Short-Team Goals
- Weapon does not automatically pop out when switching to shooter mode if weapon was previously holstered
Mid-Term Goals
- Bridge main viewer displays actually outside environment
- Ship continues to move to desired locations when inside and walking about
Long-Term goals
- Shuttle craft do not require a base to be selected and used, but are accessed from ship and ship stays where it is while shuttle ventures from there and back to ship again.
- Randomly generating space beyond current universe for exploration accessible to all players
- More factions (Romulan, Cardassian, etc.)
- More vessels for each species (more vulcan vessels, Ferengi vessels, etc.)
- Stories/quests, for inside ship as ship is traveling long distances and bridge officers tell you when you come across something noteworthy like in series and provided randomly generated space is active
- More depth to personality of bridge officers that has greater effect for internal ship quests/stories
only have one thing to sugest /request and its probably been suggested
maybe a limited engagement type thing
35 vs 35
id make it an assault type thing centered around a starbase captured and held by the defending fleet ...attacking fleet has a certain amount of time to destroy defenses and the defending players ships in space around the base then beam in and do a ground assault to capture the main operations center of the base
timed event
the battle can be restarted at any time during that time period by the attacking fleet if they all die or decide to regroup and try again but doing so will allow the defenders to re ship and regroup as well ...the game begins from scratch no respawn no revive ...once you die your dead till that battle is over
defenses do not regenerate
if the attacker captures the operations center within the allotted time they gain control of the starbase and earn whatever perks come with it (im sure we could think of something maybe a special ship unique to that starbase which can only be used by the controling fleet )
if the defending fleet succeeds in keeping the attacker away for the specified time they retain control of the starbase
the longer you own a starbase the better the perks get and the more defenses you can purchase so on and so fourth
this promotes fleet actions and creates a whole new arena of pvp gameplay for the STO pplz to enjoy
I have only 2 suggestions at the moment for mid-term goals, though if they can be done in the short-term, all the better.
First, heres an idea I had to help encourage people to play together more often when leveling why not increase the frequency rate at which items drop from mobs/critters by 1% for the number of people youre teamed up with? It doesnt have to be an increase in the drop quality, just the drop frequency. And having a bonus of frequency of 2%-5% isnt a lot, but still might feel significant overall. Heck, increasing by 2% for each team member other than yourself would give a frequency increase of 2%-8%; still small, but nothing to scoff at, and with more drops happening, that gives players more reason to either team up with people they know, or even use the Open Group feature. Because it only affects the drop frequency a small amount, not the drop quality, the difficulty settings would (I think) not really be affected drastically, and would retain their balance. Players who want to play solo would not be penalized, the base drop rate would remain the same. Maybe if people that increasing that will bring too many green or higher quality items into the economy; if it's possible, perhaps keep the increase of rate to common items only?
Id also tweak the Squad system (which allows players of any level to team up and match the general level of the squad/team leader) so that when people of various levels join an Open Group, the system automatically sets the squad leader and play level to the lowest team members rank or level band. That might allow more people of various levels to meet up in Open Team groups across the board, and still keep some balance.
dunno if this was posted already in here, but i dont want to read about 200 sides of postings ...:
plz re-add antiproton mk xi [crtd]x2 variants, available per dilithium, for feds.
Create a time zone option in the launch application so that system updates/news is displayed in our chosen time zone.
Stop doing game updates/maintenance during prime playing times - (I'm thinking 4-6 AM Eastern).
Little by little, begin to incorporate starship and station interiors to canon technical manual specifications and PROPER SCALE!
Eventually (and in conjunction with the suggestion many others have made regarding massive and seamless sector space) allow for sector travel of your starship to continue while in the interior of your starship.
In conjunction with both of the above I would like to eventually see an option to play the game in a more realistic first-person role-playing mode whereby control of your starship would take place from the bridge, away missions would require walking to either the ship's transporter room or shuttlebay, and where any number of other mission or simply social activities would take place from the first-person inside your starship's interior.
Proper TWOK Rank Pips (I only place this here as this had been hinted at in the past by Cryptic, even supposedly at one point on an internal test build, but has never been fixed.
Mid Term -
TMP Bridge Pack (i.e. Canon bridge from Original Series films + proper TWOK uniform pips and I'd l've to see the security gear added and such - also more uniforms from the first Star Trek film - more than just the Admiral's uniform we get now)
Long Term - removal of Sector zones; ability to freely explore planets; more 'sandbox play' - less linear play; added functions in interiors - i.e. healing in sickbay, crafting in our labs and so forth.
Short Term - Rather than just a simple title for these accolades that we sometimes painfully unlocked, how about the appropriate medals in the clothing options.
Mid Term - More off-duty clothing options with the addition of more noticeable Fleet markings off-duty and uniform and the ability to impose the name under, over, and/or around the fleet identification patch.
Long Term - There's so many empty planets out there with no life on them in sector space and in nebulas/expanses. This is space and space is huge! Put some life out there.
Here are mine: Long:
1. More in-depth approach to the your ship's interior. Ideas include: Access to more decks and more places( holodecks, shuttlebay( with pilotable shuttlecraft that belong to your ship and/ or ones you may have purchased), more crew decks, astrometrics lab, cargo bays, etc. Also, more customizable ship options for the interior, for example different engineering layouts, and different deck layouts( a sovereign class will have a different engineering than a intrepid class by default, but it can be changed like the bridge). I don't like how every interior is the exact same as the next(excluding bridge). Mid:
2. Bridge officer shifts. Certain bridge officers work certain stations during different parts of day while your online. Main bridge officers come return to duty, when red alert is sounded, or at your order. Short:
3. Changing the alert. As captain, you should have the ability to sound yellow alert, red alert, or heck maybe even blue alert whenever you please(also, an option to turn off automatic red alert). Very Long
4. More detailed planets. By this, I mean multiple cities and locations that each offer something different. Especially for place like Earth.
I know that this a lot to do, but it would be cool to have and after all it's only the beginning.
Short term : An healing tribble equivalent for races that can't use them.
I know it seems like it's not a big deal but in some places (Defera Borg invasion), having this out of combat heal makes a huge difference and there's no reason I should have access to it on my Orion and Lethean and not oon my Klingon and Nausicaan. I suggest a Bloodwine cup usable only by Klingons, Nausicaans and Gorns with the very same effect as the Tribbles.
Mid term : More Kits or Kit customisation
I love Chronitron Mines but hate every other power on the Enemy Neutralization Kit. I wish we could have some more kits so we have at least two choices to get that power we like or go all the way and allow us to customize our kits with some restrictions.
Long term :Trait system overhaul
When I joined STO back at launch, I picked my traits at random on my first characters because I had no idea what they did and the game wasn't exactly straighforward about it. With all the changes that occured on skills these past two years, I think it's about time to review the trait system, allow us to respec them if we messed up (lucky for me I picked some great traits even with my random choices) and take a look at active traits, 2 to 3 min cooldown is pretty harsh on those very flavor/situational abilities.
Short Term
Changes unifrom in Cabins Quarters
Promote Sulu to Admiral(Four Star)
Mid Term
Ultitize Starfleet Academy for New Federation Characters as a Tutorial mission
Make the Federation Shipyard functional for requistitioning and reapiring ships.
Massive Fleet Action for Lead by Fleet Admiral Quinn and Emporer Kahless in which one or both could die as Season Closer.
Equipped Item compariason
Long Term
Player Developement of Starships
Delta Quadrant
Star Trek Online has made great work since its first launching two years ago. Since the Vulcan cruiser D'Kyr was added, I believe one or two other Vulcan ships can be added along with one or two Andorian vessels starting with Commander Shrans ship, the Kumari. At Qo'noS, the space station appears to have a graphical glitch and I was wondering when that will be fixed. Also, is there a way you can make something of a Negh'var refit type vessel that's of the same configuration as the one seen on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The one seen on DS9 has horizontal, flat nacelle pylons and the cannons seen on the under side had more detail. For star systems, I believe we need to be able to head to the Betazoid and Trill home worlds. Perhaps a sector block can be added between the Beta Ursae/Alpha Trianguli and Sirius Sector Block.
1. Fix autofire bug.
2. Clearer, simplified, and readily available descriptions for what skills/consoles/etc have on game parameters.
3. Redo IG rank structure to have Captain or Rear Admiral(<--at most) be the top achievable rank, and make it take longer to level up for gosh sakes
Mid Term
1. Fleet Wars. Fleets fight for control of systems, in a tournament bracket style competition, and receive dilithium rewards for controlling systems. A mixture of space and ground combat would be nice.
2. Make a limited number of minor ship customizations, available for sale in the C store, to change ship abilities and loadout, i.e. make a Boff / console slot universal, etc
3. Make old ships and promoted Boff's more useful by using them in special Duty Officer missions and when called during fleet support.
Long Term
1. Completion of the Klingon lvl 1 - 50 story arc, balancing of Klingon ships to Federation counterparts, and expansion of Klingon sectors to be equivalent in size to other factions.
2. Completion of Romulan and Cardassian story arcs as playable lvl 1-50 factions
3. Borderless map, save the Gamma Orionis and Orellius sectors
Little by little, begin to incorporate starship and station interiors to canon technical manual specifications and PROPER SCALE!
Eventually (and in conjunction with the suggestion many others have made regarding massive and seamless sector space) allow for sector travel of your starship to continue while in the interior of your starship.
I'll sign my name to these two, especially the first. We really don't need these voluminous bridges for any reason that I can think of.
Also please do not let the person responsible for the "02-Year Anniversary" banners anywhere near anything else in the game that is supposed to have words on it. There is no such thing as a "Two-Year Anniversary." It's a "Second Anniversary" or a "Two-Year Celebration." If it's an anniversary, it's denoting the passage of an exact number of years, by definition (the word literally means "year-turning").
I read a few of the other replies, but did not feel I could get thru all of those before this one. I hope I am not repeating any below.
Short Term
1 - As the first STF's are already done and can easily be put back in the game - added in the list of the shorter, separate ones, PLEASE bring back the long 3 part STF's as they were before these new ones. This should be a no pain/brain-er. Our Fleet loved the chance to figure them out and find more than one way to enjoy them! Also, the old STF's were valuable recruitment fun for our and perhaps other fleets. People who were or were not in fleets were frustrated in trying to get through them. We showed a LOT of people how.
Mid Term
1 - Better thrusters on larger ships. Yes, in the various Trek series and films we see faster turning Excelsiors and Sovereigns ships at times, but our current turn rates are well - I know what it feels like to be a whale now. The Long Range Retrofit Science ship (Voyager) flew almost as a Tac in the series and landed on planets (though I doubt STO can create planetary landings). Klingon ships seem to fly faster and have more power than Fed ships - I hope asking for better thrusters is not asking too much.
Long Term
1 - Create/Add the ability to fly as in real space - meaning X,Y, and Z flight! Three dimensions - for those who believe they are ready to do so. Yes thrusters will have to be added and that may be some programming headache, but NASA's programmers can/have done it, someone here in STO I know must be up to the challenge! Long ago, I flew some shuttle flight simulator, from lift-off to landing and getting the shuttle oriented for re-entry was the best fun using its thrusters (re-entry 5 by 5 was not easy at all)!
As for the other 2 'wishes for each Term - I feel those above cover them.
Make it so we can tailer the uniforms of ur ship crew. It doesn't look right when you walk around your ship and you crew is wearing different style clothes than your bridge crew. They should just make a male and female template to alter the unorms so the player can set differences in gender clothing.
Starfleet has been concentrating on bringing us new variants of existing class ships and the new Odyssy Class ship but they have neglected a way to conunter balance the Klingons carriers. A team with two or more carriers are are more than a match for a team of non-carrier ships. It's because they have support ships and fighters that server as extra weapons and make a distraction for opposing ships. Its time the Federation makes some carriers of their own to meet the Klingons with retaliation.
I think everyone wants uniformity in uniforms (pun intended)
carriers would be nice, especially if the fighters could be tasked (cap) (assault) (harrass)
Speaking of uniforms, it would be nice if we could CHANGE into off duty clothes anywhere, sure the tailor still needed to customize it, but be able to CHANGE to that customized clothing slot anywhere.
2. I deliberately avoided reading any other responses, not because of the volume (over 100 pages) but because I wanted these to be my own observations.
My thoughts:
1. A keybind layout scheme for ground interactions that more closely matches the default system in Champions Online. (Here, Q/E strafes while A/D turns; there it's the other way around. Here, F picks up; there, it's Z.) It doesn't need to match exactly; I'm just tired of switching between two different interfaces from the same company, and often getting them mixed up during play.
2. An end to Merchants popping up in the middle of my trying to do other things from the console, only to say "I'm a busy man, so goodbye."
3. Greater species availability In the Foundry. If it's a playable species, it should be in the Foundry.
1. A "copy uniform" function, so that whatever customizations the player make to the captain's uniform can be automatically copied to other Bridge Officers.
2. The same "copy uniform" function, in the Foundry. And it should work regardless of the recipient's species. (This is actually more important to me than the above, but I suspect that the above would be easier to implement, and could be done first on the way to this one.)
3. Androids and Holograms as PCs (a C-Store option, of course), and as BOffs.
(Also a #4 priority: rename RearAdmiral, Lower Half to Commodore. Then Rear Admiral, Upper Half becomes simply Rear Admiral.)
1. There's a discussion on how one could upload audio for use in Foundry Missions, including several clever suggestions on how it could be smoothly integrated into both the construction and the play of those Missions. I'd recommend taking a look at it, and seeing if something couldn't be done.
2. "Number One, take the conn." I'd like to be able to turn the responsibilities for a starship battle over to my First Officer. There are many reasons I might need this: I might be called away AFK during mid-battle for something that can't wait, my hands may be too tired to handle a ship battle, I may just feel like watching it as an observer, etc. The battle would use my First Officer's skills and skill levels, and if she's normally at one of the consoles there'd have to be a replacement handy; that would keep this from being abused. But I do think it should be doable.
3. Some means of providing extra rewards in Foundry Missions. A value could be expressed for various items, and when they're given as rewards, the value is taken out of the Skill Points awarded for the Mission. For example, in one that I'm working on I think it would be good to let the captains keep the Klingon Emergency Security Hologram who plays a part, as a unique, custom Duty Officer. Other reward options for the same Project could include Schematics, Devices, etc.
custom rewards in foundry will never happen. it would be far too tempting to "scan the wreckage, get a purple engine, scan more wreckage get a purple beam."
FIX EXISTING BUGS and upgrade the Klingons to full status like the Federation. Need missions/chains to do that? Look at the foundry. Set up a system in which foundry authors can be compensated somehow if their mission/series is converted into a main mission chain. You can compensate them with C-Store points if you feel queasy about giving them cash plus leave a credit note in the mission description, so their name will forever be included in the game. This does at least a couple of things: 1. more missions = more players = more money 2. more players will make more foundry missions in hopes of getting them picked up for c-store points = more foundry slot purchases = more money. 3. Quality missions at a low development cost.
Also, figure out what the "micro" part of microtransactions means. $25 for a ship is not "micro" by any stretch of the imagination. Half that amount probably doesn't even apply as "micro" but would be better.
Custom craftable ship system. Give us a bunch of parts and let us kitbash our own ships together. A simple system involving various sets of attachment points would make it awesome. This game isn't canon, so our ships shouldn't have to be either. If the overlords at CBS balk, make the canon ships uncustomizable. Ship parts packs = c-store items = more money. Take a look at regular player ship design contests to entice people to model new ships for the new era with the prize being that the ship gets brought into the game as a playable ship and/or parts. More ships + more customization = more players = more money.
Playable Races: Romulans, Cardassians, Breen, and BORG. I mean full on cube/sphere/diamond flying Borg, not freed Borg. Missions for all of these would come from the aforementioned foundry sources. Ships would come from a mixture of canon and the ship design contests.
kitbashed ships would be AWESOME, I'd love a Saladin destroyer from a kitbashed TOS-E. and GOD I want the Ambassador class. playable borge? booooorrrriiiinnnggggg. what would you do/ log in. assimilate next? borg don't explore. they don't have boffs giving lectures. and really, how many borg queen/king/prince of freaking wales cant here be?
custom rewards in foundry will never happen. it would be far too tempting to "scan the wreckage, get a purple engine, scan more wreckage get a purple beam."
Only if the activity in the Mission would otherwise be enough SPs and BOSPs to equate to a Purple Engine + a Purple Beam, as the value of those two items would be subtracted from those two scores. I'm not sure how the SP and BOSP awards are calculated for Foundry Missions, and I'm not sure what sort of exchange you'd figure between that and the two Purple items you mention, but I think there'd have to be a lot to a Mission to make that even possible.
Also (not really material to that part), the player wouldn't "scan the wreckage" for these things; they'd be given by the Contact upon turning in the Mission.
Short Term: Replace Reman ships with actual Reman ships, and not re-skinned Romulan ones.
Medium Term: The option to retire your character. By this I don't mean said user quitting the game. Instead, it would be nice if we were allowed to change our main character every so often. Give each player an automatic request change (from the very start of their game) to (should they wish it) re-create their main character. Species, Operations, Skills ~ the lot. Then, once in-game, have them come in at the same level their previous one was. Simply gives everyone a little bit of change. Once the first free change request has been used, you could then renew said opportunity every six months or something?
Long Term: A third playable faction. This would ultimately be a toss-up between the Romulan Empire and True Way Cardassian Union. If not either of them, then a totally new faction (one that actually exists in Trek) needs to be put together.
Short term would be better economy with a better exchange UI( or a complete UI overhaul would be even better ),
in mid term, I'd say a rebalance of episode mission rewards is in order. Currently all the good stuff comes from STF and hardly any Vice Admirals replay episodes -other than a few known missions- to get items.
For long term I think ability to complete missions in different ways such diplomacy, bribery or even with stealth would be good along with the rewards based on the way you've completed the mission.
The Star Trek Universe is a large area and could easily set up exploration areas other than nebulas, even have missions that throws your ship into another quadrant like Voyager.
Someday, I would like to see players to be other factions other than Star Fleet or Klingons. I would like to see a Romulan Faction started. One could even play in the mirror universe too. These are definately long term thoughts but, with such a huge area to work in. The game is only limited to one's imagination.
short term: fixing the excelsers beams as in where they apear form they just kind of shoot out of the sips hull and its supper enoying. also on the mission infected it says that there are only 200 people on the starbase my excelser is smaller than it and it even has 750 people on it i think that there should be more than 200 people on the starbase lol
mid: exploration revamp
long: make the game to scail better when my ship flys up to a planit it dosent feel accurate also when my ship is shooting at someone it feals like i could reach out and touch them! also sector space i should not be flying buy a solar system and my ship be bigger than it.
Short, mid
- Make race specific traits available for alien race. (never understood, why Klingons are the only warrior race and Bajoran the only spiritual race)
- Implement the traits that are in the files but have not yet been made available for players (charm, engineered clone etc...)
- new traits like Android/artificial lifeform, genetically enhanced, etc.
Mid, long
- Different movment types either depending of the chosen "stance", or free selectable. (Gorilla walk, floating etc.)
- Possibility to "request" a BO from a race of choise (my alien needs company from his homeworld )
- Race- profession- gender- trait specific behavior of NPCs. Never understood why an Orion female should bother talking to a woman, and a Klingon warrior should respect a medic as much as a soldier.
- Posibillity to solve missions in 2 ways: either diplomatic or with brute force. At least some missions.
-regarding the dominionships
update the weapons FX to look more like in ds9, specially the polaron one a lil more "white-ish" and more of a straight beam instead of this electroidlooking neonpink we have right now - or just give the bugs and assaultcruisers a tetryon beam weapon and polaron canons to represent that. as a reference, take a look at the big showdown battle between the dominion and the alphaquadrant alliance. which brings me to the next point,
-standard-weapon-layout of the klingon ships.
per usual you get dual cannons on them when you buy the ship (or a bop with a dualbeam, which i never understood) - if you watch that showdown fight for example, you can see, that they use dual heavys compared to the ingame boltspray - and not just the birds of prey, but also the vorchas and neghvars. non of them looked like they use the dual cannons with the higher frequency small projectiles, but small bursts of dual heavys. which would act towards their nature, getting the deadliest punch out of the ships.
- idea for a neghvar refit (if its not already in there, cause i couldnt check) -> give them a heavy-disruptorbeam lance, similar to the dreadnought on the fed side. could also work for the vorcha refit, since they beefed it up to the fullest.
-fix the transphasic torpedo, cause right now its broken. (nearly no impact on hull and a kinetic bonus with around 1k dmg less then any other torp is kinda... meh)
/edit: before i forget that.. fix the carrier pets please..
- more klingon episodes as already promised (conquering, marauding etc.). like the first episodes you can play right now, which were pretty good balanced of space&ground combat & warrior-/myth-driven.
- more PvEvP warzones - maybe like the idea that someone else here on the forums posted, like a hold & conquer scenario with npc stations and ships changing, depending on the faction which won the last round and so on.
Short Term:
1) Skippable tutorial as long as your account has done it at least once.
2) Adjust diplomatic XP rewards for diplomatic missions to account for the increased requirements introduced with duty officer system.
3) True muscle tone slider for all characters (present bulk sliders only change size, not definition).
Medium Term:
1) Waist slider for all characters (we've got hips, so why not?).
2) Playable Cardassians for both the Federation and KDF, possibly a C-store unlock, but ideally free because I know you love us!
3) VA-level Miranda refit!
Long Term:
1) A story arc after the Undine that features the Federation and KDF starting to formally explore the Delta Quadrant, with an associated level cap increase.
2) Romulan faction with playable Hirogen.
3) Playable joint Cardassian-Dominion faction (separate and distinct from playable KDF/Fed Cardassians).
I would like to have a task force of warships that I can control. That I can assign officers too and even send on autonomic missions like the duty officer system.
I would like to have amazing awards for sending them with the risk of also losing my sent ship.
0) Fix the Defiant Bridge and the reset of that variant. I mean the ones purchased with EC. The Carpets are only loading as two tone tan, not what is shown in the screen shots.
1) Make MVAM more intelligent. The other two sections don't always attack or get stuck on something.
2) Fix Random Borg "Super Hits" That one shot kill you even when you have 100% shield and 100% hull. Really nothing should be killing you with 86,000 damage, especially something that is invisible.
3) On the Romulan mission where you have to find, scan, and scuttle the Borg Sphere, it was a Borg Probe even though everything was saying sphere.
4) Multi-Vector Assault Escort should have either a universal bridge station and/or higher ranking stations. 2000 c-points and level 50 and for someone that doesn't use beams the only ensign option is tac team 1 in all three stations. We need more variety in skills or higher stations.
5) remove or increase the players skill cap. Too much you really need to put points on and not nearly enough points possible for slots.
6) Transwarp avail. on larger scale. Despite what we humans think, we are not the center of the universe, and this translates into the game as well. Being able to transwarp to space dock is nice, but being able to transwarp to DS9, and K-7 would be greatly appreciated.
7) Starbase 157 (I Think) in alpha centauri (again I think that's where I saw it) Disappeared. If you're doing work on it and that's why...AWESOME!! I've never been to that one, and didn't even know it existed until I found it on accident. Maybe/Hopefully you can make it a unique design and layout.
8) Custom design bridge or player created bridge design contest.
1) more variety in the way missions can be completed. For example diplomatic, stealth, full combat.
2) more player created ship contests. OR even better, more "kit-bashing" ship designs. Many of the ship designs and concepts were created by kit-bashing from a large variety of ships. Without having to create a huge amount of new ships you could easily add alot more variety.
3) Fleet starbases that can be customized, but don't take a huge amount of resources or have requirements to keep them. I haven't found a use for a fleet yet, but having a unique starbase to call my own would be awesome, even more awesome would be if we could choose a place in one of the clusters where we wanted to put it.
4) More mini-games and more prizes. I love Dabo although the dabo screen needs to be larger or even better resizeable. Too hard to see all the symbols on the Dabo table. Would love a 3d chess game in my captains quarter were I could play against the comp or invite a player. playable poker in the ship lounge maybe using EC or dilithium.
5) holodecks on our ships that we could use and play special missions. like the Data and Moriarty one on TNG.
6) Working sickbay and functional engineering/engineering lab. being able to create items instead of just at memory alpha
7) a mission to be able to research and build androids as either a playable character or bridge officer but only obtainable through this mission (bound not tradeable)
8) more options for music player (windows media player/media player classic)
More ships and not just c-store ones...availible through special missions and missions that take some determination in time length would be awesome. Maybe a section 31 prototype design mission with a larger Tactial escort that proves you can be big but also be fast and deadly
Completing an episode allows you to play as that race and/or allows you use a ship from that race.
after two years, finally fix Ker'at
- having probes, sphere and cubes hide inside geometry of encryption nodes so they are not attackable while they shoot at you
- having feds spawn at fed spawnpoint as enemies
- having klinks spawn at fed spawnpoint as enemies
in space, no one hears you scream. also, in space i actually can live with the PowerPoint aesthetics of the area map.
But in ground missions, pressing 'M' provides you with an area map which looks like it was a scaled up 32x32 pixel thumbail, because the mipmapping failed to work. I feel like Han Solo recovering from carbonite freeze: "I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Please, for the sake of everything thats holy to a game developer - fix the maps so we can actually see something. If you dont want to commit ressources, let the community make them, we have some very talented artists here. Those "Maps" should have never made it out of closed beta.
there is so much to fix, i dont even know where to begin. last time i logged onto myklink and noticed that after 2 years, they still use federation tricorders, i just logged out again.
Edit: long-term gameplay idea (which was suggested some times before, iirc):
allow us to play as one of our duty officers during away missions. its really a shame to have a vice admiral running around fetching stem bolts. i'd rather send one of my minions, it would also add to the immersion
1.) Fix the cruddy UI. Its frequently unresponsive, looks terrible and its components like status messages annoys to hell. Its been 2 years for god sake.
2.) Events need more love. That includes STFs.
-- Include Terradome in the queue
-- Fix Armek Of Borg and the Crystalline Entity.
-- The Deferi Temple Invasion puzzle is torture. Please fix or make it easier to move those puzzle parts.
3.) KDF special effects like beaming out doesn't happen on some maps. Furthermore the Beam out should WAIT until after the gesture animation is finished. It looks more like the show that way. Currently both Fed and KDF characters are still in mid animation when beaming occurs.
Mid Term:
1.) Remove heavy instancing from locations a.k.a. Open Sector Space. Places like ESD and DS9 should all be one coherent instance, no load screens.
2. Rebalanced Borg powers and enemies. 1 shots are ridiculous. Those Unimatrix ships in the Borg Alerts are even more ridiculous.
3. New Ground Combat kits with new powers.
Long Term:
1.)Romulan Expansion with new sectors and playable species for all factions. (Ideas below)
-- Romulans themselves don't NEED to have their own faction, but Romulan focused.
-- Romulan BoFFs and playable Romulans for both Fed and KDF.
-- KDF can have Hirogen exclusive and Fed can have Reman exclusive.
-- Romulan influenced ship designs and Romulan/Iconian storylines.
2.) DirectX 11. Properly implemented of course.
3.) New exploration method. The current model leaves much to be desired.
I know that the format of this thread is to present requests for the game in short, mid and long-term goals, but for the time being, having read through some of the requests, I can only think of one request that I haven't seen that I really want to see happen.
Music. Please, make more music that more appropriately fits the varying situations the players find themselves in, and bind all musical occurrences to play when inside relevant territories.
So often I've been in missions in the game where the existing music loop will be in play and I'll find that while the music does sound appropriately Klingon-like, it didn't really fit for repelling a Borg vessel. The same can be said about some of the music sounding appropriately Borg-like... but not really fitting while you're taking fire from a small attack group of Romulan Birds-of-Prey.
Ideally? I'd love to hear more homages to the original music of the shows... but I understand CBS is hoarding the rights to put that music in the game, so it can't be used. But, perhaps bring in music that shows homages to those themes we all know and love.
If nothing else, just new music. Two years of playing this game and listening to the same music (most of which I don't find so terribly inspiring), which seems very much like maybe only 4 songs on infinite repeat? Makes me long for a working knowledge of the in-game music player so I could just always have my own soundtrack playing... but I'd rather just listen to the music the developers installed in the game, as long as the music was interesting and fit the scenarios I was in...
- Weapon does not automatically pop out when switching to shooter mode if weapon was previously holstered
Mid-Term Goals
- Bridge main viewer displays actually outside environment
- Ship continues to move to desired locations when inside and walking about
Long-Term goals
- Shuttle craft do not require a base to be selected and used, but are accessed from ship and ship stays where it is while shuttle ventures from there and back to ship again.
- Randomly generating space beyond current universe for exploration accessible to all players
- More factions (Romulan, Cardassian, etc.)
- More vessels for each species (more vulcan vessels, Ferengi vessels, etc.)
- Stories/quests, for inside ship as ship is traveling long distances and bridge officers tell you when you come across something noteworthy like in series and provided randomly generated space is active
- More depth to personality of bridge officers that has greater effect for internal ship quests/stories
maybe a limited engagement type thing
35 vs 35
id make it an assault type thing centered around a starbase captured and held by the defending fleet ...attacking fleet has a certain amount of time to destroy defenses and the defending players ships in space around the base then beam in and do a ground assault to capture the main operations center of the base
timed event
the battle can be restarted at any time during that time period by the attacking fleet if they all die or decide to regroup and try again but doing so will allow the defenders to re ship and regroup as well ...the game begins from scratch no respawn no revive ...once you die your dead till that battle is over
defenses do not regenerate
if the attacker captures the operations center within the allotted time they gain control of the starbase and earn whatever perks come with it (im sure we could think of something maybe a special ship unique to that starbase which can only be used by the controling fleet )
if the defending fleet succeeds in keeping the attacker away for the specified time they retain control of the starbase
the longer you own a starbase the better the perks get and the more defenses you can purchase so on and so fourth
this promotes fleet actions and creates a whole new arena of pvp gameplay for the STO pplz to enjoy
First, heres an idea I had to help encourage people to play together more often when leveling why not increase the frequency rate at which items drop from mobs/critters by 1% for the number of people youre teamed up with? It doesnt have to be an increase in the drop quality, just the drop frequency. And having a bonus of frequency of 2%-5% isnt a lot, but still might feel significant overall. Heck, increasing by 2% for each team member other than yourself would give a frequency increase of 2%-8%; still small, but nothing to scoff at, and with more drops happening, that gives players more reason to either team up with people they know, or even use the Open Group feature. Because it only affects the drop frequency a small amount, not the drop quality, the difficulty settings would (I think) not really be affected drastically, and would retain their balance. Players who want to play solo would not be penalized, the base drop rate would remain the same. Maybe if people that increasing that will bring too many green or higher quality items into the economy; if it's possible, perhaps keep the increase of rate to common items only?
Id also tweak the Squad system (which allows players of any level to team up and match the general level of the squad/team leader) so that when people of various levels join an Open Group, the system automatically sets the squad leader and play level to the lowest team members rank or level band. That might allow more people of various levels to meet up in Open Team groups across the board, and still keep some balance.
plz re-add antiproton mk xi [crtd]x2 variants, available per dilithium, for feds.
Stop doing game updates/maintenance during prime playing times - (I'm thinking 4-6 AM Eastern).
Little by little, begin to incorporate starship and station interiors to canon technical manual specifications and PROPER SCALE!
Eventually (and in conjunction with the suggestion many others have made regarding massive and seamless sector space) allow for sector travel of your starship to continue while in the interior of your starship.
In conjunction with both of the above I would like to eventually see an option to play the game in a more realistic first-person role-playing mode whereby control of your starship would take place from the bridge, away missions would require walking to either the ship's transporter room or shuttlebay, and where any number of other mission or simply social activities would take place from the first-person inside your starship's interior.
Proper TWOK Rank Pips (I only place this here as this had been hinted at in the past by Cryptic, even supposedly at one point on an internal test build, but has never been fixed.
Mid Term -
TMP Bridge Pack (i.e. Canon bridge from Original Series films + proper TWOK uniform pips and I'd l've to see the security gear added and such - also more uniforms from the first Star Trek film - more than just the Admiral's uniform we get now)
Long Term - removal of Sector zones; ability to freely explore planets; more 'sandbox play' - less linear play; added functions in interiors - i.e. healing in sickbay, crafting in our labs and so forth.
Mid Term - More off-duty clothing options with the addition of more noticeable Fleet markings off-duty and uniform and the ability to impose the name under, over, and/or around the fleet identification patch.
Long Term - There's so many empty planets out there with no life on them in sector space and in nebulas/expanses. This is space and space is huge! Put some life out there.
1. More in-depth approach to the your ship's interior. Ideas include: Access to more decks and more places( holodecks, shuttlebay( with pilotable shuttlecraft that belong to your ship and/ or ones you may have purchased), more crew decks, astrometrics lab, cargo bays, etc. Also, more customizable ship options for the interior, for example different engineering layouts, and different deck layouts( a sovereign class will have a different engineering than a intrepid class by default, but it can be changed like the bridge). I don't like how every interior is the exact same as the next(excluding bridge).
2. Bridge officer shifts. Certain bridge officers work certain stations during different parts of day while your online. Main bridge officers come return to duty, when red alert is sounded, or at your order.
3. Changing the alert. As captain, you should have the ability to sound yellow alert, red alert, or heck maybe even blue alert whenever you please(also, an option to turn off automatic red alert).
Very Long
4. More detailed planets. By this, I mean multiple cities and locations that each offer something different. Especially for place like Earth.
I know that this a lot to do, but it would be cool to have and after all it's only the beginning.
I know it seems like it's not a big deal but in some places (Defera Borg invasion), having this out of combat heal makes a huge difference and there's no reason I should have access to it on my Orion and Lethean and not oon my Klingon and Nausicaan. I suggest a Bloodwine cup usable only by Klingons, Nausicaans and Gorns with the very same effect as the Tribbles.
Mid term : More Kits or Kit customisation
I love Chronitron Mines but hate every other power on the Enemy Neutralization Kit. I wish we could have some more kits so we have at least two choices to get that power we like or go all the way and allow us to customize our kits with some restrictions.
Long term :Trait system overhaul
When I joined STO back at launch, I picked my traits at random on my first characters because I had no idea what they did and the game wasn't exactly straighforward about it. With all the changes that occured on skills these past two years, I think it's about time to review the trait system, allow us to respec them if we messed up (lucky for me I picked some great traits even with my random choices) and take a look at active traits, 2 to 3 min cooldown is pretty harsh on those very flavor/situational abilities.
Changes unifrom in Cabins Quarters
Promote Sulu to Admiral(Four Star)
Mid Term
Ultitize Starfleet Academy for New Federation Characters as a Tutorial mission
Make the Federation Shipyard functional for requistitioning and reapiring ships.
Massive Fleet Action for Lead by Fleet Admiral Quinn and Emporer Kahless in which one or both could die as Season Closer.
Equipped Item compariason
Long Term
Player Developement of Starships
Delta Quadrant
1. Fix autofire bug.
2. Clearer, simplified, and readily available descriptions for what skills/consoles/etc have on game parameters.
3. Redo IG rank structure to have Captain or Rear Admiral(<--at most) be the top achievable rank, and make it take longer to level up for gosh sakes
Mid Term
1. Fleet Wars. Fleets fight for control of systems, in a tournament bracket style competition, and receive dilithium rewards for controlling systems. A mixture of space and ground combat would be nice.
2. Make a limited number of minor ship customizations, available for sale in the C store, to change ship abilities and loadout, i.e. make a Boff / console slot universal, etc
3. Make old ships and promoted Boff's more useful by using them in special Duty Officer missions and when called during fleet support.
Long Term
1. Completion of the Klingon lvl 1 - 50 story arc, balancing of Klingon ships to Federation counterparts, and expansion of Klingon sectors to be equivalent in size to other factions.
2. Completion of Romulan and Cardassian story arcs as playable lvl 1-50 factions
3. Borderless map, save the Gamma Orionis and Orellius sectors
I'll sign my name to these two, especially the first. We really don't need these voluminous bridges for any reason that I can think of.
Also please do not let the person responsible for the "02-Year Anniversary" banners anywhere near anything else in the game that is supposed to have words on it. There is no such thing as a "Two-Year Anniversary." It's a "Second Anniversary" or a "Two-Year Celebration." If it's an anniversary, it's denoting the passage of an exact number of years, by definition (the word literally means "year-turning").
I read a few of the other replies, but did not feel I could get thru all of those before this one. I hope I am not repeating any below.
Short Term
1 - As the first STF's are already done and can easily be put back in the game - added in the list of the shorter, separate ones, PLEASE bring back the long 3 part STF's as they were before these new ones. This should be a no pain/brain-er. Our Fleet loved the chance to figure them out and find more than one way to enjoy them! Also, the old STF's were valuable recruitment fun for our and perhaps other fleets. People who were or were not in fleets were frustrated in trying to get through them. We showed a LOT of people how.
Mid Term
1 - Better thrusters on larger ships. Yes, in the various Trek series and films we see faster turning Excelsiors and Sovereigns ships at times, but our current turn rates are well - I know what it feels like to be a whale now. The Long Range Retrofit Science ship (Voyager) flew almost as a Tac in the series and landed on planets (though I doubt STO can create planetary landings). Klingon ships seem to fly faster and have more power than Fed ships - I hope asking for better thrusters is not asking too much.
Long Term
1 - Create/Add the ability to fly as in real space - meaning X,Y, and Z flight! Three dimensions - for those who believe they are ready to do so. Yes thrusters will have to be added and that may be some programming headache, but NASA's programmers can/have done it, someone here in STO I know must be up to the challenge! Long ago, I flew some shuttle flight simulator, from lift-off to landing and getting the shuttle oriented for re-entry was the best fun using its thrusters (re-entry 5 by 5 was not easy at all)!
As for the other 2 'wishes for each Term - I feel those above cover them.
Don't you LIKE catfish?
I think everyone wants uniformity in uniforms (pun intended)
carriers would be nice, especially if the fighters could be tasked (cap) (assault) (harrass)
you can
custom rewards in foundry will never happen. it would be far too tempting to "scan the wreckage, get a purple engine, scan more wreckage get a purple beam."
kitbashed ships would be AWESOME, I'd love a Saladin destroyer from a kitbashed TOS-E. and GOD I want the Ambassador class. playable borge? booooorrrriiiinnnggggg. what would you do/ log in. assimilate next? borg don't explore. they don't have boffs giving lectures. and really, how many borg queen/king/prince of freaking wales cant here be?
Only if the activity in the Mission would otherwise be enough SPs and BOSPs to equate to a Purple Engine + a Purple Beam, as the value of those two items would be subtracted from those two scores. I'm not sure how the SP and BOSP awards are calculated for Foundry Missions, and I'm not sure what sort of exchange you'd figure between that and the two Purple items you mention, but I think there'd have to be a lot to a Mission to make that even possible.
Also (not really material to that part), the player wouldn't "scan the wreckage" for these things; they'd be given by the Contact upon turning in the Mission.
Medium Term: The option to retire your character. By this I don't mean said user quitting the game. Instead, it would be nice if we were allowed to change our main character every so often. Give each player an automatic request change (from the very start of their game) to (should they wish it) re-create their main character. Species, Operations, Skills ~ the lot. Then, once in-game, have them come in at the same level their previous one was. Simply gives everyone a little bit of change. Once the first free change request has been used, you could then renew said opportunity every six months or something?
Long Term: A third playable faction. This would ultimately be a toss-up between the Romulan Empire and True Way Cardassian Union. If not either of them, then a totally new faction (one that actually exists in Trek) needs to be put together.
in mid term, I'd say a rebalance of episode mission rewards is in order. Currently all the good stuff comes from STF and hardly any Vice Admirals replay episodes -other than a few known missions- to get items.
For long term I think ability to complete missions in different ways such diplomacy, bribery or even with stealth would be good along with the rewards based on the way you've completed the mission.
Someday, I would like to see players to be other factions other than Star Fleet or Klingons. I would like to see a Romulan Faction started. One could even play in the mirror universe too. These are definately long term thoughts but, with such a huge area to work in. The game is only limited to one's imagination.
Short term:
1)Fix the "cannot obtain map" glitch on PvE and PvP queues.
Mid term:
1) Greater ship variety- perhaps allow us to use parts from lower tier ships to supplement visual variety?
Long term:
1) More diverse exploration content. I really hate exploring on rails.
mid: exploration revamp
long: make the game to scail better when my ship flys up to a planit it dosent feel accurate also when my ship is shooting at someone it feals like i could reach out and touch them! also sector space i should not be flying buy a solar system and my ship be bigger than it.
Short, mid
- Make race specific traits available for alien race. (never understood, why Klingons are the only warrior race and Bajoran the only spiritual race)
- Implement the traits that are in the files but have not yet been made available for players (charm, engineered clone etc...)
- new traits like Android/artificial lifeform, genetically enhanced, etc.
Mid, long
- Different movment types either depending of the chosen "stance", or free selectable. (Gorilla walk, floating etc.)
- Possibility to "request" a BO from a race of choise (my alien needs company from his homeworld
- Race- profession- gender- trait specific behavior of NPCs. Never understood why an Orion female should bother talking to a woman, and a Klingon warrior should respect a medic as much as a soldier.
- Posibillity to solve missions in 2 ways: either diplomatic or with brute force. At least some missions.
-regarding the dominionships
update the weapons FX to look more like in ds9, specially the polaron one a lil more "white-ish" and more of a straight beam instead of this electroidlooking neonpink we have right now - or just give the bugs and assaultcruisers a tetryon beam weapon and polaron canons to represent that. as a reference, take a look at the big showdown battle between the dominion and the alphaquadrant alliance. which brings me to the next point,
-standard-weapon-layout of the klingon ships.
per usual you get dual cannons on them when you buy the ship (or a bop with a dualbeam, which i never understood) - if you watch that showdown fight for example, you can see, that they use dual heavys compared to the ingame boltspray - and not just the birds of prey, but also the vorchas and neghvars. non of them looked like they use the dual cannons with the higher frequency small projectiles, but small bursts of dual heavys. which would act towards their nature, getting the deadliest punch out of the ships.
- idea for a neghvar refit (if its not already in there, cause i couldnt check) -> give them a heavy-disruptorbeam lance, similar to the dreadnought on the fed side. could also work for the vorcha refit, since they beefed it up to the fullest.
-fix the transphasic torpedo, cause right now its broken. (nearly no impact on hull and a kinetic bonus with around 1k dmg less then any other torp is kinda... meh)
/edit: before i forget that.. fix the carrier pets please..
- more klingon episodes as already promised (conquering, marauding etc.). like the first episodes you can play right now, which were pretty good balanced of space&ground combat & warrior-/myth-driven.
- more PvEvP warzones - maybe like the idea that someone else here on the forums posted, like a hold & conquer scenario with npc stations and ships changing, depending on the faction which won the last round and so on.
1) Skippable tutorial as long as your account has done it at least once.
2) Adjust diplomatic XP rewards for diplomatic missions to account for the increased requirements introduced with duty officer system.
3) True muscle tone slider for all characters (present bulk sliders only change size, not definition).
Medium Term:
1) Waist slider for all characters (we've got hips, so why not?).
2) Playable Cardassians for both the Federation and KDF, possibly a C-store unlock, but ideally free because I know you love us!
3) VA-level Miranda refit!
Long Term:
1) A story arc after the Undine that features the Federation and KDF starting to formally explore the Delta Quadrant, with an associated level cap increase.
2) Romulan faction with playable Hirogen.
3) Playable joint Cardassian-Dominion faction (separate and distinct from playable KDF/Fed Cardassians).
Please can you add
Disable Notification Option
Add this too the Game Options Basic section.
I would like to have a task force of warships that I can control. That I can assign officers too and even send on autonomic missions like the duty officer system.
I would like to have amazing awards for sending them with the risk of also losing my sent ship.
I am an admiral. ?!
0) Fix the Defiant Bridge and the reset of that variant. I mean the ones purchased with EC. The Carpets are only loading as two tone tan, not what is shown in the screen shots.
1) Make MVAM more intelligent. The other two sections don't always attack or get stuck on something.
2) Fix Random Borg "Super Hits" That one shot kill you even when you have 100% shield and 100% hull. Really nothing should be killing you with 86,000 damage, especially something that is invisible.
3) On the Romulan mission where you have to find, scan, and scuttle the Borg Sphere, it was a Borg Probe even though everything was saying sphere.
4) Multi-Vector Assault Escort should have either a universal bridge station and/or higher ranking stations. 2000 c-points and level 50 and for someone that doesn't use beams the only ensign option is tac team 1 in all three stations. We need more variety in skills or higher stations.
5) remove or increase the players skill cap. Too much you really need to put points on and not nearly enough points possible for slots.
6) Transwarp avail. on larger scale. Despite what we humans think, we are not the center of the universe, and this translates into the game as well. Being able to transwarp to space dock is nice, but being able to transwarp to DS9, and K-7 would be greatly appreciated.
7) Starbase 157 (I Think) in alpha centauri (again I think that's where I saw it) Disappeared. If you're doing work on it and that's why...AWESOME!! I've never been to that one, and didn't even know it existed until I found it on accident. Maybe/Hopefully you can make it a unique design and layout.
8) Custom design bridge or player created bridge design contest.
1) more variety in the way missions can be completed. For example diplomatic, stealth, full combat.
2) more player created ship contests. OR even better, more "kit-bashing" ship designs. Many of the ship designs and concepts were created by kit-bashing from a large variety of ships. Without having to create a huge amount of new ships you could easily add alot more variety.
3) Fleet starbases that can be customized, but don't take a huge amount of resources or have requirements to keep them. I haven't found a use for a fleet yet, but having a unique starbase to call my own would be awesome, even more awesome would be if we could choose a place in one of the clusters where we wanted to put it.
4) More mini-games and more prizes. I love Dabo although the dabo screen needs to be larger or even better resizeable. Too hard to see all the symbols on the Dabo table. Would love a 3d chess game in my captains quarter were I could play against the comp or invite a player. playable poker in the ship lounge maybe using EC or dilithium.
5) holodecks on our ships that we could use and play special missions. like the Data and Moriarty one on TNG.
6) Working sickbay and functional engineering/engineering lab. being able to create items instead of just at memory alpha
7) a mission to be able to research and build androids as either a playable character or bridge officer but only obtainable through this mission (bound not tradeable)
8) more options for music player (windows media player/media player classic)
More ships and not just c-store ones...availible through special missions and missions that take some determination in time length would be awesome. Maybe a section 31 prototype design mission with a larger Tactial escort that proves you can be big but also be fast and deadly
Completing an episode allows you to play as that race and/or allows you use a ship from that race.
after two years, finally fix Ker'at
- having probes, sphere and cubes hide inside geometry of encryption nodes so they are not attackable while they shoot at you
- having feds spawn at fed spawnpoint as enemies
- having klinks spawn at fed spawnpoint as enemies
in space, no one hears you scream. also, in space i actually can live with the PowerPoint aesthetics of the area map.
But in ground missions, pressing 'M' provides you with an area map which looks like it was a scaled up 32x32 pixel thumbail, because the mipmapping failed to work.
I feel like Han Solo recovering from carbonite freeze: "I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Please, for the sake of everything thats holy to a game developer - fix the maps so we can actually see something. If you dont want to commit ressources, let the community make them, we have some very talented artists here. Those "Maps" should have never made it out of closed beta.
there is so much to fix, i dont even know where to begin. last time i logged onto myklink and noticed that after 2 years, they still use federation tricorders, i just logged out again.
Edit: long-term gameplay idea (which was suggested some times before, iirc):
allow us to play as one of our duty officers during away missions. its really a shame to have a vice admiral running around fetching stem bolts. i'd rather send one of my minions, it would also add to the immersion
1.) Fix the cruddy UI. Its frequently unresponsive, looks terrible and its components like status messages annoys to hell. Its been 2 years for god sake.
2.) Events need more love. That includes STFs.
-- Include Terradome in the queue
-- Fix Armek Of Borg and the Crystalline Entity.
-- The Deferi Temple Invasion puzzle is torture. Please fix or make it easier to move those puzzle parts.
3.) KDF special effects like beaming out doesn't happen on some maps. Furthermore the Beam out should WAIT until after the gesture animation is finished. It looks more like the show that way. Currently both Fed and KDF characters are still in mid animation when beaming occurs.
Mid Term:
1.) Remove heavy instancing from locations a.k.a. Open Sector Space. Places like ESD and DS9 should all be one coherent instance, no load screens.
2. Rebalanced Borg powers and enemies. 1 shots are ridiculous. Those Unimatrix ships in the Borg Alerts are even more ridiculous.
3. New Ground Combat kits with new powers.
Long Term:
1.)Romulan Expansion with new sectors and playable species for all factions. (Ideas below)
-- Romulans themselves don't NEED to have their own faction, but Romulan focused.
-- Romulan BoFFs and playable Romulans for both Fed and KDF.
-- KDF can have Hirogen exclusive and Fed can have Reman exclusive.
-- Romulan influenced ship designs and Romulan/Iconian storylines.
2.) DirectX 11. Properly implemented of course.
3.) New exploration method. The current model leaves much to be desired.
Music. Please, make more music that more appropriately fits the varying situations the players find themselves in, and bind all musical occurrences to play when inside relevant territories.
So often I've been in missions in the game where the existing music loop will be in play and I'll find that while the music does sound appropriately Klingon-like, it didn't really fit for repelling a Borg vessel. The same can be said about some of the music sounding appropriately Borg-like... but not really fitting while you're taking fire from a small attack group of Romulan Birds-of-Prey.
Ideally? I'd love to hear more homages to the original music of the shows... but I understand CBS is hoarding the rights to put that music in the game, so it can't be used. But, perhaps bring in music that shows homages to those themes we all know and love.
If nothing else, just new music. Two years of playing this game and listening to the same music (most of which I don't find so terribly inspiring), which seems very much like maybe only 4 songs on infinite repeat? Makes me long for a working knowledge of the in-game music player so I could just always have my own soundtrack playing... but I'd rather just listen to the music the developers installed in the game, as long as the music was interesting and fit the scenarios I was in...