Man these forums move so damn quickly these days. Needs to be a separate forum for those simply posting that they're looking for fleets too. Getting a bit crowded.
We sure are getting alot of new members in the {UFP}!! I've gotten like 7 in the last week to sign up. If anyone has a question about our Fleet and or both STO factions which we support, just shoot me a PM.
My name is John Hathaway, Fleet Admiral for the {UFP}, founded in May 2002. I've held the FA position since September 2002 and I'm extremely proud to represent the UFP and all it has become over the past 7+ years.
We currently support:
Star Trek Online (Federation and Klingon factions supported)
Bridge Commander (Using the latest KobayashiMaru mod)
Various Trek Classics (like Elite Force, Armada and Starfleet Command)
(Also looking forward to ST Excalibur, more info:
Fleet Ethos & Summary
Dependable, accessible leadership and strong fleet involvement...
I believe our long term success has stemmed through sensible and reliable leadership from all those with responsibilities, from the highest ranks, down.
While we believe in the need for a military hierarchy we also believe it is imperative that the fleet is able to have a strong voice. So we actively encourage wide involvement in a myriad of fleet affairs. This is your fleet as much as it is mine. No one "owns" the UFP.
Casual and hardcore gamers welcome...
We are very much a clan which believes in the idea of "you get out, what you put in". If you're committed and dedicated to the UFP, you'll go far within it. There are numerous members who will attest to that.
However if you feel you're a casual player with limited time and perhaps many real life commitments, it's not a problem at all. All we ask is that you sign in at our monthly roll call, beyond that you are free to do as much or as little as you can/like. We understand real life comes first and we will not make any undue demands on our member base. Those with specific duties in the UFP simply need to hand them over temporarily in their absence.
Wide variety of play types, with a friendly and lively atmosphere...
We are a general fleet, in so much as we don't get bogged down by labels such as RP or PvP. We feel it is our duty to provide a wide ranging and flexible base upon which our members can enjoy a varied and fun organisation.
Our community is well known for its high spirit and willingness to help out, we are all classic Star Trek fans after all. We are constantly challenging our member base to get involved and bring about new ideas, and even lead their own projects under UFP support. So if this sounds like a fleet you want to be involved in, be sure to check us out!
In closing...
If you have any questions, wish to discover more about the UFP, or are interested in joining, drop by our Website and Forums. People are also welcome to drop into our TeamSpeak server at
Alternatively, post a message here or drop me a PM.
Hello old friend, It's nice to see you made it to STO.
Welcome to the STO Community from Starfleet Canada and myself. ^_^
You are the man Hathaway!! Congrats on the nice new shiny pip.
We may have to start a rehab Division withi+n (my cat has decided that the word "within" should have a plus sign) the {UFP} for gaming addicts!! Seeing how no less than 2 of our members made Admiral in a week from the head start!! LOL
So, off to work now and pick up my STO box in 3 hours!!
Nice Sharpkiller!! I'm at Lt. Cmdr. 2 as of this post.
Man these forums move so damn quickly these days. Needs to be a separate forum for those simply posting that they're looking for fleets too. Getting a bit crowded.
And yes, they do have different sections for both Federation and Klingon fleets.
We are known in STO on the Federation faction as UFP, and as the Klingons UFPK.
We sure are getting alot of new members in the {UFP}!! I've gotten like 7 in the last week to sign up. If anyone has a question about our Fleet and or both STO factions which we support, just shoot me a PM.
Hello old friend, It's nice to see you made it to STO.
Welcome to the STO Community from Starfleet Canada and myself. ^_^
Can't make heads or tails of it ;P
lol Garet4Prez, it is indeed, cryptic :P
While I'm posting via my iPhone anyone that would like some info on the {UFP} just shoot me a PM.
I just dragged myself onto Cmdr 1:)
We may have to start a rehab Division withi+n (my cat has decided that the word "within" should have a plus sign) the {UFP} for gaming addicts!! Seeing how no less than 2 of our members made Admiral in a week from the head start!! LOL