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Why This Game Failed



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    I can guarantee there wouldn't be as many flame posts or cancellations if they would just cater to all the types of mmo players. There is no crafting community, or a roleplay community. The only thing to do in this game is combat. It get's old, very quickly.

    We need something to do besides combat.
    • No achievement system (nothing to achieve except hit the last level)
    • No exploration system (it's all laid out there for you)
    • No crafting system (turning items into a vendor is not crafting, don't care what anyone says)
    • No place to roleplay (starbases and the bridge of your ship is it)
    • No resource gathering system (scan a rock or cloud, theres no searching, no thought required)

    These should have been in the game at launch. There is no excuse for it. Two years making this game, and all Cryptic comes up with is 87 quests and even more bugs than that. There is no replay value. There is nothing new the second time that you didn't experience the first time. The only change may be getting different class skills as you level, but you still use the same BO's regardless of what class you choose.

    Agree entirely. Community content and repeatability are very important for the longevity of a MMO. If not in at launch they need to follow very quickly.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    pierrat wrote: »
    We're not talking about records, it easy to take any extreme and make it the standard to suit whatever statitical goal you have in mind. Lets replace the max record of 3 days and use the max record of how long. Since the max record of hitting highest level cap might be 4 years, lets use that as a meassuring stick? or better yet, why not use something that best reflects the true timescale.

    But that would be hitting close to the truth and we dont want that to interfere with subjective opinions.

    Man! Niether am I. Its two weeks to reach level cap in WoW (1-80). Its a week or two of similar game time to reach level cap in STO (1-45). WoW has many more levels, but takes around the same time. Add more levels to STO and it will take longer.

    WoW has been out for several years, with two expansions. STO has not, not even a month.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanks for your help, you can leave in peace now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    Exactly. WoW, Aion, EQ2, SWG, to name a few, actually had interactive crafting. Not just open a vendor with the right amount of items in your inventory.

    Interactive, as in collect x ammount of y,z,d and receive item n? :p

    Cause this is essentially what wows craftig system is....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dryan wrote:
    Man! Niether am I. Its two weeks to reach level cap in WoW (1-80). Its a week or two of similar game time to reach level cap in STO (1-45). WoW has more levels, but takes around the same time. Add more levels to STO and it will take longer.

    WoW has been out for several years, with two expansions. STO has not, not even a month.

    It's not about getting to the end for the majority of people. I for one do not care about reaching the end as quickly as possible. It's the journey that matters. The content. The storylines. The interactions, exploration, finding new stuff to do, or doing other stuff when some of it gets boring. I don't care if a person can hit level 45 in a day. As long as I can do something while getting there, that's all that matters. This game doesn't have that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    I can guarantee there wouldn't be as many flame posts or cancellations if they would just cater to all the types of mmo players. There is no crafting community, or a roleplay community. The only thing to do in this game is combat. It get's old, very quickly.

    We need something to do besides combat.
    • No achievement system (nothing to achieve except hit the last level)
    • No exploration system (it's all laid out there for you)
    • No crafting system (turning items into a vendor is not crafting, don't care what anyone says)
    • No place to roleplay (starbases and the bridge of your ship is it)
    • No resource gathering system (scan a rock or cloud, theres no searching, no thought required)

    These should have been in the game at launch. There is no excuse for it. Two years making this game, and all Cryptic comes up with is 87 quests and even more bugs than that. There is no replay value. There is nothing new the second time that you didn't experience the first time. The only change may be getting different class skills as you level, but you still use the same BO's regardless of what class you choose.

    We are in total agreement here, we need these things if STO is to succeed.
    Caplet wrote:
    It's not about getting to the end for the majority of people. I for one do not care about reaching the end as quickly as possible. It's the journey that matters. The content. The storylines. The interactions, exploration, finding new stuff to do, or doing other stuff when some of it gets boring. I don't care if a person can hit level 45 in a day. As long as I can do something while getting there, that's all that matters. This game doesn't have that.

    Again agreed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    It's not about getting to the end for the majority of people. I for one do not care about reaching the end as quickly as possible. It's the journey that matters. The content. The storylines. The interactions, exploration, finding new stuff to do, or doing other stuff when some of it gets boring. I don't care if a person can hit level 45 in a day. As long as I can do something while getting there, that's all that matters. This game doesn't have that.

    Compairing vanilla WoW to STO, then I'd actually say STO has better PvE and PvP content. However as for the other things, yeah totally agree. It needs fleshing out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hornet331 wrote: »
    Interactive, as in collect x ammount of y,z,d and receive item n? :p

    Cause this is essentially what wows craftig system is....

    Well, if you want to use that logic, collect x number of credits, buy item n from exchange. People can defend the "crafting" in this game all they like, but turning items in to a vendor, which takes no exploration or brain power to achieve, is not crafting. The items are not even unique. You can get the same exact items from loot, quests or the exchange.

    craft   [kraft, krahft] Show IPA noun,pluralcrafts or, for 5, 8, craft, verb
    - to make or manufacture (an object, objects, product, etc.) with skill and careful attention to detail.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hornet331 wrote: »
    Interactive, as in collect x ammount of y,z,d and receive item n? :p

    Cause this is essentially what wows craftig system is....

    The funny part is these folks don't even realize that they are pretty much the same thing using a slightly different mechanic.... but because it isn't whatever came before it is somehow vastly different (let alone better or worse). :D

    An amusing thread, it's always interesting to watch deluded people do their best to convince others they know the real way (wave hands dramatically here) to make everything peachy keen by regurgitating the same material in a different way.

    If they did know, they'd be working on their own MMO... but they probably do something just as mundane as everyone else in a cubicle, office, fast food joint, etc. However, this is the internet and everyone is a game design genius who is just sitting on a million dollar idea while they ponder what exotic imported commodity to purchase online in the meantime.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Cant wait till the WOW bois 30 days run out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    and now my opinion:

    totally agree with the missing things.in every mmorpg i've played (Daoc,SWG,WoW) i was a maxed crafter,especially in daoc and in swg.the crafting system in all 3 games was ok. i.e. you could craft masterpieces in daoc,but only with luck. u were sitting there and praying that you get a mp,the feeling was awesome.but this memory alpha thing is nothing for me.

    now lets see the pvp system....

    you go in an instance,no matter if you win or lose,you get money,bo points,exp,and this points to buy something for.why dont we get anything like realmpoints?something to remember...how will you figure out who is good and who not?
    and they must ! ! ! enter some zones for open pvp,where you can raid systems from the other factions or something like this.daoc had the best system.3 closed realms,5 open pvp/rvr zones with keeps and relics to raid.and when u went to pvp and got killed you didnt get anything^^ /release and try again.this way helps you getting better,searching for balanced grps etc.

    and the thing with the klingons....

    how can they release a mmo with only 1 playable faction? the klingons just pvp till admiral...and then?again pvp.who would pay monthly 13 $/€ for just beeing on an assimilated cruiser or in a deserted facility?

    and i would like some planets with citys and a littlebit nature to hangaround,see other guys in taverns etc. RP!

    and its really a singleplayer game....you never have to lfg.and u dont have to be in a fleet,you can do everything by your own.

    but i wont give up... hope they will make some BIG changes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tedgp123 wrote: »
    You're not the sharpest tool in the box are you.

    Of course wow has more to offer, it's been in development and production for 10 years. STO... less than 2.

    If you are going to troll, at least do it so you don't look like a total idiot.

    Why do you always attack people?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Birdmon wrote: »
    Why do you always attack people?

    I can't speak as to his own personal motives, however....

    It's an internet forum.

    It's like running into a minefield and exclaiming, 'Why is it exploding?' when mines explode.

    It's pretty much what happens.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    kamui wrote: »
    .... Anyways, if you don't want to play the game that's your business. However, declaring that anything is a failure because YOU PERSONALLY don't like it is somewhat....arrogant...wouldn't you say? After all, nothing in this world lives or dies upon YOUR say so; you are not the emperor.

    So, even though you dislike this game, it's hardly a failure because many other people DO like it. Sadly, the world doesn't revolve around you. I know, it's a shock to learn this, but 'tis true, 'tis true.

    Anyways, if you do want to play the game that's your business. However, declaring that anything is a success because YOU PERSONALLY like it is somewhat....arrogant...wouldn't you say? After all, nothing in this world lives or dies upon YOUR say so; you are not the emperor.

    So, even though you like this game, it's hardly a success because many other people DON'T like it. Sadly, the world doesn't revolve around you. I know, it's a shock to learn this, but 'tis true, 'tis true.


    OP, I totally know where you are coming from.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    • Defend a ship... shoot it
    • Disable a ship... shoot it
    • Destroy a ship... shoot it
    • Patrol asteroids... scan it
    • Fix satellites... scan it
    • Find base... scan it
    • Beam aboard... scan it
    • Beam down... scan it

    • Gather resource... wave tricorder
    • Scan debry, alien, tree, rock... wave tricorder
    • Turn on console... wave tricorder
    • Turn off console... wave tricorder
    • Upload data... wave tricorder
    • Download data... wave tricorder
    • Revive target... wave tricorder

    None. ALL content can be done solo.

    None. No immersion. Nothing unique. Shoot it, scan it. Nothing more.

    Decent. Of the 87 quests in the game at launch, a little less than half were actual storylines, and I enjoyed them; the first time.

    Having no multiplayer in a multiplayer game makes no sense. There is nothing to figure out and no puzzles to solve. Aside from class specific abilities you get as you progress, there is no reason to level up more than one toon. The only interactions besides shooting is scanning something on your ship, or waving a tricorder on the ground.

    Sector space is a bore. You also run the risk of running into an enemy contact while alt tabbing out if you don't feel like watching your ship auto pilot through sector space.

    PVP is a joke. Zones are too large. If your team loses a couple people, and they use impulse to get back to the fight, they arive there with low power systems, can easily be picked off, and lack the damage/support to help their team.

    Crafting? Why even call it crafting? I've seen more in depth text based crafting systems. There is nothing that you can get that you can't get better from exploration, pvp or credits.

    Missing Emote

    Ok you don't like it, but thanks for not posting the usuall TRIBBLE.

    I will give you that alot of these things make sense and can be improved upon.

    It's just in the games current state it doesn't appeal over time to you.

    I personally love it, lets just say i am sucker for space battles :D

    Good luck to you though.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Uhm, because the OP was stating a monotonous pattern in missions. And I just took the last MMO I played and pointed out it's the same, which also applies to EQ2, to WAR, to AoC, to RoM.

    I don't know any Space MMO besides SWG. And I can't compare STO to SWG because I left 1 day after NGE, and SWG pre-nge/pre-cu was a pure sandbox MMO. There were no missions, no quests, nothing most of y'all know from WoW, EQ, EQ2 and whatnot.

    I've been watching your posts for months now and it blows me away that you still take the defense posture.

    You know what kept me playing any other MMO after the first week? Progression.

    A cool item to wear, a neat weapon to use. A boss encounter that was really fun and challenging that I did with my friends while leveling up.

    This game has no encounters (Don't even think about telling me the bosses in this game have actual mechanics to them, they do not.)

    This game has no special loot that looks different than what you acquire through exploration missions.

    This game has no repeatable content period, and even if you could go back and do these missions for loot you couldn't get the first time - why would you? There is no fight. A boss is a normal mob with a different name and no special abilities.

    Since when do bosses drop "Health Potions" for sake of argument instead of actual loot based off their character. You kill a Klingon he drops Bat'leths and Disrupters etc. Not pancakes.

    Stop defending yourself in this fashion because it's as though we need to pull you away from drowning in a sea of denial.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I want to agree with your points, but you spend so much time arguing that MMOs need to regurgitate the same TRIBBLE they have in all the other MMOs you've played that I can't help but disagree. If I wanted to play the same regurgitated TRIBBLE that existing MMOs have, I'd, and read this carefully, be playing those existing MMOs. I actually find your post offensive at some deep game-design level, so apologies if the following seems an overreaction.


    (As an aside, will people stop comparing this to WoW - anybody that cares about WoW is playing WoW; the comparison is pointless and not constructive - emulation is almost never a key to success)

    Crafting - I couldn't care less if the game had crafting. If I wanted well implemented realistic crafting with a real economy, I'd play EVE - oh wait, I do. That's just a personal take, to illustrate that it does not make or break a game for everyone. Loot based economies can and do work. I have no clue what you mean by a 'crafting community' - please expand on this, because typically it just means buying and selling from other people; that is no more of a community than a loot based system.

    This should not be taken to mean 'I don't want crafting in the game' - sure, if Starfleet Engineering Officers can get involved in making stuff, go for it - but I'm not going to lament the lack of it.

    Immersion - you say there's no immersion - well maybe I'm just a Trekkie but I only need to see a space map with my ship flying around with other people flying around doing their thing and I'm immersed. What exactly do you want? You didn't explain this at all, or what would immerse you better. So much for constructive feedback.

    Multiplayer - so content can be done solo - gasp! Have you considered, oh I don't know, making friends and doing content as a team just for the hell of it? Why exactly does the game have to force you to team up in order to socialise? Are your social skills that bad? What about fleet actions?

    Sector space - How exactly can it be boring, and also be a risk of running into enemy contacts whilst alt-tabbed away? You can either have more content that might interrupt you, or it is more boring, but not both - unless you want enemies to unrealistically be sitting there waiting for people to engage them... I'll grant you that it'd be nice to see a few more bits of generated content in the sectors like disabled freighters or derelicts.

    Depth of gameplay (the sensible start of your post) - Absolutely I agree, more variety is needed. I would echo previous complaints about the lack of noncombat stuff in general - we're stuck with being Starfleet only for PvE content - give us diplomacy at least.

    Finally, I wish people posting feedback as you did would stop being drama queens and arrogantly proclaiming that because for them specifically they had a problem with the game, that the game has failed. Every single MMO has 'failed' by this criteria in its first two weeks. Lets' wait and see subscriber numbers shall we? Something that is concrete instead of merely opinion. Be constructive and indicate what doesn't work for you and why.

    I hope you got to the end of this post without too much blood pressure increase - I really don't mean to come off as too harsh - it just rubs me up the wrong way as a developer myself when people complain and don't give constructive feedback. It's just pointless noise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Failed, how has it failed? I am having great fun with it. The only fail here is this post.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    On the solo issue. You can group for everything. You just are not forced to group for most things.
    I rather prefer that.

    I can group when I feel like it, or I can solo when I feel like it. Nothing forced either way.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    • Defend a ship... shoot it
    • Disable a ship... shoot it
    • Destroy a ship... shoot it
    • Patrol asteroids... scan it
    • Fix satellites... scan it
    • Find base... scan it
    • Beam aboard... scan it
    • Beam down... scan it

    • Gather resource... wave tricorder
    • Scan debry, alien, tree, rock... wave tricorder
    • Turn on console... wave tricorder
    • Turn off console... wave tricorder
    • Upload data... wave tricorder
    • Download data... wave tricorder
    • Revive target... wave tricorder

    None. ALL content can be done solo.

    None. No immersion. Nothing unique. Shoot it, scan it. Nothing more.

    Decent. Of the 87 quests in the game at launch, a little less than half were actual storylines, and I enjoyed them; the first time.

    Having no multiplayer in a multiplayer game makes no sense. There is nothing to figure out and no puzzles to solve. Aside from class specific abilities you get as you progress, there is no reason to level up more than one toon. The only interactions besides shooting is scanning something on your ship, or waving a tricorder on the ground.

    Sector space is a bore. You also run the risk of running into an enemy contact while alt tabbing out if you don't feel like watching your ship auto pilot through sector space.

    PVP is a joke. Zones are too large. If your team loses a couple people, and they use impulse to get back to the fight, they arive there with low power systems, can easily be picked off, and lack the damage/support to help their team.

    Crafting? Why even call it crafting? I've seen more in depth text based crafting systems. There is nothing that you can get that you can't get better from exploration, pvp or credits.

    Missing Emote

    you failed. the game didnt. most people are happy. i bought a lifetime. tool
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    • Defend a ship... shoot it
    • Disable a ship... shoot it
    • Destroy a ship... shoot it
    • Patrol asteroids... scan it
    • Fix satellites... scan it
    • Find base... scan it
    • Beam aboard... scan it
    • Beam down... scan it

    • Gather resource... wave tricorder
    • Scan debry, alien, tree, rock... wave tricorder
    • Turn on console... wave tricorder
    • Turn off console... wave tricorder
    • Upload data... wave tricorder
    • Download data... wave tricorder
    • Revive target... wave tricorder

    None. ALL content can be done solo.

    None. No immersion. Nothing unique. Shoot it, scan it. Nothing more.

    Decent. Of the 87 quests in the game at launch, a little less than half were actual storylines, and I enjoyed them; the first time.

    Having no multiplayer in a multiplayer game makes no sense. There is nothing to figure out and no puzzles to solve. Aside from class specific abilities you get as you progress, there is no reason to level up more than one toon. The only interactions besides shooting is scanning something on your ship, or waving a tricorder on the ground.

    Sector space is a bore. You also run the risk of running into an enemy contact while alt tabbing out if you don't feel like watching your ship auto pilot through sector space.

    PVP is a joke. Zones are too large. If your team loses a couple people, and they use impulse to get back to the fight, they arive there with low power systems, can easily be picked off, and lack the damage/support to help their team.

    Crafting? Why even call it crafting? I've seen more in depth text based crafting systems. There is nothing that you can get that you can't get better from exploration, pvp or credits.

    Missing Emote

    go away thanks
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know what kept me playing any other MMO after the first week? Progression.
    Advancing levels, skills, and ships isn't progression? Is your complaint actually better reworded as 'I played the game far too fast and now feel I have nothing to do?' - because if so, that's a different complaint than the lack of progression; that's a combination of the need for more time-sinks and endgame content, or the game caters to a casual playstyle only, which disappoints those with lots of time on their hands.

    Viewed another way, it's an indication that the game let you level far far too fast.
    This game has no encounters (Don't even think about telling me the bosses in this game have actual mechanics to them, they do not.)
    I have absolutely no clue what you mean here. What is an encounter if not running into something, which the game does have - albeit distinctly lacking in variety?
    This game has no special loot that looks different than what you acquire through exploration missions.
    Why does this matter? No seriously, I just don't care about this, so I'm intrigued as to the perspective.
    This game has no repeatable content period
    Fleet actions seem pretty repeatable to me...
    Since when do bosses drop "Health Potions" for sake of argument instead of actual loot based off their character. You kill a Klingon he drops Bat'leths and Disrupters etc. Not pancakes.
    I can't quite believe you're arguing about loot realism when practically every MMO does this. It's like arguing about Boars in LOTRO only occasionally dropping Boar skins (or money!?!), or only one Boar Hoof when it obviously has four..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Askarr wrote:
    It's like arguing about Boars in LOTRO only occasionally dropping Boar skins (or money!?!), or only one Boar Hoof when it obviously has four..

    That was devastating to my immersion! Everyone knows they have four. It ruined everything.

    Yes, that was tongue in cheek.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this is a singel player game selled as a mmorpg to make more money

    in many things you can compare it with HGL ... nice graphics nice music and fun for one week
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Askarr wrote:
    Advancing levels, skills, and ships isn't progression? Is your complaint actually better reworded as 'I played the game far too fast and now feel I have nothing to do?' - because if so, that's a different complaint than the lack of progression; that's a combination of the need for more time-sinks and endgame content, or the game caters to a casual playstyle only, which disappoints those with lots of time on their hands.

    Viewed another way, it's an indication that the game let you level far far too fast.

    I have absolutely no clue what you mean here. What is an encounter if not running into something, which the game does have - albeit distinctly lacking in variety?

    Why does this matter? No seriously, I just don't care about this, so I'm intrigued as to the perspective.

    Fleet actions seem pretty repeatable to me...

    I can't quite believe you're arguing about loot realism when practically every MMO does this. It's like arguing about Boars in LOTRO only occasionally dropping Boar skins (or money!?!), or only one Boar Hoof when it obviously has four..

    Because you took the time to address my post I'll respond.

    Advancing your ship/skills etc are things you do *after* you hit level cap to make you keep playing. Most people I know have 500 badges of exploration 5th order BEFORE hitting level 41. So you're instantly geared out in full mark 10 green and blue gear.

    As for no encounters let me put it this way, You enter a room that looks like some grand hall, there is a boss standing in the middle of it or sitting in a chair. You engage this boss which runs off some strategy (When he goes immune his minions come out and you have to kill them all in under 30 seconds or something). Probably a hundred different mechanics I can come up with off the top of my head (He starts swinging a batleth around in a frenzy and you have to move out of melee range or get killed.)

    Fleet Actions reward low level loot to the single person with most damage done (As far as I know about the Crystalline Entity).

    An actual repeatable fleet-worthy encounter would involve the cruisers tanking, the science ships healing and the escorts doing the damage requiring a team effort and rewarding everybody involved. The boss would have a chance to drop tank, dps or healer loot. This is more fun than I'm making it sound.

    From the "Shiny loot" perspective you were wondering about, when I start my character and I'm running around earth starbase I should be able to spot a unique looking item from a mile away. Call it some sort of fascination with prestige, I just think it's a formula that works. Should a *BOSS* (not a random Gorn or Orion I'm killing during an explore mission) not drop above-average loot?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vexyl wrote:
    this is a singel player game selled as a mmorpg to make more money

    in many things you can compare it with HGL ... nice graphics nice music and fun for one week

    Its only close to a single player game if you play it as one. Missions scale with the number of people in the group.

    Single player games also don't have thousands of people visbably present.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ..Preceding reply that doesn't really need quoting again...
    I now see what you mean; thank you for the quick reply. I can agree that more variety in content and difficulty would be good. Yes, the tougher enemies in general should give you more useful/expensive/interesting stuff. I only shy away from the boss-specific actions because they get repetitive & predictable too; it's a tough area to get right, but something more than what we have would indeed be a start.

    To me, progression is still the bit that's the journey to the high levels; that said, people who get there still need stuff to do, so it's sounding like the game is giving too much out too fast; how Cryptic addresses this post-release is a tough one - dramatically changing rewards only fixes subsequent subscribers, not those already there.

    On the subject of cruisers tanking, science ships supporting etc. - from my reading of the sub-forums, it sounds like those with some organisation do do this; perhaps the game and community hasn't really evolved enough yet to see this in more common use. The first fleet action I went into, I so dramatically got things wrong I just died, and then left, deciding to come back when I had figured out what the heck I was doing :o. I suspect there's some learning curve to go on people not just figuring out how to fly their own ship but to fly as a team.

    The whole mechanic of reward by DPS alone, aggro by DPS alone needs looking at imho; when you spend a third of the game's content design on creating ships & ground units that are support units, the above is a bad design choice. Hopefully they'll notice the plethora of complaints about this and do something.

    The prestige thing, meh, I find it just sparks flame wars e.g. elite gear that only raiders can get in other MMOs, but I can accept it and agree to disagree.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dryan wrote:
    Its only close to a single player game if you play it as one. Missions scale with the number of people in the group.

    Single player games also don't have thousands of people visbably present.

    compare it to diablo 2 ... singel player game with online multiplayer option
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    Well, if you want to use that logic, collect x number of credits, buy item n from exchange. People can defend the "crafting" in this game all they like, but turning items in to a vendor, which takes no exploration or brain power to achieve, is not crafting. The items are not even unique. You can get the same exact items from loot, quests or the exchange.

    craft   [kraft, krahft] Show IPA noun,pluralcrafts or, for 5, 8, craft, verb
    - to make or manufacture (an object, objects, product, etc.) with skill and careful attention to detail.

    I dont see you logic there... what actually takes brain power in wow to e.g. mine?... klick the mouse button? run around in large circles around the map? Or mindless farm the same mob over and over again to get the cloth you need for tailoring?

    Also what unique items your talking about, since its craftable everyone with the high enough craftig skill and the right items can craft the same items.... the only criteria what defines how "unique" an item is, how much time you have to spend to get it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Vexyl wrote:
    compare it to diablo 2 ... singel player game with online multiplayer option

    Still not even close. Most MMOs content up until end game is solo focused. They have optional group content, just like STO does. However, at least STO's solo content scales with group sizes making it not so.
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