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State of the Game - 25 Feb. 2010



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pasquatic wrote:
    Absolutely yes to consequences for failure (yes to death penalty for the thinking impaired).

    That is all.

    I already play eve. It's a great game. This is not that game. Trying to make it that is a mistake in my opinion.

    One of the worst comments I have seen on these forums is "this is not Star Trek". This argument is completely irrelevant simply because I as a franchise that has been around so long with so many different hands on it and and audience that spans multiple generations; Star Trek means a great many different things to a great many different people.

    The best way to address that is simply with options. Here's where it relates to DP. Make it an option. Make it part of the "difficulty slider".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nice update, but a great big HELL NO to death penalties. The lack of DP was a big part of this game's appeal to me - I just want to play and have fun, I don't want the extra anxiety that a DP brings.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Unfortunately this game wont be fixed to our standards because look at Cryptics past MMO's both ended up being stale and had no content and what do you know another game that after 2-4 weeks of playing half the subscribers are leaving and soon most will be gone. They are using the same bad techniques on this game that failed in the last two.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    BigMike65 wrote:
    Missions are dead boring. Space combat is vivid but seriously underwhelming, and please, PLEASE trash 100% Consenual PvP, before you lose all the REAL players.

    Non-consensual pvp is perhaps the worst mechanic ever in a game, unless you have dedicated pvp servers to host it on. REAL players dont want non-consensual pvp, only real GRIEFERS do...that's why it was so popular with some of the griefer kiddies in a kiddie game like WoW.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am for a death penalty. Provided that it is not too hard. AND that the NPC spawn camping when you warp into a defend mission is fixed. :rolleyes:

    How about this for a death penalty?
    You die for the 10th time and your ship is now in such a bad state that it really needs repairs.
    So you have 2 choices.
    1) You can pay some energy credits and have an engineering team warp to your location to fix your ship (as in an almost instant fix for a price. Almost because it still have to be a bit annoying). The price should depend on your level.
    2) You can go to the nearest starbase and get it fixed for a lot less, but it will still cost you a little.
    Or it could be free to make the non DP people "happy". Yes. It will still be annoying but it will only cost you some time.

    ok 3 choises :p
    3) You can keep fighting, but your ship is in a bad state so the shields do not hold up as well anymore and your hull is damaged already.. never going to 100% and your engines are not at full capacity either.

    Since you can repair your ship at a starbase you can always repair it to full (reset to 0 deaths) when at a starbase. The price will simply be calculated from the numbers of deaths you had.

    The price of the repairs should not be set too high (or too low :rolleyes:) just enough to make death annoying but not a major punishment.

    I forgot.
    There should probably be NO death penalty in PvP.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    JadeEnigma wrote:
    This is a fabulous idea! I love this!

    Thx...people want ship interiors, and people want ship interiors to be useful/used for something...plus this would give just a "hint" of a bridge commander type feel, where the consoles on your bridge actually DO something...lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    how exactly did the arguments against death penalties get totally overheard?

    Don't give up craig. we don't wat dp's ^^

    You do not speak for the community.

    Some of us WANT death penalties.

    Thank you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    knox1711 wrote: »
    Rommies should be next, after klinks are finished.

    As far as the death penalty...PLEASE think outside the box here and go for a death CONSEQUENCE....

    Use death as a vehicle to launch into a series of immersive minigames .........l

    Love this as an option for single player or perhaps later on multiplayer episodes.

    I cannot see how this would work for multiplayer pvp but a team vs. episode type deal could be real fun.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Phoxe wrote:
    Executive Producer Craig "Zinc" Zinkievich has rematerialized once more with more updates on what's coming up next for Star Trek Online.

    Read it now!

    Sorry to b an old "Stick" in the mud, but JOYSTICK, FLIGHTSTICKS AND THE TO LITTLE SHORT THINGIES THAT ROTATE ON THE GAMEPADS (Oh -don't those look like, maybe, JOYSTICKS). Mr. Zinc didn't mention them, but they really do need to be native to the game. Remember - ST Movie 2 (ROK) - the loser was a product of 2D thinking. I want to "Fly" in 3D - And I need my Wingman Extreme to do it. If Windows 7 x64 can recognize it, your game should, too!


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just read the "state of the game" - nice to see improvements on the way, even better to know Cryptic is being responsive.

    From some of the forum posts poor Craig must think we all hate the game, the devs, and the dev's family lineage. I for one like the game and am having fun. Not everything is perfect and some things are annoying, but overall I'm happy.

    I want to acknowledge some of the improvements I have seen, and say they are appreciated:

    • No more rubber-banding.

    • No more queue to get into the game. (last time for me was several days ago, and was very short)

    • Exchange mail system seems to be working consistently again.

    • Frequency of "high-level" anomalies is much better.

    • Skirts! OK they're not kosher, but my officers still look hot in them.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I totally dig those ideas but I think it would be fun also to add customizable bridge officers where one can design and chose the race, skill set, traits, and so forth.

    I really like the faction idea to have playable Romulans and Cardiasians with their own story line that would be sweet!

    I am also totally looking forward to TRIBBLE around on my own ships bridge but also I think it would be fun to add a way to interact with the ships bridge officers instead of them just sitting or standing around on the bridge.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    knox1711 wrote: »
    Rommies should be next, after klinks are finished.

    As far as the death penalty...PLEASE think outside the box here and go for a death CONSEQUENCE....

    Use death as a vehicle to launch into a series of immersive minigames that bring the bridge and your ship interior to life in a COMPLETELY star trek fashion...

    Here is what I mean:

    Before your ship blows up, it gets "incappped". During this time, as an engineer you would play a QUICK, fast, fun, minigame to avert a warp core breach, or bring life support back online...these would be done on "consoles" on the bridge or in engineering. If you succeed, you get back into the fight with a small energy buff - if you fail, well the ship goes kaboom, and you respawn with a debuff...

    As a tactical officer, your minigames could be things like managing internal security system to repel boarders, or disarming a chroniton torpedo warhead that had pierced the hull, but not yet exploded...

    A science officer could use a console minigame to navigate the ship out of some anomaly that that last volley of photons blasted your ship into, or a minigame to triage or heal the crew, etc.

    It should be TRIVIAL to come up with 5 or so, fast, fun minigames, for each class based on exmaples from the series' of ways to save the bacon...then they would be triggered at random. Faster you complete the minigame successfully, faster you get back into the fight...

    Fact is the episodes/series are full of countless examples of heroic effort by the captain and/or bridge officers to due various things to save the ship or the crew after things have all gone wrong. This is star trek. This would be immersion. PLEASE do NOT dumb the game down to some stupid, pay x amt of energy credits, sink that is unimaginative and pass up this kind of a chance to generate REAL, exciting, immersive content where your ship and your crew depend on your minigame actions....and those consoles we see in our interiors actually are USED for something...lol

    I LOVE it.
    Make it so. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Glad to know someone is listening Craig!

    For the record - I'm all for MILD dp's, I'm all against a skill cap limit, and currently I think we need respecs and more end game content more than anything.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'd also like to jump in and say I fully appreciate the developer support and know you guys must be working flat out at the moment.

    I've seen several of you guys also state there are things in the game that arent quite what they were hoping for, or didnt turn out as expected, and that gives me lots of hope for continued improvement because it lets me know you guys are also playing it and see the room for development.

    I'm also glad you arent taking all the negetivity as a reason to give up, because there are ALOT of people that like this game.

    Thank You.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First off, thanks very much for taking the time to do this State of the Game. We really like having open lines of communication, the more the better!

    Two things:

    1. I'm all for Romulans being the next playable race...in a while. Other than tossing ideas around, please don't put any development into another race besides the Klingons. We are disgruntled, to put it mildly. More, please! :)

    2. With regards to the death penalty, I think you're on the right track. You'll see a lot of posts on this thread saying, "wait, who says we want a death penalty? you were right the first time!" I definitely do want some sort of death penalty. I'd like to give people more of a reason to play smart and not fly into the fedball at full impulse. I know you'll need to make it relatively mild to keep everyone from complaining too much. I'd be content with something mild. There is a happy middle ground here.

    Make us go to a space dock after X number of deaths or something for repairs. It makes sense trek-wise that if your ship takes a beating that exra repairs would be needed. It would also give people more of a reason to visit starbases. Make the repairs take 10 minutes and people can beam down while they wait.

    You could make these repairs semi-optional. That is, you can keep fighting if you want at 80% efficiency or something, but taking the time for repairs would make you stronger. I suppose something along the lines of a few minutes in sickbay could be the ground combat death penalty equivalent. It can still be optional, like you can keep fighting with that phaser burn at 80% or something... Just an idea.

    Or you can go with the Gran Turismo penalty for racing too much: a dirty car that needs washed and has no effect on gameplay. You want your starship looking shiny? Fix that dented fender from your overuse of Ramming Speed...

    Thanks again!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    how exactly did the arguments against death penalties get totally overheard?

    Don't give up craig. we don't wat dp's ^^

    I second this. A death penalty would make the game way less fun. If they add one I will probably stop playing!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have every confidence that you guys will follow through on your planned updates and content releases. That being said, I personally greatly appreciate the update on things and will continue to contribute as any gamer can to your efforts.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    knox1711 wrote: »
    Rommies should be next, after klinks are finished.

    As far as the death penalty...PLEASE think outside the box here and go for a death CONSEQUENCE....

    Use death as a vehicle to launch into a series of immersive minigames that bring the bridge and your ship interior to life in a COMPLETELY star trek fashion...

    Here is what I mean:

    Before your ship blows up, it gets "incappped". During this time, as an engineer you would play a QUICK, fast, fun, minigame to avert a warp core breach, or bring life support back online...these would be done on "consoles" on the bridge or in engineering. If you succeed, you get back into the fight with a small energy buff - if you fail, well the ship goes kaboom, and you respawn with a debuff...

    As a tactical officer, your minigames could be things like managing internal security system to repel boarders, or disarming a chroniton torpedo warhead that had pierced the hull, but not yet exploded...

    A science officer could use a console minigame to navigate the ship out of some anomaly that that last volley of photons blasted your ship into, or a minigame to triage or heal the crew, etc.

    It should be TRIVIAL to come up with 5 or so, fast, fun minigames, for each class based on exmaples from the series' of ways to save the bacon...then they would be triggered at random. Faster you complete the minigame successfully, faster you get back into the fight...

    Fact is the episodes/series are full of countless examples of heroic effort by the captain and/or bridge officers to due various things to save the ship or the crew after things have all gone wrong. This is star trek. This would be immersion. PLEASE do NOT dumb the game down to some stupid, pay x amt of energy credits, sink that is unimaginative and pass up this kind of a chance to generate REAL, exciting, immersive content where your ship and your crew depend on your minigame actions....and those consoles we see in our interiors actually are USED for something...lol

    Wow that would be great! Do this!!! Also Romulans next!! PLZ!!! (with the ability to fly D'deridex class ships!!!)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We want no death penalties what so ever in STO.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As a point I made the other day about Survey http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=126414&page=3 . I am Very thankful for the Letter Zn. And it is where I was hoping and saying cryptic should go. So thank you for listening to us and yes it is a monster. Also Cryptic because of the letter as said in the post the has upped my faith more in where the game will be in 6 months with you. This I see is just the start of a great game to come and thank you for bucking CBS.

    Last Please Be very careful about the Auto Fire for space. I like pressing different weapons or the space bar for all phasers ( I have had no pain). because that is like most games I played LIKE a FPS where you press the left mouse button all the time, or RTS, or RPG what ever. The Space bar is like that and it felt more natural to set up my keys for different weapons I like it. That gives me more control over you game in PVP and PVE. It makes it feel less like a WOW mmo, and more like a space flight game to me and I love it that way. But if you give us Auto fire in space across the board STO will be come more like EVE or wow to me. It will make the Game boring to me. Also All PVP will become is, who has the best DPS. Not timing or tactics as it is know. I have won PVP matches because I was not in any type of auto mode on Ground and space.

    Think of it this way. if one player like a Klingon had auto fire and the most DPS for his ship and goes to auto fire. The other player lets say a Curser Fed with less DPS less banks, will all ways lose. because the kling player just have to maneuver his ship has to keep the cannons and torpedoes pointed at fed. Also have to officers with TRIBBLE cannon the would never have to do anything just nothing but DPS no irruption. Also he stays behind them because they will never have the turning speed to get around for there forward bank or other shields and win ever time PVP will be come very unbalance more then it is know. that is the way I see it. So Be careful with auto fire.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mavgeek wrote: »
    You do not speak for the community.

    Some of us WANT death penalties.

    Thank you.

    A good number of people would prefer not to have them....so nyah. :D

    Either way...if I feel the DP they come up with isn't something I want to deal with...I will click cancel.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This all sounds great, but right now it's just talk. we will see it when it is implemented. --- "Soon you will have the ability to create your own missions and transform your ships into different forms." ohhh I can make up stuff to.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    No Death Penalty....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Continuing with my last post, they have more issues to fix still then worrying about a stupid death penatly!!!


    Like preventing people from leaving the game! You already have too many leaving and if you put in a death pentaly that will make it worse right now. focus on more admiral stuff!

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I am VERY glad to hear that ship interiors are on the radar...I propose a way to get the community involved with them and offer a designers "sandbox" mingame.

    I recommend that each ship be given three "decks" that they can design...
    1)Bridge/ready room/conference deck
    2)Crew Quarters/Lounge/Sickbay deck
    3)Engineering/shuttle bay deck.

    There could be more, my examples are just to flesh out the concept.....

    Now, you already have a TON of the art assets available for these areas, and corridors, furniture, etc. etc. Provide players with a simple, 2d tool, basically a map designer, where we could "kitbash" together a deck out of the "building blocks" of rooms and corridors you already have in game (of course you could feel free to add a few more :P). Or you could even take it down a level and let us kitbash individual rooms using lower level design elements like chars, beds, computer consoles, etc.

    Now, you could have a design contest and pick the top five interior designs for each ship type (cruiser, esc, sci) and let players pick one of those default interiors if they were not into designing their own...

    Player housing is a HUGE sandbox draw in certain games. It makes you feel like you own and have CREATED a piece of the game world. It gives you a real stake in it...and makes you feel more immersed in it...it also gives you a chance to display loot..I would love to have a bar ans stick it with romulan ale and aldeberan whisky Ive looted :P

    Finally, as an over the top, finishing touch, when we discharge one of our old ships, I would like to see it turned into a display model in our inventory that we could then use as a decoration in our ready room or captains qtrs...this is VERY star trekish and would add a great coolness factor...like the stargazer on display in picards RR, etc. Also it would be better than having a discharged ship just go poof...lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I actually wasn't a fan of the death penalty getting added, but I can definitely see the attraction from others. As long as whatever is implemented is not too severe. I really don't like the idea of "losing" BOFs when they die on an away mission (especially given the current limited supply of BOFs). I did like the minigame idea proposed by knoxx1711. I also had an add-on thought that perhaps instead of the ship actually exploding with a respawn debuff, perhaps have the ship be incapacitated until you pass the minigame.

    I am really glad to hear about the respawn idea, although I hope that it's not a microtransaction.

    I think more costume options, and more female hair options should also be a priority. There really should be more than one long hair option.

    I'm curious about the implications of a difficulty slider, will loot be better for higher difficulties?

    I'm really looking forward to repeatable missions, especially some ground content where I can just beam down, try one configuration of BOFs, finish the mission, rearrange them and repeat.

    I hope the memory alpha revamp involves the ability to "enchant" any item, perhaps with an improved buff as you get better, instead of only being able to "enchant" very specific items.

    Glad to hear the commodity missions are going to get more interesting. I really liked the idea behind them, but felt the execution was really lacking.

    I'm also hoping to see more BOF control in the future (ie making them emote, speak, etc so that they can interact with other players who visit your bridge). And on that note, hoping the rest of the ship interiors are coming soon (tm)!

    So, it looks like Cryptic is listening to their customers after all. I may disagree on the death penalty idea, but I have seen numerous threads of people stating that they'd like to see it, so even that is something that's coming from their player base. Good work Cryptic!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Please, please, please, only make death penalty an Opt In system. There's no need for one, but if someone wants one, allow them to Opt in. The rest of us enjoy the game as is, and frankly if they want a death penalty, give them the ability to have one. There's no need to hurt my game experience while giving them what they want.

    Otherwise, I love everything I'm hearing. Thank you for the update, and the communication.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Let's face it -- Star Trek is centered around classic catch phrases. In fact, it's almost as bad as Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. I would love to see more voice overs in the game. Even better I would love to see a customizable voice (variable pitch, etc) for our toons. Here is some examples of when to hear some voice work:

    Select a location on the area map: (alternates randomly) "Make it so" "Aye Aye Captain"

    Clicking frenzy on your shield UI: "I'm giving it all she's got Captain"

    Emergency power to X is clicked: "More Power to X!"

    The list goes on and on, and this could increase the Star Trek appeal of the game ten fold.

    WE NEED MORE QUEST HUBS! MORE TOWNS! MORE PLACES! MORE BASES! There is like 3-5 places to visit to meet NPCs this just is not enough for an MMO. I am not discovering anything, I am merely rinsing and repeating. I am not unlocking anything new (going from Earthdock to Starbase 39 was a good start, but we need far more of this). How about adding more quest hubs and having NPCs unlock new quests in each as you level. Earthdock, Vulcan, Risa, Starbase 39, DS9: all could have NPCs to give out quests at different intervals throughout leveling. And for God's sake don't have them just pop up in our hail star fleet window, have a small mission for us to go meet the NPC face to face so we actually feel like we are discovering new places, then they can become a remote contact after a formal introduction.


    I have a year subscription and I fully intend to ask for these things OVER AND OVER both on the forums and on Facebook (poor Mot) until my dream is realized, or until my year runs out and I move on...

    My best,

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thank you for the update. Looking forward to the release of new places to go. As far as the DP any body have an ideal how this would even work?
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