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Why This Game Failed

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
  • Defend a ship... shoot it
  • Disable a ship... shoot it
  • Destroy a ship... shoot it
  • Patrol asteroids... scan it
  • Fix satellites... scan it
  • Find base... scan it
  • Beam aboard... scan it
  • Beam down... scan it

  • Gather resource... wave tricorder
  • Scan debry, alien, tree, rock... wave tricorder
  • Turn on console... wave tricorder
  • Turn off console... wave tricorder
  • Upload data... wave tricorder
  • Download data... wave tricorder
  • Revive target... wave tricorder

None. ALL content can be done solo.

None. No immersion. Nothing unique. Shoot it, scan it. Nothing more.

Decent. Of the 87 quests in the game at launch, a little less than half were actual storylines, and I enjoyed them; the first time.

Having no multiplayer in a multiplayer game makes no sense. There is nothing to figure out and no puzzles to solve. Aside from class specific abilities you get as you progress, there is no reason to level up more than one toon. The only interactions besides shooting is scanning something on your ship, or waving a tricorder on the ground.

Sector space is a bore. You also run the risk of running into an enemy contact while alt tabbing out if you don't feel like watching your ship auto pilot through sector space.

PVP is a joke. Zones are too large. If your team loses a couple people, and they use impulse to get back to the fight, they arive there with low power systems, can easily be picked off, and lack the damage/support to help their team.

Crafting? Why even call it crafting? I've seen more in depth text based crafting systems. There is nothing that you can get that you can't get better from exploration, pvp or credits.

Missing Emote

UPDATE: How to keep people subscribing

After reading through all the posts, and seeing what others had to say, as well as some of the posts I've replied with, I decided I may as well post some suggestions on how this game can be salvaged. I know that these suggestions can not be added within the next couple weeks (if at all). If in 6 months or so things improve, I may resubscribe.

The only way an MMO can be successful as a monthly subscription, is if players have something else to do besides leveling. If leveling is the only thing to do, it will fail. Hands down. Here are some things that may help.

1. Crafting community.

This is definitely needed. Not everyone enjoys combat. Some play mmo's just to craft, be known as a good crafter, and sell their wares. Crafted goods need to be unique. If you can get the same goods via loot or quest rewards, you give players no reason at all to craft.

2. Multiplayer

Right now, you can do everything in the game solo. Sure, some people may argue that you can't do fleet actions solo. But whats the point? Top damage wins. Always. The loot isn't anything special, or unique, so why do them at all? You can get the same loot solo.

Allow players to reach endgame, like they can now, but add in some type of instance system where you need a group to complete. Don't reward only the top damage either, because not everyone is built for that. Reward everyone who participated. Make the loot bound to the player as well. So if they want that special item, they need to get it themselves.

3. Resources

There has to be some type of system a person can make credits from. Random loot in space and ground as the only means of earning credits is horrible.

This ties into the crafting system. Instead of turning on a tractor beam in space, or waving a tricorder on the ground, have resource collecting more interactive. Or a minigame of such.

We see all these planets and asteroids in missions, but there is no interaction with them. In all of the series, all resource collecting was a chore. Make it such in this game.

I would love to see it like the resource collecting in SWG, but I know that's too much to ask. But if could be done something like it is in Mass Effect 2, that would be super.

4. Achievement System

Right now, there is only one thing to achieve in the game. Reach level 45. Add in some other type of achievements we can strive for that gives some type of non combat reward. Pets, credits, skill points, etc..

Achievements could be things like:
  1. Collect X Number of Y Resource
  2. Kill X Amount of players in PVP
  3. Explore X Number of Planets
  4. Use X Number of Different Weapons
  5. Complete X Number of Quests

Just to name a few. Plenty of things you can add.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Or maybe this game failed because of this thread.:p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Or maybe this game failed because of this thread.:p

    Yes. This post, made today on Febuary 19, 2010 was why this game failed. It only took 17 days after launch to achieve it. My plan has worked!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It hasent failed, dont need to be a drama queen. It has not succeeded though far from it, Generally,the game deserves its ranking of around 5-6, can it get better>? yes, how much, thats the question all of us lifers are wondering.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Honestly I cannot think of anything more to add, the OP pretty much summed it all up. I think though as time goes on I am sure there will be more diversity and will get somewhat better, but for a released game it is par for the course.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You can do the fleet actions solo? Heh, g'luck with the CE or the Borg. Anyways, if you don't want to play the game that's your business. However, declaring that anything is a failure because YOU PERSONALLY don't like it is somewhat....arrogant...wouldn't you say? After all, nothing in this world lives or dies upon YOUR say so; you are not the emperor.

    So, even though you dislike this game, it's hardly a failure because many other people DO like it. Sadly, the world doesn't revolve around you. I know, it's a shock to learn this, but 'tis true, 'tis true.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Gave up WoW awhile ago as well. However, the things I said about this game were everything this game had to offer. Tons more to do in WoW. No comparison. WoW has better group styled content, pvp, crafting, exploration, travel, oh, and we can't forgot that WoW has over 8000 quests (currently, with over 2600 at launch), while this game has less than 100.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    You forgot to mention collecting wood, ore, skins, meat, seeds, oh and then you can refine those items to create your own, clothes, armour, food, weapons, shields and so on...oh but wait you can't do that in STO, now can ya.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You forgot to mention collecting wood, ore, skins, meat, seeds, oh and then you can refine those items to create your own, clothes, armour, food, weapons, shields and so on...oh but wait you can't do that in STO, now can ya.

    Exactly. WoW, Aion, EQ2, SWG, to name a few, actually had interactive crafting. Not just open a vendor with the right amount of items in your inventory.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    Gave up WoW awhile ago as well. However, the things I said about this game were everything this game had to offer. Tons more to do in WoW. No comparison. WoW has better group styled content, pvp, crafting, exploration, travel, oh, and we can't forgot that WoW has over 8000 quests (currently, with over 2600 at launch), while this game has less than 100.

    You're not the sharpest tool in the box are you.

    Of course wow has more to offer, it's been in development and production for 10 years. STO... less than 2.

    If you are going to troll, at least do it so you don't look like a total idiot.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tedgp123 wrote: »
    You're not the sharpest tool in the box are you.

    Of course wow has more to offer, it's been in development and production for 10 years. STO... less than 2.

    If you are going to troll, at least do it so you don't look like a total idiot.

    I was replying to the person who was comparing this game to WoW. Obviously you need some sharpening yourself.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tedgp123 wrote: »
    You're not the sharpest tool in the box are you.

    Of course wow has more to offer, it's been in development and production for 10 years. STO... less than 2.

    If you are going to troll, at least do it so you don't look like a total idiot.

    I actually thought the OP was very dignified and truthful in how he has presented his info, he never resorted to calling people idiots either, now who is the troll?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    tedgp123 wrote: »
    You're not the sharpest tool in the box are you.

    Of course wow has more to offer, it's been in development and production for 10 years. STO... less than 2.

    If you are going to troll, at least do it so you don't look like a total idiot.

    This post is so full of fail.

    This game is about as expensive as WoW but doesn't even come close to what WoW has to offer even in the starting region of the humans (forgot what it was called, sorry... played only one human character, after that I had a nightelf and a draenei).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wow....y'all are seriously trying to tell me WoW has in any way, shape or form an interactive craftig. Maybe I'm spoiled because I'm a pre-nge/pre-cu SWG player. But Wow has no "crafting".

    Run to AH, buy resources, run to forge, click item you want to craft, ???, profit,


    Raid/run dungeon 11234675th time for resource Y, run to forge, click item you want to craft, ???, profit,

    is no crafting, I'm sorry. I don't know about AION. EQ2 however has something more than WOW regarding crafting. If you want crafting, go to Fallen Earth.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    kamui wrote: »
    So, even though you dislike this game, it's hardly a failure because many other people DO like it. Sadly, the world doesn't revolve around you. I know, it's a shock to learn this, but 'tis true, 'tis true.

    obviously you have missed the multitude of other threads that also state how dissatisfied many of us are with the lack of mission diversity, exploration and crafting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    halethyr wrote: »
    obviously you have missed the multitude of other threads that also state how dissatisfied many of us are with the lack of mission diversity, exploration and crafting.
    Multitude...I lol'd. It never cases to amaze me how a lot of people always assume the majority of a playerbase of any game are on the forums.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wow....y'all are seriously trying to tell me WoW has in any way, shape or form an interactive craftig. Maybe I'm spoiled because I'm a pre-nge/pre-cu SWG player. But Wow has no "crafting".

    Run to AH, buy resources, run to forge, click item you want to craft, ???, profit is no crafting, I'm sorry.

    I truley don't know why this game is even compared to WoW and why people keep doing it, they are not even the same thing, WoW is an mmorpg, STO is not, WoW is fantasy, STO is SciFi, about the only thing they have in common is that you get to create an avatar and go do missions. STO is more like Pirates of the Burning Sea if it is to be compared to any MMO out there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Multitude...I lol'd. It never cases to amaze me how a lot of people always assume the majority of a playerbase of any game are on the forums.

    You are right there are more people on this forum then even in the game...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I truley don't know why this game is even compared to WoW and why people keep doing it, they are not even the same thing, WoW is an mmorpg, STO is not, WoW is fantasy, STO is SciFi, about the only thing they have in common is that you get to create an avatar and go do missions. STO is more like Pirates of the Burning Sea if it is to be compared to any MMO out there.
    Uhm, because the OP was stating a monotonous pattern in missions. And I just took the last MMO I played and pointed out it's the same, which also applies to EQ2, to WAR, to AoC, to RoM.

    I don't know any Space MMO besides SWG. And I can't compare STO to SWG because I left 1 day after NGE, and SWG pre-nge/pre-cu was a pure sandbox MMO. There were no missions, no quests, nothing most of y'all know from WoW, EQ, EQ2 and whatnot.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wow....y'all are seriously trying to tell me WoW has in any way, shape or form an interactive craftig. Maybe I'm spoiled because I'm a pre-nge/pre-cu SWG player. But Wow has no "crafting".

    Run to AH, buy resources, run to forge, click item you want to craft, ???, profit,


    Raid/run dungeon 11234675th time for resource Y, run to forge, click item you want to craft, ???, profit,

    is no crafting, I'm sorry.

    This game:
    Wave tricorder or scan a resource with your ship (or buy from the exchange) along with 1 item, take it to a vendor, purchase new item.

    Buy, loot or train a schematic, use a mining pick, pick a flower, skin a beast, catch a fish, loot an item, win a roll, kill a boss (or buy from the action house if its not bop), create components (if it requires it), craft an item.

    You tell me which one has more depth to it?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Multitude...I lol'd. It never cases to amaze me how a lot of people always assume the majority of a playerbase of any game are on the forums.

    if you had read what i wrote you would understand that i said the multitude of threads not majority of players. There is a difference.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Uhm, because the OP was stating a monotonous pattern in missions. And I just took the last MMO I played and pointed out it's the same, which also applies to EQ2, to WAR, to AoC, to RoM.

    I don't know any Space MMO besides SWG.

    Yeah but your analogy is flawed, WoW had way more diversity in the missions and things to do then STO at launch, that is cold hard fact, so did EQ2, and even the worthless WAR did as well. AoC maybe not. LOTRO also had way, way, way more to do in its release as well.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Caplet wrote:
    This game:
    Wave tricorder or scan a resource with your ship (or buy from the exchange) along with 1 item, take it to a vendor, purchase new item.

    Buy, loot or train a schematic, use a mining pick, pick a flower, skin a beast, catch a fish, loot an item, win a roll, kill a boss (or buy from the action house if its not bop), create components (if it requires it), craft an item.

    You tell me which one has more depth to it?
    Neither. While STO's becomes boring just after perhaps the 3rd time. WoW's ones becomes boring after a while too. Sure, keyword "a while", eventually both become monotonous and boring.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah but your analogy is flawed, WoW had way more diversity in the missions and things to do then STO at launch, that is cold hard fact, so did EQ2, and even the worthless WAR did as well. AoC maybe not. LOTRO also had way, way, way more to do in its release as well.
    Diversity? What diversity? Whereas I kill 6 boars, or go collect 6 wolf livers or inspect a barel is in the end no diversity at all. It's the same pattern slapped on with a different scenery.

    And I'm not talking about the amount of content, that's something different altogether. I'm talking pattern, monotonous pattern, or pattern that become monotonous after a while.

    While you may enjoy your killing 5 boars, 5 ghosts and then 5 t-rex and enjoy 3 time a different scenery, the pattern is the same: go X, kill Y, collect Z.

    I can#t talk about LOTRO since I never got past 25. And even then I've had to go there, kill that, collect this. I remember one scenery, an old Forrest. Wolves everywhere, Map borked. Running around 30 min. Just to find some wolves (at launch, understandably they were "farmed" by others), find some dude, get his bucket, run back get some water from supposed magical fountain or something, run back with bucket.

    Always, always the same pattern.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wrong, guy with the uber - 1337 - name (lol).

    In WoW, my favorite profession combo was herbalist / alchemist - and I was VERY popular with my guild, because I created all the nice flasks and potions for the buffs, people loved them.

    There also is a good AH - system, there are random results you get by experimenting, there is a high level of diversity.

    (Btw, cooking is a good profession, too... Blizzard made cooking absolutely worthwhile.)

    What you fail to understand is that the depth in WoW mostly comes from the multiplayer aspect. An aspect "ST":"O" only has in a very rudimentary state.

    Damn it, my former gf and I we were doing a very long instance running session with friends from our guild (which we formed that night, btw...), doing 6 instances in series to level up, learning to play the game exactly in the process, etc...

    It felt like an adventure.

    I don't see anything even remotely comparable in this game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Diversity? What diversity? Whereas I kill 6 boars, or go collect 6 wolf livers or inspect a barel is in the end no diversity at all. It's the same pattern slapped on with a different scenery.

    And I'm not talking about the amount of content, that's something different altogether. I'm talking pattern, monotonous pattern, or pattern that become monotonous after a while.

    While you may enjoy your killing 5 boars, 5 ghosts and then 5 t-rex and enjoy 3 time a different scenery, the pattern is the same: go X, kill Y, collect Z.

    I can#t talk about LOTRO since I never got past 25. And even then I've had to go there, kill that, collect this. I remember one scenery, an old Forrest. Wolves everywhere, Map borked. Running around 30 min. Just to find some wolves (at launch, understandably they were "farmed" by others), find some dude, get his bucket, run back get some water from supposed magical fountain or something, run back with bucket.

    Always, always the same pattern.

    The same pattern yes, but diversity means something other then just killing. Which is 95% of STO, other MMO's like Fallen Earth you can do things besides just killing things to skill up.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think the problem with space missions in particular is that they are set in space, and space, being space, is mostly just space and so it all looks the same wherever you are, making every mission seem the same, whereas in games like WoW you're doing all the same stuff but in different places, giving you the illusion of variety.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It felt like an adventure.

    I don't see anything even remotely comparable in this game.

    I totally agree other games felt like an adventure, this game misses that completely, well said my good friend, well said.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    An MMO fails when it has no community. Single player content can only go so far.

    There are different types of players which are attracted to mmorpgs. You have the combat based players, you have the crafters, and you have the role players. All other type of players mix and match those three. This game only delivers the combat. There is no community. There is no role play. There are no favorite crafters which you constantly go to for goods.

    This game failed, for one reason. It was catered to one type of player, and didn't deliver enough content to sustain said player type. There is no hook to this game besides the Star Trek title. Without that title, the critics, the game scores, they player base would have been much lower.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Multitude...I lol'd. It never cases to amaze me how a lot of people always assume the majority of a playerbase of any game are on the forums.

    Yes multitued, thats many times in number than themselves. Your saying majority, two different words with two different meanings. Nice try it trying to change their words but its been caught on. If your going to argue a point,argue it, enough of creating straw men and then going after them.

    Cant even argue with ppl when they just pull things out of thin air.
This discussion has been closed.