Short Term
- Respec's
- Rebinding Transwarp
- More polish, far too many little "niggly" things
- Bajoran wormhole redesign, looks horrible
Mid Term
- Relooking at how many skill points Admirals have
- Bridge overhaul
- Ground play needs love
- More random missions. There are only about 6 different ones - beam down and scan X random objects, investigate a distressed ship, gather 5 anomalies, clear out X faction ships, beam down and kill 5 groups of npcs, defend an outpost.
- Much more in the way of weather effects
- Dynamic effects in space
- Resizing all internal rooms so I'm not in giant land. I heard that it's due to camera distance and angles. This excuse isn't good enough to have massively oversized rooms.
Long Term
- Full Klingon PvE, and making sure every race that you implement in the future has full PvE
- Redesign Sector Space
- Being able to access way more parts of my starship - main engineering, my own personal quarters which I can decorate with things like trophies, 10 forward, medical bay, gym, different decks, lots of random corridors, transporter rooms etc.
- Holodeck
Better AI of the enemies and bridge officers
More diplomatic missions with different options in the conversation (like a Bioware game)
A Captains room, engine room, crew quarters... on my ship
Much more alternation in the missions
First contacts and negotiations with new alien civilizations
Scientific stuff (exploration of black holes, neutron stars, exoplanets, archaeology ruins,...)
Our own solar system with all 8 planets, asteroid belt, kuiper belt and so on.
You have a lot to do to make this game more similar to Gene Roddenberry's vision of Star Trek. Fewer action and more intelligent stuff.
short term:
- Server stability / more capacity
- Better documentation: I saw a thread recently on what each weapon type does. A dev posted in it saying "hey! This is good info!" :eek: So apparently, not even the devs understand the game enough to document it?:rolleyes:
- remove the spaceship pitch limit. I really see no need for this, especially since there are objectives positioned outside of this limit!
- Fix NPC pathing. On ground, my away team gets stuck behind boxes. In space, the bad guys always ram into asteroids (preventing me from shooting them).
Mid term:
- More ship / item choices.
- Ability to have more than one active target in space combat. Seriously... pick any modern day military thing... it can target more than one bad guy! At least allow us to have separate targets for front and aft, or have a primary and secondary target.
- Ability to be inside ship during sector space travel.
- Fleet action results based on stuff OTHER than just DPS (so those healers keeping you alive can get some love!)
Long term:
- "better" Random patrol/explore mission generator.
- More "non-combat" mission types.
- Create more internal ship locations
Conglomeration of adjacent Sector Maps in Sector Space to make larger single world maps with fewer loading screens.
Adjustments to Z-Axis ship movement to allow either full 90-degree rotation or improved angle of pitch to help eliminate the death-spiral currently required.
More Races: Addition of more canonical races that should be a part of currently existing factions.
Klingon PvE Content equivalent to Federation PvE Content, missions, episodes and also including Klingon-brand Exploration (Conquest!) content
More (Visual) Ship design Options. Nebula-class, Excelsior-class, etc. More ship type options for Klingons certainly as well.
Ground combat improvements. Needs more polish overall, another look at difficulty of certain opponents (Remans) and general overall Time to Kill of enemies in PvE.
New Playable factions. Romulans, Dominion and the Borg are the top three I want to see implemented. Borg are likely the most difficult to implement at all IMO. For the Borg to work as a faction 'captain' characters would need to be similar to Locutus of Borg, entities with more individuality closer in nature to the Queen. BOffs would be drones of the 3 standard types fo BOff characters. Gameplay would resolve around conquest & assimilation, but also scientific exploration and analysis/discovery.
Improved Reason & means of PvP. Capturerable objectives or systems, some kind of system that more closely resembles a RvR-style campaign. The basic PvP mechanics are mostly fine, there just needs to be a lot more than instanced PvP scenarios in my opinion. Once more factions are added, multi-faction PvP also needs to exist as well.
More Content & Re-Use of Older Areas. More game content of all types needs to exist for all levels of play, including at the upper levels (Admiral+). More combat missions of various kinds are fine but there also need to be more non-combat (at least for the Federation) where diplomacy or other types of options exist as well. Older areas of the map should never become irrelevant, new missions should 'pop up' even for Admiral-level players in the earlier sector blocks, even if they are just revamped patrol missions, more exploration/diplomacy missions and the like at the very least.
Well as for short term : well alot of pple have covered this well
Midterm: well i would like to see some more indepth ground diplomatic style missions we have some, but so far only 2 real missions have really grabbed me and would like the immersion into the Realm of Roddenberry;s universe feel in the ground based gameplay
Well player housing of some sorts, the Starbase idea seemed kinda cool, but for those who are not part of a fleet since visiting your bridge is instanced why not add the rest of the ship in a minimal aspect of course im not talking about a complete starship(which would be awsome) but maybe Capt's quarters, a the Engine room , Med Center, a lounge, Hangarbay and a Capt's office off the Bridge like Picard had in NExt Generation.I'd like to do more in my own ship that jsut visit my bridge.
Long term so more Fleet style missions, more space sectors added for exploration all down the road.
Ingame Voice Chat - It would seem self evident that a game in the future should include the ability to have voice chat in game without the need to have an external service to do this. LOTRO has this in the game.
More variety in repeatable missions - Patrol and Defend are just a start. I want random story arcs that involve both ground and space. I don't want to see destroy enemy ships 0/10 for the rest of my career. I want stuff like Stop the Battleship, then board it to arrest the captain..... stuff like that
Make stat numbers actually make sense to the players +7.5 emitters doesn't really mean anything. Neither does +23 Deflector array. Explain what they do!!
Mid Term:
More story based episodes --With the wealth of story lines you have to draw from, the lack of story based episodes seems odd. Almost every episode of Trek that has ever been made could be rewritten for current gameplay. Just take bullet points and turn them into content
Long Term:
Allow players to gain access to periodic rare items for their outstanding work for starfleet!
Short Term:
- Add missing canon ship pieces to the best suited Tiers.
- Make it harder, pls. I'm Level 11 now and died only once in PvE.
- Auto-fire, at least for all Beam Weapons
- Allow to wear an armor BENEATH the uniform (e.g. make it invisible) or allow to modify the armor at the tailor. I do not want my Star Trek MMO to look like Crysis... Edit: Undocumented feature :cool:. THX for the PM. You can hide the Armor by right-clicking it in the inventory. I stand corrected.
- Dorsal and ventral shields
- Flesh out the Klingon content to be on par with the Federation
- Voice over for crew and NPCs (yep, that's a lot of work, but it would add so much to the game)
- There should be some collision damage. If two ships or a ship and an asteroid collide at full speed this should be devastating.
- Make DS9 "buzz" more. It's a bit soulless right now.
- Allow some way (crafting?) to refit older ships to accommodate better officers
- Make more of the ship equipment show from the outside. Right now, the only thing visible is the kind of weapons if you fire them. Different shield should use different shader effects, different Hull platings should recolor the ship differently.
- Procedural/Precalculated Damage to ships (either the Bridge Commander or Klingon Academy way), can be restricted to being a purely client-side GFX
- Allow for choice within missions. The great thing about games like Fallout 3 is, that you actually can influence how the story develops (aka Role Playing). Right now we are just going through a linear script, that determines pretty much every move. I know, this is a hard one.
Short Term (like, this week):
- Lag fixes/new server hardware and software optimizations
- More in-depth skill description
-Allowing BO's to fight hand to hand in ground fighting
-It is hard shoot in space with 40 degree canons because of camera (and similar camera problems)
-Klingon content/10 percent more fed content
-Ground combat on your own ship
Long Term:
- No skill cap respec or removal. I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO GET all skills eventually so I can have more than one class of ship.
- more Long episod arcs. God they are fun.
- Ability to fight with more ships (like we do with BO's in ground combat) like in STC 3
Short term:
1) Exchange sorted by price.
2) Ask before putting us inside a Defend Sector instance.
3) Fix the mobs camping the Defend Sector instances spawn position. Being attacked and killed 10sec after warping in is not fun.
Medium term:
1) Exchange UI. One that has filters like: choose a skill name to search for specific BO´s, sort method (name, price), if the weapon (ground) has expose or exploit.
2) Autofire options for space (as many as we want to) and ground simple attack.
3) Better description of skills effects. +52 on a skill is nice, but what does that even mean? We need to know what it will improve.
Long term:
1) BO´s melee attack AI while using a melee weapon (it means: they will actualy run to a target and attack instead of waiting until someone gets close enough ;-)
2) Difficult slider for mishs. I want to be able to set that my mish spawn 1 super BoP instead of 3 weak ones. I want to be able to set my space battles to last longer than 5 sec. And you can keep the reward as the same, I dont want extra skill points, I just want diversity and fun battles
3) Mishs with more responsive mobs. If I warp in a system and I attack some ships it would be great if the reinforcements would come after me instead of ignoring the destruction of theirs friends!
*Respecs for players & bridge officers
*More toolbar slots
*Polish the auction to sort by price, & item names colored white/green/blue based on what it is
Mid Term
*more transwarp locations
long term
*more stations like earth space dock
*multiplayer instances with bosses (that are difficult)
The only request I really have at this point is to incorporate player "housing" by expanding on what we are allowed to explore inside our ships beyond just the bridge. I think it would be great even if they designed it so that this content was controlled locally on our own machines and just passed character location info along to the servers while we were residing inside the ship so that the servers themselves don't have to process the graphics of the ship.
1. Fix the Fleet Permissions Display issue (The tab you select shows the permissions for the last tab you modified)
2. Get those extra servers up and running ASAP
3. Enable costume extras for BOffs
1. Refine the Exchange; it's a gigantic mess right now. We should be able to sort the list by price at the very least.
2. BOff Trading; I'm Science career, and I want my Engineering BOff to be able to learn Engineering Team III, and the other one to learn Emergency Power to Weapons III. And I want to be able to train my friend's Science BOff with Science Team III. Currently, I can't
3. Display hard numbers on how Consoles, Skills, and Abilities are affecting your character, your BOffs, and your ship. Sure, you say getting +18% to phasers increases phaser damage by 18%, but we need to SEE that when we icon over our Ship's guns. And display the (microscopic) change to our Cruiser's turning radius when we slot all those RCS Consoles. Give us hard data; let us be informed!
1. Decision paths in ground missions; having more than one way to complete a mission, or having more than one outcome to them. And having the possibility to fail them.
2. Episode Chains; storylines/Episodes that differ based on previous choices and outcomes. Solving Episode X one way leads to Episode Y. Solving it another way leads to Episode Z
3. Full PvE storylines for Klingons, and then Cardassians, and then Romulans
Gold Spammer annihilation, although I didnt get /zonespammed any that I can remember today.
Increased Server capacity for peak hours. I like Q, not Queue.
Mid Term: Content stuff. You guys always do a good job at this, Im just sayin.
GM-run random server events. The Borg are seen coming out of the Delta Voltanis cluster, all Captains to the sector! EQ was really the only game I can remember where this kind of thing happened very often.
Long Term: Romulans and Cardassians as playable races. If yo are having a hard time toning down their stuff for earlier levels (as PCs) then just have the unlock level correspond to the level we normally see them first appear.
More content stuff. Im a lifer, Ill be around a long time .
2 per for me right now, those are the ones that come to mind.
Short Term:
Fix miniskirts, bugs, etc.
Stabilize servers.
Add more bridge officer premade races, even if only available through the cryptic store.
Mid Term:
Add minigames, or somehow otherwise improve exploration missions.
Add loads and loads of diplomatic missions-should be easy as they'd be mostly text.
Balance amount of exploration and diplomatic missions with pew pew missions.
Add mirroring option to parts in the Character Creator.
Long term:
Romulan and Cardassian Factions with complete PvE and PvP.
Add more parts to the Character Creator.
Add additional slots to the Character Creator.
Ship interiors! Holodecks, bars, ready room, etc.
Short term
- More detailed information on skills, complete list of skill/ability relations
- Enhance Exchange UI with better search / sort options
- Disable auto-entering enemy signal contacts
- Transwarp destination selection
Medium term
- Revamp skill tree. Having different weapon types spread over 3 tiers is silly
- More diverse missions, branching storylines, let me make meaningful decisions instead of being told what to do
- More Fleet Actions for all brackets, with level cap
- Talking boffs, I want to hear what they have to tell me, not read it in a popup
Long term
- Functional bridge, as well as other areas on the ship. Crew interaction, missions on-ship
- Revamp starbases and bigger bases. They should be one big zone, lifts actually working, doors actually opening, drinks actually sold at bars, civilians present
- Redo sector space. Get rid of sector blocks being different mini-zones, space feels tiny now. One big huge map with all sectors included (except exploration space), with a searchable list of destinations would fix that.
- Real exploration, pick a star, warp to it, check out several planets, report findings to Starfleet
-Fix major bugs, like broken missions, and the "Server Not Responding" loading screen disconnect problem.
-Fix problems with groups switching instances and not showing up in the same one together. This includes regular missions, cluster missions, and PvP queues.
-Earn more costume slots with rank.I liked getting new costume slots ever 10 levels in CoH. Gives me more reasons to keep playing and leveling up, paying my monthly subscription. Nickle-and-diming me through the C-store for this is just going to p!$$ me off and make me more likely to cancel.
Medium Term:
-Ship Interiors One of the big selling points for me was hearing I could visit my bridge, and that they were planning on adding ship interiors down the road. I would really like to see this. I don't expect every single room in the ship, but the major/important rooms should be there, and with some degree of functionality or purpose. Give me something to do there.
-Expanded Klingon Content Not particularly important to me personally, but it seems to be for a lot of people.
-Skill System Overhaul/Revamp or skill cap increase. Either raise the cap, or overhaul the skill trees. I wouldn't mind seeing ground and space skills levelled seperately. I've seen a lot of other good suggestions on the forums. I don't think a complete removal of the skill cap is necessary, but in its current state it seems a bit too sparse.
Long Term
-More non-combat/sandbox-style activities There are many things you could fit under this category. Simply put, Star Trek is about much more than war and combat. I think a lot of people were expecting a much more sandbox-style game when they think of the Star Trek universe. That may not appeal to the lowest-common-denominator large audience like WoW, but I think it does to ST fans and people who are more likely to stick with this game for the long haul. And, I think we can all agree, this game is not going to be a WoW killer, so why not try to differentiate itself a little bit from all the rest of the boring junk out there in the MMO market.
And, I will also say this: I have played my fair share of MMO's. I was a big fan of City of Heroes, loved the combat, etc. But, I could not stick with it for any length of time because there was nothing to do besides missions, which being repetitive as they were, was just grinding. I had the same problem with WoW, and all the other games that just have you do mission after mission, wash, rinse, repeat. On the other hand, I played games like UO and SWG for years, despite their flaws, because there was way more to do than missions alone. If I just want to do quests all day long, I would go play Mass Effect or any other single-player RPG.
-A real crafting system.With as many gear/devices/items as there are in game already, there are already plenty of directions to go with it and things you could make. If I had to cite an example of what I think is a stellar crafting system, look at the crafing in Star Wars Galaxies, and how it works with their space and ground games. (Reverse engineering space loot to make killer gear was extremely addicting, and it would be easy to implement a similar system here)
-An Overhaul of PvP, and addition of RvR/territorial PvP. The space part of this game thus far reminds me a lot of Pirates of the Burning Sea. Despite being an epic failure and disappointment, there were a few things I liked about that game. One of them would fit in very well here, I think, and that is RvR PvP. Fighting over star systems and territory and the ability to take or lose control. Open PvP zones around said contested systems. Make PvP meaningful, and give it a reason to exist. The hardcore PvPers will always be there, but give the average joe a reason to participate and feel like he/she is doing something meaningful.
- auto-holster weapons on starbase
- option to make armor non visible.
(why have i created all the costumes if i can't see them anymore in game?)
- at memory alpha i always get trapped in these door legs.
(these extensions between doorframe and floor. remove them or let me walk thru them.)
- expand missions beyond scan / destroy
- enhance auto-camera in space combat
- if you warn about a carnivore plant, then let it at least sting me when i'm too close.
(it's OK if i am not allowed to attack it. star fleet protocol)
- missions with different solutions depending on my actions.
(then i don't mind replaying that missing in a different planets orbit. (different colored planet))
- expand planet ground content with minigames there.
(solve puzzle to get item X to give it to Y to get Z)
- optimize spacial dimension of buildings
(over time see, where you need these giant corridors and where not)
1) Skirts, sort of a Duhh since I think the rumor is Tuesday
2) fixing the mission completion bug, every now again I still have to do a mission more than once and turn it in before I leave the mission.
3) ships stuck in space junk that can shoot you but can't be shot
4) giving us back character voices I miss the Quinto B.O. telling me things.
Mid-term requests
1) Unlockable clothing options and Civilian attire, granted should be locked out of the primary costume slot.
2) Romulan and Cardassian Player factions, even if they are like the current Klingons, with only PVP to start.
3) Full Klingon PVE content, just keep it in lore
Long-term requests
My biggest Idea, and I am baffled Cryptic didn't think of it
Lore Acceptable Color Upgrade Vendor
During the /Powerhue bug it cause me to realize a few things
Distinction, during game play I have noticed an issue. When two groups converge whether it is PVP or PVE the abundance of weapons fire and all of it being the same color sometimes makes it difficult to tell who is shooting whom.
Now a few PVP players have been using to gain victory, and they do not want others to see who is firing at whom.
However the handful of Canon purists dont like the idea of weapons not following the TNG patterns, and ignoring that TOS the NCC-1701 Enterprise had more than three colors of weapons fire, and all of them where the Phasers, I counted 4 different colors, Red, Blue, Violet, and Orange.
Therefore, what is the compromise what would be the gesture of good faith. Then add a vendor on Memory Alpha and on Qo'noS. This vendor for a slight fee and some resources would color a single weapon a single color based on the Hue scale. Since the powers are tied to the Weapons and the BOs this could be done rather easy and it would keep the customization ability and keep it with in lore.
this way it is a form of weapon upgrade and not just a simple hue swap. it should even put a new name or description on the weapon
(basic weapon before color upgrade)
Basic weapon MK??
Statline- DPS
(Basic weapon after color upgrade)
Pink Basic weapon MK??
Statline- DPS
Weapon has been upgraded with pink emitters
(pink was used as an example and not as an actual requested color option)
By using my idea they can limit the hues to weapons so as to not brake immersion as well
Federation Phasers in canon have been Red, Blue, Purple, yellow, and Orange
with the Vendor they could set the Hue options to several distinct versions of these colors your Phasers would be individual and still the right color. (blue Available only to the people who had the TOS Connie)
ie. 5 different yellows, 5 different reds, ect.
same with Disruptors
ie. 10 different greens
On a Side Note if Cyrptic reads my idea and Does Implement my idea, could the Vendors Be Romulans
..Nudge, Nudge, wink wink, Say no more...
Great thread, and thanks for responding and showing you are reading the forums Cryptic.
Short Term:
-Death Penalty - This doesn't need to be severe, just something to restrict death from being a reward (ie respawn so fast with 100% hull). I think if you die, you shouldn't be allowed to re-enter combat until your teammates are done fighting. If they die too, then the mob respawns and you have to try again. That's the way video games generally work
-Higher difficulty combat wise, ground and space (if this invovles a slider, there must be a benefit for playing higher difficulty like improved loot etc.)
-Crew being a valuable resource - Crew should affect the effectiveness of your ship. Perhaps with less crew, you do less dmg, abilities are less effective ect. If you die, you lose a good portion of your crew. Then you can go to any starbase to refill your crew (perhaps paying merits, or ECs or something). Crew should then be tweaked accordingly to balance the game, (ie how much crew you lose with direct hits etc.)
Mid Term:
-More ship interiors - and also missions to do inside your ship
-Allow plotting courses and traveling from inside your ship and
-an actual crafting system
- integrate more randomly generated content that's outside of those exploration clusters. Maybe on my way to a mission, i encounter a RANDOM distress call, or something like that.
-The in game maps are tacky. I think the maps should have a stylish interface, with somewhat treky looking controls. I think if you are going to travel, the focus should always be from your bridge (until you get into a mission instance. And replace sector space with a better interface that you can access from your bridge and see where you are going, how much time until you get there and such.
-Option to create standard uniforms that all your random crew wear (1 for Tactical, Science, Engineering)
-Random NPCs need WAAAAAY more varied looks. For such an in depth character creation program, I'm surpised to see so many clones.
Long Term:
I don't really have anything I'd like to list right now, because I think my short term goals are the most important to me. Unfortunately, I won't be sticking around if the difficulty and death penatly aren't fixed. I just like a good challenge, and being afraid of death enhances the experience for me. If not, I guess I'll be checking in on STO in a year.
Thanks for putting this thread together. I think this is the best way for Cryptic to know what the public really wants. Just remember Cryptic, there is a LARGE population of folks not on the forums. You should think about gathering this data, and putting some of the top items on a survey and sending it out to see what the rest think too. Just a thought. This is still the free month, and I'm sure there are quite a few folks still deciding whether to keep the game or not. For me, as long as I hear you are working to fix my top items, I'll stick around even if you can't quite implement them within the free month.
Short Term:
Allow us to save multiple costumes and remove costs associated with changing costumes and names. I should not have to pay to add a pip when I rank up... for that matter, it should be added automatically when I rank up.
Ability to respecialize and reassign points.
Voice acting.
More loot available to find in areas. Most planets and systems are too sparse. More variety in the loot we recieve.
Mid Term:
I don't like playing PvP very much, but I love the Klingon faction. I want it to be just as fleshed out as the federation side in terms of PvE content. Get your people started on story ideas. I'd also like more ship choices for the Klingon side. Really, everything the federation gets, the Klingons should get too at some point.
On Ship Missions involving your crew members is pretty much required for Star Trek... which would also come with the requirement of being able to explore your own ship. Most of the episodes of star trek actually take place on the ship, so a good amount of missions should take place on your ship as well. I would also like more interaction with our bridge crew. Give them personalities so we actually get to know them.
Allow us to assign a first officer and department heads such as: Chief Medical Officer, Chief of Security, etc... with some sort of bonus from them.
Special rewards that we can display in our ready room like a trophy case. I think this would be very cool for viewing our accolades as well as other rememberings from special missions.
Long Term:
Give us something else to do that's not related to leveling, like some sort of side quests that give us another benefit. More stuff to do on time off from our ships and away missions. There should be side goals.
Other factions once the Klingon faction has been sufficiently fleshed out. My personal requests are Romulan and Borg.
Multiple time lines. I would like to beable to interact with star trek history from as early as Jonathan Archer's days all the way up through STO's present... it doens't have to affect history, but if somebody would rather play in Kirk's era, than they should be able to. Each era could be kept on a seperate server and people could cross between them as they time travel. They could than do missions related to that time frame and have to change ships and uniforms to match. This would also make the use of ships that should be obsolete much more viable, and give us a reason to utilize different costumes.
The ability to go on long distance away missions to the other quadrants, and have there be a benefit to us doing so. There should be a lot more loot to find. I want to explore the delta quadrant.
Short term:
-Enable some sort of automation for Shield reinforce settings or at the very least have your choice act for more than a few seconds (fighting Captain level entities I often find myself trying to maneuver and press powers while continuously clicking Distribute Shields as my shields drop so fast (and I usually run with my effective Shield power level at 66), fun went down significantly when balancing shields started taking up half my clicks in combat) (this is the one that will probably take mid-term time but it is my most critical problem right now so I want it short-term. )
-Remove the skill cap (the skill system as is becomes severely bent as certain types of players (and I am most definitely one of these) don't "waste" points on skills that are only useful in a specific tier or for weapons you may not end up using in the future)
-Put auto-attack back in for ground combat (and I don't remember seeing anything about whether its removal was intentional or not)
-Reduce cooldown timer on batteries (as it is now I almost only use Shield ones because if I use another one and need a shield withing 5 minutes I'm probably already dead)
-Implement a secondary advancement counter for Admirals and up so the Skill point cap removal doesn't trivialize future advancement.
-Mix up the number of objectives required in missions (5 is better than 8, but it is almost always 5!)
Long term:
-Redo Memory Alpha conceptually
-The runabouts you can buy in DS9 fascinate me but I am waiting to get one until I hear solid numbers on the number of ships we can have. I would like to see specific missions that are available if you have one that specifically use it and special PvP maps that are Runabout only.
-In-game documentation needs to be massively improved. Abilities should show you all skills that affect them and how, skills should show all abilities they affect, numbers should have some way (optional tooltipsmaybe?) that show everything that is affecting the value.
1. Remove the skill cap (I have to say remove because I have a feeling Cryptic's idea of "significantly increase" is another 4.5 points into a skill box). I've been playing through and putting points into skills as if there weren't one because I was lead to believe we would be able to "Do anything". I mean we HAVE to spend skill points in order to get promoted and if there's a cap on top of that we will be FORCED to spend points on skills we don't need or want just to make the next one available. We've been given a lot of freedom in customizing our characters which makes some of us form a connection with them, but what's the point if I'm going to have to play the entirety of the content over and over again because I HAVE to make different characters in order to see what different ships do at maximum effectiveness. All that being said I can see some reason to it being there like a powerleveler who's maxed out everything going into a future fleet action he/she qualifies for and takes all the good loot. It's a short term solution to a short - mid-term problem. Even so, I'd still like it to disappear.
2. Fix the AI pathing issue. True this was a lot worse in beta but at current I HAVE to set a rally point on the opposite side of a doorway in order to ensure my BO's don't try endlessly to phase through the wall without realizing that they can't. Also in space I'll often get enemies flying into asteroids...and I mean inside of them and still shoot at me THROUGH THE ASTEROID. What's worse, they seem to do it intentionally.
3. Allow us to still be able to see mission rewards even after we've accepted the mission. This is especially important since the xp reward decreases as you get higher in level. I still have a LT6 mission to do and I'm Cmd1. Why? because the mission was broken at the time and I was too busy doing the exploration missions over and over to try and get some decent equipment and components.
Mid Term:
1. Ship interiors in addition to the bridge. Specifically for me: Shuttlebay (I mentioned this one because you guys already have a design for it and the deck it's on too), Engineering, Ten Forward (you also have a design for this), Transporter Room, Captain's Ready Room, Sick Bay. All are places to add content....even the bridge. I know why it's not in yet. You guys love giving us customization options and so I'm willing to be you would want to allow us to customize these interiors we keep asking for. I have faith in you guys for this one.
2. Usage of the Transwarp network for places other than Sol System.
3. More content and content variety. I mean your content comes in 3 forms: Killing, Scanning, or Talking. Your episodes are a combination of the 3. Your "Exploration missions" are either pure combat, pure scanning, pure talking, or combat and one of the other 2. In the case where combat is combined with the talking portion, it's only to attempt to add a story element to the constant killing. In getting to Commander I've only see 2 diplomatic missions. 1 at Lt. and 1 at LtCmd.
Long Term:
1. I'd love to see you guys try to do something groundbreaking. I mean Bioware is making a FULLY VOICED MMO!!! While I don't expect you guys to do that, I would like to see you try to set a new standard in the MMO industry and make the game feel less like you made it with a "That'll do" attitude. I understand you may not actually feel that way and there may be other circumstances but your customers and anyone else rating the game have to judge it on what is in front of us and not on speculations of what you "might" want to do. You did do this in terms of customization but really...tell me...should the most fun a person has in a game be making their character??
2. Please add Explorable Planets, Systems, Sectors. I mean in the Exploration missions, whenever I come across a combat situation Starfleet seems to already know about the danger. Am I really exploring these clusters or just patroling previously explored ones?
3. Please add Playable Romulan/Reman, Cardassian, and Ferengi (for trading) factions with PvE and PvP content as well as more PvE content for the Klingon faction.
Not really having much invested in this so far.. I can only offer a few things. I read about 6/11 pages of posts so if anything is repeated i apologize.
Short term: Auto fire phasers in space (it wasnt fun repeatedly clicking or tapping a button in CoH/V, its still not fun now)
Auto fire basic phaser blasts on ground (See above parenthesis)
First person perspective in both ground and space. Seriously.. Why is there no First person perspective in ground. This is a very stupid trend in MMOs to now give up on the FPP.. when it takes about an hours worth of coding.. if that. Space might be less important due to the nature of the combat system.. But still. There is simply no good reason to not give the option when it would take so little effort to add in. Not saying it should be the default.. but there is absolutely no reason short of laziness to not give the option.
Now i dont have alot to add here, so i will combine mid term and long term
More interstellar diplomacy! - I had to laugh when a friend of mine who is a die hard star wars fan, and I tend to perfer the trek franchise, have gotten excited over their respective h2h MMOs. Its a weird concept because the trek franchise is one that is built more on dialouge, drama and insight, yet the MMO is more action oriented. While the Wars franchise is more about straight ahead action, yet its MMO is going to be HEAVILY dialogue and narrative based. Youve got a year long jump on TOR.. and if you want this game to survive TORs release, you better invest in more dialogue/ lore centric content to keep up with what they will be putting out, unless you want to leave STO as the Trek equivilent to star wars galaxies.
Cut scenes Again this is tied into the last one. But you need more cinematic content than warping in and out of zones and having a box with a talking head telling you what to do as content. Saving cut scenes for segments in stages of episode missions (as episodes being the primary story arc) will give the endearing quality to this game that it needs if it is going to remain viable, If you dont add these two.. then in the history of things, STO will be viewed as just another game of the WoW era, thus making it an MMO outside of its own generation. This IS where MMOs are going like it or not. Really this is not that hard to add. Simply adding a trigger command into quests that /execute FMV 0192945 for its corresponding quest is not hard to implement. The hard part is just writing mechanima, which with a full studio of employees, is really not that hard.
Content The game needs more, the game also needs more varied content styles. the "plots" to quests are as predictable as 80s cartoons, if not more so. By making your content predictable and repetitive it diminshes interest from the narrative of the game.. Which in MMOs where the combat system quickly becomes repetitive.. the story is what should be giving players the reason WHY you wanna escort the same medical ship you have a thousand times before. or why you want to fend off your 10,000 horde of BoPs. Leaving the reason to do missions for the gear/stat/money reward is the last generation of MMOS, and not fit for what the next generation of MMOs will be.
Even though the story arcs and overlying themes of the tv series are reused over and over again.. there is sincerely enough variance and underlying significance to keep people interested. Power struggles, Religious conflicts, deceipt, treachery, social norms, a changing society, are all hallmarks of the lore of Trek. You have a wealth of lore to work from.. actually use some of it Please
short term- a skill to allow engineers to drop turrets in space
get the area control PvP counters to work, it's always 0/0
med term- PvP environments with defenses or defensed positions to stop "fly-by" capture. Someone has to spend a least 30 to 45 seconds knocking out turrets to capture the position and for every 30 seconds the position is held the area generates turrets for that faction. It will encourage players to actually stay and hold the position. It will bring out different tactical aspect of the game.
long term- an Realm vs. Realm combat PvP sector of space that resets every 2 or 3 weeks. A combination ground and space combat. Ground combat captures the system and space combat controls the area around the system. Control of total systems determine the RvR winner over a 2 or 3 week period. Give badges of victory or something for turn-ins.
Short Term:
- Respecs
- Respecs
- Game Documentation (ships, weapons, SKILLS)
(PS - did I mention respecs?)
Mid Term:
- More group oriented missions
- PvP Balance
- Ship Balance/Role definitions
- Skill/Item revamp (Paying 4500 points for polaron skill ups while phasers are 900 and both do the same DPS and the skill doesn't seem to affect the secondary effects is silly with a skill cap.)
- Additional ship and costume pieces.
Seen some great ideas, probably too many ideas now for everyone to read but in case some one is reading this far have a few things id like to see.
Short Term
Bugs and server issues but I would imagine thats being sorted anyway
Explanations of EXACTLY what each thing does, astrometrics = what? exactly what skills does it improve and how exactly does it improve them? Everything needs to be clearly explained and detailed exactly what happens so that +10 to phasers = +10 damage when phasers are fired for instance
Something more to do in the ground missions rather than just press 1 or 2
Gold spammers being kicked off
More of those cool art works for loading screens
Medium Term
More Ships
Choosing an defiant over a vigilant meaning something, its just cosmetic at the moment. Its great, i love the cosmetic stuff tis a great system you have designed but each ship should be different in more than looks, a defiant class is different to a vigilant class etc
more life on the planets, birds, bees etc
not just kill kill kill for starfleet, needs more morality!
more places, i like that we can visit risa and vulcan just to sight see but more stuff to do? interact, learn about the planets and the people. need to be able to do that for earth too
Planets should rotate
diplomacy options, first contact situations, more stuff that doesnt involve firing anything, pressing v to scan or f to start some sort of timer box thing
People are getting to the top level waaaay to fast, i saw admirals flying about within days of launch :S thats maddness people are going to get to the top and think oh? is that it? and leave too quickly.
Long Term
Ship interiors are a must! ready rooms to display important stuff, quarters to perhaps play mini games, personal items, customise it, make it your own, main engineering, sickbay, all that. Missions taking place on your own ship too, chance to explore, interact see the red shirts.
Transwarp to any station any system, still 30 mins cooldown
more stuff directly from the shows, liking the content with guardian of forever, doomsday weapon etc (I admit theres probably loads i havent found but even so, more is even better lol)
ground mission overhaul, theres been loads of suggestions on these forums, pick the best and do it!
star bases in each sector
360 degree flight or at least the option to move on the z axis, corkscrewing is baaaaad, sooo many people said this during closed beta, open beta, headstart and are saying it now, it needs sorting!
Theres probably more but im tired, might add some more later. I think its fair to say that this is a great game though, and could be a major success, #1 in the UK! not too shabby cryptic, pleaseeee keep up the momentum
- Respec's
- Rebinding Transwarp
- More polish, far too many little "niggly" things
- Bajoran wormhole redesign, looks horrible
Mid Term
- Relooking at how many skill points Admirals have
- Bridge overhaul
- Ground play needs love
- More random missions. There are only about 6 different ones - beam down and scan X random objects, investigate a distressed ship, gather 5 anomalies, clear out X faction ships, beam down and kill 5 groups of npcs, defend an outpost.
- Much more in the way of weather effects
- Dynamic effects in space
- Resizing all internal rooms so I'm not in giant land. I heard that it's due to camera distance and angles. This excuse isn't good enough to have massively oversized rooms.
Long Term
- Full Klingon PvE, and making sure every race that you implement in the future has full PvE
- Redesign Sector Space
- Being able to access way more parts of my starship - main engineering, my own personal quarters which I can decorate with things like trophies, 10 forward, medical bay, gym, different decks, lots of random corridors, transporter rooms etc.
- Holodeck
Sorry, more than 3 but couldn't resist.
Better AI of the enemies and bridge officers
More diplomatic missions with different options in the conversation (like a Bioware game)
A Captains room, engine room, crew quarters... on my ship
Much more alternation in the missions
First contacts and negotiations with new alien civilizations
Scientific stuff (exploration of black holes, neutron stars, exoplanets, archaeology ruins,...)
Our own solar system with all 8 planets, asteroid belt, kuiper belt and so on.
You have a lot to do to make this game more similar to Gene Roddenberry's vision of Star Trek. Fewer action and more intelligent stuff.
- Server stability / more capacity
- Better documentation: I saw a thread recently on what each weapon type does. A dev posted in it saying "hey! This is good info!" :eek: So apparently, not even the devs understand the game enough to document it?:rolleyes:
- remove the spaceship pitch limit. I really see no need for this, especially since there are objectives positioned outside of this limit!
- Fix NPC pathing. On ground, my away team gets stuck behind boxes. In space, the bad guys always ram into asteroids (preventing me from shooting them).
Mid term:
- More ship / item choices.
- Ability to have more than one active target in space combat. Seriously... pick any modern day military thing... it can target more than one bad guy! At least allow us to have separate targets for front and aft, or have a primary and secondary target.
- Ability to be inside ship during sector space travel.
- Fleet action results based on stuff OTHER than just DPS (so those healers keeping you alive can get some love!)
Long term:
- "better" Random patrol/explore mission generator.
- More "non-combat" mission types.
- Create more internal ship locations
Midterm: well i would like to see some more indepth ground diplomatic style missions we have some, but so far only 2 real missions have really grabbed me and would like the immersion into the Realm of Roddenberry;s universe feel in the ground based gameplay
Well player housing of some sorts, the Starbase idea seemed kinda cool, but for those who are not part of a fleet since visiting your bridge is instanced why not add the rest of the ship in a minimal aspect of course im not talking about a complete starship(which would be awsome) but maybe Capt's quarters, a the Engine room , Med Center, a lounge, Hangarbay and a Capt's office off the Bridge like Picard had in NExt Generation.I'd like to do more in my own ship that jsut visit my bridge.
Long term so more Fleet style missions, more space sectors added for exploration all down the road.
Overall so far the game has my attention!
Mid Term:
- More story based episodes --With the wealth of story lines you have to draw from, the lack of story based episodes seems odd. Almost every episode of Trek that has ever been made could be rewritten for current gameplay. Just take bullet points and turn them into content
.Long Term:
- Add missing canon ship pieces to the best suited Tiers.
- Make it harder, pls. I'm Level 11 now and died only once in PvE.
- Auto-fire, at least for all Beam Weapons
- Allow to wear an armor BENEATH the uniform (e.g. make it invisible) or allow to modify the armor at the tailor. I do not want my Star Trek MMO to look like Crysis... Edit: Undocumented feature :cool:. THX for the PM. You can hide the Armor by right-clicking it in the inventory. I stand corrected.
- Dorsal and ventral shields
- Flesh out the Klingon content to be on par with the Federation
- Voice over for crew and NPCs (yep, that's a lot of work, but it would add so much to the game)
- There should be some collision damage. If two ships or a ship and an asteroid collide at full speed this should be devastating.
- Make DS9 "buzz" more. It's a bit soulless right now.
- Allow some way (crafting?) to refit older ships to accommodate better officers
- Make more of the ship equipment show from the outside. Right now, the only thing visible is the kind of weapons if you fire them. Different shield should use different shader effects, different Hull platings should recolor the ship differently.
- Procedural/Precalculated Damage to ships (either the Bridge Commander or Klingon Academy way), can be restricted to being a purely client-side GFX
- Allow for choice within missions. The great thing about games like Fallout 3 is, that you actually can influence how the story develops (aka Role Playing). Right now we are just going through a linear script, that determines pretty much every move. I know, this is a hard one.
- Lag fixes/new server hardware and software optimizations
- More in-depth skill description
-Allowing BO's to fight hand to hand in ground fighting
-It is hard shoot in space with 40 degree canons because of camera (and similar camera problems)
-Klingon content/10 percent more fed content
-Ground combat on your own ship
Long Term:
- No skill cap respec or removal. I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO GET all skills eventually so I can have more than one class of ship.
- more Long episod arcs. God they are fun.
- Ability to fight with more ships (like we do with BO's in ground combat) like in STC 3
1) Exchange sorted by price.
2) Ask before putting us inside a Defend Sector instance.
3) Fix the mobs camping the Defend Sector instances spawn position. Being attacked and killed 10sec after warping in is not fun.
Medium term:
1) Exchange UI. One that has filters like: choose a skill name to search for specific BO´s, sort method (name, price), if the weapon (ground) has expose or exploit.
2) Autofire options for space (as many as we want to) and ground simple attack.
3) Better description of skills effects. +52 on a skill is nice, but what does that even mean? We need to know what it will improve.
Long term:
1) BO´s melee attack AI while using a melee weapon (it means: they will actualy run to a target and attack instead of waiting until someone gets close enough ;-)
2) Difficult slider for mishs. I want to be able to set that my mish spawn 1 super BoP instead of 3 weak ones. I want to be able to set my space battles to last longer than 5 sec. And you can keep the reward as the same, I dont want extra skill points, I just want diversity and fun battles
3) Mishs with more responsive mobs. If I warp in a system and I attack some ships it would be great if the reinforcements would come after me instead of ignoring the destruction of theirs friends!
*Respecs for players & bridge officers
*More toolbar slots
*Polish the auction to sort by price, & item names colored white/green/blue based on what it is
Mid Term
*more transwarp locations
long term
*more stations like earth space dock
*multiplayer instances with bosses (that are difficult)
The only request I really have at this point is to incorporate player "housing" by expanding on what we are allowed to explore inside our ships beyond just the bridge. I think it would be great even if they designed it so that this content was controlled locally on our own machines and just passed character location info along to the servers while we were residing inside the ship so that the servers themselves don't have to process the graphics of the ship.
Mid Term > Long Term
1. Fix the Fleet Permissions Display issue (The tab you select shows the permissions for the last tab you modified)
2. Get those extra servers up and running ASAP
3. Enable costume extras for BOffs
1. Refine the Exchange; it's a gigantic mess right now. We should be able to sort the list by price at the very least.
2. BOff Trading; I'm Science career, and I want my Engineering BOff to be able to learn Engineering Team III, and the other one to learn Emergency Power to Weapons III. And I want to be able to train my friend's Science BOff with Science Team III. Currently, I can't
3. Display hard numbers on how Consoles, Skills, and Abilities are affecting your character, your BOffs, and your ship. Sure, you say getting +18% to phasers increases phaser damage by 18%, but we need to SEE that when we icon over our Ship's guns. And display the (microscopic) change to our Cruiser's turning radius when we slot all those RCS Consoles. Give us hard data; let us be informed!
1. Decision paths in ground missions; having more than one way to complete a mission, or having more than one outcome to them. And having the possibility to fail them.
2. Episode Chains; storylines/Episodes that differ based on previous choices and outcomes. Solving Episode X one way leads to Episode Y. Solving it another way leads to Episode Z
3. Full PvE storylines for Klingons, and then Cardassians, and then Romulans
Gold Spammer annihilation, although I didnt get /zonespammed any that I can remember today.
Increased Server capacity for peak hours. I like Q, not Queue.
Mid Term:
Content stuff. You guys always do a good job at this, Im just sayin.
GM-run random server events. The Borg are seen coming out of the Delta Voltanis cluster, all Captains to the sector! EQ was really the only game I can remember where this kind of thing happened very often.
Long Term:
Romulans and Cardassians as playable races. If yo are having a hard time toning down their stuff for earlier levels (as PCs) then just have the unlock level correspond to the level we normally see them first appear.
More content stuff. Im a lifer, Ill be around a long time .
2 per for me right now, those are the ones that come to mind.
Fix miniskirts, bugs, etc.
Stabilize servers.
Add more bridge officer premade races, even if only available through the cryptic store.
Mid Term:
Add minigames, or somehow otherwise improve exploration missions.
Add loads and loads of diplomatic missions-should be easy as they'd be mostly text.
Balance amount of exploration and diplomatic missions with pew pew missions.
Add mirroring option to parts in the Character Creator.
Long term:
Romulan and Cardassian Factions with complete PvE and PvP.
Add more parts to the Character Creator.
Add additional slots to the Character Creator.
Ship interiors! Holodecks, bars, ready room, etc.
- More detailed information on skills, complete list of skill/ability relations
- Enhance Exchange UI with better search / sort options
- Disable auto-entering enemy signal contacts
- Transwarp destination selection
Medium term
- Revamp skill tree. Having different weapon types spread over 3 tiers is silly
- More diverse missions, branching storylines, let me make meaningful decisions instead of being told what to do
- More Fleet Actions for all brackets, with level cap
- Talking boffs, I want to hear what they have to tell me, not read it in a popup
Long term
- Functional bridge, as well as other areas on the ship. Crew interaction, missions on-ship
- Revamp starbases and bigger bases. They should be one big zone, lifts actually working, doors actually opening, drinks actually sold at bars, civilians present
- Redo sector space. Get rid of sector blocks being different mini-zones, space feels tiny now. One big huge map with all sectors included (except exploration space), with a searchable list of destinations would fix that.
- Real exploration, pick a star, warp to it, check out several planets, report findings to Starfleet
-Fix major bugs, like broken missions, and the "Server Not Responding" loading screen disconnect problem.
-Fix problems with groups switching instances and not showing up in the same one together. This includes regular missions, cluster missions, and PvP queues.
-Earn more costume slots with rank. I liked getting new costume slots ever 10 levels in CoH. Gives me more reasons to keep playing and leveling up, paying my monthly subscription. Nickle-and-diming me through the C-store for this is just going to p!$$ me off and make me more likely to cancel.
Medium Term:
-Ship Interiors One of the big selling points for me was hearing I could visit my bridge, and that they were planning on adding ship interiors down the road. I would really like to see this. I don't expect every single room in the ship, but the major/important rooms should be there, and with some degree of functionality or purpose. Give me something to do there.
-Expanded Klingon Content Not particularly important to me personally, but it seems to be for a lot of people.
-Skill System Overhaul/Revamp or skill cap increase. Either raise the cap, or overhaul the skill trees. I wouldn't mind seeing ground and space skills levelled seperately. I've seen a lot of other good suggestions on the forums. I don't think a complete removal of the skill cap is necessary, but in its current state it seems a bit too sparse.
Long Term
-More non-combat/sandbox-style activities There are many things you could fit under this category. Simply put, Star Trek is about much more than war and combat. I think a lot of people were expecting a much more sandbox-style game when they think of the Star Trek universe. That may not appeal to the lowest-common-denominator large audience like WoW, but I think it does to ST fans and people who are more likely to stick with this game for the long haul. And, I think we can all agree, this game is not going to be a WoW killer, so why not try to differentiate itself a little bit from all the rest of the boring junk out there in the MMO market.
And, I will also say this: I have played my fair share of MMO's. I was a big fan of City of Heroes, loved the combat, etc. But, I could not stick with it for any length of time because there was nothing to do besides missions, which being repetitive as they were, was just grinding. I had the same problem with WoW, and all the other games that just have you do mission after mission, wash, rinse, repeat. On the other hand, I played games like UO and SWG for years, despite their flaws, because there was way more to do than missions alone. If I just want to do quests all day long, I would go play Mass Effect or any other single-player RPG.
-A real crafting system. With as many gear/devices/items as there are in game already, there are already plenty of directions to go with it and things you could make. If I had to cite an example of what I think is a stellar crafting system, look at the crafing in Star Wars Galaxies, and how it works with their space and ground games. (Reverse engineering space loot to make killer gear was extremely addicting, and it would be easy to implement a similar system here)
-An Overhaul of PvP, and addition of RvR/territorial PvP. The space part of this game thus far reminds me a lot of Pirates of the Burning Sea. Despite being an epic failure and disappointment, there were a few things I liked about that game. One of them would fit in very well here, I think, and that is RvR PvP. Fighting over star systems and territory and the ability to take or lose control. Open PvP zones around said contested systems. Make PvP meaningful, and give it a reason to exist. The hardcore PvPers will always be there, but give the average joe a reason to participate and feel like he/she is doing something meaningful.
- auto-holster weapons on starbase
- option to make armor non visible.
(why have i created all the costumes if i can't see them anymore in game?)
- at memory alpha i always get trapped in these door legs.
(these extensions between doorframe and floor. remove them or let me walk thru them.)
- expand missions beyond scan / destroy
- enhance auto-camera in space combat
- if you warn about a carnivore plant, then let it at least sting me when i'm too close.
(it's OK if i am not allowed to attack it. star fleet protocol)
- missions with different solutions depending on my actions.
(then i don't mind replaying that missing in a different planets orbit. (different colored planet))
- expand planet ground content with minigames there.
(solve puzzle to get item X to give it to Y to get Z)
- optimize spacial dimension of buildings
(over time see, where you need these giant corridors and where not)
1) Skirts, sort of a Duhh since I think the rumor is Tuesday
2) fixing the mission completion bug, every now again I still have to do a mission more than once and turn it in before I leave the mission.
3) ships stuck in space junk that can shoot you but can't be shot
4) giving us back character voices I miss the Quinto B.O. telling me things.
Mid-term requests
1) Unlockable clothing options and Civilian attire, granted should be locked out of the primary costume slot.
2) Romulan and Cardassian Player factions, even if they are like the current Klingons, with only PVP to start.
3) Full Klingon PVE content, just keep it in lore
My biggest Idea, and I am baffled Cryptic didn't think of it
Lore Acceptable Color Upgrade Vendor
During the /Powerhue bug it cause me to realize a few things
Distinction, during game play I have noticed an issue. When two groups converge whether it is PVP or PVE the abundance of weapons fire and all of it being the same color sometimes makes it difficult to tell who is shooting whom.
Now a few PVP players have been using to gain victory, and they do not want others to see who is firing at whom.
However the handful of Canon purists dont like the idea of weapons not following the TNG patterns, and ignoring that TOS the NCC-1701 Enterprise had more than three colors of weapons fire, and all of them where the Phasers, I counted 4 different colors, Red, Blue, Violet, and Orange.
Therefore, what is the compromise what would be the gesture of good faith. Then add a vendor on Memory Alpha and on Qo'noS. This vendor for a slight fee and some resources would color a single weapon a single color based on the Hue scale. Since the powers are tied to the Weapons and the BOs this could be done rather easy and it would keep the customization ability and keep it with in lore.
this way it is a form of weapon upgrade and not just a simple hue swap. it should even put a new name or description on the weapon
(basic weapon before color upgrade)
(Basic weapon after color upgrade)
Statline- DPS
Weapon has been upgraded with pink emitters
By using my idea they can limit the hues to weapons so as to not brake immersion as well
Federation Phasers in canon have been Red, Blue, Purple, yellow, and Orange
with the Vendor they could set the Hue options to several distinct versions of these colors your Phasers would be individual and still the right color. (blue Available only to the people who had the TOS Connie)
ie. 5 different yellows, 5 different reds, ect.
same with Disruptors
ie. 10 different greens
On a Side Note if Cyrptic reads my idea and Does Implement my idea, could the Vendors Be Romulans
..Nudge, Nudge, wink wink, Say no more...
Short Term:
-Death Penalty - This doesn't need to be severe, just something to restrict death from being a reward (ie respawn so fast with 100% hull). I think if you die, you shouldn't be allowed to re-enter combat until your teammates are done fighting. If they die too, then the mob respawns and you have to try again. That's the way video games generally work
-Higher difficulty combat wise, ground and space (if this invovles a slider, there must be a benefit for playing higher difficulty like improved loot etc.)
-Crew being a valuable resource - Crew should affect the effectiveness of your ship. Perhaps with less crew, you do less dmg, abilities are less effective ect. If you die, you lose a good portion of your crew. Then you can go to any starbase to refill your crew (perhaps paying merits, or ECs or something). Crew should then be tweaked accordingly to balance the game, (ie how much crew you lose with direct hits etc.)
Mid Term:
-More ship interiors - and also missions to do inside your ship
-Allow plotting courses and traveling from inside your ship and
-an actual crafting system
- integrate more randomly generated content that's outside of those exploration clusters. Maybe on my way to a mission, i encounter a RANDOM distress call, or something like that.
-The in game maps are tacky. I think the maps should have a stylish interface, with somewhat treky looking controls. I think if you are going to travel, the focus should always be from your bridge (until you get into a mission instance. And replace sector space with a better interface that you can access from your bridge and see where you are going, how much time until you get there and such.
-Option to create standard uniforms that all your random crew wear (1 for Tactical, Science, Engineering)
-Random NPCs need WAAAAAY more varied looks. For such an in depth character creation program, I'm surpised to see so many clones.
Long Term:
I don't really have anything I'd like to list right now, because I think my short term goals are the most important to me. Unfortunately, I won't be sticking around if the difficulty and death penatly aren't fixed. I just like a good challenge, and being afraid of death enhances the experience for me. If not, I guess I'll be checking in on STO in a year.
Thanks for putting this thread together. I think this is the best way for Cryptic to know what the public really wants. Just remember Cryptic, there is a LARGE population of folks not on the forums. You should think about gathering this data, and putting some of the top items on a survey and sending it out to see what the rest think too. Just a thought. This is still the free month, and I'm sure there are quite a few folks still deciding whether to keep the game or not. For me, as long as I hear you are working to fix my top items, I'll stick around even if you can't quite implement them within the free month.
Allow us to save multiple costumes and remove costs associated with changing costumes and names. I should not have to pay to add a pip when I rank up... for that matter, it should be added automatically when I rank up.
Ability to respecialize and reassign points.
Voice acting.
More loot available to find in areas. Most planets and systems are too sparse. More variety in the loot we recieve.
Mid Term:
I don't like playing PvP very much, but I love the Klingon faction. I want it to be just as fleshed out as the federation side in terms of PvE content. Get your people started on story ideas. I'd also like more ship choices for the Klingon side. Really, everything the federation gets, the Klingons should get too at some point.
On Ship Missions involving your crew members is pretty much required for Star Trek... which would also come with the requirement of being able to explore your own ship. Most of the episodes of star trek actually take place on the ship, so a good amount of missions should take place on your ship as well. I would also like more interaction with our bridge crew. Give them personalities so we actually get to know them.
Allow us to assign a first officer and department heads such as: Chief Medical Officer, Chief of Security, etc... with some sort of bonus from them.
Special rewards that we can display in our ready room like a trophy case. I think this would be very cool for viewing our accolades as well as other rememberings from special missions.
Long Term:
Give us something else to do that's not related to leveling, like some sort of side quests that give us another benefit. More stuff to do on time off from our ships and away missions. There should be side goals.
Other factions once the Klingon faction has been sufficiently fleshed out. My personal requests are Romulan and Borg.
Multiple time lines. I would like to beable to interact with star trek history from as early as Jonathan Archer's days all the way up through STO's present... it doens't have to affect history, but if somebody would rather play in Kirk's era, than they should be able to. Each era could be kept on a seperate server and people could cross between them as they time travel. They could than do missions related to that time frame and have to change ships and uniforms to match. This would also make the use of ships that should be obsolete much more viable, and give us a reason to utilize different costumes.
The ability to go on long distance away missions to the other quadrants, and have there be a benefit to us doing so. There should be a lot more loot to find. I want to explore the delta quadrant.
-Enable some sort of automation for Shield reinforce settings or at the very least have your choice act for more than a few seconds (fighting Captain level entities I often find myself trying to maneuver and press powers while continuously clicking Distribute Shields as my shields drop so fast (and I usually run with my effective Shield power level at 66), fun went down significantly when balancing shields started taking up half my clicks in combat) (this is the one that will probably take mid-term time but it is my most critical problem right now so I want it short-term.
-Remove the skill cap (the skill system as is becomes severely bent as certain types of players (and I am most definitely one of these) don't "waste" points on skills that are only useful in a specific tier or for weapons you may not end up using in the future)
-Put auto-attack back in for ground combat (and I don't remember seeing anything about whether its removal was intentional or not)
-Reduce cooldown timer on batteries (as it is now I almost only use Shield ones because if I use another one and need a shield withing 5 minutes I'm probably already dead)
-Implement a secondary advancement counter for Admirals and up so the Skill point cap removal doesn't trivialize future advancement.
-Mix up the number of objectives required in missions (5 is better than 8, but it is almost always 5!)
Long term:
-Redo Memory Alpha conceptually
-The runabouts you can buy in DS9 fascinate me but I am waiting to get one until I hear solid numbers on the number of ships we can have. I would like to see specific missions that are available if you have one that specifically use it and special PvP maps that are Runabout only.
-In-game documentation needs to be massively improved. Abilities should show you all skills that affect them and how, skills should show all abilities they affect, numbers should have some way (optional tooltipsmaybe?) that show everything that is affecting the value.
Gloves for females
Civilian clothes/long coats
Louder, more powerful ship sounds
More ship customization options
The ability to have fleet only fleet action instances
More fleet actions
More ship functionality (ability to walk around ship)
More fleet functionalities
More playable factions
1. Remove the skill cap (I have to say remove because I have a feeling Cryptic's idea of "significantly increase" is another 4.5 points into a skill box). I've been playing through and putting points into skills as if there weren't one because I was lead to believe we would be able to "Do anything". I mean we HAVE to spend skill points in order to get promoted and if there's a cap on top of that we will be FORCED to spend points on skills we don't need or want just to make the next one available. We've been given a lot of freedom in customizing our characters which makes some of us form a connection with them, but what's the point if I'm going to have to play the entirety of the content over and over again because I HAVE to make different characters in order to see what different ships do at maximum effectiveness. All that being said I can see some reason to it being there like a powerleveler who's maxed out everything going into a future fleet action he/she qualifies for and takes all the good loot. It's a short term solution to a short - mid-term problem. Even so, I'd still like it to disappear.
2. Fix the AI pathing issue. True this was a lot worse in beta but at current I HAVE to set a rally point on the opposite side of a doorway in order to ensure my BO's don't try endlessly to phase through the wall without realizing that they can't. Also in space I'll often get enemies flying into asteroids...and I mean inside of them and still shoot at me THROUGH THE ASTEROID. What's worse, they seem to do it intentionally.
3. Allow us to still be able to see mission rewards even after we've accepted the mission. This is especially important since the xp reward decreases as you get higher in level. I still have a LT6 mission to do and I'm Cmd1. Why? because the mission was broken at the time and I was too busy doing the exploration missions over and over to try and get some decent equipment and components.
Mid Term:
1. Ship interiors in addition to the bridge. Specifically for me: Shuttlebay (I mentioned this one because you guys already have a design for it and the deck it's on too), Engineering, Ten Forward (you also have a design for this), Transporter Room, Captain's Ready Room, Sick Bay. All are places to add content....even the bridge. I know why it's not in yet. You guys love giving us customization options and so I'm willing to be you would want to allow us to customize these interiors we keep asking for. I have faith in you guys for this one.
2. Usage of the Transwarp network for places other than Sol System.
3. More content and content variety. I mean your content comes in 3 forms: Killing, Scanning, or Talking. Your episodes are a combination of the 3. Your "Exploration missions" are either pure combat, pure scanning, pure talking, or combat and one of the other 2. In the case where combat is combined with the talking portion, it's only to attempt to add a story element to the constant killing. In getting to Commander I've only see 2 diplomatic missions. 1 at Lt. and 1 at LtCmd.
Long Term:
1. I'd love to see you guys try to do something groundbreaking. I mean Bioware is making a FULLY VOICED MMO!!! While I don't expect you guys to do that, I would like to see you try to set a new standard in the MMO industry and make the game feel less like you made it with a "That'll do" attitude. I understand you may not actually feel that way and there may be other circumstances but your customers and anyone else rating the game have to judge it on what is in front of us and not on speculations of what you "might" want to do. You did do this in terms of customization but really...tell me...should the most fun a person has in a game be making their character??
2. Please add Explorable Planets, Systems, Sectors. I mean in the Exploration missions, whenever I come across a combat situation Starfleet seems to already know about the danger. Am I really exploring these clusters or just patroling previously explored ones?
3. Please add Playable Romulan/Reman, Cardassian, and Ferengi (for trading) factions with PvE and PvP content as well as more PvE content for the Klingon faction.
For example, Cruisers get an AE ability that forces enemy ships to attack them for 10 seconds.
Escorts get the ability to extend their inertial dampeners to everyone in their team to increase mobility.
Science class ships get the ability to open a transwarp conduit that their team can use to travel to different sectors.
Short term:
Auto fire phasers in space (it wasnt fun repeatedly clicking or tapping a button in CoH/V, its still not fun now)
Auto fire basic phaser blasts on ground (See above parenthesis)
First person perspective in both ground and space. Seriously.. Why is there no First person perspective in ground. This is a very stupid trend in MMOs to now give up on the FPP.. when it takes about an hours worth of coding.. if that. Space might be less important due to the nature of the combat system.. But still. There is simply no good reason to not give the option when it would take so little effort to add in. Not saying it should be the default.. but there is absolutely no reason short of laziness to not give the option.
Now i dont have alot to add here, so i will combine mid term and long term
More interstellar diplomacy! - I had to laugh when a friend of mine who is a die hard star wars fan, and I tend to perfer the trek franchise, have gotten excited over their respective h2h MMOs. Its a weird concept because the trek franchise is one that is built more on dialouge, drama and insight, yet the MMO is more action oriented. While the Wars franchise is more about straight ahead action, yet its MMO is going to be HEAVILY dialogue and narrative based. Youve got a year long jump on TOR.. and if you want this game to survive TORs release, you better invest in more dialogue/ lore centric content to keep up with what they will be putting out, unless you want to leave STO as the Trek equivilent to star wars galaxies.
Cut scenes Again this is tied into the last one. But you need more cinematic content than warping in and out of zones and having a box with a talking head telling you what to do as content. Saving cut scenes for segments in stages of episode missions (as episodes being the primary story arc) will give the endearing quality to this game that it needs if it is going to remain viable, If you dont add these two.. then in the history of things, STO will be viewed as just another game of the WoW era, thus making it an MMO outside of its own generation. This IS where MMOs are going like it or not. Really this is not that hard to add. Simply adding a trigger command into quests that /execute FMV 0192945 for its corresponding quest is not hard to implement. The hard part is just writing mechanima, which with a full studio of employees, is really not that hard.
Content The game needs more, the game also needs more varied content styles. the "plots" to quests are as predictable as 80s cartoons, if not more so. By making your content predictable and repetitive it diminshes interest from the narrative of the game.. Which in MMOs where the combat system quickly becomes repetitive.. the story is what should be giving players the reason WHY you wanna escort the same medical ship you have a thousand times before. or why you want to fend off your 10,000 horde of BoPs. Leaving the reason to do missions for the gear/stat/money reward is the last generation of MMOS, and not fit for what the next generation of MMOs will be.
Even though the story arcs and overlying themes of the tv series are reused over and over again.. there is sincerely enough variance and underlying significance to keep people interested. Power struggles, Religious conflicts, deceipt, treachery, social norms, a changing society, are all hallmarks of the lore of Trek. You have a wealth of lore to work from.. actually use some of it Please
get the area control PvP counters to work, it's always 0/0
med term- PvP environments with defenses or defensed positions to stop "fly-by" capture. Someone has to spend a least 30 to 45 seconds knocking out turrets to capture the position and for every 30 seconds the position is held the area generates turrets for that faction. It will encourage players to actually stay and hold the position. It will bring out different tactical aspect of the game.
long term- an Realm vs. Realm combat PvP sector of space that resets every 2 or 3 weeks. A combination ground and space combat. Ground combat captures the system and space combat controls the area around the system. Control of total systems determine the RvR winner over a 2 or 3 week period. Give badges of victory or something for turn-ins.
- Respecs
- Respecs
- Game Documentation (ships, weapons, SKILLS)
(PS - did I mention respecs?)
Mid Term:
- More group oriented missions
- PvP Balance
- Ship Balance/Role definitions
- Skill/Item revamp (Paying 4500 points for polaron skill ups while phasers are 900 and both do the same DPS and the skill doesn't seem to affect the secondary effects is silly with a skill cap.)
- Additional ship and costume pieces.
Fix the lack of mirror universe uniforms for Female Characters, lack of TOS Skirts
Make it so I can give my BOs these uniforms.
Mid term:
More ship models! Maybe how we have Advanced and Fleet Escorts, get more of that sort of thing for each tier.
More Klingon PvE missions
Long Term:
Cardassian, Romulan Factions.
Short Term
Medium Term
Long Term
Theres probably more but im tired, might add some more later. I think its fair to say that this is a great game though, and could be a major success, #1 in the UK! not too shabby cryptic, pleaseeee keep up the momentum