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The beatings will continue until morale improves



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    WHAT? OMG I cant believe you're even suggesting this.

    What you're suggesting is a LIE sir. Seriously its a lie. What you're proposing isnt a forum at all.

    Im extremely glad you're not a mod or running Cryptic in any way shape or form. In fact I'd be terrified if you were in charge of ANYTHING. Ever. Period.

    You're saying, " We should come down on forum members until all we get are the nice shiny people. That way even if the game is not going smoothly it will at least LOOK that way. "

    This post was written pretty well and you gave your points in an understandable manner. But this is still the single most LUDICROUS post I have EVER seen on these forums and I have been around for awhile.

    You're talking about turning the forums into nothing but control, lies, propaganda, and deceit. Im absolutely amazed you actually think this is a good idea. Shame on you. :mad:

    EDIT: Also, have you seriously thought of a career in politics? You'd be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for it. And no, thats not a friggin compliment.

    They double good think police have commanded that they not be troubled by dissent...oh wait that's a not allowed word....um displeasure?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Indigo I applaud you for actually replying to this post, I'm sure your very busy (I'm busy too). But your vague response is like that of a Washington Politician. Tell the baby you helped pay for his lollipop while your stealing it.. quite smooth. I luv the fanbase, but I cant tell you anything. I agree things are wrong but I cant do anything. Take a stand, either your for.. or against.

    This is my point. Templarbones here says I made a vague response.

    A vague response to what? The OP wants me to swoop into these forums and start moderating the mess out of everything that is even inclined to be negative.

    Now if I was to actually do that, would I even talk about it? Or would you just see a whole lot of "This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Your Pal, Indigofyre" and the words "banned" under a lot of poster's names? So if I was to only post on the topic at hand I would not be posting at all.

    I am not directing anything at you specifically Temp, you just happen to be the second person to mention that my posts are vague in their meaning.

    The first was during the sunday maintenance thread. Someone said my posts were vague and avoiding the issue of the maintenance. I had said in the OP of the maintenance that it was for performance and stability and that the downtime was scheduled for 2 hours. Everything was going smoothly so there was nothing to talk about pertaining to the maintenance.

    So my options were to not post anything because I had nothing relevant to say (and let the thread turn into a nationalist argument, but that is for another topic) or I could strike up a silly conversion with all the players who were waiting for the servers to come back up. I opted for the silly conversation and actually had people report my posts.

    Its a hard life having you name colored yellow ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I like Cryptics generally unprofessional attitude. Means they're human
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Review the reason for even having forums and then make sure they're being used for those purposes. You can't control what goes on at other sites but you can and must keep a lid on things here. Your official forums should give the impression that things are running smoothly (even when they're not) and that if there are problems you are on the job (even when you're not).

    THIS would be just lieing and pure propaganda. I dont want to be in a Forum where they say we live in pinky happyland while the game is going to ahses.

    bad idea.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's probably a good thing I'm not a mod. I consider threads that have no constructiveness to their criticism spam. And spam threads get locked. I doubt people would appreciate that, however justified it may be.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its a hard life having you name colored yellow ;)

    Its worse if its blue :p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I disagree.
    Sony Online Entertainment always cencored and deleted everything, and that made the players completely lose it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Also is OP a KMFDM fan or something?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This is a catch 22.

    Players and devs all want the same thing. Players want lots of dev communication, and the devs want to communicate with the playerbase. We all want to be pals here on the official Star Trek forums.

    Downside is that what players really want is information about the future of the game. About fixes, and content, and supar sekrits. Nobody blames anybody for that, everyone loves supar sekrits.

    But there are no sekrits to give. Information about the game is released when it is ready, not before. If the devs only discussed information when the information was available then there would be no dev communication until right before a big update and the playerbase would feel ignored because there is no communication.

    So if the devs want to be a part of the community, and there are no sekrits to give, what is there to talk about? The fun stuff. Tribbles, minotaurs, ship loadouts. The friendly stuff. Except when we do that people will say that we are ignoring the players real issues. Which then puts us back at square one.

    Yes, I could easily say you were very vague in your response. Players want devs... devs want players.. okay. Umm I dont care about insider secrets cause this game is so easy to level in it isn't even funny. Still with me in your post? SSSSooooo if the devs want to be a part of the community.... what is there to talk about? How about the fifty some threads on this board that are complaining about the lackluster aspects of your game??? Instead of catering to some neo-forum-TRIBBLE maybe perhaps you could adress the true problem that is your game has serious issues only one week after release????
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yes, I could easily say you were very vague in your response. Players want devs... devs want players.. okay. Umm I dont care about insider secrets cause this game is so easy to level in it isn't even funny. Still with me in your post? SSSSooooo if the devs want to be a part of the community.... what is there to talk about? How about the fifty some threads on this board that are B*TCHING about the lackluster aspects of your game??? Instead of catering to some neo-forum-TRIBBLE maybe perhaps you could adress the true problem that is your game has serious issues only one week after release????

    The forum is housing members of the German Nationalist Socialist Workers Party?
    News to me.

    The game has just been released. Its not going to be perfect or have a lot of content plus they didn't have much time to make it. Give it time you pillock.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Scrapmetal wrote:
    I disagree.
    Sony Online Entertainment always cencored and deleted everything, and that made the players completely lose it.

    I agree. In my earlier posts when I mentioned that communication between devs and players was almost nonexistent I was talking about 2 SOE games. For example, whenever you tried to communicate a concern about the game to a dev, they locked your thread.

    There's a balance here that needs to be struck between letting the trolls and fanboys run wild and silencing all opinions that are not directly in-line with the Cryptic devs opinions. Like I said earlier, extremism to either degree is not good for the game or the community. It either ends in a large percentage of posts degenerating into flaming and bashing, or seeing that every other thread ends up being locked because it violates forum rules.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yes, I could easily say you were very vague in your response. Players want devs... devs want players.. okay. Umm I dont care about insider secrets cause this game is so easy to level in it isn't even funny. Still with me in your post? SSSSooooo if the devs want to be a part of the community.... what is there to talk about? How about the fifty some threads on this board that are B*TCHING about the lackluster aspects of your game??? Instead of catering to some neo-forum-TRIBBLE maybe perhaps you could adress the true problem that is your game has serious issues only one week after release????

    AND THIS ^^ mods and devs, is the type of junk you ignore. While he does have a point to some degree, the post is so hateful and arrogant its really not worth giving much credit too.

    Just erase it from your memory banks and please do talk to the rest of us. MOST of us do enjoy your posts. Thats a fact. Others? Well.......they're free to grumble, yell, spit, and flop around if they want.

    Doesnt mean you really even have to give any credit too it. The problem I see is you guys keep acknowledging these types of posts.

    Its better just to let them have their gripe or say, and leave it be. Go ahead and talk and interact with the community. Most of us will enjoy that. Even if its NOT on topics some people would rather you talk about (and everyone has a different idea of what that should be).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    It's probably a good thing I'm not a mod. I consider threads that have no constructiveness to their criticism spam. And spam threads get locked. I doubt people would appreciate that, however justified it may be.


    I actually agree with this method of moderation. I think it also should apply the other way around, such as a thread praising the game just because. If it serves no purpose other than the OP just "felt like saying it" I don't really need to read it and wade through it to find the stuff I do want to read.

    That said, I think the way to go is MOVING threads not deleting them. There are a ton of great, fairly active sub forums that I think should be moderated relatively heavily and kept on topic. The general discussion forum I think should house all the "dreck" basically. Nobody really goes on a general discussion forum to find answers.

    As long as I can go into the more specific forums and find all the information I want without sifting through spam, im pretty ok with it if they want to talk about tribbles and clothing and how the game sucks (with no evidence other than a bug or "I died" type of thing) or how the game is awesome (with no evidence other than OMG star trek is fun I <3 everyone plz everyone love me more) in the general forum. I will just avoid it ^^
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The forum is housing members of the German Nationalist Socialist Workers Party?
    News to me.

    The game has just been released. Its not going to be perfect or have a lot of content plus they didn't have much time to make it. Give it time you pillock.

    It has less content than any SINGLE PLAYER game in the last 20 years...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the above post is a fine example of the dilemma we are in...although it is voiced in a terrible way, it contains a whole lot of truth and therefore should be considered, but then again the way it is written makes it hard to do
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Zathurus wrote: »
    You believe in deception as a model for behavior and success, which explains why you also say leading people into hell is your concept. Which would be a wasteland so your all fumbled up on how you view things in my view.

    Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the reference or perhaps I mangled it. "Leading people into hell singing hallelujah" refers to attacking the place, not signing up for eternal damnation. The point being that the hardcore fanbase will follow along no matter what. Surely there are limits it's only a game after all.

    Now... as for this frenzy from several people about me being a TRIBBLE: I'm making a recommendation more along the lines of "dress up for a job interview" than "lie on your resume". I was attempting to be blunt in acknowledging that appearance does matter and that at least LOOKING competent helps (even when you aren't, but especially when you ARE).

    I'm not suggesting that every criticism and every negative post should be wiped from the forums, but Cryptic needs to take a decision on where the line is and then enforce it strictly because I can't sort through the validity of all the complaints and letting "I HATE THIS STUPID GAME" stand along side of "you need to improve this, that and those" gives credence to the former and lessens the impact of the latter.

    As for controlling the fanbase and giving them directions... they WANT to help. Surely encouraging them to actually BE helpful by providing some guidance and talking points is better than the current state of affairs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    AND THIS ^^ mods and devs, is the type of junk you ignore. While he does have a point to some degree, the post is so hateful and arrogant its really not worth giving much credit too.

    Just erase it from your memory banks and please do talk to the rest of us. MOST of us do enjoy your posts. Thats a fact. Others? Well.......they're free to grumble, yell, spit, and flop around if they want.

    Doesnt mean you really even have to give any credit too it. The problem I see is you guys keep acknowledging these types of posts.

    Its better just to let them have their gripe or say, and leave it be. Go ahead and talk and interact with the community. Most of us will enjoy that. Even if its NOT on topics some people would rather you talk about (and everyone has a different idea of what that should be).

    The whole point of my thread is to defy censorship, which was the mission of the original poster and you my friend have just validated it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i find it disturbing that people will start to cry for censorship just because they disagree with others.

    an old saying that fits online forums quite well, if you cant stand the heat dont go into the kitchen.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Just wow, I wasn't aware that there were people this daft still floating around (ok, I realize it's the internet, but come on)

    Rather than working on the issues all the posters bringing down the morale have brought up, you just censor them and only show the posts that are sunshines and rainbows? This game has issues, many of them, of that there is no doubt in anyone outside the blind fanboi's mind. These forums are flooded with many garbage posts, that I will agree with the OP on, however the lack of meaningful interaction between the players and the devs is turning it in to the so called wasteland before us.

    While I can see how many dev posts are taken out of context (many of which are posted off-hours by cryptic employees obviously not in the office at the time), the lack of communication while they are in the office, dealing with serious posts, is the cause. I've been following the forums fairly closely since launch (admittedly less so than I was in beta), usually checking the dev tracker as the first thing I do, and rarely do I find anything worth reading.

    I hate to use the "another game does it this way" type argument, but I don't see an active community manager on these forums, anywhere. Someone whose job it is to communicate with the playerbase and relay what they can to and from the development team. Even the simple "we're working on X issue" or the dreaded "working as intended" posts are few and far between, but they do show that there's interaction on Cryptics part, acknowledging issues and addressing what questions they can.

    I remember reading a thread last week about how the game lacks any real depth, the poster making mention of the item system, lack of anything resembling a decent crafting system, and poorly thought out skill trees. It somehow ended up with a dev response that basically told the OP to look in to the tribble breeding. Obviously intended as a joke, but the devs post drew attention to a thread that had valid issues brought up, and made it appear as if it had been just shrugged off.

    Morale improves because a leader gives his followers a reason to feel better about what they're doing, not because the leader kicks out everyone who isn't happy. Unhappy people leave on their own, and March 2nd isn't that far away.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lugh wrote: »
    It has less content than any SINGLE PLAYER game in the last 20 years...



    Oh no wait....********.

    Games with 20+ hours of content didn't start becoming the norm until around 2004/2005. Even now most games have barely got 10 hours of content.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the reference or perhaps I mangled it. "Leading people into hell singing hallelujah" refers to attacking the place, not signing up for eternal damnation. The point being that the hardcore fanbase will follow along no matter what. Surely there are limits it's only a game after all.

    Now... as for this frenzy from several people about me being a TRIBBLE: I'm making a recommendation more along the lines of "dress up for a job interview" than "lie on your resume". I was attempting to be blunt in acknowledging that appearance does matter and that at least LOOKING competent helps (even when you aren't, but especially when you ARE).

    I'm not suggesting that every criticism and every negative post should be wiped from the forums, but Cryptic needs to take a decision on where the line is and then enforce it strictly because I can't sort through the validity of all the complaints and letting "I HATE THIS STUPID GAME" stand along side of "you need to improve this, that and those" gives credence to the former and lessens the impact of the latter.

    As for controlling the fanbase and giving them directions... they WANT to help. Surely encouraging them to actually BE helpful by providing some guidance and talking points is better than the current state of affairs.

    It's a forum for people to post their opinions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chaeco wrote:
    Don't get hysterical.

    MMO forums are usually full of a dominant minority of idiots. It's like fly paper for fools. Most of the players don't even read the forums.

    Right on. lol... self included... lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The whole point of my thread is to defy censorship, which was the mission of the original poster and you my friend have just validated it.

    You still don't get it. The problem is your attitude, the way you represent an otherwise valid point.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Games with 20+ hours of content didn't start becoming the norm until around 2004/2005. Even now most games have barely got 10 hours of content.

    were not talking about your iphone apps here, stop making a fool of yourself.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Also is OP a KMFDM fan or something?

    Never even heard of them until you mentioned them. I googled... I'm confused, what's the connection?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    well, it seems that TRIBBLE reference further up wasnt that far off ...

    Excuse me. There is no value for freedom on private property beyond basic civil rights like the right to live and the right to leave. If you equate a property owner exercising control of their property to TRIBBLE then you falsely assume authority or ownership or rights that you have no right to in the private sector.

    Nothing has made me prouder in years of customer service than to see an employer who will sacrifice a sale to remove an unruly and disruptive customer.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As for controlling the fanbase and giving them directions... they WANT to help. Surely encouraging them to actually BE helpful by providing some guidance and talking points is better than the current state of affairs.

    They want to help? Do you want to help when you go to a movie? do you want to help when you attend theater? This is entertainment and people have paid COLD HARD CASH. We dont need to help after the fact.. we dont need to tolerate bugs, or server downtime. Cryptic offered a service and they are delivering a 'hurry up and wait a few months' attitude. As long as people continue to accept that its okay for bugs and crashes after a release... big companies will continue to deliver.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    kisdead wrote: »
    You still don't get it. The problem is your attitude, the way you represent an otherwise valid point.

    "It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it..."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ocharni wrote: »
    were not talking about your iphone apps here, stop making a fool of yourself.

    Nooo I'm talking about PC and console games too. Well console games always lagged behind PC in terms of content quantity.

    So for PC it would be closer to early 2000's for 20+ hours of content. Depending on genre.

    Genre did heavily effect how much content time a game had. Replay value doesn't factor in.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Here is a novel idea as to how morale can improve...

    The Devs need to address issues as they happen.

    Maybe they have no information at that time, but a statement acknowledging the problem goes a long way. So far however the Devs would rather respond to non constructive threads like this one. Or making silly conversation when people experience humour failure after the 20th crash or disconnect.

    I am really enjoying the game but there have been many times where help is nowhere to be found. I had to lose my runabout yesterday so that I could play without gimped stats and so far the Devs would rather come here and waste typed characters than post to a thread that really needs his attention.

    So here is a tip to the Devs. Work on your diplomatic skills because your community policy is lacking more than the game content. You dont have to asnwer anything but you can at least give a nod to the problems actively rather than bury your head in the sand.

    And so the need for a 4th Reicht on the forums becomes obsolete...:rolleyes:
This discussion has been closed.