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{UFP} The United Federation of Planets



  • torinthitorinthi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    and for those who haven't yet ventured into RPG-X we run introduction events every 2 months so that you'll be able to get fully set-up for any Harriers RPG-X event :).

    Click the signature to enter a world of wonder!
  • tetsaboushakkentetsaboushakken Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    RP, STFs, PVP, or just plain fun.
    The United Federation of Planets. Has it all. If you just want to have fun, and be a member of a large community of players from 40 countries from around the world, please come pay us a visit!
  • xtynctionxtynction Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Always enjoyable and having fun playing with this group from the beginning, even better being a Romulan.
    Lifeforms.... you precious little lifeforms.... where are you?? I just love scanning for lifeforms..
    Revenge is a dish best served cold... it's very cold in space..
  • tetsaboushakkentetsaboushakken Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The weekend is on its way! Its time for this weeks installment of "Weekend fun in the UFP"

    There is a never a lack of fun things to do in the UFP, this weekend will be no exception. Here is a look at what is cooking.


    1) Retro PVP In the same vein as the classic era-themed PvP events, Retro PvP is a PvP event that uses all ships born before the Excelsior!

    Please be sure to have one of the following Tier 1 ships to participate. It is preferable to use time-appropriate weaponry (blue phasers and quantums, usually,) but not at all required.

    2) Joint Strike Assault Joint Strike Assault event will be running Fleet Marks missions from one of the fleet based missions, 'Starbase Fleet Defense', 'Starbase Incursion', 'Starbase Blockade' and 'Fleet Alert'. Depending on time we'll go through Fleet Marks missions to gain marks for Fleet gear. All factions welcomed for a joint strike mission.


    1)STF Sunday. A great day to get STFs done if you couldn't make it on the Wednesday or just want to get additional Omega Marks. If you're new to STFs, you will get the chance to learn them with ESF members and fleet mates. This event is Elite Strike Force sponsored!

    Its always a good time around the UFP. If you are interested in these, or our other exciting events please come visit us!
  • vadavianthulevadavianthule Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hi, was just passing your post thought id give you a shout out from the kobayashi crew :-) ufp is a great fleet, I remember winning the race on Risa many years ago lol. Had been a member since before sto and still would be if I wasnt running my own fleet. Have a great weekend gaming, hope to see you out there (in sector space).
    Fleet Admiral Davian Thule.
    Kobayashi Crew.
  • tetsaboushakkentetsaboushakken Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ahhhh the weekend! Aside from STO what is everyone doing this weekend? I am waiting for an event to start! Join Fleet should be alot of fun!
  • torinthitorinthi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    An awful lot of exciting things coming :) one of many reasons to join the UFP!

    Click the signature to enter a world of wonder!
  • tetsaboushakkentetsaboushakken Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Torinth, could you tell everyone a little about the RPG-X part of the fleet? Its totally outside of my experence.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Torinth, could you tell everyone a little about the RPG-X part of the fleet? Its totally outside of my experence.

    It is well worth taking a look at RPG-X. It is a mod for Star Trek Voyager Elite Force, the mod usually requires you to have Elite Force but thanks to an arrangement with Activision (the original publisher) and CBS we are able to distribute it digitally for free so no excuse for not giving it a go.

    I know RPG-X is Torinth's thing but I'm such a big fan I can't help but talk about how great it is. Hope you don't mind me jumping in Torinth.

    RPG-X is a first (or if you want third) person Star Trek roleplaying game. Basically you create a character from a list of models and skins, get to customise their height and build and then name them. You then take on the role of a crew member or an alien the crew encounters depending on the roleplay story.

    Maps range from a whole host of starships as well as starbases, outposts, planet surfaces and even runabouts and shuttles.

    It is pretty smart, a lot of the maps have lots of interactivity so for example if you are up on the Bridge of a ship you can open hailing frequencies, go to warp, change the alert statuses, fire weapons etc whilst down in Engineering you can cut main power or even eject the warp core. A number of maps also have fully working transporters including site to site transport and fully working turbolifts and jefferies tubes.

    We've also got a few in house created maps as well that really push the boundaries of what you can do. In one roleplay the ship was attacked by an enemy ship and a explosion on the Bridge took out a section of the hull resulting in a crewmember being sucked out in to space before an emergency forcefield was set up.

    In short RPG-X is awesome and everyone gets it free even if you don't have the original game it was a mod for!
  • torinthitorinthi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Not a problem Chris, you pretty much summed it up for RPG-X, however answering the part of the fleet RPG-X is involved with, Harriers not only dabbles within RPG-X, we hold similar events within STO on a weekly basis, and not to forget our Simms roleplay, which is a text based version of RPG-X and STORP basically.

    Click the signature to enter a world of wonder!
  • survivorofremussurvivorofremus Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just joined the UFP, been made to feel extremely welcome. Cant wait to get involved with the Fleet Events that have been organised!! :D
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just joined the UFP, been made to feel extremely welcome. Cant wait to get involved with the Fleet Events that have been organised!! :D

    Glad to hear you are enjoying your experience :D
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    torinthi wrote: »
    Not a problem Chris, you pretty much summed it up for RPG-X, however answering the part of the fleet RPG-X is involved with, Harriers not only dabbles within RPG-X, we hold similar events within STO on a weekly basis, and not to forget our Simms roleplay, which is a text based version of RPG-X and STORP basically.

    Whilst obviously STO is a key focus as the dozens of events each week show it is nice having all these other activities around for members to get involved in should they wish to especially when you take in to account things like server maintenance. I didn't know the STO server was going to be down today and as a result I had to cut my STO gaming time short, at the time I think we had just over 40 members on so rather than sitting there twiddling our thumbs we already have other things that members can get involved in. Obviously RPG-X, the Simms and the other Star Trek titles we support aren't going to be for everyone but it is nice to have all that stuff there for when people want it.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    PvP event about to start!
  • keithp25keithp25 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I also just joined {UFP} Friendly helpful people who care about a honest game and in game playing. I love it. I love the warm welcome you guys have given me I recommend anyone who wants to join to just join trust me it worth it!
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    keithp25 wrote: »
    I also just joined {UFP} Friendly helpful people who care about a honest game and in game playing. I love it. I love the warm welcome you guys have given me I recommend anyone who wants to join to just join trust me it worth it!

    Great to hear that you are settling in well!
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Latest blog discussing the development of the almost here new website is up and can be read HERE.

    This is the 6th in the current series and discusses a couple of updates to our completely custom and unique event system that easily allows members to coordinate their gaming activity. Seriously starting to think that Cryptic should be hiring some of our engineering team as our event tracker has more features than even STO's in-game one!
  • tetsaboushakkentetsaboushakken Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The United Federation of Planets

    Happy Sunday STO players. Here is a look at what is going on in The United Federation of Planets

    Monday: Late Night STF's Join Provisional Lieutenant JG Clulyan for some STF action, 11pm Central Standard Time. This is open to all level 50 fleet members. Teamspeak is strongly advised

    Tuesday -The Edge of Romulus - STO RP You are a Romulan Republic sympathizer and you have been called to duty. You find yourself on the Romulan Flotilla ready for action, about to discover what will hopefully become the new Romulan homeworld. Join a small team of comrades and help shape the course of our people!

    This is a hard ROLEPLAY event where all parts of the episode missions will be roleplayed out by the squadron of players involved. We will form a team and walk through everything beginning with "The Helix" and moving forward, getting through one or two missions per night. However, all NPCs will be listened to thoroughly and all decisions will be made In-Character between the squad. No space bar/"F"-key skipping through this adventure - you will live your character fully.

    Overnight Fleet Mark Run All officers are being recalled to focus on gaining fleet marks in order to keep the projects flowing. If your main doesn't need fleet marks, please bring your 2nd and 3rd fleet characters so that we can help the projects in these fleets to keep going.

    Intro to Ground STF This event is for fleet members who are just starting out on ground STF events. You need to be at least lvl 44 and have at least mark IX gear. We will go over the basics of how to stay alive and have fun while killing the borg. Emphasis will be on tactics and map layouts with no pressure to rush through. This event is ESF sponsored.

    This is just a small look at what we have in store in the fleet. Interested? Board the shuttle to our starbase.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So glad I have Tuesday off from work look at all those lovely hosted events.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Going to buy myself a new fleet ship over the next couple of days, just not too sure which one to go for.

    I love the Galaxy class but it isn't the most useful of ships in either PvP or PvE. Hmm Sovereign or Excelsior... this could take some time to decide.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    chris5626 wrote: »
    Going to buy myself a new fleet ship over the next couple of days, just not too sure which one to go for.

    I love the Galaxy class but it isn't the most useful of ships in either PvP or PvE. Hmm Sovereign or Excelsior... this could take some time to decide.

    Yeah so I went with the Fleet Galaxy. I know it isn't the best of ships out there but I love the Galaxy class and I would much rather be in a ship I really love, besides thanks to epically developed starbase, embassy and dilithium mine she's loaded for bear.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So I saw a thread where someone had asked who the top 10 STO fleets were. Naturally that is highly subjective since everyone is going to measure themselves differently and different people are going to want different things from a fleet so it really is impossible to measure what fleets are best as it all depends on how you measure them but it did get me thinking about UFP and what makes us a top fleet. So, the first few things that came to mind:
    • 5 in-game fleets and support for each playable faction.
    • Top tier starbase.
    • An elite group dedicated to STFs and PvP.
    • More than a dozen dedicated event officers covering all major time zones.
    • Daily hosted events and regular events with other fleets.
    • Game guides for members of all experience levels.
    • We have our own website, forum, mobile app, team speak server and game servers.
    • We self publish our own Star Trek magazine featuring exclusive interviews with the Star Trek Online developers.
    • In partnership with Activision and CBS we also have a multi-game digital publishing deal allowing us to provide all members with FREE and completely legal copies of Elite Force Holomatch and RPG-X.
    • More than 10 years experience in the field of Star Trek gaming.
    • Over 700 active members representing more than 40 different nationalities.
    • In addition to Star Trek Online we also actively support the Star Trek Armada series, Star Trek Bridge Commander and the Star Trek Elite Force series.
    • We actively support roleplaying via SIMMs, Star Trek Online and RPG-X.
    • We were also voted one of the top 100 clans in the world a few years back, the only Star Trek gaming clan featured in the list I might add, again though it is subjective.
    • Annual 'real world' meet up events.
  • torinthitorinthi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thinking about it, we do hold some impressive feats, some of those were reasons why I joined a year or two back, haven't regret it at all! :)

    Click the signature to enter a world of wonder!
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    torinthi wrote: »
    Thinking about it, we do hold some impressive feats, some of those were reasons why I joined a year or two back, haven't regret it at all! :)

    Quite right. Everyone has different tastes so some fleets will naturally be a better fit for some people but looking at what we have achieved I really don't think it is disrespectful of anyone else to say we really have some unique achievements and it isn't just impressive what has been achieved but how it has been achieved.

    We have gone where no clan has gone before and our roadmap for the future is very ambitious. I think a lot of groups in our position would just seek to maintain what they have, we're not content to sit back we're going to keep innovating and there are some frankly awesome projects on the horizon.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ended up buying a Fleet Excelsior as well as the Fleet Galaxy I got the other day. So nice having top tier facilities, she's loaded with shiny fleet gear and been able to spend most of the day fine tuning her since its been near constant UFP STF runs!
  • dentariidentarii Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As a relatively new member of the {UFP}, I've yet to get around to obtaining a fleet ship, but the freedom of choice that comes with joining a veteran fleet such as the {UFP} is merely one of many benefits enjoyed by its members. Also, all of the members I've had the pleasure to talk with have been both polite and courteous. All of what I've said could of course come across as hollow 'propaganda', but take my word for it; join up and get to know the members of this fleet and like me, you'll feel right at home!

    (If you do join and feel the need to chat with someone else who is learning the ropes, just drop me a message!)
  • vadavianthulevadavianthule Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    chris5626 wrote: »
    Ended up buying a Fleet Excelsior as well as the Fleet Galaxy I got the other day. So nice having top tier facilities, she's loaded with shiny fleet gear and been able to spend most of the day fine tuning her since its been near constant UFP STF runs!

    How do you run yours ? I have two threat scaling science consoles and the sauser sep in the three sci slots. I also have the borg weapon set on it and the zero point modual with romulan hyper torp. The other 5 weapon slots are fleet phasers.
    I have a mostly human bridge crew bar my two borg for the bonus hull regen and I think ive got some hull regens in the engineering console slots too. I put the adapted maco kit on this ship. So with the extra hull regen from consoles, crew and the shields boosts from the adp maco kit and borg weapon set make it very resilient.
    Skills wise I have repulsors for point defence and two rsf. Then just some hull healing stuff and tactical team again only as it rotates the shields. Cant remember the size of the shilds but due to the buffs I have and the rsf it dont really matter. The hulls hitpoints are chasing 70, 000 so It takes a beating. I only fly it for fun as its my fav ship in sto and most of the jobs its good at can be done better by other ships. Ill paste in the exact specs of my ship including boffs and doffs and my traits and skills if you care enough to want them.
    Is there anything I could do to make it more fun to fly?? Its not to much of a serious question as I spend most my time just looking at the ship and moving it to diff locations for screen shots lol ok not lol im sad I know :-( love it though.
    Fleet Admiral Davian Thule.
    Kobayashi Crew.
  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've gone a pretty much purely tank route with it. With the benefits of the Elite Fleet gear its got extra hull HP and regen it also turns ok for a Galaxy. There are probably lots of better builds out there but I find even after drawing lots of aggro it still tanks great.

    1x Dual Beam Phaser
    2x Phaser Array
    1x Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo

    3x Phaser Array
    1x Quantum Torpedo

    Elite Fleet Fermion Deflector
    Elite Fleet Efficient Combat Impulse Engines
    Overcharged Warp Core (need to get more fleet credits to upgrade this)
    Elite Fleet Adapted Coveriant Shield

    2x Enhanced RCS Accelerator
    Enhanced Neutronium Alloy
    2x SIF Generator

    Field Generator
    Shield Emitter Amplifier
    Saucer Seperation

    2x Phaser Relay
  • cehuscehus Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    We unlocked our Elite hangar pets today! At our current estimates, we are just under a month from finishing all aspects of our Main fleet's starbase! Now is the perfect time to join!

  • chris5626chris5626 Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Always nice to be ticking off the milestones. One of the best things about operating multiple fleets is the fact that since we keep developing new starbases there are always plenty of opportunities to earn fleet credits.
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