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{UFP} The United Federation of Planets



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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We just finished tier one of Military and our Ship yard will be done soon so ya better join and get in on the awesomeness of the {UFP}!! Go to this website to apply!!


    :D {UFP} Rule's!!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    stormymavstormymav Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Good to hear about Teir One... I never get to play on Mondays because of work and was wondering how it was progressing.
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Only 1 hour till we have a working Shipyard!! Join in on the fun go to this wesite to apply!!


    :D {UFP} Rule's!!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The shipyard is built...

    go to


    to join
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    stormymavstormymav Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You got that right... and Tier 1 ships should hit the shipyard today.
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Tier 1 Starbase today! The mailman cometh!
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    stormymavstormymav Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    My deadline days are over this week. Hope to be able to spend a little time assisting with the starbase.
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    asdfjkadfjkasfasdfjkadfjkasf Member Posts: 345 Media Corps
    edited July 2012
    That level one starbase is pretty nice :)
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    oracle54oracle54 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Congrats {UFP} on a Tier I starbase!
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    stormymavstormymav Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We're moving at a fairly rapid clip here! Care to join the fun? Click the siggy banner below.
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh my gosh, we have (a) mail(box)!
    Our transwarp gate should be up pretty soon too. :D
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Does your Fleet have an Elite Group in it's ranks made up of only STF Eltie junkie's???

    Does your fleet have Daily STF Run's with at least 4-7 groups of 5 doing STF's???

    Well our's does so join in on the fun And help us Kill some BORG!!! To join our Awesome

    Fleet just Click on this Website to get Started!!!


    F.S.O.G. We came, We Saw, We kicked the BORG's Azz!!!

    :biggrin: {UFP} Rule's!!! :biggrin:

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A great Fleet


    to join
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    stormymavstormymav Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Does your fleet have cookies? How about pie? Well, good for you.

    Ours has dedicated players quickly building a starbase, running STFs, holding award ceremonies and even participating in OTHER Star Trek gaming titles.

    How do those cookies taste now?

    I thought so. Check out what's happening at the {UFP} by clicking my siggy.
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    stormymavstormymav Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Looking for a home in the stars? Our starbase is already at Stage 1. Check us out by clicking the siggy below.
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This.... is Chief Petty Officer Mopar now in..... command of the U.S.S. Kentucky were re.questing su..ppo...rt from an....y vessel in....... range of this .....message the Borg h...ave taken over pa..rt of th...e {UFP} and are mov...ing in to finis...h us..... off plz send support ASAP...... Mopar Out

    Join us in our battle againt the BORG go to this website to apply


    :D {UFP} Rule's!!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    daviboi1983daviboi1983 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hi guys,

    I just joined {ufp} in the last week (via the ufp website) but haven't seen anyone in game to allow me to join the fleet in game. I guess everyone is busy constructing the star base!

    I really want to contribute and join in the season 6 goodness!

    What do u advise?

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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hi guys,

    I just joined {ufp} in the last week (via the ufp website) but haven't seen anyone in game to allow me to join the fleet in game. I guess everyone is busy constructing the star base!

    I really want to contribute and join in the season 6 goodness!

    What do u advise?


    Welcome to the Fleet daviboi1983 glad to have you. I have found your application that was approved and here is the direct link for you to get to it http://ufplanets.com/showthread.php?25268-Application-Daviboi83 Karoth is your appointed FSO he'll get you all in order.

    So now you can just go to Fleet in-game invite's in either the thread for Fed's under Starfleet operation's or HoK under House logistic's and some one will send you the invite in-game we do this to help keep our membership in order since we have well over 300++ member's between the 3 our Fleet's. Hope this help's ya again Welcome

    Join the {UFP} Why you ask well...Because we rock and we may soon be overtaken by the BORG but hoprfully our Klingon Brother's will defeat them for us!!

    :D {UFP} Rule's!!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Were have my Forum Friend's gone I fear the Borg have finaly taken SFC and only a few of us remain to fight it all rest in the Hand's of our Klingon Brother's and sister to finish the Job but, I fear they don't have the Number's to do the Job either..But we will foght on till the last gernade, the last antiproton Bullett, the last human or klingon WE WILL FIGHT ON!!

    Join the {UFP} we need your help with the BORG Apply here and join us at the Front line


    :D {UFP} Rule's!!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    derrickkainsderrickkains Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A great fleet with a very dedicated group of players. Weekly events including pvp and STFs. Starbase is one of the fastest growing in the game.

    Plus we have an elite division of STF players. We know the STF game inside and out, so come on out if you want to learn or join!
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    torinthitorinthi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    UFP is an awesome fleet for all types of players ;) just click my Sig to apply ^^

    Click the signature to enter a world of wonder!
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    rammaniac#8662 rammaniac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yes the UFP is an awesome fleet...


    to apply
    [=/\= ================= =/\=]
    Asset Steven Kenter
    Section 31 - Beta Squad
    Current Mission: [Classified]
    Current Location: [Classified]
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    ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This is an awesome fleet with a great bunch of people. been a member for over a year and wouldn't go anywhere else :).

    Btw guys, requesting a sig for the STO forums... if you could whip one up for me sometime :).


    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
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    misternoparmisternopar Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Join the {UFP} Today that's all that need's to be said ;) apply at this website today you'll be glad ya did!!!


    {UFP} Rule's!!! :D

    :cool: F.S.O.G. Forever!!! :cool:
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    We have a Transwarp Gate! It's now easier than ever to join us, and helpful if you don't have the K-7 jump! Handy if you're new! ;)

    (Do we no longer request STO Forum signatures via a form? I noticed it seemed to have disappeared...)
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    sharpk1ll3rsharpk1ll3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    AWESOME. Almost three full teams simultaneously playing three separate Fleet Defenses yesterday at Fleet Day. Great to see over 60 people in attendance for the fleet photo and ~60 people for the after-action Fleet Defense!
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    houseofkahlesshouseofkahless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Only Joined the Fleet Last week and already i feel part of the Family!

    An amazing group of players with a well organised structure, Well Develoepd starbase and a fantastic community spirit!!

    Cant Reccomend {UFP} Highly Enough!! :D:D

    PS. One of those Shiny Fleet sigs for the STO Forums would be Great!
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