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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    jewkesman wrote: »
    but honestly they say dou dual core lowest cpu. yet in options it mentions single cores.

    to wich i point out that my 3.4 GHZ p4 pentium D with HT (esentialy a false dual core) 800 mhz frontside.
    2gigs ram ddr2 pc 5200. soundblaster 24 bit live. 8400 gt nvidia with 512 megs of ram. 500 gig hdd win vista sp1

    plays te game in high graphics with no problems, now if i can get my wireless connection to be more reliable.

    High? Sorry, only if you want 10-15 FPS. Everyone's idea of "playable" is a little different. You're not going to get 60+ FPS on average with that configuration at high settings at a decent resolution (ie: not 800x600).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    High? Sorry, only if you want 10-15 FPS. Everyone's idea of "playable" is a little different. You're not going to get 60+ FPS on average with that configuration at high settings at a decent resolution (ie: not 800x600).

    Why do you need to make him feel like that? He WAS happy. You did nothing good there, he was simply stating his happiness with what he has and you found it necessary to rain on his parade. Uncool.

    Edit: Self Edited to reduce incendiary effect.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Why do you need to make him feel like that? He WAS happy. You did nothing good there, he was simply stating his happiness with what he has and you found it necessary to rain on his parade. Uncool.

    Edit: Self Edited to reduce incendiary effect.

    So as not to let others reading this thread think that configuration is fine for smooth gameplay.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So as not to let others reading this thread think that configuration is fine for smooth gameplay.

    Really, so you're saying that Jewksman lied about having an enjoyable experience? Who do you think you are???
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Really, so you're saying that Jewksman lied about having an enjoyable experience? Who do you think you are???

    Please stop attacking everyone else, it's not welcome.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Please stop attacking everyone else, it's not welcome.

    Your the one attacking Jewksman. You stop it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    jewkesman wrote: »
    but honestly they say dou dual core lowest cpu. yet in options it mentions single cores.

    to wich i point out that my 3.4 GHZ p4 pentium D with HT (esentialy a false dual core) 800 mhz frontside.
    2gigs ram ddr2 pc 5200. soundblaster 24 bit live. 8400 gt nvidia with 512 megs of ram. 500 gig hdd win vista sp1

    plays te game in high graphics with no problems, now if i can get my wireless connection to be more reliable.

    id have the question your 8400GS playing this game at all honestly, especilly playable at high settings, when an 8800GS lags at 12x10 with dynamic lighting off and shadows on low there is no way your going to be playable, playable is 30FPS constant, as for your PentiumD it is a reason Dual core despite what you may think so even though its only a netburst chip it can still run 2 threads at a time meaning it will still out preforme even the Athlon FX 57

    and moshpit really that is a substandard setup for playing WoW let alone STO, the 8400GS and ive benched it scores lower in 3dmark05 and 06 than an x700pro and the x700pro gets a 06 auto reduction because it cant run the SM3 tests and still beats the 8400GS lol the 8400GS is actully slightly slower than a 7300GS, while the 8500GT is about on par with a 7300GT lmao
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Self Edited: Letting staff deal with this. Too many trolls trying to make people feel like they shouldn't be enjoying what they state they enjoy. That's just wrong.

    The fact is, when somebody says they're loving something, I don't bloody care if they're only getting 7 FPS, if they're enjoying it, that's all that matters. If they say they don't like 7 FPS, THEN I break out the video card suggestions. I guess that's too professional of an attitude for some around here to get through their heads. You don't make somebody who's enjoying themselves feel like they shouldn't be. That's wrong.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    High? Sorry, only if you want 10-15 FPS. Everyone's idea of "playable" is a little different. You're not going to get 60+ FPS on average with that configuration at high settings at a decent resolution (ie: not 800x600).

    lol guys I understand where your coming from this guys likes to put down people with single cores and he personally has no idea how they perform on this game. I got into an agrument with him and his friend awhile back before the game launches.

    Dude Single Cores run the game on HIgh with around 20 to 35 fps per sec but you don't know this because you haven't tested a single core on this game!!!

    If you have a decent GPU, enough ddr 2 ram, and rig your settings just right then you can get 20-35 fps on high quality settings.

    Which by most gamers 20-35 fps on a MMO is quite playable. BTW High is different then max, in game settings there is Low, Medium, High , Very High, and Max
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    lol guys I understand where your coming from this guys likes to put down people with single cores and he personally has no idea how they perform on this game. I got into an agrument with him and his friend awhile back before the game launches.

    Dude Single Cores run the game on HIgh with around 20 to 35 fps per sec but you don't know this because you haven't tested a single core on this game!!!

    If you have a decent GPU, enough ddr 2 ram, and rig your settings just right then you can get 20-35 fps on high quality settings.

    Which by most gamers 20-35 fps on a MMO is quite playable. BTW High is different then max, in game settings there is Low, Medium, High , Very High, and Max

    Don't bother Torue, I've reported these liars for attempted abuse of the minimum system requirements for personal gain. Several of them are known hardware sales techs who are violating the ethics of professional behavior on these forums. The staff is aware of their activity.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't bother Torue, I've reported these liars for attempted abuse of the minimum system requirements for personal gain. Several of them are known hardware sales techs who are violating the ethics of professional behavior on these forums. The staff is aware of their activity.

    I very much wouldn't doubt these guys are trying to make a profit off this game by directing other players to particular websites, ebay items, and stores.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    candle_86 wrote: »
    id have the question your 8400GS playing this game at all honestly, especilly playable at high settings, when an 8800GS lags at 12x10 with dynamic lighting off and shadows on low there is no way your going to be playable, playable is 30FPS constant, as for your PentiumD it is a reason Dual core despite what you may think so even though its only a netburst chip it can still run 2 threads at a time meaning it will still out preforme even the Athlon FX 57

    and moshpit really that is a substandard setup for playing WoW let alone STO, the 8400GS and ive benched it scores lower in 3dmark05 and 06 than an x700pro and the x700pro gets a 06 auto reduction because it cant run the SM3 tests and still beats the 8400GS lol the 8400GS is actully slightly slower than a 7300GS, while the 8500GT is about on par with a 7300GT lmao

    Actually dude he said 8400 gt not gs there is a difference and a 8400 gt will play this game just fine.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    I very much wouldn't doubt these guys are trying to make a profit off this game by directing other players to particular websites, ebay items, and stores.

    This is a common and well known tactic for small businesses run by unethical techs. I've seen it before. A new MMO comes out with a late release of minimum specs, and these "techs" come out and start telling users that they cannot be enjoying their experience because of this or that technical limitation that they user didn't have any clue about before and was totally happy as it was before they were told they were wrong. New video cards are recommended, and links are even provided to "help out". Yeah, the only thing they're helping is their pocket books.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    I very much wouldn't doubt these guys are trying to make a profit off this game by directing other players to particular websites, ebay items, and stores.

    I have no affiliation with any computer hardware manufacturer, store, or anything. Same is true for White Knight. Would you like some tinfoil for your hat?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol ya so just because you say its true means it is. You think that anybody would expect you to admit that you have association with anyone selling computer tech and if you did would you freely admit it? LMAO
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I have no affiliation with any computer hardware manufacturer, store, or anything. Same is true for White Knight. Would you like some tinfoil for your hat?

    Really? So your telling users that they cannot enjoy the game when they clearly are, for pure pleasure? What kind of sick joy are you getting out of doing that to people?

    Edit: Denials of activity in the face of behavior that indicates you cannot stand people enjoying this with less then you think they should use can only be logically attributed to either a sick mind, or a profit motive. Lets review events, shall we? I posted a simple rule, you took offense and trolled the heck out of it. 2 users since that have posted how they're enjoying the game on VERY low end hardware and you troll them as well by saying they cannot be enjoying it because YOU say so. What is your problem??? If they say they're enjoying it, they're enjoying it! Who the heck are you to tell them they're not?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Really? So your telling users that they cannot enjoy the game when they clearly are, for pure pleasure? What kind of sick joy are you getting out of doing that to people?

    Dude Nemo and White Knight have been doing that since beta. They constantly argued with me about single cores not running this game and guess what lol it ran the game just fine on high settings between 20 and 35 fps.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    Actually dude he said 8400 gt not gs there is a difference and a 8400 gt will play this game just fine.

    considering there is no such thing in existant as an 8400GT he misspelled it as an 8400GS and personally I don't care if he enjoy's it thats fine, but telling the community at large the setup is fine is wrong on his part, and will lead people to assume there little dell can play the game when every right thinking person knows it can't. As for selling give me a break yes im gonna tell everyone to come to the little mom and pop shop i work in, give me a break, what I don't want is people is spreading a system that gets 7FPS at high as being good for the game and then everyone else assuming its fine also. I don't know how many of you have previous MMO experince but I do. Guess what I was a main raider in wow with my old guild, and guess what we didn't let anyone raid even pugs that didn't meet our minimum system requirements because them lagging affects the team, and I hold the same opion here, if a pug told me hes running an 8400GS, id klck him from the group and find a new pug because if you lag your no good to the team, and thats a simple fact, So if anyone wants to enjoy doing taskforces and eventully the real raids they will need a real computer and stating that a POS with a PD and an 8400GS cuts it for those only hurts others, because as people get to know the game and learn what lagging does i won't be the only one kicking people with bad computers and those people will find themselves having to run with fail groups all day long. I don't really care what your FPS is in sector space, I care what your FPS is in a task force if it isnt 30FPS min you dont come.

    And as for single cores it may run it, but it wont run it right no matter what you try to say otherwise the game was built with the intention of you having a dual core, numorus benchmarks sites have shown simply going from a single to a dual core in this game is almost double the FPS, and the next question why is anyone using a single core today that is interested in gaming, its been 5 years since dual cores came out, get on the bandwaggon or stop tring to pass yourself off as a gamer and go check your email and princess pony island adventure. And what im saying right here is no diffrent than any true enthusiant site would say either.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    Dude Nemo and White Knight have been doing that since beta. They constantly argued with me about single cores not running this game and guess what lol it ran the game just fine on high settings between 20 and 35 fps.

    No worries. Everytime they tell a user they cannot be enjoying what the user just stated they're enjoying, I'm reporting them. Do the same. This trolling business will stop. They trolled me on a valid point (which they utterly FAILED to disprove) and have trolled several users since then. This is obviously a pattern.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    No worries. Everytime they tell a user they cannot be enjoying what the user just stated they're enjoying, I'm reporting them. Do the same. This trolling business will stop. They trolled me on a valid point and have trolled several users since then. This is obviously a pattern.

    why so you can spread that the bare minimum is fine just for latter on these people find out no one wants them for endgame because they lag?

    and i doubt your a professional at all after reading your TRIBBLE mosh you know how this hardware preforms and you are aware even intel/nvidia/ATI dont recomend there low end for gaming they publicly state that, benchmark sites warn people off of the low end for a good reason also. When I ran an 8400Gs I was smart enough not to try playing anything newer than Call of Duty 1 because I knew the limitations of the hardware, and if your an actual tech so should you
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    While there isn't an advantage to having more than two cores, there is a significant performance hit when running STO on one core. While it isn't enough to drop the framerate to unplayable levels, I would still recommend a multicore CPU.

    Torue wrote:
    Dude Nemo and White Knight have been doing that since beta. They constantly argued with me about single cores not running this game and guess what lol it ran the game just fine on high settings between 20 and 35 fps.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    candle_86 wrote: »
    why so you can spread that the bare minimum is fine just for latter on these people find out no one wants them for endgame because they lag?

    I'm doing nothing of the sort. My rule of thumb only supported the minimum requirements as being "playable", not how enjoyable it would be. It's the other users who have come in and mentioned their enjoyment of low end hardware that YOU are attacking. I've done nothing but defend their right to enjoy what they have [edit]

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Seadgir
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm doing nothing of the sort. My rule of thumb only supported the minimum requirements as being "playable", not how enjoyable it would be. It's the other users who have come in and mentioned their enjoyment of low end hardware that YOU are attacking. I've done nothing but defend their right to enjoy what they have against you trolls who think you know what they should enjoy better then them.

    And when they get kicked from endgame content will they still enjoy it, because I promise once people get used to the endgame and that is takes double the power to run as the rest of the game they won't be enjoying it at all. when others are running and all they get to do is hang out in sol system because there hardware is to low to run any content. Since i found this thread when I setup a group for infected i ask there system specs and if they dont have at least an 8600GT or 7900GT and they dont at least have a core2 Duo or X2 5600 i tell them no thanks there hardware isnt good enough, and i will always take those with better hardware, i don't want people that lag running with me, if your getting under 30FPS thats lag and it means someone else has to carry you, and you are no longer worth a damn to your team.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    candle_86 wrote: »
    considering there is no such thing in existant as an 8400GT he misspelled it as an 8400GS and personally I don't care if he enjoy's it thats fine, but telling the community at large the setup is fine is wrong on his part, and will lead people to assume there little dell can play the game when every right thinking person knows it can't. As for selling give me a break yes im gonna tell everyone to come to the little mom and pop shop i work in, give me a break, what I don't want is people is spreading a system that gets 7FPS at high as being good for the game and then everyone else assuming its fine also. I don't know how many of you have previous MMO experince but I do. Guess what I was a main raider in wow with my old guild, and guess what we didn't let anyone raid even pugs that didn't meet our minimum system requirements because them lagging affects the team, and I hold the same opion here, if a pug told me hes running an 8400GS, id klck him from the group and find a new pug because if you lag your no good to the team, and thats a simple fact, So if anyone wants to enjoy doing taskforces and eventully the real raids they will need a real computer and stating that a POS with a PD and an 8400GS cuts it for those only hurts others, because as people get to know the game and learn what lagging does i won't be the only one kicking people with bad computers and those people will find themselves having to run with fail groups all day long. I don't really care what your FPS is in sector space, I care what your FPS is in a task force if it isnt 30FPS min you dont come.

    And as for single cores it may run it, but it wont run it right no matter what you try to say otherwise the game was built with the intention of you having a dual core, numorus benchmarks sites have shown simply going from a single to a dual core in this game is almost double the FPS, and the next question why is anyone using a single core today that is interested in gaming, its been 5 years since dual cores came out, get on the bandwaggon or stop tring to pass yourself off as a gamer and go check your email and princess pony island adventure. And what im saying right here is no diffrent than any true enthusiant site would say either.

    Actually dude I have an old dell 3.2 p4 hyperthread
    4 gigs of ddr2 ram
    9600 gt 512mbs

    and like i said before on 12X10 res setting on high the game plays between 20-30 fps. Usually average about 28 fps but takes a hit on the ground and jumpes between 20-25. Now I have played alot of MMO's and 20-30 fps is not a bad fps to play on WOW, SWG and STO. Which btw if you ever played SWG you should know that they use to cap your fps to 30fps.

    I have constantly said this over and over again if you have not tested a P4 on STO then shut the f up. Different Computers run differently on different games and some peoples settings are impossible to predict on what their performance will be because of so many different variables. Especially those people who have great cooling and overclock.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    Dude Nemo and White Knight have been doing that since beta. They constantly argued with me about single cores not running this game and guess what lol it ran the game just fine on high settings between 20 and 35 fps.

    Interesting, I see no single core CPU for your PC in past posts (until this thread). Unless you upgraded? Oh, why did you upgrade? Hmm.

    Torue wrote:
    Actually dude I have an old dell 3.2 p4 hyperthread
    4 gigs of ddr2 ram
    9600 gt 512mbs
    Torue wrote: »
    amd 945 black edition 3.0 quad processor
    4 gigs of ddr3 1800mhz
    500 gig hard drive
    1000 watt power supply
    2 GTS 250s 1gig SLI video cards
    1 9600gt 512mb "dedicated physix card"
    Win 7 64 bit
    Torue wrote: »
    amd 945 black edition 3.0 quad processor
    4 gigs of ddr3 1800mhz
    500 gig hard drive
    1000 watt power supply
    2 GTS 250s 1gig SLI video cards
    1 9600gt 512mb "dedicated physix card"
    Win 7 64 bit
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    Actually dude I have an old dell 3.2 p4 hyperthread
    4 gigs of ddr2 ram
    9600 gt 512mbs

    and like i said before on 12X10 res setting on high the game plays between 20-30 fps. Usually average about 28 fps but takes a hit on the ground and jumpes between 20-25. Now I have played alot of MMO's and 20-30 fps is not a bad fps to play on WOW, SWG and STO. Which btw if you ever played SWG you should know that they use to cap your fps to 30fps.

    I have constantly said this over and over again if you have not tested a P4 on STO then shut the f up. Different Computers run differently on different games and some peoples settings are impossible to predict on what their performance will be because of so many different variables. Especially those people who have great cooling and overcloak.

    and no amount of overclock fixs your lack of cores, as for wow 30FPS can get you buy, but if your 30FPS in the world your 10FPS in a raid in wow and you don't come period the end. SWG may be fine at below 30FPS it may not be fast paced and require quick thinking, i mean it is a star wars game they have never been known to require thinking let alone fast thinking, but lets see just in infected in fact of fiction you have to take out the dis nodes and run back before you tag a patrol and get overrun, if your lagging because of your system you may not get out in time and cause a wipe and it would be your fault.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    Actually dude I have an old dell 3.2 p4 hyperthread
    4 gigs of ddr2 ram
    9600 gt 512mbs

    and like i said before on 12X10 res setting on high the game plays between 20-30 fps. Usually average about 28 fps but takes a hit on the ground and jumpes between 20-25. Now I have played alot of MMO's and 20-30 fps is not a bad fps to play on WOW, SWG and STO. Which btw if you ever played SWG you should know that they use to cap your fps to 30fps.

    I have constantly said this over and over again if you have not tested a P4 on STO then shut the f up. Different Computers run differently on different games and some peoples settings are impossible to predict on what their performance will be because of so many different variables. Especially those people who have great cooling and overcloak.

    I wouldn't let Candle bait you into further discussion with him. Just watch for further attempts by them to attack any users stating low end hardware enjoyment. When they do it, report em. What they are doing is trolling, pure and simple. No need to exchange further words since they will NOT bring real evidence to support their positions, nor take the right path of showing said evidence to Cryptic where it should be known and using it on the forums instead as a blunt object to bludgeon poor users with lower end hardware with. Once they show some real evidence that is, of both Intel HD video failing to play the game and of course the CPU core count issue now.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Torue wrote:
    I very much wouldn't doubt these guys are trying to make a profit off this game by directing other players to particular websites, ebay items, and stores.

    Unless you read the thread. They seem knowledgable to me, and they have been trying to prevent people from being misled by a certain not so ethical user. When you do read the thread, you will notice how this user asked many times over for links to PCs being sold with certain configurations. He said they didn't exist, and dared anyone to prove him wrong by posting links to such. When someone finally did, he accuses them of somehow making money off it. This user will hopefully be banned soon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wouldn't let Candle bait you into further discussion with him. Just watch for further attempts by them to attack any users stating low end hardware enjoyment. When they do it, report em. What they are doing is trolling, pure and simple. No need to exchange further words since they will NOT bring real evidence to support their positions, nor take the right path of showing said evidence to Cryptic where it should be known and using it on the forums instead as a blunt object to bludgeon poor users with lower end hardware with.

    considering an 8400GS is below system requireemnts as well as a pentiumD or Pentium 4 you can't call it trolling guess what thats telling the truth, because last i checked for nvidia it stated 7950 meaning 24 pipelines, 256bit bus, 16rops, and 256mb of video ram, while an 8400GS is 16 shaders, 64bit bus, 4 rops and 64mb of video ram. Last I checked the 7950 would beat it over 300%
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    candle_86 wrote: »
    considering an 8400GS is below system requireemnts as well as a pentiumD or Pentium 4 you can't call it trolling guess what thats telling the truth, because last i checked for nvidia it stated 7950 meaning 24 pipelines, 256bit bus, 16rops, and 256mb of video ram, while an 8400GS is 16 shaders, 64bit bus, 4 rops and 64mb of video ram. Last I checked the 7950 would beat it over 300%

    And your excuse for Intel HD video in that SAME list? You don't have one.
This discussion has been closed.