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The beatings will continue until morale improves



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    They want to help? Do you want to help when you go to a movie? do you want to help when you attend theater? This is entertainment and people have paid COLD HARD CASH. We dont need to help after the fact.. we dont need to tolerate bugs, or server downtime. Cryptic offered a service and they are delivering a 'hurry up and wait a few months' attitude. As long as people continue to accept that its okay for bugs and crashes after a release... big companies will continue to deliver.

    Well clearly you.. are.. not.. the.. fanbase. I'm talking about the people who love the game as it is who think everything Cryptic has done, is doing and will do is divinely inspired. These people exist, how could you possibly have missed them, they won't shut up. They leap to the defense of Cryptic like knights in shining armor. They need to be managed and I think they'd be happy to be.

    Just as much as Cryptic can't possibly want people running around beating people over the head saying "I hate this game you have to hate it too or you're an idiot" they can't want people running around yelling "I love this game you have to love it too or you're an idiot". Both groups are highly opinionated which can be a good thing, but they also refuse to accept the idea that people can disagree without being evil monsters who want to eat babies and drink prune juice.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A vague response to what? The OP wants me to swoop into these forums and start moderating the mess out of everything that is even inclined to be negative.

    Now if I was to actually do that, would I even talk about it? Or would you just see a whole lot of "This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Your Pal, Indigofyre" and the words "banned" under a lot of poster's names? So if I was to only post on the topic at hand I would not be posting at all.

    I'd be happy if you actually did just close down the official forums to paying subscribers. If somebody is paying $15 a month to complain, let them. I think, on the whole, that you'll get constructive criticism from paying customers especially from whoever is left after the first 30 days. Some of it will be veiled in rage but even that rage will mask an underlying game issue.

    The problem right now is that there are people criticizing the game for failing to be things it never tried to be because it doesn't match their preconceived notion of the game and they aren't willing to put in their (sometimes excellent) suggestions and wait six or eight months and they get offended at the idea that maybe they should just take a few months off and come back if they don't want to subsidize the intervening development expenses.

    If someone wants to complain about the game, they need to play it. I may think those Rear Admirals rushed through content but they're earned their right to speak on content issues and their subscription dollars are as green as anyone else's and they ultimately want what's best for the game, by and large, although their perspective may be limited just as mine or anyone else's is limited.

    Look, right now, we have several prominent and prolific trolls claiming that they have forum access without paying for gametime or a retail key, some who even claim that they're playing and posting without a retail key. If that's happening, that needs to stop. It certainly isn't fair to those of us who bought the game (in some cases multiple times) and are invested in it with subscription plans to have to deal with complaints from people who aren't invested in the game's evolution and success the way a paying player is.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Excuse me. There is no value for freedom on private property beyond basic civil rights like the right to live and the right to leave. If you equate a property owner exercising control of their property to TRIBBLE then you falsely assume authority or ownership or rights that you have no right to in the private sector.

    Nothing has made me prouder in years of customer service than to see an employer who will sacrifice a sale to remove an unruly and disruptive customer.

    no offense here but its attitudes like this that made the third reich possible.
    "if its within the law, its OK to do so"

    unfortunately for a lot of people speaking out against the regime was a punishable offense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well clearly you.. are.. not.. the.. fanbase. I'm talking about the people who love the game as it is who think everything Cryptic has done, is doing and will do is divinely inspired. These people exist, how could you possibly have missed them, they won't shut up. They leap to the defense of Cryptic like knights in shining armor. They need to be managed and I think they'd be happy to be.

    Just as much as Cryptic can't possibly want people running around beating people over the head saying "I hate this game you have to hate it too or you're an idiot" they can't want people running around yelling "I love this game you have to love it too or you're an idiot". Both groups are highly opinionated which can be a good thing, but they also refuse to accept the idea that people can disagree without being evil monsters who want to eat babies and drink prune juice.

    Check out your second sentence. I'm talking about the people who love the game.... your original post was asking to BAN PEOPLE FROM THE FORUM who didn't agree with your ideas. Can you identify with what I'm saying now? Your a forum TRIBBLE, if someone doesn't agree with you, you want the admins to ban thier ideas, thoughts... words. I love the idea of Star Trek Online but my vision of that isn't running scan 5 consoles and move on.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yes, I could easily say you were very vague in your response. Players want devs... devs want players.. okay. Umm I dont care about insider secrets cause this game is so easy to level in it isn't even funny. Still with me in your post? SSSSooooo if the devs want to be a part of the community.... what is there to talk about? How about the fifty some threads on this board that are complaining about the lackluster aspects of your game??? Instead of catering to some neo-forum-TRIBBLE maybe perhaps you could adress the true problem that is your game has serious issues only one week after release????

    So you are saying that you would like us to post about future content to the game? Or would you want posts about the reason memory alpha crafting was build the way it was?

    Everyone always wants more information. People love to hear about what will come next in their favorite games. We understand that more then anyone because we are the ones making that future content for people to be excited about. We are on the same page Temp, I get where you are coming from.

    What I am saying to you is that the yellow names do not control when information is released. That is left up to our marketing department. Like I said in my first post on this thread, "Information is released when it is ready, not before."

    We'll take me for example. My name is just as yellow as Coderanger, but I am a GM. My area of expertise is exactly what the OP is talking about. Which means if there was going to be any big new announcements about content they wont be coming from me, and the definitely would not be coming at 2:50 AM PST.

    Which brings me back to my point. You say I'm vague, when actually I am specifically talking about what I have control over. So should I not post because I can not respond with what you want to hear, or should I continue to try and communicate when I feel I can be a part of the community?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Your official forums should give the impression that things are running smoothly (even when they're not) and that if there are problems you are on the job (even when you're not).

    I did agree witht he OP until this, yes be dishonest to your already paying customers, thats a good plan...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Almost certain I asked that you DIDN't divulge any information on the game, since it was so easy to level up. But that you attend to the matters that people really care about.

    Was I vague? I said I dont care about game content. People are crying in droves about your content... they are quitting in droves. Why are you posting in this no account thread?

    I"M ASKING YOU INDIGO TO GO ADDRESS THE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE REAL COMPLAINTS ABOUT GAMEPLAY and not not to spend time addressing this fool who wants to censor people who criticize cryptic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    no offense here but its attitudes like this that made the third reich possible.
    "if its within the law, its OK to do so"

    unfortunately for a lot of people speaking out against the regime was a punishable offense.

    This needs to stop. There's no way not to take offense at that and still respect you as an actual human being.

    This is a game forum, the idea that discussing banning and censorship on a forum comprised of people in voluntary association can in any way be equated or allegorized to the atrocities of the TRIBBLE is wrong headed and dismissive of the evil involved in genocide and actual political repression.

    If you want to stand in the middle of town and rail against your government I'll defend your right to do so, if you want to rage against Cryptic in their own forums I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo. The two are not even remotely equivalent.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The is my obligatory "appeal from the voice of reason" post, I'll try to keep it short and too the point.

    Cryptic: get some mods in the forums or more mods or whatever it takes to clean this mess up. The current state of affairs is bad for playerbase morale and that can't be good for anyone. Hire some people until you have 24/7 coverage from actual Cryptic employees and then get some trusty players, give them free game time and a license to kill threads. DO NOT use fanboys for this task, the modern fanboy in his wild and native environment is bad for business and if you haven't figured this out already we're sunk.

    With that said... get control of your hardcore fans. I can't figure out why you haven't done this already, it just boggles my mind. Round up the people who will follow you into hell singing hallelujah and give them directions.

    Review the reason for even having forums and then make sure they're being used for those purposes. You can't control what goes on at other sites but you can and must keep a lid on things here. Your official forums should give the impression that things are running smoothly (even when they're not) and that if there are problems you are on the job (even when you're not). The community should appear to be sober and friendly. People should be given a chuckle, some good gameplay advice and a reason to log into the game.

    Please get this mess under control, I don't want to play in a wasteland.

    Censorship you mean? Or maybe you just want to cover up the truth. Painting a rosey picture while everything is not rosey sounds more like Communism than free speech. Are you a Communist?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Meh now you are complaining about Dev's not beeing part of the community, not posting here and stuff. But if they would do that, you would complain about, why they are wasting time here doing fun-stuff instead of working on the game :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Problem is, every time a Dev does post, they get berated with rude comments, and scrutinized for not being able to fix things right that second, in areas they are not in charge of. With customers like that, I'd avoid the forums too.

    The 2 occasions a dev has replied to a thread i have made raising issues with the game and/or community I have thanked them and in a strange way even tho it hasnt resolvved the issues i raised it has given me encourgament that someone at crpytic is aware of the issues...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    no offense here but its attitudes like this that made the third reich possible.
    "if its within the law, its OK to do so"

    unfortunately for a lot of people speaking out against the regime was a punishable offense.

    STAR TREK HEIL!!!!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This needs to stop. There's no way not to take offense at that and still respect you as an actual human being.

    This is a game forum, the idea that discussing banning and censorship on a forum comprised of people in voluntary association can in any way be equated or allegorized to the atrocities of the TRIBBLE is wrong headed and dismissive of the evil involved in genocide and actual political repression.

    If you want to stand in the middle of town and rail against your government I'll defend your right to do so, if you want to rage against Cryptic in their own forums I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo. The two are not even remotely equivalent.

    He isn't saying that, he is just using the TRIBBLE's and an example of a system that ultimately will fail and is not and never will be right. Read between the lines.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    no offense here but its attitudes like this that made the third reich possible.
    "if its within the law, its OK to do so"

    unfortunately for a lot of people speaking out against the regime was a punishable offense.

    Yeah. I'd have no problem with the Third Reich is you eliminate the racism, murder and warmongering and you're talking about privatized discipline, not public.

    Not everything done by evil people is bad all the time in all cases.

    I've read that Hitler ate ham for breakfast prior to becoming a vegetarian. Does that make all people who eat ham OR all vegetarians prospective Hitlers?

    I think Godwin's Law has really played out too far. To the point where any disciplinarian is a TRIBBLE. Any strong authority that limits freedoms, whether leftist socialist or capitalist privateer, becomes a TRIBBLE.

    You know what? The TRIBBLE were swell aside from killing people. Maybe you have a mixed up attitude about what made them the bad guys and in the process diminish the HORROR of genocide and mass murder and imperialism if you even remotely think it's comparable to preventing a guy from screaming "F***" repeatedly in a restaurant because his steak was underdone and he's uphappy with a partial refund.

    The first case is about the taking of life. The second is about telling someone who has ceased to be a customer that they cannot harass customers and employees with their outbursts and to keep a civil tongue if they want to privilege of being on someone else's property. You have a right to your opinion and a right to complain but not a right to inflame or sour the soup for the other guests here.

    I really think what the internet needs is some decorum. That seemed to go out of style circa 2002, I guess, but maybe that's why I've found I prefer forums and environments where people use their real names. Because people will say whatever they think if they have a curtain to hide behind, without showing concern or consideration for the tranquility and quality of the atmosphere or the enjoyment of others.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo.

    Nothing wrong with this? I dunno where you live pal, but where I live everyone has a right to free speech.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Almost certain I asked that you DIDN't divulge any information on the game, since it was so easy to level up. But that you attend to the matters that people really care about.

    Was I vague? I said I dont care about game content. People are crying in droves about your content... they are quitting in droves. Why are you posting in this no account thread?

    I"M ASKING YOU INDIGO TO GO ADDRESS THE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE REAL COMPLAINTS ABOUT GAMEPLAY and not not to spend time addressing this fool who wants to censor people who criticize cryptic.

    How is he supposed to do that without sharing any information?

    This forum isn't really for them to communicate with us. It's a hang out spot. They aren't allowed to address claims like that and bend the rules when and if they do.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah. I'd have no problem with the Third Reich is you eliminate the racism, murder and warmongering and you're talking about privatized discipline, not public.

    Not everything done by evil people is bad all the time in all cases.
    I really think what the internet needs is some decorum. That seemed to go out of style circa 2002, I guess, but maybe that's why I've found I prefer forums and environments where people use their real names. Because people will say whatever they think if they have a curtain to hide behind, without showing concern or consideration for the tranquility and quality of the atmosphere or the enjoyment of others.

    Star Trek HEIL !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Check out your second sentence. I'm talking about the people who love the game.... your original post was asking to BAN PEOPLE FROM THE FORUM who didn't agree with your ideas. Can you identify with what I'm saying now? Your a forum TRIBBLE, if someone doesn't agree with you, you want the admins to ban thier ideas, thoughts... words.

    Then you're confused and I'm not sure I can be any clearer than I have been. I am not a fanboy, I am not a hater. It's not about me or people who don't agree with my ideas. My personal opinion of how we got to where we are and just how messed up things may or may not be are immaterial. What I thought was important is that the community is suffering by being overwhelmed with hate posts and whoever is running the show seems to be lacking direction and focus. I can't sift through all the garbage and the forums are depressing, if I'm being depressed then there are probably other people who are also depressed by the forums who won't say anything but will form an unbalanced opinion of the game.

    I WANT MORE SUBSCRIBERS! I want people who don't like the game to give it a second chance, to see what I see in it. I don't want every "I quit" thread piled high with "good, get out" responses from fanboys.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nothing wrong with this? I dunno where you live pal, but where I live everyone has a right to free speech.

    Not if you live in the US or UK you don't. Not on private property.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can't sift through all the garbage and the forums are depressing, if I'm being depressed then there are probably other people who are also depressed by the forums who won't say anything but will form an unbalanced opinion of the game.

    Here-in lies the problem.. you cant sift through the garbage, so... ban anyone who doesn't have the same opinion as you. If you cant sort through the various opinions on the board dont assume everyone else who reads them is un-intelligent. Yes I said it. You called for a ban on peoples thoughts and I think you need to re-think your actions as 'AN ACTUAL MOD REPLIED TO THIS THREAD' which is pretty unheard of. If your depressed by other peoples views thats not everyone elses problem. Please seek counseling.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    no offense here but its attitudes like this that made the third reich possible.
    "if its within the law, its OK to do so"

    unfortunately for a lot of people speaking out against the regime was a punishable offense.

    There is no one to blame for bad government except the people.

    However government is different from an MMO and its devs so don't make the comparison.
    Never even heard of them until you mentioned them. I googled... I'm confused, what's the connection?

    Its a line from one of their songs. "Free your hate" I think it was.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nothing wrong with this? I dunno where you live pal, but where I live everyone has a right to free speech.

    The extreme selectivity in what you quoted compared to the whole sentence I actually wrote says more about you that it does about me.

    I wrote "If you want to stand in the middle of town and rail against your government I'll defend your right to do so, if you want to rage against Cryptic in their own forums I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo."

    And yet you chose to color my statement to propose "I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo." somehow stood on its own when it clearly does not. Selective quoting to respond to a particular point is a good thing, selectively quoting to respond to a strawman is... well... it's practically censorship. In fact, you did censor what I wrote and then went beyond that, you deleted words for the purpose of changing the appearance of what I wrote.

    One asks "for what purpose"? What good was served? Did you censor for the purpose of adding clarity or rather to demonize your opponent?

    This isn't productive, it's degenerating into an epeen war and it's the very reason I started this thread: This kind of stuff needs to stop.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nothing wrong with this? I dunno where you live pal, but where I live everyone has a right to free speech.

    I'm assuming you live in the USA? In which case you don't have the right to free speech.

    You are property. You are owned and have set behavioural rules in place. If you violate these rules you will be arrested. In the USA people are still property, you have no rights only privileges your owners can and will revoke when it suits them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I wrote "If you want to stand in the middle of town and rail against your government I'll defend your right to do so, if you want to rage against Cryptic in their own forums I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo."

    as i said before, if you cant stand the heat, dont go into the kitchen.

    just because YOU dont want to read certain posts is no reason for anyone to get banned or did somebody promote you to community spokes person without the rest of the world noticing.
    I'm assuming you live in the USA? In which case you don't have the right to free speech.

    You are property. You are owned and have set behavioural rules in place. If you violate these rules you will be arrested. In the USA people are still property, you have no rights only privileges your owners can and will revoke when it suits them.

    lol ... seriously, thats funny
    PS: you also post on infowars ... i mean, that would explain a lot
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The extreme selectivity in what you quoted compared to the whole sentence I actually wrote says more about you that it does about me.

    I wrote "If you want to stand in the middle of town and rail against your government I'll defend your right to do so, if you want to rage against Cryptic in their own forums I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo."

    And yet you chose to color my statement to propose "I'll suggest they ban you, delete your posts and airbrush you out of the group photo." somehow stood on its own when it clearly does not. Selective quoting to respond to a particular point is a good thing, selectively quoting to respond to a strawman is... well... it's practically censorship. In fact, you did censor what I wrote and then went beyond that, you deleted words for the purpose of changing the appearance of what I wrote.

    One asks "for what purpose"? What good was served? Did you censor for the purpose of adding clarity or rather to demonize your opponent?

    This isn't productive, it's degenerating into an epeen war and it's the very reason I started this thread: This kind of stuff needs to stop.

    I quoted everything you said, happy now? sick of arguing.. your argument doesn't hold water. I dont care if its Cryptic forum, a street in Bulgaria or a blog from a chinese server you have no ****ING RIGHT to censor someones opinion. My whole point is if someone wants to whine about anything if you cant see past it thats your own illiteracy. Yes there are flamers, trolls (like yourself) and other degenerates bogging down all the servers of the world but you cant just randomly ban what they have to say.. right or wrong they have a right to say it!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm assuming you live in the USA? In which case you don't have the right to free speech.

    You are property. You are owned and have set behavioural rules in place. If you violate these rules you will be arrested. In the USA people are still property, you have no rights only privileges your owners can and will revoke when it suits them.

    I am not property, nor am I owned.

    And freedom can never be given to a person they must claim it and take it for themselves. - Cade Foster.

    Even if someone was arrested, they still could be free.

    I understand you point of view, but it is not always true, although it is an ego kick for some people to believe that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    lol ... seriously, thats funny

    True though. Remember the USA was founded by a group of rich white men who were angry they couldn't order parliament about like the rich white men back in Britain.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    But there are no sekrits to give. Information about the game is released when it is ready, not before. If the devs only discussed information when the information was available then there would be no dev communication until right before a big update and the playerbase would feel ignored because there is no communication.

    Except for all the sekrits that get put out to 3rd party sites that we the fans have to hunt down to find out... Uh Hey there's a skill cap now?!? huh? What about respecs? oh... 1 to 2 months out! but they're coming...

    You can claim that we both want communication, but unfortunately the only communication I'm seeing coming out of your end is to everyone but the people in this forum.

    And I don't mean you personally, I mean Cryptic.

    It just gets frustrating to be left in the dark while juicy scoops are handed out to 3rd party sites while we go... huh?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    On the topic of censorship.

    A company or group can have the power to do something without having the right to do something.

    I think laws that were unjust through history show that.

    It sort of simplifies the argument and can be discussed based on any use of force or power.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its a line from one of their songs. "Free your hate" I think it was.

    Oh, no, never heard the song. I edited the original post so much that it doesn't actually go with the thread title anymore. I was using it originally to indicate the way corporate policy is usually counterproductive and what management thinks is a great idea that will make things better often just makes everyone hate their jobs just a little bit more.
This discussion has been closed.