory). Androids can be respeced at anytime with a cost of 10% of the skill points (sort of like losing corrupted memory). That way androids are unique, but they aren't totaly superior.

    I like the captain's table, but without something unique there is little incentive for me to visit it over Earth Spacedock. Add a few exclusive items, weapons, and consoles. Also, you could give us access to unique ship labels (ala Lifer Comm Badge).

    Just a thought.

    why some lifers must put salt in the wounds of non lifers ?
    special events with picard on cpt table , now special androids...

    you want do divide the economy ? 2 or 3 class ?

    can you imagine what would happen if all non lfiers would go on the same day off the game ?
    what you expect how long you can get in the server then ?

    so please...hold the church in the village and dont be greedy...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kirkfat wrote: »
    I support this idea.

    Hear Hear !!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thrakius wrote: »
    why some lifers must put salt in the wounds of non lifers ?
    special events with picard on cpt table , now special androids...

    you want do divide the economy ? 2 or 3 class ?

    can you imagine what would happen if all non lfiers would go on the same day off the game ?
    what you expect how long you can get in the server then ?

    so please...hold the church in the village and dont be greedy...

    Thrakius, read a little closer. The poster was not talking about giving lifers a android, but to make it a Vet reward open to ALL. As for the captains table, all they are saying is some more cosmetic display to view. Nothing which is game breaking or in anyway giving any lifer an advantage game wise.

    I am all for a vet reward system that rewards all players for length of time played. Not amount of sub that was paid.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Um i dont think this should be for lifers either....or for subscription time of anysort...

    i think this should be something to be able to be made by players.

    Maybe a collection of missions to get the blue prints.....then you go to someplace to have some scientist or other decipher it....and then tell you all the commodities and junk you need...aka this would be one giant scavenger hunt for stuff......the player could bring the pieces back as they find them.....

    Then when they get everything they could build the officer....

    and then maybe later they could enhcance the officer with skills and such by collecting specific items.

    Oh well just my thought on this......

    I mean i am all for a life time subscriber getting stuff...but i think all that stuff should eventualy be rewarded to players who stay playing the game.....

    and something like this.....i dont know....
    just sounds like it would more more cool if anyone could get it when ever they wanted and had alot of options and things to do with it.

    Maybe even later still a gladiator style arena could be put in to alow the androids to fight each other or even the officers to fight instead of only the captain.....

    Maybe...we could bet Quawt-Luhs or something?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Um i dont think this should be for lifers either....or for subscription time of anysort...

    i think this should be something to be able to be made by players.

    Maybe a collection of missions to get the blue prints.....then you go to someplace to have some scientist or other decipher it....and then tell you all the commodities and junk you need...aka this would be one giant scavenger hunt for stuff......the player could bring the pieces back as they find them.....

    Then when they get everything they could build the officer....

    and then maybe later they could enhcance the officer with skills and such by collecting specific items.

    Oh well just my thought on this......

    I mean i am all for a life time subscriber getting stuff...but i think all that stuff should eventualy be rewarded to players who stay playing the game.....

    and something like this.....i dont know....
    just sounds like it would more more cool if anyone could get it when ever they wanted and had alot of options and things to do with it.

    Maybe even later still a gladiator style arena could be put in to alow the androids to fight each other or even the officers to fight instead of only the captain.....

    Maybe...we could bet Quawt-Luhs or something?

    hey I was thinking this idea myself ... I have like 6 science bo's ... why can't they take a look at all the TRIBBLE I scan and make like a android over a day with 10 of this 5 of that etc ... sure as hell they do nothing but just stand around looking pretty ... beats MA anyday with their rubbish :/

    *trademarks new idea for crafting*
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    dstahl wrote: »

    And the funny thing is ... my Captain that I'm playing is a sentient Android built using the Alien Species template. Her backstory is that she was designed and built by Doctor Bruce Maddox with the assistance of Mr Data (rather than the other way around) and that she's one of the very few "successful" stable ones, in part because her design "had to be" so limited (no superhuman strength, and so on).

    So my Captain is substantially equivalent to a Human ... just one based on Engineering instead of Biology. :cool:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm fine with yearly/veteran/whatever people getting some perks thrown their way, but only if lifers get them too. Perks should trickle down, on a case by case basis, starting from the most important members. Some benefits stay only with lifers, some are limited to lifers/yearlys, some go to lifers/yearlys/vets, etc. That would encourage more people to show commitment to the game without depriving the most valuable players (lifetimers) of any of the perks we've earned. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cryptic may well have to get permission from CBS in order to have any more androids in the universe.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    when i origionally got my lifetime sub, i didn't realize that borg was limited to human/klingon characters. I had hoped to make an android/borg (data-first contact).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    dstahl wrote: »
    True Side Story...

    After working the PAX booth for close to 30 hours straight, a fan came to the booth and very politely asked me if we would ever allow players to play "androids" - to which I said, "No way. You can't be an android!" and then went on to describe why that would be incredibly broken.

    Looking a bit sad, then they asked if we would allow players to play EMHs, to which I responded "Sure, I don't see a problem with that."

    Ever since then, the internal joke to any question having to do with androids is "NO WAY. YOU CAN'T BE AN ANDROID!"

    So... this thread made me laugh and I wanted to come in here and say....



    (well at least until we make them available)

    So, why would it be possible to play as a hologram and not an android? The behaviour of both would depend on thier programming, the only difference is one is photonic while the other is physical. Please explain why one would be broken and not the other.:confused: And yes, I see what you did at the bottom there.;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So, why would it be possible to play as a hologram and not an android? The behaviour of both would depend on thier programming, the only difference is one is photonic while the other is physical. Please explain why one would be broken and not the other.:confused: And yes, I see what you did at the bottom there.;)

    It's a joke. The point being that he would expect fans to know that the same issues would apply.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Nictus wrote:
    Thrakius, read a little closer. The poster was not talking about giving lifers a android, but to make it a Vet reward open to ALL. As for the captains table, all they are saying is some more cosmetic display to view. Nothing which is game breaking or in anyway giving any lifer an advantage game wise.

    I am all for a vet reward system that rewards all players for length of time played. Not amount of sub that was paid.

    everyone knows that eventually the monthers ( I REALLY HATE this term btw) will have payed ALOT more then the lifers (again HATE this term) so...... ya
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Let's keep Data and the Mobile Emitter unique, okay?

    Like it's been said before, it doesn't make any sense to have holograms and androids.
    Medical tricorders, hypos, toxins, mind attacks wouldn't have any effects on them.

    Silly enough that everyone is a Worf and 7 of 9 now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Blah blah blah....the same people crying about cosmetic stuff are the same who cry that the game is going to fail. Boo Hoo your on a month bases....you can bail on a sinking ship easier than the yearly or lifers. And yearly.:..sit out your year...re-up and then get your perks.

    What you al/ don't seem to understand is that LTS is a "investment" and what do company's do for principle investors .... they treat. Them extra special...go ahead whites cry...I drink your tears mixed with Saurian brandy in my reserved alcove while watching the Orion slave girl dance for me on the captains table
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe I. Was a bit harsh...im just sick of this crying between the have and have not s..the world is not roses and a company will always reward those who spend more initially...its a fact of life. Now once you have had your monthly for a year of course you should.get some perks....but don't forget that so far you have only paid for 1 month of service.....the company won't go out of its way to reward that
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Let's keep Data and the Mobile Emitter unique, okay?

    Like it's been said before, it doesn't make any sense to have holograms and androids.
    Medical tricorders, hypos, toxins, mind attacks wouldn't have any effects on them.

    Silly enough that everyone is a Worf and 7 of 9 now.

    Neither one IS unique in 2409. Mobile emitters have been mass produced and more Soong Types have been created. Both are part of the game lore.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Neither one IS unique in 2409. Mobile emitters have been mass produced and more Soong Types have been created. Both are part of the game lore.

    Link, please. The Path to 2409 had The Doctor suing to prevent the mass production of mobile emitters, and nobody's made any more Soong-type androids.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Link, please. The Path to 2409 had The Doctor suing to prevent the mass production of mobile emitters, and nobody's made any more Soong-type androids.
    A legal issue of interest to analysts in the Federation is rights for artificial life forms. On Stardate 60334.46, Admiral Owen Paris of Starfleet Research and Development orders that the mobile emitter brought back from the Delta Quadrant by the USS Voyager be taken to Starfleet’s facility on Galor IV for study.

    The Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) known as The Doctor files a lawsuit to block the transfer of the mobile emitter, arguing that he is a sentient being who acted as a member of Starfleet during Voyager’s time in the Delta Quadrant and that the mobile emitter is necessary to his quality of life and performance of his duties. The office of the Judge Advocate General issues an injunction against the transfer of the mobile emitter until it can study the case and issue a ruling.

    In legal matters, Rear Admiral James Bennett of the Starfleet Judge Advocate General’s office rules that the “Data Decision,” referenced in The Doctor’s legal arguments to keep the mobile emitter, is too narrow to be used in this case. Bennett rules that the precedent can only be applied to prove that The Doctor is not the property of Starfleet, and not to decide whether or not he is a sentient being. The Doctor’s counsel appeals the decision, and analysts predict that the case will continue for some time.

    The Soong Foundation, a group affiliated with the Daystrom Institute and dedicated to promoting the rights of artificial life forms, announces that it is beginning research to create a mobile holographic emitter of its own design, with the hopes that the technology can be adapted for civilian use.

    In the courts, the case of the photonic lifeform known as The Doctor makes a small advancement after years of being stalled in hearings and appeals. On Stardate 66954.79, a Federation judge rules that the lawsuit may be expanded into a class-action suit encompassing all sentient artificial lifeforms in the Federation. "This is about more than one being and a mobile emitter," says Alyssa Cogley-Shaw, a lawyer for the Soong Foundation. "This is about basic rights."

    Cogley-Shaw says that while the expansion of the lawsuit may mean that it will remain tangled in the courts for years to come, its ultimate resolution may mean an end to the forced servitude of more than 600 EMH Mark I holograms. And, as Starfleet re-equips more of its starships with holoprojectors to expand the usefulness of photonic "tools" such as the Emergency Command and Emergency Medical Holograms, someday those lifeforms may be considered Starfleet officers with all of the rights and privileges of their rank.

    On Earth, the Federation Supreme Court agrees to hear oral arguments from a group of holonovel publishers and programmers who are seeking to block the class-action lawsuit asking for civil rights for holograms. The group hires a retired Starfleet rear admiral, Phillipa Louvois of the Judge Advocate General's office, to lead their case, and she argues that appearing sentient does not automatically mean a hologram is sentient. Unless the holograms can be determined to be intelligent and self aware, the Acts of Cumberland and the Federation Constitution do not offer them full protection.

    The Soong Foundation argues that without full holoemitter technology, it cannot bring witnesses to court to speak in their own defense, and that court rules preclude remote testimony in matters such as this. The justices grant the Soong Foundation a delay.

    On Earth, the Federation Supreme Court rules in favor of Phillipa Louvois and the holonovel publishers and programmers she represents, saying that the Acts of Cumberland would not apply to non-sentient holographic or artificial lifeforms. They return the Soong Foundation's class action suit to a lower court to determine what defines sentience in a legal sense. Not content with pursing its agenda in the courts, the Soong Foundation launches a campaign to lobby Federation worlds to add rights for artificial life forms to the Federation Constitution.


    Load screens follow-up on this by saying that the efforts of the Soong Foundation paid off and the Doctor and similar photonic lifeforms were granted legal sentient status and that mobile emitters went into production.

    The mass production of mobile emitters is pretty clearly a key element of that victory as they were needed for the witnesses the SF planned to call in defense of artificial lifeforms.

    Beyond that... The Daystrom Institute (of which the Soong Foundation is later founded as a subdivision) planned to dissect B4 in the novels in order to create a race of Soong-Type Androids. However, they lost the case. Later, the Soong Foundation subdivision helps resurrect Data, overriding B4's personality, and Data helps them perfect the designs for the positronic brain and emotion chips. This from the novels and comics on which Data's return in the game is based.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I see what's going on here. Once they give you something extra it's just take take take. :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    viperjock wrote:
    Blah blah blah....the same people crying about cosmetic stuff are the same who cry that the game is going to fail. Boo Hoo your on a month bases....you can bail on a sinking ship easier than the yearly or lifers. And yearly.:..sit out your year...re-up and then get your perks.

    What you al/ don't seem to understand is that LTS is a "investment" and what do company's do for principle investors .... they treat. Them extra special...go ahead whites cry...I drink your tears mixed with Saurian brandy in my reserved alcove while watching the Orion slave girl dance for me on the captains table

    I prefer my investments to pay real dividends, not imaginary items in a game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Dekkameron wrote: »
    I see what's going on here. Once they give you something extra it's just take take take. :P

    There's only one person in this thread even talking about androids for lifers. Everyone else, including the devs, are just talking about androids.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I think you lifers have enough perks. I find it odd that lifers are treated with special attention as is and people who pay monthly are treated as secondary players. Granted, you got some special privileges and I'm sure these are enjoyable, but being treated as a secondary customer because I am not a lifer kind of leaves people feeling cold and left out. I think you guys have had enough and it's about time we focus on the player base as a whole and not just lifers.

    I was almost a lifer myself, but since my tax refund came one day after they ended the borg program, I no longer cared for becoming a life sub. No borg = no lifer.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wraiven. Nobody in this thread is even talking about androids for lifers. If a thread purely on that topic had gone for 9 pages, I guarantee you the devs would have had to close it.

    Please don't try to turn this thread into a discussion of the thread title. It was turning out to be something more interesting and civil.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Put the androids in the C-Store.
    Link, please. The Path to 2409 had The Doctor suing to prevent the mass production of mobile emitters, and nobody's made any more Soong-type androids.

    The Path to 2409 that I read on the STO website had the doctor from Voyager suing to be recognized as a lifeform and to be allowed to have his mobile emitter returned to him. He wasn't suing to be classified as the sole member of a new species.

    I also don't see any reason why technology could not advance to produce androids, although Data is to Star Trek as Jar Jar Binks is to Star Wars.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh and yeah.....what about a whole new star trek online MMO that is awesome for lifers only?

    Woulnd't it be great?


    Monthly payers should get something too for free.
    Are we not paying for your game Cryptic?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    No that would be far to much, we have already gotten more than is deserved I would strongly oppose such additions as a lifer perk, now I am a fan of it based on a veteran item that would be available to everyone who have been with the game for some specified time frame.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I think andriods should be a great bo for veterans and holograms should be for lifers! either way it would be awesome!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    so, I'm wondering here what else you "lifers" want, but for the life of me, I can't think of a single thing:rolleyes:.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Androids would be terrific, but we don't need more parts of the game for some people and not others.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    cmdrshran wrote: »
    so.... we're getting androids... eventually? WOOO:P:P cryptic love their hints: the breen one has sparked many debates in the captain's table
    Nictus wrote:
    Oh I have no doubt this is about to set off an explosion of rumors and demands for andriod...lol! However, I think we need to take that statement about 'droid with a whole lot of salt. I'm not saying that this is not gonna happen, but I think this is gonna be one of those "bottom" of the list things.

    Not that I am absolutely "GaGa" about Androids, but I will add a little spark to your rumor mill (that many probably will not read, since this thread is old and in pages, this will get buried).

    Early in Closed beta, the "Stance/Posture" that you can choose from the Tailor called "Twitchy" (or somesuch) used to be called "Android".

    So...keep them rumors flowing. :D
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