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Costume Request Thread



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    how about cosmetic surgery kits? In the shows it was regular practice to disguise characters as from another race. Fake pointy ears, romulan forheads, different skin colors and what else.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I had this idea for an alternate version of the All good Things (aha alternate future) combadge.

    It would use all the existing components, but they would be oriented differently.

    The two geometric shapes that are curreently in the background of the holloe delta-shield symbol are what would be different. Shift them to a horizontal orientation, center the shorter one above the longer one, and center the hollow delta shield on top.

    It would be like a varriant of the combadge worn in DS9 and Voyager but with a "25 years later" twist.

    Should be a relatively simple badge to produce.

    This would go good with an alternative to the AGT uniform which could receive a turtle-neck style underlay similar to the WoK uniform. The jacket itself would retain a solid color to the waistline, and be worn with a belt similar to the WoK uniform belt, but styled like the Jupiter belt. The rank pins would be those of the 25th century style, so it could be a transitional uniform.

    Color regions on the jacket would be turtleneck, shoulders, shoulder-torso dividing stripe, and torso.

    This would yield a new uniform varriant that would blend the TNG-era with the 25th century era. I appreciate the work that went into the Jupiter uniforms, but they are just a little too... busy... for my personal taste. The Wrath of Khan uniforms were the most military-oriented out of all official Trek uniforms. But the Jupitr uniforms are way over the top in my opinion. A new simple-styled uniform would be cool.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    A few simple requests that already exist in game in some way or are quite simple changes
    1. -ability to have infected skin of federation borg officer
    2. -the option to place a uniform over the borg body on federation borg bridge officers
    3. -having the infected skin option be for the whole body and not just the face
    4. -more variety of colours (especially true black)
    5. -having all colours available for all uniform pieces, hair, equipment, etc
    6. -off duty clothes option for bridge officers
    7. -the ability to change the uniform of all the random people on the ship so they match your bridge officers (an option to apply to all males and apply to all females should be good enough)
    8. -the ability to have the enemy faction bridge officers (that are unlocked when you reach level 4 diplomacy) to wear federation uniforms
    9. -the ability to have the special bridge officers (like the borg male, breen, reman,etc) be customizable, or aleast just the option to change their uniforms

    A few requests that may not be as simple as the ones listed above
    1. -ability to make officers thicker and fatter.
    2. -more borg body options
    3. -more pig tail hair options
    4. -more tatoo options and the ability to place it anywhere and not just the face
    5. -have eyelashes for officers and different options of them (short, long, really long, etc)

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    There should definitely be more stocking/legging options (color, material, transparency, shinyness, ..) and the vulcan nurse hair!! Guess both things would be really easy to add!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    personally i would like to see far more long hairdos,we only have three vs. the 12 or so short ones. We could have something like Dr. Crushers various hairstyles, Or Deanna Troi's hairstyle (sure why not the 80's one?) Or even the T'Cel hair from debt of honor? And that outfit too?

    I would also like to see the recurring blue dress, as well as the lovely creations of William Ware Theiss

    Also the option to make orions barefoot would be just nice.

    Also, can we please have Guinan's many hats?

    In that same train of thought it would be nice to be able to customize the bartender on board your ship. (as well as the others of course, but particularly the bartender)

    I would also like to be able to use off duty uniforms for BOFFS, the only reason i haven't bought a few is because you can't. :'(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    1. STNG Episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" main officer & crewman uniforms.
    2. STNG First Season 'collar-less' uniform circa 2364
    3. STNG Episode "Conspiracy" Admiral uniform circa 2364
    4. STNG First Season 'Skant-style,' short-sleeved one piece skirt.
    5. STNG - Guinan outfits & hats for female characters
    6. STNG TV Dress uniform
    7. STNG Film Dress uniform
    8. ST: The Motion Picture - Excursion jacket
    9. ST: The Motion Picture - Engineering tunic
    9. ST II: The Wrath Of Khan - Excursion coat
    10. ST II: The Wrath Of Khan - Engineering suit
    11. ST III: The Search For Spock - Bomber jacket
    12. ST Enterprise First Season Excursion jackets
    13. ST Enterprise Episodes 'Desert Crossing" & "Kir'Shara" Excursion Desert uniform
    14. ST Enterprise First Season NX-01 baseball cap
    15. ST Enterprise Admiral uniform
    16. ST Enterprise Environmental suit variations (Standard & M.A.C.O.)
    17. ST Enterprise M.A.C.O. combat dress uniform
    18. ST Enterprise Andorian Imperial Guard uniform
    19. ST Voyager Episode "Drive" - Flight suit
    20. ST Voyager Episodes "Future's End" & "Relativity" - 29th Century uniform
    21. ST DS9 Episode "Shadows and Symbols" - Desert robes
    22. ST Original Pilot/Episode "The Cage" Excursion jacket
    23. Vulcan-style robe variations (as seen on all series and movies)
    24. Off-Duty Dress - Talaxian style clothing
    25. Protective eyewear
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    robertuso wrote:
    A few simple requests that already exist in game in some way or are quite simple changes
    1. -ability to have infected skin of federation borg officer
    2. -the option to place a uniform over the borg body on federation borg bridge officers
    3. -having the infected skin option be for the whole body and not just the face
    4. -more variety of colours (especially true black)
    5. -having all colours available for all uniform pieces, hair, equipment, etc
    6. -off duty clothes option for bridge officers
    7. -the ability to change the uniform of all the random people on the ship so they match your bridge officers (an option to apply to all males and apply to all females should be good enough)
    8. -the ability to have the enemy faction bridge officers (that are unlocked when you reach level 4 diplomacy) to wear federation uniforms
    9. -the ability to have the special bridge officers (like the borg male, breen, reman,etc) be customizable, or aleast just the option to change their uniforms

    A few requests that may not be as simple as the ones listed above
    1. -ability to make officers thicker and fatter.
    2. -more borg body options
    3. -more pig tail hair options
    4. -more tatoo options and the ability to place it anywhere and not just the face
    5. -have eyelashes for officers and different options of them (short, long, really long, etc)


    I thought the engineer borg BO you could put a normal federation uniform on? Last I checked all I've seen done it? Unless you mean the science borg BO.

    As for the reman/jem'hadar/breen one. I think it'd be cool if you could customize them using outfit pieces those races use.

    Something though, on the lines of tattoos.

    I'd be nice to be able to have a scar and tattoo at same time. Or multiple scars. Instead of just one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Kalavier wrote: »
    I thought the engineer borg BO you could put a normal federation uniform on? Last I checked all I've seen done it? Unless you mean the science borg BO.

    As for the reman/jem'hadar/breen one. I think it'd be cool if you could customize them using outfit pieces those races use.

    Something though, on the lines of tattoos.

    I'd be nice to be able to have a scar and tattoo at same time. Or multiple scars. Instead of just one.

    what i meant was to have the option to have the borg wear the uniform over the borg body they have, instead of having them wear just the uniform, or just the borg body. I know most uniforms would just cover it all anyways, but there are a few that dont and i would like to see the borg parts wear the uniform doesnt cover.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    robertuso wrote:
    what i meant was to have the option to have the borg wear the uniform over the borg body they have, instead of having them wear just the uniform, or just the borg body. I know most uniforms would just cover it all anyways, but there are a few that dont and i would like to see the borg parts wear the uniform doesnt cover.


    So like Enterprise mirror, but instead of skin it's the borg 'jumpsuit' underneath? I gotcha.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    FlipORican wrote: »
    1. STNG Episode "Yesterday's Enterprise" main officer & crewman uniforms.
    2. STNG First Season 'collar-less' uniform circa 2364
    3. STNG Episode "Conspiracy" Admiral uniform circa 2364
    4. STNG First Season 'Skant-style,' short-sleeved one piece skirt.
    5. STNG - Guinan outfits & hats for female characters
    6. STNG TV Dress uniform
    7. STNG Film Dress uniform
    8. ST: The Motion Picture - Excursion jacket
    9. ST II: The Wrath Of Khan - Excursion coat
    10. ST II: The Wrath Of Khan - Engineering suit
    11. ST III: The Search For Spock - Bomber jacket
    12. ST Enterprise First Season Excursion jackets
    13. ST Enterprise Episodes 'Desert Crossing" & "Kir'Shara" Excursion Desert uniform
    14. ST Enterprise First Season NX-01 baseball cap
    15. ST Enterprise Admiral uniform
    16. ST Enterprise Environmental suit variations (Standard & M.A.C.O.)
    17. ST Enterprise M.A.C.O. combat dress uniform
    18. ST Enterprise Andorian Imperial Guard uniform
    19. ST Voyager Episode "Drive" - Flight suit
    20. ST Voyager Episodes "Future's End" & "Relativity" - 29th Century uniform
    21. ST DS9 Episode "Shadows and Symbols" - Desert robes
    22. ST Original Pilot/Episode "The Cage" Excursion jacket
    23. Vulcan-style robe variations (as seen on all series and movies)
    24. Off-Duty Dress - Talaxian style clothing
    25. Protective eyewear

    I LOVE all of these suggestions, with particular interest in the following:

    4, 8, 9, and 22

    Great job on the list - as you can tell, I love the jackets! Hope we see some of these in-game soon!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Its next to impossible for me to look through 83 pages atm, so i'll just add my wishes.

    1 - More hairstyles for Caitians (Both genders), long manes would be extremely nice....

    2 - Seven of Nine hands with fur textures for caitians, since current version has skin textures...

    3 - Naked hind paws for Caitians along with 4-fingered hands >.< (instead of current furred feet, and 5-fingered hands, also i understand that its highly unlikely since it would require remodeling of many armors' parts...)

    4 - Bestial parts for aliens (caitian heads, tails, paws, fur textures)

    5 - OMEGA and MACO tail textures (a bit ridiculous when unprotected tail sticks out of hermetically sealed battlesuite)...

    7 - More tech head additions (especially for caitians - atm only caitian fems have 7\9 tech additions, males have none at all)

    8 - 7\9 boots without high heels (i like how current boots supplements the set, but i always hated high heels, i think heelless 7\9 boots would be great addition to many costume sets).

    9 - More shiny (mrrew ^^) costumes textures (like 7\9 costume texture but without those.... ridges)

    10 - More long loose and tight pants textures.

    11 - Swimsuits and summer suits (hey nobody goes to Risa in admiral uniform >.<)...

    12 - Maybe more open pieces for males and females (like shorts, tops, sleeveless jackets, etc...)

    13 - looked at previous post and understood that next 5 items where already listed...

    19 - Also would be nice to have striped and pure white fur for caitians.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Can we have an option for Orion female to have the option to not wear the loincloth and still have what ever is under it. That and the option to select skirts.

    I also want to see the ability to mix and match FED uniform & KDF uniform for the officer awarded for diplomacy/marauding points.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Aris wrote:
    More long hair options for men and women.
    Definitely need more hairdo options please! The current ones are a little tragic, short hair/ long hair; especially for male characters.

    On that note, how about having style options instead of cut options and having a slider for the length, like the slider for shininess: and can we do the same for facial hair? Open up more style/ length options and open some of them to female characters? There must be species where the fashion is for clean shaven men and bearded women!

    IMO, there are actually several (minor) equality issues in the character options. Maybe we could unlock everything for every character: hair/ facial hair/ stances and poses/ dress-codes/ etc. Kilts and Sarongs would definitely be a cool touch for more expressive and/or traditional males.

    And why are the C store visuals options SO EXPENSIVE! I mean really, 440c for ONE uniform when all it does is change the character/Boff's appearance. Ships with special Consoles cost that!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Having talked with others and them agreeing with me on what uniform variants are missing we agreed that the following two items are missing and should be added as choices.

    1. Picards's Vest from First Contact.

    2. Kirk's Vest style Mirror Uniform.

    Would be greatly appreciative if these can be put made in game.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yesterday's Enterprise Tng military uniform with rounded collar and black sleeves , white sidearm phaser belt and optional shoulder strap.

    Klingon Baldric (sash) for fed bridge officers as an optional belt

    Make existing maco style uniform currentlh in c-store mix and match with duty uniforms not just off duty slot

    more hair tech that has been promised for a year in which has never gone live

    The early no collartng uniforms and admiral uniforms late and early tng

    Thank you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Take a look at my signature if you would.

    Done so? Good.

    May I have them now please? :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Take a look at my signature if you would.

    Done so? Good.

    May I have them now please? :D

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Take a look at my signature if you would.

    Done so? Good.

    May I have them now please? :D


    TRIBBLE. Wrong show, sorry.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    For the KDF side, I'd love to see the long coats worn by many npc's. Such as the costume npc at the KDF Academy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Also the option to make orions barefoot would be just nice.

    Y'know, I was running "Treasure Trading Station" a couple days ago and it looked like the Orion women in that mission was barefoot. So I guess the costume piece is there, just not for the player's characters.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've just browsed thru several pages of this thread and what I'd really like to see is ONE list complied from all the suggestions that also indicates which ones have already been done. I know this probably started out as a great idea but after over 80 pages it just isn't, especially if anyone expects the devs to read/respond to these requests. :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Trust me, if devs are interested in this suggestions - tehy already have their own list, or will compile it when they'll have time
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I've just browsed thru several pages of this thread and what I'd really like to see is ONE list complied from all the suggestions that also indicates which ones have already been done. I know this probably started out as a great idea but after over 80 pages it just isn't, especially if anyone expects the devs to read/respond to these requests. :rolleyes:

    So do it.

    I'd like to see option to choose look of my kit and weapon. For example Mk X Tactical Kits cover too much of uniform, I liked those from lower tiers which gives you only holster on leg or some bags.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Landerhow wrote: »
    So do it.

    I'd like to see option to choose look of my kit and weapon. For example Mk X Tactical Kits cover too much of uniform, I liked those from lower tiers which gives you only holster on leg or some bags.

    Completelly agree with it. Mk X engineering kits are simply ugly. I'd like to have something smaller than vacuum cleaner on my back...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Any love for the future uniforms from Voyager's 5th season episode "Relativity"?


    WAY better than the horrible TNG future ones. Yuck.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I'd like to see some of the captain's variants we've seen in the movies and shows, like the vests from TOS and TNG movies, some of the jackets, like Scotty's bomber jacket, more hair options, maybe some more beard and goatee options for the men.

    I'd also like to see an option for cannon uniform colors in the uniforms based on the shows and movies. I know it's doable to do it on your own, but it would be nice to have the colors already picked out and ready to use.

    I'd also like to see some more casual clothing options like button down shirts, tartan patterns, tees and the like. Something a little more casual than the current options.

    How about the ability to roll up sleeves on some of the uniforms, like the DS9 top like how O'Brien wore his uniform.

    There was talk a while ago about being able to select crew uniforms. Where is that at?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Both Starfleet and KDF uniforms from the countdown comic.

    We were supposed to get those anyway (at least the Starfleet ones) from the preview images that were released before launch.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    there have been many posts. so, forgive me if i repeat something...

    -Glasses for your Captaian
    -The ability to put your fleet logo on your sleeve. ( This may already be there I just don't see it, or look at the sleve options often)
    -A different color selection screen. Maybe the UI like Microsoft Paint Color Selection.

    I may have more suggestions later. But, right now, this is all i have.

  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So, I'm thinking of preset costume colors, where you can select a model and canon color for your uniform. This should help.
    The Elysian council emblem. https://encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZOQ7Ia5laIKrJ_NUpWQiggvplmmtISkj8bPekcrRCM4JURfS0Vg
    The Facility 4028 M.A.C.O./Photonic Tactical Officer armor would be great! All badass looking armor! Perhaps by some sort of accolade, of course.
  • jadebgreenjadebgreen Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    there are as some have said a lot of comments here so I apologize if this has already been said especially recently.

    I'd like to see them introduce the away team jacket from "Search for spock" & "Wrath of Khan" Worn By Saavik and Kirk in both movies.

    As well as more off duty outfits from movies like the voyage home.

    I'd also like to see a few more different belt styles and basic belts.

    in a lot of ways I wish they'd just merge off duty and uniform outfits together or at least let bridge officers wear off duty outfits as well.
    Jagged_Jade on the forums
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